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Vaccines: October Newsletter

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In this issue

1. California TDaP Exemption Form:

Desperation on display

2. Upcoming Seminars

3. New vaccine book

Vaccination Is Not Immunization

2012 edition

4. CA Chiropractic Consent Form

1. California’s New TDaP Exemption Form: Goebbels Science of Lying

Have you noticed how the campaign for vaccines has ramped up to a

near fever pitch during recent months? With good

reason. As more and more mainstream sources are discovering and

documenting the toxic and immune suppressive nature of childhood

vaccines, the old propaganda machine just isn’t working very well any

more. Many people are opting out. And it’s not just a

few incense burning New Agers pointing out the obvious dangers of

vaccines, but many credible medical doctors and agencies as well.

This is the topic of the new 2012 text Vaccination Is Not Immunization (

see below.)

The drug companies are in a panic to respond to this new awakening.

But their shrill and hysterical responses are having the opposite effect

than what they intend. Look at the ridiculous swine flu fantasy

that failed so miserably in 2009. We were all going to die if we

didn’t get the vaccine, remember? But the hype didn’t ring

true and Americans rejected the vaccine. Then a funny thing

happened. The ‘’global pandemic’ vaporized. Poof!.

Gone. Never heard from again.

The next desperate attempt to salvage some use for all those vaccines was

to include the discarded H1N1 vaccines in this year’s flu shot. And

this is why there are more reactions, miscarriages, and deaths from flu

shots this year. People are starting to notice annoying little

things like that. With google and facebook it’s getting much harder

to hide the obvious these days.

Then we began to see the hysteria spill over to all the Long’s and

Walgreens everywhere with their emergency posters screaming vaccines and

more vaccines.

Next we saw California’s desperate push for 7th graders to get

the TDaP shot. In Sacramento where many school districts are so

strapped for cash they’re eliminating all frills, such as sports, arts,

and text books, they actually hired people to go door to door to

remind parents to get their school kids vaccinated. They couldn’t

get rid of the Personal Beliefs Exemption, because it protects the

schools from being sued. So what they did instead was to make up a

new one just for TDaP, which the child must present in addition to the

standard form.

You can see the new TDaP Personal Beliefs Exemption

by clicking. Let’s look at the wording for a second.

“To be signed by Parent or Guardian

“The unimmunized child and the child’s contacts at school and home are at

greater risk of becoming sick with pertussis, which can be life

threatening for young infants and can cause prolonged illness at any


“I understand that for the protection of the child and other students the

child may be excluded from attending school for prolonged periods during

each outbreak of pertussis or after each exposure to someone with


“I hereby request exemption of the child named above from the

pertussis (whooping cough) immunization requirement for school entry

because such immunization is contrary to my beliefs. “

Whew! Rarely has such a combination of direct falsehood and fascist

promo been assembled in such a small package. I’m sure f

Goebbels is well pleased.

1. Let’s start with the second word:

unimmunized. The central thesis of the new vaccine

text, this incorrect use of the word immunized makes the false assumption

that vaccines confer immunization. Immunization is something the

body does, and only after being exposed to disease. Immunization

has nothing to do with needles, or vaccines. When they say

unimmunized they mean unvaccinated. A very clever and studied

semantic trick - pretending the two are the same thing. They’re

not. Vaccination Is Not Immunization.

2. “The unimmunized child and the child’s contacts at school and home are

at greater risk of becoming sick with pertussis..”

Only half true. The true part is that most of the

child’s contacts at school will be vaccinated with multiple shots of

DPT. For that reason those vaccinated kids truly are at greater

risk of getting pertussis. Yes, there have been many outbreaks of

pertussis during the past 8 years, at many locations – New Mexico,

Oregon, Arizona, California, etc., but in every single location the

vast majority, if not all of the infected kids had been vaccinated with

multiple doses of DPT. It is virtually certain that the disease

came from the vaccine. Because before we started vaccinating kids

for DPT back in the 1950s pertussis had all but disappeared. The

vaccines have mutated it and brought it back. This is a matter of


So therefore the sentence is only half true. The unvaccinated child

actually has a lesser chance of getting pertussis since the disease is

now being perpetuated only by the vaccine. There have been

virtually no cases of pertussis among the unvaccinated. Ant it is

most likely that even those few cases contracted it from being around the

majority of kids vaccinated with this most toxic of all vaccines.

