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Wakefield Has Company

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Wakefield Has Company

by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD

Is there a vaccine-autism link? Is Andy Wakefield a crazy man? The gap I

see, as a nutrition professional who has worked with children with autism

for twelve years, is in a willingness to open our minds, to consider

studies that corroborate Wakefield’s work. I am weary of doing the

literature search over and over, handing out these links (below) again

and again – the ones the media ignore so handily. Your pediatrician

likely doesn’t know that Wakefield is not alone. I challenge physicians

out there to pause, breathe, read the studies, and wonder. Think it

through: What if he’s right?

I notice that most doctors, parents, journalists and bloggers who are

shouting about what a fraud Dr. Wakefield is are more voyeurs on the

autism controversy than anything else. Most often, they don’t see many

patients with autism, don’t treat them for anything beyond prescribing

Miralax or Abilify, or aren’t raising children with autism themselves. Or

maybe I should say, they don’t see their poop, their growth charts,

endoscopy reports, stool cultures, or food intakes. They don’t see how

physically ill these children are, up close and stinky. How many autism

diapers have they changed? You know, the ones with the explosive gold

lumpy liquid that soars up the child’s neck and seeps down to his knees,

six or eight times a day? How many toilets have they unclogged or

replaced, after one too many enormous, stone-hard stools filled it? How

many impacted colons have they cleared in young children with autism? How

many failure to thrive children with autism have they worked with, to

restore normal nutrition status and good health? This is what I’m mucking

through at work on a regular basis as I provide nutrition care. Either in

a child’s history, parent interview, or in a kid’s pants right in my

office. Do I want to see it, mom asks? Why, yes I do, I always answer.

And I want to culture it too. So off we go collecting that stool sample,

right then and there. Let’s do something about it.

Let’s do something about the myths relentlessly repeated now about

measles and Wakefield too.

First, there are fewer, not more, children getting measles in the UK

since Wakefield voiced his concerns for the bundled MMR vaccine.

See this analysis for data on measles cases pre and post


And, no, your child is not certain to die from measles if unvaccinated

against it, unless he happens to be in profoundly weak status for vitamin

A, iron, protein, and body mass index. Those nutrition parameters are

strong predictors of how children manage most any infectious disease, and

measles in particular. They are so strong, in fact, that protocols for

using vitamin A to prevent and treat measles have long existed for UNICEF

and the World Health Organization. A child in strong nutrition status

typically passes through measles quickly with no lasting ill effect, and

then has permanent immunity. This does not mean children never catch or

die of measles. It does mean that measles is a highly survivable routine

illness that healthy, well-nourished children overwhelmingly survived in

the pre-vaccine era – just as my siblings did, who passed immunity to


Thirdly, I would also point out (groan, again) that Wakefield’s infamous

original Lancet article was a case series. Which means, it did not test a

hypothesis that MMR causes autism, nor did it intend to. It did not state

this at all, as the media relentlessly hypes. I wonder how many MDs have

actually read this original article, or even know the findings published

there. The real tragedy is that the message of that original case series

has been long lost in the sensationalist media cacophony. Again, think:

What if he’s right? Would Pharma, CDC, FDA, AAP, ACIP, UK GMC, and NIH

stand up and say – “Oops. We’re sorry.” Would the US go into even greater

financial arrears, to pay the hundreds of thousands of injured families

the billions they would be due?

These are colossally powerful, profitable entities. If there is trouble

with bundled vaccines like MMR, what a tidy solution if Wakefiled is

indeed a monster and a fraud. But I don’t think he is, after reviewing

food intakes, GI sx, growth patterns, medical histories, and

developmental histories on hundreds of children with autism.

Enough lamenting. I’m always asked, so here are some citations for the

uninitiated. Wakefield has company. Can all these journals and authors be

wrong as well? Here’s one that I can’t link to because it has vanished

from PubMed (hmmm it was there two days ago), so here is the full


Sheils O, Smyth P, C, O’Leary JJ. Development of an ‘allelic

discrimination’ type assay to differentiate between the strain origins of

measles virus detected in intestinal tissue of children with ileocolonic

lymphonodular hyperplasia and concomitant developmental disorder. J

Pathol 2002; 198 (suppl): 5A.

