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***Psychiatric Medications Should be Prescribed to Healthy People, Declares Medical Journal

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http://snipurl.com/7pqgz  [www_naturalnews_com] Psychiatric Medications Should be Prescribed to Healthy People, Declares Medical Journalby Mike , the Health Ranger, December 8, 2008Big Pharma's new profit agenda calls for the pushing of patented medications onto healthy people. Treating sick people isn't profitable enough, you see, so they have to find ways to convince healthy people they need more medication (hence the recent statin drug quackery that demanded statin drugs for healthy people).Today, the medical journal Nature decided to turn tricks for its Big Pharma pimp by publishing one of the most outrageous pieces of pro-Pharma fluffery you'll ever find in print. It gathered seven scientists -- two of them admittedly on Big Pharma's payroll -- to say that doctors should be able to prescribe psychotropic drugs (like the ADHD drugs being given to children today) to healthy people in order to "improve brain function."Yes, you read this right: The very same psychiatric drugs now linked to violent behavior, suicides and school shootings should now be openly prescribed to everyone, even people who have never been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder!I mean, why not? The whole process of inventing fictitious "disorders" in order to prescribe drugs to children was just a runaround anyway. Now, the medical industry is hoping to just do away with the formality of declaring a disease and simply announce that healthy people should all be drugged, too!(What's next: Will they suggest that amphetamines should be dripped into the water supply, too?)And what about the War on Drugs, the "drug-free" school zones and the idea that maybe the entire U.S. population should NOT be hopped up on amphetamines? These Nature writers see no problem with healthy adults routinely using mind-altering drugs as a normal part of life. Doping up the population with mind-altering drugs is no more objectionable than "eating right or getting a good night's sleep," they say.If I hadn't read this in the Associated Press, I would have thought this was all a hoax. Is the journal Nature really suggesting that the U.S. become a nation of druggies? That adults seek out medical intervention to control their brain chemistry even when there's nothing wrong with them? Is popping pills now being equated with eating right? Are Big Pharma's chemicals now considered nutrients?More drugs needed for medical journal writersI can tell you this much: Somebody definitely needs some medication, but it's not the healthy people in this country: It's the sick, demented writers for Nature who are now fronting a highly unethical and extremely dangerous agenda that seeks to drug the entire population with high-profit medications, regardless of any medical justification.In other words, the whole idea of "evidence-based medicine" and "the gold standard of scientific inquiry" has just been thrown out the window. "Screw the science; we gotta sell more drugs!" And what better way to sell more drugs to people who don't need them than to get a prominent medical journal to front the agenda?That this would come from a journal entitled Nature is doubly insulting to the intelligence of any informed reader. Where is the "nature" in this drug-pushing agenda that insists the human body is somehow born deficient in pharmaceuticals and must be "enhanced" with synthetic chemicals to be able to function in society? That's not natural; it's freakish. Perhaps the journal Nature should change its name to De-Natured.What about the war on drugs?But let's suppose for a moment that we agree with these scientists. Yes, the human brain should be enhanced with chemicals, let's say, and even healthy people should regularly consume concentrated chemical substances in order to evoke altered states of cognitive function.Well gee, if that's what these people really want, all they gotta do is head downtown and buy some crack, meth, heroin, ice, crank, weed, smack, ecstasy or other recreational drugs and smoke those. (I suspect they were actually smoking some of these when they wrote the article, by the way, which at least means they believe what they're writing...)That's what they're promoting, isn't it? Altered brain states with the help of refined chemicals... sounds like the 1960's is coming back with a vengeance.But no, what they want is for you to buy THEIR mind-altering drugs, not the mind-altering drugs on the street. Those drugs are bad for you. Bad dog! THEIR drugs are good for you! Good dog. Here's a bone (and a prescription).Comedian Rock explained this hypocrisy better than anyone else in a famous standup routine called "The Pills I need." Watch it here (profanity warning): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKu3MyghoAIAnd consider this: U.S. prisons are full of people who got arrested for doing the very same thing this medical journal is now recommending: Seeking "enhanced" mental states by consuming mind-altering substances! If these Nature writers support the widespread prescribing of mind-altering chemicals for healthy adults who suffer from no medical condition at all, then it logically follows that they must also support the freeing of all the people who have been locked up for getting