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Need your story!

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Dear Sharon,

I would be happy to share my story with you if you think it might help

educate people about HCV. Talking about it helps me too. I would also be

interested in hearing others stories. I am intrigued about YOUR story too.

Did you feel like you weren't being taken seriously when you complained

about unexplained nausea, fatigue, etc.? Have you had a biopsy done? Do

you really think that you may have had this since you were a child? Your

story may be a lot more interesting than mine! I would also be interested

in what you are doing to educate people about HCV. Could you share some of

that with me?

I will try to get my mind out of the fog it seems to be in much of the

time lately and will try to get something typed out here and sent to you.

Good luck on your project!



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Dear Sharon,

I would be happy to share my story with you if you think it might help

educate people about HCV. Talking about it helps me too. I would also be

interested in hearing others stories. I am intrigued about YOUR story too.

Did you feel like you weren't being taken seriously when you complained

about unexplained nausea, fatigue, etc.? Have you had a biopsy done? Do

you really think that you may have had this since you were a child? Your

story may be a lot more interesting than mine! I would also be interested

in what you are doing to educate people about HCV. Could you share some of

that with me?

I will try to get my mind out of the fog it seems to be in much of the

time lately and will try to get something typed out here and sent to you.

Good luck on your project!



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Greetings all!

I have been on this very informative list just a short

while, but from talking with a few of you and soaking

up the info, I have to tell you that this is one of

the " BETTER " onelists on Hep C!

Now, with that said, I will briefly tell you about me,

I am a writer who is researching this deadly virus

because I too am a Hepper! I found out I had HCV back

in 1995, was told it was no big deal and not to worry

about it... The thing is I had problems since

childhood, bad " flu " symptoms that didn't go away,

Gallbladder removed in 1990 because of severe pain in

the liver, fatigue, nausea, vomiting etc. Went to

doctors who couldn't find anything wrong! (Never

looking for HCV!)

My mother died in 1988 of cirrhosis, cancer and had

non-A non-B Hepatitis! (Yes, you guessed it, we think

she had it too!) At the time I asked her doctors why

would a woman die of cirrhosis at age 55 who drank

only two times a year, Christmas and New Years. They

had no answers.

(Yes, they were dumb back then too!)

Well, now I am a Hepatitis Educator in Arizona. Got a

couple websites and need your help!

I need your stories!

How did you discover you had Hepatitis C?

What do you think caused it?

How are you being treated?

What do you think of the medical community that is

treating you?

What would you tell someone who just found out they

have HCV?

You can add anything you want to that. You can remain

anonymous or be part of the ever growing online

support group.

All of your help is deeply appreciated!


Sharon Nicholson

(writer, editor, mother to five, adventure seeker!)

Diamondstarlite Publishing


Hepatitis A, B, C's editor at Suite101

come discover how to protect yourself



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Greetings all!

I have been on this very informative list just a short

while, but from talking with a few of you and soaking

up the info, I have to tell you that this is one of

the " BETTER " onelists on Hep C!

Now, with that said, I will briefly tell you about me,

I am a writer who is researching this deadly virus

because I too am a Hepper! I found out I had HCV back

in 1995, was told it was no big deal and not to worry

about it... The thing is I had problems since

childhood, bad " flu " symptoms that didn't go away,

Gallbladder removed in 1990 because of severe pain in

the liver, fatigue, nausea, vomiting etc. Went to

doctors who couldn't find anything wrong! (Never

looking for HCV!)

My mother died in 1988 of cirrhosis, cancer and had

non-A non-B Hepatitis! (Yes, you guessed it, we think

she had it too!) At the time I asked her doctors why

would a woman die of cirrhosis at age 55 who drank

only two times a year, Christmas and New Years. They

had no answers.

(Yes, they were dumb back then too!)

Well, now I am a Hepatitis Educator in Arizona. Got a

couple websites and need your help!

I need your stories!

How did you discover you had Hepatitis C?

What do you think caused it?

How are you being treated?

What do you think of the medical community that is

treating you?

What would you tell someone who just found out they

have HCV?

You can add anything you want to that. You can remain

anonymous or be part of the ever growing online

support group.

All of your help is deeply appreciated!