Everybody knows that unvaccinated kids rarely get sick at all. Ask


My suggestion is that the parent cross out this first paragraph before

signing the form. It has nothing to do with the exemption or

parent’s rights. It is an absolutely false, scientifically

unsupported statement, and by signing the paper the parent is being

forced to bear witness to the lie. If the issue ever went to court,

no one could make a case that crossing out this paragraph invalidates the


Or at the very least cross out the two letters “un” in front of

unimmunized. Less noticeable.

Remember, 75% of all vaccine injury compensation paid out in this country

since 1991 has been for damage from the DPT shot. If you’re only

going to skip one shot, that would be it.

3. “I understand that for the protection of the child and other students

the child may be excluded from attending school for prolonged periods

during each outbreak of pertussis or after each exposure to someone with


This wording is a masterpiece in the Bernays science of lying.

First off, we must understand that the primary purpose of all vaccine

exemptions forms is to protect the school from being sued by the parent

of the unvaccinated child who might catch a disease from one of the

vaccinated kids. That’s how much confidence they have in their

vaccines. So you agree that you will keep your unvaccinated kid

home from school if disease breaks out among the vaccinated

population. That’s how it’s always been.

But now in this new version they added the words “and other students”

which is going to pretend that the vaccinated students are being

protected from the unvaccinated kid being removed from school.

These 3 words completely change the nature of the document from the old

exemption form. Which incidentally the child still needs to be

exempt from the rest of the vaccines.

4. The last thing is the phrase “I hereby request..” This

isn’t Iraq or Bahrain or Vietnam. The people don’t make requests

from the school or the state for basic rights. By signing this

form, the parent is informing the school that the child will be exempt

from vaccines. Period. This is government by the people not

government by the state. Let’s at least pretend we remember

that. And cross out the word ‘request’ and the 3 letters “ion”

after exemption, and the word ‘of’ - so it reads “I hereby

exempt the child named above…”

My opinion is that this new document is completely redundant and that it

could be challenged in court that the original exemption form is

sufficient to get the kid out of vaccines. The original covers the

TDaP shot as well as all other vaccines by its very definition. The

original form is still the standard legal vaccine exemption form in

California. This new form is not only unnecessary, it is

scientifically insupportable and makes parents bear witness to direct

falsehoods. Some informed lawyer with children needs to come forth

and challenge this Draconian new form as redundant, nonbinding, and

unconstitutional in court.

Until that happens, I believe the least parents should do is make

the above crossouts. Or else follow the steps for the Affidavit of

Exemption form contained in the new vaccine text and forget about both

these exemptions forms.

2. Upcoming Seminars

The Chiropractic Seminar

Seattle – 15 Oct

Oklahoma City – 19 Nov

Orange County -- 3 Dec (with


Explaining altered biomechanics and


Explaining why patients should care

Discussing neural summation

The adjustment and somatovisceral effects

Explaining altered sensory-motor neurology

Explaining altered biomechanics and disease

Spinal lesions alter brain neurology

How the adjustment changes the brain

What doctors must know Explaining what patients

must know

Altered sensory-motor neurology and disease

How spinal lesions cause disease

Mastering a technique: the art of change

Disc and joint capsule nutrition

How today’s best neuroscience validates the original ideas of DD and BJ

No more equivocation, OK? What are they trying to do to our

profession? Either chiropractic is a real and vital profession or

it isn’t. What special skill does the chiropractor have to offer that no

other profession can provide? Why do we seem afraid to talk about


This nuts and bolts seminar will give the doctor a useful and defensible

understanding of chiropractic not readily available to the profession

today, with a focus on the communication of these ideas to those who have

failed to be cured by other doctors. We will take an unflinching look at

what is really going on within the profession today.

Looking at the biology of the adjustment, aberrant afferents,

neuroplasticity, and issues of genetics and epigenetics in the

replicating organism. Chiropractic at the top of the healing arts –

unbounded potential. Why the ‘leaders’ don’t know it.

First time in Seattle and Orange County for this one day event, the focus

is to take an unflinching look at what is really happening with our

profession today, and to underscore the value of chiropractic care, now

more than ever before. Why are there some docs with a hobby practice and

others with rocking practices, both in the same town?

Other lecturers offer the pieces of the puzzle, but here we connect the

dots. We will say what others are afraid to say.

We’ll learn how today’s best science is validating chiropractic’s

traditional principles, fundamentals which are being vilified by many

voices within the profession. How the adjustment can affect a higher

order of biology than just the mechanical.

