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Re: root canals and conjunctivitis

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Hi! I just joined the list and read your e-mail. I am not an expert on anything

but I didn't want you to jump to conclusions. The same thing happened to me

during a two week 4 of July vacation. I don't know if it was conjunctivitis but

I had gone off my low carb diet. The funny thing is my sister got the same thing

at the same time but I haven't seen her in person in many months. Her eye doctor

told her it was something like rhumatiod arthritis of the eye ( can't think of

exact name) and gave her medicine and it went away about same amount of time as

mine. Then my aunt who lives in L.A .miles from me and I haven't seen in years

wrote my mom about having the same problem with her eyes at the same time. Maybe

it's a California pollution thing traveling across the country.

Sorry about the long winded post but I wanted you to know it is happening to

other people. SheilaN

Cris wrote:

A week after the first root canal I came down with conjunctivitis (pink eye),

which I hadn't had since I was a kid. This happened on vacation.

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I got conjunctivitis also for the first time since childhood about a year

ago. It is a highly contagious virus, in addition to being bacterial too. My

upstairs neighbor had it (probably got it from the hospital where she stayed

a while). We never touched each other, but i could have picked up the virus

from the handrail. Then, of course, my daughter got it. It could have just

been that having a root canal, being on vacation, having a little to drink,

eating restaurant food and all that contributed to a weakened immune system.

I just waited mine out using salt water flushes. I've also heard to rinse

your eye with soapy water (ow!!). Breast milk is also great if you know

anyone who can help you out there :). Sorry i can't help you with the root

canal issue.


Oh yeah, for about a month after the worst of it cleared up, my eyes were

still somewhat affected and runny. Same for my daughter.

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Hi! I have bad teeth and had many root canals long before I heard of Price.

I don't know if the infections are still there, but I never got

conjunctivitis after a root canal. I don't know if that's much help.

Whatever caused it, I hope you get better soon.

From: ChrisMasterjohn@...


Subject: root canals and conjunctivitis

Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 14:44:50 -0400

Hi everyone,

I've recently gotten two root canals. I read the article on Meinig's

book that summarizes Price's research on root canals, finding that root

canals cannot kill the bacteria in the dentin, and seem to cause bacteria to

mutate and change locations and cause infections in other parts of the body

that can lead to numerous degenerative diseases.

I didn't have the time or money to find a dentist who would take out my

tooth, and part of my gum and jaw bone, and put a bridge in, so I went ahead

with the root canals anyway, figuring it would be worse to do nothing. I

didn't have the time to get the book and read it before I had to make a


A week after the first root canal I came down with conjunctivitis (pink

eye), which I hadn't had since I was a kid. This happened on vacation. I

kicked it by drinking 5 6-oz cups of chicken coconut soup for two mornings

in a row, making it half-gone after an hour of the first dose, almost all

gone the next morning, and completely gone the second morning. Then I got

moderately drunk the next day and it came back. Since it was the last day

of vacation, I'd run out of the healthily prepared snacks I had, and most of

the food, so I basically ate like crap that day. The next day, it was worse

than it had been the whole time. I was out of chicken stock, but kicked it

by drinking lots of coconut milk in smoothies, drinking green tea, returning

to my normal diet, and putting hot compresses on my eyes, sometimes with

eyebright tea.

It's been a couple weeks, but it seems my conjunctivitis is coming back in

my right eye. It was bloodshot and mucusy this morning, but I'll know for

sure tomorrow morning. I haven't been eating any sugar or white flower, but

I also haven't been eating any coconut fat, so the only (anti-microbial)

lauric acid in my diet (large amounts of which seemed to kill the

conjunctivitis)is the tiny amounts in the milk and butter I eat.

Does anyone know more about root canals than I do that has an opinion as to

whether there might be a relation to my root canals and my seemingly chronic

conjunctivitis that has recently sprang on me?

And does anyone have any suggestions of what I should do, preferably ones

short of removing my root canals, which I don't think I can do at least for

the time being?

I was thinking maybe I should include coconut in my diet every day to keep

it at bay. But also someone mentioned using garlic C and E to heal tooth

abcesses. I wonder if this treatment might help me, and if it might also

kill of the bacteria in my system even in the dentin of my root canaled

teeth, which might allow me to keep the root canaled teeth without problems.

Any suggestions and thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



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> I was thinking maybe I should include coconut in my diet every day to keep

it at bay.

By all means get back to the coconut. I've just been reading the book about

the benefits of coconut , The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil, Bruce Fife,

N.D. He recommends 3-4 Tbsp of coconut oil daily to stay healthy, and more

if you are fighting an infection. Coconut milk and fresh coconut can be part

of that allotment. Chcck out the website:



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In a message dated 9/14/02 11:54:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kris.johnson@... writes:

> By all means get back to the coconut. I've just been reading the book about

> the benefits of coconut , The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil, Bruce Fife,

> N.D. He recommends 3-4 Tbsp of coconut oil daily to stay healthy, and more

> if you are fighting an infection. Coconut milk and fresh coconut can be


> of that allotment. Chcck out the website:

> http://www.coconutoil-online.com/index.html

Thanks. I bought a pound of dryed unsweetened coconut, b/c I had no can

opener in my dorm room or anything to use coconut milk in, and ate it in a

couple days. It really seemed to help a lot, actually. It's not quite

" fresh " as it's in bulk, but coconut fat is hard to go rancid, and it seems

effective. However, the fact that I seem to be a walking chronic infection

kept under surface by daily coconut dose bothers me. I wonder if I can purge

the infection for good with a mega-dose of garlic.



" What can one say of a soul, of a heart, filled with compassion? It is a

heart which burns with love for every creature: for human beings, birds, and

animals, for serpents and for demons. The thought of them and the sight of

them make the tears of the saint flow. And this immense and intense

compassion, which flows from the heart of the saints, makes them unable to

bear the sight of the smallest, most insignificant wound in any creature.

Thus they pray ceaselessly, with tears, even for animals, for enemies of the

truth, and for those who do them wrong. "

--Saint Isaac the Syrian

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