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Okay, here is a very crude transcription. Don't be too concerned about

exact detail, as I only did this once, and am not really qualified to

teach this.

First, he talked about how anger is stored in the liver, and how the liver

is very dense, difficult to penetrate. Then he talked about " smiling into

your liver " . He started having me be very relaxed, and went through each

of my chakras asking the angels to release any blocks. This was very

soothing, and reassuring. At this point we started the visualization.

Sit upright, back straight, but relaxed. Try to be in a quiet place,

with no interruptions.

Close your eyes.

Now hold your arms up into the air and pointing out at 45 degrees from your

body. Spread your fingers as wide as you can. Feel the energy coming down

into the palms of your hand. When you feel the energy, bring your hands

down and place them on your liver.

Imagine your feet setting roots down into the earth.

Then imagine rootlets coming off those roots.

Then off those, more rootlets.

Feel the connection to the earth.

As you breath in, feel the energy of the Earth coming up through the roots

into you.

As you exhale, feel the anger, the frustrations, flow back into the


Smile down into your liver, letting the positive energy in, and releasing

the anger, trying to get right inside the liver.



Earth energy in, your energy back out.

Feel the love coming into your roots, up the meridians in your legs and

into your liver, then return the love, smiling into the liver and washing

the anger out and down into the Earth, returning it with your love.

This would take about 20 minutes or longer. Just sitting relaxed and quiet.

Breathing in.

Breathing out.

Anyway, that is the general idea. Relatively easy, cheap :-). If

nothing else, relaxing. Can't hurt.

He did repeat that the liver is very dense, so be patient, don't expect

too much at once, just keep trying to get inside.

Hope this helps somebody.

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Okay, here is a very crude transcription. Don't be too concerned about

exact detail, as I only did this once, and am not really qualified to

teach this.

First, he talked about how anger is stored in the liver, and how the liver

is very dense, difficult to penetrate. Then he talked about " smiling into

your liver " . He started having me be very relaxed, and went through each

of my chakras asking the angels to release any blocks. This was very

soothing, and reassuring. At this point we started the visualization.

Sit upright, back straight, but relaxed. Try to be in a quiet place,

with no interruptions.

Close your eyes.

Now hold your arms up into the air and pointing out at 45 degrees from your

body. Spread your fingers as wide as you can. Feel the energy coming down

into the palms of your hand. When you feel the energy, bring your hands

down and place them on your liver.

Imagine your feet setting roots down into the earth.

Then imagine rootlets coming off those roots.

Then off those, more rootlets.

Feel the connection to the earth.

As you breath in, feel the energy of the Earth coming up through the roots

into you.

As you exhale, feel the anger, the frustrations, flow back into the


Smile down into your liver, letting the positive energy in, and releasing

the anger, trying to get right inside the liver.



Earth energy in, your energy back out.

Feel the love coming into your roots, up the meridians in your legs and

into your liver, then return the love, smiling into the liver and washing

the anger out and down into the Earth, returning it with your love.

This would take about 20 minutes or longer. Just sitting relaxed and quiet.

Breathing in.

Breathing out.

Anyway, that is the general idea. Relatively easy, cheap :-). If

nothing else, relaxing. Can't hurt.

He did repeat that the liver is very dense, so be patient, don't expect

too much at once, just keep trying to get inside.

Hope this helps somebody.

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wow, i think you are doing a phenomenal job! My son, who is 3 1/2 was diagnosed a year ago this month and after much reading and trying to be creative, i think yours is by far one of the best ideas i've heard of. I am very visual too and i can tell you that hands on experience definitely adds to the reality of the topic of conversation. But not only does it make it easier to visualize but it puts pictures, knowledge and like you said reality side by side. I'm going to have to use your idea!

I also try my best to expose my son by using books with pictures, taking him to zoos and allowing him to watch movies (with restictions of course. I'm sure you know what i mean).On the topic of religion, daily i read 2 to 5 verses on average from the scriptures to him and i try to illustrate what i read or use picture Bible books. He often sits with the scriptures on his lap, despite the lack of pictures and just pages through it for unusual long periods of time. I know he can feel the power that comes from reading about Jesus, his life and his miracles!

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> I don't know if any parents of younger children do this and I don't know how

successful it will be but I use alot of visualization for my autistic baby.

I know my sons are visual thinkers and that was the whole reason I created Picto

Selector :-)

>I worried that she would think He is only another Bible story but so far she is

learning well.

The greatest pitfall when telling about Jesus is that our children can take

things very literally. So take care when you tell her that Jesus is the way, she

might take it literally :-)

Martijn van der Kooij

Developer of Picto Selector - www.PECSforAll.com

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I just had to share the photo. She was so excited.From: Martijn <mcvanderkooij@...>Autism and Aspergers Treatment Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 5:13:26 AMSubject: Re: visualization



> I don't know if any parents of younger children do this and I don't know how successful it will be but I use alot of visualization for my autistic baby.

I know my sons are visual thinkers and that was the whole reason I created Picto Selector :-)

>I worried that she would think He is only another Bible story but so far she is learning well.

The greatest pitfall when telling about Jesus is that our children can take things very literally. So take care when you tell her that Jesus is the way, she might take it literally :-)

Martijn van der Kooij

Developer of Picto Selector - www.PECSforAll.com

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