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Re: (unknown)

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The doctor has prescribed Tylenol with codeine for pain, but she has never taken it. She takes Motrin for a few days and that is it. The only unpleasantness for my daughter is being nauseous from the anesthetic and spitting up several times for a few hours after surgery. After that passes, she is in good spirits.

Doing pre-op, ask the anesthesia representative (nurse or doctor) to give her something for nausea while in surgery. When she wakes up, she won't have to vomit.



Re: (unknown)

My son will have an operation for cholesteatoma about one month for

now. I have two questions.

1. I live in Japan and hospital stays are always much longer than in

America. There are reasons for this, but it'd be off topic to

explain. I wanted to ask, how much care does a child require after an

operation? Is it hard to do? I'm considering asking the doctor to let

my son come home early, but wondering if this is a good idea or not.

The hospital seems germy to me, and I think my son would heal better

at home.

2. My son is nearly 5. The doctor is *guessing* that my son was born

with the c-toma, but said he can't be sure till he does the operation

and sees behind the ear drum. He thinks my son has a very good chance

of getting rid of the c-toma completely after one operation. (Though,

of course, he said we should monitor his ear for the long term.) Are

chances for non-occurrence good when the c-toma is caught early on?

Say in young children?

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Matt Dioguardi

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Your son shouldn't require a lot of care after surgery. Make sure that he stays well hydrated and can tolerate food. He may be a little achy and clingy, but that is because he knows that when ever he feels bad you make it better. Try and have a lot of patience and give tons of attention and hugs. If he has a favorite toy or blanket, bring that with you. He will feel better having his safety there. Everyone always says that the kids go into the hospital looking like hell and the parents look great. And, by the time the child is released, he or she looks great and the parents look like hell. C-tomas are a mild surgery. He should be fine by the next day or perhaps the evening of the surgery.



Re: (unknown)

My son will have an operation for cholesteatoma about one month for

now. I have two questions.

1. I live in Japan and hospital stays are always much longer than in

America. There are reasons for this, but it'd be off topic to

explain. I wanted to ask, how much care does a child require after an

operation? Is it hard to do? I'm considering asking the doctor to let

my son come home early, but wondering if this is a good idea or not.

The hospital seems germy to me, and I think my son would heal better

at home.

2. My son is nearly 5. The doctor is *guessing* that my son was born

with the c-toma, but said he can't be sure till he does the operation

and sees behind the ear drum. He thinks my son has a very good chance

of getting rid of the c-toma completely after one operation. (Though,

of course, he said we should monitor his ear for the long term.) Are

chances for non-occurrence good when the c-toma is caught early on?

Say in young children?

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Matt Dioguardi

Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more.

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My bad! I am still waking up and misread what you said about looking behind the ear drum. That is why I said the following:

Make him explain the surgery in detail to you. Behind the external ear is the mastoid bone. Why the doc would want to look there for the c-toma is weird.

Still a c-toma essentially rots the middle ear bones. Get that doctor to get it out ASAP.



Re: (unknown)

My son will have an operation for cholesteatoma about one month for

now. I have two questions.

1. I live in Japan and hospital stays are always much longer than in

America. There are reasons for this, but it'd be off topic to

explain. I wanted to ask, how much care does a child require after an

operation? Is it hard to do? I'm considering asking the doctor to let

my son come home early, but wondering if this is a good idea or not.

The hospital seems germy to me, and I think my son would heal better

at home.

2. My son is nearly 5. The doctor is *guessing* that my son was born

with the c-toma, but said he can't be sure till he does the operation

and sees behind the ear drum. He thinks my son has a very good chance

of getting rid of the c-toma completely after one operation. (Though,

of course, he said we should monitor his ear for the long term.) Are

chances for non-occurrence good when the c-toma is caught early on?

Say in young children?

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Matt Dioguardi

Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more.

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--- Cary Cross <caryjean33@...> wrote:

> Hi, again. I am wondering just how bad peanuts are?

> I am a math tutor and by 3:30 I am STARVING! The

> only food that helps right now is peanuts or

> cashews, and then I can get by until I get home. I

> don't eat but 2 or 3 small handfuls, just enough to

> take the edge off.

Hi Cary.. there are a lot more things you can eat at

school than nuts, right? If you need some ideas on

what to pack for school that doesn't need cooking or

you have some other reason you are having a hard time

at work let us know and we can give you some idea.

I would say nuts are better than some other things you

could be eating like grains and sugar but they are not

allowed on this diet and you won't get better unless

you are sticking to it completely.

