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National Vaccine Plan Prioritises Projects for Industry

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This week's

FierceVaccines is brought to you by Terrapinn.

our speakers

Dr Bruce Gellin

Director, NVPO Department of Health and Human Services


The Honorable C Greenwood

President and CEO

Biotechnology Industry Organization

Wayne Pisano


sanofi pasteur

Dr J O'Grady

Senior Fellow, Health Policy and Evaluation Department

National Opinion Research Center

Dr n Gruber

Deputy Director, Office of Vaccines Research and Review

CBER US Food and Drug Administration

› View the full list of


› Download the brochure

› Register now

sponsorship opportunities

In an effort to help our clients really stand out from their competitors,

World Vaccine Congress Washington offers the best way to keep your

business solutions and brand front of mind.

Who should sponsor?

Pharmaceutical manufacturers


Equipment Manufacturers

Law Firms

Large / SME Biotechs

Platform Technology Providers

Technology Providers


conference details


Day 1

11th April 8am - 6:00pm

Day 2

12th April 8am - 6:00pm

Day 3

13th April 8am - 6:00pm

Day 4

14th April 8am - 4:30pm

› Full conference


› Add this to my calendar

or call +44 (0)207 242 2324

National Vaccine Plan prioritises

projects for industry

The 11th World Vaccine Congress Washington offers the clearest

guidance to date on where industry must advance vaccine and immunization

science to achieve commercial success.

World Vaccine Congress Washington 2011 is designed to deliver the

innovative approaches that are being prioritised by the HHS to improve

delivery of existing vaccines and to spur development of new products to

prevent infectious disease.

And if you register by 4 March, this Friday, you

can SAVE up to $460

› Register NOW to hear how you

should map out your 10-year plan

Confirm your place now to fully comprehend the opportunities the

National Vaccine Plan will have on your portfolio.

Dr Bruce Gellin, Director NVPO and Deputy Assistant Secretary for

Health delivers key action steps, implementation timelines and

stakeholder responsibilities that will enable you help you align your

company's pipeline with Governmental requirements.

› Download the World Vaccine

Congress Washington


› Register to attend World

Vaccine Congress Washington

Sign up now to analyse the immediate vaccine prioritisation plans of

the HHS

Uncover the key research and development, supply, financing,

distribution, safety and global cooperation activities that industry must

deliver to satisfy national prevention requirements.

› Register NOW to ensure your

company is focused on significant vaccine markets

The earliest opportunity you will have to ensure your organisation

pipelines match the nation's prevention strategies for maximum

reimbursement opportunities

Understand how to co-ordinate your company's strategic development

plans with priorities outlined by future federal vaccine and immunization


› Register NOW to align

yourself with Governmental requirements

Follow the links to register your place at World Vaccine Congress

Washington 2011 and you will meet over 450 top decision makers from

the key governmental and industry stakeholders providing the solutions to

the next 10 years of vaccine research.

And if you register by 4 March, this Friday, you

can SAVE up to $460

› Register NOW as limited

places remain for vaccine manufacturers and their suppliers

or call +44 (0)207 242 2324

Your voucher code is: Fierce1

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We want to stay in touch

Terrapinn organises key events and conferences in the business world. We

want to make sure we stay in touch, not only about this event but a range

of opportunities for you to reach customers and make contacts.

To ensure these emails gets through to you, simply add our address - as

it appears in the 'From' line of this email - to your email address book.

This way an overzealous spam filter won't sweep us up.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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This week's

FierceVaccines is brought to you by Terrapinn.

our speakers

Dr Bruce Gellin

Director, NVPO Department of Health and Human Services


The Honorable C Greenwood

President and CEO

Biotechnology Industry Organization

Wayne Pisano


sanofi pasteur

Dr J O'Grady

Senior Fellow, Health Policy and Evaluation Department

National Opinion Research Center

Dr n Gruber

Deputy Director, Office of Vaccines Research and Review

CBER US Food and Drug Administration

› View the full list of


› Download the brochure

› Register now

sponsorship opportunities

In an effort to help our clients really stand out from their competitors,

World Vaccine Congress Washington offers the best way to keep your

business solutions and brand front of mind.

Who should sponsor?

Pharmaceutical manufacturers


Equipment Manufacturers

Law Firms

Large / SME Biotechs

Platform Technology Providers

Technology Providers


conference details


Day 1

11th April 8am - 6:00pm

Day 2

12th April 8am - 6:00pm

Day 3

13th April 8am - 6:00pm

Day 4

14th April 8am - 4:30pm

› Full conference


› Add this to my calendar

or call +44 (0)207 242 2324

National Vaccine Plan prioritises

projects for industry

The 11th World Vaccine Congress Washington offers the clearest

guidance to date on where industry must advance vaccine and immunization

science to achieve commercial success.

World Vaccine Congress Washington 2011 is designed to deliver the

innovative approaches that are being prioritised by the HHS to improve

delivery of existing vaccines and to spur development of new products to

prevent infectious disease.

And if you register by 4 March, this Friday, you

can SAVE up to $460

› Register NOW to hear how you

should map out your 10-year plan

Confirm your place now to fully comprehend the opportunities the

National Vaccine Plan will have on your portfolio.

Dr Bruce Gellin, Director NVPO and Deputy Assistant Secretary for

Health delivers key action steps, implementation timelines and

stakeholder responsibilities that will enable you help you align your

company's pipeline with Governmental requirements.

› Download the World Vaccine

Congress Washington


› Register to attend World

Vaccine Congress Washington

Sign up now to analyse the immediate vaccine prioritisation plans of

the HHS

Uncover the key research and development, supply, financing,

distribution, safety and global cooperation activities that industry must

deliver to satisfy national prevention requirements.

› Register NOW to ensure your

company is focused on significant vaccine markets

The earliest opportunity you will have to ensure your organisation

pipelines match the nation's prevention strategies for maximum

reimbursement opportunities

Understand how to co-ordinate your company's strategic development

plans with priorities outlined by future federal vaccine and immunization


› Register NOW to align

yourself with Governmental requirements

Follow the links to register your place at World Vaccine Congress

Washington 2011 and you will meet over 450 top decision makers from

the key governmental and industry stakeholders providing the solutions to

the next 10 years of vaccine research.

And if you register by 4 March, this Friday, you

can SAVE up to $460

› Register NOW as limited

places remain for vaccine manufacturers and their suppliers

or call +44 (0)207 242 2324

Your voucher code is: Fierce1

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contact us

We want to stay in touch

Terrapinn organises key events and conferences in the business world. We

want to make sure we stay in touch, not only about this event but a range

of opportunities for you to reach customers and make contacts.

To ensure these emails gets through to you, simply add our address - as

it appears in the 'From' line of this email - to your email address book.

This way an overzealous spam filter won't sweep us up.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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