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This a rather long article and has some " silliness " (IMO) in it but the part

about AIDS is very interesting.



Can this be true That Hillary could still be our next


---------- Forwarded Message ----------



Good Morning -- BroJon Readers !! Here's the latest edition of






" We'll know our disinformation program is complete when

everything the American public believes is false. "

-- Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)



Three days ago, I sent you a Digest with an added “P.S.” that said “Today is

Dec 7th, the proverbial beginning of WWII in 1941. It is also my birthday,

but I was born two years later in 1944.” A Number of Readers wrote me to

indicate that I had made a mistake. The difference from 1944 and 1941 is

three years NOT two years. For me it was not a mistake. Here's the reason

and my explanation:

To and others --

Thanx for spotting my obvious error. Yes it was numerically three years.

But I have long followed a strange story about the real beginnings of WWII.

From the East coast millions of young recruits were trained in Georgia and

sent to north Africa to fight Rommel and the Nazis in early 1942. Thus for

many, WWII began just weeks after the Japanese bombing in Dec 1941. But for

many others, on the west coast, WWII did not begin until the end of 1942.

Since I am from the West coast, that probably is the reason for the mistake

in the years. I was thinking about something else while I was composing the

Digest and simply forgot to tell the readers.

Yes, the Army did recruit millions of soldiers in Jan 1942 and sent them to

Africa. But the Navy and Marines also recruited millions of youngsters and

sent them to basic boot camp in San Diego. Instantly a problem turned up.

Since they were being trained to fight a war in the Pacific, they were all

inoculated for tropical diseases like Yellow Fever. Within days, most of

the millions being trained were sick and turning yellow. Most doctors

thought it was something wrong with the Yellow Fever Vaccine and all the

trainees were sent home for proper health care. Thus in January 1942, the

War in the Pacific had suddenly come to an end. After finding nothing wrong

with the vaccine, another set of millions of Navy and Marine recruits were

later selected and sent to San Diego. But this was all hush-hush top

secret. To tell this story in the newspapers would be the same as telling

the Japanese that they were safe and the US would not be a problem or attack

them for almost a year, and the Japanese could continue to take over

territory in the Pacific and consolidate it into the Japanese empire. The

US didn't want to do that, so the story about all the sick marines in San

Diego in 1942 was never told to the public until researchers uncovered the

story in the 1990's.

Thus for West coasters, the beginning of WWII in the Pacific did not start

until after the daring Doolittle Air Raid on Tokyo on April 18, 1942. And

the actual landing of fighting marines on distant atolls by jumping off

LSTs didn’t begin until late in 1942 -- and it was two years after that date

when I was born. OK OK, so forgive me for having in mind two dates for the

beginning of WWII. One was Pearl Harbor Day, and the other in the Pacific

arena actually began in Dec 1942, and I was born 2 years after that date.

Sorry for the confusion.

Actually, I will be telling this story again, since the Marines in San Diego

did not have Yellow Fever from a bad vaccine. What they really had was the

first known cases of Hepatitis B, which later research shows is NOT sexually

transmitted since none of the marines wives ever got the disease even after

40 years. But for years, Hep B has been called a sexually transmitted

disease. And for some reason all the people who got AIDS had also received

the Hep B vaccine to prevent spread of Hep B.

Thus in 1988, I started telling the story in my radio interviews on KKUP

radio, of the relationship between Hepatitis B and AIDS. What they have in

common in not sexual transmission but direct injection into the patient of

an RNA molecule which shows up on tests as a Hep B or AIDS marker, but does

not, in fact, cause any disease. The story of AIDS as a disease has been a

30 year old Hoax which has cost the lives of millions of people around the

world. Certainly I will be telling the story soon, with all the scientific

documentation and medical journal articles which I presented on the radio,

20 years ago. What it means to me is that I was born 2 years after the

first cases of Hep B subsided in San Diego and the alternate beginning of

WWII in the Pacific. It was probably thinking about the AIDS story which

made me try to tell you I was born 2 years after Pearl Harbor or the

alternate beginning of WWII. Sorry. But that is the Sorta thing that

happens when you try to apply scientific logic to the story of Obama and the



Editor, Brother Gazette


(or temporarily teddyspeaks@... )

PS: In 1988 through 1995 I was a regular interview guest on KKUP radio, a

local community station in Cupertino, California. It was on an all-nite

program from midnite to six am. Mostly I discussed stories in the news and

told about all the medical journal articles which I brought with me to show

that most of the news stories were false. The hot topic then was the

discovery of the disease AIDS. I proved the news was false. This also

proved to be a hot topic on the radio. I had many hundreds of

listeners/callers who called me and tried to refute my claims. All of them

failed. I had boxes of medical scientific articles which I had marked up,

dogeared and indexed to refute each point that they made.