> I can follow the diet in the morning (2 eggs over

> easy and 2 beef sausage patties), then at lunch I do

> all right (I eat a salad with canned chicken or

> tuna), but by supper I am craving something sweet,

> and if I can't find a sweet, then I want anything I

> can find, which this being the end of the month is

> junk.

It sounds like you need to be eating more calories..

that doesn't sound like much. You are getting hungry

because you haven't eaten enough to satisfy the

cravings. Stick with this a while and the cravings

for sweets will go away, but you have to go through

the withdrawel first.

Also make sure the beef sausage patties you are eating

don't have sugar or other chemicals in them. You have

to be careful with processed meats. I tend to cook my

foods in the morning, then keep them in a container

and they stay fairly warm throughout the day so I

don't have to reheat them.

> I also at lunch have been eating a hamburger patty

> with cheese on it (I can't eat it without the

> cheese).

Cheese isn't allowed on this diet so if you can't eat

the hamburger without cheese (I can understand, I

can't eat tuna without mayo) then you probably want to

come up with some other things to eat. There are lots

of ideas in the files of this group under recipes.

> I have noticed that my blood sugar levels seem to

> be better, only when I mess up do I get shaky and

> CRANKY, also have major anxiety. So you would think

> this would stop me from eating sugar, but it just

> makes me feel worse that I can't keep from doing it.

Yes, it will get worse before it gets better.. you are

withdrawing from the sugar like a heroin addict

withdrawing from heroin. You have to help yourself

get through this by always having appropriate food

available so you can eat large amounts to keep you

from going for sugar. Eventually you will be less


> Sorry that was so long, I mainly wanted to know if

> the peanuts were okay for now. I am on a very

> strict budget.

Chicken and eggs are great for strict budgets. You

will find that much of this stuff is more filling and

therefore you spend less on groceries because you

aren't eating as much and aren't buying packaged




San , CA

It is a lot easier to act ourselves into new thinking than to think ourselves

into a new action.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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They just found my c-toma last August 05. They

removed it on September 30, 2005, just had the second

look surgery Sept. 15, 2006 and it did not grow back.

It was on one of my hearing bones also and that is

still in good shape so he did not replace that. He

did have to scrape alot of scar tissue in there. He

said he may have to go back in , in about 10 yrs or so

to check on the hearing bone but I am done as far as

he is concerned. Which is good news to me! He works

in an ent place but he is an otologyst, neurologist

and specializes in base skull surgery also. Hope that

helps. Have a great day!


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Hi! Where can I get the recipe? I didn't get to see your pictures. Maybe

because it's late and have been removed.

On 9/6/06, THERESA MATTHEWS <nikhaule@...> wrote:


> This was suppose to be the infamous soap cake that Bekka makes.....but I


> tweaked her original recipe and add a couple of different oils and used my


> log mold. If you haven't tried Bekka's soap cake recipe you are really

> missing out on a rich creamy soap.


> The half n half with the addition of silk gives this soap it's rich creamy


> texture.........awesome!!!

> This soap is actually colored with pink oxide.


> http://www.flickr.com/photos/51707978@N00/


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, Who did you apply with? If it is with the 2 financing companies we work with they contact us too so we can call you. I am sure they are not working today though. if they take toolong I cna call and find out just need to know who they are. email me with the information: nina_eguia@... Ninachris williams <smallwoody38@...> wrote: i would like to know

how will i be contacted if i got the financing for the surgery?? Get your email and more, right on the new .com

Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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they were the companies working with you, i know that for sure. i applied on line but i know they were working with you. thanks for all your helpnina eguia <nina_eguia@...> wrote: , Who did you apply with? If it is with the 2 financing companies we work with they contact us too so we can call you. I am sure they are not working today though. if they take toolong I cna call and find out just need to know who they are. email me

with the information: nina_eguia Ninachris williams <smallwoody38 > wrote: i would like to know how will i be contacted if i got the financing for the surgery?? Get your email and more, right on the new .com Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr

Aceves888 344 3916 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small Business.

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Can you try to dissolve difference between you and others. All are divine. So how can a "Divine" hurt another "Divine". This comes by knowledge and looking within. Our meditation is called - Divine Grace Meditation. Virendra Delhi: 91 - 9818211796Shravani Dasgupta <sdg1408@...> wrote: HiI am affectionate & simple minded. I expect affection in return & am hurt if not. How can i make myself emotionally stronger. I meditate but do not find time everyday.Thanks"THERE IS NO WAY TO HAPPINESS,HAPPINESS IS THE WAY"

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Surgical Weight Loss Support Group1st and 3rd Monday of the monthSt. ph

Medical Center, Dining Room 3, back of cafeteria on ground floor6:45pm to

8:15pmTacoma, WA

Surgery Date: 8/14/06


Dr. Landerholm

Edmonds, WA



I was wondering if there is a support group in Puyallup or Tacoma? I was banded

in Feb 06 aand have dropped 50lbs, but have kinda lost my MOJO! I need support

from people that know what its like to have this band!!


