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By Null, Ph.D.

©Copyright 2000, Null & Associates, Inc.

Note: The information on this website is not a substitute for

diagnosis and treatment by a qualified, licensed professional.



Why We Assume Vaccines are Safe and Effective

Why We Should Question Our Assumptions

Safety Issues

Vaccines are Based on Unsound Principles

Questionable Science

The Natural Evolution of Disease

Vaccine Propaganda

Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes

Vaccine Failures

The following topics are in the full document

Effects of Specific Vaccines

The Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus Vaccines

The Polio Vaccines

The Chickenpox Vaccine

The Flu Vaccine

The Hepatitis B Vaccine

The Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) Vaccine

The HiB Vaccine

The Smallpox Vaccine

Rotavirus Vaccine and Pneumococcal Vaccine

Recombinant Vaccines

Lessons of History

Provocation Disease


Crib Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS)



Immunosuppression and Auto-Immune Disease

New Diseases


Social Violence and Behavioral and Neurological Disorders

Activists Speak Out on Vaccine Dangers

The Pertussis Vaccine

Problems with Temporary Immunity and Benefits of Childhood Disease

Vaccine Experimentation on Vulnerable Populations

The EZ Measles Medical Fiasco

What the Future May Hold

Pet Vaccines

Economic, Political, and Legal Issues

Right to Refuse Vaccination

Vaccination as Population Control

Holistic Health and Freedom of Choice

Appendix: Scientific Peer-Reviewed Studies



Note: The information in this document is presented for informational

purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for diagnosis and

treatment by a qualified professional.


For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put

forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe. The

second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which

they’re given. The public and our legislators have, by and large,

accepted these assumptions as true, and as a result it is now

compulsory in many states that children have as many as 33

inoculations before entering school, with some of these given as

early as the first few weeks of life.

We’ve been told that the end of smallpox, polio, and measles as

serious health threats is due to mass inoculation programs, and again

we have accepted the official dogma unquestioningly. But as we shall

see here, this is not exactly the truth. What’s more, a disturbing

reality that has generally been unrecognized is the ever-growing

number of individuals suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations.

These individuals are predominantly infants and children, and the

problems they’ve incurred as a result of vaccination go way beyond

sore arms and transitory fever: Such conditions as autism, attention

deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other biochemical

and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of

vaccines. Most tragically, so has SIDS—sudden infant death syndrome.

Yet because of underreporting of these troubling statistical links, a

full picture of the effects of vaccination has not emerged. And the

problem of underreporting is a deep-seated one, because not only are

the news media not playing up what has already been learned, but

doctors are not being encouraged to report possible adverse

reactions, slowing additional learning. Couple these problems with

the official line that for the greater good of the majority a small

minority must accept negative consequences, and you have a situation

in which nobody is really looking for the truth.

This investigation is an attempt to do that. It has required nearly

five years of in-depth analysis, and a review of thousands of

articles. I am not personally taking positions on individual

vaccines, but I am, rather, presenting information based upon hard

science; hundreds of references are included here for those who want

to read further. For people challenging mandatory vaccination

policies, the reference section will be particularly helpful, as it

will be for anyone who simply wants to look beyond the official line

and see what’s actually happening. It is interesting to note that the

situation with vaccination is analogous to that with chemotherapy;

both are presented to the public as efficacious and safe when in

reality, with a few exceptions for each, they are neither. In both

cases, then, personal decision-making requires extensive research.—


Why We Assume Vaccines are Safe and Effective

We are repeatedly told that vaccines are safe, vital to our well-

being, and necessary for the prevention of many diseases. Most of us

take it for granted that not being vaccinated endangers our health

and safety. In a worst-case scenario, we envision world-wide plagues

and even extinction. Our faith in vaccinations is so strong that we

think of them as panaceas, and look to science to develop new ones

for every known affliction, from the common cold to AIDS. Here we

take a close look at our assumptions and ask, are we seeing the full


* , author of What Every Parent Should Know About

Immunization explains society’s general acceptance of vaccinations as

due, in large part, to state laws that dictate children must receive

vaccines before they can attend school. elaborates on the

history of these requirements: " Right now, all 50 states have

vaccination statutes that require immunization before a child is

allowed to attend school. But it wasn’t always that way. In 1905, to

give an example, only 11 states had compulsory laws. In other states

it was optional. And in the early 1920s, there were four states--

Utah, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Arizona--that had explicit

statutory provisions against compulsory vaccination. Over the years,

unfortunately, all of the states have made vaccinations compulsory. "

feels that one of the major mistakes that was made--and that

is repeatedly made--is that the politicians, who were greatly

encouraged by the lobbyists from the drug companies, were convinced,

without proper investigation, that vaccines were the only way of

preventing disease. This, says, " gives credence to an idea

that has dominated medical practice for this entire century. "

Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine

Information Center (NVIC), in Vienna, Virginia, reminds us that

people tend to trust that the law is in their best interest. Those

who feel otherwise are given a difficult time.

" Part of the problem is that in 1905 a Supreme Court decision,

son vs. Massachusetts, set the stage for what we’re experiencing

right now in this country, and that is that many people don’t feel

they have the option to say no. Parents who do are being charged with

child medical neglect and child abuse. The Clinton administration has

now linked entitlement programs to vaccination status, which means

that a poor family dependent upon federal assistance will not get

food money, medical care, and other entitlements if they cannot show

proof that their children have gotten every single one of their ten

required vaccines. "

Why We Should Question Our Assumptions

Vaccines should not be taken on faith alone. Rather, we need to take

an objective look at their risks and benefits, as well as at their

record of effectiveness. Vital points to consider about vaccines are

the safety issues involved, how vaccines work, the questionable

science behind vaccination, the natural evolution of disease, vaccine

propaganda, and vaccine ingredients and manufacturing processes.

Safety Issues

Significant adverse effects have been reported with every type of

vaccine. These reactions can occur soon after vaccination (short-term

reactions) or several months to years later (long-term). Delayed

reactions are more insidious and less obviously linked to

vaccination, and thus necessitate large-scale epidemiological studies

to be proven. They can result in permanent conditions such as

epilepsy, mental retardation, learning disabilities, and immune

system dysfunction.

Short-Term Reactions.

Results of research conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have

shown that evidence indicates a causal relation between: hepatitis B

vaccine and anaphylaxis; measles vaccine and thrombocytopenia, death

resulting from anaphylaxis, and death from measles vaccine-strain

viral infection; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and thrombocytopenia,

and anaphylaxis; rubella vaccine and acute and chronic arthritis in

adult women; diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis vaccine (DTP)

and acute and chronic encephalopathy, hypotonic-hyporesponsive

episodes, and anaphylaxis; the pertussis component of DTP vaccine and

extended periods of inconsolable crying or screaming; tetanus-toxoid-

containing vaccines and Guillain-Barre syndrome, brachial neuritis,

and possible risk of death resulting from anaphylaxis; oral polio

vaccine and Guillain-Barre syndrome, and death from polio vaccine-

strain viral infection; and unconjugated HiB vaccine and

susceptibility to HiB disease.

The committee could not find enough evidence to indicate either the

presence or absence of a causal relation between: DTP vaccine and

aseptic meningitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, hemolytic anemia,

juvenile diabetes, learning disabilities and attention-deficit

disorder, peripheral mononeuropathy, or thrombocytopenia; and rubella

vaccine and radiculoneuritis and other neuropathies or

thrombocytopenic purpura.

One would think that before injecting children worldwide with

hundreds of million of doses of vaccine there would be enough

clinical trials performed to determine exactly what the effects of

this large-scale human genetic experiment would be. Lack of funding

is not the problem. Each year, more than $1 billion is appropriated

by Congress to federal health agencies to develop, purchase, and

promote the mass use of vaccines in the U.S.; the problem is that

none of that money is used to fund independent vaccine researchers to

investigate vaccine-related health problems. In itself, the lack of

studies on possible short- and long-term effects of vaccines should

raise questions in any honest investigator.

In the meantime, between 1991 and 1994, 38,787 adverse events were

reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Of

these, 45 percent occurred on the day of vaccination, 20 percent on

the following day, and 93 percent within two weeks of vaccination.

Deaths were most prevalent in children 1 to 3 months old. Since, as

has been amply documented, only one tenth of vaccine-induced

reactions are reported to the VAERS, this number vastly

underestimates the real incidence of vaccine-associated

complications. Furthermore, because a link cannot be proven when the

adverse event occurs long after the time of vaccination, this

reporting system is giving a very limited perception of the real

extent of the problem.

Long-Term Reactions. The list of adverse events that have been linked

to vaccination, is, unfortunately, much longer than the one presented

by the IOM, partially because, as we’ve said, long-term causality is

hard to prove. There are, though, hundreds of reports documenting

cases of meningitis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes,

autism, chronic encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and

rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions, that seem to be linked

to vaccines. They will be discussed throughout this document.

Why We Need the Right to Choose. Most of us assume that vaccinations

are completely safe, even harmless. Alan , the founding

director of Citizens for Health Care and Freedom, a North Carolina

nonprofit corporation dedicated to raising awareness of vaccine

issues and supporting the right to choose, believes otherwise.

Says , " I have seen information to directly contradict all of

the commonly held assumptions about the safety and efficacy of

vaccinations. The primary one that concerns me is the assumption that

vaccines are completely safe. Most medical people, if you press them

on this issue, will say that nothing is completely safe. But

pediatricians almost universally will imply or state outright that

they are. "

" Physicians in this country are required to give a piece of paper

that alludes to the possibility of some sort of problem with

vaccines. But the way information is given is ambiguous. It makes

some reference to maybe a one in a million chance of a child dying.

That’s what was on the paper that my son’s pediatrician gave to my

wife when we took him in for his first two-month checkup

immunization. At that point, we were completely unaware of the issue,

and, quoting him directly, the pediatrician stated outright: ‘That

never happens.’ I remember that clearly in reference to the

possibility that maybe one in a million children will die. "

" The fact is that in this country over a hundred deaths are reported

each year following vaccination. " And, continues, " the FDA

admits that 90 percent or more of serious vaccine adverse events are

not even reported, and independent sources raise that figure to as

much as 95 or 97 percent. So any pediatrician or other person who

says that this doesn’t happen is uninformed. "

In addition to vaccine-induced deaths, there is the potential for any

number of serious side effects. Meryl Dorey, editor of the Australian

publication Vaccination: The Choice is Yours, and president of the

Australian Vaccination Network, reports that " for one 39-month period

ending in November 1994, there were 32,000 serious adverse effects

reported. If we accept this 10-percent figure from the FDA, that

would mean that there could be 320,000 children being seriously

injured by vaccines. It’s unacceptable for any drug or treatment to

be killing and injuring people at such a high rate. There should be

alarms going off. There should be people asking more questions. "

By the way, apparently not everyone accepts the FDA numbers. One

vaccine manufacturer, Connaught Laboratories, estimates a 50-fold

under-reporting of adverse events!

Dr. Coulter, an expert on the pertussis vaccine, is co-author

of DPT: A Shot in the Dark and author of Vaccinations, Social

Violence, and Criminality. Coulter says that while vaccines are

described as safe, safety is a relative term that the government

cannot clearly define. " They say that the vaccine is safe because

only one in x number of hundreds of thousands of children gets a

violent reaction. The number changes from time to time. Sometimes

it’s one in 100,000, sometimes one in 300,000, and sometimes one in

500,000 vaccinated children. You can question if that really means

safe. For the child who is damaged, that is not safe at all. "

Coulter brings up another important issue concerning safety: There

are a variety of degrees of damage that can result from vaccines, and

we shouldn’t be concerned only with the most extreme. As he explains,

" in any group of people who are exposed to a stress factor--and a

vaccine would have to be called a stress factor--the reactions to

that stress will vary from nothing at all to a very serious reaction,

maybe even death. What the scientists who are concerned with

vaccinations tend to leave out of consideration are the people in the

middle. One in 100,000 is very seriously affected; they get cerebral

palsy or mental retardation or maybe they die. We know that all those

things happen. But what about the ones in the middle? There’s a whole

spectrum of varying reactions to vaccinations. And that is a factor

which is simply not examined at all by the people concerned. "

Coulter makes the vital point that concerns about vaccine safety and

efficacy are well-documented in major peer-reviewed journals, such as

the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American

Medical Association, and The Lancet. " All that information is there

if you just take the trouble to look for it. " And Dr. Dean Black,

author of Immunizations: Compulsion or Choice, points out that

government discussions of vaccine risks are recorded in the

Congressional Record, in a text concerning compensation to families

of children who have been harmed by the procedure.

Black tells us that " Congressman Henry Waxman, who chaired the

hearing, is quoted as saying, ‘A properly manufactured vaccine that

has been properly administered can cause a terrible adverse reaction,

an admitted scientific fact. The children who will be victims rather

than beneficiaries cannot be predicted.’ "

" The [Congressional] Record goes on to justify mass immunization

practices by comparing children to soldiers who must at times

sacrifice themselves for their country: ‘As a nation we require that

all children be immunized so that most children will be healthy.

