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Viruses are a Lie?

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Having been an avid student (fool?) biologist since the fifties, I have to say that I firmly believe that viruses are real and sometimes cause disease, just as most vaccinations are entirely useless in combatting them and certain to cause serious damage (and likely caused the HIV/AIDS epidemic). On the other hand, and partly for that reason, it is clear that 90% of med science is 99% false - there aren't any black and whites here, but these figures are pretty good. But don't let me get in your way, I'd rather have you for a doctor than most of the ones I've met.

There was actually a heated debate on minutus group on this about endof Aug./early Sept. I agree with what I gather to be the idea, that'viruses' are not the cause of illness and what is 'seen' is actuallyan entity that is responding to an issue, or just something else therethat is being labeled a virus and its monstrous attitude.It feels to me that the physical manifestations of what is seen undera microscope could very well be something else and probably a resultof an energetic/chemical assault and not a causing factor as they arelabeled. Then put together all the profit and manipulation engineersand you get a bright light there. All this being done in so manyways I've lost count...as you said, the chemicals, vax, food,medicine, aerosol spraying, etc. Putting fear into people is also ahuge ally in these endeavors. Certainly all matter is a result ofenergetic presence, so fear and chemical

entities are a wonderful weapon.Love your 'beLIEve' thing Karla :)Liz>> I sent this article along to my West Nile Support Group forfeedback. This is the first time that WN has been presented (to me) asa Faerietale.. ... that it does not exist. I was quickly upset aboutthe title, because I contracted it...so I knew it existed! Bloodpressure rising, I was ready for a blase' WN bashing like they oftendo with MS and fibromyalgia, and the like, for lack of betterdiagnosis, that they often try to write off as made up diseases, formade up drugs and treatments, NOT CURES>> Well, my curiosity was soon peeked. Yes, WN exists, but nothinglike I ever fathomed. It says

VIRUSES do not exit!!!! West Nileexists, but it is NOT West Nile Virus! Go figure? They could just aswell call it polio, Denge fevor, Yellow fever, Guillian-Barre, SAARS,bird flu, or any other disease intermixed they want to call it. Newname a day for a new drug or vaccine a day. You get the Picture? Oryou soon will........ ...> There are several (debatable or not) concepts in this article,aside from WN, such as how vaccines fit into this scenario, that maytrigger your attention. Many now know of the lack of evidence for HIVand AIDS virus, and wont be too surprised. Others may start to thinkdifferently about this and the other things that BigPharm and themedical fields, continue to Lie about Viruses. That they are just anUNPROVABLE deception for their propagandizing for profit, for drugs,vaccines and the proliferation designs for doctors to feed on, andpray on the public, thru fears....... And

all done with slight ofhand, lacking the real backing of science!!! Bad Medicine strikesagain, or a continuation of this sickening cycle.> I hope you are as angry as hell, as I am about the LIE. that hasbecome so widely accepted and commonplace in our medical beLIEfsystem. To learn that even the common cold is NOT a virus. > AND the disgusting act of the making of toxic/poison ~ vaccinesoups. SICKOOOOOooooo!> I have always felt uneasy about the spraying for mosquitoes,deet, pesticides, and all the seen and unseen microscopic thingsflying about. Now I know why. It wasn't that mosquito. It wasSomething ELSE! To be named, perhaps, in some future Time. > Tick.. Tick.. Tick.....> > Glad Day ~ Karla in IL> http://www.naturaln ews.com/024754. html> > > (Also, this second link, same author, is an Excellant vaccinearticle that NSF had in its archives. Author, Rami Nagel, has writtenso many respectable, researched things, about infant/children concernsand health advocasy, including his book, Cure Tooth Decay.> He should be commended for his discovered and exposed truths andefforts.)> http://www.healthfr eedomusa. org/index. php?p=477>


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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Having been an avid student (fool?) biologist since the fifties, I have to say that I firmly believe that viruses are real and sometimes cause disease, just as most vaccinations are entirely useless in combatting them and certain to cause serious damage (and likely caused the HIV/AIDS epidemic). On the other hand, and partly for that reason, it is clear that 90% of med science is 99% false - there aren't any black and whites here, but these figures are pretty good. But don't let me get in your way, I'd rather have you for a doctor than most of the ones I've met.

