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OT Please read Prof. Maniotis' article.... (which I just sent to our opposition party)

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and help stop the premeditated genocide unleashed on our people by the

Mengele clones of the pharma cartel and their minions in our government,

notably our new health minister who hasn't a clue what she is talking about.

That also includes the appalling human guinea pig trials with a new GM HIV

vaccine, consisting of 5 HIV genes inserted into a host SMALLPOX virus,

meaning that the vaccinees injected with this concoction from hell will be

spreading it in the environment, which may lead to a disaster of

unprecedented proportions! Are these charlatans (there is no other word for

it) totally out of their mind and have lost all sense of ethics and morals?

How dare they sacrifice human health for company greed and their own quest

for fame and fortune?! It is reasonable to assume that all vacinees

sacrificed in these vaccine trials are scientifically illiterate and

therefore unable to provide INFORMED consent, which constitutes a violation

of the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration.

Ingrid, utterly appalled at the lack of outcry against this crime against


December 28, 2008

Aids: An Iatrogenic Depopulation Strategy?




It is hard to make sense of the numerous contradictions in the official

explanation of what causes Aids and how to best fight the scourge. But

then - the confusion may be fully intentional. Aids as a strategy and cover

for de-population would make perfect sense. It is race specific, its victims

are the poor and socially deviant, and if we believe the press, the whole

population of the African continent is at grave risk. A high percentage of

those treated eventually do die. What they die of is the hard question that

must be asked.

Aids testing, prevention and treatment are promoted by the

medical/pharmaceutical world and by the mainstream press as essential

counter-measures. Yet both Aids testing and treatment target certain racial

and social groups and the populations of developing countries, especially if

they are located on the African continent.

The interpretation of test results is largely arbitrary. Prevention consists

of giving both mother and child a highly toxic shot of medicine, and

treatment - more often than not - seals the fate of the victim. Treatment

leads to a more or less certain death. All that is promised is that the

death will be slowed by " life extending " drugs.

What makes me think of a deliberate strategy with regards to Aids and the

confusion that surrounds it, is the point-blank refusal of the reigning

pharmaceutical/medical establishment to even address those contradictions,

to discuss in an open way with those who point out that something's not

right. Perhaps I am too suspicious, but it seems to me that so much bungling

cannot be the result of mere inadequacy.

Contradictions, Contradictions

Some of the most egregious contradictions I have found over the years are:

Tests identify people who " have Aids " but they do not find a virus, merely

some specific proteins that could be (and apparently are) associated with a

host of non-Aids conditions.

The interpretation of tests is different for people with different life

stories. Likelihood of a positive test result is increased by being gay or

promiscuous, by being of African descent or just by living in a poor part of

town, yet " universal testing " is being advocated.

In Africa, the definition of Aids does not rely on a test. It is sufficient

if you have the symptoms of several of the diseases that are rampant there,

diseases brought on by poor hygiene and by bad nutrition.

Instead of helping Africans overcome the endemic diseases of their continent

with better sanitation and freshly grown produce, we send them toxic Aids

drugs and industrially produced, often genetically modified grains.

Prevention and treatment of Aids are always highly toxic. More Aids victims

die of iatrogenic liver disease brought on by the doctor-prescribed

pharmaceutical drugs than of the " opportunistic " diseases that a failing

immune system is said to bring on.

People who refuse treatment often do not get ill - especially if they adopt

a healthy lifestyle - some have been documented to stay healthy for decades.

Most people who take Aids drugs suffer horrible " side effects " , among them

immune deficiency brought on by the drugs. They also die early. Yet no

studies have been done to compare a natural, healthy regimen of nutrition

and good life with the recommended antiretroviral drug treatment.

The isolation of the viral entity that is said to cause Aids has never been

published in a peer-review journal. The virus cannot be isolated from sick

individuals. No one has shown how the viral entity actually CAUSES immune

deficiency. Yet a Nobel prize has recently been awarded to Luc Montagnier

and a collaborator for the discovery of HIV.

That rabbit hole is very deep. The more you dig, the more absolutely

incomprehensible facts and contradictions emerge.

One of the most articulate critics of the Aids orthodoxy is Dr

Maniotis, a Professor of Pathology and Program Director in the University of

Chicago's Department of Pathology, Anatomy, Cell Biology and Bioengineering.

In the following piece, Dr Maniotis highlights the failures of the paradigm

that says Aids is caused by an infective agent called HIV and it must be

treated with anti-retroviral drugs. In the second part of this post, Dr

Maniotis comments on an article in the New Statesman that comments on the

controversy around Aids.

