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College Bound - Navigating Vaccine Choices

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College Bound - Navigating Vaccine Choices

By Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director

Recently, I responded to one of our reader’s vaccination choice

concerns regarding college bound young adults and many of these young

adults will soon be deciding which college to attend in the fall. I have

these concerns myself now, as my youngest is also off to college this

year. As a parent, I have learned that the informed consent movement that

NVIC founded and the values we in turn have taken into our home really

transfer to our college bound daughter. It is not easy to step aside, but

as we do, we are empowering our daughter to ask the right questions as

she decides which college to attend.

This article will address concerns held by families and young adults who

are college bound and choose to alternately vaccinate, or do not

vaccinate at all. As they enter college, they will face pressure to

receive vaccines for meningitis, HPV, and influenza, among others.

Whatever decisions our sons and daughters make in this respect, make no

mistake - it is their decision to make and defend.

Although parents are no longer directly involved with these healthcare

decisions, parents can help their sons and daughters find accurate

information and resources regarding:

the risks of the vaccine they are being asked by the college to

receive; the risks of the disease for which they are considering vaccination; and their rights to informed consent in the vaccine decision-making


For reliable facts helpful in evaluating the risks discussed in the first

two points above, our

webpage on

diseases and vaccines is an excellent resource and should be recommended

to prospective college students. When a decision is made to decline a

vaccine, it is crucial for the incoming college student to understand

what the legal and policy requirements are in order for them to be able

to continue to be enrolled and meet their program requirements.

College Vaccination – What is Required?

Understanding college vaccination policies and state exemption laws

are a critical part of the information gathering process. Having taken

calls from parents of students suspended from attending college until

their vaccinations are up to date, we are not leaving admission to our

daughter’s dream college to chance. We have personally found it helpful

to proactively:

ask the admissions officer for the school’s vaccination policy in

writing (should be on the institution’s letterhead); and research the state’s exemption laws when considering colleges.

In general, college vaccination policies must comply with the legal

exemptions to vaccination outlined in each state's public health laws.

Unforeseen trouble may come up later if the student is going into a

health profession that requires clinical practice during their course of

study. In that instance, the facility providing the clinical experience

necessary for graduation requirements could have vaccination requirements

for students, who are in direct contact with patients. It is better to

have this information in advance. There are times when exceptions are

made for medical contraindications and/or proof of existing antibodies,

but these exceptions are on a case-by-case basis and policies governing

vaccination could change before graduation.

Helpful Tips for Gathering Information

Below are guidelines to assist families in gathering information that

empowers their college bound student’s understanding of the vaccination

landscape in their state. Much of the information below can be found on

our website under FAQs and

although NVIC continually updates our website, state laws and rules

change frequently and the website content may not reflect all recent

changes to laws.

Research the state exemption laws for colleges under consideration.

Le gal requirements of vaccination laws differ state to state. Recognized

legal exemptions are medical, religious and conscientious, philosophical

or personal belief exemptions. Wording and scope of exemptions can differ

from state to state, so do your homework! State laws that govern exemptions sometimes don’t extend to private

schools, which can institute any vaccine requirements they deem

appropriate. Exemptions differ state to state and are dependent on the

laws of each state. Be aware of the difference between a legal requirement and a

recommendation. For example, while vaccine policymakers at the Centers

for Disease Control (CDC) have included the meningitis vaccine in their

recommendations for first year college students living in dormitories,

the state of

Alaska requires only that college students receive information on the

disease, vaccine and their increased risk of contracting meningitis if

living in student housing. In this example the student must either agree

to be vaccinated for meningitis, or sign a waiver verifying that they

received the information and have waived vaccination. Some states allow exemption from vaccination, or revaccination, if

there is proof of existing antibodies. These antibodies can sometimes be

determined by a private laboratory with a blood test to check titers.

Titer tests are not available for all diseases for which a vaccine is

available and acceptance of titer test results vary state to state.

Again, check with the public health laws governing the state in question

to determine what titer tests are acceptable. Stay up-to-date on state exemptions and vaccination issues in the

state of attendance, as requirements can change! NVIC maintains a

webpage updated with state-by-state exemption information. NVIC has

also recently launched its


Advocacy Portal and individuals can sign up to receive

free eNewsletters on vaccine policy and law changes underway in their

state, as well as tips for protecting your legal right to obtain an

exemption to vaccination.

