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Propaganda - TV Ad Promoting HPV Vaccine

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From: YouTube Service <service@...>Subject: shanksno1 sent you a video: "Propaganda - TV Ad Promoting HPV Vaccine""artnuwa11" <artnuwa11@...>Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 3:50 PM

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shanksno1 has shared a video with you on YouTube:

Vaccines? My colleague was distressed today as hadn't filled the form in for her daughter to have this vaccine, is it just me or what? Vaccines ring alarm bells but ok fair enough if need them but do we???

Propaganda - TV Ad Promoting HPV Vaccine

This advert has been on TV in England recently. It encourages young girls to see taking this vaccine as a normal part of their day.And here is one they have been showing in Scotland - http://www.fightcervicalcancer.org.uk/index.aspxThis ongoing propaganda campaign comes after pseudo-investigative journalist Jane (she works for The Sun - http://www.thesun.co.uk ) made a documentary entitled "The Jab That Can Stop Cancer", which was basically intended to make parents and children believe that these vaccinations are safe, effective and have no (long-term) side effects.In 20 years' time, maybe we'll be in a position to actually know what those non-existent side effects really were, and we can look forward to all the lies and propaganda about how nobody knew what they were doing.----------Dr Carley discusses the fact that her research shows that vaccines cause ALL

auto-immune diseases.http://www.drcarley.comShe hosts her own show on RBN - http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=archives.year & ProgramID=36 & year=8 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives - and co-hosts another show with Janet Phelan - http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=archives.year & ProgramID=54 & year=8 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives----------Alan Watt discussed some relevant issues in the mp3 below.Some of the topics discussed include:United Nations, Population Reduction - Health, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Public Relations, Inoculations - Gardasil, Anaphylactic Shock - Autism - Smallpox Vaccine. Flu Shot - Omission of Facts, False Conclusion - Efficacy - Slogans, Marketing, Repetition - Chronic Diseases - Fertility DropSept. 1, 2008Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" on RBN (ads removed):"Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to

Do?Roll Up Your Sleeve, Take a Jab, It May Prevent the Flu,The Inventor has No Faith In It, and Studies are Askew,The Makers Tell You'll Go to Hell if You Should Catch the Flu,The Public's in a Quandary to Which Study Must be True,Government's Mandate Says Don't be Late, We Must Prevent the Flu"mp3 - http://cuttingthrough.jenkness.com/CTTM/Alan_Watt_CTTM_LIVEonRBN_161_Terrifying_Propaganda_Says_Youll_Die--Oh_What_to_Do_Sept012008.mp3(Article - http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/health/article-1050616/Flu-jab-costs-115m-year-does-cut-death-rate-elderly.html - "Flu jab that costs £115m a year does not cut death rate in elderly" by Hope (mailonsunday.co.uk) - Aug. 29, 2008.)Watt mentions something he saw on the news in Canada about Gardasil:"The way it was presented itself was a lie because they said it was going to prevent cervical cancer. Now the company itself said that there's only 2 or 3 types of viruses it

might - it might, and that's the key word; MIGHT - prevent from taking off, causing inflamation. And that causes the supposed cervical cancer, at least that's one of the theories.So what about these 97 other varieties that it's not guarding against? So it's a rather poor guard.And really, do we really know what it is in the first place? We take everything on blind faith. We cannot get it through our heads that there are powers in this world that don't have our best interests at heart. We can see this clearly with the studies on autism when you look into all of the vaccinations that children get at about the age of one and a half years, and the sky-rocketing amount of autism it causes right after they get the jabs.Now if that's the same with all the other inoculations, which it could very well be, have we been fooled since they first gave us inoculations?We know that in the 1800s Britain, London, made it mandatory to take

(I think it was) the smallpox vaccine. And lo and behold all those that took the vaccine came down with smallpox. People who didn't take the vaccine were quite healthy. It killed off thousands of people.And then you really wonder, if they have a department at the UN to do with population reduction [they call it population control] and in the same building in the same organisation, they have a department for making mandatory vaccines the way of the world, would you really trust them? Why should you trust them?This Canadian spiel on the news for Gardasil said that some girls might go into anaphylactic shock, but don't worry about it - they have the antidote for that. She says 'don't worry about it.'If you go into anaphylactic shock, you can have a coronary arrest, myocardial infarction, you blow a hole through your heart, or you're going to get a stroke. A blood vessel can pop in your brain, or you'd be paralysed. But don't worry

about it.She made it sound so light you see. 'Oh we have the antidote for that if that happens.' And this is how all this stuff is pushed, by giving you partial truths but not the rest of the story. That's how the whole world is run in fact. That's how all things are presented to us."

