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fermentation of commercial products

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> I agree also. A while back I read that many of the commercial brands do

> some type of sterilization again after they have made the yogurt. So in


> process of completely sterilizing the yogurt, all the friendly " bugs " are

> either stunned or killed.

I don't think that is true of Dannon, which is popular.

> I am so glad I don't have to eat that junk! I guess most people are just


> busy and too uninterested to pay much attention to their food.

It is a time consuming business to keep up with everything there is to be

concerned about! The vacuum cleaner has been sitting in the living room for

a week now waiting for me to get back to it, and I should be washing clothes


> I kept trying to get my dad interested in kefir but had no luck. Then I


> the fil mjolk (that he remembered from childhood) and he saw how easy it


> to make. Now he has a fresh cup every morning.

I'll be in Norway next month. I wonder if I can get fil mjolk there and

bring home some for a starter. How different is it from kefir, which I

already have.


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Hi Kris,

Fil mjolk is much sweeter, no grains to strain, and it is easily adaptable

to nut milks.

Here is a post I sent to the kefir group with more ideas:

I am constantly looking to make new things and a lot of them just happen. I

look at something and think, " I am not going to throw that away. " Then I

figure out something great!

Example, I made nut milk (to ferment with fil mjolk). After I ground up the

nuts and water to make the milk, I still have all these wonderful nut pieces

left. SOOOO, I thought what next? When in doubt dehydrate is my rule. So

I dehydrated them.

They turned out so light and crispy I

1> Add then to my " Fil Mjolk Brownies " for crunch (dehydrated instead of


2> Grind them up and make a nut flour that I can use in baking or other

recipes that need flour (right now I don't eat any grains, so this works


Last night I took the WHEY from the almond fil mjolk cheese I had made,

added 1 cup organic dried coconut flakes, soaked overnight, and this morning

added 2 cups of purified water and ground in the VitaMix. Made the MOST

delicious coconut milk!

Then I added fil mjolk culture to the fermented coconut milk. We will see

what I get, but I hope it will be a thick coconut milk fil mjolk, much like

what I get from almond milk.

**I want to say a special thanks to all the people who have written to me

letting me know how these recipes work for them. I started all this in

desperation because of illness that has had me on disability for years, and

it is turning into a healthy and fun way of life, that is shaping up into a

unique, one of a kind book. I have tasters here but no one who is making

the recipes, so thanks again, it has been so much help!



----- Original Message -----

From: " Kris " <kris.johnson@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 7:42 AM

Subject: Re: fermentation of commercial products

> > I agree also. A while back I read that many of the commercial brands do

> > some type of sterilization again after they have made the yogurt. So in

> the

> > process of completely sterilizing the yogurt, all the friendly " bugs "


> > either stunned or killed.


> I don't think that is true of Dannon, which is popular.


> > I am so glad I don't have to eat that junk! I guess most people are


> to

> > busy and too uninterested to pay much attention to their food.


> It is a time consuming business to keep up with everything there is to be

> concerned about! The vacuum cleaner has been sitting in the living room


> a week now waiting for me to get back to it, and I should be washing


> now!


> > I kept trying to get my dad interested in kefir but had no luck. Then I

> got

> > the fil mjolk (that he remembered from childhood) and he saw how easy it

> was

> > to make. Now he has a fresh cup every morning.


> I'll be in Norway next month. I wonder if I can get fil mjolk there and

> bring home some for a starter. How different is it from kefir, which I

> already have.


> Kris

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Hi Kit,

I bookmark every recipe you send. You are so creative in the kitchen.


I have a tip on using coconut oil in a yummy healthy way. I mix 1 T

coconut oil with a little honey(to your taste), sesame seeds and 1 T

local bee pollen, for a delightfully delicious sweet. There could be

many variations by adding grated coconut, raw butter and/or nuts or

dried fruit. It's sort of a mix and match with what ever you like.

Fun and so yummy. I suppose these sweets must be kept in the

refrigerator if made in any quanity. I always make one serving at a

time. It would be too tempting for me to have it waitng in the frig.

They could be rolled into bite size pieces and stored for a long

while for those with more resistance than I contain.

I always found it a bit difficult to chew up plain bee pollen, and I

didn't like it is a shake, so this solution makes me happy. I call it

Bee Healthy Sweet. I guess the bee pollen could be removed and it

would still taste great.

