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this might be too gross/graphic

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it sounds like you have a ruptured eardrum from an earlier (maybe silent


I would hesitate to link the centrifuged butter oil to this as it may simply

be a coincidence.


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oops, sorry I did read ear for rear LOL! That's what happens when you have

four kids horseing around the room .

have you ever taken cod liver oil before this?


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Hi All,

If you don't like graphic, you might want to skip this post, but I

could use some help!

I purchased some clarified butter oil from a dairy farmer who

advertised in Wise Traditions. This is raw butter oil from 100%

pasture-fed cows.

I also purchased some of his x-factor oil. I'm not sure the exact

difference between the two, except that the clarified oil is used

more like ghee (although it isn't solid at room temp like ghee is).

Three times now I have spread a little of the clarified oil on

toast. Each time, about 1/1/2 hours later I've had green liquid come

out of my rear end with no warning -- no cramping, no feeling like I

have to go to the bathroom, etc...

A friend suggested this is bile. Is it? What does that tell me

about my digestive system that I eat this food and then have green

liquid come out?!

I eat organic pasturized ghee (from grain-fed cows, I believe) daily

and have never had this happen. Why would I have such an extreme

reaction to the raw version?

Also, I took the x-factor oil once a few days ago w/cod liver oil and

I don't think this happened. The only thing is that I'm not certain

if I took it on the same day as the first time I tried the clarified


Since I'm not healthy, I'd be happy to learn the message of this

green liquid!

Any info/experience/knowledge/guesses would be much appreciated.


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> it sounds like you have a ruptured eardrum from an earlier (maybe


> infection).

> I would hesitate to link the centrifuged butter oil to this as it

may simply

> be a coincidence.

> piimaman


Thanks for your response, but I think you must have misread my

message! I'm not sure what would make you think I had a ruptured

eardrum -- except if you misread " rear " for " ear. "


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At 11:08 PM 10/4/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>I eat organic pasturized ghee (from grain-fed cows, I believe) daily

>and have never had this happen. Why would I have such an extreme

>reaction to the raw version?

You might consider the difference is that ghee and clarified butter are

both cooked and, thus, devoid of living organisms - beneficial

bacteria. Also cooking changes the chemistry of the oils and they react

very differently in the body than uncooked. When I use the term " raw " I

usually restrict it to uncooked foods. Raw butter, for example, is much

better for my diet than ghee ever was. The same is true of raw milk. And

mine is also from grass-fed cows.

If you have been eating this ghee daily for a time your system may be

building up toxins - maybe your " cup " is full and having the extra X-factor

is causing an " overflow " .

Personally, I try to avoid any cooked foods now - especially cooked oils.

Consider that oils tend to act as solvents and stir up toxins. I use them

in moderation and cut back when signs of toxins become too strong.

As the the meaning of the green liquid - my guess is that it is bile. If

this were happening to me I would stop eating carbohydrates for several

days and keep only to raw, uncooked foods and cut back on the use of oils.



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> oops, sorry I did read ear for rear LOL! That's what happens when

you have

> four kids horseing around the room .

> have you ever taken cod liver oil before this?

> piimaman

Your first response made me laugh -- imagining a burst eardrum

causing that type of response!

Yes, I've taken CLO before. The cod liver oil isn't the problem --

and actually, I didn't take the CLO today (or yesterday, I think)

when it happened.

The only change in my diet was this raw clarified butter oil. And,

I've NEVER had anything like this happen before! It's the weirdest


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When one does a liver cleanse, they ingest olive oil and citric fruit like

lemon and or grapefruit. It does a deep purge on the liver. Green bile and

stones are generally expelled.

Maybe this raw butter fat acts on your liver like the olive oil does in a

purge. Also, what did you eat with it? Anything with citric acid?

Could be that for whatever reason this works like a liver cleanse on you.

Might be a good thing!

Kat http://www.katking.com

----- Original Message -----

From: " theta sigma " <thetasig@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 7:20 PM

Subject: Re: this might be too gross/graphic

> At 11:08 PM 10/4/2002 +0000, you wrote:


> >I eat organic pasturized ghee (from grain-fed cows, I believe) daily

> >and have never had this happen. Why would I have such an extreme

> >reaction to the raw version?


