Guest guest Posted July 24, 2000 Report Share Posted July 24, 2000 Dear Sharon: Have started to write this, and each time, something happens and I lose what I typed, and have to start over again. Thanks for the very flattering remarks, and I am dedicated to doing whatever I can to help stop this dreaded virus, and get the word out. You mentioned some problems that you were assisting some people with, and while I can not provide " legal " advice, I can make suggestions as to what I would do. My information in these areas comes from many years of experience, combined with 2 Master's in Health Care Admin and Business, as well as my post Master's Certification as a Nurse Practitioner. All these initials and papers have allowed me to get to know the system from many different perspectives, and that's what I wanted to share and see if it may of any help. Also, besides all my education, I have participated in many private, State and Federal insurance investigations and have learned some of the tricks of the trade. There are several issues and knowledge of what makes the " industry tick " that can be used to obtain what is rightfully owed by any insurer to it's " members " . That means using the areas that the HMO's, etc., don't want major issues made public to be milled around in the media, and possibly trigger a major investigation. (I was part of the Columbia/HCA investigation, and the reason that all these agencies started an investigation was because, while everyone in the industry knew basically what was going on, and Columbia's ego grew, they basically forced themselves to be evaluated. They had the reputation that, based on size, political contacts, and " power " , they could get away with anything. But, it was exactly this " high and mighty " attitude that caused the investigation(s) ). Now lets see if I can finish this before I become too sleepy. There are certain facts that are not secret. If you are a stockholder, you want the company to make as much money as possible. If you are a patient, you don't care what the cost, you want the best care. While the two sound opposite, it can be used to one's advantage. First if you are going to talk to someone it has to be a caseworker that also has connections to finance. If you get some " twit " , they only know what is told to them, and you very rarely get anywhere. Now lets look at what is in the best interests of the insurance company, and how you can use it for your benefit. In the case of HCV, if someone undergoes treatment for 48 weeks, it breaks down, (of course there are differences depending on who and where), to: $ 18,000.00 for the combo therapy alone. Almost everyone needs certain additional meds during therapy, and that accounts for $ 1-2,000. Then there are the labs, and depending on what and how often, you are probably going to average $ 500-750.00 per month. Routine doctor visits will probably average $ 75.00 per month. Add initial tests for a diagnosis to be made, including a biopsy, ultrasound, radiology and specialty provider costs, usually average about $ 3-5,000. Using the high side, this will cost the insurance company approximately $ 35,050.00, which to any of us is a lot of money, but to them it is pocket change. For argument sake, lets go to the second worse case situation. They deny treatment, you deteriorate, can not work, need frequent testing and specialty evaluations to make sure any symptoms are not another separate problem, and if your liver is destroyed and you are placed on the transplant list. Average cost for just the transplant and hospitalization will run between $ 100,000-250,000.00. Add the medications that must be taken for rejection, potential infections, countless blood tests and specialist care, you can probably add another $ 2-3,000.00 a year for the rest of that person's life. Let's say someone lives another 20 years, and the probable total medical costs will probably run at least $ 200,000.00., which is cost them 500% more, just in medical costs, (Oh NO, there goes the higher profits that the shareholders want and were expecting). Take into account intangibles such as the inability to work full time, if at all, so they need some type of disability payments, etc. Financially, and realistically, one person may not add up to much, but, add a hundred and now you are beginning to talk big bucks. Some other issues, HCV, by the CDC has been declared an " epidemic " . While there are still fights to get disability for HCV, or Social Security, etc., the virus has been classified as a potentially deadly, and, to date, is a chronic disease. That leaves open litigation for possible discrimination against a " disability " , as well as places the public at jeopardy because it is not well publicized, and with HIV, a precedent has been established on situations such as these. Now a single person problems is not gong to be heard, but, a " class " , (as in class action), will get attention. Picture this situation: Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, my client, age ???, was a strong, healthy and productive member of society. He/she kept a steady job, is, or was raising a family, was a member of XYZ clubs and volunteered in work in a school helping out, paid the insurance premiums, and now, (pointing to the patient) has to carry a pager everywhere in the event a liver becomes available. Used any and all savings, including what was slated as funds for the children's college, to pay for a disease that he/she was stricken down with, and can no longer function without assistance because of her condition. He/she does not possess the physical stamina to see their child in a School play! Is too tired to participate in the activities done prior to becoming infected. Can Not work in a full time