Rhonda in Puyallup


------------ --------- --------- ---

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small


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Hi, I am replying to Shravani Dasgupta. Dear Shravani, You would appreciate that majority of the people in this world are affectionate and simple minded as you are. Problem arises out of few people who tend to hurt others with their arrogance, deceit, oversmartness, etc. etc. You can not simply fight with every tom dick and harry. It is possible to avoid them and keep treading your own path. You will find that life is a journey with lots of potholes and speed breakers. But if you drive cautiously with applying brakes wherever necessary and looking for all possible problems from a distance and changing route mid way, defintely I am sure you will appreciate the journey of life and in the meawhile you can enjoy the sceneries out there in this beautiful journey, apart from eating good food on the roadside 'dhabas'. Every good driver should learn this formula. Regarding your question how to make one emotionally stronger, I would like to put it that way (i) Keep implying the theory "ignorane is bliss" in your life. try to keep away mundane things out of the purview of your problem areas. Try to differentiate between 'inconveniences' and 'real problems' and surely you shall start feeling the difference. I shall post about it in detail later. & (ii) the theory of "detachment". If you can, get a good copy of "Bhagwat Gita" and try reading it a couple of times. Most of your fundamentals shall be made clear by a simple reading of the same. Majority of our problems in real life arise out only for our attachment with the materalst world. I am a materialist too but only till my "needs" and there is no end towards anyone's "greeds". Best wishes & regards, Bhushan. Shravani Dasgupta <sdg1408 > wrote: HiI am affectionate & simple minded. I expect affection in return & am hurt if not. How can i make myself emotionally stronger. I meditate but do not find time everyday.Thanks"THERE IS NO WAY TO HAPPINESS,HAPPINESS IS THE WAY"

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Hi! Shravani

It seems as if you feel that if you were regularly doing the Meditation,you would be feeling emotionally stronger.If this is the case,do some resceduling to Find at least 15 mins every day for Meditation.

Moreover,decide how strong you want to be emotionally and describe it in words.Write your 'Perfect Picture'

on a piece of paper and then in the state of deep Meditation, visualize 'as if ' you are behaving in the perfect manner.

By doing this exercise regularly,very soon you will find that YOU ARE WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE.

I also reccomend that you read the article " As If Principle " by using the link http://www.asifprinciple.blogspot.com .


On 14/10/06, Shravani Dasgupta <sdg1408@...> wrote:

HiI am affectionate & simple minded. I expect affection in return & am hurt if not. How can i make myself emotionally stronger. I meditate but do not find time everyday.


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Liquid minerals, 1500 mg of powdered C, (mixed into water or juice), a change of oils from polyunsaturates (driving his appetite) to tropical or coconut oil and get him off of soda and dairy (soda to decrease calories and dairy to prevent the potential diabetes).


Sunny Kierstyn, RN DC Fibromyalgia Care Center of Oregon 2677 Willakenzie Road, 7C

Eugene, Oregon, 97401

541- 344- 0509; Fx; 541- 344- 0955

From: "Larry Oliver, DC" <dro@...>"Chiro ListServe" < >Subject: (unknown)Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 14:58:56 -0700

For the pediatric docs out there:

A staff member has a 6-yr-old male who is large for his age—62#. She wants to build his immune system before the cold and flu season. She has tried Immuplex from Standard Process, can’t swallow the capsule and doesn’t like the taste when contents are emptied and mixed with food.

All suggestions considered. Your comments appreciated.

Larry L. Oliver, DC

408 NW 7th

Corvallis, OR 97330


voice 541-757-9933

fax 541-757-7713

The information contained in this electronic message may contain protected health information which is confidential under applicable law and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the recipient of the message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received the communication in error, please notify Heresco Chiropractic & Associates, 408 NW 7th St, Corvallis, OR 97330, 541-757-9933 and purge the communication immediately without making any copy or distribution

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My opinion is that 1.the parent concentrate more on balanced diet and increasing foods high in antioxidant properties rather than supplements and 2. stress frequent hand washing and education on germ transmission.

Kids are gonna get sick not because of immune deficiency, but because of enviornmental situations. Indeed many times their systems take care of the bugs much quicker than an adult.