Learn that there is a story. Learn to tell the story.

“The diversity of information gathered in one seminar, organized in such

an understandable way was fantastic!” - SJ seminar, Jan 2011

“The energy is fabulous and uplifting.” – C. Siga, DC, Denver

“Inspiring seminar! Glad I brought my staff. Glad to see authenticity

return to chiropractic.” – Barcelona doctor

“All fired up – ready to save more lives!” - Dr D , Denver

“Loved the facts and statistics that I can hold onto and really use in

practice.” – JC Milrod, DC, Salinas

“The profession is in great need of this type of seminar­should be

required for all new graduates”

Dr T. Schroeder, Thousand Oaks

“Quite painless... actually informative!” Dr K Sera, Long Beach

“Refreshing to hear an instructor not afraid to speak the truth...most

people validating chiropractic seem very insecure about it -- not

this doc.” Dr DC Fair


Tuition: $169 in advance, $199 at door

Students, General Public $99


408 298 1800 or

doc[ @


Please see

link for course content


The Vaccine Detox Seminar

Oklahoma City 20 Nov 2011

A survey course of the complete full day Vaccine and Nutrition


- Complete autism chelation protocol

- Vaccine exemption laws

- Immunosuppression and vaccines

- Wakefield – why they have to shut him up

- 2011 Schedule: 68 vaccines by age 18

- Peanut Allergy Epidemic

- The new flu shot: with H1N1

- Mercury and aluminum in vaccines

- Germ theory of disease

- HPV vaccine for 12 year olds

- Nutrition and chiropractic practice

- The 60 day program

- Learning disability and hydrogenation

- DNA transcription: creating the immune system

- Colon revitalization

- Processed foods and genetic modification

- Collagen: Cell reconstruction

- Detoxification from dental amalgams, thimerosal, aluminum,

hydrogenated oils, vaccines

This topic becomes more and more important each month as the efforts to

disguise the physical facts of infant brain inflammation from vaccine

ingredients are redoubled, in the desperate attempt to keep marketing

more vaccines. Know enough to make an informed decision.

Today it’s getting harder to cover up the truth about vaccines.

Now in its 10th year, this is the only full day seminar in the profession

that takes a reliable look at vaccine problems.

“A careful collection of irrefutable facts.” Hans Raible Esq.

“You are right about pure blood; that is the key.” Ted H. Spence,


“Annihilated so many myths about nutrition…info I can really use in my

practice.” Dr Fred, Seattle

“Had to take 204 CE hours all in one year…your Nutrition Seminar was the

best by far.” Dr. MM

“First time I’ve ever been glad the state board required CE.” Dr. AC, Las


3. New Vaccine Text: 2012

Vaccination Is Not Immunization

Sorry! The 2010 book with the black cover is sold out. Thank


We are now taking advance orders for the brand new 2012 Second Edition of

the book, which should be ready to ship in mid-October 2011. The new

edition is a complete re-write, not just a reprint of the old


The book for parents who want to end the confusion once and for all on

whether they should vaccinate or not.

In addition to the historical data and the ongoing problems with

individual vaccines, the new book will have sections on

- The Pourcyrous Study: the peer reviewed medical study proving

exactly how vaccines cause brain hemorrhages, apnea, and heart

damage in infants.

- The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: how vaccines have been found as the

proven cause of over 1 million children hypersensitive to peanuts, now

the #1 cause of child anaphylaxis

- The new Shaken Baby industry, a massive cover-up for vaccine


- The ongoing Autism Epidemic, affecting between 2 -4 million

children today and NIH’s refusal to look for the cause

This research is effectively banned from mainstream media, for reasons

which will be obvious. As always though, each fact, each statistic

is meticulously documented from the best sources available. There is

nothing sensationalistic or conspiracy based about the actual physical

science behind brain injury and vaccines. The solid references make this

information bulletproof: it is virtually unassailable.

The vaccine industry today is in a panic. It can no longer keep these

secrets hidden. More and more people are learning about the real brain

effects in their children, and they’re opting out, signing the

exemptions. That’s what all the hysterical new law enforcement about

school vaccines is really about.

As a parent, whether or not to vaccinate the child is the most important

decision you will ever make for that child’s health.

Do you even know what Prevnar or Human Papilloma Virus, or MCV4 or DPT –

do you even know what these vaccines are for? And even if you do,

wouldn’t you like to know what the scientists who make the vaccines have

said about them, down through the decades? Or are you going to get all

your information from the clinic that makes its living selling

vaccines? Trust them implicitly to make the most important

decision of the child’s life. That’s what we do.