Today, the subcommittee will begin to consider what society owes to

those who are hurt, to children injured in the line of public health.’ "

" The International Association of Biological Standards is the

association which sets the expected risk/benefit ratio that should

allow vaccines to be used. What is this standard? How beneficial must

it be relative to a risk to be able to be used? What the

International Association of Biological Standards says about vaccines

in its manual is this: ‘A relatively small number of damaged persons,

due to inoculation, is first considered the lesser of two evils.’ So,

we have an admission of damaged persons, who Waxman says have been

injured in the line of public health, and about who the International

Association of Biological Standards says: ‘The subject affected by an

inoculation has, without doubt, made a special sacrifice in the

interest of the general public.’ "

As Dr. Black says, " If I am a parent whose child has been injured in

the line of public health, my individual child may be dead. As far as

the government is concerned, that’s just a risk I have to take. My

child must be willing to die in the service of the general public. "

Thus Dr. Black brings up a troubling assumption behind vaccination

programs—that it is right for a few children to be sacrificed for the

good of many. The questions that of course arise are: What if a

child’s parents don’t agree with that? What if a child doesn’t? We’re

looking at a philosophical assumption that has never been dealt with

in an open way in this country, and maybe it’s time for some public

discussion of the issue. "

Another troubling area of concern is this: If vaccines are as safe

and effective as medical science says, then why are doctors not

lining up for the shots? After all, doctors are exposed to infected

patients every day. In fact, physicians belong to a high-risk

category and are urged to accept vaccinations because of their

continued exposure to infectious disease.

Despite these recommendations, it is well known that many doctors

refuse to vaccinate themselves and their families., In the Feb. 20,

1981, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, an

article entitled " Rubella Vaccine in Susceptible Hospital Employees,

Poor Physician Participation " reports that the lowest vaccination

rate among medical personnel for the German measles vaccine occurred

among obstetrician/gynecologists and the next lowest rate occurred

among pediatricians. The authors conclude, " The fear of unforeseen

vaccination reactions was the main reason for the low uptake rate of

physicians to be vaccinated. "

Dr. Mendelson wrote a report about a Los Angeles physician who

refused to vaccinate his own 7-month-old baby. According to

Mendelson, this doctor stated, " I’m worried about what happens when

the vaccine virus may not only offer little protection against

measles but may also stay around in the body, working in a way that

we don’t know much about. " Yet the doctor was still vaccinating his

patients and justifying his actions: " As a parent I have the luxury

of making a choice for my child. As a physician, legally and

professionally, I have to accept the recommendations of the

profession, which is what we also had to do with the whole swine flu

business. "

In the British Medical Journal, an article entitled, " Attitudes of

General Practitioners Towards their Vaccination against Hepatitis B "

tells us that of 598 doctors questioned about hepatitis B vaccine, 86

percent believe that all general practitioners should be vaccinated

against hepatitis B. Yet 309 of those practitioners had not been

vaccinated themselves. This less than enthusiastic response by

physicians is further noted in another British Medical Journal

article on hepatitis B vaccination and surgeons: " Infection with

hepatitis B virus is a serious hazard for health workers. Surgeons

are particularly at risk with potentially devastating consequences to

their well-being and a major threat to their livelihood if they

become carriers. " However, either surgeons do not take this threat

seriously or realize that vaccinations do not offer protection,

because the article goes on to say, " Despite good evidence of an

increased risk of infection, a high percentage of surgeons in this

study had not been immunized. Clearly, there is a failure by all

surgeons to protect themselves and to insist that junior staff are

protected. "

It would seem that there are many doctors who are in agreement with

the words of Dr. Sheenan, who says, " The only wholly safe

vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. "

Vaccinations are Based on Unsound Principles

Vaccines are suspensions of infectious agents used to artificially

induce immunity against specific diseases. The aim of vaccination is

to mimic the process of naturally occurring infection through

artificial means. Theoretically, vaccines produce a mild to moderate

episode of infection in the body with only temporary and slight side

effects. But in reality, they may be causing diseases rather than

preventing them. According to , " Vaccines produce disease

or infection in an otherwise healthy person... And so, in order to

allegedly produce something good, one has to do something bad to the

human body, that is, induce an infection or a disease in an otherwise

healthy person that may or may not have ever happened. "

continues: " You have a situation in which everyone is being

given a disease with no control over that disease, because once you

inject a vaccine into a person’s body, whether it contains bacteria

or viruses or split viruses or whatever--you have no control over the

outcome. It’s like dumping toxic wastes into a river and saying, ‘If

we just put a little bit in, it won’t pollute the river. It will be

just enough to do what we want it to do.’ Of course, what they want

the vaccination to do is initiate the building up of our immune

defenses, just like a regular infection would do. The problem is that

the medical profession and science do not know, and have never known,

what the infecting dose of an infection really is. It’s not something

that can be measured. So they’re really guessing at the amount of

antigen and other supplementary chemicals that they put in the vaccine. "

" Vaccines are portrayed as being indispensable and somehow better at

disease protection than what our innate biological defenses and

nutritional resources have accomplished for thousands of years. I

think it’s the height of arrogance for the medical profession to

think that they have duplicated a biological process that has taken

care of people since the beginning of time. People can deal with

infectious diseases without vaccines. Before the introduction of the

measles and mumps vaccines, children got measles and they got mumps,

and in the great majority of cases those diseases were benign. "

" The most important point I want to make is that there’s no logical

reason for having a vaccine when these [natually occuring] infectious

agents...can stimulate the immune system to take care of that disease

by itself. We don’t need anything artificial to do that for us. "

Another argument against vaccines is that they are suppressive,

rather than curative, causing the vital force of the body to shift

its emphasis either to some other disease or to a deeper disease.

Symptoms can be suppressed for the moment, notes homeopathic

veterinarian Dr. Loops, but down the road some type of

chronic disease is going to develop: " If you treat irritable bowel

syndrome, for instance, with cortisone and antibiotics, you can drive

the disease to a state where ten years down the road you’ll be

dealing with colon cancer. And we have equivalents in animal disease.

The most important thing is to treat disease, any type of disease, in

a manner that enhances the body, so that it can heal itself, and that

means using herbal, homeopathic, or some other type of stimulatory

medicine, rather than suppressive medicine. "

Walene , author of Immunizations: The Reality Beyond the Myth,

adds that the full inflammatory response is necessary to create real

immunity, and reports that in The Lancet on June 5, 1985, there was

an article about measles virus infection relating to a variety of

diseases in adult life. Researchers in Denmark, the article

explained, examined the histories of people claiming not to have had

measles in childhood, yet who had blood antibody evidence of such

infection. The researchers found that some of these people had been

injected in childhood with the measles vaccine after exposure to the

infection. This may have suppressed the disease which was at the time

developing in their bodies. A high proportion of these individuals

were found in adult life to have developed immunoreactive diseases,

such as sebaceous skin diseases, tumors, and degenerative diseases of

bone and cartilage. The conditions included cancer, MS, lupus, and

chondromalacia, which is softening of the cartilage.

quotes Dr. Moskowitz, past president of the National

Institute of Homeopathy, and a cum laude graduate of Harvard and New

York Medical School, as stating, " ‘Vaccines trick the body so that it

will no longer initiate a generalized inflammatory response. They

thereby accomplish what the entire immune system seems to have

evolved to prevent. They place the virus directly into the blood and

give it access to the major immune organs and tissues without any

obvious way of getting rid of it. These attenuated viruses and virus

elements persist in the blood for a long time, perhaps permanently.

This, in turn, implies a systematic weakening of the ability to mount

an effective response, not only to childhood diseases but to other

acute infections as well.’ "

explains that increased antibody production may not be the most

important aspect of the immune process:

" Vaccines isolate antibody function, and allow it to substitute for

the entire immune response. Scientific evidence questioning the role

of antibodies in disease protection can be found in research

performed by Dr. Alec Burton, published in a study by the British

Medical Council in May 1950. The study investigates the relationship

between the incidence of diphtheria and the presence of antibodies.

Since diphtheria was epidemic at, or just prior to, the time of the

study, the researchers had a large number of cases to investigate.

The purpose of the research was to determine the existence or

nonexistence of antibodies in people who developed diphtheria and in

those who did not. It looked at patients and people who were in close

proximity to patients, such as physicians, nurses in hospitals,

family, and friends. The conclusion was that there was no relation

whatsoever between antibody count and incidence of disease. The

researchers found people who were highly resistant with extremely low

antibody counts, and people who developed the disease who had high

antibody counts. Dr. Burton also discovered that children born with a-

gamma globulinemia (an inability to produce antibodies) develop and

recover from measles and other infectious or contagious disease

almost as spontaneously as other children. "

Further, insists that introducing antigens directly into

the bloodstream can prove dangerous. " When a child gets a naturally

occurring infection, like measles, which is not a serious disease,

the body reacts to that in a very set way. The germs go in a certain

part of the body through the throat and into the different immune

organs, and the body combats the disease in its own natural way.

There are all sorts of immune reactions that occur. Inflammatory

response reactions, macrophages, and different kinds of white blood

cells are used to combat the virus. You also cough and sneeze and get

rid of the virus that way.

" When you inject a vaccine into the body, you’re actually performing

an unnatural act because you are injecting directly into the blood

system. That is not the natural port of entry for that virus. In

fact, the whole immune system in our body is geared to prevent that

from happening. What we’re doing is giving the virus or the bacteria

carte blanche entry into our bloodstream, which is the last place you

want it to be. This increases the chance for disease because viral

material from the vaccine stays in the cells, and is not completely

defeated by the body’s own defenses. You overload the body. "

Additionally, vaccines are less efficient than the body’s own

immunization processes. observes that vaccines, unlike

childhood diseases, do not produce permanent immunity. " The medical

profession does not know how long vaccine immunity lasts because it

is artificial immunity. If you get measles naturally, in 99 percent

of the cases, you have lifelong immunity. If you have German measles

you will have lifelong immunity. The chances of getting measles

twice, German measles twice, or even whooping cough twice are so

remote, it’s unbelievable. However, if you get a measles vaccine or a

DPT vaccine, it does not mean that the vaccine will prevent you from

getting the disease. Nobody knows how good vaccine prevention is. But

I can tell you that the recent figures I’ve seen coming out of

government and medical journals, which I read constantly, is that at

least 40-65 percent of all inoculated disease that occurs in this

country (measles, DPT, or tetanus) occurs in vaccinated individuals,

and that to me says that the vaccine isn’t working. "

Walene notes that people sometimes confuse the principle of

vaccination with the principle of homeopathy, when they are very

different. One of the differences she cites is that mass compulsory

vaccinations are based upon the mistaken notion that one size fits

all. Another difference is the amount of toxins given. " The

homeopathic dose is minute. It is so small, in fact, that there is

only an energy field left. Through a method called potentization, you

are only left with a pattern; there is no trace of the substance.

This is not true of an allopathic vaccine. Also, when you are taking

homeopathic treatments, you are taking just one treatment, not a

whole lot of them. Further, in classical homeopathy, you are never

supposed to violate the body by piercing the skin. Medicine must be


" Most important, the homeopathic remedy is holistic. It addresses the

uniqueness of the patient as well as his wholeness. The patient is

seen as a mental and spiritual being as well as a physical organism.

In contrast, vaccines are herd treatments....You are regarded by

orthodox medicine as part of a herd, like cattle, sheep or buffalo. "

In his widely circulated critique of vaccines, " Vaccination:

Dispelling the Myths, " Alan writes, " The clinical evidence

for vaccination is their ability to stimulate antibody production in

the recipient, a fact which is not disputed. What is not clear,

however, is whether or not such antibody production constitutes

immunity. For example, a-gamma globulinemic children are incapable of

producing antibodies, yet they recover from infectious diseases

almost as quickly as other children....Natural immunization is a

complex phenomenon involving many organs and systems; it cannot be

fully replicated by the artificial stimulation of antibody

production. Research also indicates that vaccination commits immune

cells to the specific antigens involved in the vaccine, rendering

them incapable of reacting to other infections. Our immunological

reserve may thus actually be reduced, causing a generally lowered

resistance. "

Echoing the thinking of Walene , adds: " Another

component of immunization theory is ‘herd immunity,’ which states

that when enough people in a community are immunized, all are

protected. There are many documented instances showing just the

opposite--fully vaccinated populations do contract diseases; with

measles, this actually seems to be the direct result of high

vaccination rates. A Minnesota state epidemiologist concluded that

the HiB vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed

that vaccinated children were five times more likely to contract

meningitis than unvaccinated children. " ,

Writing in Nexus, makes the point that immunization practice

assumes that all children, regardless of age and size, are virtually

the same. " An 8-pound 2-month-old receives the same dosage as a 40-

pound five-year-old, " points out. " Infants with immature,

undeveloped immune systems may receive five or more times the dosage

(relative to body weight) as older children. " What’s more, random

testing has revealed that the number of ‘units’ within doses has been

found to range up to three times what the label indicates, with

quality control tolerating a rather large margin of error. In fact,

reports that " ‘Hot Lots’--vaccine lots with

disproportionately high death and disability rates--have been

identified repeatedly by the NVIC, but the FDA refuses to intervene

to prevent further unnecessary injury and deaths. In fact, they have

never recalled a vaccine lot due to adverse reactions. Some would

call this infanticide. "

Questionable Science

Many scientific studies tell us that vaccines are safe and effective

when this is not necessarily the case., Doctors and vaccine

proponents often quote studies done solely on antibody production in

the blood, not taking into account clinical experiences., In her

research, Cournoyer discusses some of the studies that

started with the hypothesis that vaccines are safe and effective.

