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Re: (unknown)

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Good for you, Caranne, sometimes we forget to even think that something might be

detrimental to the scoby, don't do our research, and then goof it up, wondering

months later down the road why our scoby is not producing like it should, and/or

even worse, producing the " dreaded " mold! Very wise! I think us fellow

enthusiasts are pretty united, don't you?!!! lol! Enjoy your experimenting,

Caranne!! Jeani

I don't use raw honey, and Zoe in a private email recommended I only use honey

for half the sweetner, which is what I am doing. The milk kefir is far away

from the KT and I will move the red wine away from the kt. The red wine takes

long, anyway, so I can put it into an inconvenient place and forget about it. I

probably annoy the red wine because I keept taking off the towel to look at it.

I get so curious to look at what is brewing.One batch I made in a glass mix bowl

and it was neat now the baby scoby became as big at the surface size.No one here

gets into kt or knows what it is, so this group has been a blessing. Fellow

enthusiasts unite!Caranne

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You love to chat?

Support your friendly local autistics...........I'm one of them.


MSN is mommamia102

messenger is taintedtears102

Drop Me A Line, I love to CHAT!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Welcome aboard 




" Hey lets' be careful out there! "

From: lyle simes <lylesimes@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Date: Friday, 18 July, 2008, 3:38 AM

My Name is Lyle Simes

I am an Ops Medic from SA currently working in Iraq doing medical support on

private contracts  within the remote site regions of Iraq  and surrounding


I would like to join this group to keep up to date with all the current medical


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Welcome to the group mate,



Transocean Development Driller II

From: lyle simes <lylesimes@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Date: Friday, July 18, 2008, 3:38 AM

My Name is Lyle Simes

I am an Ops Medic from SA currently working in Iraq doing medical support on

private contracts  within the remote site regions of Iraq  and surrounding


I would like to join this group to keep up to date with all the current medical


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Hi ,

What is CI? It is very unsual to hear about C-toma causing hearing nerve loss so I am wondeirng what CI is? Most all c-toma surfers such as myself suffer from conductive hearing loss and still have great nerves. I am going on my 16th surgery still to try and get my hearing above the 50-60db range and will probably one of these times throw the towel in but I am stubborn and as long as the nerves work there is hope.

As for being completely deaf.. that is something totally different unless you are completly deaf from the c-toma causing nerve damage. I am really curious as to how all this plays in with c-toma?

Thank you for sharing!


From: msteven5@... <msteven5@...>Subject: (unknown)cholesteatoma Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 5:56 AM

Hi , s here,Good luck with your little girl and all her surgery. Tell her don't letthe ops get her down there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'msurprised her hearing haven't been affected too much. May I suggestthis is something you keep a close eye on. As I prevously mentioned asa child I use to get really sad to see my play-mates swimming and havingfun in the water and I had to miss out. It was very strictly NOSWIMMING for me. Following all the surgery they created a bowl type of opening so watercan come out of the ear. I am still not very good at swimming, andstill don't like to get my head under the water. Not sure if its oldhabits, plus I feel dizzy when I do go under water. I use a support worker to come with me because without the CI i amtotally deaf and nearly totally blind. Good luck and if your daughter wants to write and ask me

questions withyour permission please feel welcome to encourage your daughter.Kind regards S

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Hi, Friend.This is Mike Handy. You develop your positive thingking with develop your inner beauty. One of that steps is meditatation. Easiest mediataion is Dragon Meditation. This good and simplest way. You can get preliminary DM on http://www.mydragontattoo.comRegardsMH----- Original Message ----From: Ramu Macherla <macherla007@...> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:23:38 AMSubject: (unknown)


i want a male friend who can help in positive thinking

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I liked to be helped by picturers , and thoughts....... can you ...... thanks for the respond

Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click here

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what are your questions, be glad to help if possible  

From: ts <tsbigshot@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 9:38 AM

Hello, Please add me to the group. I am new and the mother of a disabled 9yr old

with scoliosis.  We were recently informed our next step is surgery..  Looking

for support and I have alot of questions.

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Thank you so very much Ms Rabbitt.

I would like to place this post as a file FAQ on this site in the ICPT folder

and on the ExCPT study site, if you do not mind.

Nice to know you read our posts and contribute to the site and our



Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

Pharm Tech Educator

Site owner

From: (Becky) Rabbitt <rebecca_rabbitt@...>

Subject: (unknown)

Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 1:25 PM

Noting the topic of this thread obviously caught my attention. ICPT accepts

comments from candidates after the exam and through a more formal

challenge/appeal process as described in our Candidate's Guide. I

thought it might be helpful to share the actual process for item generation and

review so everyone understand the rigor of the process.