There was actually a heated debate on minutus group on this about endof Aug./early Sept. I agree with what I gather to be the idea, that'viruses' are not the cause of illness and what is 'seen' is actuallyan entity that is responding to an issue, or just something else therethat is being labeled a virus and its monstrous attitude.It feels to me that the physical manifestations of what is seen undera microscope could very well be something else and probably a resultof an energetic/chemical assault and not a causing factor as they arelabeled. Then put together all the profit and manipulation engineersand you get a bright light there. All this being done in so manyways I've lost count...as you said, the chemicals, vax, food,medicine, aerosol spraying, etc. Putting fear into people is also ahuge ally in these endeavors. Certainly all matter is a result ofenergetic presence, so fear and chemical

entities are a wonderful weapon.Love your 'beLIEve' thing Karla :)Liz>> I sent this article along to my West Nile Support Group forfeedback. This is the first time that WN has been presented (to me) asa Faerietale.. ... that it does not exist. I was quickly upset aboutthe title, because I contracted it...so I knew it existed! Bloodpressure rising, I was ready for a blase' WN bashing like they oftendo with MS and fibromyalgia, and the like, for lack of betterdiagnosis, that they often try to write off as made up diseases, formade up drugs and treatments, NOT CURES>> Well, my curiosity was soon peeked. Yes, WN exists, but nothinglike I ever fathomed. It says

VIRUSES do not exit!!!! West Nileexists, but it is NOT West Nile Virus! Go figure? They could just aswell call it polio, Denge fevor, Yellow fever, Guillian-Barre, SAARS,bird flu, or any other disease intermixed they want to call it. Newname a day for a new drug or vaccine a day. You get the Picture? Oryou soon will........ ...> There are several (debatable or not) concepts in this article,aside from WN, such as how vaccines fit into this scenario, that maytrigger your attention. Many now know of the lack of evidence for HIVand AIDS virus, and wont be too surprised. Others may start to thinkdifferently about this and the other things that BigPharm and themedical fields, continue to Lie about Viruses. That they are just anUNPROVABLE deception for their propagandizing for profit, for drugs,vaccines and the proliferation designs for doctors to feed on, andpray on the public, thru fears....... And

all done with slight ofhand, lacking the real backing of science!!! Bad Medicine strikesagain, or a continuation of this sickening cycle.> I hope you are as angry as hell, as I am about the LIE. that hasbecome so widely accepted and commonplace in our medical beLIEfsystem. To learn that even the common cold is NOT a virus. > AND the disgusting act of the making of toxic/poison ~ vaccinesoups. SICKOOOOOooooo!> I have always felt uneasy about the spraying for mosquitoes,deet, pesticides, and all the seen and unseen microscopic thingsflying about. Now I know why. It wasn't that mosquito. It wasSomething ELSE! To be named, perhaps, in some future Time. > Tick.. Tick.. Tick.....> > Glad Day ~ Karla in IL> http://www.naturaln ews.com/024754. html> > > (Also, this second link, same author, is an Excellant vaccinearticle that NSF had in its archives. Author, Rami Nagel, has writtenso many respectable, researched things, about infant/children concernsand health advocasy, including his book, Cure Tooth Decay.> He should be commended for his discovered and exposed truths andefforts.)> http://www.healthfr eedomusa. org/index. php?p=477>


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

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Hullo Alan. As an avid biologist, I guess I would have to challange you to provide a virus, since biologists and experts cant. Just the virologist assume they can, but as the tests present, they havent actually documented them in anything but algae so far. In the lowest forms of life. And it does no harm to them. I think they are just bacteria strains that get out of sorts, and look funny after they fiddle with them before they put them under the scope. It's certainly a possibility in your statement of saying 99% of med science is false. I am not here to prove or disprove the statements made that say viruses are a Lie. But stranger things can happen in the human body they still know very little about, its processes, its illnesses, its self-healing abilities. Bacteria when challaged or have poisons forced on it can do the strangest things. Ebbing and waning in the bodies attempt to fix them. There are cancer cells

all the time, and they too can be altered to look like something unique, when they are natural to the body too. We fight them off everyday. Some lose that fight of being overwhelmed, as you know. So is a cold or flu or anything else a virus, or just a process of bacterial invasions and healing attempts of the body to fight these offenders. And would poisons added to that normal fight cause more struggle, and create odd cells, in periods of cell death? Do drugs interfer with healing, instead of helping? Drugs are poisons. Plain and simple. The antibody test have been explained as mad science anyway, and people love to name new things, as well as drugs, as well as Discovering new diseases, OR CREATING THEM. I dont know. Viruses may just be some bacteria, yeast, parasites, etc. that man fiddled with enough to make it look funny, so they call it a virus, or viral disease, when it just might be out of sorts