Sharon Nicholson

(writer, editor, mother to five, adventure seeker!)

Diamondstarlite Publishing


Hepatitis A, B, C's editor at Suite101

come discover how to protect yourself



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Hi, my name is Connie. I am sending you my story

because I hope it might help to make some others aware

to the possibility of having Hepatitis. On October

22/91 @ approximately 11:00 pm I woke up and opened

bedroom door to find smoke in my home from about 2

feet up from the floor to the ceiling. I went into

kitchen and saw flames in the stove area. I grabbed a

dish towel and tried to smother the fire, unknowingly

that it was a big pan of oil on fire. When I hit the

pan it flipped off stove splashing on me and setting

me on fire, I was wearing a floor length, long sleeved

nylon nightgown. The last I remember is pulling the

nightgown off over my head and hearing strange noises

and someone screaming. My 10 year old daughter told

me later what happened. She said it was I, that was

screaming and that I also got the fire out. Then I

took a cold shower and put some clothes on and told

her to get in the car. Then she said I proceeded to

drive to an ER where they cut my clothes off and

packed me in ice. I remember bits and pieces of

things then. One was them on the phone calling Tampa

General Burn Unit and while they were making call

hearing them say if no room there would have to send

me to I think Houston. I remember the Paramedic in

the ambulance requesting on phone to give me

painkillers. Next I remember brother-in-law in

elevator looking at me. Them a cold medal table and

hearing water running and Dr close to my face saying

they were debreing me and next time they would put me

out....my thoughts were at that time why didn't they

do it at the time......but I was feeling nothing I

suppose it was because of being in shock. I spent 3

weeks in ICU before the grafting and then back there

after. I was told I was 70% burned and 40% grafted.

The reason they waited so long I was told later is

because they have to wait for grease burns to finish.

The Hepatitis B and C came from the 28 pints of blood

that was given to me during surgery. I had been sick

off and on for several years and daignosed with

different things. My PCP was doing routine bloodwork

on me because I had developed Thyroid problems and

breathing problems when he noticed my liver functions

failing. I was referred to a Gastroenterologist, who

did lab work and told me I had Hep B and C but the B

was non-reactive, had antibodies in my blood for it.

I went to my employer that day very upset and was

basically made fun of and called a liar. Jerry Heron

told me the papers were just handouts and I could have

gotten them anywhere. A tear slipped out and he told

me not to expect sympathy from them and I replied it

would be the last place I would. I was pulled from

work because of I became very sick from treatment

(Combo). The treatments started March 1999, I was off

work because of, as Dr's said I was very asympthamatic

to treatments, I also developed Fibromyalgia. I was

sent a letter to come to a pretermination hearing on

my birthday 9/22/99 and then was terminated 9/29/99.

I have been off treatments since beginning of 10/99

because of no insurance. I am still fighting my

former employers lies about job duties so I can

receive long term disability. So that is my story. I

tell people all the time if they were given any blood

products before 1992 to please have themselves or

whomever they know checkecked...........Sincerely

Yours, Constance L. Dickson....(Connie)

PS Pinellas County Florida Government Employees are

not treated well by their superiors......I am not the

first or the last to be made to feel bad or have died

because of their policies.

--- Sharon Nicholson <freelancemom@...> wrote:

> Greetings all!


> I have been on this very informative list just a

> short

> while, but from talking with a few of you and

> soaking

> up the info, I have to tell you that this is one of

> the " BETTER " onelists on Hep C!


> Now, with that said, I will briefly tell you about

> me,

> I am a writer who is researching this deadly virus

> because I too am a Hepper! I found out I had HCV

> back

> in 1995, was told it was no big deal and not to

> worry

> about it... The thing is I had problems since

> childhood, bad " flu " symptoms that didn't go away,

> Gallbladder removed in 1990 because of severe pain

> in

> the liver, fatigue, nausea, vomiting etc. Went to

> doctors who couldn't find anything wrong! (Never

> looking for HCV!)


> My mother died in 1988 of cirrhosis, cancer and had

> non-A non-B Hepatitis! (Yes, you guessed it, we

> think

> she had it too!) At the time I asked her doctors

> why

> would a woman die of cirrhosis at age 55 who drank

> only two times a year, Christmas and New Years.