Perhaps I should be clear that Dr Maniotis, while pointing at the various

inconsistencies, does not advocate any conspiratorial view of Aids. If I

imply such a conspiratorial (de-population) connection, that view is mine


The failures of the HIV/Aids hypothesis

According to former NIH director, and Nobel Laureate, Harold Varmus who

formed the committee that named “HIV” “HIV,” retrovirus-derived DNA

sequences (genes that come from viruses whose genes are made out of RNA

instead of DNA), may be ancient molecular “parasites” in their associations

with other organisms. As such, they may not be recognizable as foreign

molecules to the human immune system (which explains the STEP trial and 60

other " HIV " vaccine disasters, perfectly).

Thus, “retroviruses” or their components are not immunogenic (capable of

being seen as foreign by the human immune system), because “HIV’'s”

molecules, and those of other “retroviruses” are not seen as foreign or

non-self,” because they are, and always have been, part of the incredible

repertory of the combinatorial complexity of the normal human genome.

Supposedly, if we are around on this planet millions of years from now, the

human immunoglobulin cassette (that part of the T-cell genome that

immunologists claim can be instantaneously rearranged to respond to foreign

antigens) new immuonglobulins will continuously be produced to counter any

“foreign” molecular challenge, which are not yet present on this earth yet.

Therefore, we have NOT sequenced the total human genome, because some of it’

s sequences don’t yet exist. And they may not exist in persons said to have

“AIDS,” hepatitis B or C or D, as a response to a foreign virus, but these

signatures may instead represent the breakdown products of autoimmune

diseases that cause cells to spit out “virus-like particles.”

As molecular parasites, and as response of our own cellular reactions to

common diseases, foreign proteins or metabolic and even psychological

stressors such as an AIDS or cancer death sentence, “retroviruses,” their

genes, and their molecules, may be simply a byproduct of our stressed cells,

because they always have been, are, and always will be, made by our own


The amazing thing is that: some antiretroviral drug regimens in some people

(almost half of them it appears) can stop the cells from producing these

stress responses and their consequent virus-like particles as shown in the

German drug addiction clinics by Heinrich Kremer and na Sacher. But

these doctors warn, when taken long-term, HAART will cause damage to the

bone marrow and others systems, as literally dozens of mainstream clinical

trials have demonstrated.

It isn’'t only the 60 vaccine failures that raise issue with the “HIV=AIDS”

hypothesis. And it isn’'t that cures for cancer or “HIV-disease” have been

foiled in every case by “mutation.”

Other failures of the “HIV=AIDS” hypothesis include:

The failure to really isolate “HIV,” from all other objects in the Universe,

or to explain what its confusing presence in healthy drug-naïve persons


The failure to appreciate, that the association of a molecular marker with

any disease state, does not prove, disprove, or even suggest causality;

The failure of the Nobel committee to appreciate, in the case of Montagnier’

's and Barre-Sinoussi’'s recent award of the Nobel Prize, that their Patient

One’'s “viral” isolate,” was derived from a fellow with swollen lymph nodes,

a history of syphilis and syphilis treatment the year before, a history of

gonorrhea, a history of cytomegalovirus infection, a

history of herpes I and II infection, a history of Epstein-Barr virus

infection, and God knows what else;

The failure to appreciate, in the case of Gallo'’s so-called

amplification of “HIV” markers in stimulated tumor-cell cultures not killed

by “HIV,” that “HIV markers” are detectable in less than half to a third of

of 72 healthy persons, and not persons now considered to be AIDS patients.

And as shocking as it is, a failure to appreciate that there still is no

rational or acceptable cell culture model or method to grow HIV” in Petri


The failure of the Nobel committee to appreciate that,

a) “HPV” (human papilloma viruses) molecular sequences that are sometimes

associated with cervical cancers are just that: they are molecular

sequences, not Human papilloma viruses. HPV virus particles, to date have

not been shown to induce cervical cells or any other kind of cells to become

cancerous, and

B) the failure of the Nobel Committee to acknowledge and heed the widely

publicized warnings in the Journal “College of American Pathologists (CAP),”

and also by senior investigators at the National Cancer Institute, and the

company Digene who make “HPV” molecular tests, that HPV-sequences” have not

been validated against the clinical occurrence of clinical cervical cancer.