Wakefield’s company includes other researchers, and other vaccines beyond

the MMR. For example, hepatitis B vaccine at birth was found to triple

risk for autism in this retrospective study

http://bit.ly/rKeth A

horrifying vindication for a book I published in 2002 When Your Doctor Is

Wrong: Hepatitis B Vaccine & Autism.

This one shows a “hyperimmune” response to MMR in children with autism:


Oh alright, I will keep going…Here’s a 2010 chart review finding

ileal or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia in 73% of subjects with autism


and this one saw a strong association between MMR vaccination and CNS

autoimmunity in children with autism


and this one documents intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) occuring 7x

more frequently in subjects with autism compared to controls


...Here’s a page with over twenty citations and analysis collected in one

spot for MMR-autism:


Okay I’ll stop. There is more, you can keep going down this rabbit

hole if you like. You’ll find Wakefield has plenty of company.

Lastly, we never hear much about this study, perhaps the most chilling of

all. It is the only one to date that reviews the immunization schedule as

it is given to human infants – something the FDA never required anybody

to do before allowing our children to be given dozens of vaccines in a

short time span, as many as twelve or fifteen in one day, as I have seen

on my patients’ vaccine records. It was a prospective case controlled

study with primates, the closest animal model to humans that we can use.

Do you know the outcome? Read it and weep, for our children. They are not

victims of Wakefield. They are victims of ignorance and greed. We owe

them more research, solutions to the neurodevelopmental disorders and

autism they now suffer in unprecedented numbers, and truth.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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Wakefield Has Company

by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD

Is there a vaccine-autism link? Is Andy Wakefield a crazy man? The gap I

see, as a nutrition professional who has worked with children with autism

for twelve years, is in a willingness to open our minds, to consider

studies that corroborate Wakefield’s work. I am weary of doing the

literature search over and over, handing out these links (below) again

and again – the ones the media ignore so handily. Your pediatrician

likely doesn’t know that Wakefield is not alone. I challenge physicians

out there to pause, breathe, read the studies, and wonder. Think it

through: What if he’s right?

I notice that most doctors, parents, journalists and bloggers who are

shouting about what a fraud Dr. Wakefield is are more voyeurs on the

autism controversy than anything else. Most often, they don’t see many

patients with autism, don’t treat them for anything beyond prescribing

Miralax or Abilify, or aren’t raising children with autism themselves. Or

maybe I should say, they don’t see their poop, their growth charts,

endoscopy reports, stool cultures, or food intakes. They don’t see how

physically ill these children are, up close and stinky. How many autism

diapers have they changed? You know, the ones with the explosive gold

lumpy liquid that soars up the child’s neck and seeps down to his knees,

six or eight times a day? How many toilets have they unclogged or

replaced, after one too many enormous, stone-hard stools filled it? How

many impacted colons have they cleared in young children with autism? How

many failure to thrive children with autism have they worked with, to

restore normal nutrition status and good health? This is what I’m mucking

through at work on a regular basis as I provide nutrition care. Either in

a child’s history, parent interview, or in a kid’s pants right in my

office. Do I want to see it, mom asks? Why, yes I do, I always answer.

And I want to culture it too. So off we go collecting that stool sample,

right then and there. Let’s do something about it.

Let’s do something about the myths relentlessly repeated now about

measles and Wakefield too.

First, there are fewer, not more, children getting measles in the UK

since Wakefield voiced his concerns for the bundled MMR vaccine.

