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Fw: Outline of Action Plan

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Time is precious...brain tumors... many and then they grow rapidly and cause so much pain and discomfort before going into the spinal area and killing because the Onclolgists use steriods to keep the brain swelling down.THIS IS NOT SAVING A LIFE

I work with wellness..Oncology in the U SA works with illness..IT MAKES MONEY the FDA may want to put me in prison with their new 2007 rules...I have a grandson that suffers from this terrible mess......and if American is not the Land of the People and a "Republic for 'Which it stands...then we are no longer America" I am sure my grandson suffers because of his vaccinations and thimerisol poisoning..my daughter does not even know my years of medical research.

I have dedicate this to my grandchild. Wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late... realize that by doing nothing you are GIVING them the ok to detroy our lives and those of our children..LISTEN learn contact me at majestichealth@...From: "majestichealth@..." <majestichealth@...>no-forced-vaccination ; Mecardo <peter@...>; CATHY DAVIS <cathy44svm@...>; Beverly Weeden <bevwchatham@...>; scooping@...Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:03:32 PMSubject: Re: Outline of Action Plan

Hi there I think that the most important people to work with us now are the DOCTORS...yes I have been there...done that...the difference now is that the younger docs know that the meds are not working...and can be educated...they are starting to HEAR us...we need to get to them first...I know I was just there tonight..All the NIC tests on the product for this woman with 2 stage 4 cancers breast, lung, & brain...some tumors are 3cm) was presented to her Oncologist by the patient..She said the National Cancer Insitute did studies on this product which is all natural...will he condone her taking it the day she starts radiation...I spoke with him, not attacking, I wanted to put him in contact with the scientist and gave him some valuable info that a major cancer center in Alabama who had done tests on over 6,000 patients in the past two years were going to put this product in as their

major cancer treatment...does that say allot???????? I also told her doc to see the NIC results...he told me that this product would cause her more problems with her breats cancer but when I asked him if he knew of Haelan951...he never heard of it,...The patient is trying to make a good decision when he said he did not want her on it...People, she is making her own decision tonight after three treatments of radiation and forty tumors in her brain which were not there two weeks ago..I gave up tonight and let it go...I cannot hate...I must go on...this Doc said :Dr. Lang I am sorry but I am going to a concert with my family!!!! So tonight I must go on and hope for more education...Dr. Debra Lang

Re: [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Outline of Action Plan

I am back. Now let me try to put all this in as short an email as possible. There will be many questions about it. What I am trying to do is to give a rough outline first.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Jefferson, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

The above paragraph illustrates that people have the power and the right to change a destructive government. The federal government of the USA has become destructive to the American people as well as to people outside America. The American people have the right and the duty to change such a destructive government as they are ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. We also have to remember that every right has a duty attached to it. In other words, people are responsible.

There are many instances in which the federal government is violating people's rights and freedoms which are:

the freedoms of speech, press, and religion; the well-regulated militia's right to keep and bear arms; the freedom of assembly; the freedom to petition; and the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; cruel and unusual punishment; and compelled self-incrimination.

I don't know where to place the forced vaccination but it evidently is not a right of the government to impose forced medications of any kind. Governments will force the vaccinations on people as long as the pressure from the people is not strong enough to make the government abandon this tactic.

How can this be done? How can government be forced to change this program?

Let's ask how the government gets away with forced vaccinations. What are their most successful weapons the government is using against the people? Aren't they fear? Government threatens people with imprisonment - people fear imprisonment. Government threatens people with intimidation - people fear being intimidated by police, the courts, law suits, etc. Government is playing on human emotions.

Now we have to realize that police officers, judges, lawyers, senators, government employees are also people. So are the officers with the SWAT team, the ambulance attendants, doctors, nurses, FDA employees, etc. They have the same emotions and uncertainties as everyone else. They also fear. And, they know when they do wrong.

My program was based on these specifics.

I had certain steps I followed every time I did a flyer campaign. They are as follows:

- Let people involved know beforehand what you have in mind IF THEY CONTINUE WITH THEIR UNACCEPTABLE ACTIONS, in this case forced vaccinations.