In this context, the Nobel committee also failed to appreciate the shameful

carnage currently being perpetrated by the so-called first cancer vaccine

GARDASIL (made by the same company Merck, who 20 years ago claimed that

their hepatitis B vaccine was the first “anti-cancer” vaccine, before France

filed a class action suit to stop the hepatitis B vaccine mandate for its

young citizens, because it harmed so many);

The failure to sequence the “HIV” genome as a consistent pattern or

sequence, or to identify specific proteins that are not also found in

normal, “non-infected” contexts;

The failure to inform the public (and most scientists) that reverse

transcriptase is not specific to viruses, nor are the gag, pol, env, p24,

and other so-called “HIV-specific” genes and their products, which all can

be detected in normal, “non-infected” contexts, and which are published on


The failure

a) to block transmission of “HIV” or AIDS in mother to child transmission

studies (MTCT) as shown by the Cochran Meta-analysis and other peer-reviewed

reports, which showed increased “HIV mutation rates” after black box label

drugs such as nevirapine were discontinued in the U.S., and ashamedly

administered to more than eight hundred seventy five thousand African

mother-infant pairs by Max Essex of Harvard, and others and

B) the failure to acknowledge or appreciate that safety officers of the NIH,

such as Dr. Fishbein, who monitored such trials as a safety officer, were

fired, while those individuals such as Edmond Tremont who directed the

nevaripine trial(s) were not even reprimanded after he had changed the data

in safety reports that Dr. Fishbein and others had uncovered, in order to

push forward Bush’s PEPFAR pogrom and the eugenics pogram on


The failure to understand why ARV’s (anti-retrovirals) in some individuals,

can prevent " AIDS syndromes, " because their toxicity to normal immune cells

can not only can block these cells from expressing HIV-specific” molecules

as a normal response to a physiological stress, or as evidence of a rare

genetic polymorphism, but because these drugs are so toxic, that like

antibiotics, they suppress both fungal and bacterial growth, but cannot

prevent theoretical virus proliferation, because if the HIV” paradigm is

correct, these genomes of “HIV” are rapidly integrated into the DNA of the

“infected,” and will never be sensitive to drugs designed against their


The failure of microbicides, condom campaigns, and circumcision, that more

often than not, have increased the rate of detecting “HIV’s” molecular

markers, instead of decreasing them among African human “lab rats;”

The failure to

a) appreciate the disaster and infant mortality caused by breast feeding

dissuasion campaigns, designed to decrease infant mortality from

“HIV-infection,” but which increased infant mortality 20 times in formula

fed infants, compared to mother-infant pairs that didn'’t listen to their

doctors, and who weren'’t dissuaded from breast feeding, and

B) the failure to appreciate the corresponding terrorism that has been waged

against new mothers to promote formula dumping on 3rd World nations, and

perhaps because of a hatred of the human female’s breast and the disgusting

nature of breast feeding;

The failure to acknowledge how projected and WHO-manufactured “HIV” and

AIDS” prevalence and incidence rates have not materialized, and how they

have been recently dismissed by world AIDS leaders such as de Cock as

signaling the end of the “heterosexual AIDS era” (except of course among

people of African descent or homosexuals who have been selectively biased

during “HIV” testing campaigns, or selectively targeted during

HIV-preventative” microbicide or circumcision campaigns, or manufactured

from “best guess estimates” based on STD clinics or perinatal clinics);

The failure to explain how “HIV'’s” latency makes sense from a biochemical

point of view;

The failure to support the progress of Doctors Without Borders, who recently

showed how the cheap food supplement plumpynut, when given to the children

of Niger, the poorest nation in Africa, has reversed the infant mortality

rate, and without antibiotics or drugs, or without significant funding, as

was revealed on 60 minutes;

The failure to develop a consistent in vitro model to detect “HIV”


The failure to develop any “HIV” animal model, while “HIV” exposed chimps

now rest in their 27 million dollar retirement homes because they never

developed AIDS after injection with AIDS patient sera or “HIV;”

The failure of the biomedical establishment to offer and provide support to

pursue and fund at least 17 other hypotheses that have explained or have

even reversed in some cases, the development of acute Acquired Immune

Deficiency Syndrome;

The failure to pursue and fund inexpensive treatment regimens such as those

developed in the German drug-abuse clinics by Heinrich Kremer, na

Sacher, or in Africa in Niger, by Doctors Without Borders who fed starving

children plumpynut, and by many others who have shown they can reverse

immunosuppression non-toxically, and with a minimum, or in most cases, with

a complete lack of HAART;

The failure to appreciate why prostitutes and sex workers don'’t acquire HIV

’'s” molecular markers, or develop “AIDS,” unless they are also chronic

immunosuppressive illicit or pharmaceutical drug users or abusers;

