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Re: Painful shoulders

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Hi Vikki:

I just woke up from nightmares and cannot go back to sleep either. By the

way, it usually takes up to 3 mos. before MTX will kick in and help you but

when it does, it really does. The Prednisone should be helping you. Perhaps

you are presently on too low a dose. Very few people do not benefit from

almost immediately relief from Prednisone. The problem is getting off it

once you are on. It is God sent but a devil in disguise at the same time.

Try hot soaks in the tub for pain too. Even in the middle of the night.

Sounds like you could use something stronger for pain too. It is early in

the process for you. Things will get adjusted and readjusted many times.

Just keep the faith that this disease can be manageable when you find the

right meds. Also, are you over doing things? You need alot of rest and low

stress. I also take Vits. E and B complex which help and I take Prozac and

Klonopin and sleep meds. I often wake up with tremendous back and hip pains

from lying in one position too long too. They do go away though after I get

up, move around, take my meds etc. in the a.m. I agree, husband support is

wonderful. I get alot of it too. I try to reciprocate as much as I can when

he feels tired, achy etc. too. There is always a delicate balance you have

to maintain so they do not feel they are just giving and not receiving. I

believe that can put wear and tear on a relationship. I try to be a self

sufficient as I can too. And, the most important element is humor. These

are just some of my additional thoughts. Good luck trying to go back to

sleep. I am having a cup of hot cocoa. Sometimes that helps. Sending

healing thoughts your way.


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Hi Vikki-- Boy, I know that feeling well. I notice that everyone seems to

encourage heat, but as a physical therapist, I always say use ice. Take a

large ziplock freezer bag and place crushed ice, along with some rubbing

alcohol. rubbing alcohol allows you to refreeze the chips without turning

into an ice block. Also, place the bag inside of another bag, as lying in

bed you will fall to sleep, and won't have a wet bed. It's as if you've

sprained your ankle, with a red hot joint and inflammation-- you know, the

ol' RICE acronym for rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Have your husband

place nice fluffy pillows under each shoulder, and try to wrap ice all around

the joint, front and back. This always gives me great relief. One is

supposed to apply ice for about 20 minutes, and it will become icey cold, go

through a burning stage, and then numbness, which feels really good. Try

calling your doc and asking for vicodin, perhaps, as you will be able to fall

asleep. So sorry... that is always tough. I have been on sulfasalazine and

celebrex for about a year, and now am at the highest dose. Many people do

not do well on this, as many don't tolerate sulfa based meds. But now the

sulfa is not working well for me, and I am going to see

Dr. Franco in Riverside, CA and begin the antibiotic therapy. Check out the

www.roadback.org website. Best regards, Diane

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Welcome, Vikki!

I'm sorry that you are having so much pain that it is interfering with your

sleep. I know that type of shoulder pain very well. Have you tried heat? An

electric heating pad and the microwaveable " socks " worked wonders for me. I

had to retrain myself not to sleep on my side anymore, too.

At your appointment next week, please tell your rheumatologist, in detail,

what you have been going through, so he can find a solution for you. Don't

hold anything back. If he doesn't know the extent of your pain, he won't be

able to treat you appropriately.

Have you had any x-rays or MRIs to determine the condition of your

shoulders? That might help, too.

As far as the meds go, many of them are slow-acting, so try to give them

some time before becoming discouraged (easier said than done!). Your

rheumatologist can guide you here and tell you what to expect.

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! It's wonderful that you

and your husband have sustained your relationship for that long and that he

is so supportive of you.

Hope you like it here as much as I do. Feel better soon!