" They never consider the opposite possibility, that vaccines are

harmful and ineffective, " Cournoyer says. " When vaccine failures and

reactions occur, they are explained away. Researchers conclude that

the doses were wrong, the control group was wrong, or that something

else was wrong. Using common sense, I would conclude that perhaps

something is wrong with the vaccines being studied. "

Cournoyer uses this example to show just how biased vaccine studies

can be: " A 1988 Lancet article reports a study in which a group of

children were given the cellular pertussis vaccine. Those who had a

reaction to the first dose were removed from the research population.

Only nonreacting children were kept and given a second dose.

Researchers were not interested in studying the children who reacted

to the first dose. This allowed them to say that the new vaccine was

safe and effective. In reality, however, children are receiving first

doses all the time. "

Dr. Dean Black believes that scientists know that there are risks and

benefits to vaccination but assume that the good effects outweigh the

bad. However, they do not have proof to back up their claims, a point

brought out in Congressional hearings. Black states, " Congressman

Waxman addressed this issue directly at the Congressional hearings on

vaccine safety when he asked Dr. H. , president of the

American Academy of Pediatrics, ‘In your opinion, Dr. , is there

an accurate reporting of reactions to vaccines?’ said, ‘Not at

the present time.’ [Congressman Waxman questioned] Dr. N.

Brandt, assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health

and Human Services, ‘I have been hearing that physicians don’t even

know a reaction when one occurs. They assume that it may be from some

other cause. Is that a fair statement?’ Brandt replied, ‘Certainly

there have been a number of people who have pointed that out.’

Congressman Waxman then asked Brandt, ‘How do you prove that a

vaccine was, in fact, the cause of an illness or disability?’ To

this, Brandt said, ‘It may very well be impossible to do that in

individual cases.’ And of course, " Black points out, " there are only

individual cases. So, we have in the Congressional Record a clear

statement that says we do not know the risk of harm. "

Black continues by asking, " How about the benefit? The benefit means

children would have become injured or would have died without the

vaccine. The question is, how do we know who would have died without

the vaccine? How do we know how many would have been harmed without

it? The answer is, we don’t know. It’s purely hypothetical. "

Black then brings up an issue that needs more attention—what if we

stopped compulsory vaccination? " By looking at what happens in

countries where vaccinations are no longer required, " he says, " we

can get an idea of what would truly happen if we were to cease

demanding compulsory immunization in America. In 1975, Germany

stopped requiring pertussis vaccinations, and the number of children

vaccinated promptly began to drop. Today, it has dropped to well

below 10 percent. What has happened in Germany from pertussis over

that period of time? The mortality rate has continued to decrease.

That would likewise be our experience here. "

The Natural Evolution of Disease

Immunization supposedly puts an end to disease. We attribute the

decline in polio to the polio vaccine, the " disappearance " of

smallpox to the smallpox vaccine, and so forth. , , , , , The media

tell us that science is working on an AIDS vaccine, and we trust that

this will fully end the affliction.

But are vaccinations the magic bullets we believe them to be? Dr.

Coulter concludes otherwise. Regarding infectious diseases of the

past, he states, " The incidence of all of these infectious diseases

was dropping very rapidly, starting in the 1930s. After World War II,

the incidence continued to drop as living conditions improved. Clean

water, central heating, the ability to bring oranges from Florida to

the north in February so the children could get vitamin C--these are

the factors that really affected people’s tendencies to come down

with infectious diseases much more than vaccines. The vaccines might

have added a little bit to that downward curve, but the curve was

going down all the time anyway. "

Dr. Coulter’s words are supported by the Australian Nurses Journal:

" A careful study of the decline in disease will show that up to 90

percent of the so-called ‘killer diseases’ had all but disappeared

when we introduced immunization on a large scale during the late

thirties and early forties. " A similar statement is made by the

Medical Journal of Australia: " The decline of tetanus as a disease

began before the introduction of tetanus toxoid to the general

population. The reasons for this decline are the same for the decline

in all other infectious diseases: improved hygiene, improved

sanitation, better nutrition, healthier living conditions, etc. "

Alan elaborates on this theme:

" We just assume that vaccinations are responsible for disease

decline, which is not the case. For if you check the statistics, you

will find that the vast majority of disease decline proceeded

vaccines. In the case of measles, for example, there was a 97-percent

decline preceding vaccination; in the case of pertussis, 79 percent.

When you look at the graph of the decline in death rate over the

course of the century, you see that the rate of decline, post-

immunization, was virtually the same as the decline pre-immunization,

suggesting that it’s difficult to tell whether or not the vaccine had

any effect on an already well-established decline in disease deaths. " ,

The statistics on the abatement of childhood diseases before the

period of mass immunization are not well-publicized, because they

could tarnish the shining image of the vaccine as savior. According

to , " From 1911 to 1935, the four leading causes of death

among those aged 1 to 14, covered by Metropolitan Life Insurance

Company policies, were (1) diphtheria, (2) measles, (3) scarlet

fever, (4) and whooping cough. The standardized death rate among

children ages 1 to 14 from the leading childhood diseases declined

from 145 per 100,000 living in 1911, to 28 per 100,000 in 1935, a

decrease of 81 percent. By 1945, the annual death rate from the four

leading communicable diseases of childhood had declined to 7 per

100,000. Thus, the combined death rate of diphtheria, measles,

scarlet fever, and whooping cough declined 95 percent among children

ages 1 to 14 from 1911 to 1945, before the mass immunization programs

started in the United States. "

also attacks the notion that vaccines are responsible for

the dramatic reduction in infectious disease during this and past

centuries. " According to the British Association for the Advancement

of Science, childhood diseases decreased 90 percent between 1850 and

1940, paralleling improved sanitation and hygienic practices, well

before mandatory vaccination programs. Infectious disease deaths in

the U.S. and England declined steadily by an average of about 80

percent during this century (measles mortality declined over 97

percent) prior to vaccinations. In Great Britain, the polio epidemics

peaked in 1950, and had declined 82 percent by the time the vaccine

was introduced there in 1956. Thus, at best, vaccinations can be

credited with only a small percentage of the overall decline in

disease-related deaths this century. Yet even this small portion is

questionable, as the rate of decline remained virtually the same

after vaccines were introduced. "

" Furthermore, " points out, " European countries that refused

immunization for smallpox and polio saw the epidemics end along with

those countries that mandated it. In fact, both smallpox and polio

immunization campaigns were followed initially by significant disease

incidence increases; during smallpox vaccination campaigns, other

infectious diseases continued their declines in the absence of

vaccines. In England and Wales, smallpox disease and vaccination

rates eventually declined simultaneously over a period of several

decades. It is thus impossible to say whether or not vaccinations

contributed to the continuing decline in disease death rates, or if

the same forces which brought about the initial declines--improved

sanitation, hygiene, improvements in diet, natural disease cycles--

were simply unaffected by the vaccination programs. "

" Underscoring this conclusion was a recent World Health Organization

report which found that the disease and mortality rates in the Third

World countries have no direct correlation with immunization

procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the

standard of hygiene and diet. Credit given to vaccinations for our

current disease incidence has simply been grossly exaggerated, if not

outright misplaced. "

Vaccine Propaganda

Consider the case of a recent Miss America. As described in a

newsletter put out by The National Vaccine Information Center,

" Before the...pageant that crowned her the new Miss America, Healther

Whitestone gave an interview to the Birmingham News in her home state

and candidly talked about how she became deaf after a serious

reaction to a DPT shot at 18 months old. ’s Mom also talked to

The Star and other broadcast and print media about how

reacted to her DPT shot with a high fever and then came down with an

infection that brought her young daughter close to death.

" But within hours after the Miss America pageant, a horrified medical

establishment moved quickly to publicly dispute any connection

between ’s deafness and the DPT vaccine and instead blamed her

deafness on a bacterial infection for which there now is a vaccine--

Haemophilus influenzae B (HiB). The American Academy of Pediatrics

searched out and found a doctor who had been part of the Alabama

medical group that treated as a toddler. The doctor publicly

insisted there was no connection between ’s deafness and the

DPT shot and that had suffered a severe case of HiB disease

that coincidentally occurred around the time of her DPT shot. "

The newsletter goes on to discuss the phenomenon of recently

vaccinated children getting HiB. " Analysis of individual reports made

to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System during the

past two years reveals a significant number of four- to eight-year-

old children coming down with HiB disease within one to four weeks of

vaccination. These reports are reminiscent of the reports of invasive

bacterial infection, specifically Haemophilus inluenzae B infection,

within one to four weeks of acellular pertussis vaccination in the

Swedish vaccine trials in the 1980s. There has long been speculation

that vaccination may temporarily suppress the immune system and leave

recently vaccinated individuals vulnerable to infections, from otitis

media to more severe infection such as Hib.

" Whether or not Whitestone’s deafness is connected to the DPT

vaccine, there can be no doubt that the American medical

establishment went to extraordinary lengths to publicly challenge

and her mother in order to avoid having to acknowledge DPT

vaccine risks. At a National Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting held

several weeks after she was crowned, one doctor suggested that the

‘public relations problem’ surrounding the new Miss America could be

fixed by persuading to become a ‘poster child’ to promote

vaccination for the government. "

To combat public relations nightmares such as these, government

scientists have turned to " behavioral research " to ensure that

vaccines are looked upon favorably. A National Institute of Allergy

and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) document reads:

" Rates of vaccine acceptance are unlikely to change substantially as

a result of the use of simple incentives or educational brochures.

The behavioral research agenda that must be developed to improve

acceptance is based on identifying factors that motivate or inhibit

acceptance. They include characteristics of (a) the intended

recipient, (B) the guardian, in the case of children, © the health

care provider, and (d) the setting in which the vaccine is delivered.

Relevant findings must then be translated into key elements of

intervention strategies that are rigorously evaluated. Incomplete or

inappropriately timed vaccination can lead to a resurgence of

disease, as occurred in the United States with measles outbreaks

between 1988 and 1991. Individuals who accept the first dose of

vaccine must be followed over the course of immunization to identify

the determinants of compliance and noncompliance with the entire

vaccine regimen. These findings should contribute to pilot tests of

interventions to increase full immunization. Results from these types

of studies are also likely to delineate strategies to increase

vaccine acceptance and to increase compliance with larger scale

immunization programs. "

The same report continues, " Clearly, improving immunization programs

requires rigorous research on fundamental cognitive, perceptual, and

cultural processes that affect health related decisions. Although it

is important to improve the acceptance of licensed vaccine products,

it is also critical to anticipate the availability of new products

and pave the way for their introduction. …Behavioral research also

should be conducted during clinical trials of products under

development to improve the likelihood of their use in full-scale

immunization programs. "

Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes

What one will not find coming out of the NIAID is much discussion of

what vaccines actually are, or, moreover, what’s in them. Walene

describes the contents of vaccines, and urges parents to think

about what effects these ingredients could have on their children’s


" There are three categories of ingredients. The first are cultured

bacteria and viruses. All viruses, even attenuated (so-called killed)

viruses contain RNA and DNA. RNA and DNA shed, and this can be picked

up by the cellular organisms in which they are immersed. This process

of shedding genetic material by the cells of one species and its

subsequent absorption into another species is known as transession.

Cells in which viral RNA have integrated into the DNA of the animal

cells are known as pro-viruses or molecular intermediates. These

infected cells can lie dormant in tissues throughout the body, and be

activated at a later stage, triggering auto-immune phenomena, such as

cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, allergies, and rheumatoid

arthritis. Transession explains auto-immune phenomena, why the immune

system cannot distinguish between foreign invaders and its own

tissues, and why it begins to destroy itself.