See this analysis for data on measles cases pre and post


And, no, your child is not certain to die from measles if unvaccinated

against it, unless he happens to be in profoundly weak status for vitamin

A, iron, protein, and body mass index. Those nutrition parameters are

strong predictors of how children manage most any infectious disease, and

measles in particular. They are so strong, in fact, that protocols for

using vitamin A to prevent and treat measles have long existed for UNICEF

and the World Health Organization. A child in strong nutrition status

typically passes through measles quickly with no lasting ill effect, and

then has permanent immunity. This does not mean children never catch or

die of measles. It does mean that measles is a highly survivable routine

illness that healthy, well-nourished children overwhelmingly survived in

the pre-vaccine era – just as my siblings did, who passed immunity to


Thirdly, I would also point out (groan, again) that Wakefield’s infamous

original Lancet article was a case series. Which means, it did not test a

hypothesis that MMR causes autism, nor did it intend to. It did not state

this at all, as the media relentlessly hypes. I wonder how many MDs have

actually read this original article, or even know the findings published

there. The real tragedy is that the message of that original case series

has been long lost in the sensationalist media cacophony. Again, think:

What if he’s right? Would Pharma, CDC, FDA, AAP, ACIP, UK GMC, and NIH

stand up and say – “Oops. We’re sorry.” Would the US go into even greater

financial arrears, to pay the hundreds of thousands of injured families

the billions they would be due?

These are colossally powerful, profitable entities. If there is trouble

with bundled vaccines like MMR, what a tidy solution if Wakefiled is

indeed a monster and a fraud. But I don’t think he is, after reviewing

food intakes, GI sx, growth patterns, medical histories, and

developmental histories on hundreds of children with autism.

Enough lamenting. I’m always asked, so here are some citations for the

uninitiated. Wakefield has company. Can all these journals and authors be

wrong as well? Here’s one that I can’t link to because it has vanished

from PubMed (hmmm it was there two days ago), so here is the full


Sheils O, Smyth P, C, O’Leary JJ. Development of an ‘allelic

discrimination’ type assay to differentiate between the strain origins of

measles virus detected in intestinal tissue of children with ileocolonic

lymphonodular hyperplasia and concomitant developmental disorder. J

Pathol 2002; 198 (suppl): 5A.

Wakefield’s company includes other researchers, and other vaccines beyond

the MMR. For example, hepatitis B vaccine at birth was found to triple

risk for autism in this retrospective study

http://bit.ly/rKeth A

horrifying vindication for a book I published in 2002 When Your Doctor Is

Wrong: Hepatitis B Vaccine & Autism.

This one shows a “hyperimmune” response to MMR in children with autism:


Oh alright, I will keep going…Here’s a 2010 chart review finding

ileal or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia in 73% of subjects with autism


and this one saw a strong association between MMR vaccination and CNS

autoimmunity in children with autism


and this one documents intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) occuring 7x

more frequently in subjects with autism compared to controls


...Here’s a page with over twenty citations and analysis collected in one

spot for MMR-autism:


Okay I’ll stop. There is more, you can keep going down this rabbit

hole if you like. You’ll find Wakefield has plenty of company.

Lastly, we never hear much about this study, perhaps the most chilling of

all. It is the only one to date that reviews the immunization schedule as

it is given to human infants – something the FDA never required anybody

to do before allowing our children to be given dozens of vaccines in a

short time span, as many as twelve or fifteen in one day, as I have seen

on my patients’ vaccine records. It was a prospective case controlled

study with primates, the closest animal model to humans that we can use.

Do you know the outcome? Read it and weep, for our children. They are not

victims of Wakefield. They are victims of ignorance and greed. We owe

them more research, solutions to the neurodevelopmental disorders and

autism they now suffer in unprecedented numbers, and truth.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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Wakefield Has Company

by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD

Is there a vaccine-autism link? Is Andy Wakefield a crazy man? The gap I

see, as a nutrition professional who has worked with children with autism

for twelve years, is in a willingness to open our minds, to consider

studies that corroborate Wakefield’s work. I am weary of doing the

literature search over and over, handing out these links (below) again

and again – the ones the media ignore so handily. Your pediatrician

likely doesn’t know that Wakefield is not alone. I challenge physicians

out there to pause, breathe, read the studies, and wonder. Think it

through: What if he’s right?

