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URGENT! Call-In Alert and Trenton Rally Updates!

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Please show your support of the NJ Conscientious Exemption bill A260/S1071!

Call-in ALERT !!The New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice (NJCVC) will be hosting a landmark Vaccination Choice Rally at the Trenton Statehouse on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 12noon. For details, please see below and visit: www.njvaccinationchoice.org.

We also ask people to make a few very urgent phone calls on Tues & Wed of this week, before the rally, to show support for the conscientious exemptionbill A260/S1071.We ask that you call:(1) Governor Jon Corzine: 609-292- 6000(2) (NJ Health Commissioner) : 609-292-8412(3) If you live in NJ, please call your three Legislators: To find your district and your 3 state legislators, go to http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp<http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp>and then check here: http://njvaccinationchoice.org/sponsors.html<http://njvaccinationchoice.org/sponsors.html> to see if they are one of our 34 sponsors- it's important tothank those already signed on, and encourage them to actively work topush it forward. If they are not on board- ask them to co-sponsorA260/S1071.*****************************************************************THREE DAYS… COUNTDOWN TO THE VACCINATION CHOICE RALLY IN TRENTONWe expect national, state and local press and nearly one thousandparticipants! This will be an historic event. Bring your parents, bringyour kids, bring your friends and prepare to be entertained, educatedand deeply moved. Come stand with us in support of vaccination choice inNew Jersey. Scroll down to see the list of speakers.TO DO NOW1. Make a sign (see below for sign ideas)2. Write your lettershttp://www.njvaccinationchoice.org/letterwriting.html<http://www.njvaccinationchoice.org/letterwriting.html> (fax, send orbring them with you)3. Bring photos of your children for the photo montage set to music4. Bring a Raggedy Ann doll, you'll find out why at the rally5. Post flyers on cars in the mall, at grocery stores, and whereverelse you go! For flyers, click on purple box atwww.njvaccinationchoice.org <outbind://26/www.njvaccinationchoice.org>6. Arrange to carpool with others in your hometown (see below)7. Mapquest your trip to Trenton and figure out parking (see below)8. Send this link then call your legislator, your local press andanyone you would like to attend the rally. Ask him/her to click on itwhile you are on the phone: www.toomanytoosoon.org<outbind://26/www.toomanytoosoon.org>9. Send media alert (scroll to bottom of email note)10. **DO THIS**: E-mail photos of your children totritri NOW for special rally video show (see below)PARKINGPlan to arrive in Trenton no later than 11:00 am. If you can arriveearlier, you will have a better parking selection and you won't belate for the program which starts promptly at noon. All legislators willbe in town, traffic will be extremely heavy and the city is unable todesignate parking for us. To discourage rallies, the huge parking spacebehind the State House was converted into a park. Go towww.trenton-downtown.com/parkdowntown/<outbind://26/www.trenton-downtown.com/parkdowntown/> or call theTrenton Parking Authority at 609-393-3469 for your options.The closest parking lots to the State House (at 125 West State Street)are:1. Trenton Marriott at Lafayette Yard, garage tel # 609-394-9438 atthe corner of S. Warren and W. Lafayette Streets(hotel is 95% full, this will have about 50 spots available)2. State Street Square Garage, Chancery Lane between West State andWest Hanover3. North Warren Street Garage, North Warren and Hanover Streets4. Liberty Commons Garage, 16 East Front Street5. Broad and Front Street Garage, on the corner of Broad and EastFrontMaps of Trenton parkinghttp://www.njn.net/about/directions/parkingtrenton.html<http://www.njn.net/about/directions/parkingtrenton.html>http://www.trenton-downtown.com/@ParkingMap/_files/2/file.jpg<http://www.trenton-downtown.com/@ParkingMap/_files/2/file.jpg>CARPOOLINGWith limited parking, carpooling is strongly encouraged. Find people inyour area by signing onto one or more of the district loops.District loops have been set up for many, but not all, districts. It isokay to sign up for a loop for a nearby district.Loops have been established for the following districts: 1, 11, 13, 14,15, 16, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, and 36.To sign up, follow these steps:1. Find your district atwww.