" The second ingredient in vaccinations is the medium in which they

are cultivated. This can include rabbit brain tissue, dog kidney

tissue, monkey kidney tissue, chicken or duck egg protein, chick

embryo, calf serum, pig or horse blood, and cowpox pus. These foreign

proteins are injected directly into the bloodstream. They are very

toxic since they do not get filtered through the digestive process or

pass through the liver. "

" These proteins are foreign to the body, and are in a state of

decomposition. They are composed of animal cells, and therefore

contain animal genetic material. It is possible for the genes in

these cells to be picked up by the live, attenuated viruses used in

vaccines. These viruses then implant a foreign alien genetic material

from animal tissue cultures into the human genetic system. Undigested

proteins in the blood are one of the causes of allergies....These

undigested proteins can attack the myelin sheath that protects the

nerves, and result in neurological problems. "

goes on to comment on the last category of vaccine ingredients,

which are stabilizers, neutralizers, carrying agents, and

preservatives. " Many people feed their children healthy foods. They

would never think of giving their children formaldehyde, mercury, or

aluminum phosphate to eat. Formaldehyde, for instance, is used to

embalm corpses, and is a known carcinogen. These are preservatives

and carrying agents that are injected directly into the bloodstream

without buffering by the digestive process, or censoring by the liver. "

Using the smallpox vaccine as an example, then describes how

vaccines are manufactured.

" Although [smallpox] is no longer a required vaccination, it is still

being used for research on AIDS and the new genetically engineered

recombinant vaccines. Mendelson’s newsletter describes the following

process: ‘A young calf has his belly shaved. Many slashes are made in

the skin. A prior batch of smallpox vaccine is dropped into the

slashes and allowed to fester over a period of days. During this

period of time, the calf stands in a head stall so that he can’t lick

his belly. The calf is led out of the stock to a table where he is

strapped down. His belly scabs and pus are scraped off and ground

into a powder. The powder is the next batch of smallpox vaccine.

Besides dried pus and scabs in the smallpox vaccine, incidental

viruses, which the calf was carrying, can be contained in these scabs

and pus.’ "

More specifically, Barbara Loe Fisher outlines the production

processes of the most common vaccines in her book, The Consumer’s

Guide to Childhood Vaccines, as follows:

" DPT VACCINE: DPT vaccine is an inactivated bacterial vaccine. To

produce the pertussis vaccine portion of the DPT vaccine, whole B

pertussis bacteria are grown... harvested, inactivated through heat

and chemical treatments and suspended in a solution containing such

chemicals as potassium phosphate, sodium chloride and thimerosal

(mercury), which is used as a preservative. Aluminum is added as an

adjuvant. The pertussis vaccine is then combined with the DT vaccine. "

" DT VACCINE: The diphtheria and tetanus toxoid are detoxified by use

of formaldehyde and diluted with a solution containing such chemicals

as sodium phosphate, glycine and thimerosal as a preservative.

Aluminum is added as an adjuvant. "

" DTaP VACCINE: Unlike the DPT vaccine, the purified acellular or DTaP

vaccine does not contain the whole B pertussis bacteria. DTaP vaccine

is made by separating out and removing many of the toxins in the

whole B pertussis bacteria and only using a few components of the

bacteria in the vaccine. These remaining components, including

pertussis toxin, may be detoxified by using formaldehyde. Thimerosal

is usually added as a preservative and aluminum added as an adjuvant.

The acellular pertussis vaccine is then combined with the DT vaccine. "

" MMR VACCINE: MMR vaccine used in the U.S. is a live virus vaccine.

It contains (1) a weakened (partially inactivated) live measles

virus...grown in cell cultures of chick embryo; (2) a weakened live

strain of mumps virus grown in cell cultures of chick embryo; and (3)

a weakened Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus

grown in human diploid cell (W-38) culture originating from the

tissues of a fetus aborted in 1964 after the mother was infected with

rubella. There is no preservative. MMR vaccine contains the

antibiotic neomycin. Sorbitol and hydrolyzed gelatin are added as

stabilizers. The live virus measles vaccine, mumps vaccine and

rubella vaccine are also available as single vaccines but most often

doctors give these vaccines as the MMR vaccine unless single antigens

are specifically requested. "

LIVE ORAL POLIO VACCINE (OPV): The live oral polio vaccine in the

U.S. is a mixture of three types of attenuated (weakened or partially

inactivated) polioviruses which have been grown in African green

monkey kidney cell culture. The cells are then grown in a medium

consisting of a salt solution containing amino acids, antibiotics and

calf serum. After cell growth, the medium is removed and replaced

with a medium containing the virus but no calf serum. The vaccine

contains sorbitol and the antibiotics streptomycin and neomycin. "

INACTIVATED POLIO VACCINE (IPV): The inactivated poliovirus vaccine

used in the U.S. is a sterile suspension of three types of poliovirus

grown in cultures of VERO cells, a continuous line of African green

monkey kidney cells. The viruses are concentrated, purified and made

noninfectious by inactivation with formaldehyde. IPV vaccine contains

phenoxyethanol and formaldehyde as preservatives and the antibiotics

neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin. An IPV vaccine using human

diploid cell cultures, rather than monkey kidney cell cultures, is

used in some other countries. "

" HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZA B VACCINE (HIB): Haemophilus influenza type B

vaccine used in the U.S today is a polysaccharide conjugate vaccine.

It does not contain all the HiB bacteria, just the organism’s

capsular polysaccharide. The vaccine is a sterile solution of a

conjugate of oligosaccharides of the capsular antigen of Haemophilus

influenza type B and diphtheria protein dissolved in sodium chloride. "

" HEPATITIS B VACCINE: The first hepatitis B virus vaccines developed

in the 1970s were made using virus isolated from the blood of human

chronic hepatitis B carriers. A plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine

was licensed by the U.S. in 1981 and used in high-risk populations in

the 1980s until a genetically engineered, recombinant hepatitis B

vaccine was developed. Today, hepatitis B recombinant vaccine used in

the U.S. is derived from hepatitis B surface antigens produced in

yeast cells. A portion of the hepatitis B virus gene is cloned into

the yeast (a common baker’s yeast) and the vaccine is produced from

cultures of this recombinant yeast strain. The vaccine is treated

with formaldehyde and contains 95 percent hepatitis B virus surface

antigen, 4 percent yeast protein, aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal

added as a preservative. "

" VARICELLA ZOSTER (CHICKENPOX) VACCINE: Chickenpox vaccine is made

from the Oka/Merck strain of live attenuated (weakened) varicella

virus. The virus was initially obtained from a child with natural

varicella, introduced into human embryonic lung cell cultures,

adapted to and propagated in embryonic guinea pig cell cultures and

finally propagated in human diploid cell cultures. The vaccine

contains sucrose, phosphate, glutamate and processed gelatin as

stabilizers. "

Noting the fact that vaccines include a host of undisputed toxins,

such as thimerosal, aluminum phosphate, and formaldehyde, Alan

Phillps reminds us that many of the ill effects caused by vaccines

existed at nowhere near today’s levels 30 years ago. He cites autism,

ADD, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and a host of allergies as examples. In

his book What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization,

seconds the views of , and pulls even fewer


" What sane person would consider using a hazardous waste,

carcinogenic in rats, used in the manufacture of inks, dyes,

explosives, wrinkle-proof fabrics, home insulation, and as a major

constituent of embalming fluid, and inject it into the delicate body

of an infant? What could formaldehyde, aluminum, phenol, mercury, or

any number of other deadly chemical substances used in vaccines

possibly have to do with preventing disease in children? The fact

that they are needed at all in the vaccine formula argues that the

product is toxic, unstable and unreliable with or without their

presence. "

The Threat of Thimerosal. On July 9, 1999, the American Academy of

Pediatrics (AAP) issued a statement urging removal of the mercury-

containing preservative thimerosal from vaccines. The reason behind

this strong recommendation is a growing concern about the risk of

exposing the developing brains of infants to mercury. While the

precaution is certainly welcomed, we should ask why such a dangerous,

known neurotoxin was allowed into vaccines in the first place.

Mercury exposure has been associated with nerve cell degeneration,

adverse behavioral effects and impaired brain development. It has

also been linked to degenerative chronic conditions such as

Alzheimer’s disease. The developing fetal nervous system is the most

sensitive to its toxic effects, and prenatal exposure to high doses

of mercury has been shown to cause mental retardation and cerebral


And yet the CDC is currently recommending the mercury-containing

influenza vaccine to all pregnant women (see section on influenza

vaccine). Furthermore, until vaccine manufacturers comply with the

AAP recommendations, vaccines containing thimerosal will still be

given to infants, children, and adults. Other mercury-containing

vaccines include the hepatitis B, pertussis, diptheria, tetanus, and

Haemophilus influenzae B vaccines.

The AAP acknowledged that with the growing number of vaccines

mandated for children the cumulative level of mercury exceeds that

deemed safe by current guidelines. In addition, the hepatitis B,

hepatitis A, polio, pertussis, diptheria, and tetanus vaccines

contain formaldehyde--a highly carcinogenic material used to embalm

corpses--while the hepatitis B, hepatitis A, pertussis, diptheria,

and tetanus vaccines contain aluminum.

Can we be surprised that a growing number of children are manifesting

cognitive disturbances such as autism and attention deficit disorder?

Vaccine Failures

A look back through history reveals very different stories about

vaccines from the ones told today. In fact, medical literature

documents increases in the conditions they are designed to prevent,

as well as side effects of all degrees of seriousness, including

death. Thus the statement that we hear so often from the medical

establishment, that vaccines are safe and effective, is a gross

distortion. , , , , , , , , ,

According to , " The medical literature has a surprising

number of studies documenting vaccine failure. Measles, mumps,

smallpox, polio, and HiB outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated

populations. In 1989, the CDC reported: Among school-aged children,

[measles] outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels

of greater than 98 percent. They have occurred in all parts of the

country, including areas that had not reported measles for years. The

CDC even reported a measles outbreak in a documented 100-percent-

vaccinated population. A study examining this phenomenon concluded,

‘The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to

high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized

persons.’...These studies suggest that the goal of complete

immunization is actually counterproductive, a notion underscored by

instances in which epidemics followed complete immunization of entire

countries. Japan experienced yearly increases in smallpox following

the introduction of compulsory vaccines in 1872. By 1892, there were

29,979 deaths, and all had been vaccinated. Early in this century,

the Philippines experienced their worst smallpox epidemic ever after

8 million people received 24.5 million vaccine doses; the death rate

quadrupled as a result. In 1989, the country of Oman experienced a

widespread polio outbreak six months after achieving complete

vaccination. In the U.S. in 1986, 90 percent of 1300 pertussis cases

in Kansas were ‘adequately vaccinated.’ Seventy-two percent of

pertussis cases in the 1993 Chicago outbreak were fully up to date

with their vaccinations. " , , , , , , , , , ,

In addition to vaccines not doing what they were meant to do, another

type of vaccine failure is the side effect. Vaccine manufacturers do

try to minimize side effect occurrence by listing, in the product

literature, the conditions that contraindicate a vaccine’s use. But

there are a lot of contraindications, and doctors aren’t always aware

of them. Scheibner has documented just a few of the specific

contraindications listed by vaccine manufacturers in their product


" For DPT Vaccine: ‘Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine,

including thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is a contraindication’…

‘Routine immunization [with DPT] should be deferred during an

outbreak of poliomyelitis…’ ‘The occurrence of any type of

neurological symptoms or signs, including one or more convulsions

(seizures) following administration of this product is a

contraindication to further use. Use of this product is also

contraindicated if the child has a personal history of seizures. The

presence of any evolving or changing disorder affecting the central

nervous system is a contraindication to administration of DTP

regardless of whether the suspected neurological disorder is

associated with occurrence of seizure activity of any type.’ "

" For DTaP Vaccine: ‘Influenza virus vaccine should not be given

within three days of the administration of [the vaccine].’ "

" For MMR Vaccine: ‘Due caution should be employed in administration

of MMR to persons with a history of cerebral injury, individual or

family histories of convulsions, or any other condition in which

stress due to fever should be avoided.’

" For OPV Vaccine: ‘Immunization should be deferred during the course

of any febrile illness or acute infection. In addition, immunization

should be deferred in the presence of persistent vomiting or

diarrhea, or suspected gastroenteritis infection’… ‘Prior to

administration of the vaccine, the attending physician should warn or

specifically direct personnel acting under their authority to convey

the warnings to the...parent, guardian or other responsible person of

the possibility of vaccine-associated paralysis, particularly to the

recipient, family members and other close personal contact… The

responsible adult should be informed of precautions to be taken such

as hand-washing after diaper changes.’ "

" For HiB Vaccine: ‘Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine,

including diphtheria toxoid or thimerosal in the multidose

presentation, is a contraindication.’ "

" For Varicella Zoster Vaccine: ‘Pregnancy should be avoided for three

months following vaccination.’… ‘Vaccine recipients should avoid use

of salicylates [aspirin] for 6 weeks after vaccination with [the

vaccine]…’ "

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By Null, Ph.D.

