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Re: (unknown)

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Jan, Yes I'm on zoloft. I take my shot shortly after

getting home from work 11:00 to 11:30 PM. I then spend

a little time on line. Then try to sleep " that didn't

work last night didn't get much sleep " .

Hi everyone. I'm feeling better this weekend then I

have felt in the last two weeks. Last night's shot

went real well.The only problem I'm having is sleep &

I'm always so tried. But I will get through this year

& beat the beast. Has anyone heard from Diane sure

miss her.

I.m praying that things go well for you & your

family keep us informed on how they are doing.

Praying for you all


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Terry you have done good so far so I beleive

> everything will go good this

> weekend too..What time do you take your shots? It

> is always better to take

> them late in the evening close to bedtime and that

> way the sides are better

> for you..You will sleep through most of them..I too

> had trouble sleeping with

> them and was also put on Trazadone to help me...I

> keep forgetting if you are

> on anti-depressants or not..Damn CRS of

> mine....LOL....Beings I can't but do

> try to blame my forgetfulness on tx I now have to

> blame it on CRS..LOL.Let

> me know ok..Glad to see you are here....



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Great! Now you can tour around the country and visit

us all... :) Hey, I've finally got my new pc mostly

setup. I just got the network card setup so I can get

on the internet again.. The only thing I can't get to

work yet is the sound... Oh well, progress not

perfection... -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> SSSShhhhhh Dave don't tell you xhat from work..It's

> a secret remember!!!!





> AGAIN.....



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Good luck Terry, I hope it goes easier for you too...

It takes time, but most of us can eventually tolerate

it. I used to look back and remember how many times I

went to work with a hangover and figured I could

handle this too... Although after not drinking for 6

years, when I get up in the morning. I EXPECT TO FEEL

GOOD!!! -dz-

Terry Long

wrote: Yes this group is a blessing. I have enjoyed

being apart of it for the last three weeks. In about 2

hoursI'll be taking my 3ed shot. I hope this weekend

goesbetter then the last two weekends. Terry---

kbwaltke wrote:> Hugs > > > >

I feel the same way about this group..They> have

always been > there for > > me..I use to feel so alone

until I found them.I> feel so blessed to > have all >

> of these people in my life now..I feel as though> we

have known each > other > > forever. I am glad we have

all been of some help> to you and your > family......>

> __________________________________________________Do

You ?Great stuff seeking new owners in

Auctions! http://auctions.! Groups


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I'd love to be there... Do you thing there is a

statute of limitations on DUI tickets? I got one in

'81 and haven't been back since... :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> HI DAVE!!!!!!! There aren't any support groups in

> my town either...That's

> why I feel so blessed to have found all of you..Hey

> but we do have something

> you others don't...MARDI GRAS!!!! Feb. 12 is the

> day....Hey Dave ya coming

> down for the Super Bowl Tomorrow??? Louisiana misses

> ya!!!!!!



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Spelling rules are relaxed in the new internet

generation... You're not supposed to need glasses to

type... Don't you finger type? ;)


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hi Terry...Lack of sleep comes with the tx

> unfortunately..Hey if I mess up on

> my spelling for somw reason my glasses are blurry

> and I can't seem to get

> them clean..Hey now that's a new one to blame it on

> isn't it?...LOL..Glad to

> know you are doing so well..No I don't know where

> she is either..I hope all

> is ok with her..I miss Diane too.



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Well, I guess we're not a group of choir boys (and

girls). Gratefully most of that stuff is behind me

now, although I'm not yet being considered for

sainthood... -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hey we won't remind anyone of that and I think there

> is in fact..Hey I got my

> litle issues I am trying to have fixed as we

> speak...LOL..SSHHH



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Ok, no excuse needed...must be a nice day... We had a

little snowstorm yesterday and the day before.. about

9 inches. I'm enjoying it now (now that I've got all

the snow removal done) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Yes I do use my fingers thankyou Mr. Sassy today but

> I need an excuse anyway

> ok Dave..My mind seems to be elsewhere today for

> some reason....



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I'm sure glad spelling rules are relaxed because I

can't spell worth anything some times spell check

can't figure out what I'm trying to type. I finger



--- imaganeer <imaganeer@...> wrote:

> Spelling rules are relaxed in the new internet

> generation... You're not supposed to need glasses to

> type... Don't you finger type? ;)

> -dz-


> --- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> > Hi Terry...Lack of sleep comes with the tx

> > unfortunately..Hey if I mess up on

> > my spelling for somw reason my glasses are blurry

> > and I can't seem to get

> > them clean..Hey now that's a new one to blame it

> on

> > isn't it?...LOL..Glad to

> > know you are doing so well..No I don't know where

> > she is either..I hope all

> > is ok with her..I miss Diane too.