> They

> had no answers.

> (Yes, they were dumb back then too!)


> Well, now I am a Hepatitis Educator in Arizona. Got

> a

> couple websites and need your help!


> I need your stories!

> How did you discover you had Hepatitis C?

> What do you think caused it?

> How are you being treated?

> What do you think of the medical community that is

> treating you?

> What would you tell someone who just found out they

> have HCV?


> You can add anything you want to that. You can

> remain

> anonymous or be part of the ever growing online

> support group.


> All of your help is deeply appreciated!


> =====

> Sharon Nicholson

> (writer, editor, mother to five, adventure seeker!)

> Diamondstarlite Publishing

> http://www.homestead.com/diamondstarlite/pages.html

> Hepatitis A, B, C's editor at Suite101

> come discover how to protect yourself

> http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/hepatitis_abc

> __________________________________________________


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Hi, my name is Connie. I am sending you my story

because I hope it might help to make some others aware

to the possibility of having Hepatitis. On October

22/91 @ approximately 11:00 pm I woke up and opened

bedroom door to find smoke in my home from about 2

feet up from the floor to the ceiling. I went into

kitchen and saw flames in the stove area. I grabbed a

dish towel and tried to smother the fire, unknowingly

that it was a big pan of oil on fire. When I hit the

pan it flipped off stove splashing on me and setting

me on fire, I was wearing a floor length, long sleeved

nylon nightgown. The last I remember is pulling the

nightgown off over my head and hearing strange noises

and someone screaming. My 10 year old daughter told

me later what happened. She said it was I, that was

screaming and that I also got the fire out. Then I

took a cold shower and put some clothes on and told

her to get in the car. Then she said I proceeded to

drive to an ER where they cut my clothes off and

packed me in ice. I remember bits and pieces of

things then. One was them on the phone calling Tampa

General Burn Unit and while they were making call

hearing them say if no room there would have to send

me to I think Houston. I remember the Paramedic in

the ambulance requesting on phone to give me

painkillers. Next I remember brother-in-law in

elevator looking at me. Them a cold medal table and

hearing water running and Dr close to my face saying

they were debreing me and next time they would put me

out....my thoughts were at that time why didn't they

do it at the time......but I was feeling nothing I

suppose it was because of being in shock. I spent 3

weeks in ICU before the grafting and then back there

after. I was told I was 70% burned and 40% grafted.

The reason they waited so long I was told later is

because they have to wait for grease burns to finish.

The Hepatitis B and C came from the 28 pints of blood

that was given to me during surgery. I had been sick

off and on for several years and daignosed with

different things. My PCP was doing routine bloodwork

on me because I had developed Thyroid problems and

breathing problems when he noticed my liver functions

failing. I was referred to a Gastroenterologist, who

did lab work and told me I had Hep B and C but the B

was non-reactive, had antibodies in my blood for it.

I went to my employer that day very upset and was

basically made fun of and called a liar. Jerry Heron

told me the papers were just handouts and I could have

gotten them anywhere. A tear slipped out and he told

me not to expect sympathy from them and I replied it

would be the last place I would. I was pulled from

work because of I became very sick from treatment

(Combo). The treatments started March 1999, I was off

work because of, as Dr's said I was very asympthamatic

to treatments, I also developed Fibromyalgia. I was

sent a letter to come to a pretermination hearing on

my birthday 9/22/99 and then was terminated 9/29/99.

I have been off treatments since beginning of 10/99

because of no insurance. I am still fighting my

former employers lies about job duties so I can

receive long term disability. So that is my story. I

tell people all the time if they were given any blood

products before 1992 to please have themselves or

whomever they know checkecked...........Sincerely

Yours, Constance L. Dickson....(Connie)

PS Pinellas County Florida Government Employees are

not treated well by their superiors......I am not the

first or the last to be made to feel bad or have died

because of their policies.

--- Sharon Nicholson <freelancemom@...> wrote:

> Greetings all!


> I have been on this very informative list just a

> short

> while, but from talking with a few of you and

> soaking

> up the info, I have to tell you that this is one of

> the " BETTER " onelists on Hep C!