The failure to account for why Human “HIV” transmission studies have not

shown “HIV” or “AIDS” transmission between serodiscordant couples, or among

health care workers inoculated with “HIV-tainted” blood, or why the spouses

of “HIV-positive” hemophiliacs and “HIV-negative” partners have failed to

seroconvert or develop AIDS after numerous unprotected and repeated

exposures to their “HIV” positive spouses;

The failure to address the phenomenon announced as recently as February

14th, 2008, in San Diego, California, when the local county health

department made quite a big deal out of the fact that all sexually

transmitted diseases in their local gay community have risen by an

astounding 800 percent since 2003, including syphilis, gonorrhea, and

chlamydia, while “HIV” infection rates have dropped since 2003 in the very

same gay community;

The failure to explain how there can be large numbers of so-called

Long-Term-Non-Progressors, or Elite Controllers, who never acquire any

illness, although they may test positive for “HIV’s” molecular signature for

more than two decades, or how it is possible that ICL-AIDS patients to test

negative for “HIV” but who are thought to have “AIDS;”

The failure to account for how T-cell numbers or “viral load” don'’t

indicate any effect of a viral presence or infection, or explain why viral

load continues to be aggressively monitored despite the fact that no virus

has ever been observed in the blood of a so-called “HIV-positive” individual

harboring high “viral load” as measured by PCR (polymerase chain reaction);

The failure of the AIDS establishment or Nobel committee to acknowledge the

significance of the recent Semmelweis “clean hands” award to Duesberg

for initially alerting the scientific community as to the impossibility of

the “HIV=AIDS” hypothesis, and to appreciate the significance of the

co-presentation of that award to investigative journalist, Celia Farber, for

her initial expose regarding the iatrogenocide committed against gay men

during the high-dose AZT era;

And finally, the failure of “The AIDS Establishment” or “AID$ incorporated,”

to address in any invited public forum, or in the media, why none of their

more than 33 “HIV” test kits first initially patented and launched by

Gallo and Abbott Laboratories claim they can’'t detect “HIV,” and continue

to state on their package inserts, that the significance of “HIV’'s”

molecular signature is not known.

It isn’'t all bad news. There have been some successes. Rumsfeld’'s

former biotech company, Gilead Biosciences, make the AIDS cocktail drug

atripola, which is now making obscene amounts of money in a plethora of AIDS

pogroms (as well as Gilead’'s Tamiflu to fight the global “bird flu


It is also a cheerful news that Bush’s PEPFAR pogrom was funded by a

propagandized and hoodwinked congress, and will now move forward to dump

these and other rank poisons on millions of Africans, and other 3rd World

nations like India, China, and others. We also have much to be optimistic

about because drugs like nevirapine were withdrawn from use in the U.S. a

few years ago because of its rank liver-destructive toxicity, especially in

women, and are now continuously being dumped on Africans and other of the

World’s most vulnerable.

Another piece of good news is that de Cock who is a World AIDS leader,

announced recently that “heterosexual AIDS is over,” except of course, and

according to the WHO and to him, among large segments of Africa, and the

African American community perhaps, who remain problematic not because of

some difference compared to whites in their heterosexual behavior, but

simply because they are black. It is my argument that such institutionalized

racism, cultural phobia, and targeted selective testing biases have come to

define the current “AIDS pandemic.”

It is also hopeful that with the stroke of a pen, Mr. Obama’'s

administration could reverse the current carnage that is occurring in the

black community in all our major cities, and reduce the AIDS deaths in

America to those reported in every other civilized country of the world,

simply by changing the diagnostic definition of AIDS as other countries


Such a pen stroke could save billions of dollars for our failing

petrochemical and pharmaceutical economy that refuses to support the

development of renewable energy, while it is being developed in civilized

continents like South America and Europe. Such a pen stroke also could at th

e same time save many of our white 13 year-olds (like White who died of

a liver bleed, and whose misfortune because he was a hemophiliac was

exploited with the help of the moralistic Helms to advance the

White Act during the Reagan administration). With the stroke of a pen,

President Obama could even save the occasional “low risk” always faithful to

her husband” soccer mom, or boy-scout-leader dad, from the devastation that

will occur because of the universal testing proposed by the CDC, the

American Society of Pediatrics, the AMA, and other physician organizations

to test everybody over the age of 13, everyone who enters an emergency room,

the entire African American population of New York City, and of course,

every infant born in a hospital. A pen stroke could save thousands of “low

risk persons,” who will at low frequency, be convicted of being

“HIV-positive” because they had a recent flu or hepatitis B vaccine.

Maniotis, PhD.