©Copyright 2000, Null & Associates, Inc.

Note: The information on this website is not a substitute for

diagnosis and treatment by a qualified, licensed professional.



Why We Assume Vaccines are Safe and Effective

Why We Should Question Our Assumptions

Safety Issues

Vaccines are Based on Unsound Principles

Questionable Science

The Natural Evolution of Disease

Vaccine Propaganda

Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes

Vaccine Failures

The following topics are in the full document

Effects of Specific Vaccines

The Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus Vaccines

The Polio Vaccines

The Chickenpox Vaccine

The Flu Vaccine

The Hepatitis B Vaccine

The Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) Vaccine

The HiB Vaccine

The Smallpox Vaccine

Rotavirus Vaccine and Pneumococcal Vaccine

Recombinant Vaccines

Lessons of History

Provocation Disease


Crib Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS)



Immunosuppression and Auto-Immune Disease

New Diseases


Social Violence and Behavioral and Neurological Disorders

Activists Speak Out on Vaccine Dangers

The Pertussis Vaccine

Problems with Temporary Immunity and Benefits of Childhood Disease

Vaccine Experimentation on Vulnerable Populations

The EZ Measles Medical Fiasco

What the Future May Hold

Pet Vaccines

Economic, Political, and Legal Issues

Right to Refuse Vaccination

Vaccination as Population Control

Holistic Health and Freedom of Choice

Appendix: Scientific Peer-Reviewed Studies



Note: The information in this document is presented for informational

purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for diagnosis and

treatment by a qualified professional.


For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put

forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe. The

second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which

they’re given. The public and our legislators have, by and large,

accepted these assumptions as true, and as a result it is now

compulsory in many states that children have as many as 33

inoculations before entering school, with some of these given as

early as the first few weeks of life.

We’ve been told that the end of smallpox, polio, and measles as

serious health threats is due to mass inoculation programs, and again

we have accepted the official dogma unquestioningly. But as we shall

see here, this is not exactly the truth. What’s more, a disturbing

reality that has generally been unrecognized is the ever-growing

number of individuals suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations.

These individuals are predominantly infants and children, and the

problems they’ve incurred as a result of vaccination go way beyond

sore arms and transitory fever: Such conditions as autism, attention

deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other biochemical

and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of

vaccines. Most tragically, so has SIDS—sudden infant death syndrome.

Yet because of underreporting of these troubling statistical links, a

full picture of the effects of vaccination has not emerged. And the

problem of underreporting is a deep-seated one, because not only are

the news media not playing up what has already been learned, but

doctors are not being encouraged to report possible adverse

reactions, slowing additional learning. Couple these problems with

the official line that for the greater good of the majority a small

minority must accept negative consequences, and you have a situation

in which nobody is really looking for the truth.

This investigation is an attempt to do that. It has required nearly

five years of in-depth analysis, and a review of thousands of

articles. I am not personally taking positions on individual

vaccines, but I am, rather, presenting information based upon hard

science; hundreds of references are included here for those who want

to read further. For people challenging mandatory vaccination

policies, the reference section will be particularly helpful, as it

will be for anyone who simply wants to look beyond the official line

and see what’s actually happening. It is interesting to note that the

situation with vaccination is analogous to that with chemotherapy;

both are presented to the public as efficacious and safe when in

reality, with a few exceptions for each, they are neither. In both

cases, then, personal decision-making requires extensive research.—


Why We Assume Vaccines are Safe and Effective

We are repeatedly told that vaccines are safe, vital to our well-

being, and necessary for the prevention of many diseases. Most of us

take it for granted that not being vaccinated endangers our health

and safety. In a worst-case scenario, we envision world-wide plagues

and even extinction. Our faith in vaccinations is so strong that we

think of them as panaceas, and look to science to develop new ones

for every known affliction, from the common cold to AIDS. Here we

take a close look at our assumptions and ask, are we seeing the full


* , author of What Every Parent Should Know About

Immunization explains society’s general acceptance of vaccinations as

due, in large part, to state laws that dictate children must receive

vaccines before they can attend school. elaborates on the

history of these requirements: " Right now, all 50 states have

vaccination statutes that require immunization before a child is

allowed to attend school. But it wasn’t always that way. In 1905, to

give an example, only 11 states had compulsory laws. In other states

it was optional. And in the early 1920s, there were four states--

Utah, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Arizona--that had explicit

statutory provisions against compulsory vaccination. Over the years,

unfortunately, all of the states have made vaccinations compulsory. "

feels that one of the major mistakes that was made--and that

is repeatedly made--is that the politicians, who were greatly

encouraged by the lobbyists from the drug companies, were convinced,

without proper investigation, that vaccines were the only way of

preventing disease. This, says, " gives credence to an idea

that has dominated medical practice for this entire century. "

Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine

Information Center (NVIC), in Vienna, Virginia, reminds us that

people tend to trust that the law is in their best interest. Those

who feel otherwise are given a difficult time.

" Part of the problem is that in 1905 a Supreme Court decision,

son vs. Massachusetts, set the stage for what we’re experiencing

right now in this country, and that is that many people don’t feel

they have the option to say no. Parents who do are being charged with

child medical neglect and child abuse. The Clinton administration has

now linked entitlement programs to vaccination status, which means

that a poor family dependent upon federal assistance will not get

food money, medical care, and other entitlements if they cannot show

proof that their children have gotten every single one of their ten

required vaccines. "

Why We Should Question Our Assumptions

Vaccines should not be taken on faith alone. Rather, we need to take

an objective look at their risks and benefits, as well as at their

record of effectiveness. Vital points to consider about vaccines are

the safety issues involved, how vaccines work, the questionable

science behind vaccination, the natural evolution of disease, vaccine

propaganda, and vaccine ingredients and manufacturing processes.

Safety Issues

Significant adverse effects have been reported with every type of

vaccine. These reactions can occur soon after vaccination (short-term

reactions) or several months to years later (long-term). Delayed

reactions are more insidious and less obviously linked to

vaccination, and thus necessitate large-scale epidemiological studies

to be proven. They can result in permanent conditions such as

epilepsy, mental retardation, learning disabilities, and immune

system dysfunction.

Short-Term Reactions.

Results of research conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have

shown that evidence indicates a causal relation between: hepatitis B

vaccine and anaphylaxis; measles vaccine and thrombocytopenia, death

resulting from anaphylaxis, and death from measles vaccine-strain

viral infection; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and thrombocytopenia,

and anaphylaxis; rubella vaccine and acute and chronic arthritis in

adult women; diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis vaccine (DTP)

and acute and chronic encephalopathy, hypotonic-hyporesponsive

episodes, and anaphylaxis; the pertussis component of DTP vaccine and

extended periods of inconsolable crying or screaming; tetanus-toxoid-

containing vaccines and Guillain-Barre syndrome, brachial neuritis,

and possible risk of death resulting from anaphylaxis; oral polio

vaccine and Guillain-Barre syndrome, and death from polio vaccine-

strain viral infection; and unconjugated HiB vaccine and

susceptibility to HiB disease.

The committee could not find enough evidence to indicate either the

presence or absence of a causal relation between: DTP vaccine and

aseptic meningitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, hemolytic anemia,

juvenile diabetes, learning disabilities and attention-deficit

disorder, peripheral mononeuropathy, or thrombocytopenia; and rubella

vaccine and radiculoneuritis and other neuropathies or

thrombocytopenic purpura.

One would think that before injecting children worldwide with

hundreds of million of doses of vaccine there would be enough

clinical trials performed to determine exactly what the effects of

this large-scale human genetic experiment would be. Lack of funding

is not the problem. Each year, more than $1 billion is appropriated

by Congress to federal health agencies to develop, purchase, and

promote the mass use of vaccines in the U.S.; the problem is that

none of that money is used to fund independent vaccine researchers to

investigate vaccine-related health problems. In itself, the lack of

studies on possible short- and long-term effects of vaccines should

raise questions in any honest investigator.

In the meantime, between 1991 and 1994, 38,787 adverse events were

reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Of

these, 45 percent occurred on the day of vaccination, 20 percent on

the following day, and 93 percent within two weeks of vaccination.

Deaths were most prevalent in children 1 to 3 months old. Since, as

has been amply documented, only one tenth of vaccine-induced

reactions are reported to the VAERS, this number vastly

underestimates the real incidence of vaccine-associated

complications. Furthermore, because a link cannot be proven when the

adverse event occurs long after the time of vaccination, this

reporting system is giving a very limited perception of the real

extent of the problem.

Long-Term Reactions. The list of adverse events that have been linked

to vaccination, is, unfortunately, much longer than the one presented

by the IOM, partially because, as we’ve said, long-term causality is

hard to prove. There are, though, hundreds of reports documenting

cases of meningitis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes,

autism, chronic encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and

rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions, that seem to be linked

to vaccines. They will be discussed throughout this document.

Why We Need the Right to Choose. Most of us assume that vaccinations

are completely safe, even harmless. Alan , the founding

director of Citizens for Health Care and Freedom, a North Carolina

nonprofit corporation dedicated to raising awareness of vaccine

issues and supporting the right to choose, believes otherwise.

Says , " I have seen information to directly contradict all of

the commonly held assumptions about the safety and efficacy of

vaccinations. The primary one that concerns me is the assumption that

vaccines are completely safe. Most medical people, if you press them

on this issue, will say that nothing is completely safe. But

pediatricians almost universally will imply or state outright that

they are. "

" Physicians in this country are required to give a piece of paper

that alludes to the possibility of some sort of problem with

vaccines. But the way information is given is ambiguous. It makes

some reference to maybe a one in a million chance of a child dying.

That’s what was on the paper that my son’s pediatrician gave to my

wife when we took him in for his first two-month checkup

immunization. At that point, we were completely unaware of the issue,

and, quoting him directly, the pediatrician stated outright: ‘That

never happens.’ I remember that clearly in reference to the

possibility that maybe one in a million children will die. "

" The fact is that in this country over a hundred deaths are reported

each year following vaccination. " And, continues, " the FDA

admits that 90 percent or more of serious vaccine adverse events are

not even reported, and independent sources raise that figure to as

much as 95 or 97 percent. So any pediatrician or other person who

says that this doesn’t happen is uninformed. "

In addition to vaccine-induced deaths, there is the potential for any

number of serious side effects. Meryl Dorey, editor of the Australian

publication Vaccination: The Choice is Yours, and president of the

Australian Vaccination Network, reports that " for one 39-month period

ending in November 1994, there were 32,000 serious adverse effects

reported. If we accept this 10-percent figure from the FDA, that

would mean that there could be 320,000 children being seriously

injured by vaccines. It’s unacceptable for any drug or treatment to

be killing and injuring people at such a high rate. There should be

alarms going off. There should be people asking more questions. "

By the way, apparently not everyone accepts the FDA numbers. One

vaccine manufacturer, Connaught Laboratories, estimates a 50-fold

under-reporting of adverse events!

Dr. Coulter, an expert on the pertussis vaccine, is co-author

of DPT: A Shot in the Dark and author of Vaccinations, Social

Violence, and Criminality. Coulter says that while vaccines are

described as safe, safety is a relative term that the government

cannot clearly define. " They say that the vaccine is safe because

only one in x number of hundreds of thousands of children gets a

violent reaction. The number changes from time to time. Sometimes

it’s one in 100,000, sometimes one in 300,000, and sometimes one in

500,000 vaccinated children. You can question if that really means

safe. For the child who is damaged, that is not safe at all. "

Coulter brings up another important issue concerning safety: There

are a variety of degrees of damage that can result from vaccines, and

we shouldn’t be concerned only with the most extreme. As he explains,

" in any group of people who are exposed to a stress factor--and a

vaccine would have to be called a stress factor--the reactions to

that stress will vary from nothing at all to a very serious reaction,

maybe even death. What the scientists who are concerned with

vaccinations tend to leave out of consideration are the people in the

middle. One in 100,000 is very seriously affected; they get cerebral

palsy or mental retardation or maybe they die. We know that all those

things happen. But what about the ones in the middle? There’s a whole

spectrum of varying reactions to vaccinations. And that is a factor

which is simply not examined at all by the people concerned. "

Coulter makes the vital point that concerns about vaccine safety and

efficacy are well-documented in major peer-reviewed journals, such as

the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American

Medical Association, and The Lancet. " All that information is there

if you just take the trouble to look for it. " And Dr. Dean Black,

author of Immunizations: Compulsion or Choice, points out that

government discussions of vaccine risks are recorded in the

Congressional Record, in a text concerning compensation to families

of children who have been harmed by the procedure.

Black tells us that " Congressman Henry Waxman, who chaired the

hearing, is quoted as saying, ‘A properly manufactured vaccine that

has been properly administered can cause a terrible adverse reaction,

an admitted scientific fact. The children who will be victims rather

than beneficiaries cannot be predicted.’ "

" The [Congressional] Record goes on to justify mass immunization

practices by comparing children to soldiers who must at times

sacrifice themselves for their country: ‘As a nation we require that

all children be immunized so that most children will be healthy.