----- Original Message -----

From: " J. Wesley & Vikki Wingfield " <vwwing@...>

< egroups>; " RA egroup " <rheumathritisegroups>

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 2:19 AM

Subject: [ ] Painful shoulders

> It's the middle of the night here, and again I can't sleep. My

> shoulders have been aching a lot more than usual (along with everything

> else) since the weather turned bad yesterday. Part of my problem is

> that I tend to want to sleep on my side. This seems to aggravate my

> shoulders even more. When I tried to sleep on my back all night, I just

> stiffened up (again, more than usual) from not moving enough while I

> slept. It's now 3:30am and I'm up trying to get the kinks out so I can

> go back to sleep! HELP!!!!! :-)


> I was diagnosed with RA about 3 months ago, and have not yet found any

> meds that really help. Sulfasalizine was a bust, and I've been on

> predisone and methatrexate for the past four weeks with no improvement -

> instead it's been getting worse. I'm sure the recent nasty weather has

> something to do with this, and I'm not sure how aggressive this RA is,

> so maybe the meds just aren't keeping up - regardless, my rheumy will

> have to make some adjustments when I see him next week. For now, when

> it gets bad, I take 800mg. ibuprofen. This doesn't help a lot, but at

> least I feel like I'm doing something!!! (It does help for a short

> time).


> My husband is extremely supportive. I don't know what I would do

> without him. He'll massage my back, my neck, my hands and feet -

> whatever I need - always without hesitation and often without my having

> to ask him. It really helps me feel better in a lot of ways I thank

> God for him every day. (BTW, we just celebrated our 25th wedding

> anniversary!)


> Sorry this is so long. It's good to know that there is a group of

> people out there in cyberspace that understand and support, and have a

> wealth of knowledge and experience for us RA newbies to draw on.

> Thanks!!!


> Vikki

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Hey I understand about the sleepin on your side-me too. I kind of had to

force myself to sleep on my back the past few weeks because my knees and

hips were so bad. I put a pillow under my knees-also helps with the

backache I get when flat on my back.

Sulfasalazine was a major bust, in fact I had a major allergic reaction-rash

& fever. Now it's kind of funny but wasn't then when I was in the ER. Also

didn't work-arava, methatrexate, all NSAI and enbrel works for swelling and

fatigue but not pain. Now I just started remicade and I am happy to say

that after a week there is some relief. Steroids are great but I need 15

mgs to work at all and the Dr won't keep me on that! Good luck. My

shoulders were the first to hurt but now they don't at all-it's been 2 years

total of trial and error.


Kuddle Kritters Farm

Chelmsford, MA




----- Original Message -----

From: J. Wesley & Vikki Wingfield <vwwing@...>

< egroups>; RA egroup <rheumathritisegroups>

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 12:19 AM

Subject: [ ] Painful shoulders

> It's the middle of the night here, and again I can't sleep. My

> shoulders have been aching a lot more than usual (along with everything

> else) since the weather turned bad yesterday. Part of my problem is

> that I tend to want to sleep on my side. This seems to aggravate my

> shoulders even more. When I tried to sleep on my back all night, I just

> stiffened up (again, more than usual) from not moving enough while I

> slept. It's now 3:30am and I'm up trying to get the kinks out so I can

> go back to sleep! HELP!!!!! :-)


> I was diagnosed with RA about 3 months ago, and have not yet found any

> meds that really help. Sulfasalizine was a bust, and I've been on

> predisone and methatrexate for the past four weeks with no improvement -

> instead it's been getting worse. I'm sure the recent nasty weather has

> something to do with this, and I'm not sure how aggressive this RA is,

> so maybe the meds just aren't keeping up - regardless, my rheumy will

> have to make some adjustments when I see him next week. For now, when

> it gets bad, I take 800mg. ibuprofen. This doesn't help a lot, but at

> least I feel like I'm doing something!!! (It does help for a short

> time).


> My husband is extremely supportive. I don't know what I would do

> without him. He'll massage my back, my neck, my hands and feet -

> whatever I need - always without hesitation and often without my having

> to ask him. It really helps me feel better in a lot of ways I thank

> God for him every day. (BTW, we just celebrated our 25th wedding

> anniversary!)


> Sorry this is so long. It's good to know that there is a group of

> people out there in cyberspace that understand and support, and have a

> wealth of knowledge and experience for us RA newbies to draw on.

> Thanks!!!