> Now, with that said, I will briefly tell you about

> me,

> I am a writer who is researching this deadly virus

> because I too am a Hepper! I found out I had HCV

> back

> in 1995, was told it was no big deal and not to

> worry

> about it... The thing is I had problems since

> childhood, bad " flu " symptoms that didn't go away,

> Gallbladder removed in 1990 because of severe pain

> in

> the liver, fatigue, nausea, vomiting etc. Went to

> doctors who couldn't find anything wrong! (Never

> looking for HCV!)


> My mother died in 1988 of cirrhosis, cancer and had

> non-A non-B Hepatitis! (Yes, you guessed it, we

> think

> she had it too!) At the time I asked her doctors

> why

> would a woman die of cirrhosis at age 55 who drank

> only two times a year, Christmas and New Years.

> They

> had no answers.

> (Yes, they were dumb back then too!)


> Well, now I am a Hepatitis Educator in Arizona. Got

> a

> couple websites and need your help!


> I need your stories!

> How did you discover you had Hepatitis C?

> What do you think caused it?

> How are you being treated?

> What do you think of the medical community that is

> treating you?

> What would you tell someone who just found out they

> have HCV?


> You can add anything you want to that. You can

> remain

> anonymous or be part of the ever growing online

> support group.


> All of your help is deeply appreciated!


> =====

> Sharon Nicholson

> (writer, editor, mother to five, adventure seeker!)

> Diamondstarlite Publishing

> http://www.homestead.com/diamondstarlite/pages.html

> Hepatitis A, B, C's editor at Suite101

> come discover how to protect yourself

> http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/hepatitis_abc

> __________________________________________________


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This was suppose to go to Sharon Nicholson not on the


--- Constance Dickson

<constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Hi, my name is Connie. I am sending you my story

> because I hope it might help to make some others

> aware

> to the possibility of having Hepatitis. On October

> 22/91 @ approximately 11:00 pm I woke up and opened

> bedroom door to find smoke in my home from about 2

> feet up from the floor to the ceiling. I went into

> kitchen and saw flames in the stove area. I grabbed

> a

> dish towel and tried to smother the fire,

> unknowingly

> that it was a big pan of oil on fire. When I hit

> the

> pan it flipped off stove splashing on me and setting

> me on fire, I was wearing a floor length, long

> sleeved

> nylon nightgown. The last I remember is pulling the

> nightgown off over my head and hearing strange

> noises

> and someone screaming. My 10 year old daughter told

> me later what happened. She said it was I, that was

> screaming and that I also got the fire out. Then I

> took a cold shower and put some clothes on and told

> her to get in the car. Then she said I proceeded to

> drive to an ER where they cut my clothes off and

> packed me in ice. I remember bits and pieces of

> things then. One was them on the phone calling

> Tampa

> General Burn Unit and while they were making call

> hearing them say if no room there would have to send

> me to I think Houston. I remember the Paramedic in

> the ambulance requesting on phone to give me

> painkillers. Next I remember brother-in-law in

> elevator looking at me. Them a cold medal table and

> hearing water running and Dr close to my face saying

> they were debreing me and next time they would put

> me

> out....my thoughts were at that time why didn't they

> do it at the time......but I was feeling nothing I

> suppose it was because of being in shock. I spent 3

> weeks in ICU before the grafting and then back there

> after. I was told I was 70% burned and 40% grafted.


> The reason they waited so long I was told later is

> because they have to wait for grease burns to

> finish.

> The Hepatitis B and C came from the 28 pints of

> blood

> that was given to me during surgery. I had been

> sick

> off and on for several years and daignosed with

> different things. My PCP was doing routine

> bloodwork

> on me because I had developed Thyroid problems and

> breathing problems when he noticed my liver

> functions

> failing. I was referred to a Gastroenterologist,

> who

> did lab work and told me I had Hep B and C but the B

> was non-reactive, had antibodies in my blood for it.


> I went to my employer that day very upset and was

> basically made fun of and called a liar. Jerry

> Heron

> told me the papers were just handouts and I could

> have

> gotten them anywhere. A tear slipped out and he

> told

> me not to expect sympathy from them and I replied it

> would be the last place I would. I was pulled from

> work because of I became very sick from treatment

> (Combo). The treatments started March 1999, I was

> off

> work because of, as Dr's said I was very

> asympthamatic

> to treatments, I also developed Fibromyalgia. I was

> sent a letter to come to a pretermination hearing on

> my birthday 9/22/99 and then was terminated 9/29/99.