I was more successful than I thought. In April of 1989 I went to the San

Francisco AIDS conference held in a large SF church. I sat by myself in the

back of the church. I was not a speaker, just an on-looker, a Conference

attendee. At the beginning of the conference I noticed that most of the

thousands of participants in audience were turning around and pointing their

fingers at me in the back of the church. Somebody was telling them that I

was “that evil Marshall , who didn't believe in AIDS.” I had heard

all those comments before in my radio interviews whenever the audience

questioned me. I assumed that most of the AIDS conference participants had

either heard me on the radio or were told about me. They all wanted to see

who that guy was. The purpose of the Conference was to form a coalition and

push Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush to spend billions on AIDS research and

look for a cure. On the radio I was claiming it was all a hoax. And that

is why I sat by myself in the back of the church.

At the end of the conference that afternoon, I left to go to my car. In

front of the church on the sidewalk, I was suddenly surrounded by about 30

black men all wearing black leather jackets. It seemed to be a black gang

surrounding me. Two men wore blue dashikis with beaded blue caps. The

taller of the two spoke. “Mr. , we are the Black Gay mens health

alliance from East Oakland. We know what you've been saying, and we don't

like it.”

My first thought was, I was about to get stomped by an angry black gang of

thugs. They didn't know I had a secret weapon. For years I was a top radio

disk jockey in the SF Bay area, and I spoke in crisp clear English. That is

what anybody would have heard if they listened to my KKUP interviews. But I

was born and raised in Berkeley, California, which is mostly a black

community stretching all the way to East Oakland. I was raised and went to

school mostly with black kids. I could speak “Black” just like I did with

my classmates and friends in first grade. I could “tox to them in theys own

ebonic languidge.” They were suddenly stunned, I could tell that simply by

looking at them straight in the eye, and showing them I was not afraid.

I told them I had not brought along my boxful of medical science articles,

since I was not planning to be a speaker at the 1989 AIDS Conference. But I

could prove I was correct just by “axing” them about their own experiences.

For the next five minutes, I stood in the middle of the circle of 30 men,

and I asked them questions and surveyed them by raising “theys” hands to

indicate what I said was true for them.

I mostly asked them about the mysterious opening and closing of “Free Health

clinics” where they went to get an AIDS test. How they had to search for

another free clinic where they were told they tested positive for AIDS, and

if they continued to have sex after that, they could be arrested as a

dangerous felon for spreading AIDS. So they agreed to the AIDS therapy

which at that time was an “AIDS cocktail.” And it was only after starting

the therapy did they feel sick and have “full-blown AIDS.” About 20 of the

30 men indicated they had all gone through that experience, and I asked the

remaining 10 to confirm they had never gone to a Free clinic and never got


Based on their own experiences I concluded, “See, You go to a free AIDS

clinic and you end up with AIDS. Don't go to a free clinic and you don't

get AIDS. Thus AIDS is not sexually transmitted, you only get it from the

mysterious Free clinics.” And as I usually did in my radio interviews, I

added, “It would seem that somebody wants to eliminate hundreds of millions

of black or gay people. This is genocide against blacks.” I then raised my

hand to indicate I was leaving, and they broke the circle and I walked to my

car. I had just made 30 new friends who all believed what I had just taught


I was not surprised to find that this strange confrontation between me and

30 black men from Oakland had be told and retold around the world. Within

weeks I heard rumors of many black groups in Africa all claiming that AIDS

is genocide coming from America. It also was passed among black communities

in the United States. Yes, 20 years ago it even went as far as the Trinity

United Church of Christ in Chicago. My 30 black men in SF had done their job

well. They had listened, learned and like good activists they had quickly

passed the word. But as I said, I did not carry my box of medical journals,

so the word they passed was only based on their own experiences, not on any

scientific evidence.