Let us know when you fermenting book is ready to sell. I can hardly




> Hi Kris,


> Fil mjolk is much sweeter, no grains to strain, and it is easily


> to nut milks.


> Here is a post I sent to the kefir group with more ideas:


> I am constantly looking to make new things and a lot of them just

happen. I

> look at something and think, " I am not going to throw that away. "

Then I

> figure out something great!


> Example, I made nut milk (to ferment with fil mjolk). After I

ground up the

> nuts and water to make the milk, I still have all these wonderful

nut pieces

> left. SOOOO, I thought what next? When in doubt dehydrate is my

rule. So

> I dehydrated them.


> They turned out so light and crispy I

> 1> Add then to my " Fil Mjolk Brownies " for crunch (dehydrated

instead of

> cooked).

> 2> Grind them up and make a nut flour that I can use in baking or


> recipes that need flour (right now I don't eat any grains, so this


> great).


> Last night I took the WHEY from the almond fil mjolk cheese I had


> added 1 cup organic dried coconut flakes, soaked overnight, and

this morning

> added 2 cups of purified water and ground in the VitaMix. Made the


> delicious coconut milk!


> Then I added fil mjolk culture to the fermented coconut milk. We

will see

> what I get, but I hope it will be a thick coconut milk fil mjolk,

much like

> what I get from almond milk.


> **I want to say a special thanks to all the people who have written

to me

> letting me know how these recipes work for them. I started all

this in

> desperation because of illness that has had me on disability for

years, and

> it is turning into a healthy and fun way of life, that is shaping

up into a

> unique, one of a kind book. I have tasters here but no one who is


> the recipes, so thanks again, it has been so much help!


> Kat

> http://www.katking.com


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Kris " <kris.johnson@a...>

> < @y...>

> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 7:42 AM

> Subject: Re: fermentation of commercial products



> > > I agree also. A while back I read that many of the commercial

brands do

> > > some type of sterilization again after they have made the

yogurt. So in

> > the

> > > process of completely sterilizing the yogurt, all the

friendly " bugs "

> are

> > > either stunned or killed.

> >

> > I don't think that is true of Dannon, which is popular.

> >

> > > I am so glad I don't have to eat that junk! I guess most

people are

> just

> > to

> > > busy and too uninterested to pay much attention to their food.

> >

> > It is a time consuming business to keep up with everything there

is to be

> > concerned about! The vacuum cleaner has been sitting in the

living room

> for

> > a week now waiting for me to get back to it, and I should be


> clothes

> > now!

> >

> > > I kept trying to get my dad interested in kefir but had no

luck. Then I

> > got

> > > the fil mjolk (that he remembered from childhood) and he saw

how easy it

> > was

> > > to make. Now he has a fresh cup every morning.

> >

> > I'll be in Norway next month. I wonder if I can get fil mjolk

there and

> > bring home some for a starter. How different is it from kefir,

which I

> > already have.

> >

> > Kris

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Hi Sheila,

That does sound good. I have made the Jewish version which is just sesame

seeds (I ferment them of course) and honey. I bet the coconut makes it

taste wonderful. I have gone a bit coconut nutty lately and am putting it

in the most unusual things!

Thanks again,



----- Original Message -----

From: " h2ocolor1937 " <h2ocolor@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 9:49 AM

Subject: fermentation of commercial products

> Hi Kit,

> I bookmark every recipe you send. You are so creative in the kitchen.

> Bravo!

> I have a tip on using coconut oil in a yummy healthy way. I mix 1 T

> coconut oil with a little honey(to your taste), sesame seeds and 1 T

> local bee pollen, for a delightfully delicious sweet. There could be

> many variations by adding grated coconut, raw butter and/or nuts or

> dried fruit. It's sort of a mix and match with what ever you like.

> Fun and so yummy. I suppose these sweets must be kept in the

> refrigerator if made in any quanity. I always make one serving at a

> time. It would be too tempting for me to have it waitng in the frig.

> They could be rolled into bite size pieces and stored for a long

> while for those with more resistance than I contain.

> I always found it a bit difficult to chew up plain bee pollen, and I

> didn't like it is a shake, so this solution makes me happy. I call it

> Bee Healthy Sweet. I guess the bee pollen could be removed and it

> would still taste great.