Visiting Associate Professor of Bioengineering,

University of Illinois, Chicago

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and help stop the premeditated genocide unleashed on our people by the

Mengele clones of the pharma cartel and their minions in our government,

notably our new health minister who hasn't a clue what she is talking about.

That also includes the appalling human guinea pig trials with a new GM HIV

vaccine, consisting of 5 HIV genes inserted into a host SMALLPOX virus,

meaning that the vaccinees injected with this concoction from hell will be

spreading it in the environment, which may lead to a disaster of

unprecedented proportions! Are these charlatans (there is no other word for

it) totally out of their mind and have lost all sense of ethics and morals?

How dare they sacrifice human health for company greed and their own quest

for fame and fortune?! It is reasonable to assume that all vacinees

sacrificed in these vaccine trials are scientifically illiterate and

therefore unable to provide INFORMED consent, which constitutes a violation

of the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration.

Ingrid, utterly appalled at the lack of outcry against this crime against


December 28, 2008

Aids: An Iatrogenic Depopulation Strategy?




It is hard to make sense of the numerous contradictions in the official

explanation of what causes Aids and how to best fight the scourge. But

then - the confusion may be fully intentional. Aids as a strategy and cover

for de-population would make perfect sense. It is race specific, its victims

are the poor and socially deviant, and if we believe the press, the whole

population of the African continent is at grave risk. A high percentage of

those treated eventually do die. What they die of is the hard question that

must be asked.

Aids testing, prevention and treatment are promoted by the

medical/pharmaceutical world and by the mainstream press as essential

counter-measures. Yet both Aids testing and treatment target certain racial

and social groups and the populations of developing countries, especially if

they are located on the African continent.

The interpretation of test results is largely arbitrary. Prevention consists

of giving both mother and child a highly toxic shot of medicine, and

treatment - more often than not - seals the fate of the victim. Treatment

leads to a more or less certain death. All that is promised is that the

death will be slowed by " life extending " drugs.

What makes me think of a deliberate strategy with regards to Aids and the

confusion that surrounds it, is the point-blank refusal of the reigning

pharmaceutical/medical establishment to even address those contradictions,

to discuss in an open way with those who point out that something's not

right. Perhaps I am too suspicious, but it seems to me that so much bungling

cannot be the result of mere inadequacy.

Contradictions, Contradictions

Some of the most egregious contradictions I have found over the years are:

Tests identify people who " have Aids " but they do not find a virus, merely

some specific proteins that could be (and apparently are) associated with a

host of non-Aids conditions.

The interpretation of tests is different for people with different life

stories. Likelihood of a positive test result is increased by being gay or

promiscuous, by being of African descent or just by living in a poor part of

town, yet " universal testing " is being advocated.

In Africa, the definition of Aids does not rely on a test. It is sufficient

if you have the symptoms of several of the diseases that are rampant there,

diseases brought on by poor hygiene and by bad nutrition.

Instead of helping Africans overcome the endemic diseases of their continent

with better sanitation and freshly grown produce, we send them toxic Aids

drugs and industrially produced, often genetically modified grains.

Prevention and treatment of Aids are always highly toxic. More Aids victims

die of iatrogenic liver disease brought on by the doctor-prescribed

pharmaceutical drugs than of the " opportunistic " diseases that a failing

immune system is said to bring on.

People who refuse treatment often do not get ill - especially if they adopt

a healthy lifestyle - some have been documented to stay healthy for decades.

Most people who take Aids drugs suffer horrible " side effects " , among them

immune deficiency brought on by the drugs. They also die early. Yet no

studies have been done to compare a natural, healthy regimen of nutrition

and good life with the recommended antiretroviral drug treatment.

The isolation of the viral entity that is said to cause Aids has never been

published in a peer-review journal. The virus cannot be isolated from sick

individuals. No one has shown how the viral entity actually CAUSES immune

deficiency. Yet a Nobel prize has recently been awarded to Luc Montagnier

and a collaborator for the discovery of HIV.

That rabbit hole is very deep. The more you dig, the more absolutely

incomprehensible facts and contradictions emerge.

One of the most articulate critics of the Aids orthodoxy is Dr

Maniotis, a Professor of Pathology and Program Director in the University of

Chicago's Department of Pathology, Anatomy, Cell Biology and Bioengineering.

In the following piece, Dr Maniotis highlights the failures of the paradigm

that says Aids is caused by an infective agent called HIV and it must be

treated with anti-retroviral drugs. In the second part of this post, Dr

Maniotis comments on an article in the New Statesman that comments on the

controversy around Aids.