Thus in April of this year 2008, when constant news media replays of Rev.

surfaced, he was shown as a black activist hot-head who

said, “god damn America, AIDS is genocide against blacks!” The news media

portrayed this as obviously false and an embarrassment for Barack Obama.

Obama was forced to resign membership in the Church. But I thought, “right

on, Rev. . Finally somebody is telling the truth.” I knew then that

Rev. had heard of my confrontation with the 30 black men in SF in

1989. Obama was forced to say he spent 20 years in the Church but never

heard anything Rev. ever had to say. Such a shame.

And after Obama's leaving the Church he also approved the spending of

billions of dollars to combat AIDS in Africa. This is like signing an

execution order for hundreds of millions of blacks in Africa. I suspect

most of the blacks who applauded the election of the “first Africa-American”

never knew what Obama had just done. In my studies, the only group who had

the deep pockets to open mysterious Free clinics, close them with no trace,

and then reopen new clinics elsewhere which dispensed the AIDS cure, which

was the actual kill mechanism, was – the Troika.

That's why this Digest series is called “Obama and the Troika.” And you

thought this Digest was about my mistake about claiming that I was born two

years after the start of WWII. No -- you were mistaken. There actually

were two beginnings for WWII. The difference was the secret delay of about

a year in the Pacific War caused by Hepatitis B. And that was the smoking

gun which lead to my research into AIDS. And the strange confrontation with

the 30 black men outside the 1989 AIDS conference.

Another big mistake like that is being made right now. You probably believe

that Barack Obama is the “President Elect.” He has been calling himself

that since the popular election on November 4. But in fact, he is NOT the

President Elect. Just winning the popular vote by the public does not make

you the President Elect. He has to wait until the Electoral College meets

and elects him as the next president. And that does not occur, according to

the US Constitution until the first Monday after the first Tuesday in

December. Which in 2008 falls on December 15, about a week from now. Until

then, since Obama already resigned from his Senate seat, he is merely

citizen Obama. So what is he doing going around appointing Cabinet members

and approving laws to bail out the auto industry, he doesn't have the power

to do that. It is all a sham or hoax to fool you. He is NOT going to be

the next president. What?

The news media is lying to you. When was the last time a future president

has won the popular vote, but then failed in the Electoral College contest?

Years ago, maybe back in 1850 something? NO. It was the very last two

elections. That is the current media Big Lie. In 2000, Al Gore won the

popular vote with a slim margin and proclaimed himself the President Elect.

But after much legal maneuvering and counting hanging chads in Florida –

Bush was elected.

The Democrats claimed the election was stolen, but they had ignored the

Electoral College – they were ignoring the existence of the US Constitution.

Again in 2004 Kerry won the popular vote and proclaimed himself the

President Elect, but the Electoral College voted for Bush in his second

term. So just proclaiming yourself the “President Elect” does not make it

so. Thus in the last two presidential elections, thats two out of two – one

hundred percent of the time, the winner of the popular vote was not elected

President. So what are “President Elect” Obama's chances of ever becoming

President? That's coming next in the next issue of the Brojon Daily


PS: Obviously you and the rest of the world are in for a great surprise. I

am a scientist not a political prognosticator. I am uncomfortable reading

tea leaves. But even the last two Digests predicted someone else would

become President. Every time I lay out the political Tarot cards, the

pattern I see is always the same – Hillary Wins! A good Tarot reader knows

that if the same pattern repetitedly shows up. it must mean something

spectacular is about to happen. With Hillary Care, AIDS testing and

therapy would be mandatory. Now you know what that means.


Editor, Brother Gazette


(or temporarily teddyspeaks@... )

To donate to the BroJon Gazette go here:

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations & business=admin%40brojon%2ec\

om & item_name=Emergency%20BroJon%20one%2dtime%20Donation & no_shipping=0 & no_note=1 & \

tax=0 & currency_code=USD & lc=US & bn=PP%2dDonationsBF & charset=UTF%2d8

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Click here to find the live links to the full news stories in the Gazette -

http://www.brojon.com or brojon.org

*** Tell A Friend You Read About It In The Brother Gazette ***

You can forward a copy of this Digest to a friend to let them know

what they can find in the latest edition of the Brother Gazette.


The BROJON DAILY DIGEST is published for readers and subscribers of the

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Copyright © 2008 TeddySpeaks Foundation Inc.

Brother Gazette -- All rights reserved.