Today, the subcommittee will begin to consider what society owes to

those who are hurt, to children injured in the line of public health.’ "

" The International Association of Biological Standards is the

association which sets the expected risk/benefit ratio that should

allow vaccines to be used. What is this standard? How beneficial must

it be relative to a risk to be able to be used? What the

International Association of Biological Standards says about vaccines

in its manual is this: ‘A relatively small number of damaged persons,

due to inoculation, is first considered the lesser of two evils.’ So,

we have an admission of damaged persons, who Waxman says have been

injured in the line of public health, and about who the International

Association of Biological Standards says: ‘The subject affected by an

inoculation has, without doubt, made a special sacrifice in the

interest of the general public.’ "

As Dr. Black says, " If I am a parent whose child has been injured in

the line of public health, my individual child may be dead. As far as

the government is concerned, that’s just a risk I have to take. My

child must be willing to die in the service of the general public. "

Thus Dr. Black brings up a troubling assumption behind vaccination

programs—that it is right for a few children to be sacrificed for the

good of many. The questions that of course arise are: What if a

child’s parents don’t agree with that? What if a child doesn’t? We’re

looking at a philosophical assumption that has never been dealt with

in an open way in this country, and maybe it’s time for some public

discussion of the issue. "

Another troubling area of concern is this: If vaccines are as safe

and effective as medical science says, then why are doctors not

lining up for the shots? After all, doctors are exposed to infected

patients every day. In fact, physicians belong to a high-risk

category and are urged to accept vaccinations because of their

continued exposure to infectious disease.

Despite these recommendations, it is well known that many doctors

refuse to vaccinate themselves and their families., In the Feb. 20,

1981, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, an

article entitled " Rubella Vaccine in Susceptible Hospital Employees,

Poor Physician Participation " reports that the lowest vaccination

rate among medical personnel for the German measles vaccine occurred

among obstetrician/gynecologists and the next lowest rate occurred

among pediatricians. The authors conclude, " The fear of unforeseen

vaccination reactions was the main reason for the low uptake rate of

physicians to be vaccinated. "

Dr. Mendelson wrote a report about a Los Angeles physician who

refused to vaccinate his own 7-month-old baby. According to

Mendelson, this doctor stated, " I’m worried about what happens when

the vaccine virus may not only offer little protection against

measles but may also stay around in the body, working in a way that

we don’t know much about. " Yet the doctor was still vaccinating his

patients and justifying his actions: " As a parent I have the luxury

of making a choice for my child. As a physician, legally and

professionally, I have to accept the recommendations of the

profession, which is what we also had to do with the whole swine flu

business. "

In the British Medical Journal, an article entitled, " Attitudes of

General Practitioners Towards their Vaccination against Hepatitis B "

tells us that of 598 doctors questioned about hepatitis B vaccine, 86

percent believe that all general practitioners should be vaccinated

against hepatitis B. Yet 309 of those practitioners had not been

vaccinated themselves. This less than enthusiastic response by

physicians is further noted in another British Medical Journal

article on hepatitis B vaccination and surgeons: " Infection with

hepatitis B virus is a serious hazard for health workers. Surgeons

are particularly at risk with potentially devastating consequences to

their well-being and a major threat to their livelihood if they

become carriers. " However, either surgeons do not take this threat

seriously or realize that vaccinations do not offer protection,

because the article goes on to say, " Despite good evidence of an

increased risk of infection, a high percentage of surgeons in this

study had not been immunized. Clearly, there is a failure by all

surgeons to protect themselves and to insist that junior staff are

protected. "

It would seem that there are many doctors who are in agreement with

the words of Dr. Sheenan, who says, " The only wholly safe

vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. "

Vaccinations are Based on Unsound Principles

Vaccines are suspensions of infectious agents used to artificially

induce immunity against specific diseases. The aim of vaccination is

to mimic the process of naturally occurring infection through

artificial means. Theoretically, vaccines produce a mild to moderate

episode of infection in the body with only temporary and slight side

effects. But in reality, they may be causing diseases rather than

preventing them. According to , " Vaccines produce disease

or infection in an otherwise healthy person... And so, in order to

allegedly produce something good, one has to do something bad to the

human body, that is, induce an infection or a disease in an otherwise

healthy person that may or may not have ever happened. "

continues: " You have a situation in which everyone is being

given a disease with no control over that disease, because once you

inject a vaccine into a person’s body, whether it contains bacteria

or viruses or split viruses or whatever--you have no control over the

outcome. It’s like dumping toxic wastes into a river and saying, ‘If

we just put a little bit in, it won’t pollute the river. It will be

just enough to do what we want it to do.’ Of course, what they want

the vaccination to do is initiate the building up of our immune

defenses, just like a regular infection would do. The problem is that

the medical profession and science do not know, and have never known,

what the infecting dose of an infection really is. It’s not something

that can be measured. So they’re really guessing at the amount of

antigen and other supplementary chemicals that they put in the vaccine. "

" Vaccines are portrayed as being indispensable and somehow better at

disease protection than what our innate biological defenses and

nutritional resources have accomplished for thousands of years. I

think it’s the height of arrogance for the medical profession to

think that they have duplicated a biological process that has taken

care of people since the beginning of time. People can deal with

infectious diseases without vaccines. Before the introduction of the

measles and mumps vaccines, children got measles and they got mumps,

and in the great majority of cases those diseases were benign. "

" The most important point I want to make is that there’s no logical

reason for having a vaccine when these [natually occuring] infectious

agents...can stimulate the immune system to take care of that disease

by itself. We don’t need anything artificial to do that for us. "

Another argument against vaccines is that they are suppressive,

rather than curative, causing the vital force of the body to shift

its emphasis either to some other disease or to a deeper disease.

Symptoms can be suppressed for the moment, notes homeopathic

veterinarian Dr. Loops, but down the road some type of

chronic disease is going to develop: " If you treat irritable bowel

syndrome, for instance, with cortisone and antibiotics, you can drive

the disease to a state where ten years down the road you’ll be

dealing with colon cancer. And we have equivalents in animal disease.

The most important thing is to treat disease, any type of disease, in

a manner that enhances the body, so that it can heal itself, and that

means using herbal, homeopathic, or some other type of stimulatory

medicine, rather than suppressive medicine. "

Walene , author of Immunizations: The Reality Beyond the Myth,

adds that the full inflammatory response is necessary to create real

immunity, and reports that in The Lancet on June 5, 1985, there was

an article about measles virus infection relating to a variety of

diseases in adult life. Researchers in Denmark, the article

explained, examined the histories of people claiming not to have had

measles in childhood, yet who had blood antibody evidence of such

infection. The researchers found that some of these people had been

injected in childhood with the measles vaccine after exposure to the

infection. This may have suppressed the disease which was at the time

developing in their bodies. A high proportion of these individuals

were found in adult life to have developed immunoreactive diseases,

such as sebaceous skin diseases, tumors, and degenerative diseases of

bone and cartilage. The conditions included cancer, MS, lupus, and

chondromalacia, which is softening of the cartilage.

quotes Dr. Moskowitz, past president of the National

Institute of Homeopathy, and a cum laude graduate of Harvard and New

York Medical School, as stating, " ‘Vaccines trick the body so that it

will no longer initiate a generalized inflammatory response. They

thereby accomplish what the entire immune system seems to have

evolved to prevent. They place the virus directly into the blood and

give it access to the major immune organs and tissues without any

obvious way of getting rid of it. These attenuated viruses and virus

elements persist in the blood for a long time, perhaps permanently.

This, in turn, implies a systematic weakening of the ability to mount

an effective response, not only to childhood diseases but to other

acute infections as well.’ "

explains that increased antibody production may not be the most

important aspect of the immune process:

" Vaccines isolate antibody function, and allow it to substitute for

the entire immune response. Scientific evidence questioning the role

of antibodies in disease protection can be found in research

performed by Dr. Alec Burton, published in a study by the British

Medical Council in May 1950. The study investigates the relationship

between the incidence of diphtheria and the presence of antibodies.

Since diphtheria was epidemic at, or just prior to, the time of the

study, the researchers had a large number of cases to investigate.

The purpose of the research was to determine the existence or

nonexistence of antibodies in people who developed diphtheria and in

those who did not. It looked at patients and people who were in close

proximity to patients, such as physicians, nurses in hospitals,

family, and friends. The conclusion was that there was no relation

whatsoever between antibody count and incidence of disease. The

researchers found people who were highly resistant with extremely low

antibody counts, and people who developed the disease who had high

antibody counts. Dr. Burton also discovered that children born with a-

gamma globulinemia (an inability to produce antibodies) develop and

recover from measles and other infectious or contagious disease

almost as spontaneously as other children. "

Further, insists that introducing antigens directly into

the bloodstream can prove dangerous. " When a child gets a naturally

occurring infection, like measles, which is not a serious disease,

the body reacts to that in a very set way. The germs go in a certain

part of the body through the throat and into the different immune

organs, and the body combats the disease in its own natural way.

There are all sorts of immune reactions that occur. Inflammatory

response reactions, macrophages, and different kinds of white blood

cells are used to combat the virus. You also cough and sneeze and get

rid of the virus that way.

" When you inject a vaccine into the body, you’re actually performing

an unnatural act because you are injecting directly into the blood

system. That is not the natural port of entry for that virus. In

fact, the whole immune system in our body is geared to prevent that

from happening. What we’re doing is giving the virus or the bacteria

carte blanche entry into our bloodstream, which is the last place you

want it to be. This increases the chance for disease because viral

material from the vaccine stays in the cells, and is not completely

defeated by the body’s own defenses. You overload the body. "

Additionally, vaccines are less efficient than the body’s own

immunization processes. observes that vaccines, unlike

childhood diseases, do not produce permanent immunity. " The medical

profession does not know how long vaccine immunity lasts because it

is artificial immunity. If you get measles naturally, in 99 percent

of the cases, you have lifelong immunity. If you have German measles

you will have lifelong immunity. The chances of getting measles

twice, German measles twice, or even whooping cough twice are so

remote, it’s unbelievable. However, if you get a measles vaccine or a

DPT vaccine, it does not mean that the vaccine will prevent you from

getting the disease. Nobody knows how good vaccine prevention is. But

I can tell you that the recent figures I’ve seen coming out of

government and medical journals, which I read constantly, is that at

least 40-65 percent of all inoculated disease that occurs in this

country (measles, DPT, or tetanus) occurs in vaccinated individuals,

and that to me says that the vaccine isn’t working. "

Walene notes that people sometimes confuse the principle of

vaccination with the principle of homeopathy, when they are very

different. One of the differences she cites is that mass compulsory

vaccinations are based upon the mistaken notion that one size fits

all. Another difference is the amount of toxins given. " The

homeopathic dose is minute. It is so small, in fact, that there is

only an energy field left. Through a method called potentization, you

are only left with a pattern; there is no trace of the substance.

This is not true of an allopathic vaccine. Also, when you are taking

homeopathic treatments, you are taking just one treatment, not a

whole lot of them. Further, in classical homeopathy, you are never

supposed to violate the body by piercing the skin. Medicine must be


" Most important, the homeopathic remedy is holistic. It addresses the

uniqueness of the patient as well as his wholeness. The patient is

seen as a mental and spiritual being as well as a physical organism.

In contrast, vaccines are herd treatments....You are regarded by

orthodox medicine as part of a herd, like cattle, sheep or buffalo. "

In his widely circulated critique of vaccines, " Vaccination:

Dispelling the Myths, " Alan writes, " The clinical evidence

for vaccination is their ability to stimulate antibody production in

the recipient, a fact which is not disputed. What is not clear,

however, is whether or not such antibody production constitutes

immunity. For example, a-gamma globulinemic children are incapable of

producing antibodies, yet they recover from infectious diseases

almost as quickly as other children....Natural immunization is a

complex phenomenon involving many organs and systems; it cannot be

fully replicated by the artificial stimulation of antibody

production. Research also indicates that vaccination commits immune

cells to the specific antigens involved in the vaccine, rendering

them incapable of reacting to other infections. Our immunological

reserve may thus actually be reduced, causing a generally lowered

resistance. "

Echoing the thinking of Walene , adds: " Another

component of immunization theory is ‘herd immunity,’ which states

that when enough people in a community are immunized, all are

protected. There are many documented instances showing just the

opposite--fully vaccinated populations do contract diseases; with

measles, this actually seems to be the direct result of high

vaccination rates. A Minnesota state epidemiologist concluded that

the HiB vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed

that vaccinated children were five times more likely to contract

meningitis than unvaccinated children. " ,

Writing in Nexus, makes the point that immunization practice

assumes that all children, regardless of age and size, are virtually

the same. " An 8-pound 2-month-old receives the same dosage as a 40-

pound five-year-old, " points out. " Infants with immature,

undeveloped immune systems may receive five or more times the dosage

(relative to body weight) as older children. " What’s more, random

testing has revealed that the number of ‘units’ within doses has been

found to range up to three times what the label indicates, with

quality control tolerating a rather large margin of error. In fact,

reports that " ‘Hot Lots’--vaccine lots with

disproportionately high death and disability rates--have been

identified repeatedly by the NVIC, but the FDA refuses to intervene

to prevent further unnecessary injury and deaths. In fact, they have

never recalled a vaccine lot due to adverse reactions. Some would

call this infanticide. "

Questionable Science

Many scientific studies tell us that vaccines are safe and effective

when this is not necessarily the case., Doctors and vaccine

proponents often quote studies done solely on antibody production in

the blood, not taking into account clinical experiences., In her

research, Cournoyer discusses some of the studies that

started with the hypothesis that vaccines are safe and effective.