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp<outbind://26/www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp> orwww.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/njmap210.html<outbind://26/www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/njmap210.html>2. Go to NJCVCxx/<NJCVCxx/> BUT replacethe "xx" with your district number.3. Click on "Join This Group." Fill out the form, and you shouldsoon be notified that you were accepted.If you are desperate, e-mail KFSteinaol or vaxRSVPverizon (DOT) net butgiven volume of participants, we can't promise a timely response.POSSIBLE TRAFFIC DUE TO CONSTRUCTIONExpect some traffic on Route 1 caused by work on the toll bridge toMorrsiville and some corresponding lane reconfigurations.http://www.nj.com/news/times/regional/index.ssf?/base/news-14/1223870709<http://www.nj.com/news/times/regional/index.ssf?/base/news-14/122387070\9>27140.xml & coll=5 Another reason to arrive early!URGENT - E-MAIL PHOTOS OF YOUR CHILDREN *NOW* FOR SPECIAL RALLY VIDEOSHOW1. E-mail one or two photos of your child totritri 2. Provide name of child, first name ok3. If vaccine-injured, specify reaction and/or diagnosis4. We want photos of healthy unvaccinated kids, too5. If we receive enough photos, we'll have a special video show toshare with you at the rallyIDEAS FOR SIGNSWe vote!Too many sick kidsVaccines: don't play political football with my kidsMoms know bestVax Choice – Moms Know BestCorzine, It's Time = Vax ChoiceVote Yes on A260/S10711 in 60 NJ Boys AutisticRepeal the new vaccine mandatesFlu is not deadly, don't mandate the shotFlu shot = 25 mcg MERCURYMercury in the flu shot is neurotoxicStop Mandating More ShotsStop Now Before It's 1 in 10 Autistic KidsBe The Voice Of Our KidsWe will never go awayParents Demand Vaccine ChoiceNJ Says No Mandated ShotsVACCINATION CHOICE RALLY – SPEAKERSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTION:Louise Kuo Habakus, member, NJ Coalition for Vaccination Choice,board-certified health practitioner, former corporate executive, motherof two vaccine-injured boysPLATFORM SPEAKERS:1. Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk, primary sponsor,Conscientious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccination bill, A260/S10712. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder, National Vaccine InformationCenter, long-time vaccine safety and informed choice activist, mother ofthree (one vaccine-injured)3. Dr. Larry Palevsky, board-certified pediatrician, President,Holistic Pediatric Association4. Null, world leading health advocate, author, filmmaker,provider of alternative health care solutions5. Ralph Fucetola, JD, well-known activist attorney supporting theability of physicians and alternative health care providers and othersto deliver effective, non-standard modalities6. Bob Krakow, vaccine-injury trial attorney, co-founder, A-CHAMP,Founding Board Member National Autism Association, Former Board memberSAFEMINDS, father of two (one vaccine-injured)7. Gilmore, Executive Director, Autism United, co-founderA-CHAMP, father of one (vaccine injured)RAPID TESTIMONY SEQUENCEDoctors, health practitioners, scientists1. Dr. Deborah Ginsburg, medical doctor, family practice,unvaccinated healthy son2. Maureen McDonnell, RN, Former Defeat Autism Now (DAN) ConferenceDirector, Princeton Brain Bio Center/Pfeiffer Institute, founder SavingOur Kids Healing Our Planet expos3. Gualario, RN, mother of four including one triplet withautism4. Coyle, DI Hom (homeopath), mother of two (onevaccine-injured, made remarkable progress)5. Crystal, chiropractor, father of two unvaccinatedchildren6. Damani Parran, PhD, board-certified toxicologist, consumerproduct safety specialist, father