- Give the people involved a specified time to respond.

- Ask people involved how they want to change their program or actions, or, how they intend to rectify the damage done.

It is very important to give the people enough time to respond and to warn them beforehand of what they can expect if they continue with their unacceptable actions.

If the people do not respond then go ahead within the outlined time limit and follow the specified actions without delay.

What I would envision in the forced vaccination case is as follows:

Get in touch with all the medical professionals you know are against forced vaccinations. Outline to them your ideas. Ask them to get in touch with their clients that are against forced vaccinations and people that have suffered from vaccinations. Get as many people involved as possible. Get them on a mailing list. Start an education campaign. Get them involved. Let them study the different vaccination websites - that is web sites for and against vaccinations. They will have to be familiar with both so that they can understand where the vaccination story is false, where they lie started. Let them know that Pasteur recanted on his death bed.

Once you have enough people interested in participating there is one more part they have to understand, and that is the psychological aspect of this program. How do people react to exposure. Why does this program has to be executed in this manner. Why it will not work any other way. The flyers have to be written and have to be distributed by the people involved or by a professional delivery company. It is most successful if people distribute the flyers themselves because they are now involved, they have a stake in it. The flyers have to be written in a way that leaves no doubt as to what forced vaccination is and in general what vaccinations are and the purpose they are serving. In my opinion, and what I have studied and read about it, it has ONLY ONE PURPOSE AND THAT IS POPULATION CONTROL. And there are a number of examples which prove that this is so. All this has to get on the flyers and people in positions who

advocate forced vaccinations have to be made aware of this. They have to be clear without a shadow of a doubt what awaits them if they continue with their program - they are following a program which results in premeditated murder.

Let's assume that the people responsible for the forced vaccinations will not believe you and continue with their methods, which I doubt if the preparatory steps are done right, then you will have to write the flyers. It will not be one flyer, it will not be two flyers, there might be 20 or 30 or more flyers on the same case. You start with one flyer. A few days later the second flyer will be distributed with more information about vaccination. Then a third one. By that time the government will have taken some steps to counter your program. Then you will have to address this government action. I don't know what will happen. Somebody might get arrested. Whatever will happen you have to continue if you want to be successful. To dissolve a growing dictatorship is no easy task. If nothing is done America will cease to exist as it was known up to now. And the people will bear the responsibility because the people are

ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. Americans do not realize yet how precarious their situation is.

Now one might argue that it would be advisable to wait till Ron is president. Remember what happened to Kennedy? If the powers behind the scenes, the people who really pull the strings, decide that Ron has to go he will get murdered. That's the sad truth. What will or can they do when millions of people start to expose the crooks in government? Do you think that any of the flunkies in government will be willing to listen to the string pullers? I am sure they will not. This is the situation that has to be created. Government has to become afraid of the people again. That's when a country is healthy. That's when things are going the way they ought to run. But that only happens when people fulfill their responsibilities. Now keep in mind that not everyone will participate. But not everyone needs to participate. History has shown that with any major change only about 3% of the people take part. I believe that

if you can mobilize 100000 people and up you have it made.

There might be a lot of resistance to this program because it is exposing people and their CRIMINAL actions. Most people do not like to do this. There we have to realize that criminals cannot be dealt with in any other manner. They do not understand any other language.

Now I have to make you aware of a new bill about before Congress, I believe, and it is H.R. 1955. You can google it

One more thing, about myself. If you have googled my name you might be under the impression that I am a radical or something like this. Don't forget that the corporate media has the great ability of slanting the truth, dispense half truth or half the story in such a way that the story is totally different than what it really is. Corporate media represents the interests of the government. As you well know, when you are on the opposite side of government you can be sure to be smeared, attacked, vilified, etc. I had a death threat uttered against me by two police officers a few years back. That didn't go anywhere because I made this public on flyers. There is always a way to counteract ANY government threats.

This is a broad outline of my program I followed for many years with great success.

It is up to the American people if they REALLY want to put and end to the criminal government actions against them. I would be more than willing to help you in any way I can.