> You might consider the difference is that ghee and clarified butter are

> both cooked and, thus, devoid of living organisms - beneficial

> bacteria. Also cooking changes the chemistry of the oils and they react

> very differently in the body than uncooked. When I use the term " raw " I

> usually restrict it to uncooked foods. Raw butter, for example, is much

> better for my diet than ghee ever was. The same is true of raw milk. And

> mine is also from grass-fed cows.


> If you have been eating this ghee daily for a time your system may be

> building up toxins - maybe your " cup " is full and having the extra


> is causing an " overflow " .


> Personally, I try to avoid any cooked foods now - especially cooked oils.

> Consider that oils tend to act as solvents and stir up toxins. I use them

> in moderation and cut back when signs of toxins become too strong.


> As the the meaning of the green liquid - my guess is that it is bile. If

> this were happening to me I would stop eating carbohydrates for several

> days and keep only to raw, uncooked foods and cut back on the use of oils.


> Regards,


> -=mark=-

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> Maybe this raw butter fat acts on your liver like the olive oil

does in a

> purge. Also, what did you eat with it? Anything with citric acid?


Thanks for your response. The first time was sourdough spelt

cinnamon & raisin bread with the oil on top. The second time (later

on the same day) was 2 fried eggs, fried w/a mixture of the butter

oil and coconut oil. The third time (this was to test if it really

was the oil causing this) was another piece of cinnamon raisin toast

w/the oil spread on it. No citrus. In fact, I eat very little

citrus except lemon squeezed in water every few days.


> Could be that for whatever reason this works like a liver cleanse

on you.

> Might be a good thing!

Gosh, it would be great if it was a good thing. I wish I knew how to

KNOW if it was a good thing or a warning from my body not to eat it.

It certainly requires not leaving home! :)

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> You might consider the difference is that ghee and clarified butter


> both cooked and, thus, devoid of living organisms - beneficial

> bacteria.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your response.

In this case, I'm fairly certain this clarified butter is not

cooked. I believe the farmer uses a no-heat process to make his

clarified. In fact, that was one reason I wanted to try it. Because

it is raw, he has to sell it as a " dietary supplement " in order for

it to be legal. Why/how it's different from his x-factor butter oil,

I don't know. One interesting thing is that it is liquid at room

temperature, whereas the ghee I buy at the health food store is a

soft solid at room temp.

> Raw butter, for example, is much

> better for my diet than ghee ever was. The same is true of raw

milk. And mine is also from grass-fed cows.

That's one reason I'm baffled. As I believe this IS raw, I didn't

expect to have such an obvious reaction. I thought it could only be

positive (or, maybe it is, as Kat suggests).


> If you have been eating this ghee daily for a time your system may


> building up toxins -

Really? I thought I was doing a good thing eating daily ghee on my

vegetables. I don't have a local source for raw clarified. I bought

mail order this one time just to try it (it's too expensive for me to

buy regularly).

> Personally, I try to avoid any cooked foods now - especially cooked


> Consider that oils tend to act as solvents and stir up toxins. I

use them

> in moderation and cut back when signs of toxins become too strong.


> As the the meaning of the green liquid - my guess is that it is

bile. If

> this were happening to me I would stop eating carbohydrates for


> days and keep only to raw, uncooked foods and cut back on the use

of oils.


Thanks, Mark, I appreciate your suggestions.

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> The only change in my diet was this raw clarified butter oil. And,

> I've NEVER had anything like this happen before! It's the weirdest

> thing.

I know nothing about this - but what it makes me think of is that

olestra oil they put in the WOW potato chips. It was not usable by

the body, so the chips were low-fat. But a side effect was that some

people got oily rectal leakage.

I'd want to know more about how the farmer processed the butter.

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(Funny, right before I posted that, I ate a piece of raisin toast

with plain butter. Now I can't stop thinking about that butter and

raisin toast quietly moving through my gut...EEEK.)

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Hi ,

Since there does not seem to be a problem when you eat other things, it

could be that this is causing a needed purge. If there is cramping and

pain, this may not be true.

Look into the toilet bowl. Do you see things floating? If you do they could

be stones. They are tan or green. They float because they are hard chunks

of cholesterol.

I adhere to the belief that illnesses that purge, such as colds and flu, are

your body's way of riding itself of built up toxins. In your case it sounds

like liver.

