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Lactic Acid

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One of those links Roman posted (the Google list)

also answers the question (a long time back) about lactic

acid in food, I think: it gets converted to good ol' glucose.

So I guess eating a mess of probiotic vegies DOES give you

some glucose (although I'd bet it has a much lower

glycemic index). I always feel more energy after

eating fermented vegies, more than you would think

for having little starch.

I know I'd read this before but had forgotten it. Thanks!

> Lactic acid is a by-product of glucose and glycogen break down during

> strength training and other anaerobic activities. The accumulation of

> this by-product causes muscle pain and fatigue and eventually slows the

> contraction ability. After it is produced the blood carries it to the

> liver. In the liver it is converted to glucose and is returned as blood

> glucose to your muscles.


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