Questions on the ExCPT are generated by Item Writers, reviewed by staff and

finally reviewed and scored (using an Angoff procedure) for the item bank by an

Expert Panel. Questions are categorized to match the blueprint which guides

the test design. Items must pass pre-testing before ever becoming a scored

item. Items that do not perform never become a tested exam item. If you

want more detail on the statistics that are analyzed you can contact me


ICPT responds to all comments regarding exam content whether received just

following testing or in writing later. Any errors are corrected

immediately. If it is a comment on relevancy or ambiguity it will go back to

the Expert Panel for review and decision. Test statistics on that item will

also be reviewed. As Jeanetta mentioned, we cannot respond directly on the

outcome of an item due to processes to protect the integrity of the exam.

However, you should have confidence that your comment was received and will be

reviewed by the experts in place for test construction.



M. Rabbitt, PharmD



314 442 6775

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Welcome to the group. Ask away!


Hello, Please add me to the group. I am new and the mother of a disabled 9yr old

with scoliosis.  We were recently informed our next step is surgery.  Looking

for support and I have alot of questions.

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You Got it

From: Ramu Macherla <macherla007@...>Subject: (unknown) Date: Tuesday, 22 July, 2008, 5:53 AM


i want a male friend who can help in positive thinking

Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

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Hey can be frns with me too...

(unknown) Date: Tuesday, 22 July, 2008, 5:53 AM


i want a male friend who can help in positive thinking

Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

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drugdelivery.caa Bradford <utmedic@...> wrote: Can someone please send me the email address to the Canadian pharmacy that is popular for HcG. I can't remember.Thanks!Thank you Chavez- McDowell (408)466-6174cell (408)943-0838fax winexpert1@... personal shellychavez@... business "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."- Sir Winston Churchill

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Yah! I went in for PMS symptoms....now I feel worse than I ever did before my period thanks to Effexor-XR!!!!!!!

From: and Terry Bearden <nandtbearden@...>Subject: (unknown)SSRI Medication , "Atypical Antipsychotics" <Atypical_Antipsychotics >, "Dr. Ann " <atracyphd2@...>Date: Friday, July 25, 2008, 1:38 PM

Check out this B.S.

How many of us were "diagnosed" by our primary care docs? How many were actually being treated for other problems - like chronic pain - by our primary care physicians who then Rx'd SSRIs and/or atypical antipsychotics? They don't think there are enough of us on this crap already? Hell no...not until every last one of us is a mind-numbed drone.


http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Health-Reform- by-Mental- Health-Amer- 080725-163. html

Mental Health America News Release

July 25, 2008

Mental Health America Urges U.S. Health Agencies

To Act on Report on Improving Mental Health in Primary Care

Identifies Ways to Improve Policies to

Increase Access to Services

Contact: Steve Vetzner, (703) 797-2588 or svetzner@mentalheal thamerica. net

andria, VA (July 25, 2008)—Mental Health America today urged agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to implement recommendations in a new report on barriers to providing mental health services in primary health care.

“While mental health is key to overall health, millions of Americans do not get needed mental health treatment because wrongheaded policies and practices discourage provision of mental health care in primary care settings,” said Shern, Ph.D., president and CEO of Mental Health America. “This report provides a roadmap for dramatic, yet attainable improvements in mental health service-delivery.”

The report, “Reimbursement of Mental Health Services in Primary Care Settings,” recommends clarifying federal Medicaid and Medicare law regarding reimbursement of mental health care in primary care settings and suggests ways states can incentivize prevention and screening of mental health disorders in primary care settings. The report was released this week.

It also describes approaches to reimbursing key evidence-based practices for providing mental health services in primary care settings. In addition, the report calls for improving access to mental health practitioners through reimbursement of telemedicine and school-based health centers.

The report was jointly funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), with the technical expertise of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

“Improving integration of mental health and primary care will not only result in better clinical care, but will also lower medical costs,” said Shern. “We commend SAMHSA, HRSA and CMS on their report and call on them to implement its critical recommendations. We look forward to working with these federal agencies to broadly disseminate these clarified policies and provide technical assistance on implementation.”