*other* things. When it is just a normal part of cell deaths. Cell deaths too happen every minute of every day inside us all. And we are all different, so things may appear different, at different times of these processes? When ya introduce dyes, chemical, preservatives, freezing and squishing and whirling and heating, and poking seperating and culturing with stuff, and all unnatural invironments to them, and stuff flying thru the area, even air/humitidy/drying of the surroundings, you would appear different too. Try jumping into a vat of lye, and laying in a petrey dish, and see how you come out looking. The dying cells may take on many appearances from person to person, and consider the different timing for others that did the same thing. Not very scientific of me. Just a laymen trying to find something to equate it all with. Most things run their course and ya get back to normalish ranges. Sometimes not so

lucky, or genetics and geographics, lifestyles, CAUSTICS, etc., can certainly can play their roles. Since time immortal, herbs and things were looked for, for certain ailments, certain parts of the body symptoms, but were mostly sought after and designed to boost the immune systems to fight them. They were usually short term fixes, and then ya went on. They were not usually a long time dosage, like they like to do today. Take Statins for instance. Base product is red yeast rice taken from nature.. Yet they are trying to Ban the base products from the people, make it into a poison pill, and push it on everybody. And forever, in the past, many people have died from food poisening, because bacteria, not any virus in it got away with the thing, making the food toxic. Stuff to think about. And bacteria grew in stagnant bad waters, causign cholera's. But they too had to find and experiment with the right doses. It was still a guessing game, but some things just worked well, to not make them a toxic dose of what ever. Today's drugs are basically build along most of those olden medicines, from natural. But then mad fiddle with them and makes them in to a pill, or a soup, just like they have with vaccines. Toxic Soup. Moderation in all things. Vaccines does NOT fit this ideal. hhmmmm Homeopaths and herbalist are certainly on the better track....back to the beginning! So much medicinal knowledge has been forgot and even lost, because of BigPharm and big egos, and $$$ signs. Drugs today and poisons are no different now, but they are usually toxic right off the bat, or over time, to do their damage,, because man made a cocktail, or altered them, None of them are there to boost the immune system. No modern drug

has Cured anything, with the outside exception of peniccillin. But mostly that helped the body fight a bit better so it could fix its own self. Immunoboosters. We talked recently about the Spanish flu, that it would probably have run its course, as far as any flu season goes, but Bayer introduced aspirin that year, and that is now what they feel took so many people out, causing the toxic weakness, neurological damage such as encep/meningitis, and secondary infections like pneumonia. That Spanish flu season, was so wide spread went pandemic into the next season, around the world. Do you know Why it was called the Spanish Flu? Thats an interesting story. Why do you think they now advise children and teens not to take aspirin for a fever, since at least the 1970's, that might cause the emergency symptoms and deaths from Reyes syndrome? AND

doesnt That make you ask some questions why Aspirins are the first thing they tell ya to give for fever....AND the thing they tell parents to give a child if it runs a fever, or is fussy, AFTER a vaccination. More double speak. It just gets deeper and deeper. Aspirins are also a dangerous, poisonous drug, that people tend to underate, even if you can buy it without a prescription. They are suppose to be for aches and pain, but people have long abused it. Avoid drugs.., Avoid vaccines.... Avoid toxins... Avoid doctors...when you can. You may live longer and healthier. There have been studies that poor and remote people who cannot get medical care and drugs at all, Do live longer...and healthier. So... If you find us a Virus, send it along please. Whew, did I get windy or WHAT? Glad Day ~ Karla in IL (excuse typos, it's

late, lol.)