Perhaps I should be clear that Dr Maniotis, while pointing at the various

inconsistencies, does not advocate any conspiratorial view of Aids. If I

imply such a conspiratorial (de-population) connection, that view is mine


The failures of the HIV/Aids hypothesis

According to former NIH director, and Nobel Laureate, Harold Varmus who

formed the committee that named “HIV” “HIV,” retrovirus-derived DNA

sequences (genes that come from viruses whose genes are made out of RNA

instead of DNA), may be ancient molecular “parasites” in their associations

with other organisms. As such, they may not be recognizable as foreign

molecules to the human immune system (which explains the STEP trial and 60

other " HIV " vaccine disasters, perfectly).

Thus, “retroviruses” or their components are not immunogenic (capable of

being seen as foreign by the human immune system), because “HIV’'s”

molecules, and those of other “retroviruses” are not seen as foreign or

non-self,” because they are, and always have been, part of the incredible

repertory of the combinatorial complexity of the normal human genome.

Supposedly, if we are around on this planet millions of years from now, the

human immunoglobulin cassette (that part of the T-cell genome that

immunologists claim can be instantaneously rearranged to respond to foreign

antigens) new immuonglobulins will continuously be produced to counter any

“foreign” molecular challenge, which are not yet present on this earth yet.

Therefore, we have NOT sequenced the total human genome, because some of it’

s sequences don’t yet exist. And they may not exist in persons said to have

“AIDS,” hepatitis B or C or D, as a response to a foreign virus, but these

signatures may instead represent the breakdown products of autoimmune

diseases that cause cells to spit out “virus-like particles.”

As molecular parasites, and as response of our own cellular reactions to

common diseases, foreign proteins or metabolic and even psychological

stressors such as an AIDS or cancer death sentence, “retroviruses,” their

genes, and their molecules, may be simply a byproduct of our stressed cells,

because they always have been, are, and always will be, made by our own


The amazing thing is that: some antiretroviral drug regimens in some people

(almost half of them it appears) can stop the cells from producing these

stress responses and their consequent virus-like particles as shown in the

German drug addiction clinics by Heinrich Kremer and na Sacher. But

these doctors warn, when taken long-term, HAART will cause damage to the

bone marrow and others systems, as literally dozens of mainstream clinical

trials have demonstrated.

It isn’'t only the 60 vaccine failures that raise issue with the “HIV=AIDS”

hypothesis. And it isn’'t that cures for cancer or “HIV-disease” have been

foiled in every case by “mutation.”

Other failures of the “HIV=AIDS” hypothesis include:

The failure to really isolate “HIV,” from all other objects in the Universe,

or to explain what its confusing presence in healthy drug-naïve persons


The failure to appreciate, that the association of a molecular marker with

any disease state, does not prove, disprove, or even suggest causality;

The failure of the Nobel committee to appreciate, in the case of Montagnier’

's and Barre-Sinoussi’'s recent award of the Nobel Prize, that their Patient

One’'s “viral” isolate,” was derived from a fellow with swollen lymph nodes,

a history of syphilis and syphilis treatment the year before, a history of

gonorrhea, a history of cytomegalovirus infection, a

history of herpes I and II infection, a history of Epstein-Barr virus

infection, and God knows what else;

The failure to appreciate, in the case of Gallo'’s so-called

amplification of “HIV” markers in stimulated tumor-cell cultures not killed

by “HIV,” that “HIV markers” are detectable in less than half to a third of

of 72 healthy persons, and not persons now considered to be AIDS patients.

And as shocking as it is, a failure to appreciate that there still is no

rational or acceptable cell culture model or method to grow HIV” in Petri


The failure of the Nobel committee to appreciate that,

a) “HPV” (human papilloma viruses) molecular sequences that are sometimes

associated with cervical cancers are just that: they are molecular

sequences, not Human papilloma viruses. HPV virus particles, to date have

not been shown to induce cervical cells or any other kind of cells to become

cancerous, and

B) the failure of the Nobel Committee to acknowledge and heed the widely

publicized warnings in the Journal “College of American Pathologists (CAP),”

and also by senior investigators at the National Cancer Institute, and the

company Digene who make “HPV” molecular tests, that HPV-sequences” have not

been validated against the clinical occurrence of clinical cervical cancer.