> I have been off treatments since beginning of 10/99

> because of no insurance. I am still fighting my

> former employers lies about job duties so I can

> receive long term disability. So that is my story.

> I

> tell people all the time if they were given any

> blood

> products before 1992 to please have themselves or

> whomever they know checkecked...........Sincerely

> Yours, Constance L. Dickson....(Connie)

> PS Pinellas County Florida Government Employees are

> not treated well by their superiors......I am not

> the

> first or the last to be made to feel bad or have

> died

> because of their policies.

> --- Sharon Nicholson <freelancemom@...> wrote:

> > Greetings all!

> >

> > I have been on this very informative list just a

> > short

> > while, but from talking with a few of you and

> > soaking

> > up the info, I have to tell you that this is one

> of

> > the " BETTER " onelists on Hep C!

> >

> > Now, with that said, I will briefly tell you about

> > me,

> > I am a writer who is researching this deadly virus

> > because I too am a Hepper! I found out I had HCV

> > back

> > in 1995, was told it was no big deal and not to

> > worry

> > about it... The thing is I had problems since

> > childhood, bad " flu " symptoms that didn't go away,

> > Gallbladder removed in 1990 because of severe pain

> > in

> > the liver, fatigue, nausea, vomiting etc. Went to

> > doctors who couldn't find anything wrong! (Never

> > looking for HCV!)

> >

> > My mother died in 1988 of cirrhosis, cancer and

> had

> > non-A non-B Hepatitis! (Yes, you guessed it, we

> > think

> > she had it too!) At the time I asked her doctors

> > why

> > would a woman die of cirrhosis at age 55 who drank

> > only two times a year, Christmas and New Years.

> > They

> > had no answers.

> > (Yes, they were dumb back then too!)

> >

> > Well, now I am a Hepatitis Educator in Arizona.

> Got

> > a

> > couple websites and need your help!

> >

> > I need your stories!

> > How did you discover you had Hepatitis C?

> > What do you think caused it?

> > How are you being treated?

> > What do you think of the medical community that is

> > treating you?

> > What would you tell someone who just found out

> they

> > have HCV?

> >

> > You can add anything you want to that. You can

> > remain

> > anonymous or be part of the ever growing online

> > support group.

> >

> > All of your help is deeply appreciated!

> >

> > =====

> > Sharon Nicholson

> > (writer, editor, mother to five, adventure

> seeker!)

> > Diamondstarlite Publishing

> >

> http://www.homestead.com/diamondstarlite/pages.html

> > Hepatitis A, B, C's editor at Suite101

> > come discover how to protect yourself

> > http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/hepatitis_abc

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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This was suppose to go to Sharon Nicholson not on the


--- Constance Dickson

<constance_clearwater_florida@...> wrote:

> Hi, my name is Connie. I am sending you my story

> because I hope it might help to make some others

> aware

> to the possibility of having Hepatitis. On October

> 22/91 @ approximately 11:00 pm I woke up and opened

> bedroom door to find smoke in my home from about 2

> feet up from the floor to the ceiling. I went into

> kitchen and saw flames in the stove area. I grabbed

> a

> dish towel and tried to smother the fire,

> unknowingly

> that it was a big pan of oil on fire. When I hit

> the

> pan it flipped off stove splashing on me and setting

> me on fire, I was wearing a floor length, long

> sleeved

> nylon nightgown. The last I remember is pulling the

> nightgown off over my head and hearing strange

> noises

> and someone screaming. My 10 year old daughter told

> me later what happened. She said it was I, that was

> screaming and that I also got the fire out. Then I

> took a cold shower and put some clothes on and told

> her to get in the car. Then she said I proceeded to

> drive to an ER where they cut my clothes off and

> packed me in ice. I remember bits and pieces of

> things then. One was them on the phone calling

> Tampa

> General Burn Unit and while they were making call

> hearing them say if no room there would have to send

> me to I think Houston. I remember the Paramedic in

> the ambulance requesting on phone to give me

> painkillers. Next I remember brother-in-law in

> elevator looking at me. Them a cold medal table and

> hearing water running and Dr close to my face saying

> they were debreing me and next time they would put

> me

> out....my thoughts were at that time why didn't they

> do it at the time......but I was feeling nothing I

> suppose it was because of being in shock. I spent 3

> weeks in ICU before the grafting and then back there

> after. I was told I was 70% burned and 40% grafted.