Dr. Shern said the report appropriately emphasizes the challenges presented by certain Medicaid payment policies to improving access to mental health services in primary care settings. As the single largest source of public funding for mental health care, Medicaid policies have a dramatic effect on access to mental health services. The report also recognizes that significant variation exists in the interpretation and application of Medicaid and Medicare program rules and guidelines.

Mental Health America also supports the report’s call for increased collaboration among federal and state policy makers for Medicare, Medicaid, primary care, and mental health to promote the availability of mental health services in primary care settings.

With research indicating that some 40 percent of individuals with mental health problems initially seek care in primary care settings, improving the integration and facilitating access to more specialized mental health treatment through the primary care system would undoubtedly help remedy the consistent findings that over half of individuals with significant mental health conditions do not receive adequate mental health care.

Moreover, the recent tragic finding that persons with severe mental illnesses who are served in our public mental health systems die on average 25 years prematurely, due to a full range of common chronic conditions, underscores the urgent need for improved integration of mental and primary health care.

Mental Health America is the country’s leading nonprofit dedicated to helping ALL people live mentally healthier lives. With our more than 320 affiliates nationwide, we represent a growing movement of Americans who promote mental wellness for the health and well-being of the nation – everyday and in times of crisis


To unsubscribe to our Mental Health America news releases, go to https://secured. nmha.org/ secure/emailserv ices.cfm "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Edison --- FAIR USE NOTICE: This transmittal may contain copyrighted material which is made available for educational purposes and to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. The sender asserts that this transmittal constitutes a 'fair use'

of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.

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I have a query .... so just what is this individuals familial history ? Any

PMHX my rational being a possible AV malformation, Yes.

I know its a stretch but " a stitch in time " ....... familial history of this

can be a strong indicator as this can be genetic in nature in some cases ....

just thinking out loud is all and getting in late to the convo. Must agree with

the majority of posters this cluster type HA should be worked up at by an MD

that has augmented CT scan and with full neuro support. Flash buddy out for stat

because there's just only " so much " a remote medic can do. That said early

intervention and investigation can be a true lifesaver as early warning signs of

" impending doom " should never be ignored .... well ... accept for Donn B. case

where its all in his mind and sadly due to poor quality ETOH .... a true pity.




Hi all, I am responding to the email has sent out. I am medic Thurai on

board and is the Safety Training Officer (a former medic himself).

I am a Malaysian medic currently working offshore of West Malaysia and we are

in a Tender. I have been a medic for 19 years working at hospital A & E, heavy

industries and now offshore. I appreciate all the feedbacks I have got from you

people and happy to know there are a group of the same kind as me backing me up

with their experiences and ideas.


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Dear Wilf,

There are no known family history related to cardiac problems and no cardiac

assessment been carried out with the limited facilities on board.

The patient was sent to town today and investigation have been carried out but

we still didn't hear any news about him yet. The person was

active and energetic all along and never once complained of SOB or chest

discomfort but we will never know. Your input made me think

along the line and it's a valuable piece of advice. Will get back to you as soon

as we heard of his findings in town.

Thanks and regards,


[Remotemedics. co.uk] (unknown)

Hi all, I am responding to the email has sent out. I am medic Thurai on

board and is the Safety Training Officer (a former medic himself).

I am a Malaysian medic currently working offshore of West Malaysia and we are in

a Tender. I have been a medic for 19 years working at hospital A & E, heavy

industries and now offshore. I appreciate all the feedbacks I have got from you

people and happy to know there are a group of the same kind as me backing me up

with their experiences and ideas.


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Hi Jackie

Emma also got a 'cocktail' of drugs post op. Steroids, antibiotics, paracetamol

with codeine. It seemed a lot at the time but it was worth giving a lot of

medication for the week following the surgery as it made the recovery easier and

now we've been fever free since even through colds and an ear infection and a

bladder infection!

Take care



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In a message dated 8/2/2008 7:40:40 AM Central Daylight Time, raymondshort324@... writes:

Www. -short.com

Hello, my name is Dena,and I think what you are doing is wonderful.Good job.I have alot of stress mostly from work.Plus I have a very very bad back.Due to narrowing of the spine.Very painful,especially when under a lot of stress and dont get enough rest.I read some of your other links and there is alot of information.Thank You,Dena.Have a Blessed Day.Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos.

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Why do you take an

Ativan for the infusion,

Is it uncomfortable? As

Uncomfortable as th BMB?