high. You can't be pro-drug with Big Pharma's drugs and anti-drug with street drugs if they're virtually the same drugs.Am I really equating Big Pharma's drugs with street drugs? Well of course I am: They're often the same chemicals! Many ADHD drugs are DEA-controlled amphetamines, for example. Selling these drugs on the street is a felony, but prescribing them to children is "treatment."In the early 1900's, the Bayer company actually developed and marketed Bayer Heroin for Kids. It was marketed as a cough medicine. Guess what? Heroin stops you from coughing. (You're so high that you forget to cough.) They also said it was non-addictive. Just like cigarettes.The American Medical Association, by the way, endorsed both Bayer Heroin for kids AND cigarettes. Nice track record, dweebs!And now the journal Nature is calling for yet wider prescribing of medications that are Class-A drugs. What are Class-A drugs? They include cocaine, crack, heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms, crystal meth and ecstasy. Many of the mind-altering psychiatric drugs given to children right now are Class-A and Class-B drugs.So now these medical researchers want to unleash Class-A drugs onto the entire population? It appears so. They are pushing for the decriminalization of psychotropic drugs for students, for example.Well gee, then does this mean they also support the legalization of performance-enhancing steroids? After all, professional athletes use steroids (which are also prescription drugs) to enhance their own performance in exactly the same way being recommended by these Nature authors. Why should brain-enhancing chemicals be legalized if muscle-enhancing chemicals remain illegal?Once again, the answer is obvious: It's all about monopolizing the profits on drugs. Big Pharma wants you to buy THEIR drugs, and the only difference between a legal drug vs. an illegal drug is who profits from it. Everything that makes money for Big Pharma will be legal. Everything that competes with pharma profits will be outlawed. Even when they're all the same chemicals!That's modern medical science for ya. The science has been utterly abandoned, leaving nothing but profits and contradiction. This industry is driven entirely by what's profitable for Big Pharma, not what's good for the People.Drugs make people stupid, not smartThink about where this is going, folks: People are already taking drugs just to sleep, stay awake, poop, pee or get an erection. Is there ANY human experience that the drug companies don't think needs chemical augmentation?And is life really made better by all these drugs? As a natural health public speaker, I've met lots of people, and I can tell you that the people on all the drugs are far worse off than the people who take no such drugs. Medications don't make you healthy. They don't make you happy. They don't prevent disease and they don't enhance your brain. Instead, they destroy your health and destroy your cognitive function. They create imbalance throughout the body and the brain, which is why people who take mind-altering drugs for a long period of time end up more psychotic and violent than when they started.By pushing mind-altering drugs onto the population, the journal Nature is promoting a highly unethical, medically unjustified mass-drugging agenda that will only push mainstream America into accelerated drug addiction.That's no coincidence, of course. Mainstream medicine wants the people to be addicted to its drugs. Every crack dealer already knows why: It's good for repeat business! (How do you think Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Folgers coffee made their fortunes? Caffeine addiction sells product...)Read the Nature article yourself here: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/va...In the link above, you'll also find the email contacts of the seven authors who wrote the article for Nature. You might try emailing them and asking if they're still high from all the crack they smoked when writing the article.The War on DrugsBy the way, on a personal note, I think the War on Drugs is idiotic, and I believe the prisons are filled with many of the wrong people. They should set free all the pot smokers who got arrested for getting high and, instead, arrest and imprison the psychiatric doctors, FDA decision makers and Big Pharma CEOs who keep pushing their far more dangerous psychiatric drugs onto children and adults.The whole justice system in this country is racist to begin with. A black teenager with two ounces of pot goes to prison for five years while a white psychiatrist who puts a thousand white boys on amphetamine drugs receives a $500,000 award from Big Pharma and does no prison time at all.Let's face it: Psychiatrists are Big Pharma's white-collar street-corner drug pushers. And drug abuse is ALWAYS tolerated (encouraged, in fact) when it makes money for drug companies.You can comment on this article using the comment posting field below. You may not agree with my view on this (which is fine), but keep your comments thoughtful, please. For the record, I do not take any psychoactive drugs whatsoever, and have never taken any such substances in my entire life. (No, I don't even drink alcohol or caffeine. I've never smoked a joint, snorted a line of coke or taken antidepressants. The only drugs in my body are the ones my brain makes on its own. And those are pretty damn good