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Article link and comment: Children Who Are Not Vaccinated Never Get Autism!

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I stumbled across a comment concerning the root of Autism

and wanted to share with the group. I have pasted the specific comment below

the article link. To read the whole article simply clicks the link.



Who Are Not Vaccinated Never Get Autism!

Submitted by vermont

on October 23,

2009 – 5:16 am




Lou says:


19, 2011 at 11:52 pm

“No one knows what causes autism,

but federal health authorities say it isn’t childhood immunizations.”

Now here is a statement you might

expect of a third grader. If you do not know the answer how can you rule out

ANYTHING? You cannot. Autism is CURRENTLY at the rate of about one in 68 for

males; it has been doubling at the rate of about every four years for the last

three decades or about the time we started the mass vaccination of MOST of our

kids for immunosalubrious and relatively harmless “childhood diseases”. This is

an epidemic of monumental proportions. How is it possible the CDC has not

figured it out? IMO it is not

possible. Google “CDC

Simpsonwood”, always skip the

disinformation source wiki, and you will see that the CDC does know about

“vaccination” and Autism.

A Possible Etiology of Autism

IMO autism is a multifactor condition with the MMR vaccine often being the last straw. IMO autism is entirely man made and can be stopped

by man or most likely women, in particular MOTHERS.

Note this chain of events may be

thwarted or ameliorated at each and all steps leading to Autism. IMO this can be done at NO risk to either the mother-fetus

or the child and should prove salubrious even if this theory is incorrect or


Note nutritional, developmental,

environmental, medical, political and other factors are involved

Low levels of Vitamin D and/or Omega

EFA, zinc et al in the mother predispose fetus development

High levels of mercury or other

toxins in the mother predispose fetus development

Low levels of maternal zinc and/or

high levels of copper predispose fetus BBB development

Vaccines introduced into

mother-fetus introduce mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, polysorbate 80,

aspartame, heavy metals and other noxious substances into fetus body-brain

The vaccination process itself

damages the fetus

At birth infant may present as a

poor detoxifier

Continuing low levels of vitamin D.

Omega EFA and zinc in infant after birth weaken infant body-brain

Low levels of infant zinc and/or

high levels of copper coupled with vaccination induced oxidative stress allow

infant BBB leakage this allows the neurodegenerative vaccine mercury easily

into the infant brain

Even in the best case

neurodegenerative vaccine mercury enters into the infant brain

Low infant body-brain levels of

vitamin D, glutathione, magnesium, zinc, EFAs and other body-brain protective


High infant body-brain levels of

mercury, excess copper, heavy metals and other noxious substances accumulate

Multiple vaccinations introduce

large amounts of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, polysorbate 80,

aspartame, heavy metals and other noxious substances into infant body-brain.

Each vaccination causes ischemia throughout the infants body-brain

The vaccination process itself

damages the infant thru ischemia et al

Infant’s possibly compromised

digestive system may not well handle wheat/gluten, dairy, sugar et al further

weakening his digestion.

Infant’s stress increased

detoxification/nutritional needs, vitamin D, fiber, antioxidants, others may

not be fully met

Infant may be unable to properly

handle “inactivated” live virus injections

Infant is “vaccinated” on average

each and every month often he is “vaccinated” with eight “vaccines” in a single

“vaccination” session. No testing has been done on the interactions of these

eight “vaccines”. “Just one single measles vaccination results in 98.5 to 99%

immunity based on UK Desumo antibody testing and studies in Japan and India.

Just one MMR vaccination at 12

months was proven in one study to protect only 69.9% of children based on

antibody testing.” “Vaccination” Injury Reaching the Boiling Point in the UK

The infant’s inadequately tested,

questionably approved, IMO VERY

dangerous MMR vaccination is often

the crux deleterious event “The autism epidemic in USA soared after the amount

of mumps in MMR was sharply

increased.” “Vaccination” Injury Reaching the Boiling Point in the UK

At some point the infant body-brain

becomes overloaded and is unable to normally function

Our Society et al has failed this

poor infant! His parents are heartbroken and racked with guilt. It is now more

likely their marriage may break up. A life has been harmed from before birth.

Society is saddled with a continuing expense that will likely run into the many

millions. For what? So the Rockefellers et al can make a buck and help destroy

this country? I sure hope there is a special place in hell for those culpable.

Autism can sometimes be reversed. It

may cost upwards of 500,000 dollars to do it. MAKE the bastards in government

pay. They have at least indirectly given your child autism.