With warm regards,

Matt Maynor

8132 Hollyridge Road

ville, FL 32256



[ ] (unknown)

Hi everyone, had quite the visit yesterday.  First the poor tech doing the bma

could not get a piece of bone for the bmb.  She tried a couple of times, no

success, but she did manage to get a good marrow sample for the bms.  Whew! 

that one took a long time, but was really painless, as she does an excellant job

of numbing the area.  That was about my 46th one, and I guess there is so much

scar tissue there, it is hard to get a good sample.

Anyway, on the the infusion, which did not take place, again, second week in a

row.  last week it was becaue I had an angioplasty , so they said no to the

infusion.  This week the labs were to low:  wbc - 2,7;  hgb - 9.6;  pltl - 138; 

anc - 1.4

This is really a good sign, as it's been two weeks and nothing went up. they

all dropped or stayed the same. So this drug is working for me real well=

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Hi Matt, the infusion makes me throw up.....not all the time, but if I dont I

still have the nausea.  My trial  nurse told meAtivan has an anti nausea

effect.  But it is so powerful, I hate to take it.  I only take 1/2 mg.

Compazine does not work. And I havn't figured out, to eat or not to eat,  or how

much to eat if I do eat, got that?  The nausea only lasts a few hours,  1 mg

Ativan knocks me out for 24! Last week I took 1/2 then found out I was not going

to get infused anyway due to low counts, so was just sleepy for the rest of the


It's a small price to pay for the good effect the drug is having on my cml, and

it only bothers me for one day, along with a numb tongue, making food taste

weird.   Bobby

a (Bobby) Doyle

Brecksville, Ohio, USA

DX 05/1995

02/2000 - Gleevec Trial/OHSU

06/2002 - Gleevec/Trisenox Trial/OHSU

06/2003 - Gleevec/Zarnestra Trial/OHSU

04/2004 - Sprycel Trial/MDACC, CCR in 10 months

#840  -   Zavie's Zero Club

09/2006 -  out of CCR

04/29/08 - XL228 Trial/ U.of Michigan

06/02/08 - CCR ( in 4 weeks)


From: Matt Maynor <mtmaynor@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] (unknown)

Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 2:45 PM


Why do you take an

Ativan for the infusion,

Is it uncomfortable? As

Uncomfortable as th BMB?

With warm regards,

Matt Maynor

8132 Hollyridge Road

ville, FL 32256

mtmaynoraol (DOT) com


[ ] (unknown)

Hi everyone, had quite the visit yesterday.  First the poor tech doing the bma

could not get a piece of bone for the bmb.  She tried a couple of times, no

success, but she did manage to get a good marrow sample for the bms.  Whew! 

that one took a long time, but was really painless, as she does an excellant job

of numbing the area.  That was about my 46th one, and I guess there is so much

scar tissue there, it is hard to get a good sample.

Anyway, on the the infusion, which did not take place, again, second week in a

row.  last week it was becaue I had an angioplasty , so they said no to the

infusion.  This week the labs were to low:  wbc - 2,7;  hgb - 9.6;  pltl - 138; 

anc - 1.4

This is really a good sign, as it's been two weeks and nothing went up. they all

dropped or stayed the same. So this drug is working for me real well=

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Lovely story, Marie.

Enjoy your vacation.


Ellen Garber Bronfeld



Coming to you from a cabin in Michigan. Thought you would enjoy

this. See you soon.



Who's in your family?

It may be larger than you think.

My wife, , and I recently went to her annual " family

reunion. "

We showed a video there that we'd produced about several generations


family history using interviews and old photographs. We included a


about great-grandfather Rommie trying to drive his new Model T Ford

for the

first time. When it abruptly started forward and he couldn't

remember how

to stop it, he clung to the steering wheel yelling, " Whoa! Gee! Gee!

Haw! "

as if he was driving one of his mules. His oldest son jumped up on


car's running board and got it stopped.

The older members of 's family grew up together. As children,


father and his cousins spent their summers together working on family

members' farms. They love telling tales about the work, play and

shenanigans they shared. It makes some of them wistful when younger


of the family, who didn't grow up with their cousins and don't feel

the same

sense of kinship, don't put as high a priority on attending family


This is probably an inevitable result of a mobile population, in


extended families can live great distances away and rarely see each


The older members of my wife's family are close because they

understand one

another. They speak the same language. And they're always ready to


and support each other.

If you're lucky enough to be close to your extended kinfolk, that's


But you don't have to be related to people to feel a sense of family.