" They never consider the opposite possibility, that vaccines are

harmful and ineffective, " Cournoyer says. " When vaccine failures and

reactions occur, they are explained away. Researchers conclude that

the doses were wrong, the control group was wrong, or that something

else was wrong. Using common sense, I would conclude that perhaps

something is wrong with the vaccines being studied. "

Cournoyer uses this example to show just how biased vaccine studies

can be: " A 1988 Lancet article reports a study in which a group of

children were given the cellular pertussis vaccine. Those who had a

reaction to the first dose were removed from the research population.

Only nonreacting children were kept and given a second dose.

Researchers were not interested in studying the children who reacted

to the first dose. This allowed them to say that the new vaccine was

safe and effective. In reality, however, children are receiving first

doses all the time. "

Dr. Dean Black believes that scientists know that there are risks and

benefits to vaccination but assume that the good effects outweigh the

bad. However, they do not have proof to back up their claims, a point

brought out in Congressional hearings. Black states, " Congressman

Waxman addressed this issue directly at the Congressional hearings on

vaccine safety when he asked Dr. H. , president of the

American Academy of Pediatrics, ‘In your opinion, Dr. , is there

an accurate reporting of reactions to vaccines?’ said, ‘Not at

the present time.’ [Congressman Waxman questioned] Dr. N.

Brandt, assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health

and Human Services, ‘I have been hearing that physicians don’t even

know a reaction when one occurs. They assume that it may be from some

other cause. Is that a fair statement?’ Brandt replied, ‘Certainly

there have been a number of people who have pointed that out.’

Congressman Waxman then asked Brandt, ‘How do you prove that a

vaccine was, in fact, the cause of an illness or disability?’ To

this, Brandt said, ‘It may very well be impossible to do that in

individual cases.’ And of course, " Black points out, " there are only

individual cases. So, we have in the Congressional Record a clear

statement that says we do not know the risk of harm. "

Black continues by asking, " How about the benefit? The benefit means

children would have become injured or would have died without the

vaccine. The question is, how do we know who would have died without

the vaccine? How do we know how many would have been harmed without

it? The answer is, we don’t know. It’s purely hypothetical. "

Black then brings up an issue that needs more attention—what if we

stopped compulsory vaccination? " By looking at what happens in

countries where vaccinations are no longer required, " he says, " we

can get an idea of what would truly happen if we were to cease

demanding compulsory immunization in America. In 1975, Germany

stopped requiring pertussis vaccinations, and the number of children

vaccinated promptly began to drop. Today, it has dropped to well

below 10 percent. What has happened in Germany from pertussis over

that period of time? The mortality rate has continued to decrease.

That would likewise be our experience here. "

The Natural Evolution of Disease

Immunization supposedly puts an end to disease. We attribute the

decline in polio to the polio vaccine, the " disappearance " of

smallpox to the smallpox vaccine, and so forth. , , , , , The media

tell us that science is working on an AIDS vaccine, and we trust that

this will fully end the affliction.

But are vaccinations the magic bullets we believe them to be? Dr.

Coulter concludes otherwise. Regarding infectious diseases of the

past, he states, " The incidence of all of these infectious diseases

was dropping very rapidly, starting in the 1930s. After World War II,

the incidence continued to drop as living conditions improved. Clean

water, central heating, the ability to bring oranges from Florida to

the north in February so the children could get vitamin C--these are

the factors that really affected people’s tendencies to come down

with infectious diseases much more than vaccines. The vaccines might

have added a little bit to that downward curve, but the curve was

going down all the time anyway. "

Dr. Coulter’s words are supported by the Australian Nurses Journal:

" A careful study of the decline in disease will show that up to 90

percent of the so-called ‘killer diseases’ had all but disappeared

when we introduced immunization on a large scale during the late

thirties and early forties. " A similar statement is made by the

Medical Journal of Australia: " The decline of tetanus as a disease

began before the introduction of tetanus toxoid to the general

population. The reasons for this decline are the same for the decline

in all other infectious diseases: improved hygiene, improved

sanitation, better nutrition, healthier living conditions, etc. "

Alan elaborates on this theme:

" We just assume that vaccinations are responsible for disease

decline, which is not the case. For if you check the statistics, you

will find that the vast majority of disease decline proceeded

vaccines. In the case of measles, for example, there was a 97-percent

decline preceding vaccination; in the case of pertussis, 79 percent.

When you look at the graph of the decline in death rate over the

course of the century, you see that the rate of decline, post-

immunization, was virtually the same as the decline pre-immunization,

suggesting that it’s difficult to tell whether or not the vaccine had

any effect on an already well-established decline in disease deaths. " ,

The statistics on the abatement of childhood diseases before the

period of mass immunization are not well-publicized, because they

could tarnish the shining image of the vaccine as savior. According

to , " From 1911 to 1935, the four leading causes of death

among those aged 1 to 14, covered by Metropolitan Life Insurance

Company policies, were (1) diphtheria, (2) measles, (3) scarlet

fever, (4) and whooping cough. The standardized death rate among

children ages 1 to 14 from the leading childhood diseases declined

from 145 per 100,000 living in 1911, to 28 per 100,000 in 1935, a

decrease of 81 percent. By 1945, the annual death rate from the four

leading communicable diseases of childhood had declined to 7 per

100,000. Thus, the combined death rate of diphtheria, measles,

scarlet fever, and whooping cough declined 95 percent among children

ages 1 to 14 from 1911 to 1945, before the mass immunization programs

started in the United States. "

also attacks the notion that vaccines are responsible for

the dramatic reduction in infectious disease during this and past

centuries. " According to the British Association for the Advancement

of Science, childhood diseases decreased 90 percent between 1850 and

1940, paralleling improved sanitation and hygienic practices, well

before mandatory vaccination programs. Infectious disease deaths in

the U.S. and England declined steadily by an average of about 80

percent during this century (measles mortality declined over 97

percent) prior to vaccinations. In Great Britain, the polio epidemics

peaked in 1950, and had declined 82 percent by the time the vaccine

was introduced there in 1956. Thus, at best, vaccinations can be

credited with only a small percentage of the overall decline in

disease-related deaths this century. Yet even this small portion is

questionable, as the rate of decline remained virtually the same

after vaccines were introduced. "

" Furthermore, " points out, " European countries that refused

immunization for smallpox and polio saw the epidemics end along with

those countries that mandated it. In fact, both smallpox and polio

immunization campaigns were followed initially by significant disease

incidence increases; during smallpox vaccination campaigns, other

infectious diseases continued their declines in the absence of

vaccines. In England and Wales, smallpox disease and vaccination

rates eventually declined simultaneously over a period of several

decades. It is thus impossible to say whether or not vaccinations

contributed to the continuing decline in disease death rates, or if

the same forces which brought about the initial declines--improved

sanitation, hygiene, improvements in diet, natural disease cycles--

were simply unaffected by the vaccination programs. "

" Underscoring this conclusion was a recent World Health Organization

report which found that the disease and mortality rates in the Third

World countries have no direct correlation with immunization

procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the

standard of hygiene and diet. Credit given to vaccinations for our

current disease incidence has simply been grossly exaggerated, if not

outright misplaced. "

Vaccine Propaganda

Consider the case of a recent Miss America. As described in a

newsletter put out by The National Vaccine Information Center,

" Before the...pageant that crowned her the new Miss America, Healther

Whitestone gave an interview to the Birmingham News in her home state

and candidly talked about how she became deaf after a serious

reaction to a DPT shot at 18 months old. ’s Mom also talked to

The Star and other broadcast and print media about how

reacted to her DPT shot with a high fever and then came down with an

infection that brought her young daughter close to death.

" But within hours after the Miss America pageant, a horrified medical

establishment moved quickly to publicly dispute any connection

between ’s deafness and the DPT vaccine and instead blamed her

deafness on a bacterial infection for which there now is a vaccine--

Haemophilus influenzae B (HiB). The American Academy of Pediatrics

searched out and found a doctor who had been part of the Alabama

medical group that treated as a toddler. The doctor publicly

insisted there was no connection between ’s deafness and the

DPT shot and that had suffered a severe case of HiB disease

that coincidentally occurred around the time of her DPT shot. "

The newsletter goes on to discuss the phenomenon of recently

vaccinated children getting HiB. " Analysis of individual reports made

to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System during the

past two years reveals a significant number of four- to eight-year-

old children coming down with HiB disease within one to four weeks of

vaccination. These reports are reminiscent of the reports of invasive

bacterial infection, specifically Haemophilus inluenzae B infection,

within one to four weeks of acellular pertussis vaccination in the

Swedish vaccine trials in the 1980s. There has long been speculation

that vaccination may temporarily suppress the immune system and leave

recently vaccinated individuals vulnerable to infections, from otitis

media to more severe infection such as Hib.

" Whether or not Whitestone’s deafness is connected to the DPT

vaccine, there can be no doubt that the American medical

establishment went to extraordinary lengths to publicly challenge

and her mother in order to avoid having to acknowledge DPT

vaccine risks. At a National Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting held

several weeks after she was crowned, one doctor suggested that the

‘public relations problem’ surrounding the new Miss America could be

fixed by persuading to become a ‘poster child’ to promote

vaccination for the government. "

To combat public relations nightmares such as these, government

scientists have turned to " behavioral research " to ensure that

vaccines are looked upon favorably. A National Institute of Allergy

and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) document reads:

" Rates of vaccine acceptance are unlikely to change substantially as

a result of the use of simple incentives or educational brochures.

The behavioral research agenda that must be developed to improve

acceptance is based on identifying factors that motivate or inhibit

acceptance. They include characteristics of (a) the intended

recipient, (B) the guardian, in the case of children, © the health

care provider, and (d) the setting in which the vaccine is delivered.

Relevant findings must then be translated into key elements of

intervention strategies that are rigorously evaluated. Incomplete or

inappropriately timed vaccination can lead to a resurgence of

disease, as occurred in the United States with measles outbreaks

between 1988 and 1991. Individuals who accept the first dose of

vaccine must be followed over the course of immunization to identify

the determinants of compliance and noncompliance with the entire

vaccine regimen. These findings should contribute to pilot tests of

interventions to increase full immunization. Results from these types

of studies are also likely to delineate strategies to increase

vaccine acceptance and to increase compliance with larger scale

immunization programs. "

The same report continues, " Clearly, improving immunization programs

requires rigorous research on fundamental cognitive, perceptual, and

cultural processes that affect health related decisions. Although it

is important to improve the acceptance of licensed vaccine products,

it is also critical to anticipate the availability of new products

and pave the way for their introduction. …Behavioral research also

should be conducted during clinical trials of products under

development to improve the likelihood of their use in full-scale

immunization programs. "

Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes

What one will not find coming out of the NIAID is much discussion of

what vaccines actually are, or, moreover, what’s in them. Walene

describes the contents of vaccines, and urges parents to think

about what effects these ingredients could have on their children’s


" There are three categories of ingredients. The first are cultured

bacteria and viruses. All viruses, even attenuated (so-called killed)

viruses contain RNA and DNA. RNA and DNA shed, and this can be picked

up by the cellular organisms in which they are immersed. This process

of shedding genetic material by the cells of one species and its

subsequent absorption into another species is known as transession.

Cells in which viral RNA have integrated into the DNA of the animal

cells are known as pro-viruses or molecular intermediates. These

infected cells can lie dormant in tissues throughout the body, and be

activated at a later stage, triggering auto-immune phenomena, such as

cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, allergies, and rheumatoid

arthritis. Transession explains auto-immune phenomena, why the immune

system cannot distinguish between foreign invaders and its own

tissues, and why it begins to destroy itself.