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Hullo Alan. As an avid biologist, I guess I would have to challange you to provide a virus, since biologists and experts cant. Just the virologist assume they can, but as the tests present, they havent actually documented them in anything but algae so far. In the lowest forms of life. And it does no harm to them. I think they are just bacteria strains that get out of sorts, and look funny after they fiddle with them before they put them under the scope. It's certainly a possibility in your statement of saying 99% of med science is false. I am not here to prove or disprove the statements made that say viruses are a Lie. But stranger things can happen in the human body they still know very little about, its processes, its illnesses, its self-healing abilities. Bacteria when challaged or have poisons forced on it can do the strangest things. Ebbing and waning in the bodies attempt to fix them. There are cancer cells

all the time, and they too can be altered to look like something unique, when they are natural to the body too. We fight them off everyday. Some lose that fight of being overwhelmed, as you know. So is a cold or flu or anything else a virus, or just a process of bacterial invasions and healing attempts of the body to fight these offenders. And would poisons added to that normal fight cause more struggle, and create odd cells, in periods of cell death? Do drugs interfer with healing, instead of helping? Drugs are poisons. Plain and simple. The antibody test have been explained as mad science anyway, and people love to name new things, as well as drugs, as well as Discovering new diseases, OR CREATING THEM. I dont know. Viruses may just be some bacteria, yeast, parasites, etc. that man fiddled with enough to make it look funny, so they call it a virus, or viral disease, when it just might be out of sorts

*other* things. When it is just a normal part of cell deaths. Cell deaths too happen every minute of every day inside us all. And we are all different, so things may appear different, at different times of these processes? When ya introduce dyes, chemical, preservatives, freezing and squishing and whirling and heating, and poking seperating and culturing with stuff, and all unnatural invironments to them, and stuff flying thru the area, even air/humitidy/drying of the surroundings, you would appear different too. Try jumping into a vat of lye, and laying in a petrey dish, and see how you come out looking. The dying cells may take on many appearances from person to person, and consider the different timing for others that did the same thing. Not very scientific of me. Just a laymen trying to find something to equate it all with. Most things run their course and ya get back to normalish ranges. Sometimes not so

lucky, or genetics and geographics, lifestyles, CAUSTICS, etc., can certainly can play their roles. Since time immortal, herbs and things were looked for, for certain ailments, certain parts of the body symptoms, but were mostly sought after and designed to boost the immune systems to fight them. They were usually short term fixes, and then ya went on. They were not usually a long time dosage, like they like to do today. Take Statins for instance. Base product is red yeast rice taken from nature.. Yet they are trying to Ban the base products from the people, make it into a poison pill, and push it on everybody. And forever, in the past, many people have died from food poisening, because bacteria, not any virus in it got away with the thing, making the food toxic. Stuff to think about. And bacteria grew in stagnant bad waters, causign cholera's. But they too had to find and experiment with the right doses. It was still a guessing game, but some things just worked well, to not make them a toxic dose of what ever. Today's drugs are basically build along most of those olden medicines, from natural. But then mad fiddle with them and makes them in to a pill, or a soup, just like they have with vaccines. Toxic Soup. Moderation in all things. Vaccines does NOT fit this ideal. hhmmmm Homeopaths and herbalist are certainly on the better track....back to the beginning! So much medicinal knowledge has been forgot and even lost, because of BigPharm and big egos, and $$$ signs. Drugs today and poisons are no different now, but they are usually toxic right off the bat, or over time, to do their damage,, because man made a cocktail, or altered them, None of them are there to boost the immune system. No modern drug

has Cured anything, with the outside exception of peniccillin. But mostly that helped the body fight a bit better so it could fix its own self. Immunoboosters. We talked recently about the Spanish flu, that it would probably have run its course, as far as any flu season goes, but Bayer introduced aspirin that year, and that is now what they feel took so many people out, causing the toxic weakness, neurological damage such as encep/meningitis, and secondary infections like pneumonia. That Spanish flu season, was so wide spread went pandemic into the next season, around the world. Do you know Why it was called the Spanish Flu? Thats an interesting story. Why do you think they now advise children and teens not to take aspirin for a fever, since at least the 1970's, that might cause the emergency symptoms and deaths from Reyes syndrome? AND