Parents with children who have special needs such as Asperger

Syndrome or

autism can feel very alone. Especially if their extended family

lives far

away and may not recognize what they're dealing with on a daily


This is when contact with others dealing with similar situations can

be a


Like the mother I know of who rescued another mother taking her

developmentally delayed autistic son to a " the Tank Engine "


at a transportation museum. In the museum's gift shop, 11 year old,


pound flopped down on the floor and threw a tantrum in the

midst of

the other, mostly two and three year-old, fans.

Desperately trying to deal with the situation and purchase the

new " "

DVD her son had picked out, 's mom, Lynn, felt someone grab her

shoulder. She thought to herself, " If you say one word I'll...! " But


turned to find a woman who said, " Give me your stuff and give me

your money

and I'll pay for it. I'll meet you in the parking lot. I have a son


autism. "

Lynn managed, with a struggle, to get her son to her car. A short


later, the woman and her daughter appeared to deliver the DVD and


change. The rescuer gave Lynn a hug and said, " Sometimes this is all

we can

do. "

Then the daughter said, " You should have seen my mom. "

" What did she do? "

" The security guard was having a problem and said 'they shouldn't

let kids

like that in places like this.' And she looked him straight in the

eye and

said 'If you've got a typical child, you go home tonight and pray to

God you

never have to go through anything like this.' "

Lynn said it touched her deeply that someone else knew what she was



Those of us with children on the autism spectrum are sometimes in

the best

position to give each other the help and support we need. We know

what it

feels like. We speak each other's language.

We're family.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dan Coulter is the producer of the

videos, " Understanding

Brothers and Sisters with Asperger Syndrome " and " Understanding

Brothers and

Sisters on the Autism Spectrum. " You can read more articles on his


www.coultervideo. com

Copyright 2008 Dan Coulter Used By Permission

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hi shannon i'm lisa i had the trial and then a perment put in i'm gad i

did there are still days with a lill break through pain but i have about a

75 % taken away yea theres a few restrictions but they are worth the

limited pain days at least i think so i had some discomfort after the surgery

but not a lot

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Hi, !!!

Welcome to our group!!! I am so very glad that you have joined..you will

see that we are a bunch of kind, friendly and very, very caring folks...who are

in the same boat.

My name is Kathy G. I have had RSD now for 25 years. It is all throughout

my body. It started for me at the age of 14 when I was pitching on the mound

and got hit by a line drive ball on my knee cap.

Since then, I have had 17 different areas of rsd. I have 2 stims and had a

pain pump...which is now removed due to malfunctions.

My first stim was the difference between night and day for me. My pain was a

10, and the next day it was a 0. It was a miracle for me.

That recuperation seemed to be nothing for me at all. I followed the

instructions, and if you do too, you should be fine. No lifting, bending or

twisting for 8 weeks. You have to let the stim " scar into place. "

the pain was very manageable for me.

My second stim was a different story...but that is due to the fact that the

RSD in my left foot is the worst that I have ever had in 25 years. The stim

has helped the bottom of my foot, the top of my foot and the toes, but has

done nothing for my ankle...where I am in agony. I unfortunately did not have

a trial run....since I had the previous stimulator placed so many years

ago..the surgeon did not see the need for the trial...I really regret not


one done.

The recuperation was different also for me this time as I am considerably

heavy....obese now and they needed to really get to the spine in a different

way for most folks...they needed to break three of my vertabras...NOW...THAT


My recuperation time for this stim was almost 4 months due to the fractures

and the scarring in.

As you are having a trial...this is great thing...some doctors let their

patients talk them into just doing the surgery due to desperation. This should

never be done...since if it doesn't help you...you don't have to go through

the surgery to keep it in for good...you know?

Even though I had all those issues with my second stim, I am really

considering getting a third and final one done by another neurosurgeon. This


will do the trial and told me that the fractures never, ever had to

happen....and that he will not do that to any patient....so I think that I will

try it

again...we will see.

Regarding our group....we have a great bunch of members....very caring,

compassionate and funny folks...we have our moderators ...who oversee the posts

and make sure that they are not offensive to anyone....and then there is

mike...our group owner and myself...his co-owner.

Mike is a real sweetheart. He has a heart of gold. He will go out of his

way to help his members...and so will I .

I wish you all the luck and will keep you in my prayers and thoughts for a

successful trial!!!

Once again, welcome, welcome welcome and good luck!!!

Gentle hugs to all,

Kathy g. pa


**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget?

Read reviews on AOL Autos.



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