of unvaccinated healthy childJournalists, attorneys, educators, military, activists7. Kim Stagliano, managing editor, Age of Autism, mother totriplets, all with autism8. Murray Sabrin, college professor, candidate for US Senate,freedom fighter9. Barry, Chairman and Executive Director, CTI ScienceFoundation, Former President, Generation Rescue, father to three (onewith regressive autism)10. Charlie Brown, JD, National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice,father of one11. , father of four vaccine-injured boys, son ofvaccine-injured military father12. Warner, Air Force spouse, mom to four children (two withautism), Board Member, Heroes of Handicaps, State Rep, Autism Today('s remarks read by )13. Sandy Gottstein, founder Vaccination News, informed choice activist,parent14. Claudine Liss, attorney, vaccination choice activist, mother of two(one vaccine-injured)15. Lou Conte, President, Autism United Westchester Chapter, father totriplets, two with autism16. Sue , co-founder, New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice inVaccination, parent17. Maureen Drummond, Network Organization for Vaccine Awareness, mom oftwo vaccine-injured children18. Valeri Sewald, member, Holistic Moms Network, parishioner, UnitedMethodist Church, mother of two19. Rita Palma, denied religious exemption for her children, subject toonerous religious sincerity testParents and grandparents20. Maureen Vena, grandmother to nine including two with autism21. Ron Habakus, father of two vaccine-injured children22. Patty Difiglia, mother of three children (one vaccine-injured, lostto SIDS)23. Robin Stavola, mother of three (one vaccine-injured, lost to fatalencephalopathy)24. Liberatore, mother to five (one with autism, one lost toSIDS)25. Barbara & Max Majeski, autism recovery story, mother of two (onevaccine-injured) www.toomanytoosoon.org<outbind://26/www.toomanytoosoon.org>VACCINATION CHOICE RALLY – PROGRAM12:00 pm Introduction12:05 - 12:45 pm Featured Speakers12:45 – 1:45pm Rapid Testimony Sequence1:45 – 1:50 pm Photo Montage1:50 – 2:00 pm Legislative Sponsor Recognition Ceremony2:00 pm Closing RemarksSEND THIS MEDIA ALERT TO YOUR LOCAL AND STATE PRESSOne Thousand People Expected To Rally For Vaccination Choiceat the State House in Trenton, NJ on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 12:00p.m.NJ Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk, Board-certified Pediatrician Dr.Lawrence Palevsky and National Vaccine Information Center co-founderBarbara Loe Fisher, will join NJ parents and professionals at a rally inTrenton for vaccination choice. Nearly one thousand people are expected,requiring Trenton to close the streets to accommodate the crowds. Thespeakers represent a cross-section of society including medical doctors,nurses, chiropractors, scientists, clergy, educators, soldiers,politicians, journalists, autism activists, homeschoolers andmany parents. The NJ Coalition for Vaccination Choice (NJCVC) invitesyou to rally with them by the steps of the State House, outside Gov.Corzine's office. The group opposes the four new vaccine mandatesincluding an annual flu shot for children ages 5 and under, required fordaycare and pre-school. NJCVC supports the passage of bill A260/S1071, aconscientious exemption to mandatory immunization which will permitparents to select all, some or no vaccinations for their children. Aform of this parental right already exists in 19 other US states. Alllegislators will be in Trenton for a Special Session. Fox News plans tocover the event. Fox aired a live segment on vaccination choice in NJ onOctober 9 (see http://tinyurl.com/3nmgqb <http://tinyurl.com/3nmgqb> and http://tinyurl.com/45ca5y <http://tinyurl.com/45ca5y> ). Press urgedto cover this high visual impact event: signs, banners, balloons,photos, children, music, personal stories, legislator appreciationceremony. Rally Information:Rain or Shine, Thursday, October 16, 2008, Noon- 2 pm, 125 West StateStreet, Trenton, NJ, www.njvaccinationchoice.org<outbind://26/www.njvaccinationchoice.org> for more rally details.Contact Louise Habakus vaxRSVPverizon (DOT) net 917-553-4634 or Sue NJAICV@... 908-403-4027.