position, so that income is lost. Has had to move her family because she/he needs to be close to the hospital in case a donor is located, leaving her friends and community behind. And, even if the transplant was not a reason, the medical costs forced the family into a foreclosure, and lost their only place they ever called home. Additionally, unlike you and I, the plaintiff can not even pick up their grandchildren or child, because of the severe weakness. The plaintiff is aware of the fact that, because of their medical condition, they must make the best of today, because each day the plaintiff knows it could be their last, and they may never be able to move out of their house due to severe fatigue. Because of the " large " company mentality, who are more concerned with their profits, then doing what they have been paid to do, which is to provide care for their members. This is occurring at the same time that XYZ company is paying their CEO, millions, and other top management receiving outrageous compensation, the insurance company would rather pay ridiculous management packages, and dividends to their stock holders, then do what is expected, and promised, per their own plan. While the managers and shareholders get to go the finest restaurants, fill their refrigerators, drink expensive liquor, drive the finest cars, and live in large homes, this is happening at the expensive of my client's family watching a loved one go hungry, and deteriorate more each day. While they struggle to feed the children first, and if anything is left over, my client can nibble on stale bread. Instead, while ridiculous amounts of money are spent for unnecessary items, this comes at the expense of allowing " my client " and his/her family to live in total poverty, as well as the fear the plaintiff could die at any time. This could be avoided if just a fraction of the unnecessary money was used for providing what any " prudent " person would expect when they have medical insurance. But, instead they would rather ignore the only known course of treatment, and take the chance that my client will die before a transplant is available so they can avoid those costs as well. Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, while you hear the evidence presented to you, please also keep in mind that my client has lost the chance for a remission, his/her family have to change their entire lives for the needs of my client, and even then, they always have in the back of their minds, the children may be left without a parent and their loved one without a spouse, all because the insurance company placed profits over their obligations as they had promised through their own policy. " I know there is a great deal more, but I think you get the idea. The only thing an insurance company will be interested in, is when they can meet their basic obligation(s) at the least cost to them. If you work on their " pocket books " you will hit a nerve. If someone screams and yells, they usually get the attention, even if it is to shut them up. Another way, is to buy 1 share of stock, and then one becomes a shareholder, or owner within the company. That means that you are privy to all information, you can attend company meetings, vote, and, generally raise issues that will be sticky to answer. For example, " Mr. ---, I understand you are CEO and that last year you made $ X dollars in salary, and another $Y in bonuses and options, which totals $ Z millions of dollars. How can you explain to the other stockholders here that with all this income allowed to you, your company will not authorize FDA and CDC approved protocols for a life threatening illness? Further, can you explain why, as CEO, you would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment, for 1 patient, when there is an available alternative that is less then 1/10 the cost. Why is it that you, as CEO, would rather take the route that will increase liabilities, and thus, decrease what we as shareholders gain? Just to make sure we all understand what course is being traveled, while you are getting your salary and other benefits, you are willing to jeopardize all of us, as 'owners' and investors, by failing to act, and disregarding the consequences, opening the door to more government regulation, facing potential litigation, and watching our income decrease, all because the name of our company is being allowed to be dragged and smeared in the mud? Isn't this, not only a possible, but, probable course, from what is occurring? " So there are probably four areas to work on: 1. financial; 2. discrimination; 3. political; and 4. suing. There is also asking the State Insurance Commissioner to intervene. You may also send letters to your representatives, as well as to the chairperson over health, in the US Senate and House, as well as the State. One of these people should be willing to get involved, and since this is an election year, combined with all the issues of health care, you find the right person who would be willing to " fast track " the issues and force the company to meet their obligation. The last thing these politicians want is for it to get out that someone with an acute/chronic life threatening disease is being denied medical care, that is not " experimental " , and should be covered under the policy. With health care being the " buzz " word these days, any of them would love the opportunity to be able to say " ...I feel so strongly in health care for all, that I am, as well as encouraging my fellow colleagues, to assist in allowing access, and the highest quality of care, that can be provided. In fact, without naming my constituent, or the insurance company, I recently heard of that policy holders, who had been diagnosed with hepatitis C were being denied