In this context, the Nobel committee also failed to appreciate the shameful

carnage currently being perpetrated by the so-called first cancer vaccine

GARDASIL (made by the same company Merck, who 20 years ago claimed that

their hepatitis B vaccine was the first “anti-cancer” vaccine, before France

filed a class action suit to stop the hepatitis B vaccine mandate for its

young citizens, because it harmed so many);

The failure to sequence the “HIV” genome as a consistent pattern or

sequence, or to identify specific proteins that are not also found in

normal, “non-infected” contexts;

The failure to inform the public (and most scientists) that reverse

transcriptase is not specific to viruses, nor are the gag, pol, env, p24,

and other so-called “HIV-specific” genes and their products, which all can

be detected in normal, “non-infected” contexts, and which are published on


The failure

a) to block transmission of “HIV” or AIDS in mother to child transmission

studies (MTCT) as shown by the Cochran Meta-analysis and other peer-reviewed

reports, which showed increased “HIV mutation rates” after black box label

drugs such as nevirapine were discontinued in the U.S., and ashamedly

administered to more than eight hundred seventy five thousand African

mother-infant pairs by Max Essex of Harvard, and others and

B) the failure to acknowledge or appreciate that safety officers of the NIH,

such as Dr. Fishbein, who monitored such trials as a safety officer, were

fired, while those individuals such as Edmond Tremont who directed the

nevaripine trial(s) were not even reprimanded after he had changed the data

in safety reports that Dr. Fishbein and others had uncovered, in order to

push forward Bush’s PEPFAR pogrom and the eugenics pogram on


The failure to understand why ARV’s (anti-retrovirals) in some individuals,

can prevent " AIDS syndromes, " because their toxicity to normal immune cells

can not only can block these cells from expressing HIV-specific” molecules

as a normal response to a physiological stress, or as evidence of a rare

genetic polymorphism, but because these drugs are so toxic, that like

antibiotics, they suppress both fungal and bacterial growth, but cannot

prevent theoretical virus proliferation, because if the HIV” paradigm is

correct, these genomes of “HIV” are rapidly integrated into the DNA of the

“infected,” and will never be sensitive to drugs designed against their


The failure of microbicides, condom campaigns, and circumcision, that more

often than not, have increased the rate of detecting “HIV’s” molecular

markers, instead of decreasing them among African human “lab rats;”

The failure to

a) appreciate the disaster and infant mortality caused by breast feeding

dissuasion campaigns, designed to decrease infant mortality from

“HIV-infection,” but which increased infant mortality 20 times in formula

fed infants, compared to mother-infant pairs that didn'’t listen to their

doctors, and who weren'’t dissuaded from breast feeding, and

B) the failure to appreciate the corresponding terrorism that has been waged

against new mothers to promote formula dumping on 3rd World nations, and

perhaps because of a hatred of the human female’s breast and the disgusting

nature of breast feeding;

The failure to acknowledge how projected and WHO-manufactured “HIV” and

AIDS” prevalence and incidence rates have not materialized, and how they

have been recently dismissed by world AIDS leaders such as de Cock as

signaling the end of the “heterosexual AIDS era” (except of course among

people of African descent or homosexuals who have been selectively biased

during “HIV” testing campaigns, or selectively targeted during

HIV-preventative” microbicide or circumcision campaigns, or manufactured

from “best guess estimates” based on STD clinics or perinatal clinics);

The failure to explain how “HIV'’s” latency makes sense from a biochemical

point of view;

The failure to support the progress of Doctors Without Borders, who recently

showed how the cheap food supplement plumpynut, when given to the children

of Niger, the poorest nation in Africa, has reversed the infant mortality

rate, and without antibiotics or drugs, or without significant funding, as

was revealed on 60 minutes;

The failure to develop a consistent in vitro model to detect “HIV”


The failure to develop any “HIV” animal model, while “HIV” exposed chimps

now rest in their 27 million dollar retirement homes because they never

developed AIDS after injection with AIDS patient sera or “HIV;”

The failure of the biomedical establishment to offer and provide support to

pursue and fund at least 17 other hypotheses that have explained or have

even reversed in some cases, the development of acute Acquired Immune

Deficiency Syndrome;

The failure to pursue and fund inexpensive treatment regimens such as those

developed in the German drug-abuse clinics by Heinrich Kremer, na

Sacher, or in Africa in Niger, by Doctors Without Borders who fed starving

children plumpynut, and by many others who have shown they can reverse

immunosuppression non-toxically, and with a minimum, or in most cases, with

a complete lack of HAART;

The failure to appreciate why prostitutes and sex workers don'’t acquire HIV

’'s” molecular markers, or develop “AIDS,” unless they are also chronic

immunosuppressive illicit or pharmaceutical drug users or abusers;