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Please show your support of the NJ Conscientious Exemption bill A260/S1071!

Call-in ALERT !!The New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice (NJCVC) will be hosting a landmark Vaccination Choice Rally at the Trenton Statehouse on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 12noon. For details, please see below and visit: www.njvaccinationchoice.org.

We also ask people to make a few very urgent phone calls on Tues & Wed of this week, before the rally, to show support for the conscientious exemptionbill A260/S1071.We ask that you call:(1) Governor Jon Corzine: 609-292- 6000(2) (NJ Health Commissioner) : 609-292-8412(3) If you live in NJ, please call your three Legislators: To find your district and your 3 state legislators, go to http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp<http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch.asp>and then check here: http://njvaccinationchoice.org/sponsors.html<http://njvaccinationchoice.org/sponsors.html> to see if they are one of our 34 sponsors- it's important tothank those already signed on, and encourage them to actively work topush it forward. If they are not on board- ask them to co-sponsorA260/S1071.*****************************************************************THREE DAYS… COUNTDOWN TO THE VACCINATION CHOICE RALLY IN TRENTONWe expect national, state and local press and nearly one thousandparticipants! This will be an historic event. Bring your parents, bringyour kids, bring your friends and prepare to be entertained, educatedand deeply moved. Come stand with us in support of vaccination choice inNew Jersey. Scroll down to see the list of speakers.TO DO NOW1. Make a sign (see below for sign ideas)2. Write your lettershttp://www.njvaccinationchoice.org/letterwriting.html<http://www.njvaccinationchoice.org/letterwriting.html> (fax, send orbring them with you)3. Bring photos of your children for the photo montage set to music4. Bring a Raggedy Ann doll, you'll find out why at the rally5. Post flyers on cars in the mall, at grocery stores, and whereverelse you go! For flyers, click on purple box atwww.njvaccinationchoice.org <outbind://26/www.njvaccinationchoice.org>6. Arrange to carpool with others in your hometown (see below)7. Mapquest your trip to Trenton and figure out parking (see below)8. Send this link then call your legislator, your local press andanyone you would like to attend the rally. Ask him/her to click on itwhile you are on the phone: www.toomanytoosoon.org<outbind://26/www.toomanytoosoon.org>9. Send media alert (scroll to bottom of email note)10. **DO THIS**: E-mail photos of your children totritri NOW for special rally video show (see below)PARKINGPlan to arrive in Trenton no later than 11:00 am. If you can arriveearlier, you will have a better parking selection and you won't belate for the program which starts promptly at noon. All legislators willbe in town, traffic will be extremely heavy and the city is unable todesignate parking for us. To discourage rallies, the huge parking spacebehind the State House was converted into a park. Go towww.trenton-downtown.com/parkdowntown/<outbind://26/www.trenton-downtown.com/parkdowntown/> or call theTrenton Parking Authority at 609-393-3469 for your options.The closest parking lots to the State House (at 125 West State Street)are:1. Trenton Marriott at Lafayette Yard, garage tel # 609-394-9438 atthe corner of S. Warren and W. Lafayette Streets(hotel is 95% full, this will have about 50 spots available)2. State Street Square Garage, Chancery Lane between West State andWest Hanover3. North Warren Street Garage, North Warren and Hanover Streets4. Liberty Commons Garage, 16 East Front Street5. Broad and Front Street Garage, on the corner of Broad and EastFrontMaps of Trenton parkinghttp://www.njn.net/about/directions/parkingtrenton.html<http://www.njn.net/about/directions/parkingtrenton.html>http://www.trenton-downtown.com/@ParkingMap/_files/2/file.jpg<http://www.trenton-downtown.com/@ParkingMap/_files/2/file.jpg>CARPOOLINGWith limited parking, carpooling is strongly encouraged. Find people inyour area by signing onto one or more of the district loops.District loops have been set up for many, but not all, districts. It isokay to sign up for a loop for a nearby district.Loops have been established for the following districts: 1, 11, 13, 14,15, 16, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, and 36.To sign up, follow these steps:1. Find your district atwww.