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Re: (unknown)

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I know what you mean. I had to leave an elementary 2 years ago because they had just a special ed room. I felt they didn't have specific training in autism. I found a awesome school that had specific autism class with a sensory corner, teachers that could do sensory before a meltdown happen, knew what the tell tale symptoms were for the oncoming meltdown and try to detour it. When I took Gabe out of that school (which my daughter still goes to but she isn't on the spectrum) they got mad, annoyed and downright rude! Made me seem like I was doing him wrong. Stuck to my guns and I still see the staff. I knew they meant well cause they did care for gabe but they just didn't have the training.

Anyway rambling, I guess that is a sore spot for me..lol. But what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger! And God doesn't put more on our plate than we can handle. I feel that experience made me a stronger advocate for my son.

In a message dated 9/6/2009 4:04:40 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, patrickbyrne2@... writes:

As an educator I wish staff would be “forced†to be educated. That pe teachers would know and use adaptive pe classes when needed. Not just for kids on spectrum. I wish art teachers had a sense of using sensory things in art class. I wish computer class involved teaching the students (all ) how to type. I wish special education teacher HAD to have some amount of education in autism. AND aspbergers! I work in a disturct where I am the ONLY staff member to research autism. Not even the school physco has any idea’s. my student was mine for 2 years, I adore him and his family and I are still in touch. This is the first year I haven’t had him and going back is going to be melancholy!!!

I am not sure why you need to create for parents, my thought is you should be doing one for the staff, what a parents expectations are for staff involved with the children.

( yes and admin should have “some†info on autism, as how do we expect our disciplinarian to discipline without knowledge!)

Hope I didn’t offend anyone, I meant not to!



From: autism [mailto:autism ] On Behalf Of RueterSent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 7:24 PMautism Subject: Re: (unknown)

I am a mom of an 8 year old boy on the spectrum. I'm also studying for my Master's degree in Special Ed. One of my assignments is to create a brochure that teachers could give parents of children with special needs. I want to create something that I know parents of children with autism could really use.I was wondering if you all would be willing to give me suggestions of things you wish you could get more information on, especially things you wish your child's teacher or school would provide.

Please send to susan at susanr7r .

Thank you for your help.

From: Debbie Stringer <debbie582002 >Subject: (unknown)autism Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 4:05 PM

I just want to thank everyone for all the suggestions and the input. I will try several of the suggestions and let you know how it turns out. This group is a blessing,I hope you all know that! I've been a very lonely Mimi,with no one to talk to about my grandson,at least no one who understood. I also have another question..lol. .how in the world do you get a child to eat when all they want is letter shaped tator tots??? Ethan would eat just about anything when he was a little baby but when he turned a year and a half it started to be a problem. Now that he's just turned four he has a very limited diet,simply because he won't eat what's offered,he just runs to the toaster oven and says"time for letters!" He'll eat some fruit,used to like corn but doesn't want it on his plate anymore and he'll eat alphabits cereal(do you see a common thread here? lol ). Thanks again,Debbie

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good luck because i asked that question 2 wks ago and NOBODY answered me  :)

From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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good luck because i asked that question 2 wks ago and NOBODY answered me  :)

From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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good luck because i asked that question 2 wks ago and NOBODY answered me =


From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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good luck because i asked that question 2 wks ago and NOBODY answered me =


From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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i do think thou that not taking anything is the best thing,even before the =

hep,i NEVER took asprin/tylenol/any pill. i find that if you have a headach=

e,a cold rag on the forehead works great :)

From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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i do think thou that not taking anything is the best thing,even before the hep,i

NEVER took asprin/tylenol/any pill. i find that if you have a headache,a cold

rag on the forehead works great :)

From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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i do think thou that not taking anything is the best thing,even before the =

hep,i NEVER took asprin/tylenol/any pill. i find that if you have a headach=

e,a cold rag on the forehead works great :)

From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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i do think thou that not taking anything is the best thing,even before the hep,i

NEVER took asprin/tylenol/any pill. i find that if you have a headache,a cold

rag on the forehead works great :)