I notice that most doctors, parents, journalists and bloggers who are

shouting about what a fraud Dr. Wakefield is are more voyeurs on the

autism controversy than anything else. Most often, they don’t see many

patients with autism, don’t treat them for anything beyond prescribing

Miralax or Abilify, or aren’t raising children with autism themselves. Or

maybe I should say, they don’t see their poop, their growth charts,

endoscopy reports, stool cultures, or food intakes. They don’t see how

physically ill these children are, up close and stinky. How many autism

diapers have they changed? You know, the ones with the explosive gold

lumpy liquid that soars up the child’s neck and seeps down to his knees,

six or eight times a day? How many toilets have they unclogged or

replaced, after one too many enormous, stone-hard stools filled it? How

many impacted colons have they cleared in young children with autism? How

many failure to thrive children with autism have they worked with, to

restore normal nutrition status and good health? This is what I’m mucking

through at work on a regular basis as I provide nutrition care. Either in

a child’s history, parent interview, or in a kid’s pants right in my

office. Do I want to see it, mom asks? Why, yes I do, I always answer.

And I want to culture it too. So off we go collecting that stool sample,

right then and there. Let’s do something about it.

Let’s do something about the myths relentlessly repeated now about

measles and Wakefield too.

First, there are fewer, not more, children getting measles in the UK

since Wakefield voiced his concerns for the bundled MMR vaccine.

See this analysis for data on measles cases pre and post


And, no, your child is not certain to die from measles if unvaccinated

against it, unless he happens to be in profoundly weak status for vitamin

A, iron, protein, and body mass index. Those nutrition parameters are

strong predictors of how children manage most any infectious disease, and

measles in particular. They are so strong, in fact, that protocols for

using vitamin A to prevent and treat measles have long existed for UNICEF

and the World Health Organization. A child in strong nutrition status

typically passes through measles quickly with no lasting ill effect, and

then has permanent immunity. This does not mean children never catch or

die of measles. It does mean that measles is a highly survivable routine

illness that healthy, well-nourished children overwhelmingly survived in

the pre-vaccine era – just as my siblings did, who passed immunity to


Thirdly, I would also point out (groan, again) that Wakefield’s infamous

original Lancet article was a case series. Which means, it did not test a

hypothesis that MMR causes autism, nor did it intend to. It did not state

this at all, as the media relentlessly hypes. I wonder how many MDs have

actually read this original article, or even know the findings published

there. The real tragedy is that the message of that original case series

has been long lost in the sensationalist media cacophony. Again, think:

What if he’s right? Would Pharma, CDC, FDA, AAP, ACIP, UK GMC, and NIH

stand up and say – “Oops. We’re sorry.” Would the US go into even greater

financial arrears, to pay the hundreds of thousands of injured families

the billions they would be due?

These are colossally powerful, profitable entities. If there is trouble

with bundled vaccines like MMR, what a tidy solution if Wakefiled is

indeed a monster and a fraud. But I don’t think he is, after reviewing

food intakes, GI sx, growth patterns, medical histories, and

developmental histories on hundreds of children with autism.

Enough lamenting. I’m always asked, so here are some citations for the

uninitiated. Wakefield has company. Can all these journals and authors be

wrong as well? Here’s one that I can’t link to because it has vanished

from PubMed (hmmm it was there two days ago), so here is the full


Sheils O, Smyth P, C, O’Leary JJ. Development of an ‘allelic

discrimination’ type assay to differentiate between the strain origins of

measles virus detected in intestinal tissue of children with ileocolonic

lymphonodular hyperplasia and concomitant developmental disorder. J

Pathol 2002; 198 (suppl): 5A.

Wakefield’s company includes other researchers, and other vaccines beyond

the MMR. For example, hepatitis B vaccine at birth was found to triple

risk for autism in this retrospective study

http://bit.ly/rKeth A

horrifying vindication for a book I published in 2002 When Your Doctor Is

Wrong: Hepatitis B Vaccine & Autism.

This one shows a “hyperimmune” response to MMR in children with autism:


Oh alright, I will keep going…Here’s a 2010 chart review finding

ileal or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia in 73% of subjects with autism


and this one saw a strong association between MMR vaccination and CNS

autoimmunity in children with autism


and this one documents intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) occuring 7x

more frequently in subjects with autism compared to controls


...Here’s a page with over twenty citations and analysis collected in one

spot for MMR-autism:


Okay I’ll stop. There is more, you can keep going down this rabbit

hole if you like. You’ll find Wakefield has plenty of company.