Fred Kyburz

On 09.01.2008, at 16:44, majestichealth wrote:

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Time is precious...brain tumors... many and then they grow rapidly and cause so much pain and discomfort before going into the spinal area and killing because the Onclolgists use steriods to keep the brain swelling down.THIS IS NOT SAVING A LIFE

I work with wellness..Oncology in the U SA works with illness..IT MAKES MONEY the FDA may want to put me in prison with their new 2007 rules...I have a grandson that suffers from this terrible mess......and if American is not the Land of the People and a "Republic for 'Which it stands...then we are no longer America" I am sure my grandson suffers because of his vaccinations and thimerisol poisoning..my daughter does not even know my years of medical research.

I have dedicate this to my grandchild. Wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late... realize that by doing nothing you are GIVING them the ok to detroy our lives and those of our children..LISTEN learn contact me at majestichealth@...From: "majestichealth@..." <majestichealth@...>no-forced-vaccination ; Mecardo <peter@...>; CATHY DAVIS <cathy44svm@...>; Beverly Weeden <bevwchatham@...>; scooping@...Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:03:32 PMSubject: Re: Outline of Action Plan

Hi there I think that the most important people to work with us now are the DOCTORS...yes I have been there...done that...the difference now is that the younger docs know that the meds are not working...and can be educated...they are starting to HEAR us...we need to get to them first...I know I was just there tonight..All the NIC tests on the product for this woman with 2 stage 4 cancers breast, lung, & brain...some tumors are 3cm) was presented to her Oncologist by the patient..She said the National Cancer Insitute did studies on this product which is all natural...will he condone her taking it the day she starts radiation...I spoke with him, not attacking, I wanted to put him in contact with the scientist and gave him some valuable info that a major cancer center in Alabama who had done tests on over 6,000 patients in the past two years were going to put this product in as their

major cancer treatment...does that say allot???????? I also told her doc to see the NIC results...he told me that this product would cause her more problems with her breats cancer but when I asked him if he knew of Haelan951...he never heard of it,...The patient is trying to make a good decision when he said he did not want her on it...People, she is making her own decision tonight after three treatments of radiation and forty tumors in her brain which were not there two weeks ago..I gave up tonight and let it go...I cannot hate...I must go on...this Doc said :Dr. Lang I am sorry but I am going to a concert with my family!!!! So tonight I must go on and hope for more education...Dr. Debra Lang

Re: [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Outline of Action Plan

I am back. Now let me try to put all this in as short an email as possible. There will be many questions about it. What I am trying to do is to give a rough outline first.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Jefferson, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

The above paragraph illustrates that people have the power and the right to change a destructive government. The federal government of the USA has become destructive to the American people as well as to people outside America. The American people have the right and the duty to change such a destructive government as they are ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. We also have to remember that every right has a duty attached to it. In other words, people are responsible.

There are many instances in which the federal government is violating people's rights and freedoms which are:

the freedoms of speech, press, and religion; the well-regulated militia's right to keep and bear arms; the freedom of assembly; the freedom to petition; and the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; cruel and unusual punishment; and compelled self-incrimination.

I don't know where to place the forced vaccination but it evidently is not a right of the government to impose forced medications of any kind. Governments will force the vaccinations on people as long as the pressure from the people is not strong enough to make the government abandon this tactic.

How can this be done? How can government be forced to change this program?

Let's ask how the government gets away with forced vaccinations. What are their most successful weapons the government is using against the people? Aren't they fear? Government threatens people with imprisonment - people fear imprisonment. Government threatens people with intimidation - people fear being intimidated by police, the courts, law suits, etc. Government is playing on human emotions.

Now we have to realize that police officers, judges, lawyers, senators, government employees are also people. So are the officers with the SWAT team, the ambulance attendants, doctors, nurses, FDA employees, etc. They have the same emotions and uncertainties as everyone else. They also fear. And, they know when they do wrong.

My program was based on these specifics.

I had certain steps I followed every time I did a flyer campaign. They are as follows:

- Let people involved know beforehand what you have in mind IF THEY CONTINUE WITH THEIR UNACCEPTABLE ACTIONS, in this case forced vaccinations.

- Give the people involved a specified time to respond.

