Guest guest Posted March 13, 2011 Report Share Posted March 13, 2011 From: " Dawn " <prove@...> FYI – please pass this to Washington people! Dawn Dear Washington NVIC Advocacy Team Members, On Wednesday, March 9th, approximately 90 of us attended the House Health and Wellness Committee hearing to oppose SB5005/HB1015. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, kids, babies, activists, and even some lobbyists all came together wearing their “No SB5005” stickers to send the strong message to legislators to oppose proposed legislation that would require parents to secure a medical workers’ signature in order for a religious or philosophical exemption to mandatory vaccination to be valid in Washington. Even though we had over 65 people sign in to give prepared testimony against the bill, the testimony was cut off by the committee chair after only a handful from our side had spoken. While this was disappointing, fortunately our side came prepared and most submitted copies of their written testimony to become part of the public record. No vote has yet been taken but it could be brought up in an executive session for a vote this Wednesday so please keep calls and emails to committee members going (see below). This strong showing coupled with the impact of all your calls, emails and faxes is starting to show some success with educating legislators and undoing the damage of the misinformation being propagated by those who desire to restrict philosophical and religious exemptions for our families. We have been receiving emails from legislators and staff members letting us know their offices are reconsidering their support for this bill because, thanks to your communications, they are realizing some who have been promoting the bills have not been honest or accurate in their information. We need to keep up this effort of courteously and persistently educating not only the members on this committee, but also now on the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee because the companion bill HB1015 is scheduled for its hearing on March 17th at 1:30 pm in Olympia that we need to count on you to attend (more on this below) . (If you would like to hear the testimony on SB5005, link to & TYPE=V & bhcp=1 and scroll in to start at about 1:06) HOW TO HELP TO CONTINUE TO OPPOSE HB1015 and SB5005 1. Please sign up for NVIC’s Advocacy Portal at (if this email note was forwarded to you from a friend and you are not already registered) so you can receive timely important email updates of our efforts to expand and protect vaccine exemptions in your state and be automatically linked to your personal legislators and their contact information when you log into the site. 2. Immediately contact your own Washington State Representative and Senator asking them to Oppose HB1015 and SB5005. You can log on to your Washington state page on to view talking points (also listed below at the bottom) and can be linked directly to your state personal legislators. 3. Plan on attending the next public hearing to OPPOSE HB 1015 on March 17th at 1:30 in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee, Senate Hearing Room 4, J.A. Cherberg Building in Olympia, WA. Please RSVP to CODirector@... and let us know if you can commit to attend so we can get you more information and keep you in the loop. Plan on wearing black again and getting your “NO HB1015” sticker right before the hearing. We need people to give 2-3 minutes of testimony at the hearing (we can help you prepare if you are willing to do it) but if you don’t want to testify that is okay because we truly need as many people as possible to show their opposition by just showing up and attending and supporting those who do get up to testify in opposition to HB1015. You may not get to testify, but come prepared with 20 copies of your testimony to turn in when you sign in to be a part of the public record. This is the last public hearing on these bills so please help us oppose them. 4. Keep calling and emailing the House Health Care and Wellness Committee with your points of opposition to SB5005. The hearing is over and they are going to take a vote soon – maybe as early as this Wednesday the 16th in executive session. Be patient, courteous, but most important be persistent. We have to help educate them why they need to oppose this bill. Please don’t let up on this committee! (List of suggested talking points are below) If you attended this hearing and were not given the opportunity to testify, PLEASE contact every member of this committee and let them know you attended and what your opposition to the bill was. Do this even if you submitted written testimony. They need to keep hearing from us. eileen.cody@...; laurie.jinkins@...; joe.schmick@...; barbara.bailey@...; bill.hinkle@...; judy.clibborn@...;; paul.harris@...; troy.kelley@...; jim.moeller@...; kevin.vandewege@... House Health Care and Wellness Committee Phone Numbers: Representative Room Phone Cody, Eileen (D) Chair MOD F 101 (360) 786-7978 Jinkins, Laurie (D) Vice Chair MOD C 103 (360) 786-7930 Schmick, Joe ® * MOD A 103 (360) 786-7844 Hinkle, Bill ® ** MOD G 104 (360) 786-7808 , Barbara ® LEG 122A (360) 786-7914 Clibborn, Judy (D) MOD C 102 (360) 786-7926 Green, Tami (D) LEG 122H (360) 786-7958 , ® MOD C 205 (360) 786-7976 Kelley, Troy (D) MOD D 106 (360) 786-7890 Moeller, Jim (D) LEG 429B (360) 786-7872 Van De Wege, (D) LEG 434A (360) 786-7916 5. Call and email the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee with your points of opposition to HB1015. The hearing is coming up this Thursday March 17th at 1:30 so all week long before the hearing they need to be hearing from you why they need to oppose this bill. Again, please be courteous, but most important be persistent. We have to overcome the misinformation they have been given. (List of suggested talking points are below) If you attended the hearing on SB5005, the companion bill to HB 1015, please let these committee members know that and what your concerns are. karen.keiser@...; steve.conway@...; randi.becker@...; mike.carrell@...; adam.kline@...; edward.murray@...; lindaevans.parlette@...; cheryl.pflug@...; craig.pridemore@... Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee Phone Numbers: Senator Room Phone Keiser, (D) Chair JAC 224 (360) 786-7664 Conway, Steve (D) Vice Chair JAC 213 (360) 786-7656 Becker, Randi ® * INB 115B (360) 786-7602 Carrell, Mike ® INB 102 (360) 786-7654 Kline, Adam (D) JAC 223 (360) 786-7688 Murray, Ed (D) JAC 303 (360) 786-7628 Parlette, ® LEG 316 (360) 786-7622 Pflug, Cheryl ® LEG 415 (360) 786-7608 Pridemore, Craig (D) JAC 212 (360) 786-7696 Talking Points to Oppose SB5005/HB1015 SB5005 (and companion HB1015) add the burdensome requirement for parents utilizing a philosophical or religious exemption to mandatory vaccination to have to get a signature from a health care provider on their exemption form. “The form presented on or after the effective date of this section must include a statement to be signed by a health care practitioner stating that he or she provided the signator with information about the benefits and risks of immunization.” The current state exemption form does not require a health care practitioner signature for philosophical or religious exemptions, only medical exemptions require a signature from a health care provider. SB5005/HB1015 restrict the free exercise of religion by imposing the requirement of a medical worker’s signature as a condition to validate a religious exemption to mandatory vaccination in Washington. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment and places the state at risk for an expensive constitutional challenge. These bills require a parent using a philosophical or religious exemption to suffer the financial hardship of being forced to enter into a private contractual paid relationship with a limited selection of health care practitioners not only that they may not otherwise utilize, but who most likely hold contentious views on vaccination and benefit financially from the sales of the vaccines. Nothing prohibits the health care practitioner from refusing to sign the exemption form out of a disagreement with the parent’s beliefs or liability concerns leaving the parent without a valid exemption. 19 states, including Washington, and almost 50% of the population of the United States, have philosophical/conscientious exemptions available without negative impact on public health. There is absolutely no immunization rate crisis in Washington and there is no valid reason for putting unreasonable barriers between parents and vaccine exemptions. According to the CDC’s most recent National Immunization Survey, the individual vaccination rates for core vaccines in Washington are already high: 3 DTaP – 95.4%, 4 DTaP – 82.2%, 3 Polio – 92.9%, 1 MMR – 90.8%, 3 Hib – 92.7%, 3 Hep B – 88.6%, 1 Varicella – 85.4%, 3 Pneumococcal – 92.5%. The vaccine most refused is the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. & rpt=tab03_antigen_state & qtr=Q1/2009-Q4/2009 Health is not adversely affected by the availability of philosophical/conscientious exemptions. Out of the top eleven ranked healthiest states in the 2010 edition of America’s Health Rankings, six of them including Washington allow philosophical/conscientious belief exemptions (Vermont, Minnesota, Utah, Maine, Idaho, Washington). The healthiest state, Vermont, allows for a philosophical/conscientious belief exemption. Pertussis outbreaks will not be prevented by making it harder to obtain vaccine exemptions. According to the Watchdog Institute, during the recent pertussis outbreak in California, 83 percent of the people diagnosed with pertussis had been immunized. Parents love their children and want the best for them. Parents need to be respected by the state without interference by the state to make conscientious health care decisions in their child’s best interests. The political trend is moving in favor of expanding vaccine exemptions, not restricting them. In 2003, the Texas Legislature added a conscientious exemption to mandatory vaccination laws and there are five states with current bills filed to add philosophical/conscientious exemptions because it is the right thing to do: Kansas – HB 2094, New Hampshire – HB 416, New Jersey – A 2450, New York – S 1331, and West Virginia – HB 2998. While most states don’t place restrictions on obtaining religious or philosophical exemptions, some states require religious or philosophical exemption forms to be notarized before being submitted. No state requires a medical practitioner’s signature to validate a religious or philosophical exemption. Sincerely, Dawn , Director of Advocacy National Vaccine Information Center and Dawn@... Make A Difference, support NVIC. NVIC is a certified 501©3 Charity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 13, 2011 Report Share Posted March 13, 2011 From: " Dawn " <prove@...