Dr. ph Medlin D.C.Spine Tree Chiropractic1627 NE Alberta St. #6Portland, OR 97211Ph: 503-788-6800c: 503-889-6204


For the pediatric docs out there:

A staff member has a 6-yr-old male who is large for his age—62#. She wants to build his immune system before the cold and flu season. She has tried Immuplex from Standard Process, can’t swallow the capsule and doesn’t like the taste when contents are emptied and mixed with food.

All suggestions considered. Your comments appreciated.

Larry L. Oliver, DC

408 NW 7th

Corvallis, OR 97330


voice 541-757-9933

fax 541-757-7713

The information contained in this electronic message may contain protected health information which is confidential under applicable law and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the recipient of the message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received the communication in error, please notify Heresco Chiropractic & Associates, 408 NW 7th St, Corvallis, OR 97330, 541-757-9933 and purge the communication immediately without making any copy or distribution

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Hi, having been on this earth path for a few years I have come to a place

that I feel if we had more people who were affectionate and simple minded we

would not have a lot of the problems we now face. Please be proud of you

affectionate nature and what is simple minded a mind that is not clouded by

a lot of chatter or filled with beliefs that do not work for you. Celebrate

your freedom as a person who can see more clearly because you do not have

judgment clouding your choices. Just because you are affecionate some

people will try to use you and abuse you learn discernment and let those who

you find lacking in their truth and lack affection go so they may find

people like them selves. Its a big world and we need all the help we can

get in love and light so keep going and shine your true self so others can

be blessed by it. Some may even be warmed by it and then they can also

grow. Blessing Grandmotherwhitebadger


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send me your email.



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I was kind of sickened yesterday when I

came out of my office and saw those big white flakes coating everything.

Another Michigan winter is upon us. I used to love

winter here but that was before the pain, and my DR., took

away my snowmobile. My last trip was to

Curtis. I was pretty hard core but on the last day I couldn’t even throw


leg over the seat and I had to make it to

breakfast by sitting sideways on the sled.

I didn’t know it at the time but I

had a couple herniated disks and AVN was crewing away at my hip. Now instead of

I-75 North I cheat and take the I-75 South

exit to visit mom and dad in Florida

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lynn, Yes, exactly! The good stuff running out onto the floorl. And I've used the very same words here, "nurse from hell," to describe the person caring for me that night. :-) Warm regards, DonnaLynn Holbrook <lynntmj2000@...> wrote: Donna, I had the very same thing happen to me. Pain drip in my leg came out. Stuff was all over the floor when they came to take it out the next day. Then I had the

nurse from HELL. I thought I was the only one with 'fond' memories. Lynn Check out the all-new beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

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Hi Lynn, I remember when I had my Hip replacement done I was calling this Nurse because I didn't get my Pain Medicine she said she gave it to me and I know she didn't I should have had them write it on a paper for me whenever they gave me my Medicine that was a long four hours and I was in pain but I didn't know what to do :-( Well you have a nice day :-) SusieLynn Holbrook <lynntmj2000@...> wrote: Donna, I had the very same thing happen to me. Pain drip in my leg came out. Stuff was all over the floor when they came to take it out the next day. Then I had the nurse from HELL. I thought I was the only one with 'fond' memories. Lynn Check out the all-new beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

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Any time meds are given, they're supposed to be recorded on the patient chart. If you were in a hospital that didn't have charts or didn't keep them properly, I'd consider a different place any time you needed something done in the future.

Nurses from Hell? Every hospital has at least one...it's just bad luck when you get one... just remember-- you get away from him/her in a few days... they have to live with themselves, and have no hope of escape!

Greywolf - RTHR-2003; LTHR-2004


From: Joint Replacement [mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Suzanne SnyderSent: 28 November, 2006 9:53 AMJoint Replacement Subject: Re: (unknown)

Hi Lynn,

I remember when I had my Hip replacement done I was calling this Nurse because I didn't get my Pain Medicine she said she gave it to me and I know she didn't I should have had them write it on a paper for me whenever they gave me my Medicine that was a long four hours and I was in pain but I didn't know what to do :-( Well you have a nice day :-)

SusieLynn Holbrook <lynntmj2000@...> wrote:

Donna, I had the very same thing happen to me. Pain drip in my leg came out. Stuff was all over the floor when they came to take it out the next day. Then I had the nurse from HELL. I thought I was the only one with 'fond' memories. Lynn

My mailbox is spam-free with ChoiceMail, the leader in personal and corporate anti-spam solutions. Download your free copy of ChoiceMail from www.digiportal.com.

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In a message dated 11/27/2006 8:43:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

hawkfansue@... writes:

Does the arthritis also effect our blood pressure? I've been having problems

with mine since shortly after diagnosis.