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From: YouTube Service <service@...>Subject: shanksno1 sent you a video: "Propaganda - TV Ad Promoting HPV Vaccine""artnuwa11" <artnuwa11@...>Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 3:50 PM

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shanksno1 has shared a video with you on YouTube:

Vaccines? My colleague was distressed today as hadn't filled the form in for her daughter to have this vaccine, is it just me or what? Vaccines ring alarm bells but ok fair enough if need them but do we???

Propaganda - TV Ad Promoting HPV Vaccine

This advert has been on TV in England recently. It encourages young girls to see taking this vaccine as a normal part of their day.And here is one they have been showing in Scotland - http://www.fightcervicalcancer.org.uk/index.aspxThis ongoing propaganda campaign comes after pseudo-investigative journalist Jane (she works for The Sun - http://www.thesun.co.uk ) made a documentary entitled "The Jab That Can Stop Cancer", which was basically intended to make parents and children believe that these vaccinations are safe, effective and have no (long-term) side effects.In 20 years' time, maybe we'll be in a position to actually know what those non-existent side effects really were, and we can look forward to all the lies and propaganda about how nobody knew what they were doing.----------Dr Carley discusses the fact that her research shows that vaccines cause ALL

auto-immune diseases.http://www.drcarley.comShe hosts her own show on RBN - http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=archives.year & ProgramID=36 & year=8 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives - and co-hosts another show with Janet Phelan - http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=archives.year & ProgramID=54 & year=8 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives----------Alan Watt discussed some relevant issues in the mp3 below.Some of the topics discussed include:United Nations, Population Reduction - Health, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Public Relations, Inoculations - Gardasil, Anaphylactic Shock - Autism - Smallpox Vaccine. Flu Shot - Omission of Facts, False Conclusion - Efficacy - Slogans, Marketing, Repetition - Chronic Diseases - Fertility DropSept. 1, 2008Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" on RBN (ads removed):"Terrifying Propaganda Says You'll Die - Oh What to

Do?Roll Up Your Sleeve, Take a Jab, It May Prevent the Flu,The Inventor has No Faith In It, and Studies are Askew,The Makers Tell You'll Go to Hell if You Should Catch the Flu,The Public's in a Quandary to Which Study Must be True,Government's Mandate Says Don't be Late, We Must Prevent the Flu"mp3 - http://cuttingthrough.jenkness.com/CTTM/Alan_Watt_CTTM_LIVEonRBN_161_Terrifying_Propaganda_Says_Youll_Die--Oh_What_to_Do_Sept012008.mp3(Article - http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/health/article-1050616/Flu-jab-costs-115m-year-does-cut-death-rate-elderly.html - "Flu jab that costs £115m a year does not cut death rate in elderly" by Hope (mailonsunday.co.uk) - Aug. 29, 2008.)Watt mentions something he saw on the news in Canada about Gardasil:"The way it was presented itself was a lie because they said it was going to prevent cervical cancer. Now the company itself said that there's only 2 or 3 types of viruses it

might - it might, and that's the key word; MIGHT - prevent from taking off, causing inflamation. And that causes the supposed cervical cancer, at least that's one of the theories.So what about these 97 other varieties that it's not guarding against? So it's a rather poor guard.And really, do we really know what it is in the first place? We take everything on blind faith. We cannot get it through our heads that there are powers in this world that don't have our best interests at heart. We can see this clearly with the studies on autism when you look into all of the vaccinations that children get at about the age of one and a half years, and the sky-rocketing amount of autism it causes right after they get the jabs.Now if that's the same with all the other inoculations, which it could very well be, have we been fooled since they first gave us inoculations?We know that in the 1800s Britain, London, made it mandatory to take

(I think it was) the smallpox vaccine. And lo and behold all those that took the vaccine came down with smallpox. People who didn't take the vaccine were quite healthy. It killed off thousands of people.And then you really wonder, if they have a department at the UN to do with population reduction [they call it population control] and in the same building in the same organisation, they have a department for making mandatory vaccines the way of the world, would you really trust them? Why should you trust them?This Canadian spiel on the news for Gardasil said that some girls might go into anaphylactic shock, but don't worry about it - they have the antidote for that. She says 'don't worry about it.'If you go into anaphylactic shock, you can have a coronary arrest, myocardial infarction, you blow a hole through your heart, or you're going to get a stroke. A blood vessel can pop in your brain, or you'd be paralysed. But don't worry

about it.She made it sound so light you see. 'Oh we have the antidote for that if that happens.' And this is how all this stuff is pushed, by giving you partial truths but not the rest of the story. That's how the whole world is run in fact. That's how all things are presented to us."

You can respond to shanksno1 by visiting your inbox.

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