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Fear of the Invisible - the virus that never was

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Outline of the Science History of Polio




This summary was created from information extracted from Janine '

book 'Fear of the Invisible' (Impact Investigative Media Productions, 2008).

1909: Landsteiner and Popper

They ground up the spinal cord of a 9-year-old polio victim and injected a

cup of the suspension directly into the brains of two monkeys. One died

immediately and the other slowly became paralyzed.

1910: Flexer and

Ground up human spinal cord with polio and injected the suspension directly

into a monkey's brain, the monkey became paralyzed, then they extracted some

fluid from its brain, and injected it into another monkey's brain, and so on

through a series of monkeys paralyzing all of them in the process. But

making the monkeys drink the liquid or injecting into their arms did not

paralyze them.

(These experiments are celebrated in modern textbooks as being the first

time a 'virus' was proved to cause a major epidemic.' They could not find a

bacteria in film preparations or cultures. They concluded: 'The infecting

agent of epidemic polio virus belongs to the class of minute and filterable

viruses that have not thus far been demonstrated with certainty under a

microscope.' Toxic causes were not considered, or the shock of injecting

this foreign stew directly into the brain, bypassing the immune system.)

However, the scientists were under a lot of pressure then to find a cure for

the waves of polio hitting middle class kids in the summertime.

1948: Dalldorf and Sickles

Took excrement from a polio victim and prepared a 20% suspension with ether

and centrifugation, then injected it directly into the living brains of

suckling mice 3-7 days old. They became paralyzed.

1949: Enders of Harvard claims he can make this 'virus' from human embryonic

cells, making it far easier to make a vaccine.

(Their conclusion was that this was the successful isolation of a virus that

must be causing polio paralysis in humans! But all they proved was that a

faeces-derived suspension of human cellular material caused illness in lab

animals. They called this suspension 'polio virus' and it was to become a

'vaccine seed' for modern polio vaccines. Enders receives the 1954 Nobel

Prize for this!)

1950: A small ball like particle, 24-30 nm in size, was isolated from human

excrement, and made visible with an electron microscope. It was named the

'polio virus.'

(Gut enteroviruses like this are very common in humans. We all have many of


Where was the proof this was a causative agent? Why and how would a virus

found in the gut go over to attack the nervous system as polio does?)

1951: Scientists report they cannot find the designated polio virus in many

polio victims.

(This information was ignored. It was inconvenient. The public was demanding

a solution to the polio epidemic attacking middle class kids.)

1952: Prof Konstantine Vinodouroff of the Institute of Neurology, Russian

Academy of Medical Science, tells the Americans that Russia has never had an

outbreak of polio. The Americans are amazed.

1954: Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first commercial polio vaccine with a

virus found in 'the pooled faeces of three heathly children in Cleveland.'

(Dr. Salk did not even use the faeces from polio victims!)

The 'poliovaccine' is administered as a safety test to 400,000 US children.

The official safety report stated that it protected '30-90 percent' of


(This was a vague statistic. However, manufacturers could make a 300% markup

on the vaccine.)

1955: Salk marketed his patented vaccine 'seed' —derived from the excrement

of healthy children— to manufacturers. The next step was to sprinkle it into

vast quantities of minced monkey kidneys and allow the virus to multiply,

then add formaldehyde to kill it. They made 27,000,000 vaccination doses.

1955: President Dwight Eisenhower awarded Salk the Congressional Medal

declaring the polio vaccine a great victory for American science.

1956: Health Authorities change the rules for defining polio. Doctors are

instructed to diagnose polio only if the patient has paralytic symptoms for

60 days or more. Milder cases of polio are no longer reported.

1958: CDC changes the rules for defining polio again. Cases of inflammation

of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neuron cells, causing

muscular weakness and pain, but not paralysis, are no longer to be

classified as polio. These cases must now be called viral or aseptic

meningitis. Non-paralytic cases were now to be re-named meningitis even if

the polio virus is present. The reported figures for polio were officially

to exclude 'cases of aseptic meningitis due to polio virus or other entero

viruses.' Reported cases of aseptic meningitis went from near zero to

thousands, and polio cases dropped the same amount.

1958: Officials reduce the definition of polio again. Now all cases with

classic polio paralytic symptoms are to be diagnosed initially as Acute

Flaccid Paralysis (AFP). Two turds are taken from the patient and sent to

the CDC to see if they can find polio in them. If not, they are declared as

not polio, even if the children have all the classic symptoms.