It would be the same as if you were buying a Ford and you got all your

information about cars only from the Ford dealer and nowhere else. Except

this is much worse – this isn’t about the car you drive. This is about

the formative immune system of your child, which is established in the

early years, and largely determines their health throughout their


We are shocked to find that many medical doctors know the information in

this book and do not vaccinate their own children. But they’ll vaccinate

yours. The majority of the endorsements on the back cover of the book are

from medical doctors. Here’s one of the most recent:

" It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O'Shea's work.

His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more

thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more


" Many primary care providers and parents who assume that the vaccine

program was built on sound principles will be shocked at the flimsy

foundations of immunization science. While the public is rarely exposed

to the full extent of vaccine adverse reactions, Dr O'Shea takes the

reader through a thorough review of each disease and the risk/benefit of

their vaccine counterpart.

" The book will serve as a valuable resource to parents and

physicians. Parents need no longer feel guilty or confused about

the decision to vaccinate their children. Knowledge is the freedom and

power to decide with confidence what is best for their children.

" With explosions in chronic illnesses in virtually all subsets of

our population, critical thinking is necessary to protect our loved ones

and our future. O'Shea has once again blessed us with a resource

that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical

professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to

believe was valid science and good medicine. "

- Ayoub, MD

Clinical Radiologist

The definitive book on vaccines today.

Vaccination Is Not Immunization,

2nd Edition 2012


As California doctors will know, as of 7 Oct 11, DCs are now required

to have patients sign a consent form. The regulation was rushed

through virtually in secret with almost no opportunity for opposition

from the profession. The requirements of the form are vague at best, but

must somehow certify that the doctor has explained the dangers of

treatment to the patient and the patient consents to be adjusted


The wording of the provision:

“A licensed doctor of chiropractic shall verbally and in writing inform

each patient of the material risks of proposed care. “Material” shall be

defined as a procedure inherently involving known risk of serious bodily

harm. The chiropractor shall obtain the patient’s written informed

consent prior to initiating clinical care. The signed written consent

shall become part of the patient’s record. “

The confused regulation creates more problems than it solves. No

sample forms are offered, nor are the specifics of what the form must

contained clearly listed. The doctor is encouraged to “consult a

lawyer” who will opine whether or not his particular composition passes

muster or not.

Probably one of the more elegant commentaries on the radical new law can

be seen at Dr Gerry Clum’s site:


As far as known risks, if that were the only criteria and all you do

is adjust the spine, it should be a no-brainer. There are

none. Consider these data:

When all the factors are taken together, deaths and injuries from a

combination of medical mistakes and intentional drugs dwarf any injuries

from chiropractic.

The 2001 Canadian Medical Association Journal found there is only

a one-in-5.85-million risk that a chiropractic neck adjustment

will cause a stroke. Author Cassidy, a professor of

epidemiology at the University of Toronto said patients had already

damaged the artery before seeking help from either a medical doctor or a

chiropractor, and then the stroke occurred after the visit.

Risk of stroke? Virtually zero chance of stroke from

chiropractic. The largest study ever done – the 2008

study in Canada:


looking at 12 million people over 9 years, showed that

53% of strokes had visited their MD within 30 days prior, while

only 4% had visited their DC. No evidence of excess

risk of stroke associated chiropractic care.

Of course just the fact that stroke is the #2 cause of death in the US

and that chiropractic is the largest natural system of health care, by

virtue of statistics alone a certain number of people would have a stroke

soon after an office visit. But the point is there is no evidence

of a cause and effect relationship between the 2 events.

Many see the new regulation as a marketing opportunity – we bring up the

notion of injury from treatment and compare statistics with

medicine. We can also discuss the risks of NOT getting treatment

for a subluxated spine: disc degeneration, altered afferents, loss

of tone, loss of mobility, etc.

So this is why we here at thedoctorwithin are now sponsoring a CONSENT

FORM CONTEST. Since we all have to have one, obviously there will

be many generic versions soon for sale and for free online.

So we are offering the new 2012 Vaccine Text as well as 8 hours of

paid online CE as the top prize for whomever creates the winning


Contest rules:

1. Submissions must be emailed in no later than 1 Dec 2011 to


2. Recommended length: 1 page

3. Must be licensed DC to enter.

Top entries will be posted in December’s email. Entrants agree to

this sharing.