> Vikki




> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

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Hi Vikki. The mtx takes a few months to kick in. Don't give up yet. It

has helped many people. You may need something stronger for pain,

especially until the mtx starts to work. Some people like heat and others

like ice. Maybe a hot shower would help your shoulders? A soak in a hot

bathtub? Many people here use rice socks. Fill a sock with rice, sew it

shut and put it in the microwave. I makes a nice heat pack.

Congratulations on your 25 anniversary. May you have many more.


----- Original Message -----

From: J. Wesley & Vikki Wingfield <vwwing@...>

< egroups>; RA egroup <rheumathritisegroups>

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 3:19 AM

Subject: [ ] Painful shoulders

> It's the middle of the night here, and again I can't sleep. My

> shoulders have been aching a lot more than usual (along with everything

> else) since the weather turned bad yesterday. Part of my problem is

> that I tend to want to sleep on my side. This seems to aggravate my

> shoulders even more. When I tried to sleep on my back all night, I just

> stiffened up (again, more than usual) from not moving enough while I

> slept. It's now 3:30am and I'm up trying to get the kinks out so I can

> go back to sleep! HELP!!!!! :-)


> I was diagnosed with RA about 3 months ago, and have not yet found any

> meds that really help. Sulfasalizine was a bust, and I've been on

> predisone and methatrexate for the past four weeks with no improvement -

> instead it's been getting worse. I'm sure the recent nasty weather has

> something to do with this, and I'm not sure how aggressive this RA is,

> so maybe the meds just aren't keeping up - regardless, my rheumy will

> have to make some adjustments when I see him next week. For now, when

> it gets bad, I take 800mg. ibuprofen. This doesn't help a lot, but at

> least I feel like I'm doing something!!! (It does help for a short

> time).


> My husband is extremely supportive. I don't know what I would do

> without him. He'll massage my back, my neck, my hands and feet -

> whatever I need - always without hesitation and often without my having

> to ask him. It really helps me feel better in a lot of ways I thank

> God for him every day. (BTW, we just celebrated our 25th wedding

> anniversary!)


> Sorry this is so long. It's good to know that there is a group of

> people out there in cyberspace that understand and support, and have a

> wealth of knowledge and experience for us RA newbies to draw on.

> Thanks!!!


> Vikki




> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Change subscription options:


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I've heard many good things about Dr DeFranco. I hope you respond to the

antibiotics. I'm in my 4th month on tetracycline.

On my ankles, I find ice helps a lot. For many years I did nothing but

heat, but this past summer it was just to hot and I tried ice. I was

pleasantly surprised to find it helped. BUT now it is winter and it is

cold, the thoughts of putting ice anywhere is to bone chilling. I guess I

could wrap myself in an electric blanket first :)


----- Original Message -----

From: <DiCoghill@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 10:05 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Painful shoulders

> Hi Vikki-- Boy, I know that feeling well. I notice that everyone seems to

> encourage heat, but as a physical therapist, I always say use ice. Take a

> large ziplock freezer bag and place crushed ice, along with some rubbing

> alcohol. rubbing alcohol allows you to refreeze the chips without turning

> into an ice block. Also, place the bag inside of another bag, as lying in

> bed you will fall to sleep, and won't have a wet bed. It's as if you've

> sprained your ankle, with a red hot joint and inflammation-- you know, the

> ol' RICE acronym for rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Have your husband

> place nice fluffy pillows under each shoulder, and try to wrap ice all


> the joint, front and back. This always gives me great relief. One is

> supposed to apply ice for about 20 minutes, and it will become icey cold,


> through a burning stage, and then numbness, which feels really good. Try

> calling your doc and asking for vicodin, perhaps, as you will be able to


> asleep. So sorry... that is always tough. I have been on sulfasalazine


> celebrex for about a year, and now am at the highest dose. Many people do

> not do well on this, as many don't tolerate sulfa based meds. But now the

> sulfa is not working well for me, and I am going to see

> Dr. Franco in Riverside, CA and begin the antibiotic therapy. Check out


> www.roadback.org website. Best regards, Diane



> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

> Change subscription options:


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