> Let us know when you fermenting book is ready to sell. I can hardly

> wait.

> Thanks,

> Sheila


> > Hi Kris,

> >

> > Fil mjolk is much sweeter, no grains to strain, and it is easily

> adaptable

> > to nut milks.

> >

> > Here is a post I sent to the kefir group with more ideas:

> >

> > I am constantly looking to make new things and a lot of them just

> happen. I

> > look at something and think, " I am not going to throw that away. "

> Then I

> > figure out something great!

> >

> > Example, I made nut milk (to ferment with fil mjolk). After I

> ground up the

> > nuts and water to make the milk, I still have all these wonderful

> nut pieces

> > left. SOOOO, I thought what next? When in doubt dehydrate is my

> rule. So

> > I dehydrated them.

> >

> > They turned out so light and crispy I

> > 1> Add then to my " Fil Mjolk Brownies " for crunch (dehydrated

> instead of

> > cooked).

> > 2> Grind them up and make a nut flour that I can use in baking or

> other

> > recipes that need flour (right now I don't eat any grains, so this

> works

> > great).

> >

> > Last night I took the WHEY from the almond fil mjolk cheese I had

> made,

> > added 1 cup organic dried coconut flakes, soaked overnight, and

> this morning

> > added 2 cups of purified water and ground in the VitaMix. Made the


> > delicious coconut milk!

> >

> > Then I added fil mjolk culture to the fermented coconut milk. We

> will see

> > what I get, but I hope it will be a thick coconut milk fil mjolk,

> much like

> > what I get from almond milk.

> >

> > **I want to say a special thanks to all the people who have written

> to me

> > letting me know how these recipes work for them. I started all

> this in

> > desperation because of illness that has had me on disability for

> years, and

> > it is turning into a healthy and fun way of life, that is shaping

> up into a

> > unique, one of a kind book. I have tasters here but no one who is

> making

> > the recipes, so thanks again, it has been so much help!

> >

> > Kat

> > http://www.katking.com

> >

> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: " Kris " <kris.johnson@a...>

> > < @y...>

> > Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 7:42 AM

> > Subject: Re: fermentation of commercial products

> >

> >

> > > > I agree also. A while back I read that many of the commercial

> brands do

> > > > some type of sterilization again after they have made the

> yogurt. So in

> > > the

> > > > process of completely sterilizing the yogurt, all the

> friendly " bugs "

> > are

> > > > either stunned or killed.

> > >

> > > I don't think that is true of Dannon, which is popular.

> > >

> > > > I am so glad I don't have to eat that junk! I guess most

> people are

> > just

> > > to

> > > > busy and too uninterested to pay much attention to their food.

> > >

> > > It is a time consuming business to keep up with everything there

> is to be

> > > concerned about! The vacuum cleaner has been sitting in the

> living room

> > for

> > > a week now waiting for me to get back to it, and I should be

> washing

> > clothes

> > > now!

> > >

> > > > I kept trying to get my dad interested in kefir but had no

> luck. Then I

> > > got

> > > > the fil mjolk (that he remembered from childhood) and he saw

> how easy it

> > > was

> > > > to make. Now he has a fresh cup every morning.

> > >

> > > I'll be in Norway next month. I wonder if I can get fil mjolk

> there and

> > > bring home some for a starter. How different is it from kefir,

> which I

> > > already have.

> > >

> > > Kris

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> My questions exactly , thank you! I feel a little overwhelmed


> these new dairy products to make/choose from.

> Elaine

The biggest difference between homemade and commercial is:commercial

has additives nearly always, mainly to increase shelf life and

alter/enhance flavor. Additives are used to modify appearance and

sometimes to fortify or enrich. Commercial sometimes uses a raw

material of different quality than used at home. However, at home

raw material quality is sometimes unknown for various reasons. Dennis

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> > My questions exactly , thank you! I feel a little


> with

> > these new dairy products to make/choose from.

> > Elaine






> The biggest difference between homemade and commercial


> has additives nearly always, mainly to increase shelf life and

> alter/enhance flavor. Additives are used to modify appearance and

> sometimes to fortify or enrich. Commercial sometimes uses a raw

> material of different quality than used at home. However, at home

> raw material quality is sometimes unknown for various reasons.


And of course commercial probably uses a process(recipe) different

than homemade. Dennis

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