sometimes!) =====In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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http://snipurl.com/7pqgz  [www_naturalnews_com] Psychiatric Medications Should be Prescribed to Healthy People, Declares Medical Journalby Mike , the Health Ranger, December 8, 2008Big Pharma's new profit agenda calls for the pushing of patented medications onto healthy people. Treating sick people isn't profitable enough, you see, so they have to find ways to convince healthy people they need more medication (hence the recent statin drug quackery that demanded statin drugs for healthy people).Today, the medical journal Nature decided to turn tricks for its Big Pharma pimp by publishing one of the most outrageous pieces of pro-Pharma fluffery you'll ever find in print. It gathered seven scientists -- two of them admittedly on Big Pharma's payroll -- to say that doctors should be able to prescribe psychotropic drugs (like the ADHD drugs being given to children today) to healthy people in order to "improve brain function."Yes, you read this right: The very same psychiatric drugs now linked to violent behavior, suicides and school shootings should now be openly prescribed to everyone, even people who have never been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder!I mean, why not? The whole process of inventing fictitious "disorders" in order to prescribe drugs to children was just a runaround anyway. Now, the medical industry is hoping to just do away with the formality of declaring a disease and simply announce that healthy people should all be drugged, too!(What's next: Will they suggest that amphetamines should be dripped into the water supply, too?)And what about the War on Drugs, the "drug-free" school zones and the idea that maybe the entire U.S. population should NOT be hopped up on amphetamines? These Nature writers see no problem with healthy adults routinely using mind-altering drugs as a normal part of life. Doping up the population with mind-altering drugs is no more objectionable than "eating right or getting a good night's sleep," they say.If I hadn't read this in the Associated Press, I would have thought this was all a hoax. Is the journal Nature really suggesting that the U.S. become a nation of druggies? That adults seek out medical intervention to control their brain chemistry even when there's nothing wrong with them? Is popping pills now being equated with eating right? Are Big Pharma's chemicals now considered nutrients?More drugs needed for medical journal writersI can tell you this much: Somebody definitely needs some medication, but it's not the healthy people in this country: It's the sick, demented writers for Nature who are now fronting a highly unethical and extremely dangerous agenda that seeks to drug the entire population with high-profit medications, regardless of any medical justification.In other words, the whole idea of "evidence-based medicine" and "the gold standard of scientific inquiry" has just been thrown out the window. "Screw the science; we gotta sell more drugs!" And what better way to sell more drugs to people who don't need them than to get a prominent medical journal to front the agenda?That this would come from a journal entitled Nature is doubly insulting to the intelligence of any informed reader. Where is the "nature" in this drug-pushing agenda that insists the human body is somehow born deficient in pharmaceuticals and must be "enhanced" with synthetic chemicals to be able to function in society? That's not natural; it's freakish. Perhaps the journal Nature should change its name to De-Natured.What about the war on drugs?But let's suppose for a moment that we agree with these scientists. Yes, the human brain should be enhanced with chemicals, let's say, and even healthy people should regularly consume concentrated chemical substances in order to evoke altered states of cognitive function.Well gee, if that's what these people really want, all they gotta do is head downtown and buy some crack, meth, heroin, ice, crank, weed, smack, ecstasy or other recreational drugs and smoke those. (I suspect they were actually smoking some of these when they wrote the article, by the way, which at least means they believe what they're writing...)That's what they're promoting, isn't it? Altered brain states with the help of refined chemicals... sounds like the 1960's is coming back with a vengeance.But no, what they want is for you to buy THEIR mind-altering drugs, not the mind-altering drugs on the street. Those drugs are bad for you. Bad dog! THEIR drugs are good for you! Good dog. Here's a bone (and a prescription).Comedian Rock explained this hypocrisy better than anyone else in a famous standup routine called "The Pills I need." Watch it here (profanity warning): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKu3MyghoAIAnd consider this: U.S. prisons are full of people who got arrested for doing the very same thing this medical journal is now recommending: Seeking "enhanced" mental states by consuming mind-altering substances! If these Nature writers support the widespread prescribing of mind-altering chemicals for healthy adults who suffer from no medical condition at all, then it logically follows that they must also support the freeing of all the people who have been locked up for getting high. You can't be pro-drug with Big Pharma's drugs and anti-drug with street drugs if they're virtually