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Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start October 14

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In this issue

1. California TDaP Exemption Form:

Desperation on display

2. Upcoming Seminars

3. New vaccine book

Vaccination Is Not Immunization

2012 edition

4. CA Chiropractic Consent Form

1. California’s New TDaP Exemption Form: Goebbels Science of Lying

Have you noticed how the campaign for vaccines has ramped up to a

near fever pitch during recent months? With good

reason. As more and more mainstream sources are discovering and

documenting the toxic and immune suppressive nature of childhood

vaccines, the old propaganda machine just isn’t working very well any

more. Many people are opting out. And it’s not just a

few incense burning New Agers pointing out the obvious dangers of

vaccines, but many credible medical doctors and agencies as well.

This is the topic of the new 2012 text Vaccination Is Not Immunization (

see below.)

The drug companies are in a panic to respond to this new awakening.

But their shrill and hysterical responses are having the opposite effect

than what they intend. Look at the ridiculous swine flu fantasy

that failed so miserably in 2009. We were all going to die if we

didn’t get the vaccine, remember? But the hype didn’t ring

true and Americans rejected the vaccine. Then a funny thing

happened. The ‘’global pandemic’ vaporized. Poof!.

Gone. Never heard from again.

The next desperate attempt to salvage some use for all those vaccines was

to include the discarded H1N1 vaccines in this year’s flu shot. And

this is why there are more reactions, miscarriages, and deaths from flu

shots this year. People are starting to notice annoying little

things like that. With google and facebook it’s getting much harder

to hide the obvious these days.

Then we began to see the hysteria spill over to all the Long’s and

Walgreens everywhere with their emergency posters screaming vaccines and

more vaccines.

Next we saw California’s desperate push for 7th graders to get

the TDaP shot. In Sacramento where many school districts are so

strapped for cash they’re eliminating all frills, such as sports, arts,

and text books, they actually hired people to go door to door to

remind parents to get their school kids vaccinated. They couldn’t

get rid of the Personal Beliefs Exemption, because it protects the

schools from being sued. So what they did instead was to make up a

new one just for TDaP, which the child must present in addition to the

standard form.

You can see the new TDaP Personal Beliefs Exemption

by clicking. Let’s look at the wording for a second.

“To be signed by Parent or Guardian

“The unimmunized child and the child’s contacts at school and home are at

greater risk of becoming sick with pertussis, which can be life

threatening for young infants and can cause prolonged illness at any


“I understand that for the protection of the child and other students the

child may be excluded from attending school for prolonged periods during

each outbreak of pertussis or after each exposure to someone with


“I hereby request exemption of the child named above from the

pertussis (whooping cough) immunization requirement for school entry

because such immunization is contrary to my beliefs. “

Whew! Rarely has such a combination of direct falsehood and fascist

promo been assembled in such a small package. I’m sure f

Goebbels is well pleased.

1. Let’s start with the second word:

unimmunized. The central thesis of the new vaccine

text, this incorrect use of the word immunized makes the false assumption

that vaccines confer immunization. Immunization is something the

body does, and only after being exposed to disease. Immunization

has nothing to do with needles, or vaccines. When they say

unimmunized they mean unvaccinated. A very clever and studied

semantic trick - pretending the two are the same thing. They’re

not. Vaccination Is Not Immunization.

2. “The unimmunized child and the child’s contacts at school and home are

at greater risk of becoming sick with pertussis..”

Only half true. The true part is that most of the

child’s contacts at school will be vaccinated with multiple shots of

DPT. For that reason those vaccinated kids truly are at greater

risk of getting pertussis. Yes, there have been many outbreaks of

pertussis during the past 8 years, at many locations – New Mexico,

Oregon, Arizona, California, etc., but in every single location the

vast majority, if not all of the infected kids had been vaccinated with

multiple doses of DPT. It is virtually certain that the disease

came from the vaccine. Because before we started vaccinating kids

for DPT back in the 1950s pertussis had all but disappeared. The

vaccines have mutated it and brought it back. This is a matter of


So therefore the sentence is only half true. The unvaccinated child

actually has a lesser chance of getting pertussis since the disease is

now being perpetuated only by the vaccine. There have been

virtually no cases of pertussis among the unvaccinated. Ant it is

most likely that even those few cases contracted it from being around the

majority of kids vaccinated with this most toxic of all vaccines.