- Ask people involved how they want to change their program or actions, or, how they intend to rectify the damage done.

It is very important to give the people enough time to respond and to warn them beforehand of what they can expect if they continue with their unacceptable actions.

If the people do not respond then go ahead within the outlined time limit and follow the specified actions without delay.

What I would envision in the forced vaccination case is as follows:

Get in touch with all the medical professionals you know are against forced vaccinations. Outline to them your ideas. Ask them to get in touch with their clients that are against forced vaccinations and people that have suffered from vaccinations. Get as many people involved as possible. Get them on a mailing list. Start an education campaign. Get them involved. Let them study the different vaccination websites - that is web sites for and against vaccinations. They will have to be familiar with both so that they can understand where the vaccination story is false, where they lie started. Let them know that Pasteur recanted on his death bed.

Once you have enough people interested in participating there is one more part they have to understand, and that is the psychological aspect of this program. How do people react to exposure. Why does this program has to be executed in this manner. Why it will not work any other way. The flyers have to be written and have to be distributed by the people involved or by a professional delivery company. It is most successful if people distribute the flyers themselves because they are now involved, they have a stake in it. The flyers have to be written in a way that leaves no doubt as to what forced vaccination is and in general what vaccinations are and the purpose they are serving. In my opinion, and what I have studied and read about it, it has ONLY ONE PURPOSE AND THAT IS POPULATION CONTROL. And there are a number of examples which prove that this is so. All this has to get on the flyers and people in positions who

advocate forced vaccinations have to be made aware of this. They have to be clear without a shadow of a doubt what awaits them if they continue with their program - they are following a program which results in premeditated murder.

Let's assume that the people responsible for the forced vaccinations will not believe you and continue with their methods, which I doubt if the preparatory steps are done right, then you will have to write the flyers. It will not be one flyer, it will not be two flyers, there might be 20 or 30 or more flyers on the same case. You start with one flyer. A few days later the second flyer will be distributed with more information about vaccination. Then a third one. By that time the government will have taken some steps to counter your program. Then you will have to address this government action. I don't know what will happen. Somebody might get arrested. Whatever will happen you have to continue if you want to be successful. To dissolve a growing dictatorship is no easy task. If nothing is done America will cease to exist as it was known up to now. And the people will bear the responsibility because the people are

ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. Americans do not realize yet how precarious their situation is.

Now one might argue that it would be advisable to wait till Ron is president. Remember what happened to Kennedy? If the powers behind the scenes, the people who really pull the strings, decide that Ron has to go he will get murdered. That's the sad truth. What will or can they do when millions of people start to expose the crooks in government? Do you think that any of the flunkies in government will be willing to listen to the string pullers? I am sure they will not. This is the situation that has to be created. Government has to become afraid of the people again. That's when a country is healthy. That's when things are going the way they ought to run. But that only happens when people fulfill their responsibilities. Now keep in mind that not everyone will participate. But not everyone needs to participate. History has shown that with any major change only about 3% of the people take part. I believe that

if you can mobilize 100000 people and up you have it made.

There might be a lot of resistance to this program because it is exposing people and their CRIMINAL actions. Most people do not like to do this. There we have to realize that criminals cannot be dealt with in any other manner. They do not understand any other language.

Now I have to make you aware of a new bill about before Congress, I believe, and it is H.R. 1955. You can google it

One more thing, about myself. If you have googled my name you might be under the impression that I am a radical or something like this. Don't forget that the corporate media has the great ability of slanting the truth, dispense half truth or half the story in such a way that the story is totally different than what it really is. Corporate media represents the interests of the government. As you well know, when you are on the opposite side of government you can be sure to be smeared, attacked, vilified, etc. I had a death threat uttered against me by two police officers a few years back. That didn't go anywhere because I made this public on flyers. There is always a way to counteract ANY government threats.

This is a broad outline of my program I followed for many years with great success.

It is up to the American people if they REALLY want to put and end to the criminal government actions against them. I would be more than willing to help you in any way I can.