(Making fewer cases of polio by changing the definition was a fraudulent way

to make it seem like the polio vaccinations were working.)

1958: Officials triumphantly declared large parts of the world polio free,

even while the newly defined Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) suddenly became

common. Credit for this great victory over disease was given to Salk, Sabin

and the vaccine manufactures.

Report in JAMA Feb 25, 1961: " It is now generally recognized that much of

the Salk vaccine used in the U.S. has been worthless. " Live strains produced

by Sabin and put in sugar cubes were adopted instead.

2008: Ordinary doctors still do not have the power to diagnose polio by

observing symptoms. The World Health Organization still demands that two

turds from each victim of infantile paralysis be sent to their laboratories.

If no polio virus is found in these, the cases are declared not to be polio,

even if these children are suffering from the same severe paralysis symptoms

and pain as found in the worst cases of polio during the American epidemics.

Question: Could something else be causing polio besides the virus? Finding

the polio virus in human excrement is natural, and finding it there does not

prove it causes polio, symptoms of paralysis in the motor neuron cells of

the backbone.

2008: On the CDC website Dr. Lienhard explains that too much hygiene

was the cause of the polio epidemics. Most kids pick up the virus in garden

soil and become naturally immune to it, but not the kids subjected to the

overly hygienic parents of the 50's.

Conclusion: The effectiveness of the Salk vaccine (and Sabin live vaccine in

sugar cubes) is something that we have all come to accept, but it is nothing

more than a scientific myth, fraudulently promoted by the political and

medical authorities of the time, and still believed today. Millions of polio

vaccine injections are still given worldwide every year for essentially no

purpose. Causation by a virus has not been shown.

The Case for Toxins Causing Polio

1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to

polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with.

English scientist Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the

receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'

1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times

every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.

1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In

his report the Government Inspector Dr. Caverly noted that parents

reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that

'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child,

and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was

non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).

1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.

1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69

children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.

1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead

arsenate residues.

1921: lin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy,

New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.

1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years

it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper

impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.

1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a

local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.

1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of

American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military

camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitos. Neighboring

Philippine settlements were not affected.

1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are

damaged in infantile paralysis.

1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.

1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical

researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to

human polio.'

1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend,

notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that

some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion


1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing

toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and

butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to

the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is

concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on

infants and children have even been considered.'

1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with

anti toxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol and ascorbic acid. Example:

Dr. F. R. Klenner reported: 'In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina

in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care... The treatment was

massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four

years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly... All patients were

clinically well after 72 hours.'

1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were

the major cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who

reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces

in the blood of polio victims.

Comment: This was a no no. The viral causation theory was not something to

be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities

were threatened. Biskind and Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule.

1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula

containing DDT.

1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the

body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a

causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any

other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire

apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to

denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into

its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic

boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'

1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is

enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of

sales of DDT to third world countries.

(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio

vaccinations begin.)

1962: Carson's Silent Spring is published.

1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.

2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging, but little mentioned,

epidemic in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is

still used.

2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects

are irreversible.'

Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing

tragedy for the children - poisoning victims - involved. Public funds are

wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated

with antitoxins.

This graph shows that polio death rates were already in steep decline when

polio vaccines were started. This directly throws into question the

effectiveness of the vaccines.



- - -

See also:

Polio Vaccine Page

The Polio Vaccine Myth

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Outline of the Science History of Polio




This summary was created from information extracted from Janine '

book 'Fear of the Invisible' (Impact Investigative Media Productions, 2008).

1909: Landsteiner and Popper

They ground up the spinal cord of a 9-year-old polio victim and injected a

cup of the suspension directly into the brains of two monkeys. One died

immediately and the other slowly became paralyzed.

1910: Flexer and

Ground up human spinal cord with polio and injected the suspension directly

into a monkey's brain, the monkey became paralyzed, then they extracted some

fluid from its brain, and injected it into another monkey's brain, and so on

through a series of monkeys paralyzing all of them in the process. But

making the monkeys drink the liquid or injecting into their arms did not

paralyze them.

(These experiments are celebrated in modern textbooks as being the first

time a 'virus' was proved to cause a major epidemic.' They could not find a

bacteria in film preparations or cultures. They concluded: 'The infecting

agent of epidemic polio virus belongs to the class of minute and filterable

viruses that have not thus far been demonstrated with certainty under a

microscope.' Toxic causes were not considered, or the shock of injecting

this foreign stew directly into the brain, bypassing the immune system.)