the same drugs.Am I really equating Big Pharma's drugs with street drugs? Well of course I am: They're often the same chemicals! Many ADHD drugs are DEA-controlled amphetamines, for example. Selling these drugs on the street is a felony, but prescribing them to children is "treatment."In the early 1900's, the Bayer company actually developed and marketed Bayer Heroin for Kids. It was marketed as a cough medicine. Guess what? Heroin stops you from coughing. (You're so high that you forget to cough.) They also said it was non-addictive. Just like cigarettes.The American Medical Association, by the way, endorsed both Bayer Heroin for kids AND cigarettes. Nice track record, dweebs!And now the journal Nature is calling for yet wider prescribing of medications that are Class-A drugs. What are Class-A drugs? They include cocaine, crack, heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms, crystal meth and ecstasy. Many of the mind-altering psychiatric drugs given to children right now are Class-A and Class-B drugs.So now these medical researchers want to unleash Class-A drugs onto the entire population? It appears so. They are pushing for the decriminalization of psychotropic drugs for students, for example.Well gee, then does this mean they also support the legalization of performance-enhancing steroids? After all, professional athletes use steroids (which are also prescription drugs) to enhance their own performance in exactly the same way being recommended by these Nature authors. Why should brain-enhancing chemicals be legalized if muscle-enhancing chemicals remain illegal?Once again, the answer is obvious: It's all about monopolizing the profits on drugs. Big Pharma wants you to buy THEIR drugs, and the only difference between a legal drug vs. an illegal drug is who profits from it. Everything that makes money for Big Pharma will be legal. Everything that competes with pharma profits will be outlawed. Even when they're all the same chemicals!That's modern medical science for ya. The science has been utterly abandoned, leaving nothing but profits and contradiction. This industry is driven entirely by what's profitable for Big Pharma, not what's good for the People.Drugs make people stupid, not smartThink about where this is going, folks: People are already taking drugs just to sleep, stay awake, poop, pee or get an erection. Is there ANY human experience that the drug companies don't think needs chemical augmentation?And is life really made better by all these drugs? As a natural health public speaker, I've met lots of people, and I can tell you that the people on all the drugs are far worse off than the people who take no such drugs. Medications don't make you healthy. They don't make you happy. They don't prevent disease and they don't enhance your brain. Instead, they destroy your health and destroy your cognitive function. They create imbalance throughout the body and the brain, which is why people who take mind-altering drugs for a long period of time end up more psychotic and violent than when they started.By pushing mind-altering drugs onto the population, the journal Nature is promoting a highly unethical, medically unjustified mass-drugging agenda that will only push mainstream America into accelerated drug addiction.That's no coincidence, of course. Mainstream medicine wants the people to be addicted to its drugs. Every crack dealer already knows why: It's good for repeat business! (How do you think Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Folgers coffee made their fortunes? Caffeine addiction sells product...)Read the Nature article yourself here: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/va...In the link above, you'll also find the email contacts of the seven authors who wrote the article for Nature. You might try emailing them and asking if they're still high from all the crack they smoked when writing the article.The War on DrugsBy the way, on a personal note, I think the War on Drugs is idiotic, and I believe the prisons are filled with many of the wrong people. They should set free all the pot smokers who got arrested for getting high and, instead, arrest and imprison the psychiatric doctors, FDA decision makers and Big Pharma CEOs who keep pushing their far more dangerous psychiatric drugs onto children and adults.The whole justice system in this country is racist to begin with. A black teenager with two ounces of pot goes to prison for five years while a white psychiatrist who puts a thousand white boys on amphetamine drugs receives a $500,000 award from Big Pharma and does no prison time at all.Let's face it: Psychiatrists are Big Pharma's white-collar street-corner drug pushers. And drug abuse is ALWAYS tolerated (encouraged, in fact) when it makes money for drug companies.You can comment on this article using the comment posting field below. You may not agree with my view on this (which is fine), but keep your comments thoughtful, please. For the record, I do not take any psychoactive drugs whatsoever, and have never taken any such substances in my entire life. (No, I don't even drink alcohol or caffeine. I've never smoked a joint, snorted a line of coke or taken antidepressants. The only drugs in my body are the ones my brain makes on its own. And those are pretty damn good sometimes!) =====In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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