Everybody knows that unvaccinated kids rarely get sick at all. Ask


My suggestion is that the parent cross out this first paragraph before

signing the form. It has nothing to do with the exemption or

parent’s rights. It is an absolutely false, scientifically

unsupported statement, and by signing the paper the parent is being

forced to bear witness to the lie. If the issue ever went to court,

no one could make a case that crossing out this paragraph invalidates the


Or at the very least cross out the two letters “un” in front of

unimmunized. Less noticeable.

Remember, 75% of all vaccine injury compensation paid out in this country

since 1991 has been for damage from the DPT shot. If you’re only

going to skip one shot, that would be it.

3. “I understand that for the protection of the child and other students

the child may be excluded from attending school for prolonged periods

during each outbreak of pertussis or after each exposure to someone with


This wording is a masterpiece in the Bernays science of lying.

First off, we must understand that the primary purpose of all vaccine

exemptions forms is to protect the school from being sued by the parent

of the unvaccinated child who might catch a disease from one of the

vaccinated kids. That’s how much confidence they have in their

vaccines. So you agree that you will keep your unvaccinated kid

home from school if disease breaks out among the vaccinated

population. That’s how it’s always been.

But now in this new version they added the words “and other students”

which is going to pretend that the vaccinated students are being

protected from the unvaccinated kid being removed from school.

These 3 words completely change the nature of the document from the old

exemption form. Which incidentally the child still needs to be

exempt from the rest of the vaccines.

4. The last thing is the phrase “I hereby request..” This

isn’t Iraq or Bahrain or Vietnam. The people don’t make requests

from the school or the state for basic rights. By signing this

form, the parent is informing the school that the child will be exempt

from vaccines. Period. This is government by the people not

government by the state. Let’s at least pretend we remember

that. And cross out the word ‘request’ and the 3 letters “ion”

after exemption, and the word ‘of’ - so it reads “I hereby

exempt the child named above…”

My opinion is that this new document is completely redundant and that it

could be challenged in court that the original exemption form is

sufficient to get the kid out of vaccines. The original covers the

TDaP shot as well as all other vaccines by its very definition. The

original form is still the standard legal vaccine exemption form in

California. This new form is not only unnecessary, it is

scientifically insupportable and makes parents bear witness to direct

falsehoods. Some informed lawyer with children needs to come forth

and challenge this Draconian new form as redundant, nonbinding, and

unconstitutional in court.

Until that happens, I believe the least parents should do is make

the above crossouts. Or else follow the steps for the Affidavit of

Exemption form contained in the new vaccine text and forget about both

these exemptions forms.

2. Upcoming Seminars

The Chiropractic Seminar

Seattle – 15 Oct

Oklahoma City – 19 Nov

Orange County -- 3 Dec (with


Explaining altered biomechanics and


Explaining why patients should care

Discussing neural summation

The adjustment and somatovisceral effects

Explaining altered sensory-motor neurology

Explaining altered biomechanics and disease

Spinal lesions alter brain neurology

How the adjustment changes the brain

What doctors must know Explaining what patients

must know

Altered sensory-motor neurology and disease

How spinal lesions cause disease

Mastering a technique: the art of change

Disc and joint capsule nutrition

How today’s best neuroscience validates the original ideas of DD and BJ

No more equivocation, OK? What are they trying to do to our

profession? Either chiropractic is a real and vital profession or

it isn’t. What special skill does the chiropractor have to offer that no

other profession can provide? Why do we seem afraid to talk about


This nuts and bolts seminar will give the doctor a useful and defensible

understanding of chiropractic not readily available to the profession

today, with a focus on the communication of these ideas to those who have

failed to be cured by other doctors. We will take an unflinching look at

what is really going on within the profession today.

Looking at the biology of the adjustment, aberrant afferents,

neuroplasticity, and issues of genetics and epigenetics in the

replicating organism. Chiropractic at the top of the healing arts –

unbounded potential. Why the ‘leaders’ don’t know it.

First time in Seattle and Orange County for this one day event, the focus

is to take an unflinching look at what is really happening with our

profession today, and to underscore the value of chiropractic care, now

more than ever before. Why are there some docs with a hobby practice and

others with rocking practices, both in the same town?

Other lecturers offer the pieces of the puzzle, but here we connect the

dots. We will say what others are afraid to say.

We’ll learn how today’s best science is validating chiropractic’s

traditional principles, fundamentals which are being vilified by many

voices within the profession. How the adjustment can affect a higher

order of biology than just the mechanical.

Learn that there is a story. Learn to tell the story.