However, the scientists were under a lot of pressure then to find a cure for

the waves of polio hitting middle class kids in the summertime.

1948: Dalldorf and Sickles

Took excrement from a polio victim and prepared a 20% suspension with ether

and centrifugation, then injected it directly into the living brains of

suckling mice 3-7 days old. They became paralyzed.

1949: Enders of Harvard claims he can make this 'virus' from human embryonic

cells, making it far easier to make a vaccine.

(Their conclusion was that this was the successful isolation of a virus that

must be causing polio paralysis in humans! But all they proved was that a

faeces-derived suspension of human cellular material caused illness in lab

animals. They called this suspension 'polio virus' and it was to become a

'vaccine seed' for modern polio vaccines. Enders receives the 1954 Nobel

Prize for this!)

1950: A small ball like particle, 24-30 nm in size, was isolated from human

excrement, and made visible with an electron microscope. It was named the

'polio virus.'

(Gut enteroviruses like this are very common in humans. We all have many of


Where was the proof this was a causative agent? Why and how would a virus

found in the gut go over to attack the nervous system as polio does?)

1951: Scientists report they cannot find the designated polio virus in many

polio victims.

(This information was ignored. It was inconvenient. The public was demanding

a solution to the polio epidemic attacking middle class kids.)

1952: Prof Konstantine Vinodouroff of the Institute of Neurology, Russian

Academy of Medical Science, tells the Americans that Russia has never had an

outbreak of polio. The Americans are amazed.

1954: Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first commercial polio vaccine with a

virus found in 'the pooled faeces of three heathly children in Cleveland.'

(Dr. Salk did not even use the faeces from polio victims!)

The 'poliovaccine' is administered as a safety test to 400,000 US children.

The official safety report stated that it protected '30-90 percent' of


(This was a vague statistic. However, manufacturers could make a 300% markup

on the vaccine.)

1955: Salk marketed his patented vaccine 'seed' —derived from the excrement

of healthy children— to manufacturers. The next step was to sprinkle it into

vast quantities of minced monkey kidneys and allow the virus to multiply,

then add formaldehyde to kill it. They made 27,000,000 vaccination doses.

1955: President Dwight Eisenhower awarded Salk the Congressional Medal

declaring the polio vaccine a great victory for American science.

1956: Health Authorities change the rules for defining polio. Doctors are

instructed to diagnose polio only if the patient has paralytic symptoms for

60 days or more. Milder cases of polio are no longer reported.

1958: CDC changes the rules for defining polio again. Cases of inflammation

of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neuron cells, causing

muscular weakness and pain, but not paralysis, are no longer to be

classified as polio. These cases must now be called viral or aseptic

meningitis. Non-paralytic cases were now to be re-named meningitis even if

the polio virus is present. The reported figures for polio were officially

to exclude 'cases of aseptic meningitis due to polio virus or other entero

viruses.' Reported cases of aseptic meningitis went from near zero to

thousands, and polio cases dropped the same amount.

1958: Officials reduce the definition of polio again. Now all cases with

classic polio paralytic symptoms are to be diagnosed initially as Acute

Flaccid Paralysis (AFP). Two turds are taken from the patient and sent to

the CDC to see if they can find polio in them. If not, they are declared as

not polio, even if the children have all the classic symptoms.

(Making fewer cases of polio by changing the definition was a fraudulent way

to make it seem like the polio vaccinations were working.)

1958: Officials triumphantly declared large parts of the world polio free,

even while the newly defined Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) suddenly became

common. Credit for this great victory over disease was given to Salk, Sabin

and the vaccine manufactures.

Report in JAMA Feb 25, 1961: " It is now generally recognized that much of

the Salk vaccine used in the U.S. has been worthless. " Live strains produced

by Sabin and put in sugar cubes were adopted instead.

2008: Ordinary doctors still do not have the power to diagnose polio by

observing symptoms. The World Health Organization still demands that two

turds from each victim of infantile paralysis be sent to their laboratories.

If no polio virus is found in these, the cases are declared not to be polio,

even if these children are suffering from the same severe paralysis symptoms

and pain as found in the worst cases of polio during the American epidemics.

Question: Could something else be causing polio besides the virus? Finding

the polio virus in human excrement is natural, and finding it there does not

prove it causes polio, symptoms of paralysis in the motor neuron cells of

the backbone.