Fred Kyburz

On 09.01.2008, at 16:44, majestichealth wrote:

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Time is precious...brain tumors... many and then they grow rapidly and cause so much pain and discomfort before going into the spinal area and killing because the Onclolgists use steriods to keep the brain swelling down.THIS IS NOT SAVING A LIFE

I work with wellness..Oncology in the U SA works with illness..IT MAKES MONEY the FDA may want to put me in prison with their new 2007 rules...I have a grandson that suffers from this terrible mess......and if American is not the Land of the People and a "Republic for 'Which it stands...then we are no longer America" I am sure my grandson suffers because of his vaccinations and thimerisol poisoning..my daughter does not even know my years of medical research.

I have dedicate this to my grandchild. Wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late... realize that by doing nothing you are GIVING them the ok to detroy our lives and those of our children..LISTEN learn contact me at majestichealth@...From: "majestichealth@..." <majestichealth@...>no-forced-vaccination ; Mecardo <peter@...>; CATHY DAVIS <cathy44svm@...>; Beverly Weeden <bevwchatham@...>; scooping@...Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:03:32 PMSubject: Re: Outline of Action Plan

Hi there I think that the most important people to work with us now are the DOCTORS...yes I have been there...done that...the difference now is that the younger docs know that the meds are not working...and can be educated...they are starting to HEAR us...we need to get to them first...I know I was just there tonight..All the NIC tests on the product for this woman with 2 stage 4 cancers breast, lung, & brain...some tumors are 3cm) was presented to her Oncologist by the patient..She said the National Cancer Insitute did studies on this product which is all natural...will he condone her taking it the day she starts radiation...I spoke with him, not attacking, I wanted to put him in contact with the scientist and gave him some valuable info that a major cancer center in Alabama who had done tests on over 6,000 patients in the past two years were going to put this product in as their

major cancer treatment...does that say allot???????? I also told her doc to see the NIC results...he told me that this product would cause her more problems with her breats cancer but when I asked him if he knew of Haelan951...he never heard of it,...The patient is trying to make a good decision when he said he did not want her on it...People, she is making her own decision tonight after three treatments of radiation and forty tumors in her brain which were not there two weeks ago..I gave up tonight and let it go...I cannot hate...I must go on...this Doc said :Dr. Lang I am sorry but I am going to a concert with my family!!!! So tonight I must go on and hope for more education...Dr. Debra Lang

Re: [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Outline of Action Plan

I am back. Now let me try to put all this in as short an email as possible. There will be many questions about it. What I am trying to do is to give a rough outline first.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Jefferson, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

The above paragraph illustrates that people have the power and the right to change a destructive government. The federal government of the USA has become destructive to the American people as well as to people outside America. The American people have the right and the duty to change such a destructive government as they are ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. We also have to remember that every right has a duty attached to it. In other words, people are responsible.

There are many instances in which the federal government is violating people's rights and freedoms which are:

the freedoms of speech, press, and religion; the well-regulated militia's right to keep and bear arms; the freedom of assembly; the freedom to petition; and the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; cruel and unusual punishment; and compelled self-incrimination.

I don't know where to place the forced vaccination but it evidently is not a right of the government to impose forced medications of any kind. Governments will force the vaccinations on people as long as the pressure from the people is not strong enough to make the government abandon this tactic.

How can this be done? How can government be forced to change this program?

Let's ask how the government gets away with forced vaccinations. What are their most successful weapons the government is using against the people? Aren't they fear? Government threatens people with imprisonment - people fear imprisonment. Government threatens people with intimidation - people fear being intimidated by police, the courts, law suits, etc. Government is playing on human emotions.

Now we have to realize that police officers, judges, lawyers, senators, government employees are also people. So are the officers with the SWAT team, the ambulance attendants, doctors, nurses, FDA employees, etc. They have the same emotions and uncertainties as everyone else. They also fear. And, they know when they do wrong.

My program was based on these specifics.

I had certain steps I followed every time I did a flyer campaign. They are as follows:

- Let people involved know beforehand what you have in mind IF THEY CONTINUE WITH THEIR UNACCEPTABLE ACTIONS, in this case forced vaccinations.

- Give the people involved a specified time to respond.

- Ask people involved how they want to change their program or actions, or, how they intend to rectify the damage done.