doesnt That make you ask some questions why Aspirins are the first thing they tell ya to give for fever....AND the thing they tell parents to give a child if it runs a fever, or is fussy, AFTER a vaccination. More double speak. It just gets deeper and deeper. Aspirins are also a dangerous, poisonous drug, that people tend to underate, even if you can buy it without a prescription. They are suppose to be for aches and pain, but people have long abused it. Avoid drugs.., Avoid vaccines.... Avoid toxins... Avoid doctors...when you can. You may live longer and healthier. There have been studies that poor and remote people who cannot get medical care and drugs at all, Do live longer...and healthier. So... If you find us a Virus, send it along please. Whew, did I get windy or WHAT? Glad Day ~ Karla in IL (excuse typos, it's

late, lol.)

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Surely, I do agree with most everything you've said, but it's often unwise to say something doesn't exist, just because you haven't seen it. I much reading as far back as the fifties, about work on the tobacco mosaic virus, which doesn't infect humans, but there's been a great deal of work on that, including much electron microscope documentation, and there are many viruses out there. The pictures themselves are undeniable evidence that something smaller and very different structually than a bacterium is at work. I really could not show you an atom or molecule, either, but when working two years nearly day and night in a chemistry lab, it wouldn't be possible for me, or even you in such circumstances, to honestly deny that they exist, even if they don't look exactly like the diagram. Now, getting back to the real issue, is

most medical science pure profit making bunk? Yeah, NP. And is the government filling its pockets by helping the industry put you in an early grave? Sure, it is....

From: karla walsh <faerie1952@...>Subject: Re: Re: Viruses are a Lie?no-forced-vaccination Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 12:30 AM

Hullo Alan. As an avid biologist, I guess I would have to challange you to provide a virus, since biologists and experts cant. Just the virologist assume they can, but as the tests present, they havent actually documented them in anything but algae so far. In the lowest forms of life. And it does no harm to them. I think they are just bacteria strains that get out of sorts, and look funny after they fiddle with them before they put them under the scope. It's certainly a possibility in your statement of saying 99% of med science is false.

I am not here to prove or disprove the statements made that say viruses are a Lie. But stranger things can happen in the human body they still know very little about, its processes, its illnesses, its self-healing abilities. Bacteria when challaged or have poisons forced on it can do the strangest things. Ebbing and waning in the bodies attempt to fix them. There are cancer cells all the time, and they too can be altered to look like something unique, when they are natural to the body too. We fight them off everyday. Some lose that fight of being overwhelmed, as you know. So is a cold or flu or anything else a virus, or just a process of bacterial invasions and healing attempts of the body to fight these offenders. And would poisons added to that normal fight cause more struggle, and create odd cells, in periods of cell death? Do drugs interfer with healing, instead of helping? Drugs are poisons.

Plain and simple. The antibody test have been explained as mad science anyway, and people love to name new things, as well as drugs, as well as Discovering new diseases, OR CREATING THEM.

I dont know. Viruses may just be some bacteria, yeast, parasites, etc. that man fiddled with enough to make it look funny, so they call it a virus, or viral disease, when it just might be out of sorts *other* things. When it is just a normal part of cell deaths. Cell deaths too happen every minute of every day inside us all. And we are all different, so things may appear different, at different times of these processes? When ya introduce dyes, chemical, preservatives, freezing and squishing and whirling and heating, and poking seperating and culturing with stuff, and all unnatural invironments to them, and stuff flying thru the area, even air/humitidy/ drying of the surroundings, you would appear different too.

Try jumping into a vat of lye, and laying in a petrey dish, and see how you come out looking. The dying cells may take on many appearances from person to person, and consider the different timing for others that did the same thing. Not very scientific of me. Just a laymen trying to find something to equate it all with.

Most things run their course and ya get back to normalish ranges. Sometimes not so lucky, or genetics and geographics, lifestyles, CAUSTICS, etc., can certainly can play their roles.

Since time immortal, herbs and things were looked for, for certain ailments, certain parts of the body symptoms, but were mostly sought after and designed to boost the immune systems to fight them. They were usually short term fixes, and then ya went on. They were not usually a long time dosage, like they like to do today.