“The diversity of information gathered in one seminar, organized in such

an understandable way was fantastic!” - SJ seminar, Jan 2011

“The energy is fabulous and uplifting.” – C. Siga, DC, Denver

“Inspiring seminar! Glad I brought my staff. Glad to see authenticity

return to chiropractic.” – Barcelona doctor

“All fired up – ready to save more lives!” - Dr D , Denver

“Loved the facts and statistics that I can hold onto and really use in

practice.” – JC Milrod, DC, Salinas

“The profession is in great need of this type of seminar­should be

required for all new graduates”

Dr T. Schroeder, Thousand Oaks

“Quite painless... actually informative!” Dr K Sera, Long Beach

“Refreshing to hear an instructor not afraid to speak the truth...most

people validating chiropractic seem very insecure about it -- not

this doc.” Dr DC Fair


Tuition: $169 in advance, $199 at door

Students, General Public $99


408 298 1800 or

doc[ @


Please see

link for course content


The Vaccine Detox Seminar

Oklahoma City 20 Nov 2011

A survey course of the complete full day Vaccine and Nutrition


- Complete autism chelation protocol

- Vaccine exemption laws

- Immunosuppression and vaccines

- Wakefield – why they have to shut him up

- 2011 Schedule: 68 vaccines by age 18

- Peanut Allergy Epidemic

- The new flu shot: with H1N1

- Mercury and aluminum in vaccines

- Germ theory of disease

- HPV vaccine for 12 year olds

- Nutrition and chiropractic practice

- The 60 day program

- Learning disability and hydrogenation

- DNA transcription: creating the immune system

- Colon revitalization

- Processed foods and genetic modification

- Collagen: Cell reconstruction

- Detoxification from dental amalgams, thimerosal, aluminum,

hydrogenated oils, vaccines

This topic becomes more and more important each month as the efforts to

disguise the physical facts of infant brain inflammation from vaccine

ingredients are redoubled, in the desperate attempt to keep marketing

more vaccines. Know enough to make an informed decision.

Today it’s getting harder to cover up the truth about vaccines.

Now in its 10th year, this is the only full day seminar in the profession

that takes a reliable look at vaccine problems.

“A careful collection of irrefutable facts.” Hans Raible Esq.

“You are right about pure blood; that is the key.” Ted H. Spence,


“Annihilated so many myths about nutrition…info I can really use in my

practice.” Dr Fred, Seattle

“Had to take 204 CE hours all in one year…your Nutrition Seminar was the

best by far.” Dr. MM

“First time I’ve ever been glad the state board required CE.” Dr. AC, Las


3. New Vaccine Text: 2012

Vaccination Is Not Immunization

Sorry! The 2010 book with the black cover is sold out. Thank


We are now taking advance orders for the brand new 2012 Second Edition of

the book, which should be ready to ship in mid-October 2011. The new

edition is a complete re-write, not just a reprint of the old


The book for parents who want to end the confusion once and for all on

whether they should vaccinate or not.

In addition to the historical data and the ongoing problems with

individual vaccines, the new book will have sections on

- The Pourcyrous Study: the peer reviewed medical study proving

exactly how vaccines cause brain hemorrhages, apnea, and heart

damage in infants.

- The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: how vaccines have been found as the

proven cause of over 1 million children hypersensitive to peanuts, now

the #1 cause of child anaphylaxis

- The new Shaken Baby industry, a massive cover-up for vaccine


- The ongoing Autism Epidemic, affecting between 2 -4 million

children today and NIH’s refusal to look for the cause

This research is effectively banned from mainstream media, for reasons

which will be obvious. As always though, each fact, each statistic

is meticulously documented from the best sources available. There is

nothing sensationalistic or conspiracy based about the actual physical

science behind brain injury and vaccines. The solid references make this

information bulletproof: it is virtually unassailable.

The vaccine industry today is in a panic. It can no longer keep these

secrets hidden. More and more people are learning about the real brain

effects in their children, and they’re opting out, signing the

exemptions. That’s what all the hysterical new law enforcement about

school vaccines is really about.

As a parent, whether or not to vaccinate the child is the most important

decision you will ever make for that child’s health.

Do you even know what Prevnar or Human Papilloma Virus, or MCV4 or DPT –

do you even know what these vaccines are for? And even if you do,

wouldn’t you like to know what the scientists who make the vaccines have

said about them, down through the decades? Or are you going to get all

your information from the clinic that makes its living selling

vaccines? Trust them implicitly to make the most important

decision of the child’s life. That’s what we do.