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Don't feel alone Susy the kids & Susy's Mom keep

telling me that's I always talk with my hands.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I use all mine Terry and my kids say I talk with my

> hands but sometimes I

> type so fast I do mess up that's when I try to find

> an excuse for

> it..LOL..Till Dave tries to make me not use

> one...LOL..It sure is nice to

> hear from you..



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Thankyou so much for the prayers. I am keeping you all in

my prayers too. The one thing that has struck me is how

profoundly our priorites have changed. Some how wallpaper

border is no long a primary focus.

> > Terry you have done good so far so I beleive

> > everything will go good this

> > weekend too..What time do you take your shots? It

> > is always better to take

> > them late in the evening close to bedtime and that

> > way the sides are better

> > for you..You will sleep through most of them..I too

> > had trouble sleeping with

> > them and was also put on Trazadone to help me...I

> > keep forgetting if you are

> > on anti-depressants or not..Damn CRS of

> > mine....LOL....Beings I can't but do

> > try to blame my forgetfulness on tx I now have to

> > blame it on CRS..LOL.Let

> > me know ok..Glad to see you are here....

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Thanks. I'll be at a skating party which I'll

probablly go since I went last year and had a good

time. Plus it's like 10 min from the house so it's

close just incase I get tired.


> Yea, you too . Anybody having superbowl

> parties or anything? I'm

> not that into sports (ha ha...actually, I embarrass

> my sons and hubby with my

> total lack of knowledge), but get into EVENTS. So

> I'll cook up fun game

> stuff, like wings and guacamole. LOL

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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AFter along while again I take thepriviligeof writing

to u.

As I saidearlier my kidis 4 years old, with slight

adhd. within amonth he learnt alhphabets, spellings,

andso onin hisinteractivelaptop. andhe understoods the

language in it. bUt not ours.what can be the problem.

And he is doingsomemischievious things likepouring

water, how canwe avoid them. Can u plz suggest me.



expecting anearly reply


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This is in response to the behavioral problems you are having with your 4

year old child. To deal with these problems, you need some behavioral

techniques. There are many you can try. For example, timeout is one you

might use. Each time my son climbs on a table at home, I will cover his eyes

with my hands and make him count to 10 or 20 and then say, " We don't climb on

tables. " If your child is not verbal, you can do the counting yourself and

then tell him, " We don't... " Call it a timeout and remind him that each time

he does ____ he will be given a timeout. Make sure that you follow through

with it EVERY SINGLE TIME. There are many other techniques like picking up

blocks or putting pegs in a board. They must be activities that your son

does NOT like. My best advice for you would be to look for a book on

behavioral techniques. Look at the website for Different Roads to Learning.

They have many books for autism or adhd. Also, this group---- is mainly

for biological interventions which would definately benefit your child.

However, if you are looking for behavioral techniques, your best bet would be

to join another group for that purpose. For example the Me List is one of

the best. I don't have that address with me, but I am sure someone else on

this list could give it to you. Also, the DTT list on would

also be a good source. I hope you find some answers for your child.

All the best,

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Hi Debra C...

The Easy Sprouter from Sproutamo has a special insert for the tiny buggers,

and it works great. This gadget is available through Sprout People.

However, I have been sprouting my alfalfa, clover, etc. on a woven bamboo

tray (flat), so they can grow vertically. I keep 'em in a jar until the

first signs of sprouting appear, then transfer them to the flat. After that,

misting take s care of their needs, and I get wonderful, 'tall' (or at least

upright) green sprouts.

Hope this helps.

Reysha S.


Freelance wordcrafting

and web design





> Hi. I had to unsubscribe briefly, but I'm back!


> I also came back with a question....


> I have a " SproutMaster " which I like, but tiny little seeds tend to

> fall through the holes (even lots of soaking won't make them big

> enough to not fall through). I bought some batting (100% polyester)

> and put a layer down then spread the seeds over it. This works very

> well for keeping the little buggers corralled, but before I start

> munching I wanted to know if there's any harm in this? Don't want to

> poison myself somehow. <G> I know I'll probably lose a bit of root,

> and I'll have to see how it actually works in the end, but it seems

> to be going okay.


> Also, if anyone knows a way to sprout tiny little seeds that works

> well (and isn't too expensive, please) I'd love to hear some ideas.