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This a rather long article and has some " silliness " (IMO) in it but the part

about AIDS is very interesting.



Can this be true That Hillary could still be our next


---------- Forwarded Message ----------



Good Morning -- BroJon Readers !! Here's the latest edition of






" We'll know our disinformation program is complete when

everything the American public believes is false. "

-- Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)



Three days ago, I sent you a Digest with an added “P.S.” that said “Today is

Dec 7th, the proverbial beginning of WWII in 1941. It is also my birthday,

but I was born two years later in 1944.” A Number of Readers wrote me to

indicate that I had made a mistake. The difference from 1944 and 1941 is

three years NOT two years. For me it was not a mistake. Here's the reason

and my explanation:

To and others --

Thanx for spotting my obvious error. Yes it was numerically three years.

But I have long followed a strange story about the real beginnings of WWII.

From the East coast millions of young recruits were trained in Georgia and

sent to north Africa to fight Rommel and the Nazis in early 1942. Thus for

many, WWII began just weeks after the Japanese bombing in Dec 1941. But for

many others, on the west coast, WWII did not begin until the end of 1942.

Since I am from the West coast, that probably is the reason for the mistake

in the years. I was thinking about something else while I was composing the

Digest and simply forgot to tell the readers.

Yes, the Army did recruit millions of soldiers in Jan 1942 and sent them to

Africa. But the Navy and Marines also recruited millions of youngsters and

sent them to basic boot camp in San Diego. Instantly a problem turned up.

Since they were being trained to fight a war in the Pacific, they were all

inoculated for tropical diseases like Yellow Fever. Within days, most of

the millions being trained were sick and turning yellow. Most doctors

thought it was something wrong with the Yellow Fever Vaccine and all the

trainees were sent home for proper health care. Thus in January 1942, the

War in the Pacific had suddenly come to an end. After finding nothing wrong

with the vaccine, another set of millions of Navy and Marine recruits were

later selected and sent to San Diego. But this was all hush-hush top

secret. To tell this story in the newspapers would be the same as telling

the Japanese that they were safe and the US would not be a problem or attack

them for almost a year, and the Japanese could continue to take over

territory in the Pacific and consolidate it into the Japanese empire. The

US didn't want to do that, so the story about all the sick marines in San

Diego in 1942 was never told to the public until researchers uncovered the

story in the 1990's.

Thus for West coasters, the beginning of WWII in the Pacific did not start

until after the daring Doolittle Air Raid on Tokyo on April 18, 1942. And

the actual landing of fighting marines on distant atolls by jumping off

LSTs didn’t begin until late in 1942 -- and it was two years after that date

when I was born. OK OK, so forgive me for having in mind two dates for the

beginning of WWII. One was Pearl Harbor Day, and the other in the Pacific

arena actually began in Dec 1942, and I was born 2 years after that date.

Sorry for the confusion.

Actually, I will be telling this story again, since the Marines in San Diego

did not have Yellow Fever from a bad vaccine. What they really had was the

first known cases of Hepatitis B, which later research shows is NOT sexually

transmitted since none of the marines wives ever got the disease even after

40 years. But for years, Hep B has been called a sexually transmitted

disease. And for some reason all the people who got AIDS had also received

the Hep B vaccine to prevent spread of Hep B.

Thus in 1988, I started telling the story in my radio interviews on KKUP

radio, of the relationship between Hepatitis B and AIDS. What they have in

common in not sexual transmission but direct injection into the patient of

an RNA molecule which shows up on tests as a Hep B or AIDS marker, but does

not, in fact, cause any disease. The story of AIDS as a disease has been a

30 year old Hoax which has cost the lives of millions of people around the

world. Certainly I will be telling the story soon, with all the scientific

documentation and medical journal articles which I presented on the radio,

20 years ago. What it means to me is that I was born 2 years after the

first cases of Hep B subsided in San Diego and the alternate beginning of

WWII in the Pacific. It was probably thinking about the AIDS story which

made me try to tell you I was born 2 years after Pearl Harbor or the

alternate beginning of WWII. Sorry. But that is the Sorta thing that

happens when you try to apply scientific logic to the story of Obama and the



Editor, Brother Gazette


(or temporarily teddyspeaks@... )

PS: In 1988 through 1995 I was a regular interview guest on KKUP radio, a

local community station in Cupertino, California. It was on an all-nite

program from midnite to six am. Mostly I discussed stories in the news and

told about all the medical journal articles which I brought with me to show

that most of the news stories were false. The hot topic then was the

discovery of the disease AIDS. I proved the news was false. This also

proved to be a hot topic on the radio. I had many hundreds of

listeners/callers who called me and tried to refute my claims. All of them

failed. I had boxes of medical scientific articles which I had marked up,

dogeared and indexed to refute each point that they made.