immediate care. I took the necessary and immediate action(s) to insure this problem was addressed and the appropriate care was made available., etc., etc. " If it were me, I would also send an Email, fax, and certified letter to the Medical Director, and nicely ask for their assistance. I might write that " on the advice of counsel... " , because, if done on a non-immediate threat, they know you are serious, you are implying your information is from a source that knows, and may be prepared to act, without making a direct threat where they are backed into a corner. I would mention that your are only looking for the care owed to you, BUT, if this can not be resolved immediately, I will be forced to use any and every avenue possible to gain the authorization and access to the care stated and implied under the medical policy issued. At this point I am only anxious to get access to care, while I still have a chance to gain remission, as well as delay, slow, or stop the progression of this virus before my condition may progress to a state that forces either more damage, and/or, results in a more serious, life threatening, and very expensive alternative course of treatment. Less face facts, politics, negative media attention, and litigation are the last thing any HMO wants to have is their name and reputation, on this or similar diseases, splattered in front of the public, and before politicians that are already looking at these issues. While I know there are situations where insurance companies have procrastinated, cost people their entire life savings, suffered negative long term effects, and people have died, because their insurance company has taken their time in approving therapy, refusing to pay for a treatment, or just procrastinated and did nothing, that period seems to be getting at it's end. As Congressional Testimony has concluded, the HMOs that were supposed to be less costly, more efficient, and allow well and sick care for all, have gone the opposite way. They are quickly becoming aware of all of this, as is society, and they know that if they want to survive in any capacity, they have to do something. They are also aware that there are State and Federal Bills pending that will force them to meet a governmental established criteria for care, and that " Big Brother " will watch everything they do, as well as tell these companies what they have to do. Some may survive, but others will not. I could go on, and probably have too much, but, these are some things that have been highly successful in the recent past. These companies do not want to be singled out, nor do they want a government audit. You have to play their game, work on their fears, threaten only as a last course, and just use whatever it takes to get what is owed to you, or others you know. Hope this helps. Marty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 24, 2000 Report Share Posted July 24, 2000 Dear Sharon: Have started to write this, and each time, something happens and I lose what I typed, and have to start over again. Thanks for the very flattering remarks, and I am dedicated to doing whatever I can to help stop this dreaded virus, and get the word out. You mentioned some problems that you were assisting some people with, and while I can not provide " legal " advice, I can make suggestions as to what I would do. My information in these areas comes from many years of experience, combined with 2 Master's in Health Care Admin and Business, as well as my post Master's Certification as a Nurse Practitioner. All these initials and papers have allowed me to get to know the system from many different perspectives, and that's what I wanted to share and see if it may of any help. Also, besides all my education, I have participated in many private, State and Federal insurance investigations and have learned some of the tricks of the trade. There are several issues and knowledge of what makes the " industry tick " that can be used to obtain what is rightfully owed by any insurer to it's " members " . That means using the areas that the HMO's, etc., don't want major issues made public to be milled around in the media, and possibly trigger a major investigation. (I was part of the Columbia/HCA investigation, and the reason that all these agencies started an investigation was because, while everyone in the industry knew basically what was going on, and Columbia's ego grew, they basically forced themselves to be evaluated. They had the reputation that, based on size, political contacts, and " power " , they could get away with anything. But, it was exactly this " high and mighty " attitude that caused the investigation(s) ). Now lets see if I can finish this before I become too sleepy. There are certain facts that are not secret. If you are a stockholder, you want the company to make as much money as possible. If you are a patient, you don't care what the cost, you want the best care. While the two sound opposite, it can be used to one's advantage. First if you are going to talk to someone it has to be a caseworker that also has connections to finance. If you get some " twit " , they only know what is told to them, and you very rarely get anywhere. Now lets look at what is in the best interests of the insurance company, and how you can use it for your benefit. In the case of HCV, if someone undergoes treatment for 48 weeks, it breaks down, (of course there are differences depending on who and where), to: $ 18,000.00 for the combo therapy alone. Almost everyone needs certain additional meds during therapy, and that accounts for $ 1-2,000. Then there are the labs, and depending on what and how often, you are probably going to average $ 500-750.00 per month. Routine doctor visits will probably average $ 75.00 per