> debraC

> ~exasperated at all those little seeds going down the drain!





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Why don't you just sprout tiny seeds in a jar? Put some fine mesh net

over the top and rinse every 4-6 hours? Sproutmaster is good but for

just a few sprouts for one or two people a jar is good enough.


General query: I've tried to sprout buckwheat with no success. How to

do it?

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Suggestions about buckwheat:

First, of course, you must have unhulled raw buckwheat for sprouting. I soak

this for 12 - 15 hours in tepid water with kelp added.

Next I treat the buckwheat just as I do small seeds and beans, either in an

Easy Sprout or the standard jar...maintaining them in this way until the

first tiny shoots appear (usually 2-3 days).

When they begin to sprout, I transfer them to a bamboo basket which I keep

tented with clear plastic. In the basket, they get shower-rinsed 3-4 times


I let 'em grow vertically until they reach the size and greenness I want,

then harvest by cutting about 3/4 inch above the roots.

Sproutman is the originator of the basket method, and his books give you all

you need for success.

Good sprouting...

Reysha S.


Freelance wordcrafting

and web design




Re: (unknown)

> Why don't you just sprout tiny seeds in a jar? Put some fine mesh net

> over the top and rinse every 4-6 hours? Sproutmaster is good but for

> just a few sprouts for one or two people a jar is good enough.

> J.

> General query: I've tried to sprout buckwheat with no success. How to

> do it?



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In a message dated 2/5/02 1:38:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Strider3@... writes:

> This is going to be stupid since I should know. But

> I'll ask- how do you get a 4 1/2 yr old out of the

> bathtub after you tried everything.

Let the water out...................

LOL But seriously , I do this with Maddie. She WON'T WON'T WON'T

get out. She just loves it too much. So I let the water out. THEN she

gets out REAL easy!!!!!! Sounds cruel, but it works!!!


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I would let the water drain and if you know what their favorite item/ food, etc

is tell them they can have that when they are done with their bath.

Take all toys, etc. out so they have nothing to play with in the tub.

You can say: " All Done " or " Out of bathtub " ( words they normally use)

THEN tell them they can have the item when they are done with the bath.

Example - If you want ________ then you need to get out of the bathtub.

Out first - then toy!

If this does not work. . .I do have another suggestion - but try that first!!

Good Luck



This is going to be stupid since I should know. But

I'll ask- how do you get a 4 1/2 yr old out of the

bathtub after you tried everything.


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--- J <foryehyeh@...> wrote:

> Why don't you just sprout tiny seeds in a jar?

***Why indeed? <hanging head> just hadn't really

thought of that...

Anyway, thank you for the instructions for jar

sprouting you put in your other post. I figured

I could easily find instructions but now I don't

have to look!

Thanks also to the other person who suggested the

sprouter from The Sprout People. That's who I

purchased my seeds and sprouter from and if I

decide to buy something, I'll probably do so from

them. I also may check out the bamboo tray in

the future. I saw some at a Wild Oats store and

they looked a bit strange to me (i.e. they

weren't nicely molded plastic <G>!). I think it

would be fun to try it out. I'm still at that

" Oh, cool! Look, it's growing! " stage.





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In a message dated 2/5/02 1:37:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Strider3@... writes:

> This is going to be stupid since I should know. But

> I'll ask- how do you get a 4 1/2 yr old out of the

> bathtub after you tried everything

Unplug the water. It's going to get cold.

Diane :)

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> J.

> General query: I've tried to sprout buckwheat with no success. How to do


Hey, TJ,

The secret to good buckwheat greens is in growing them on soil. I use seed

flats from the Nursery and add about 1/2 in. of 1:1 mixture sterile potting

soil and organic hummus. I soak the seeds (about 1 cup per flat) overnight,

drain well, sprinkle on soil. cover with an empty flat, and mist twice daily

for about 7 days, then harvest w/ sharp kitchen shears. YUMMY!

Oh! I remove the cover @ the 3rd day and let whatever sun there might be

shine on them.

PS make sure the buckwheat has hulls. Groats only make good soaks - the

enzymes will activate, but they don't sprout so well and will start to

ferment by about day 3.

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Don't get me started on pharmaceutical drugs so early in the morning!! LOL As for the HRT section, my mother's oncologist told me that he has NEVER had a female breast cancer patient who HAD NOT taken estrogen, and told me point blank, DON'T TAKE IT!!! OR YOU WILL GET BREAST CANCER!!! My mom took premarin for 35 years. Sheesh.

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