Lastly, we never hear much about this study, perhaps the most chilling of

all. It is the only one to date that reviews the immunization schedule as

it is given to human infants – something the FDA never required anybody

to do before allowing our children to be given dozens of vaccines in a

short time span, as many as twelve or fifteen in one day, as I have seen

on my patients’ vaccine records. It was a prospective case controlled

study with primates, the closest animal model to humans that we can use.

Do you know the outcome? Read it and weep, for our children. They are not

victims of Wakefield. They are victims of ignorance and greed. We owe

them more research, solutions to the neurodevelopmental disorders and

autism they now suffer in unprecedented numbers, and truth.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

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Wakefield Has Company

by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD

Is there a vaccine-autism link? Is Andy Wakefield a crazy man? The gap I

see, as a nutrition professional who has worked with children with autism

for twelve years, is in a willingness to open our minds, to consider

studies that corroborate Wakefield’s work. I am weary of doing the

literature search over and over, handing out these links (below) again

and again – the ones the media ignore so handily. Your pediatrician

likely doesn’t know that Wakefield is not alone. I challenge physicians

out there to pause, breathe, read the studies, and wonder. Think it

through: What if he’s right?

I notice that most doctors, parents, journalists and bloggers who are

shouting about what a fraud Dr. Wakefield is are more voyeurs on the

autism controversy than anything else. Most often, they don’t see many

patients with autism, don’t treat them for anything beyond prescribing

Miralax or Abilify, or aren’t raising children with autism themselves. Or

maybe I should say, they don’t see their poop, their growth charts,

endoscopy reports, stool cultures, or food intakes. They don’t see how

physically ill these children are, up close and stinky. How many autism

diapers have they changed? You know, the ones with the explosive gold

lumpy liquid that soars up the child’s neck and seeps down to his knees,

six or eight times a day? How many toilets have they unclogged or

replaced, after one too many enormous, stone-hard stools filled it? How

many impacted colons have they cleared in young children with autism? How

many failure to thrive children with autism have they worked with, to

restore normal nutrition status and good health? This is what I’m mucking

through at work on a regular basis as I provide nutrition care. Either in

a child’s history, parent interview, or in a kid’s pants right in my

office. Do I want to see it, mom asks? Why, yes I do, I always answer.

And I want to culture it too. So off we go collecting that stool sample,

right then and there. Let’s do something about it.

Let’s do something about the myths relentlessly repeated now about

measles and Wakefield too.

First, there are fewer, not more, children getting measles in the UK

since Wakefield voiced his concerns for the bundled MMR vaccine.

See this analysis for data on measles cases pre and post


And, no, your child is not certain to die from measles if unvaccinated

against it, unless he happens to be in profoundly weak status for vitamin

A, iron, protein, and body mass index. Those nutrition parameters are

strong predictors of how children manage most any infectious disease, and

measles in particular. They are so strong, in fact, that protocols for

using vitamin A to prevent and treat measles have long existed for UNICEF

and the World Health Organization. A child in strong nutrition status

typically passes through measles quickly with no lasting ill effect, and

then has permanent immunity. This does not mean children never catch or

die of measles. It does mean that measles is a highly survivable routine

illness that healthy, well-nourished children overwhelmingly survived in

the pre-vaccine era – just as my siblings did, who passed immunity to


Thirdly, I would also point out (groan, again) that Wakefield’s infamous

original Lancet article was a case series. Which means, it did not test a

hypothesis that MMR causes autism, nor did it intend to. It did not state

this at all, as the media relentlessly hypes. I wonder how many MDs have

actually read this original article, or even know the findings published

there. The real tragedy is that the message of that original case series

has been long lost in the sensationalist media cacophony. Again, think:

What if he’s right? Would Pharma, CDC, FDA, AAP, ACIP, UK GMC, and NIH

stand up and say – “Oops. We’re sorry.” Would the US go into even greater

financial arrears, to pay the hundreds of thousands of injured families

the billions they would be due?

These are colossally powerful, profitable entities. If there is trouble

with bundled vaccines like MMR, what a tidy solution if Wakefiled is

indeed a monster and a fraud. But I don’t think he is, after reviewing

food intakes, GI sx, growth patterns, medical histories, and

developmental histories on hundreds of children with autism.