There are three types of vaccination exemptions:

Philosophical Exemption:There are

18 states which allow exemption to vaccination based on

philosophical, personal or conscientiously held beliefs. In many of these

states, individuals must object to all vaccines, not just a particular

vaccine in order to use the philosophical, conscientious or personal

belief exemption. This type of exemption is being threatened in

some state legislatures due to pressure from government health officials,

drug company lobbyists and medical organizations to revoke this

exemption. All states except Mississippi and West Virginia allow for a religious

exemption to vaccination. The religious exemption is intended for people

who hold a sincere religious belief opposing vaccination but those

beliefs can be personally held and church membership or adherence to an

organized religion is not required. However, you should be able to

articulate in your own words why your sincerely held religious or

spiritual beliefs do not allow you to vaccinate yourself or your child

with one or more vaccines. Sometimes obtaining a letter from your pastor

or spiritual advisor attesting to the sincerity of your religious beliefs

about vaccination is helpful, as well. Some religious exemptions are

broadly defined and similar to philosophical or conscientious belief

exemptions. Medical Exemptions: All 50 states allow medical exemption to

vaccination. Proof of medical exemption must take the form of a signed

statement by a medical doctor, or doctor of osteopathy that the

administering of one or more vaccines would be detrimental to the health

of an individual. Some states will accept a private physician's written

exemption without question. Other states allow the state health

department to review the doctor's exemption and revoke it if health

department officials do not think the exemption is justified.

My advice to our readers is to take the time to research the vaccination

laws of the state in question, the specific policies of the college and

program being considered and empower your student with information well

in advance of selecting the college of their dreams and beginning their

journey into adulthood.


Healthy Child

Thanks so much for this valuable information. My daughter will be off to

college in the next couple of years. She's been vaccine-free for 16 years

and extremely healthy. It disturbs me that there's a possibility of her

being vaccinated now with college. She understands about vaccines, but

who knows what kind of pressure she'll be under. She wants to be a doctor

so will have the clinical requirements to deal with as well. So great to

have this information and I am very grateful for the work you do! - Jane

2/3/2011 12:00:31 PM

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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College Bound - Navigating Vaccine Choices

By Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director

Recently, I responded to one of our reader’s vaccination choice

concerns regarding college bound young adults and many of these young

adults will soon be deciding which college to attend in the fall. I have

these concerns myself now, as my youngest is also off to college this

year. As a parent, I have learned that the informed consent movement that

NVIC founded and the values we in turn have taken into our home really

transfer to our college bound daughter. It is not easy to step aside, but

as we do, we are empowering our daughter to ask the right questions as

she decides which college to attend.

This article will address concerns held by families and young adults who

are college bound and choose to alternately vaccinate, or do not

vaccinate at all. As they enter college, they will face pressure to

receive vaccines for meningitis, HPV, and influenza, among others.

Whatever decisions our sons and daughters make in this respect, make no

mistake - it is their decision to make and defend.

Although parents are no longer directly involved with these healthcare

decisions, parents can help their sons and daughters find accurate

information and resources regarding:

the risks of the vaccine they are being asked by the college to

receive; the risks of the disease for which they are considering vaccination; and their rights to informed consent in the vaccine decision-making


For reliable facts helpful in evaluating the risks discussed in the first

two points above, our

webpage on

diseases and vaccines is an excellent resource and should be recommended

to prospective college students. When a decision is made to decline a

vaccine, it is crucial for the incoming college student to understand

what the legal and policy requirements are in order for them to be able

to continue to be enrolled and meet their program requirements.

College Vaccination – What is Required?

Understanding college vaccination policies and state exemption laws

are a critical part of the information gathering process. Having taken

calls from parents of students suspended from attending college until

their vaccinations are up to date, we are not leaving admission to our

daughter’s dream college to chance. We have personally found it helpful

to proactively:

ask the admissions officer for the school’s vaccination policy in

writing (should be on the institution’s letterhead); and research the state’s exemption laws when considering colleges.

In general, college vaccination policies must comply with the legal

exemptions to vaccination outlined in each state's public health laws.