Take Statins for instance. Base product is red yeast rice taken from nature.. Yet they are trying to Ban the base products from the people, make it into a poison pill, and push it on everybody. And forever, in the past, many people have died from food poisening, because bacteria, not any virus in it got away with the thing, making the food toxic. Stuff to think about. And bacteria grew in stagnant bad waters, causign cholera's.

But they too had to find and experiment with the right doses. It was still a guessing game, but some things just worked well, to not make them a toxic dose of what ever. Today's drugs are basically build along most of those olden medicines, from natural. But then mad fiddle with them and makes them in to a pill, or a soup, just like they have with vaccines. Toxic Soup. Moderation in all things. Vaccines does NOT fit this ideal. hhmmmm Homeopaths and herbalist are certainly on the better track....back to the beginning! So much medicinal knowledge has been forgot and even lost, because of BigPharm and big egos, and $$$ signs.

Drugs today and poisons are no different now, but they are usually toxic right off the bat, or over time, to do their damage,, because man made a cocktail, or altered them,

None of them are there to boost the immune system. No modern drug has Cured anything, with the outside exception of peniccillin. But mostly that helped the body fight a bit better so it could fix its own self. Immunoboosters.

We talked recently about the Spanish flu, that it would probably have run its course, as far as any flu season goes, but Bayer introduced aspirin that year, and that is now what they feel took so many people out, causing the toxic weakness, neurological damage such as encep/meningitis, and secondary infections like pneumonia. That Spanish flu season, was so wide spread went pandemic into the next season, around the world. Do you know Why it was called the Spanish Flu? Thats an interesting story.

Why do you think they now advise children and teens not to take aspirin for a fever, since at least the 1970's, that might cause the emergency symptoms and deaths from Reyes syndrome? AND doesnt That make you ask some questions why Aspirins are the first thing they tell ya to give for fever....AND the thing they tell parents to give a child if it runs a fever, or is fussy, AFTER a vaccination. More double speak. It just gets deeper and deeper. Aspirins are also a dangerous, poisonous drug, that people tend to underate, even if you can buy it without a prescription. They are suppose to be for aches and pain, but people have long abused it.

Avoid drugs.., Avoid vaccines.... Avoid toxins... Avoid doctors...when you can. You may live longer and healthier. There have been studies that poor and remote people who cannot get medical care and drugs at all, Do live longer...and healthier.

So... If you find us a Virus, send it along please.

Whew, did I get windy or WHAT?

Glad Day ~ Karla in IL (excuse typos, it's late, lol.)

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Surely, I do agree with most everything you've said, but it's often unwise to say something doesn't exist, just because you haven't seen it. I much reading as far back as the fifties, about work on the tobacco mosaic virus, which doesn't infect humans, but there's been a great deal of work on that, including much electron microscope documentation, and there are many viruses out there. The pictures themselves are undeniable evidence that something smaller and very different structually than a bacterium is at work. I really could not show you an atom or molecule, either, but when working two years nearly day and night in a chemistry lab, it wouldn't be possible for me, or even you in such circumstances, to honestly deny that they exist, even if they don't look exactly like the diagram. Now, getting back to the real issue, is

most medical science pure profit making bunk? Yeah, NP. And is the government filling its pockets by helping the industry put you in an early grave? Sure, it is....

From: karla walsh <faerie1952@...>Subject: Re: Re: Viruses are a Lie?no-forced-vaccination Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 12:30 AM

Hullo Alan. As an avid biologist, I guess I would have to challange you to provide a virus, since biologists and experts cant. Just the virologist assume they can, but as the tests present, they havent actually documented them in anything but algae so far. In the lowest forms of life. And it does no harm to them. I think they are just bacteria strains that get out of sorts, and look funny after they fiddle with them before they put them under the scope. It's certainly a possibility in your statement of saying 99% of med science is false.

I am not here to prove or disprove the statements made that say viruses are a Lie. But stranger things can happen in the human body they still know very little about, its processes, its illnesses, its self-healing abilities. Bacteria when challaged or have poisons forced on it can do the strangest things. Ebbing and waning in the bodies attempt to fix them. There are cancer cells all the time, and they too can be altered to look like something unique, when they are natural to the body too. We fight them off everyday. Some lose that fight of being overwhelmed, as you know. So is a cold or flu or anything else a virus, or just a process of bacterial invasions and healing attempts of the body to fight these offenders. And would poisons added to that normal fight cause more struggle, and create odd cells, in periods of cell death? Do drugs interfer with healing, instead of helping? Drugs are poisons.