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Guest guest

I stumbled across a comment concerning the root of Autism

and wanted to share with the group. I have pasted the specific comment below

the article link. To read the whole article simply clicks the link.



Who Are Not Vaccinated Never Get Autism!

Submitted by vermont

on October 23,

2009 – 5:16 am




Lou says:


19, 2011 at 11:52 pm

“No one knows what causes autism,

but federal health authorities say it isn’t childhood immunizations.”

Now here is a statement you might

expect of a third grader. If you do not know the answer how can you rule out

ANYTHING? You cannot. Autism is CURRENTLY at the rate of about one in 68 for

males; it has been doubling at the rate of about every four years for the last

three decades or about the time we started the mass vaccination of MOST of our

kids for immunosalubrious and relatively harmless “childhood diseases”. This is

an epidemic of monumental proportions. How is it possible the CDC has not

figured it out? IMO it is not

possible. Google “CDC

Simpsonwood”, always skip the

disinformation source wiki, and you will see that the CDC does know about

“vaccination” and Autism.

A Possible Etiology of Autism

IMO autism is a multifactor condition with the MMR vaccine often being the last straw. IMO autism is entirely man made and can be stopped

by man or most likely women, in particular MOTHERS.

Note this chain of events may be

thwarted or ameliorated at each and all steps leading to Autism. IMO this can be done at NO risk to either the mother-fetus

or the child and should prove salubrious even if this theory is incorrect or


Note nutritional, developmental,

environmental, medical, political and other factors are involved

Low levels of Vitamin D and/or Omega

EFA, zinc et al in the mother predispose fetus development

High levels of mercury or other

toxins in the mother predispose fetus development

Low levels of maternal zinc and/or

high levels of copper predispose fetus BBB development

Vaccines introduced into

mother-fetus introduce mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, polysorbate 80,

aspartame, heavy metals and other noxious substances into fetus body-brain

The vaccination process itself

damages the fetus

At birth infant may present as a

poor detoxifier

Continuing low levels of vitamin D.

Omega EFA and zinc in infant after birth weaken infant body-brain

Low levels of infant zinc and/or

high levels of copper coupled with vaccination induced oxidative stress allow

infant BBB leakage this allows the neurodegenerative vaccine mercury easily

into the infant brain

Even in the best case

neurodegenerative vaccine mercury enters into the infant brain

Low infant body-brain levels of

vitamin D, glutathione, magnesium, zinc, EFAs and other body-brain protective


High infant body-brain levels of

mercury, excess copper, heavy metals and other noxious substances accumulate

Multiple vaccinations introduce

large amounts of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, polysorbate 80,

aspartame, heavy metals and other noxious substances into infant body-brain.

Each vaccination causes ischemia throughout the infants body-brain

The vaccination process itself

damages the infant thru ischemia et al

Infant’s possibly compromised

digestive system may not well handle wheat/gluten, dairy, sugar et al further

weakening his digestion.

Infant’s stress increased

detoxification/nutritional needs, vitamin D, fiber, antioxidants, others may

not be fully met

Infant may be unable to properly

handle “inactivated” live virus injections

Infant is “vaccinated” on average

each and every month often he is “vaccinated” with eight “vaccines” in a single

“vaccination” session. No testing has been done on the interactions of these

eight “vaccines”. “Just one single measles vaccination results in 98.5 to 99%

immunity based on UK Desumo antibody testing and studies in Japan and India.

Just one MMR vaccination at 12

months was proven in one study to protect only 69.9% of children based on

antibody testing.” “Vaccination” Injury Reaching the Boiling Point in the UK

The infant’s inadequately tested,

questionably approved, IMO VERY

dangerous MMR vaccination is often

the crux deleterious event “The autism epidemic in USA soared after the amount

of mumps in MMR was sharply

increased.” “Vaccination” Injury Reaching the Boiling Point in the UK

At some point the infant body-brain

becomes overloaded and is unable to normally function

Our Society et al has failed this

poor infant! His parents are heartbroken and racked with guilt. It is now more

likely their marriage may break up. A life has been harmed from before birth.

Society is saddled with a continuing expense that will likely run into the many

millions. For what? So the Rockefellers et al can make a buck and help destroy

this country? I sure hope there is a special place in hell for those culpable.

Autism can sometimes be reversed. It

may cost upwards of 500,000 dollars to do it. MAKE the bastards in government

pay. They have at least indirectly given your child autism.



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