I was more successful than I thought. In April of 1989 I went to the San

Francisco AIDS conference held in a large SF church. I sat by myself in the

back of the church. I was not a speaker, just an on-looker, a Conference

attendee. At the beginning of the conference I noticed that most of the

thousands of participants in audience were turning around and pointing their

fingers at me in the back of the church. Somebody was telling them that I

was “that evil Marshall , who didn't believe in AIDS.” I had heard

all those comments before in my radio interviews whenever the audience

questioned me. I assumed that most of the AIDS conference participants had

either heard me on the radio or were told about me. They all wanted to see

who that guy was. The purpose of the Conference was to form a coalition and

push Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush to spend billions on AIDS research and

look for a cure. On the radio I was claiming it was all a hoax. And that

is why I sat by myself in the back of the church.

At the end of the conference that afternoon, I left to go to my car. In

front of the church on the sidewalk, I was suddenly surrounded by about 30

black men all wearing black leather jackets. It seemed to be a black gang

surrounding me. Two men wore blue dashikis with beaded blue caps. The

taller of the two spoke. “Mr. , we are the Black Gay mens health

alliance from East Oakland. We know what you've been saying, and we don't

like it.”

My first thought was, I was about to get stomped by an angry black gang of

thugs. They didn't know I had a secret weapon. For years I was a top radio

disk jockey in the SF Bay area, and I spoke in crisp clear English. That is

what anybody would have heard if they listened to my KKUP interviews. But I

was born and raised in Berkeley, California, which is mostly a black

community stretching all the way to East Oakland. I was raised and went to

school mostly with black kids. I could speak “Black” just like I did with

my classmates and friends in first grade. I could “tox to them in theys own

ebonic languidge.” They were suddenly stunned, I could tell that simply by

looking at them straight in the eye, and showing them I was not afraid.

I told them I had not brought along my boxful of medical science articles,

since I was not planning to be a speaker at the 1989 AIDS Conference. But I

could prove I was correct just by “axing” them about their own experiences.

For the next five minutes, I stood in the middle of the circle of 30 men,

and I asked them questions and surveyed them by raising “theys” hands to

indicate what I said was true for them.

I mostly asked them about the mysterious opening and closing of “Free Health

clinics” where they went to get an AIDS test. How they had to search for

another free clinic where they were told they tested positive for AIDS, and

if they continued to have sex after that, they could be arrested as a

dangerous felon for spreading AIDS. So they agreed to the AIDS therapy

which at that time was an “AIDS cocktail.” And it was only after starting

the therapy did they feel sick and have “full-blown AIDS.” About 20 of the

30 men indicated they had all gone through that experience, and I asked the

remaining 10 to confirm they had never gone to a Free clinic and never got


Based on their own experiences I concluded, “See, You go to a free AIDS

clinic and you end up with AIDS. Don't go to a free clinic and you don't

get AIDS. Thus AIDS is not sexually transmitted, you only get it from the

mysterious Free clinics.” And as I usually did in my radio interviews, I

added, “It would seem that somebody wants to eliminate hundreds of millions

of black or gay people. This is genocide against blacks.” I then raised my

hand to indicate I was leaving, and they broke the circle and I walked to my

car. I had just made 30 new friends who all believed what I had just taught


I was not surprised to find that this strange confrontation between me and

30 black men from Oakland had be told and retold around the world. Within

weeks I heard rumors of many black groups in Africa all claiming that AIDS

is genocide coming from America. It also was passed among black communities

in the United States. Yes, 20 years ago it even went as far as the Trinity

United Church of Christ in Chicago. My 30 black men in SF had done their job

well. They had listened, learned and like good activists they had quickly

passed the word. But as I said, I did not carry my box of medical journals,

so the word they passed was only based on their own experiences, not on any

scientific evidence.

Thus in April of this year 2008, when constant news media replays of Rev.

surfaced, he was shown as a black activist hot-head who

said, “god damn America, AIDS is genocide against blacks!” The news media

portrayed this as obviously false and an embarrassment for Barack Obama.