The failure to account for why Human “HIV” transmission studies have not

shown “HIV” or “AIDS” transmission between serodiscordant couples, or among

health care workers inoculated with “HIV-tainted” blood, or why the spouses

of “HIV-positive” hemophiliacs and “HIV-negative” partners have failed to

seroconvert or develop AIDS after numerous unprotected and repeated

exposures to their “HIV” positive spouses;

The failure to address the phenomenon announced as recently as February

14th, 2008, in San Diego, California, when the local county health

department made quite a big deal out of the fact that all sexually

transmitted diseases in their local gay community have risen by an

astounding 800 percent since 2003, including syphilis, gonorrhea, and

chlamydia, while “HIV” infection rates have dropped since 2003 in the very

same gay community;

The failure to explain how there can be large numbers of so-called

Long-Term-Non-Progressors, or Elite Controllers, who never acquire any

illness, although they may test positive for “HIV’s” molecular signature for

more than two decades, or how it is possible that ICL-AIDS patients to test

negative for “HIV” but who are thought to have “AIDS;”

The failure to account for how T-cell numbers or “viral load” don'’t

indicate any effect of a viral presence or infection, or explain why viral

load continues to be aggressively monitored despite the fact that no virus

has ever been observed in the blood of a so-called “HIV-positive” individual

harboring high “viral load” as measured by PCR (polymerase chain reaction);

The failure of the AIDS establishment or Nobel committee to acknowledge the

significance of the recent Semmelweis “clean hands” award to Duesberg

for initially alerting the scientific community as to the impossibility of

the “HIV=AIDS” hypothesis, and to appreciate the significance of the

co-presentation of that award to investigative journalist, Celia Farber, for

her initial expose regarding the iatrogenocide committed against gay men

during the high-dose AZT era;

And finally, the failure of “The AIDS Establishment” or “AID$ incorporated,”

to address in any invited public forum, or in the media, why none of their

more than 33 “HIV” test kits first initially patented and launched by

Gallo and Abbott Laboratories claim they can’'t detect “HIV,” and continue

to state on their package inserts, that the significance of “HIV’'s”

molecular signature is not known.

It isn’'t all bad news. There have been some successes. Rumsfeld’'s

former biotech company, Gilead Biosciences, make the AIDS cocktail drug

atripola, which is now making obscene amounts of money in a plethora of AIDS

pogroms (as well as Gilead’'s Tamiflu to fight the global “bird flu


It is also a cheerful news that Bush’s PEPFAR pogrom was funded by a

propagandized and hoodwinked congress, and will now move forward to dump

these and other rank poisons on millions of Africans, and other 3rd World

nations like India, China, and others. We also have much to be optimistic

about because drugs like nevirapine were withdrawn from use in the U.S. a

few years ago because of its rank liver-destructive toxicity, especially in

women, and are now continuously being dumped on Africans and other of the

World’s most vulnerable.

Another piece of good news is that de Cock who is a World AIDS leader,

announced recently that “heterosexual AIDS is over,” except of course, and

according to the WHO and to him, among large segments of Africa, and the

African American community perhaps, who remain problematic not because of

some difference compared to whites in their heterosexual behavior, but

simply because they are black. It is my argument that such institutionalized

racism, cultural phobia, and targeted selective testing biases have come to

define the current “AIDS pandemic.”

It is also hopeful that with the stroke of a pen, Mr. Obama’'s

administration could reverse the current carnage that is occurring in the

black community in all our major cities, and reduce the AIDS deaths in

America to those reported in every other civilized country of the world,

simply by changing the diagnostic definition of AIDS as other countries


Such a pen stroke could save billions of dollars for our failing

petrochemical and pharmaceutical economy that refuses to support the

development of renewable energy, while it is being developed in civilized

continents like South America and Europe. Such a pen stroke also could at th

e same time save many of our white 13 year-olds (like White who died of

a liver bleed, and whose misfortune because he was a hemophiliac was

exploited with the help of the moralistic Helms to advance the

White Act during the Reagan administration). With the stroke of a pen,

President Obama could even save the occasional “low risk” always faithful to

her husband” soccer mom, or boy-scout-leader dad, from the devastation that

will occur because of the universal testing proposed by the CDC, the

American Society of Pediatrics, the AMA, and other physician organizations

to test everybody over the age of 13, everyone who enters an emergency room,

the entire African American population of New York City, and of course,

every infant born in a hospital. A pen stroke could save thousands of “low

risk persons,” who will at low frequency, be convicted of being

“HIV-positive” because they had a recent flu or hepatitis B vaccine.

Maniotis, PhD.

Visiting Associate Professor of Bioengineering,

University of Illinois, Chicago

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