It is very important to give the people enough time to respond and to warn them beforehand of what they can expect if they continue with their unacceptable actions.

If the people do not respond then go ahead within the outlined time limit and follow the specified actions without delay.

What I would envision in the forced vaccination case is as follows:

Get in touch with all the medical professionals you know are against forced vaccinations. Outline to them your ideas. Ask them to get in touch with their clients that are against forced vaccinations and people that have suffered from vaccinations. Get as many people involved as possible. Get them on a mailing list. Start an education campaign. Get them involved. Let them study the different vaccination websites - that is web sites for and against vaccinations. They will have to be familiar with both so that they can understand where the vaccination story is false, where they lie started. Let them know that Pasteur recanted on his death bed.

Once you have enough people interested in participating there is one more part they have to understand, and that is the psychological aspect of this program. How do people react to exposure. Why does this program has to be executed in this manner. Why it will not work any other way. The flyers have to be written and have to be distributed by the people involved or by a professional delivery company. It is most successful if people distribute the flyers themselves because they are now involved, they have a stake in it. The flyers have to be written in a way that leaves no doubt as to what forced vaccination is and in general what vaccinations are and the purpose they are serving. In my opinion, and what I have studied and read about it, it has ONLY ONE PURPOSE AND THAT IS POPULATION CONTROL. And there are a number of examples which prove that this is so. All this has to get on the flyers and people in positions who

advocate forced vaccinations have to be made aware of this. They have to be clear without a shadow of a doubt what awaits them if they continue with their program - they are following a program which results in premeditated murder.

Let's assume that the people responsible for the forced vaccinations will not believe you and continue with their methods, which I doubt if the preparatory steps are done right, then you will have to write the flyers. It will not be one flyer, it will not be two flyers, there might be 20 or 30 or more flyers on the same case. You start with one flyer. A few days later the second flyer will be distributed with more information about vaccination. Then a third one. By that time the government will have taken some steps to counter your program. Then you will have to address this government action. I don't know what will happen. Somebody might get arrested. Whatever will happen you have to continue if you want to be successful. To dissolve a growing dictatorship is no easy task. If nothing is done America will cease to exist as it was known up to now. And the people will bear the responsibility because the people are

ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. Americans do not realize yet how precarious their situation is.

Now one might argue that it would be advisable to wait till Ron is president. Remember what happened to Kennedy? If the powers behind the scenes, the people who really pull the strings, decide that Ron has to go he will get murdered. That's the sad truth. What will or can they do when millions of people start to expose the crooks in government? Do you think that any of the flunkies in government will be willing to listen to the string pullers? I am sure they will not. This is the situation that has to be created. Government has to become afraid of the people again. That's when a country is healthy. That's when things are going the way they ought to run. But that only happens when people fulfill their responsibilities. Now keep in mind that not everyone will participate. But not everyone needs to participate. History has shown that with any major change only about 3% of the people take part. I believe that

if you can mobilize 100000 people and up you have it made.

There might be a lot of resistance to this program because it is exposing people and their CRIMINAL actions. Most people do not like to do this. There we have to realize that criminals cannot be dealt with in any other manner. They do not understand any other language.

Now I have to make you aware of a new bill about before Congress, I believe, and it is H.R. 1955. You can google it

One more thing, about myself. If you have googled my name you might be under the impression that I am a radical or something like this. Don't forget that the corporate media has the great ability of slanting the truth, dispense half truth or half the story in such a way that the story is totally different than what it really is. Corporate media represents the interests of the government. As you well know, when you are on the opposite side of government you can be sure to be smeared, attacked, vilified, etc. I had a death threat uttered against me by two police officers a few years back. That didn't go anywhere because I made this public on flyers. There is always a way to counteract ANY government threats.

This is a broad outline of my program I followed for many years with great success.

It is up to the American people if they REALLY want to put and end to the criminal government actions against them. I would be more than willing to help you in any way I can.

