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http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/hpv/index.shtmlHPV - Human Papillomavirus Vaccine ALERT - OPPOSE FORCED HPV VACCINE ON GIRLS IN TEXAS Link to Blog Tracking Efforts to Overturn HPV Mandate Dear Friends,Even though the states of Michigan, land, and Indiana have killed, pulled down, or gutted proposed legislation to mandate the controversial new vaccine called Gardasil made by Merck for the sexually transmitted virus HPV, our Texas governor Rick did the unthinkable by bypassing the entire Texas legislature from the process and issuing an intrusive executive order forcing all of our 11 and 12 year old little girls to be vaccinated against this sexually transmitted virus in order to attend the 6th grade!IMMEDIATE responses to your Texas state senator and representative expressing your opposition is needed!There are several brave legislators that are working hard at trying to reverse this, but in order for other legislators to be receptive and sign onto and support these efforts, they need to know that the people who voted to put them into office are outraged by the governor's actions. Please make your voice heard NOW![more on site]-----------http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/meningococcal/meningococcal_college.shtmlMeningococcal Vaccine(This piece contains information that parents and college students need to know about the meningococcal vaccine.  Please share it widely. It was written and submitted by Andy Schlafly, General Counsel,American Association of Physicians and Surgeons http://aapsonline.org)Incoming college students nationwide are being told to take the meningococcal vaccine or else they may not be admitted. But here is what schools and government are not telling parents and students. Less than 1 in 100,000 contract the meningococcal meningitis disease annually in the United States and 50% of those cases are in infants. Of those who do contract the disease, most recover fully and fatalities are in less than 10% of the case.[more on site]------------http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/influenza/flumist_vaccine_risks.shtml Risks of FluMist VaccineReprinted from http://www.redflagsweekly.com/extra/2003_oct03_2.htmlAn Investigation By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny October, 3, 2003 www.nmaseminars.com"MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMist, recently announced that it signed an agreement that makes FluMist, the new intranasal influenza vaccine, readily available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the worlds biggest retailer." [1]As the physician in charge of a bustling Integrative medical clinic, questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading about the MedImmune-Walmart joint venture, I felt compelled to warn our patients and our internet subscribers of the potentially serious complications that may come from direct and passive exposure to this new vaccine. I also wanted to give a "heads up" to everyone regarding the onslaught of advertising that is about to besiege them.[more on site]-----http://www.vaccineinfo.net/releases/parent_groups_support_texas_law.shtmlParent Groups Support New Texas Vaccine Exemption LawWASHINGTON, July 8 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Americans for Vaccine Safety and Accountability (AVSA) are joining with the Texas-based parent organization, Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE), in voicing strong support for the new Texas vaccine exemption law. The new law allows parents to exercise a conscientious belief exemption to vaccination. Together, all three organizations represent more than 200,000 Americans committed to defending the informed consent rights of citizens to make voluntary health care choices when there is a risk of injury or death.  Exemptions -------------EXEMPTIONS Texas - Know Your Rights Other States=====In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/hpv/index.shtmlHPV - Human Papillomavirus Vaccine ALERT - OPPOSE FORCED HPV VACCINE ON GIRLS IN TEXAS Link to Blog Tracking Efforts to Overturn HPV Mandate Dear Friends,Even though the states of Michigan, land, and Indiana have killed, pulled down, or gutted proposed legislation to mandate the controversial new vaccine called Gardasil made by Merck for the sexually transmitted virus HPV, our Texas governor Rick did the unthinkable by bypassing the entire Texas legislature from the process and issuing an intrusive executive order forcing all of our 11 and 12 year old little girls to be vaccinated against this sexually transmitted virus in order to attend the 6th grade!IMMEDIATE responses to your Texas state senator and representative expressing your opposition is needed!There are several brave legislators that are working hard at trying to reverse this, but in order for other legislators to be receptive and sign onto and support these efforts, they need to know that the people who voted to put them into office are outraged by the governor's actions. Please make your voice heard NOW![more on site]-----------http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/meningococcal/meningococcal_college.shtmlMeningococcal Vaccine(This piece contains information that parents and college students need to know about the meningococcal vaccine.  Please share it widely. It was written and submitted by Andy Schlafly, General Counsel,American Association of Physicians and Surgeons http://aapsonline.org)Incoming college students nationwide are being told to take the meningococcal vaccine or else they may not be admitted. But here is what schools and government are not telling parents and students. Less than 1 in 100,000 contract the meningococcal meningitis disease annually in the United States and 50% of those cases are in infants. Of those who do contract the disease, most recover fully and fatalities are in less than 10% of the case.[more on site]------------http://www.vaccineinfo.net/immunization/vaccine/influenza/flumist_vaccine_risks.shtml Risks of FluMist VaccineReprinted from http://www.redflagsweekly.com/extra/2003_oct03_2.htmlAn Investigation By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny October, 3, 2003 www.nmaseminars.com"MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMist, recently announced that it signed an agreement that makes FluMist, the new intranasal influenza vaccine, readily available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the worlds biggest retailer." [1]As the physician in charge of a bustling Integrative medical clinic, questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading about the MedImmune-Walmart joint venture, I felt compelled to warn our patients and our internet subscribers of the potentially serious complications that may come from direct and passive exposure to this new vaccine. I also wanted to give a "heads up" to everyone regarding the onslaught of advertising that is about to besiege them.[more on site]-----http://www.vaccineinfo.net/releases/parent_groups_support_texas_law.shtmlParent Groups Support New Texas Vaccine Exemption LawWASHINGTON, July 8 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Americans for Vaccine Safety and Accountability (AVSA) are joining with the Texas-based parent organization, Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE), in voicing strong support for the new Texas vaccine exemption law. The new law allows parents to exercise a conscientious belief exemption to vaccination. Together, all three organizations represent more than 200,000 Americans committed to defending the informed consent rights of citizens to make voluntary health care choices when there is a risk of injury or death.  Exemptions -------------EXEMPTIONS Texas - Know Your Rights Other States=====In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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