> FYI – please pass this to Washington people! Dawn Dear Washington NVIC Advocacy Team Members, On Wednesday, March 9th, approximately 90 of us attended the House Health and Wellness Committee hearing to oppose SB5005/HB1015. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, kids, babies, activists, and even some lobbyists all came together wearing their “No SB5005” stickers to send the strong message to legislators to oppose proposed legislation that would require parents to secure a medical workers’ signature in order for a religious or philosophical exemption to mandatory vaccination to be valid in Washington. Even though we had over 65 people sign in to give prepared testimony against the bill, the testimony was cut off by the committee chair after only a handful from our side had spoken. While this was disappointing, fortunately our side came prepared and most submitted copies of their written testimony to become part of the public record. No vote has yet been taken but it could be brought up in an executive session for a vote this Wednesday so please keep calls and emails to committee members going (see below). This strong showing coupled with the impact of all your calls, emails and faxes is starting to show some success with educating legislators and undoing the damage of the misinformation being propagated by those who desire to restrict philosophical and religious exemptions for our families. We have been receiving emails from legislators and staff members letting us know their offices are reconsidering their support for this bill because, thanks to your communications, they are realizing some who have been promoting the bills have not been honest or accurate in their information. We need to keep up this effort of courteously and persistently educating not only the members on this committee, but also now on the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee because the companion bill HB1015 is scheduled for its hearing on March 17th at 1:30 pm in Olympia that we need to count on you to attend (more on this below) . (If you would like to hear the testimony on SB5005, link to & TYPE=V & bhcp=1 and scroll in to start at about 1:06) HOW TO HELP TO CONTINUE TO OPPOSE HB1015 and SB5005 1. Please sign up for NVIC’s Advocacy Portal at (if this email note was forwarded to you from a friend and you are not already registered) so you can receive timely important email updates of our efforts to expand and protect vaccine exemptions in your state and be automatically linked to your personal legislators and their contact information when you log into the site. 2. Immediately contact your own Washington State Representative and Senator asking them to Oppose HB1015 and SB5005. You can log on to your Washington state page on to view talking points (also listed below at the bottom) and can be linked directly to your state personal legislators. 3. Plan on attending the next public hearing to OPPOSE HB 1015 on March 17th at 1:30 in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee, Senate Hearing Room 4, J.A. Cherberg Building in Olympia, WA. Please RSVP to CODirector@... and let us know if you can commit to attend so we can get you more information and keep you in the loop. Plan on wearing black again and getting your “NO HB1015” sticker right before the hearing. We need people to give 2-3 minutes of testimony at the hearing (we can help you prepare if you are willing to do it) but if you don’t want to testify that is okay because we truly need as many people as possible to show their opposition by just showing up and attending and supporting those who do get up to testify in opposition to HB1015. You may not get to testify, but come prepared with 20 copies of your testimony to turn in when you sign in to be a part of the public record. This is the last public hearing on these bills so please help us oppose them. 4. Keep calling and emailing the House Health Care and Wellness Committee with your points of opposition to SB5005. The hearing is over and they are going to take a vote soon – maybe as early as this Wednesday the 16th in executive session. Be patient, courteous, but most important be persistent. We have to help educate them why they need to oppose this bill. Please don’t let up on this committee! (List of suggested talking points are below) If you attended this hearing and were not given the opportunity to testify, PLEASE contact every member of this committee and let them know you attended and what your opposition to the bill was. Do this even if you submitted written testimony. They need to keep hearing from us. eileen.cody@...; laurie.jinkins@...; joe.schmick@...; barbara.bailey@...; bill.hinkle@...; judy.clibborn@...;; paul.harris@...; troy.kelley@...; jim.moeller@...; kevin.vandewege@... House Health Care and Wellness Committee Phone Numbers: Representative Room Phone Cody, Eileen (D) Chair MOD F 101 (360) 786-7978 Jinkins, Laurie (D) Vice Chair MOD C 103 (360) 786-7930 Schmick, Joe ® * MOD A 103 (360) 786-7844 Hinkle, Bill ® ** MOD G 104 (360) 786-7808 , Barbara ® LEG 122A (360) 786-7914 Clibborn, Judy (D) MOD C 102 (360) 786-7926 Green, Tami (D) LEG 122H (360) 786-7958 , ® MOD C 205 (360) 786-7976 Kelley, Troy (D) MOD D 106 (360) 786-7890 Moeller, Jim (D) LEG 429B (360) 786-7872 Van De Wege, (D) LEG 434A (360) 786-7916 5. Call and email the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee with your points of opposition to HB1015. The hearing is coming up this Thursday March 17th at 1:30 so all week long before the hearing they need to be hearing from you why they need to oppose this bill. Again, please be courteous, but most important be persistent. We have to overcome the misinformation they have been given. (List of suggested talking points are below) If you attended the hearing on SB5005, the companion bill to HB 1015, please let these committee members know that and what your concerns are. karen.keiser@...; steve.conway@...; randi.becker@...; mike.carrell@...; adam.kline@...; edward.murray@...; lindaevans.parlette@...; cheryl.pflug@...; craig.pridemore@... Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee Phone Numbers: Senator Room Phone Keiser, (D) Chair JAC 224 (360) 786-7664 Conway, Steve (D) Vice Chair JAC 213 (360) 786-7656 Becker, Randi ® * INB 115B (360) 786-7602 Carrell, Mike ® INB 102 (360) 786-7654 Kline, Adam (D) JAC 223 (360) 786-7688 Murray, Ed (D) JAC 303 (360) 786-7628 Parlette, ® LEG 316 (360) 786-7622 Pflug, Cheryl ® LEG 415 (360) 786-7608 Pridemore, Craig (D) JAC 212 (360) 786-7696 Talking Points to Oppose SB5005/HB1015 SB5005 (and companion HB1015) add the burdensome requirement for parents utilizing a philosophical or religious exemption to mandatory vaccination to have to get a signature from a health care provider on their exemption form. “The form presented on or after the effective date of this section must include a statement to be signed by a health care practitioner stating that he or she provided the signator with information about the benefits and risks of immunization.” The current state exemption form does not require a health care practitioner signature for philosophical or religious exemptions, only medical exemptions require a signature from a health care provider. SB5005/HB1015 restrict the free exercise of religion by imposing the requirement of a medical worker’s signature as a condition to validate a religious exemption to mandatory vaccination in Washington. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment and places the state at risk for an expensive constitutional challenge. These bills require a parent using a philosophical or religious exemption to suffer the financial hardship of being forced to enter into a private contractual paid relationship with a limited selection of health care practitioners not only that they may not otherwise utilize, but who most likely hold contentious views on vaccination and benefit financially from the sales of the vaccines. Nothing prohibits the health care practitioner from refusing to sign the exemption form out of a disagreement with the parent’s beliefs or liability concerns leaving the parent without a valid exemption. 19 states, including Washington, and almost 50% of the population of the United States, have philosophical/conscientious exemptions available without negative impact on public health. There is absolutely no immunization rate crisis in Washington and there is no valid reason for putting unreasonable barriers between parents and vaccine exemptions. According to the CDC’s most recent National Immunization Survey, the individual vaccination rates for core vaccines in Washington are already high: 3 DTaP – 95.4%, 4 DTaP – 82.2%, 3 Polio – 92.9%, 1 MMR – 90.8%, 3 Hib – 92.7%, 3 Hep B – 88.6%, 1 Varicella – 85.4%, 3 Pneumococcal – 92.5%. The vaccine most refused is the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. & rpt=tab03_antigen_state & qtr=Q1/2009-Q4/2009 Health is not adversely affected by the availability of philosophical/conscientious exemptions. Out of the top eleven ranked healthiest states in the 2010 edition of America’s Health Rankings, six of them including Washington allow philosophical/conscientious belief exemptions (Vermont, Minnesota, Utah, Maine, Idaho, Washington). The healthiest state, Vermont, allows for a philosophical/conscientious belief exemption. Pertussis outbreaks will not be prevented by making it harder to obtain vaccine exemptions. According to the Watchdog Institute, during the recent pertussis outbreak in California, 83 percent of the people diagnosed with pertussis had been immunized. Parents love their children and want the best for them. Parents need to be respected by the state without interference by the state to make conscientious health care decisions in their child’s best interests. The political trend is moving in favor of expanding vaccine exemptions, not restricting them. In 2003, the Texas Legislature added a conscientious exemption to mandatory vaccination laws and there are five states with current bills filed to add philosophical/conscientious exemptions because it is the right thing to do: Kansas – HB 2094, New Hampshire – HB 416, New Jersey – A 2450, New York – S 1331, and West Virginia – HB 2998. While most states don’t place restrictions on obtaining religious or philosophical exemptions, some states require religious or philosophical exemption forms to be notarized before being submitted. No state requires a medical practitioner’s signature to validate a religious or philosophical exemption. Sincerely, Dawn , Director of Advocacy National Vaccine Information Center and Dawn@... Make A Difference, support NVIC. NVIC is a certified 501©3 Charity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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