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Feb 4 We will air a new interview with Dr Wakefield (vaccines)

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----- Forwarded Message ----From: NaturalNews <insider@...>GODSFOOL713@...Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 12:01:51 AMSubject: Important interview with Dr Suzanne Humphries about vaccine dangers (plus other news)

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( www.NaturalNews.com ) email newsletter (Unsubscribe instructions at bottom)

Dear NaturalNews readers,

In case you missed it yesterday, we announced the launch of the groundbreaking new report, VACCINES: Get the Full Story, which has been signed by over 80 doctors, researchers and medical professional who state their strong opposition to vaccines. Download this report now at:http://www.naturalnews.com/Vaccines_Get_the_Full_Story.html

Continuing with the vaccine truth, today we bring you a very important interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a practicing nephrologist who warns about the dangers of vaccines. Here's the announcement:http://www.naturalnews.com/031184_Suzanne_Humphries_vaccines.html

And you can hear the interview here: http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=BAE7F6323813CFAFB8338173FB11D429

Also today: What's the real impact of a federal judge's recent decision to rule Obama's health care reform unconstitutional? I offer an analysis of what it all means (and why the federal government has no legitimate authority over all commerce):http://www.naturalnews.com/031183_Obamacare_unconstitutional.html

Even while Obama wants to force everybody else to buy conventional health insurance, his administration has granted over 700 waivers to various businesses and unions, including PepsiCo:http://www.naturalnews.com/031181_Obamacare_waivers.html

Did you know you can control blood sugar with cinnamon?http://www.naturalnews.com/031179_cinnamon_blood_sugar.html

P.S. Are you shivering in this crazy winter weather in North America? Stay warm with our new line of raw hot sauces on sale now at the NaturalNews store. These are super delicious, sort of like raw variations on Tobasco sauce: http://store.naturalnews.com/index.php?main_page=index & cPath=100370

RSB show note: We will attempt to launch the Bell show today at 12 noon eastern, weather permitting. If bandwidth is restored to our audio network hub, which is located in the Midwest, then we'll be on air! Check the listen page at 12 noon EST / 9am PST to hear the show: http://naturalnews.com/--Bell-Show.html

Coming up this week and beyond:Feb 2 Health Ranger is guest on launch of Bell show at 12 noon (eastern).Feb 3 Interview being posted with Dr Sherri Tenpenny (vaccines)Feb 4 We will air a new interview with Dr Wakefield (vaccines)Feb 5 Cancer experts speak out on live webcast eventFeb 6 Launch of The Great Health Debate (Health Ranger is a participant)Feb 28 Last day of our Personal Health Transformation video contest on NaturalNews.TVMar 25 Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach, CA

More news continues below on anti-aging skin care, the benefit of vitamins, how to improve fertility, ways to reverse diabetes and much more (see below)...

This email newsletter is made possible by sponsorship from these quality product providers: ( more info )

• Kick-Start Your Dream Body in Just 6 Days! Don’t Waste Another Day With Hours of Cardio or Lifting Weights… Get Started Now• The Natural Solution That Can Replace Statins. Breakthrough Formula Priced As Low As $16.50 Per Bottle. Made In The USA.• PCA-Rx from Maxam Nutraceutics is an easy-to-use toxin removal product. Use Code NNEWS for 20%


• Follow the Health Ranger on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/HealthRanger

• Follow NaturalNews on Facebook: http://Facebook.NaturalNews.com

Today's Feature Stories:

Are MMR vaccines dangerous for children? Dr Suzanne Humphries urges parents to get informed(NaturalNews) Are routine vaccines dangerous for children? Dr Suzanne Humphries, a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician) says the vaccine industry isn't giving people both sides of the story, and parents need to get informed before subjecting their...

With Obamacare ruled unconstitutional; states embrace limits on federal power(NaturalNews) Federal Judge Vinson ruled this week that the "individual mandate" portion of Obama's health care reform was unconstitutional, dealing a significant blow to the Obama administration's desire to force government-run health insurance...

Rival journal attacks Lancet for publishing Wakefield MMR study(NaturalNews) Efforts to discredit and destroy the work of Dr. Wakefield, the man responsible for raising awareness about the dangers of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) combo vaccine via the study he published in the late 1990s, continue...