Unforeseen trouble may come up later if the student is going into a

health profession that requires clinical practice during their course of

study. In that instance, the facility providing the clinical experience

necessary for graduation requirements could have vaccination requirements

for students, who are in direct contact with patients. It is better to

have this information in advance. There are times when exceptions are

made for medical contraindications and/or proof of existing antibodies,

but these exceptions are on a case-by-case basis and policies governing

vaccination could change before graduation.

Helpful Tips for Gathering Information

Below are guidelines to assist families in gathering information that

empowers their college bound student’s understanding of the vaccination

landscape in their state. Much of the information below can be found on

our website under FAQs and

although NVIC continually updates our website, state laws and rules

change frequently and the website content may not reflect all recent

changes to laws.

Research the state exemption laws for colleges under consideration.

Le gal requirements of vaccination laws differ state to state. Recognized

legal exemptions are medical, religious and conscientious, philosophical

or personal belief exemptions. Wording and scope of exemptions can differ

from state to state, so do your homework! State laws that govern exemptions sometimes don’t extend to private

schools, which can institute any vaccine requirements they deem

appropriate. Exemptions differ state to state and are dependent on the

laws of each state. Be aware of the difference between a legal requirement and a

recommendation. For example, while vaccine policymakers at the Centers

for Disease Control (CDC) have included the meningitis vaccine in their

recommendations for first year college students living in dormitories,

the state of

Alaska requires only that college students receive information on the

disease, vaccine and their increased risk of contracting meningitis if

living in student housing. In this example the student must either agree

to be vaccinated for meningitis, or sign a waiver verifying that they

received the information and have waived vaccination. Some states allow exemption from vaccination, or revaccination, if

there is proof of existing antibodies. These antibodies can sometimes be

determined by a private laboratory with a blood test to check titers.

Titer tests are not available for all diseases for which a vaccine is

available and acceptance of titer test results vary state to state.

Again, check with the public health laws governing the state in question

to determine what titer tests are acceptable. Stay up-to-date on state exemptions and vaccination issues in the

state of attendance, as requirements can change! NVIC maintains a

webpage updated with state-by-state exemption information. NVIC has

also recently launched its


Advocacy Portal and individuals can sign up to receive

free eNewsletters on vaccine policy and law changes underway in their

state, as well as tips for protecting your legal right to obtain an

exemption to vaccination.

There are three types of vaccination exemptions:

Philosophical Exemption:There are

18 states which allow exemption to vaccination based on

philosophical, personal or conscientiously held beliefs. In many of these

states, individuals must object to all vaccines, not just a particular

vaccine in order to use the philosophical, conscientious or personal

belief exemption. This type of exemption is being threatened in

some state legislatures due to pressure from government health officials,

drug company lobbyists and medical organizations to revoke this

exemption. All states except Mississippi and West Virginia allow for a religious

exemption to vaccination. The religious exemption is intended for people

who hold a sincere religious belief opposing vaccination but those

beliefs can be personally held and church membership or adherence to an

organized religion is not required. However, you should be able to

articulate in your own words why your sincerely held religious or

spiritual beliefs do not allow you to vaccinate yourself or your child

with one or more vaccines. Sometimes obtaining a letter from your pastor

or spiritual advisor attesting to the sincerity of your religious beliefs

about vaccination is helpful, as well. Some religious exemptions are

broadly defined and similar to philosophical or conscientious belief

exemptions. Medical Exemptions: All 50 states allow medical exemption to

vaccination. Proof of medical exemption must take the form of a signed

statement by a medical doctor, or doctor of osteopathy that the

administering of one or more vaccines would be detrimental to the health

of an individual. Some states will accept a private physician's written

exemption without question. Other states allow the state health

department to review the doctor's exemption and revoke it if health

department officials do not think the exemption is justified.

My advice to our readers is to take the time to research the vaccination

laws of the state in question, the specific policies of the college and

program being considered and empower your student with information well

in advance of selecting the college of their dreams and beginning their

journey into adulthood.


Healthy Child

Thanks so much for this valuable information. My daughter will be off to

college in the next couple of years. She's been vaccine-free for 16 years

and extremely healthy. It disturbs me that there's a possibility of her

being vaccinated now with college. She understands about vaccines, but

who knows what kind of pressure she'll be under. She wants to be a doctor

so will have the clinical requirements to deal with as well. So great to

have this information and I am very grateful for the work you do! - Jane

2/3/2011 12:00:31 PM

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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