Obama was forced to resign membership in the Church. But I thought, “right

on, Rev. . Finally somebody is telling the truth.” I knew then that

Rev. had heard of my confrontation with the 30 black men in SF in

1989. Obama was forced to say he spent 20 years in the Church but never

heard anything Rev. ever had to say. Such a shame.

And after Obama's leaving the Church he also approved the spending of

billions of dollars to combat AIDS in Africa. This is like signing an

execution order for hundreds of millions of blacks in Africa. I suspect

most of the blacks who applauded the election of the “first Africa-American”

never knew what Obama had just done. In my studies, the only group who had

the deep pockets to open mysterious Free clinics, close them with no trace,

and then reopen new clinics elsewhere which dispensed the AIDS cure, which

was the actual kill mechanism, was – the Troika.

That's why this Digest series is called “Obama and the Troika.” And you

thought this Digest was about my mistake about claiming that I was born two

years after the start of WWII. No -- you were mistaken. There actually

were two beginnings for WWII. The difference was the secret delay of about

a year in the Pacific War caused by Hepatitis B. And that was the smoking

gun which lead to my research into AIDS. And the strange confrontation with

the 30 black men outside the 1989 AIDS conference.

Another big mistake like that is being made right now. You probably believe

that Barack Obama is the “President Elect.” He has been calling himself

that since the popular election on November 4. But in fact, he is NOT the

President Elect. Just winning the popular vote by the public does not make

you the President Elect. He has to wait until the Electoral College meets

and elects him as the next president. And that does not occur, according to

the US Constitution until the first Monday after the first Tuesday in

December. Which in 2008 falls on December 15, about a week from now. Until

then, since Obama already resigned from his Senate seat, he is merely

citizen Obama. So what is he doing going around appointing Cabinet members

and approving laws to bail out the auto industry, he doesn't have the power

to do that. It is all a sham or hoax to fool you. He is NOT going to be

the next president. What?

The news media is lying to you. When was the last time a future president

has won the popular vote, but then failed in the Electoral College contest?

Years ago, maybe back in 1850 something? NO. It was the very last two

elections. That is the current media Big Lie. In 2000, Al Gore won the

popular vote with a slim margin and proclaimed himself the President Elect.

But after much legal maneuvering and counting hanging chads in Florida –

Bush was elected.

The Democrats claimed the election was stolen, but they had ignored the

Electoral College – they were ignoring the existence of the US Constitution.

Again in 2004 Kerry won the popular vote and proclaimed himself the

President Elect, but the Electoral College voted for Bush in his second

term. So just proclaiming yourself the “President Elect” does not make it

so. Thus in the last two presidential elections, thats two out of two – one

hundred percent of the time, the winner of the popular vote was not elected

President. So what are “President Elect” Obama's chances of ever becoming

President? That's coming next in the next issue of the Brojon Daily


PS: Obviously you and the rest of the world are in for a great surprise. I

am a scientist not a political prognosticator. I am uncomfortable reading

tea leaves. But even the last two Digests predicted someone else would

become President. Every time I lay out the political Tarot cards, the

pattern I see is always the same – Hillary Wins! A good Tarot reader knows

that if the same pattern repetitedly shows up. it must mean something

spectacular is about to happen. With Hillary Care, AIDS testing and

therapy would be mandatory. Now you know what that means.


Editor, Brother Gazette


(or temporarily teddyspeaks@... )

To donate to the BroJon Gazette go here:

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations & business=admin%40brojon%2ec\

om & item_name=Emergency%20BroJon%20one%2dtime%20Donation & no_shipping=0 & no_note=1 & \

tax=0 & currency_code=USD & lc=US & bn=PP%2dDonationsBF & charset=UTF%2d8

Subscribe to the Daily Digest go here:


Click here to find the live links to the full news stories in the Gazette -

http://www.brojon.com or brojon.org

*** Tell A Friend You Read About It In The Brother Gazette ***

You can forward a copy of this Digest to a friend to let them know

what they can find in the latest edition of the Brother Gazette.


The BROJON DAILY DIGEST is published for readers and subscribers of the

Brother Gazette.

Copyright © 2008 TeddySpeaks Foundation Inc.

Brother Gazette -- All rights reserved.


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