Obama administration issues hundreds of health care exemption waivers to friends(NaturalNews) If Obamacare is everything the administration claims it to be, then why are government officials secretly handing out exemption waivers to friends and insiders? A Washington Times report explains that since the health care bill was...

Lack of vitamins C and E linked to metabolic syndrome(NaturalNews) What do millions of Americans who have plenty to eat have in common with poverty level Ecuadorians consuming a limited diet? A lot, when it comes to poor health. A new epidemiological study has revealed that low-income, older residents of...

Cinnamon promotes weight and blood sugar controlStudies have shown that cinnamon, the common kitchen spice frequently sprinkled on breakfast oatmeal and included in sweet potato pie, lowers blood glucose levels. Along with the benefits that it brings to this area, additional testing and...

Reverse degenerative diabetes naturally (Opinion)According to the American Diabetes Association 23.6 million Americans (7.8% of the population) have diabetes and another 57 million people (18.8%) have insulin-resistant pre-diabetes. The vast majority of diabetes is the type II variety known...

Nature provides best ingredients for anti-aging skin careAnti aging and wrinkle creams are a dime a dozen. A vast majority of the wrinkle and anti aging products on the market today contain harmful chemicals. However, there are several 100% natural ingredients you can look for that will make you...

Be aware of the link between food and depressionIt seems that these days more and more people in America suffer from depression, whether it is considered mild or severe. In fact, according to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, over 18 million people in America suffer from either...

How to lower FSH levels and improve fertility (Opinion)High FSH levels are a sign of poor ovarian reserve, poor egg quality and a symptom of failure to ovulate (or anovulation). A recent American study of 560 women who sought fertility treatments at the Yale University IVF program and the...

Bell show launch delayed by freak weather "storm of the century"(NaturalNews) The "storm of the century" that's wreaking havoc across the United States today has also taken offline the audio broadcast hub for our planned launch of the Bell show. As a result, we won't be broadcasting on Feb 1 as planned...

NaturalNews exclusive: International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report(NaturalNews) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective. These beliefs, however, are not factually based on real science but rather a persistent...

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----- Forwarded Message ----From: NaturalNews <insider@...>GODSFOOL713@...Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 12:01:51 AMSubject: Important interview with Dr Suzanne Humphries about vaccine dangers (plus other news)

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( www.NaturalNews.com ) email newsletter (Unsubscribe instructions at bottom)

Dear NaturalNews readers,

In case you missed it yesterday, we announced the launch of the groundbreaking new report, VACCINES: Get the Full Story, which has been signed by over 80 doctors, researchers and medical professional who state their strong opposition to vaccines. Download this report now at:http://www.naturalnews.com/Vaccines_Get_the_Full_Story.html

Continuing with the vaccine truth, today we bring you a very important interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a practicing nephrologist who warns about the dangers of vaccines. Here's the announcement:http://www.naturalnews.com/031184_Suzanne_Humphries_vaccines.html

And you can hear the interview here: http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=BAE7F6323813CFAFB8338173FB11D429

Also today: What's the real impact of a federal judge's recent decision to rule Obama's health care reform unconstitutional? I offer an analysis of what it all means (and why the federal government has no legitimate authority over all commerce):http://www.naturalnews.com/031183_Obamacare_unconstitutional.html

Even while Obama wants to force everybody else to buy conventional health insurance, his administration has granted over 700 waivers to various businesses and unions, including PepsiCo:http://www.naturalnews.com/031181_Obamacare_waivers.html

Did you know you can control blood sugar with cinnamon?http://www.naturalnews.com/031179_cinnamon_blood_sugar.html

P.S. Are you shivering in this crazy winter weather in North America? Stay warm with our new line of raw hot sauces on sale now at the NaturalNews store. These are super delicious, sort of like raw variations on Tobasco sauce: http://store.naturalnews.com/index.php?main_page=index & cPath=100370

RSB show note: We will attempt to launch the Bell show today at 12 noon eastern, weather permitting. If bandwidth is restored to our audio network hub, which is located in the Midwest, then we'll be on air! Check the listen page at 12 noon EST / 9am PST to hear the show: http://naturalnews.com/--Bell-Show.html