From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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, I think to be able to recognize and thus prevent meltdown is one of the most important things. You

are a good mother. Gabe is blessed to have you as his advocate. There is a scripture that says we should

stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Pat K



Date: Wednesda

y, September 2, 2009, 4:05 PM

I just want to thank everyone for all the suggestions and the input. I will try several of the suggestions and let you know how it turns out. This group is a blessing,I hope you all know that! I've been a very lonely Mimi,with no one to talk to about my grandson,at least no one who understood. I also have another question..lol. .how in the world do you get a child to eat when all they want is letter shaped tator tots??? Ethan would eat just about anything when he was a little baby but when he turned a year and a half it started to be a problem. Now that he's just turned four he has a very limited diet,simply because he won't eat what's offered,he just runs to the toaster oven and says"time for letters!" He'll eat some fruit,used to like corn but doesn't want it on his plate anymore and he'll eat alphabits cereal(do you see a common thread here? lol ). Thanks again,Debbie

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Hi karin,

Your story is not unfamiliar here. I'm sorry to hear you are going through what

so many of us did. Botox has helped some of us short term, but most others here

haven't thought it worthwhile.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is get a good doc who knows

achalasia. You can find a lot of references on the site. Hopefully one is close.

You might have noticed that many posters here are pretty emphatic about

travelling to a good one as they've been punished severely by less than the best


Yes, living with achalasia is often trying, but most of us have gotten to the

point where it doesn't impact our day to day lives to the point where we find it

any stress at all.


-- Sent from my Palm Prē

karin bateman wrote:


Can someone please help me i was diagnosed with achalasia a couple weeks ago

after about 2 years suffering i went through the botox which made me worse now

im not eating its getting harder for me to drink fluids im getting weaker and

now the latest dr i went to said he doesnt know if its achalasia im getting more

depressed im sick of doctors i need help and it seems like no  one can i have

all the symptoms of achalasia i have been diagnosed but yet another dr shut the

door in my face any one have any ideas because i sure dont have any anymore

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There isn't a "Minimum" required. It is what you think you need and how you feel on it. It is also related to your health conditions. For instance if you are dealing with cancer then you may want to get to a higher dose more quickly.

Your B's are better than nothing. I am sure that will be fine.


(unknown)> > > Hi all, I just had a Q regarding Lugols' Breath of LIfe. I bought the 2 oz bottle which contains 94% distilled water, 4% potassium iodide and 2% iodide (while I await my iodoral). Is the measurement still the same then, that 2 drops equal 12.5 mg? Really appreciate your help, cannot seem to find this info anywhere (probably blind) > > I'm concerned because some have said even with the companion supplements (C, magnesium, selenium) you can have symptoms like (more) thyroid swelling, headache in sinus, etc. I just had an MRI where they said my 5 cm nodule is beginning to grow into the chestplate cavity. (there is already some compression & swallowing probs at times - this thing has appears to grow more since April) And to complicate matters, have also got sinus and saliva gland problems apparently, and some swollen lymph nodes in my neck for good measure. Dr wants me to have it out (the thyroid) once he gets the 2nd FNB done, by next month. > > I have the Breath of Life here and everything but the salt, and the B from Optimox... should I wait til I have these before starting? (another concern, last blood tests showed I came back high normal for both B12 and folate?)>

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Dan- please tell Karin that Dr. Carr-Locke at the Brigham and Woman's

Hospital in Boston is great--I don't have her email-- from Boston


Can someone please help me i was diagnosed with achalasia a couple weeks ago

after about 2 years suffering i went through the botox which made me worse now

im not eating its getting harder for me to drink fluids im getting weaker and

now the latest dr i went to said he doesnt know if its achalasia im getting more

depressed im sick of doctors i need help and it seems like no  one can i have

all the symptoms of achalasia i have been diagnosed but yet another dr shut the

door in my face any one have any ideas because i sure dont have any anymore

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karin bateman wrote:

> Can someone please help me i was diagnosed with achalasia a couple weeks ago

after about 2 years suffering i went through the botox which made me worse now

im not eating its getting harder for me to drink fluids im getting weaker and

now the latest dr i went to said he doesnt know if its achalasia

Most people that have difficulty eating and drinking don't have

achalasia. If the Botox had worked that would be a good indication that

you have achalasia. If Botox does not work that does not mean you don't

have achalasia, but it could give some doctors doubts. Botox does not

work for everyone with achalasia. A doctor that has seen a lot of

achalasia patients should know that. The test that is best at confirming

a diagnosis of achalasia is the manometry test. If you have not had that

test there is probably room to doubt the diagnosis. If you have had the

test and it was classic for achalasia and done and read by people that

know what they are doing, then there is reason to doubt that the Botox

means anything in your case. If you had the test and it was not classic

but yet still suggestive of achalasia then it may take a more

experienced doctor to figure out what it all means.