Enough lamenting. I’m always asked, so here are some citations for the

uninitiated. Wakefield has company. Can all these journals and authors be

wrong as well? Here’s one that I can’t link to because it has vanished

from PubMed (hmmm it was there two days ago), so here is the full


Sheils O, Smyth P, C, O’Leary JJ. Development of an ‘allelic

discrimination’ type assay to differentiate between the strain origins of

measles virus detected in intestinal tissue of children with ileocolonic

lymphonodular hyperplasia and concomitant developmental disorder. J

Pathol 2002; 198 (suppl): 5A.

Wakefield’s company includes other researchers, and other vaccines beyond

the MMR. For example, hepatitis B vaccine at birth was found to triple

risk for autism in this retrospective study

http://bit.ly/rKeth A

horrifying vindication for a book I published in 2002 When Your Doctor Is

Wrong: Hepatitis B Vaccine & Autism.

This one shows a “hyperimmune” response to MMR in children with autism:


Oh alright, I will keep going…Here’s a 2010 chart review finding

ileal or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia in 73% of subjects with autism


and this one saw a strong association between MMR vaccination and CNS

autoimmunity in children with autism


and this one documents intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) occuring 7x

more frequently in subjects with autism compared to controls


...Here’s a page with over twenty citations and analysis collected in one

spot for MMR-autism:


Okay I’ll stop. There is more, you can keep going down this rabbit

hole if you like. You’ll find Wakefield has plenty of company.

Lastly, we never hear much about this study, perhaps the most chilling of

all. It is the only one to date that reviews the immunization schedule as

it is given to human infants – something the FDA never required anybody

to do before allowing our children to be given dozens of vaccines in a

short time span, as many as twelve or fifteen in one day, as I have seen

on my patients’ vaccine records. It was a prospective case controlled

study with primates, the closest animal model to humans that we can use.

Do you know the outcome? Read it and weep, for our children. They are not

victims of Wakefield. They are victims of ignorance and greed. We owe

them more research, solutions to the neurodevelopmental disorders and

autism they now suffer in unprecedented numbers, and truth.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start February 4

Link to comment
Share on other sites

This is great. That last paragraph about the study with the

primates: where is the link to that study?



On 1/23/11 9:18 PM, Sheri Nakken wrote:


Wakefield Has Company

by Judy Converse, MPH RD LD

Is there a vaccine-autism link? Is Andy Wakefield a crazy

man? The gap I

see, as a nutrition professional who has worked with

children with autism

for twelve years, is in a willingness to open our minds,

to consider

studies that corroborate Wakefield’s work. I am weary of

doing the

literature search over and over, handing out these links

(below) again

and again – the ones the media ignore so handily. Your


likely doesn’t know that Wakefield is not alone. I

challenge physicians

out there to pause, breathe, read the studies, and wonder.

Think it

through: What if he’s right?

I notice that most doctors, parents, journalists and

bloggers who are

shouting about what a fraud Dr. Wakefield is are more

voyeurs on the

autism controversy than anything else. Most often, they

don’t see many

patients with autism, don’t treat them for anything beyond


Miralax or Abilify, or aren’t raising children with autism

themselves. Or

maybe I should say, they don’t see their poop, their

growth charts,

endoscopy reports, stool cultures, or food intakes. They

don’t see how

physically ill these children are, up close and stinky.

How many autism

diapers have they changed? You know, the ones with the

explosive gold

lumpy liquid that soars up the child’s neck and seeps down

to his knees,

six or eight times a day? How many toilets have they

unclogged or

replaced, after one too many enormous, stone-hard stools

filled it? How

many impacted colons have they cleared in young children

with autism? How

many failure to thrive children with autism have they

worked with, to

restore normal nutrition status and good health? This is

what I’m mucking

through at work on a regular basis as I provide nutrition

care. Either in

a child’s history, parent interview, or in a kid’s pants

right in my

office. Do I want to see it, mom asks? Why, yes I do, I

always answer.

And I want to culture it too. So off we go collecting that

stool sample,

right then and there. Let’s do something about it.