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp<outbind://26/www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp> orwww.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/njmap210.html<outbind://26/www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/njmap210.html>2. Go to NJCVCxx/<NJCVCxx/> BUT replacethe "xx" with your district number.3. Click on "Join This Group." Fill out the form, and you shouldsoon be notified that you were accepted.If you are desperate, e-mail KFSteinaol or vaxRSVPverizon (DOT) net butgiven volume of participants, we can't promise a timely response.POSSIBLE TRAFFIC DUE TO CONSTRUCTIONExpect some traffic on Route 1 caused by work on the toll bridge toMorrsiville and some corresponding lane reconfigurations.http://www.nj.com/news/times/regional/index.ssf?/base/news-14/1223870709<http://www.nj.com/news/times/regional/index.ssf?/base/news-14/122387070\9>27140.xml & coll=5 Another reason to arrive early!URGENT - E-MAIL PHOTOS OF YOUR CHILDREN *NOW* FOR SPECIAL RALLY VIDEOSHOW1. E-mail one or two photos of your child totritri 2. Provide name of child, first name ok3. If vaccine-injured, specify reaction and/or diagnosis4. We want photos of healthy unvaccinated kids, too5. If we receive enough photos, we'll have a special video show toshare with you at the rallyIDEAS FOR SIGNSWe vote!Too many sick kidsVaccines: don't play political football with my kidsMoms know bestVax Choice – Moms Know BestCorzine, It's Time = Vax ChoiceVote Yes on A260/S10711 in 60 NJ Boys AutisticRepeal the new vaccine mandatesFlu is not deadly, don't mandate the shotFlu shot = 25 mcg MERCURYMercury in the flu shot is neurotoxicStop Mandating More ShotsStop Now Before It's 1 in 10 Autistic KidsBe The Voice Of Our KidsWe will never go awayParents Demand Vaccine ChoiceNJ Says No Mandated ShotsVACCINATION CHOICE RALLY – SPEAKERSWELCOME AND INTRODUCTION:Louise Kuo Habakus, member, NJ Coalition for Vaccination Choice,board-certified health practitioner, former corporate executive, motherof two vaccine-injured boysPLATFORM SPEAKERS:1. Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk, primary sponsor,Conscientious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccination bill, A260/S10712. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder, National Vaccine InformationCenter, long-time vaccine safety and informed choice activist, mother ofthree (one vaccine-injured)3. Dr. Larry Palevsky, board-certified pediatrician, President,Holistic Pediatric Association4. Null, world leading health advocate, author, filmmaker,provider of alternative health care solutions5. Ralph Fucetola, JD, well-known activist attorney supporting theability of physicians and alternative health care providers and othersto deliver effective, non-standard modalities6. Bob Krakow, vaccine-injury trial attorney, co-founder, A-CHAMP,Founding Board Member National Autism Association, Former Board memberSAFEMINDS, father of two (one vaccine-injured)7. Gilmore, Executive Director, Autism United, co-founderA-CHAMP, father of one (vaccine injured)RAPID TESTIMONY SEQUENCEDoctors, health practitioners, scientists1. Dr. Deborah Ginsburg, medical doctor, family practice,unvaccinated healthy son2. Maureen McDonnell, RN, Former Defeat Autism Now (DAN) ConferenceDirector, Princeton Brain Bio Center/Pfeiffer Institute, founder SavingOur Kids Healing Our Planet expos3. Gualario, RN, mother of four including one triplet withautism4. Coyle, DI Hom (homeopath), mother of two (onevaccine-injured, made remarkable progress)5. Crystal, chiropractor, father of two unvaccinatedchildren6. Damani Parran, PhD, board-certified toxicologist, consumerproduct safety specialist, father of unvaccinated healthy childJournalists, attorneys, educators, military, activists7. Kim