Fred Kyburz

On 09.01.2008, at 16:44, majestichealth wrote:

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Time is precious...brain tumors... many and then they grow rapidly and cause so much pain and discomfort before going into the spinal area and killing because the Onclolgists use steriods to keep the brain swelling down.THIS IS NOT SAVING A LIFE

I work with wellness..Oncology in the U SA works with illness..IT MAKES MONEY the FDA may want to put me in prison with their new 2007 rules...I have a grandson that suffers from this terrible mess......and if American is not the Land of the People and a "Republic for 'Which it stands...then we are no longer America" I am sure my grandson suffers because of his vaccinations and thimerisol poisoning..my daughter does not even know my years of medical research.

I have dedicate this to my grandchild. Wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late... realize that by doing nothing you are GIVING them the ok to detroy our lives and those of our children..LISTEN learn contact me at majestichealth@...From: "majestichealth@..." <majestichealth@...>no-forced-vaccination ; Mecardo <peter@...>; CATHY DAVIS <cathy44svm@...>; Beverly Weeden <bevwchatham@...>; scooping@...Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:03:32 PMSubject: Re: Outline of Action Plan

Hi there I think that the most important people to work with us now are the DOCTORS...yes I have been there...done that...the difference now is that the younger docs know that the meds are not working...and can be educated...they are starting to HEAR us...we need to get to them first...I know I was just there tonight..All the NIC tests on the product for this woman with 2 stage 4 cancers breast, lung, & brain...some tumors are 3cm) was presented to her Oncologist by the patient..She said the National Cancer Insitute did studies on this product which is all natural...will he condone her taking it the day she starts radiation...I spoke with him, not attacking, I wanted to put him in contact with the scientist and gave him some valuable info that a major cancer center in Alabama who had done tests on over 6,000 patients in the past two years were going to put this product in as their

major cancer treatment...does that say allot???????? I also told her doc to see the NIC results...he told me that this product would cause her more problems with her breats cancer but when I asked him if he knew of Haelan951...he never heard of it,...The patient is trying to make a good decision when he said he did not want her on it...People, she is making her own decision tonight after three treatments of radiation and forty tumors in her brain which were not there two weeks ago..I gave up tonight and let it go...I cannot hate...I must go on...this Doc said :Dr. Lang I am sorry but I am going to a concert with my family!!!! So tonight I must go on and hope for more education...Dr. Debra Lang

Re: [no-forced-vaccinat ion] Outline of Action Plan

I am back. Now let me try to put all this in as short an email as possible. There will be many questions about it. What I am trying to do is to give a rough outline first.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." --Declaration of Independence as originally written by Jefferson, 1776. ME 1:29, Papers 1:315

The above paragraph illustrates that people have the power and the right to change a destructive government. The federal government of the USA has become destructive to the American people as well as to people outside America. The American people have the right and the duty to change such a destructive government as they are ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. We also have to remember that every right has a duty attached to it. In other words, people are responsible.

There are many instances in which the federal government is violating people's rights and freedoms which are:

the freedoms of speech, press, and religion; the well-regulated militia's right to keep and bear arms; the freedom of assembly; the freedom to petition; and the rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; cruel and unusual punishment; and compelled self-incrimination.

I don't know where to place the forced vaccination but it evidently is not a right of the government to impose forced medications of any kind. Governments will force the vaccinations on people as long as the pressure from the people is not strong enough to make the government abandon this tactic.

How can this be done? How can government be forced to change this program?

Let's ask how the government gets away with forced vaccinations. What are their most successful weapons the government is using against the people? Aren't they fear? Government threatens people with imprisonment - people fear imprisonment. Government threatens people with intimidation - people fear being intimidated by police, the courts, law suits, etc. Government is playing on human emotions.

Now we have to realize that police officers, judges, lawyers, senators, government employees are also people. So are the officers with the SWAT team, the ambulance attendants, doctors, nurses, FDA employees, etc. They have the same emotions and uncertainties as everyone else. They also fear. And, they know when they do wrong.

My program was based on these specifics.

I had certain steps I followed every time I did a flyer campaign. They are as follows:

- Let people involved know beforehand what you have in mind IF THEY CONTINUE WITH THEIR UNACCEPTABLE ACTIONS, in this case forced vaccinations.

- Give the people involved a specified time to respond.