Let’s do something about the myths relentlessly repeated

now about

measles and Wakefield too.

First, there are fewer, not more, children getting measles

in the UK

since Wakefield voiced his concerns for the bundled

MMR vaccine.

See this analysis for data on measles cases pre and post


And, no, your child is not certain to die from measles if


against it, unless he happens to be in profoundly weak

status for vitamin

A, iron, protein, and body mass index. Those nutrition

parameters are

strong predictors of how children manage most any

infectious disease, and

measles in particular. They are so strong, in fact, that

protocols for

using vitamin A to prevent and treat measles have long

existed for UNICEF

and the World Health Organization. A child in strong

nutrition status

typically passes through measles quickly with no lasting

ill effect, and

then has permanent immunity. This does not mean children

never catch or

die of measles. It does mean that measles is a highly

survivable routine

illness that healthy, well-nourished children

overwhelmingly survived in

the pre-vaccine era – just as my siblings did, who passed

immunity to


Thirdly, I would also point out (groan, again) that

Wakefield’s infamous

original Lancet article was a case series. Which means, it

did not test a

hypothesis that MMR causes autism, nor did it intend to.

It did not state

this at all, as the media relentlessly hypes. I wonder how

many MDs have

actually read this original article, or even know the

findings published

there. The real tragedy is that the message of that

original case series

has been long lost in the sensationalist media cacophony.

Again, think:

What if he’s right? Would Pharma, CDC, FDA, AAP, ACIP, UK

GMC, and NIH

stand up and say – “Oops. We’re sorry.” Would the US go

into even greater

financial arrears, to pay the hundreds of thousands of

injured families

the billions they would be due?

These are colossally powerful, profitable entities. If

there is trouble

with bundled vaccines like MMR, what a tidy solution if

Wakefiled is

indeed a monster and a fraud. But I don’t think he is,

after reviewing

food intakes, GI sx, growth patterns, medical histories,


developmental histories on hundreds of children with


Enough lamenting. I’m always asked, so here are some

citations for the

uninitiated. Wakefield has company. Can all these journals

and authors be

wrong as well? Here’s one that I can’t link to because it

has vanished

from PubMed (hmmm it was there two days ago), so here is

the full


Sheils O, Smyth P, C, O’Leary JJ. Development of an


discrimination’ type assay to differentiate between the

strain origins of

measles virus detected in intestinal tissue of children

with ileocolonic

lymphonodular hyperplasia and concomitant developmental

disorder. J

Pathol 2002; 198 (suppl): 5A.

Wakefield’s company includes other researchers, and other

vaccines beyond

the MMR. For example, hepatitis B vaccine at birth was

found to triple

risk for autism in this retrospective study

http://bit.ly/rKeth A

horrifying vindication for a book I published in 2002 When

Your Doctor Is

Wrong: Hepatitis B Vaccine & Autism.

This one shows a “hyperimmune” response to MMR in children

with autism:


Oh alright, I will keep going…Here’s a 2010 chart

review finding

ileal or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia in 73% of

subjects with autism


and this one saw a strong association between MMR

vaccination and CNS

autoimmunity in children with autism


and this one documents intestinal permeability (“leaky

gut”) occuring 7x

more frequently in subjects with autism compared to



...Here’s a page with over twenty citations and analysis

collected in one

spot for MMR-autism:


Okay I’ll stop. There is more, you can keep going down

this rabbit

hole if you like. You’ll find Wakefield has plenty of


Lastly, we never hear much about this study, perhaps the

most chilling of

all. It is the only one to date that reviews the

immunization schedule as

it is given to human infants – something the FDA never

required anybody

to do before allowing our children to be given dozens of

vaccines in a

short time span, as many as twelve or fifteen in one day,

as I have seen

on my patients’ vaccine records. It was a prospective case


study with primates, the closest animal model to humans

that we can use.

Do you know the outcome? Read it and weep, for our

children. They are not

victims of Wakefield. They are victims of ignorance and

greed. We owe

them more research, solutions to the neurodevelopmental

disorders and

autism they now suffer in unprecedented numbers, and


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington

State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes

& Homeopathy

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