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Re: Reactions to kefir?

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At 01:21 AM 9/4/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi everyone,

>I noticed that Heidi said she had some reactions to kefir when she

>first began to use it. What kind of reaction did you have Heidi? Have

>other people had reactions too?



I felt like there was a small war going on inside my gut: all night I dreamed

about kefir, tasted kefir, -- my " output " smelled like kefir. I swore I'd

not eat kefir again. I didn't get sick though: lots of burbling and churning

but no signs of food poisoning. My hubby ate the same batch and did fine.

I guess a number of people have different responses: diarrhea, constipation.

I DID get a little constipated too: but considering that before I started kefir

I had IBS (going 3-6 times a day) it's difficult to know what constitutes

" constipated " .

I tried it again a month later, just a little, then skipped a few days.

I still got a lot of gas, in the mornings only. My " output " changed

color, shape etc. (to a more normal look, I think), and shrunk in

size a lot. Over the last few months things have been normalizing

to a new " normal " .

The fact things changed so drastically convinced me of kefir's power.

I don't serve it " raw " to guests.

And yes, I've heard similar stories. No one else in my family

had any similar reaction though.

-- Heidi

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Ive just started eating kefir last few days.

My first attempt i got a littel gas. ( only a little )

And when i went to bed my tummy made some awefull noises for first 2

days. on to day 3 now and when i drink it all is well, i feel well. I

dont think i will ever drink milk again. I am now a kefir junky.

> Hi everyone,

> I noticed that Heidi said she had some reactions to kefir when she

> first began to use it. What kind of reaction did you have Heidi?


> other people had reactions too?

> Thanks,

> Sheila

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On Wed, 04 Sep 2002 07:32:11 -0000, you wrote:

>Ive just started eating kefir last few days.

>My first attempt i got a littel gas. ( only a little )

>And when i went to bed my tummy made some awefull noises for first 2

>days. on to day 3 now and when i drink it all is well, i feel well.

This is just about what is happening with me right now. My kefir is just

becoming drinkable, loosing that real sour taste and thickening. I had been

drinking the store bought kefir and thought my adjustments days were over, but,

not so. I had quite a tummy ache yesterday afternoon.

Mike E

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I didn't have any digestive problems at all, I felt very good right from

the start, but I have developed a body odor. I never had to

use deodorant, if I washed daily and removed any hair under my arms.

But now even right after a bath I can detect a

slight odor, I don't know if this is good or not. I am not drinking

so much now and it is better. Smelly ine in WA

-----Original Message-----

From: yogabud [mailto:anthony_byron@...]

Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 12:32 AM

Subject: Re: Reactions to kefir?

Ive just started eating kefir last few days.

My first attempt i got a littel gas. ( only a little )

And when i went to bed my tummy made some awefull noises for first 2

days. on to day 3 now and when i drink it all is well, i feel well. I

dont think i will ever drink milk again. I am now a kefir junky.

> Hi everyone,

> I noticed that Heidi said she had some reactions to kefir when she

> first began to use it. What kind of reaction did you have Heidi?


> other people had reactions too?

> Thanks,

> Sheila

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My flatmate finally decided to try my Kefir today ( heh while i wasnt

looking ) His reaction, how can you drink that stuff straight!

this " thing " you are doing its meant to be so u can add it into

recipies for cooking! haha *sigh*

( my kefir is totally runny just like milk and right now ive

generalyl made it with a sour taste )


> >Ive just started eating kefir last few days.

> >My first attempt i got a littel gas. ( only a little )

> >And when i went to bed my tummy made some awefull noises for first


> >days. on to day 3 now and when i drink it all is well, i feel



> This is just about what is happening with me right now. My kefir is


> becoming drinkable, loosing that real sour taste and thickening. I

had been

> drinking the store bought kefir and thought my adjustments days

were over, but,

> not so. I had quite a tummy ache yesterday afternoon.


> Mike E

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Ive noticed the same thing. Although to me it seems like a sweetish

odour not a bad one.

> > Hi everyone,

> > I noticed that Heidi said she had some reactions to kefir when


> > first began to use it. What kind of reaction did you have Heidi?

> Have

> > other people had reactions too?

> > Thanks,

> > Sheila





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