- Ask people involved how they want to change their program or actions, or, how they intend to rectify the damage done.

It is very important to give the people enough time to respond and to warn them beforehand of what they can expect if they continue with their unacceptable actions.

If the people do not respond then go ahead within the outlined time limit and follow the specified actions without delay.

What I would envision in the forced vaccination case is as follows:

Get in touch with all the medical professionals you know are against forced vaccinations. Outline to them your ideas. Ask them to get in touch with their clients that are against forced vaccinations and people that have suffered from vaccinations. Get as many people involved as possible. Get them on a mailing list. Start an education campaign. Get them involved. Let them study the different vaccination websites - that is web sites for and against vaccinations. They will have to be familiar with both so that they can understand where the vaccination story is false, where they lie started. Let them know that Pasteur recanted on his death bed.

Once you have enough people interested in participating there is one more part they have to understand, and that is the psychological aspect of this program. How do people react to exposure. Why does this program has to be executed in this manner. Why it will not work any other way. The flyers have to be written and have to be distributed by the people involved or by a professional delivery company. It is most successful if people distribute the flyers themselves because they are now involved, they have a stake in it. The flyers have to be written in a way that leaves no doubt as to what forced vaccination is and in general what vaccinations are and the purpose they are serving. In my opinion, and what I have studied and read about it, it has ONLY ONE PURPOSE AND THAT IS POPULATION CONTROL. And there are a number of examples which prove that this is so. All this has to get on the flyers and people in positions who

advocate forced vaccinations have to be made aware of this. They have to be clear without a shadow of a doubt what awaits them if they continue with their program - they are following a program which results in premeditated murder.

Let's assume that the people responsible for the forced vaccinations will not believe you and continue with their methods, which I doubt if the preparatory steps are done right, then you will have to write the flyers. It will not be one flyer, it will not be two flyers, there might be 20 or 30 or more flyers on the same case. You start with one flyer. A few days later the second flyer will be distributed with more information about vaccination. Then a third one. By that time the government will have taken some steps to counter your program. Then you will have to address this government action. I don't know what will happen. Somebody might get arrested. Whatever will happen you have to continue if you want to be successful. To dissolve a growing dictatorship is no easy task. If nothing is done America will cease to exist as it was known up to now. And the people will bear the responsibility because the people are

ultimately responsible for the actions of their government. Americans do not realize yet how precarious their situation is.

Now one might argue that it would be advisable to wait till Ron is president. Remember what happened to Kennedy? If the powers behind the scenes, the people who really pull the strings, decide that Ron has to go he will get murdered. That's the sad truth. What will or can they do when millions of people start to expose the crooks in government? Do you think that any of the flunkies in government will be willing to listen to the string pullers? I am sure they will not. This is the situation that has to be created. Government has to become afraid of the people again. That's when a country is healthy. That's when things are going the way they ought to run. But that only happens when people fulfill their responsibilities. Now keep in mind that not everyone will participate. But not everyone needs to participate. History has shown that with any major change only about 3% of the people take part. I believe that

if you can mobilize 100000 people and up you have it made.

There might be a lot of resistance to this program because it is exposing people and their CRIMINAL actions. Most people do not like to do this. There we have to realize that criminals cannot be dealt with in any other manner. They do not understand any other language.

Now I have to make you aware of a new bill about before Congress, I believe, and it is H.R. 1955. You can google it

One more thing, about myself. If you have googled my name you might be under the impression that I am a radical or something like this. Don't forget that the corporate media has the great ability of slanting the truth, dispense half truth or half the story in such a way that the story is totally different than what it really is. Corporate media represents the interests of the government. As you well know, when you are on the opposite side of government you can be sure to be smeared, attacked, vilified, etc. I had a death threat uttered against me by two police officers a few years back. That didn't go anywhere because I made this public on flyers. There is always a way to counteract ANY government threats.

This is a broad outline of my program I followed for many years with great success.

It is up to the American people if they REALLY want to put and end to the criminal government actions against them. I would be more than willing to help you in any way I can.

Fred Kyburz

On 09.01.2008, at 16:44, majestichealth wrote:

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