> The reason they waited so long I was told later is

> because they have to wait for grease burns to

> finish.

> The Hepatitis B and C came from the 28 pints of

> blood

> that was given to me during surgery. I had been

> sick

> off and on for several years and daignosed with

> different things. My PCP was doing routine

> bloodwork

> on me because I had developed Thyroid problems and

> breathing problems when he noticed my liver

> functions

> failing. I was referred to a Gastroenterologist,

> who

> did lab work and told me I had Hep B and C but the B

> was non-reactive, had antibodies in my blood for it.


> I went to my employer that day very upset and was

> basically made fun of and called a liar. Jerry

> Heron

> told me the papers were just handouts and I could

> have

> gotten them anywhere. A tear slipped out and he

> told

> me not to expect sympathy from them and I replied it

> would be the last place I would. I was pulled from

> work because of I became very sick from treatment

> (Combo). The treatments started March 1999, I was

> off

> work because of, as Dr's said I was very

> asympthamatic

> to treatments, I also developed Fibromyalgia. I was

> sent a letter to come to a pretermination hearing on

> my birthday 9/22/99 and then was terminated 9/29/99.


> I have been off treatments since beginning of 10/99

> because of no insurance. I am still fighting my

> former employers lies about job duties so I can

> receive long term disability. So that is my story.

> I

> tell people all the time if they were given any

> blood

> products before 1992 to please have themselves or

> whomever they know checkecked...........Sincerely

> Yours, Constance L. Dickson....(Connie)

> PS Pinellas County Florida Government Employees are

> not treated well by their superiors......I am not

> the

> first or the last to be made to feel bad or have

> died

> because of their policies.

> --- Sharon Nicholson <freelancemom@...> wrote:

> > Greetings all!

> >

> > I have been on this very informative list just a

> > short

> > while, but from talking with a few of you and

> > soaking

> > up the info, I have to tell you that this is one

> of

> > the " BETTER " onelists on Hep C!

> >

> > Now, with that said, I will briefly tell you about

> > me,

> > I am a writer who is researching this deadly virus

> > because I too am a Hepper! I found out I had HCV

> > back

> > in 1995, was told it was no big deal and not to

> > worry

> > about it... The thing is I had problems since

> > childhood, bad " flu " symptoms that didn't go away,

> > Gallbladder removed in 1990 because of severe pain

> > in

> > the liver, fatigue, nausea, vomiting etc. Went to

> > doctors who couldn't find anything wrong! (Never

> > looking for HCV!)

> >

> > My mother died in 1988 of cirrhosis, cancer and

> had

> > non-A non-B Hepatitis! (Yes, you guessed it, we

> > think

> > she had it too!) At the time I asked her doctors

> > why

> > would a woman die of cirrhosis at age 55 who drank

> > only two times a year, Christmas and New Years.

> > They

> > had no answers.

> > (Yes, they were dumb back then too!)

> >

> > Well, now I am a Hepatitis Educator in Arizona.

> Got

> > a

> > couple websites and need your help!

> >

> > I need your stories!

> > How did you discover you had Hepatitis C?

> > What do you think caused it?

> > How are you being treated?

> > What do you think of the medical community that is

> > treating you?

> > What would you tell someone who just found out

> they

> > have HCV?

> >

> > You can add anything you want to that. You can

> > remain

> > anonymous or be part of the ever growing online

> > support group.

> >

> > All of your help is deeply appreciated!

> >

> > =====

> > Sharon Nicholson

> > (writer, editor, mother to five, adventure

> seeker!)

> > Diamondstarlite Publishing

> >

> http://www.homestead.com/diamondstarlite/pages.html

> > Hepatitis A, B, C's editor at Suite101

> > come discover how to protect yourself

> > http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/hepatitis_abc

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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