Coming up this week and beyond:Feb 2 Health Ranger is guest on launch of Bell show at 12 noon (eastern).Feb 3 Interview being posted with Dr Sherri Tenpenny (vaccines)Feb 4 We will air a new interview with Dr Wakefield (vaccines)Feb 5 Cancer experts speak out on live webcast eventFeb 6 Launch of The Great Health Debate (Health Ranger is a participant)Feb 28 Last day of our Personal Health Transformation video contest on NaturalNews.TVMar 25 Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach, CA

More news continues below on anti-aging skin care, the benefit of vitamins, how to improve fertility, ways to reverse diabetes and much more (see below)...

This email newsletter is made possible by sponsorship from these quality product providers: ( more info )

• Kick-Start Your Dream Body in Just 6 Days! Don’t Waste Another Day With Hours of Cardio or Lifting Weights… Get Started Now• The Natural Solution That Can Replace Statins. Breakthrough Formula Priced As Low As $16.50 Per Bottle. Made In The USA.• PCA-Rx from Maxam Nutraceutics is an easy-to-use toxin removal product. Use Code NNEWS for 20%


• Follow the Health Ranger on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/HealthRanger

• Follow NaturalNews on Facebook: http://Facebook.NaturalNews.com

Today's Feature Stories:

Are MMR vaccines dangerous for children? Dr Suzanne Humphries urges parents to get informed(NaturalNews) Are routine vaccines dangerous for children? Dr Suzanne Humphries, a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician) says the vaccine industry isn't giving people both sides of the story, and parents need to get informed before subjecting their...

With Obamacare ruled unconstitutional; states embrace limits on federal power(NaturalNews) Federal Judge Vinson ruled this week that the "individual mandate" portion of Obama's health care reform was unconstitutional, dealing a significant blow to the Obama administration's desire to force government-run health insurance...

Rival journal attacks Lancet for publishing Wakefield MMR study(NaturalNews) Efforts to discredit and destroy the work of Dr. Wakefield, the man responsible for raising awareness about the dangers of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) combo vaccine via the study he published in the late 1990s, continue...

Obama administration issues hundreds of health care exemption waivers to friends(NaturalNews) If Obamacare is everything the administration claims it to be, then why are government officials secretly handing out exemption waivers to friends and insiders? A Washington Times report explains that since the health care bill was...

Lack of vitamins C and E linked to metabolic syndrome(NaturalNews) What do millions of Americans who have plenty to eat have in common with poverty level Ecuadorians consuming a limited diet? A lot, when it comes to poor health. A new epidemiological study has revealed that low-income, older residents of...

Cinnamon promotes weight and blood sugar controlStudies have shown that cinnamon, the common kitchen spice frequently sprinkled on breakfast oatmeal and included in sweet potato pie, lowers blood glucose levels. Along with the benefits that it brings to this area, additional testing and...

Reverse degenerative diabetes naturally (Opinion)According to the American Diabetes Association 23.6 million Americans (7.8% of the population) have diabetes and another 57 million people (18.8%) have insulin-resistant pre-diabetes. The vast majority of diabetes is the type II variety known...

Nature provides best ingredients for anti-aging skin careAnti aging and wrinkle creams are a dime a dozen. A vast majority of the wrinkle and anti aging products on the market today contain harmful chemicals. However, there are several 100% natural ingredients you can look for that will make you...

Be aware of the link between food and depressionIt seems that these days more and more people in America suffer from depression, whether it is considered mild or severe. In fact, according to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, over 18 million people in America suffer from either...

How to lower FSH levels and improve fertility (Opinion)High FSH levels are a sign of poor ovarian reserve, poor egg quality and a symptom of failure to ovulate (or anovulation). A recent American study of 560 women who sought fertility treatments at the Yale University IVF program and the...

Bell show launch delayed by freak weather "storm of the century"(NaturalNews) The "storm of the century" that's wreaking havoc across the United States today has also taken offline the audio broadcast hub for our planned launch of the Bell show. As a result, we won't be broadcasting on Feb 1 as planned...

NaturalNews exclusive: International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report(NaturalNews) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective. These beliefs, however, are not factually based on real science but rather a persistent...

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