It would be the same as if you were buying a Ford and you got all your

information about cars only from the Ford dealer and nowhere else. Except

this is much worse – this isn’t about the car you drive. This is about

the formative immune system of your child, which is established in the

early years, and largely determines their health throughout their


We are shocked to find that many medical doctors know the information in

this book and do not vaccinate their own children. But they’ll vaccinate

yours. The majority of the endorsements on the back cover of the book are

from medical doctors. Here’s one of the most recent:

" It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O'Shea's work.

His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more

thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more


" Many primary care providers and parents who assume that the vaccine

program was built on sound principles will be shocked at the flimsy

foundations of immunization science. While the public is rarely exposed

to the full extent of vaccine adverse reactions, Dr O'Shea takes the

reader through a thorough review of each disease and the risk/benefit of

their vaccine counterpart.

" The book will serve as a valuable resource to parents and

physicians. Parents need no longer feel guilty or confused about

the decision to vaccinate their children. Knowledge is the freedom and

power to decide with confidence what is best for their children.

" With explosions in chronic illnesses in virtually all subsets of

our population, critical thinking is necessary to protect our loved ones

and our future. O'Shea has once again blessed us with a resource

that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical

professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to

believe was valid science and good medicine. "

- Ayoub, MD

Clinical Radiologist

The definitive book on vaccines today.

Vaccination Is Not Immunization,

2nd Edition 2012


As California doctors will know, as of 7 Oct 11, DCs are now required

to have patients sign a consent form. The regulation was rushed

through virtually in secret with almost no opportunity for opposition

from the profession. The requirements of the form are vague at best, but

must somehow certify that the doctor has explained the dangers of

treatment to the patient and the patient consents to be adjusted


The wording of the provision:

“A licensed doctor of chiropractic shall verbally and in writing inform

each patient of the material risks of proposed care. “Material” shall be

defined as a procedure inherently involving known risk of serious bodily

harm. The chiropractor shall obtain the patient’s written informed

consent prior to initiating clinical care. The signed written consent

shall become part of the patient’s record. “

The confused regulation creates more problems than it solves. No

sample forms are offered, nor are the specifics of what the form must

contained clearly listed. The doctor is encouraged to “consult a

lawyer” who will opine whether or not his particular composition passes

muster or not.

Probably one of the more elegant commentaries on the radical new law can

be seen at Dr Gerry Clum’s site:


As far as known risks, if that were the only criteria and all you do

is adjust the spine, it should be a no-brainer. There are

none. Consider these data:

When all the factors are taken together, deaths and injuries from a

combination of medical mistakes and intentional drugs dwarf any injuries

from chiropractic.

The 2001 Canadian Medical Association Journal found there is only

a one-in-5.85-million risk that a chiropractic neck adjustment

will cause a stroke. Author Cassidy, a professor of

epidemiology at the University of Toronto said patients had already

damaged the artery before seeking help from either a medical doctor or a

chiropractor, and then the stroke occurred after the visit.

Risk of stroke? Virtually zero chance of stroke from

chiropractic. The largest study ever done – the 2008

study in Canada:


looking at 12 million people over 9 years, showed that

53% of strokes had visited their MD within 30 days prior, while

only 4% had visited their DC. No evidence of excess

risk of stroke associated chiropractic care.

Of course just the fact that stroke is the #2 cause of death in the US

and that chiropractic is the largest natural system of health care, by

virtue of statistics alone a certain number of people would have a stroke

soon after an office visit. But the point is there is no evidence

of a cause and effect relationship between the 2 events.

Many see the new regulation as a marketing opportunity – we bring up the

notion of injury from treatment and compare statistics with

medicine. We can also discuss the risks of NOT getting treatment

for a subluxated spine: disc degeneration, altered afferents, loss

of tone, loss of mobility, etc.

So this is why we here at thedoctorwithin are now sponsoring a CONSENT

FORM CONTEST. Since we all have to have one, obviously there will

be many generic versions soon for sale and for free online.

So we are offering the new 2012 Vaccine Text as well as 8 hours of

paid online CE as the top prize for whomever creates the winning


Contest rules:

1. Submissions must be emailed in no later than 1 Dec 2011 to


2. Recommended length: 1 page

3. Must be licensed DC to enter.

Top entries will be posted in December’s email. Entrants agree to

this sharing.


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Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start October 14

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