Honestly i dont know sweetie sorry.

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Hi , You are right about the chart I still not sure what happen but I think this one Nurse didn't care what happen but I do know I was in pain that time waiting for the next pain pill . Did you ever hear on anyone getting blood thinner shots I told my dr he got mad because he didn't order them it was the Dr in the Nursing Home I was so glad when I got out of that place:-)Well you take care and have a nice day:-) Susie on <mdavison@...> wrote: Susie... Any time meds are given, they're supposed to be recorded on the patient chart. If you were in a hospital that didn't have charts or didn't keep them properly, I'd consider a different place any time you needed something done in the future. Nurses from Hell? Every hospital has at least one...it's just bad luck when you get one... just remember-- you get away from him/her in a few days... they have to live with themselves, and have no hope of escape! Greywolf - RTHR-2003; LTHR-2004 mdavisonnetvision (DOT) net.il From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Suzanne SnyderSent: 28 November, 2006 9:53 AMJoint Replacement Subject: Re: (unknown) Hi Lynn, I remember when I had my Hip replacement done I was calling this Nurse because I didn't get my Pain Medicine she said she gave it to me and I know she didn't I should have had them write it on a paper for me whenever they gave me my Medicine that was a long four hours and I was in pain but I didn't know what to do :-( Well you have a nice day :-) SusieLynn Holbrook

<lynntmj2000 > wrote: Donna, I had the very same thing happen to me. Pain drip in my leg came out. Stuff was all over the floor when they came to take it out the next day. Then I had the nurse from HELL. I thought I was the only one with 'fond' memories. Lynn My mailbox is spam-free with ChoiceMail, the leader in personal and corporate anti-spam solutions. Download your free copy of ChoiceMail from www.digiportal.com.

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Yes, Susie...

I had blood thinner shots from the night before surgery until 2 weeks after... the same day the staples came out. In some countries (and places) it's standard procedure when a person's clotting factors are normal or faster... the idea is to prevent thromboses (clots) during those first, critical days... when you're not as active as usual, and spending a comparatively lot of time in bed.

There's no telling what each doctor may prescribe (or what the HMO allows him to prescribe)... it's a matter of individual professional judgement, I guess.

The thinner I received was Clexane, by injection. There was a clinical study going on at the time, testing an orally administered thinner every 8 hours, but I picked the straw with the regular injection.

Greywolf - RTHR-2003; LTHR-2004


From: Joint Replacement [mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Suzanne SnyderSent: 30 November, 2006 9:33 AMJoint Replacement Subject: RE: (unknown)

Hi ,

You are right about the chart I still not sure what happen but I think this one Nurse didn't care what happen but I do know I was in pain that time waiting for the next pain pill . Did you ever hear on anyone getting blood thinner shots I told my dr he got mad because he didn't order them it was the Dr in the Nursing Home I was so glad when I got out of that place:-)Well you take care and have a nice day:-)


on <mdavison@...> wrote:


Any time meds are given, they're supposed to be recorded on the patient chart. If you were in a hospital that didn't have charts or didn't keep them properly, I'd consider a different place any time you needed something done in the future.

Nurses from Hell? Every hospital has at least one...it's just bad luck when you get one... just remember-- you get away from him/her in a few days... they have to live with themselves, and have no hope of escape!

Greywolf - RTHR-2003; LTHR-2004

mdavisonnetvision (DOT) net.il

My mailbox is spam-free with ChoiceMail, the leader in personal and corporate anti-spam solutions. Download your free copy of ChoiceMail from www.digiportal.com.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Aleshia, Glad you made it to the Group, wonderful, helpful folks here.. Blessings, Sheena Aleshia <aleshiagolden@...> wrote: Hi my name is Aleshia , I can't sleep as usual so here is my first time on this group ! I just wanted to let you know that i had the biopsy,

its the honest test they can do to find out.what degree of the illness you have. Also it doesn't really hurt much. By the way i have every stupid symptom. grip grip LOL. I am here to grip about it i am thankful Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business. __________________________________________________

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Hi Aleshia welcome to the group , I sure do remember the nights when I couldnt sleep and all the nasty side effects to . I think I spent more evenings online than I did in my own bed . .lolAleshia <aleshiagolden@...> wrote: Hi my name is Aleshia , I can't sleep as usual so here is my first time on this group ! I just wanted to let you know that i had the biopsy,

its the honest test they can do to find out.what degree of the illness you have. Also it doesn't really hurt much. By the way i have every stupid symptom. grip grip LOL. I am here to grip about it i am thankful Want to start your own business? Learn how on Small Business.

Have a burning question? Go to Answers and get answers from real people who know.

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