> im getting more depressed im sick of doctors i need help and it seems like no

one can i have all the symptoms of achalasia i have been diagnosed but yet

another dr shut the door in my face any one have any ideas because i sure dont

have any anymore


Do they say they can't do anything? Have they done all the tests? How

many achalasia patients do these doctors see? The incidence of achalasia

is 1 new case per year per 100,000 people. So unless a lot of other

doctors are referring their patients with swallowing problems to them

they probably don't see many if any.


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yes it is harmful.=A0 No aspirin.=A0 When our platelet count is so low, we =

can bleed internally and not know it.=A0 Get an endoscopy and a colonspy.=

=A0 If anthing for pain ibupropin.



From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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yes it is harmful.  No aspirin.  When our platelet count is so low, we can bleed

internally and not know it.  Get an endoscopy and a colonspy.  If anthing for

pain ibupropin.



From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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yes it is harmful.  No aspirin.  When our platelet count is so low, we can bleed

internally and not know it.  Get an endoscopy and a colonspy.  If anthing for

pain ibupropin.



From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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yes it is harmful.  No aspirin.  When our platelet count is so low, we can bleed

internally and not know it.  Get an endoscopy and a colonspy.  If anthing for

pain ibupropin.



From: Lynae <lynae.monique@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis C

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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patti, is just knowing we have hepC causing the depression or is the hepC

causing alot of it and why is that? im sure its a tad of both but what is the

hepC actually doing to " your brain " that makes you feel depressed?

From: Lynae <lynae.monique>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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patti, is just knowing we have hepC causing the depression or is the hepC c=

ausing alot of it and why is that? im sure its a tad of both but what is th=

e hepC actually doing to " your brain " that makes you feel depressed?

From: Lynae <lynae.monique>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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patti, is just knowing we have hepC causing the depression or is the hepC

causing alot of it and why is that? im sure its a tad of both but what is the

hepC actually doing to " your brain " that makes you feel depressed?

From: Lynae <lynae.monique>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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patti, is just knowing we have hepC causing the depression or is the hepC c=

ausing alot of it and why is that? im sure its a tad of both but what is th=

e hepC actually doing to " your brain " that makes you feel depressed?

From: Lynae <lynae.monique>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad=A0for som=

eone with hep c?

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patti, is just knowing we have hepC causing the depression or is the hepC

causing alot of it and why is that? im sure its a tad of both but what is the

hepC actually doing to " your brain " that makes you feel depressed?

From: Lynae <lynae.monique>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM


Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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> Can someone please help me i was diagnosed with achalasia a couple weeks ago

after about 2 years suffering i went through the botox which made me worse now

im not eating its getting harder for me to drink fluids im getting weaker and

now the latest dr i went to said he doesnt know if its achalasia im getting more

depressed im sick of doctors i need help and it seems like no  one can i have

all the symptoms of achalasia i have been diagnosed but yet another dr shut the

door in my face any one have any ideas because i sure dont have any anymore



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Here is what I know about my depression. 1st I was a alcohol/drug user for 26

yrs after a not so good childhood. Long term the drugs robb the body of the

ability to produce seritonan and dopimene (didnt spell either correctly). This

produces natural hormones that allows us joy and peace. This is what anti

depressents put into your system when the body no longer can produce them.

This said, even on good days it is no joy to remind ourselves that we carry a

life threatning disease and that in itsself is depressing.

Hep makes me tired also and when Im tired I am never in my best mood.

The treatment available's main side effect is depression.

Man that cheered me right up. Actually my life as a whole never has been better

thanks to Christ. Take care L


From: deborah brown <heaven_scent_in_55@...>

Hepatitis C

Cc: deborah kay mand <heaven_scent_in_55@...>

Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 11:46:16 AM

Subject: Re: (unknown)

patti, is just knowing we have hepC causing the depression or is the hepC

causing alot of it and why is that? im sure its a tad of both but what is the

hepC actually doing to " your brain " that makes you feel depressed?

From: Lynae <lynae.monique>

Subject: (unknown)

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 6:44 PM

Does anyone know if taking 2 baby asprins every nite would be bad for someone

with hep c?

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