Plain and simple. The antibody test have been explained as mad science anyway, and people love to name new things, as well as drugs, as well as Discovering new diseases, OR CREATING THEM.

I dont know. Viruses may just be some bacteria, yeast, parasites, etc. that man fiddled with enough to make it look funny, so they call it a virus, or viral disease, when it just might be out of sorts *other* things. When it is just a normal part of cell deaths. Cell deaths too happen every minute of every day inside us all. And we are all different, so things may appear different, at different times of these processes? When ya introduce dyes, chemical, preservatives, freezing and squishing and whirling and heating, and poking seperating and culturing with stuff, and all unnatural invironments to them, and stuff flying thru the area, even air/humitidy/ drying of the surroundings, you would appear different too.

Try jumping into a vat of lye, and laying in a petrey dish, and see how you come out looking. The dying cells may take on many appearances from person to person, and consider the different timing for others that did the same thing. Not very scientific of me. Just a laymen trying to find something to equate it all with.

Most things run their course and ya get back to normalish ranges. Sometimes not so lucky, or genetics and geographics, lifestyles, CAUSTICS, etc., can certainly can play their roles.

Since time immortal, herbs and things were looked for, for certain ailments, certain parts of the body symptoms, but were mostly sought after and designed to boost the immune systems to fight them. They were usually short term fixes, and then ya went on. They were not usually a long time dosage, like they like to do today.

Take Statins for instance. Base product is red yeast rice taken from nature.. Yet they are trying to Ban the base products from the people, make it into a poison pill, and push it on everybody. And forever, in the past, many people have died from food poisening, because bacteria, not any virus in it got away with the thing, making the food toxic. Stuff to think about. And bacteria grew in stagnant bad waters, causign cholera's.

But they too had to find and experiment with the right doses. It was still a guessing game, but some things just worked well, to not make them a toxic dose of what ever. Today's drugs are basically build along most of those olden medicines, from natural. But then mad fiddle with them and makes them in to a pill, or a soup, just like they have with vaccines. Toxic Soup. Moderation in all things. Vaccines does NOT fit this ideal. hhmmmm Homeopaths and herbalist are certainly on the better track....back to the beginning! So much medicinal knowledge has been forgot and even lost, because of BigPharm and big egos, and $$$ signs.

Drugs today and poisons are no different now, but they are usually toxic right off the bat, or over time, to do their damage,, because man made a cocktail, or altered them,

None of them are there to boost the immune system. No modern drug has Cured anything, with the outside exception of peniccillin. But mostly that helped the body fight a bit better so it could fix its own self. Immunoboosters.

We talked recently about the Spanish flu, that it would probably have run its course, as far as any flu season goes, but Bayer introduced aspirin that year, and that is now what they feel took so many people out, causing the toxic weakness, neurological damage such as encep/meningitis, and secondary infections like pneumonia. That Spanish flu season, was so wide spread went pandemic into the next season, around the world. Do you know Why it was called the Spanish Flu? Thats an interesting story.

Why do you think they now advise children and teens not to take aspirin for a fever, since at least the 1970's, that might cause the emergency symptoms and deaths from Reyes syndrome? AND doesnt That make you ask some questions why Aspirins are the first thing they tell ya to give for fever....AND the thing they tell parents to give a child if it runs a fever, or is fussy, AFTER a vaccination. More double speak. It just gets deeper and deeper. Aspirins are also a dangerous, poisonous drug, that people tend to underate, even if you can buy it without a prescription. They are suppose to be for aches and pain, but people have long abused it.

Avoid drugs.., Avoid vaccines.... Avoid toxins... Avoid doctors...when you can. You may live longer and healthier. There have been studies that poor and remote people who cannot get medical care and drugs at all, Do live longer...and healthier.

So... If you find us a Virus, send it along please.

Whew, did I get windy or WHAT?

Glad Day ~ Karla in IL (excuse typos, it's late, lol.)

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