Stagliano, managing editor, Age of Autism, mother totriplets, all with autism8. Murray Sabrin, college professor, candidate for US Senate,freedom fighter9. Barry, Chairman and Executive Director, CTI ScienceFoundation, Former President, Generation Rescue, father to three (onewith regressive autism)10. Charlie Brown, JD, National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice,father of one11. , father of four vaccine-injured boys, son ofvaccine-injured military father12. Warner, Air Force spouse, mom to four children (two withautism), Board Member, Heroes of Handicaps, State Rep, Autism Today('s remarks read by )13. Sandy Gottstein, founder Vaccination News, informed choice activist,parent14. Claudine Liss, attorney, vaccination choice activist, mother of two(one vaccine-injured)15. Lou Conte, President, Autism United Westchester Chapter, father totriplets, two with autism16. Sue , co-founder, New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice inVaccination, parent17. Maureen Drummond, Network Organization for Vaccine Awareness, mom oftwo vaccine-injured children18. Valeri Sewald, member, Holistic Moms Network, parishioner, UnitedMethodist Church, mother of two19. Rita Palma, denied religious exemption for her children, subject toonerous religious sincerity testParents and grandparents20. Maureen Vena, grandmother to nine including two with autism21. Ron Habakus, father of two vaccine-injured children22. Patty Difiglia, mother of three children (one vaccine-injured, lostto SIDS)23. Robin Stavola, mother of three (one vaccine-injured, lost to fatalencephalopathy)24. Liberatore, mother to five (one with autism, one lost toSIDS)25. Barbara & Max Majeski, autism recovery story, mother of two (onevaccine-injured) www.toomanytoosoon.org<outbind://26/www.toomanytoosoon.org>VACCINATION CHOICE RALLY – PROGRAM12:00 pm Introduction12:05 - 12:45 pm Featured Speakers12:45 – 1:45pm Rapid Testimony Sequence1:45 – 1:50 pm Photo Montage1:50 – 2:00 pm Legislative Sponsor Recognition Ceremony2:00 pm Closing RemarksSEND THIS MEDIA ALERT TO YOUR LOCAL AND STATE PRESSOne Thousand People Expected To Rally For Vaccination Choiceat the State House in Trenton, NJ on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 12:00p.m.NJ Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk, Board-certified Pediatrician Dr.Lawrence Palevsky and National Vaccine Information Center co-founderBarbara Loe Fisher, will join NJ parents and professionals at a rally inTrenton for vaccination choice. Nearly one thousand people are expected,requiring Trenton to close the streets to accommodate the crowds. Thespeakers represent a cross-section of society including medical doctors,nurses, chiropractors, scientists, clergy, educators, soldiers,politicians, journalists, autism activists, homeschoolers andmany parents. The NJ Coalition for Vaccination Choice (NJCVC) invitesyou to rally with them by the steps of the State House, outside Gov.Corzine's office. The group opposes the four new vaccine mandatesincluding an annual flu shot for children ages 5 and under, required fordaycare and pre-school. NJCVC supports the passage of bill A260/S1071, aconscientious exemption to mandatory immunization which will permitparents to select all, some or no vaccinations for their children. Aform of this parental right already exists in 19 other US states. Alllegislators will be in Trenton for a Special Session. Fox News plans tocover the event. Fox aired a live segment on vaccination choice in NJ onOctober 9 (see http://tinyurl.com/3nmgqb <http://tinyurl.com/3nmgqb> and http://tinyurl.com/45ca5y <http://tinyurl.com/45ca5y> ). Press urgedto cover this high visual impact event: signs, banners, balloons,photos, children, music, personal stories, legislator appreciationceremony. Rally Information:Rain or Shine, Thursday, October 16, 2008, Noon- 2 pm, 125 West StateStreet, Trenton, NJ, www.njvaccinationchoice.org<outbind://26/www.njvaccinationchoice.org> for more rally details.Contact Louise Habakus vaxRSVPverizon (DOT) net 917-553-4634 or Sue NJAICV@... 908-403-4027.

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