" The second ingredient in vaccinations is the medium in which they

are cultivated. This can include rabbit brain tissue, dog kidney

tissue, monkey kidney tissue, chicken or duck egg protein, chick

embryo, calf serum, pig or horse blood, and cowpox pus. These foreign

proteins are injected directly into the bloodstream. They are very

toxic since they do not get filtered through the digestive process or

pass through the liver. "

" These proteins are foreign to the body, and are in a state of

decomposition. They are composed of animal cells, and therefore

contain animal genetic material. It is possible for the genes in

these cells to be picked up by the live, attenuated viruses used in

vaccines. These viruses then implant a foreign alien genetic material

from animal tissue cultures into the human genetic system. Undigested

proteins in the blood are one of the causes of allergies....These

undigested proteins can attack the myelin sheath that protects the

nerves, and result in neurological problems. "

goes on to comment on the last category of vaccine ingredients,

which are stabilizers, neutralizers, carrying agents, and

preservatives. " Many people feed their children healthy foods. They

would never think of giving their children formaldehyde, mercury, or

aluminum phosphate to eat. Formaldehyde, for instance, is used to

embalm corpses, and is a known carcinogen. These are preservatives

and carrying agents that are injected directly into the bloodstream

without buffering by the digestive process, or censoring by the liver. "

Using the smallpox vaccine as an example, then describes how

vaccines are manufactured.

" Although [smallpox] is no longer a required vaccination, it is still

being used for research on AIDS and the new genetically engineered

recombinant vaccines. Mendelson’s newsletter describes the following

process: ‘A young calf has his belly shaved. Many slashes are made in

the skin. A prior batch of smallpox vaccine is dropped into the

slashes and allowed to fester over a period of days. During this

period of time, the calf stands in a head stall so that he can’t lick

his belly. The calf is led out of the stock to a table where he is

strapped down. His belly scabs and pus are scraped off and ground

into a powder. The powder is the next batch of smallpox vaccine.

Besides dried pus and scabs in the smallpox vaccine, incidental

viruses, which the calf was carrying, can be contained in these scabs

and pus.’ "

More specifically, Barbara Loe Fisher outlines the production

processes of the most common vaccines in her book, The Consumer’s

Guide to Childhood Vaccines, as follows:

" DPT VACCINE: DPT vaccine is an inactivated bacterial vaccine. To

produce the pertussis vaccine portion of the DPT vaccine, whole B

pertussis bacteria are grown... harvested, inactivated through heat

and chemical treatments and suspended in a solution containing such

chemicals as potassium phosphate, sodium chloride and thimerosal

(mercury), which is used as a preservative. Aluminum is added as an

adjuvant. The pertussis vaccine is then combined with the DT vaccine. "

" DT VACCINE: The diphtheria and tetanus toxoid are detoxified by use

of formaldehyde and diluted with a solution containing such chemicals

as sodium phosphate, glycine and thimerosal as a preservative.

Aluminum is added as an adjuvant. "

" DTaP VACCINE: Unlike the DPT vaccine, the purified acellular or DTaP

vaccine does not contain the whole B pertussis bacteria. DTaP vaccine

is made by separating out and removing many of the toxins in the

whole B pertussis bacteria and only using a few components of the

bacteria in the vaccine. These remaining components, including

pertussis toxin, may be detoxified by using formaldehyde. Thimerosal

is usually added as a preservative and aluminum added as an adjuvant.

The acellular pertussis vaccine is then combined with the DT vaccine. "

" MMR VACCINE: MMR vaccine used in the U.S. is a live virus vaccine.

It contains (1) a weakened (partially inactivated) live measles

virus...grown in cell cultures of chick embryo; (2) a weakened live

strain of mumps virus grown in cell cultures of chick embryo; and (3)

a weakened Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus

grown in human diploid cell (W-38) culture originating from the

tissues of a fetus aborted in 1964 after the mother was infected with

rubella. There is no preservative. MMR vaccine contains the

antibiotic neomycin. Sorbitol and hydrolyzed gelatin are added as

stabilizers. The live virus measles vaccine, mumps vaccine and

rubella vaccine are also available as single vaccines but most often

doctors give these vaccines as the MMR vaccine unless single antigens

are specifically requested. "

LIVE ORAL POLIO VACCINE (OPV): The live oral polio vaccine in the

U.S. is a mixture of three types of attenuated (weakened or partially

inactivated) polioviruses which have been grown in African green

monkey kidney cell culture. The cells are then grown in a medium

consisting of a salt solution containing amino acids, antibiotics and

calf serum. After cell growth, the medium is removed and replaced

with a medium containing the virus but no calf serum. The vaccine

contains sorbitol and the antibiotics streptomycin and neomycin. "

INACTIVATED POLIO VACCINE (IPV): The inactivated poliovirus vaccine

used in the U.S. is a sterile suspension of three types of poliovirus

grown in cultures of VERO cells, a continuous line of African green

monkey kidney cells. The viruses are concentrated, purified and made

noninfectious by inactivation with formaldehyde. IPV vaccine contains

phenoxyethanol and formaldehyde as preservatives and the antibiotics

neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin. An IPV vaccine using human

diploid cell cultures, rather than monkey kidney cell cultures, is

used in some other countries. "

" HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZA B VACCINE (HIB): Haemophilus influenza type B

vaccine used in the U.S today is a polysaccharide conjugate vaccine.

It does not contain all the HiB bacteria, just the organism’s

capsular polysaccharide. The vaccine is a sterile solution of a

conjugate of oligosaccharides of the capsular antigen of Haemophilus

influenza type B and diphtheria protein dissolved in sodium chloride. "

" HEPATITIS B VACCINE: The first hepatitis B virus vaccines developed

in the 1970s were made using virus isolated from the blood of human

chronic hepatitis B carriers. A plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine

was licensed by the U.S. in 1981 and used in high-risk populations in

the 1980s until a genetically engineered, recombinant hepatitis B

vaccine was developed. Today, hepatitis B recombinant vaccine used in

the U.S. is derived from hepatitis B surface antigens produced in

yeast cells. A portion of the hepatitis B virus gene is cloned into

the yeast (a common baker’s yeast) and the vaccine is produced from

cultures of this recombinant yeast strain. The vaccine is treated

with formaldehyde and contains 95 percent hepatitis B virus surface

antigen, 4 percent yeast protein, aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal

added as a preservative. "

" VARICELLA ZOSTER (CHICKENPOX) VACCINE: Chickenpox vaccine is made

from the Oka/Merck strain of live attenuated (weakened) varicella

virus. The virus was initially obtained from a child with natural

varicella, introduced into human embryonic lung cell cultures,

adapted to and propagated in embryonic guinea pig cell cultures and

finally propagated in human diploid cell cultures. The vaccine

contains sucrose, phosphate, glutamate and processed gelatin as

stabilizers. "

Noting the fact that vaccines include a host of undisputed toxins,

such as thimerosal, aluminum phosphate, and formaldehyde, Alan

Phillps reminds us that many of the ill effects caused by vaccines

existed at nowhere near today’s levels 30 years ago. He cites autism,

ADD, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and a host of allergies as examples. In

his book What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization,

seconds the views of , and pulls even fewer


" What sane person would consider using a hazardous waste,

carcinogenic in rats, used in the manufacture of inks, dyes,

explosives, wrinkle-proof fabrics, home insulation, and as a major

constituent of embalming fluid, and inject it into the delicate body

of an infant? What could formaldehyde, aluminum, phenol, mercury, or

any number of other deadly chemical substances used in vaccines

possibly have to do with preventing disease in children? The fact

that they are needed at all in the vaccine formula argues that the

product is toxic, unstable and unreliable with or without their

presence. "

The Threat of Thimerosal. On July 9, 1999, the American Academy of

Pediatrics (AAP) issued a statement urging removal of the mercury-

containing preservative thimerosal from vaccines. The reason behind

this strong recommendation is a growing concern about the risk of

exposing the developing brains of infants to mercury. While the

precaution is certainly welcomed, we should ask why such a dangerous,

known neurotoxin was allowed into vaccines in the first place.

Mercury exposure has been associated with nerve cell degeneration,

adverse behavioral effects and impaired brain development. It has

also been linked to degenerative chronic conditions such as

Alzheimer’s disease. The developing fetal nervous system is the most

sensitive to its toxic effects, and prenatal exposure to high doses

of mercury has been shown to cause mental retardation and cerebral


And yet the CDC is currently recommending the mercury-containing

influenza vaccine to all pregnant women (see section on influenza

vaccine). Furthermore, until vaccine manufacturers comply with the

AAP recommendations, vaccines containing thimerosal will still be

given to infants, children, and adults. Other mercury-containing

vaccines include the hepatitis B, pertussis, diptheria, tetanus, and

Haemophilus influenzae B vaccines.

The AAP acknowledged that with the growing number of vaccines

mandated for children the cumulative level of mercury exceeds that

deemed safe by current guidelines. In addition, the hepatitis B,

hepatitis A, polio, pertussis, diptheria, and tetanus vaccines

contain formaldehyde--a highly carcinogenic material used to embalm

corpses--while the hepatitis B, hepatitis A, pertussis, diptheria,

and tetanus vaccines contain aluminum.

Can we be surprised that a growing number of children are manifesting

cognitive disturbances such as autism and attention deficit disorder?

Vaccine Failures

A look back through history reveals very different stories about

vaccines from the ones told today. In fact, medical literature

documents increases in the conditions they are designed to prevent,

as well as side effects of all degrees of seriousness, including

death. Thus the statement that we hear so often from the medical

establishment, that vaccines are safe and effective, is a gross

distortion. , , , , , , , , ,

According to , " The medical literature has a surprising

number of studies documenting vaccine failure. Measles, mumps,

smallpox, polio, and HiB outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated

populations. In 1989, the CDC reported: Among school-aged children,

[measles] outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels

of greater than 98 percent. They have occurred in all parts of the

country, including areas that had not reported measles for years. The

CDC even reported a measles outbreak in a documented 100-percent-

vaccinated population. A study examining this phenomenon concluded,

‘The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to

high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized

persons.’...These studies suggest that the goal of complete

immunization is actually counterproductive, a notion underscored by

instances in which epidemics followed complete immunization of entire

countries. Japan experienced yearly increases in smallpox following

the introduction of compulsory vaccines in 1872. By 1892, there were

29,979 deaths, and all had been vaccinated. Early in this century,

the Philippines experienced their worst smallpox epidemic ever after

8 million people received 24.5 million vaccine doses; the death rate

quadrupled as a result. In 1989, the country of Oman experienced a

widespread polio outbreak six months after achieving complete

vaccination. In the U.S. in 1986, 90 percent of 1300 pertussis cases

in Kansas were ‘adequately vaccinated.’ Seventy-two percent of

pertussis cases in the 1993 Chicago outbreak were fully up to date

with their vaccinations. " , , , , , , , , , ,

In addition to vaccines not doing what they were meant to do, another

type of vaccine failure is the side effect. Vaccine manufacturers do

try to minimize side effect occurrence by listing, in the product

literature, the conditions that contraindicate a vaccine’s use. But

there are a lot of contraindications, and doctors aren’t always aware

of them. Scheibner has documented just a few of the specific

contraindications listed by vaccine manufacturers in their product


" For DPT Vaccine: ‘Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine,

including thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is a contraindication’…

‘Routine immunization [with DPT] should be deferred during an

outbreak of poliomyelitis…’ ‘The occurrence of any type of

neurological symptoms or signs, including one or more convulsions

(seizures) following administration of this product is a

contraindication to further use. Use of this product is also

contraindicated if the child has a personal history of seizures. The

presence of any evolving or changing disorder affecting the central

nervous system is a contraindication to administration of DTP

regardless of whether the suspected neurological disorder is

associated with occurrence of seizure activity of any type.’ "

" For DTaP Vaccine: ‘Influenza virus vaccine should not be given

within three days of the administration of [the vaccine].’ "

" For MMR Vaccine: ‘Due caution should be employed in administration

of MMR to persons with a history of cerebral injury, individual or

family histories of convulsions, or any other condition in which

stress due to fever should be avoided.’

" For OPV Vaccine: ‘Immunization should be deferred during the course

of any febrile illness or acute infection. In addition, immunization

should be deferred in the presence of persistent vomiting or

diarrhea, or suspected gastroenteritis infection’… ‘Prior to

administration of the vaccine, the attending physician should warn or

specifically direct personnel acting under their authority to convey

the warnings to the...parent, guardian or other responsible person of

the possibility of vaccine-associated paralysis, particularly to the

recipient, family members and other close personal contact… The

responsible adult should be informed of precautions to be taken such

as hand-washing after diaper changes.’ "

" For HiB Vaccine: ‘Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine,

including diphtheria toxoid or thimerosal in the multidose

presentation, is a contraindication.’ "

" For Varicella Zoster Vaccine: ‘Pregnancy should be avoided for three

months following vaccination.’… ‘Vaccine recipients should avoid use

of salicylates [aspirin] for 6 weeks after vaccination with [the

vaccine]…’ "

Click here to order the complete text of this document including full

endnotes and references


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