2008: On the CDC website Dr. Lienhard explains that too much hygiene

was the cause of the polio epidemics. Most kids pick up the virus in garden

soil and become naturally immune to it, but not the kids subjected to the

overly hygienic parents of the 50's.

Conclusion: The effectiveness of the Salk vaccine (and Sabin live vaccine in

sugar cubes) is something that we have all come to accept, but it is nothing

more than a scientific myth, fraudulently promoted by the political and

medical authorities of the time, and still believed today. Millions of polio

vaccine injections are still given worldwide every year for essentially no

purpose. Causation by a virus has not been shown.

The Case for Toxins Causing Polio

1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to

polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with.

English scientist Cooke observed: 'The fumes from these metals, or the

receptance of them in solution into the stomach, often causes paralysis.'

1890: Lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed in the US up to 12 times

every summer to kill codling moth on apple crops.

1892: Polio outbreaks began to occur in Vermont, an apple growing region. In

his report the Government Inspector Dr. Caverly noted that parents

reported that some children fell ill after eating fruit. He stated that

'infantile paralysis usually occurred in families with more than one child,

and as no efforts were made at isolation it was very certain it was

non-contagious' (with only one child in the family having been struck).

1907: Calcium arsenate comes into use primarily on cotton crops.

1908: In a Massachusetts town with three cotton mills and apple orchards, 69

children suddenly fell ill with infantile paralysis.

1909: The UK bans apple imports from the States because of heavy lead

arsenate residues.

1921: lin D. Roosevelt develops polio after swimming in Bay of Fundy,

New Brunswick. Toxicity of water may have been due to pollution run-off.

1943: DDT is introduced, a neurotoxic pesticide. Over the next several years

it comes into widespread use in American households. For example, wall paper

impregnated with DDT was placed in children's bedrooms.

1943: A polio epidemic in the UK town of Broadstairs, Kent is linked to a

local dairy where cows were washed down with DDT.

1944: Albert Sabin reports that a major cause of sickness and death of

American troops based in the Philippines was poliomyelitis. US military

camps there were sprayed daily with DDT to kill mosquitos. Neighboring

Philippine settlements were not affected.

1944: NIH reports that DDT damages the same anterior horn cells that are

damaged in infantile paralysis.

1946: Gebhaedt shows polio seasonality correlates with fruit harvest.

1949: Endocrinologist Dr Morton Biskind, a practitioner and medical

researcher, found that DDT causes 'lesions in the spinal cord similar to

human polio.'

1950: US Public Health Industrial Hygiene Medical Director, J.G. Townsend,

notes the similarity between parathion poisoning and polio and believes that

some polio might be caused by eating fruits or vegetables with parathion


1951: Dr. Biskind treats his polio patients as poisoning victims, removing

toxins from food and environment, especially DDT contaminated milk and

butter. Dr. Biskind writes: 'Although young animals are more susceptible to

the effects of DDT than adults, so far as the available literature is

concerned, it does not appear that the effects of such concentrations on

infants and children have even been considered.'

1949-1951: Other doctors report they are having success treating polio with

anti toxins used to treat poisoning, dimercaprol and ascorbic acid. Example:

Dr. F. R. Klenner reported: 'In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina

in 1948 60 cases of this disease came under our care... The treatment was

massive doses of vitamin C every two to four hours. Children up to four

years received vitamin C injection intramuscularly... All patients were

clinically well after 72 hours.'

1950: Dr. Biskind presents evidence to the US Congress that pesticides were

the major cause of polio epidemics. He is joined by Dr. Ralph Scobey who

reported he found clear evidence of poisoning when analyzing chemical traces

in the blood of polio victims.

Comment: This was a no no. The viral causation theory was not something to

be questioned. The careers of prominent virologists and health authorities

were threatened. Biskind and Scobey's ideas were subjected to ridicule.

1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula

containing DDT.

1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the

body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a

causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any

other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire

apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to

denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into

its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic

boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'

1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is

enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of

sales of DDT to third world countries.

(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio

vaccinations begin.)

1962: Carson's Silent Spring is published.

1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.

2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging, but little mentioned,

epidemic in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is

still used.

2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects

are irreversible.'

Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing

tragedy for the children - poisoning victims - involved. Public funds are

wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated

with antitoxins.

This graph shows that polio death rates were already in steep decline when

polio vaccines were started. This directly throws into question the

effectiveness of the vaccines.



- - -

See also:

Polio Vaccine Page

The Polio Vaccine Myth

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