month. Add initial tests for a diagnosis to be made, including a biopsy, ultrasound, radiology and specialty provider costs, usually average about $ 3-5,000. Using the high side, this will cost the insurance company approximately $ 35,050.00, which to any of us is a lot of money, but to them it is pocket change. For argument sake, lets go to the second worse case situation. They deny treatment, you deteriorate, can not work, need frequent testing and specialty evaluations to make sure any symptoms are not another separate problem, and if your liver is destroyed and you are placed on the transplant list. Average cost for just the transplant and hospitalization will run between $ 100,000-250,000.00. Add the medications that must be taken for rejection, potential infections, countless blood tests and specialist care, you can probably add another $ 2-3,000.00 a year for the rest of that person's life. Let's say someone lives another 20 years, and the probable total medical costs will probably run at least $ 200,000.00., which is cost them 500% more, just in medical costs, (Oh NO, there goes the higher profits that the shareholders want and were expecting). Take into account intangibles such as the inability to work full time, if at all, so they need some type of disability payments, etc. Financially, and realistically, one person may not add up to much, but, add a hundred and now you are beginning to talk big bucks. Some other issues, HCV, by the CDC has been declared an " epidemic " . While there are still fights to get disability for HCV, or Social Security, etc., the virus has been classified as a potentially deadly, and, to date, is a chronic disease. That leaves open litigation for possible discrimination against a " disability " , as well as places the public at jeopardy because it is not well publicized, and with HIV, a precedent has been established on situations such as these. Now a single person problems is not gong to be heard, but, a " class " , (as in class action), will get attention. Picture this situation: Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, my client, age ???, was a strong, healthy and productive member of society. He/she kept a steady job, is, or was raising a family, was a member of XYZ clubs and volunteered in work in a school helping out, paid the insurance premiums, and now, (pointing to the patient) has to carry a pager everywhere in the event a liver becomes available. Used any and all savings, including what was slated as funds for the children's college, to pay for a disease that he/she was stricken down with, and can no longer function without assistance because of her condition. He/she does not possess the physical stamina to see their child in a School play! Is too tired to participate in the activities done prior to becoming infected. Can Not work in a full time position, so that income is lost. Has had to move her family because she/he needs to be close to the hospital in case a donor is located, leaving her friends and community behind. And, even if the transplant was not a reason, the medical costs forced the family into a foreclosure, and lost their only place they ever called home. Additionally, unlike you and I, the plaintiff can not even pick up their grandchildren or child, because of the severe weakness. The plaintiff is aware of the fact that, because of their medical condition, they must make the best of today, because each day the plaintiff knows it could be their last, and they may never be able to move out of their house due to severe fatigue. Because of the " large " company mentality, who are more concerned with their profits, then doing what they have been paid to do, which is to provide care for their members. This is occurring at the same time that XYZ company is paying their CEO, millions, and other top management receiving outrageous compensation, the insurance company would rather pay ridiculous management packages, and dividends to their stock holders, then do what is expected, and promised, per their own plan. While the managers and shareholders get to go the finest restaurants, fill their refrigerators, drink expensive liquor, drive the finest cars, and live in large homes, this is happening at the expensive of my client's family watching a loved one go hungry, and deteriorate more each day. While they struggle to feed the children first, and if anything is left over, my client can nibble on stale bread. Instead, while ridiculous amounts of money are spent for unnecessary items, this comes at the expense of allowing " my client " and his/her family to live in total poverty, as well as the fear the plaintiff could die at any time. This could be avoided if just a fraction of the unnecessary money was used for providing what any " prudent " person would expect when they have medical insurance. But, instead they would rather ignore the only known course of treatment, and take the chance that my client will die before a transplant is available so they can avoid those costs as well. Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, while you hear the evidence presented to you, please also keep in mind that my client has lost the chance for a remission, his/her family have to change their entire lives for the needs of my client, and even then, they always have in the back of their minds, the children may be left without a parent and their loved one without a spouse, all because the insurance company placed profits over their obligations as they had promised through their own policy. " I know there is a great deal more, but I think you get the idea. The only thing an insurance company will be interested in, is when they can meet their basic obligation(s) at the least cost to them. If you work on their " pocket books " you will hit a nerve. If someone screams and yells, they usually get the attention, even if it is to shut them up. Another way, is to buy 1 share of stock, and then one becomes a shareholder, or owner within the company. That means that you are privy to all information, you can attend company meetings, vote, and, generally raise issues that will be sticky to answer. For example, " Mr. ---, I understand you are CEO and that last year you made $ X dollars in salary, and another $Y in bonuses and options, which totals $ Z millions of dollars. How can you explain to the other stockholders here that with all this income allowed to you, your company will not authorize FDA and CDC approved protocols for a life threatening illness? Further, can you explain why, as CEO, you would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment, for 1 patient, when there is an available alternative that is less then 1/10 the cost. Why is it that you, as CEO, would rather take the route that will increase liabilities, and thus, decrease what we as shareholders gain? Just to make sure we all understand what course is being traveled, while you are getting your salary and other benefits, you are willing to jeopardize all of us, as 'owners' and investors, by failing to act, and disregarding the consequences, opening the door to more government regulation, facing potential litigation, and watching our income decrease, all because the name of our company is being allowed to be dragged and smeared in the mud? Isn't this, not only a possible, but, probable course, from what is occurring? " So there are probably four areas to work on: 1. financial; 2. discrimination; 3. political; and 4. suing. There is also asking the State Insurance Commissioner to intervene. You may also send letters to your representatives, as well as to the chairperson over health, in the US Senate and House, as well as the State. One of these people should be willing to get involved, and since this is an election year, combined with all the issues of health care, you find the right person who would be willing to " fast track " the issues and force the company to meet their obligation. The last thing these politicians want is for it to get out that someone with an acute/chronic life threatening disease is being denied medical care, that is not " experimental " , and should be covered under the policy. With health care being the " buzz " word these days, any of them would love the opportunity to be able to say " ...I feel so strongly in health care for all, that I am, as well as encouraging my fellow colleagues, to assist in allowing access, and the highest quality of care, that can be provided. In fact, without naming my constituent, or the insurance company, I recently heard of that policy holders, who had been diagnosed with hepatitis C were being denied immediate care. I took the necessary and immediate action(s) to insure this problem was addressed and the appropriate care was made available., etc., etc. " If it were me, I would also send an Email, fax, and certified letter to the Medical Director, and nicely ask for their assistance. I might write that " on the advice of counsel... " , because, if done on a non-immediate threat, they know you are serious, you are implying your information is from a source that knows, and may be prepared to act, without making a direct threat where they are backed into a corner. I would mention that your are only looking for the care owed to you, BUT, if this can not be resolved immediately, I will be forced to use any and every avenue possible to gain the authorization and access to the care stated and implied under the medical policy issued. At this point I am only anxious to get access to care, while I still have a chance to gain remission, as well as delay, slow, or stop the progression of this virus before my condition may progress to a state that forces either more damage, and/or, results in a more serious, life threatening, and very expensive alternative course of treatment. Less face facts, politics, negative media attention, and litigation are the last thing any HMO wants to have is their name and reputation, on this or similar diseases, splattered in front of the public, and before politicians that are already looking at these issues. While I know there are situations where insurance companies have procrastinated, cost people their entire life savings, suffered negative long term effects, and people have died, because their insurance company has taken their time in approving therapy, refusing to pay for a treatment, or just procrastinated and did nothing, that period seems to be getting at it's end. As Congressional Testimony has concluded, the HMOs that were supposed to be less costly, more efficient, and allow well and sick care for all, have gone the opposite way. They are quickly becoming aware of all of this, as is society, and they know that if they want to survive in any capacity, they have to do something. They are also aware that there are State and Federal Bills pending that will force them to meet a governmental established criteria for care, and that " Big Brother " will watch everything they do, as well as tell these companies what they have to do. Some may survive, but others will not. I could go on, and probably have too much, but, these are some things that have been highly successful in the recent past. These companies do not want to be singled out, nor do they want a government audit. You have to play their game, work on their fears, threaten only as a last course, and just use whatever it takes to get what is owed to you, or others you know. Hope this helps. Marty Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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