It might be helpful to ask yourself, have I ever had a liver disorder, eaten

foods that would cause a toxic liver, taken drugs, or drank heavy amounts of

coffee or alcohol.

Remember, your liver is your main chemical " laboratory " . It handles all the

chemical conversions and separates out toxins. It needs a good purge from

time to time.

It would also be interesting to see what will happen over time. If this is

a natural purge, there should come a time when you no longer react.

Kat http://www.katking.com

----- Original Message -----

From: " kili94 " <lm324@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 9:06 PM

Subject: Re: this might be too gross/graphic

> > Maybe this raw butter fat acts on your liver like the olive oil

> does in a

> > purge. Also, what did you eat with it? Anything with citric acid?


> Kat,

> Thanks for your response. The first time was sourdough spelt

> cinnamon & raisin bread with the oil on top. The second time (later

> on the same day) was 2 fried eggs, fried w/a mixture of the butter

> oil and coconut oil. The third time (this was to test if it really

> was the oil causing this) was another piece of cinnamon raisin toast

> w/the oil spread on it. No citrus. In fact, I eat very little

> citrus except lemon squeezed in water every few days.


> >

> > Could be that for whatever reason this works like a liver cleanse

> on you.

> > Might be a good thing!


> Gosh, it would be great if it was a good thing. I wish I knew how to

> KNOW if it was a good thing or a warning from my body not to eat it.

> It certainly requires not leaving home! :)



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> Since there does not seem to be a problem when you eat other

>things, it could be that this is causing a needed purge. If there

>is cramping and pain, this may not be true.


> Look into the toilet bowl. Do you see things floating? If you do

>they could be stones.

No cramping, no pain AND no stones. I wish there were stones as it

would make this whole thing clearer.

AND, today, the same thing happened with coconut oil!! Oh no! I've

used coconut oil on a regular (but not daily) basis for 2 months now

with no problems.

For breakfast today I scrambled eggs in coconut oil. I put TOO much

oil in the pan, but the eggs ended up tasting great and not greasy.

Still, shortly after, I had some of this bile leakage. :(

> It might be helpful to ask yourself, have I ever had a liver

>disorder, eaten foods that would cause a toxic liver, taken drugs,

>or drank heavy amounts of coffee or alcohol.

I've never done drugs or drunk coffee and almost never drink

alcohol. I " m not certain what foods cause a toxic liver. Before my

diet changes, I generally ate meat and white flour products and ice


I like the idea of this being a purge - it would be a great sign, but

I'm afraid of assuming it is.

I think I'm going to have to go to my doctor - although I prefer

trying to understand & treat things through nutrition...

Thanks for your input, Kat.

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Hi ,

I have been through hell with doctors, so my motto is, " Only when all else

fails do I go and get a diagnosis. "

Sound like this would be a good idea for you at this stage. You might want

to ask them to check liver, gall bladder, pancreas and blood sugar levels.

Take care,

Kat http://www.katking.com

----- Original Message -----

From: " kili94 " <lm324@...>

< >

Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 2:49 PM

Subject: Re: this might be too gross/graphic

> > Since there does not seem to be a problem when you eat other

> >things, it could be that this is causing a needed purge. If there

> >is cramping and pain, this may not be true.

> >

> > Look into the toilet bowl. Do you see things floating? If you do

> >they could be stones.


> No cramping, no pain AND no stones. I wish there were stones as it

> would make this whole thing clearer.


> AND, today, the same thing happened with coconut oil!! Oh no! I've

> used coconut oil on a regular (but not daily) basis for 2 months now

> with no problems.


> For breakfast today I scrambled eggs in coconut oil. I put TOO much

> oil in the pan, but the eggs ended up tasting great and not greasy.

> Still, shortly after, I had some of this bile leakage. :(


> > It might be helpful to ask yourself, have I ever had a liver

> >disorder, eaten foods that would cause a toxic liver, taken drugs,

> >or drank heavy amounts of coffee or alcohol.


> I've never done drugs or drunk coffee and almost never drink

> alcohol. I " m not certain what foods cause a toxic liver. Before my

> diet changes, I generally ate meat and white flour products and ice

> cream.


> I like the idea of this being a purge - it would be a great sign, but

> I'm afraid of assuming it is.


> I think I'm going to have to go to my doctor - although I prefer

> trying to understand & treat things through nutrition...


> Thanks for your input, Kat.


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