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Hi ,

Sorry it has taken me so long to answer your email. Too much going on

around here. In response to " how long " has been on oxygen....let's

see, he's been on it for about 16 days. I weened him off last Thursday,

however, on Sunday his oxygen sats. dropped down below 90 again, so we

positioned him different, and he saturated at 97-100, which is excellent.

This is his fourth time in two years that he has had trouble keeping his

blood oxygen levels up where they should be. He averages being on oxygen for

about two weeks after each serious upper respiratory infection. Since we are

noticing his position makes a difference, Drs. have talked about doing

another brochoscopy in a few months to see if he has something that's causing

it, ...who knows? It's hard to say.

Joyce, mother of seven (three are DS, Ben-16,REbecca-6, 2 1/2)

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

That sounds good to me. I will bring pop and other munchies. I am sorry I can't be more definite, but I will let you know as soon as I can. Kathy

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 6/1/02 11:21:41 PM Central Daylight Time,



> It's been very difficult to get used to the two of them. doesn't want

> me around all the time and Elisha does. I'm not used to it. They are

> complete opposites. never cries and she cries over every little

> thing.

> I have to also remember that was by himself for almost 6 years. All

> he

> had was his dog who didn't try to take his stuff away and put up with his

> pushing as play. Now all of a sudden there is this crabby baby that

> follows

> him around and always plays with his toys. This has been very difficult

> for

> me. I'm glad that summer is here because then my life calms down, but then

> again it's stressful because I have both kids all day. I can't go anywhere

> or do anything. I try to keep busy, he has OT and PT 4 times a week

> and Special Olympic swimming the other day. Marc is going to rearrange his

> schedule to work from home Mon and Tues but that won't start for another 2

> weeks. will be starting summer school on the 10th Mon - Thurs and he

> will be gone from 8-12. Hopefully I'll get some peace then. I also

> started

> a home business doing medical billing out of my home. I'm just getting

> started so it's a lot of pressure for the income. I needed some type of

> income over the summer since I wasn't working at the church.


> Oh well, Elisha crying about something again and wants to use the

> computer. I'll talk at you next time.




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Guest guest

In a message dated 6/1/02 11:21:41 PM Central Daylight Time,



> It's been very difficult to get used to the two of them. doesn't want

> me around all the time and Elisha does. I'm not used to it. They are

> complete opposites. never cries and she cries over every little

> thing.

> I have to also remember that was by himself for almost 6 years. All

> he

> had was his dog who didn't try to take his stuff away and put up with his

> pushing as play. Now all of a sudden there is this crabby baby that

> follows

> him around and always plays with his toys. This has been very difficult

> for

> me. I'm glad that summer is here because then my life calms down, but then

> again it's stressful because I have both kids all day. I can't go anywhere

> or do anything. I try to keep busy, he has OT and PT 4 times a week

> and Special Olympic swimming the other day. Marc is going to rearrange his

> schedule to work from home Mon and Tues but that won't start for another 2

> weeks. will be starting summer school on the 10th Mon - Thurs and he

> will be gone from 8-12. Hopefully I'll get some peace then. I also

> started

> a home business doing medical billing out of my home. I'm just getting

> started so it's a lot of pressure for the income. I needed some type of

> income over the summer since I wasn't working at the church.


> Oh well, Elisha crying about something again and wants to use the

> computer. I'll talk at you next time.




oops, computer went off again.

Anyway, Could you get your county or some agency to pay for some in home help

for you? This has been vital to us. I have a 19 month old and can't imagine

trying to juggle and every day without help.

likes interacting with but gets pushy with him. When was 7

he would have pushed a baby just like your son did. Actually he probably

still would but I never allow them together without me right there.

is much more predictable now than at age 7.

Good luck


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Guest guest

In a message dated 6/2/02 4:25:56 PM Central Daylight Time,


> DID have reflux and vomited across the room when he was an infant...and


> this was with Propulsid being given and he was tube fed!!!!!! Even though

> we

> fed him slowly and could control the amounts he got, he STILL threw up,

> medication and all after EVERY feeding!


> He doesn't do this anymore, but will occasionally do this " gagging " thing

> when he eats just the tortilla chips at the restaurants....doesn't do this

> with other chips or even hard pretzels......go figure.





had reflux as a small child (so his records say). He had the nissen

procedure even. Maybe he had a problem with a tortilla chip in a restaurant

once and is replaying it. does that. threw up at the respite

house once and then the following visits he tried to throw up again and

managed it once or twice.


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I havent' written in a while, but I had to tell you because this is a

sensative subject with me as well.

I have 5 boys 9,7,6,4,and 2 years old. who is ds/asd will almost

always very predictable chase and push and grab and hold down his 2 year old


I do not think it is out of meanness I think he is trying to communicate.

He used to do it to his 4 year old brother and then when his 4 year old

brother surpassed him in size he stopped.

is only a little over 30 pounds and is 6. He is a peanut but

curiously strong.

His older brothers understand why does some of the things he does and

really help me out, but like someone else on the list said I do not leave

and Liam (2) alone in the same room together I am afraid if he ever

would bite him he would really hurt him.

Talk about nervous break downs if I had the time with these 5 I would have

one every other day.

I didn't get a calm one in the bunch all busy and active as can be.

watch tv whats that.

Take care and take care of your self. Just get through today and

you'll be ok for tommarrow.

My fellow Texan, although I live in Connecticut now.

alek 9, andrew 7, bailey 6 logan 4, and liam 2,

what was i thinking??????

Re: ,

> In a message dated 6/1/02 11:21:41 PM Central Daylight Time,

> writes:



> >

> > It's been very difficult to get used to the two of them. doesn't


> > me around all the time and Elisha does. I'm not used to it. They are

> > complete opposites. never cries and she cries over every little

> > thing.

> > I have to also remember that was by himself for almost 6 years.


> > he

> > had was his dog who didn't try to take his stuff away and put up with


> > pushing as play. Now all of a sudden there is this crabby baby that

> > follows

> > him around and always plays with his toys. This has been very difficult

> > for

> > me. I'm glad that summer is here because then my life calms down, but


> > again it's stressful because I have both kids all day. I can't go


> > or do anything. I try to keep busy, he has OT and PT 4 times a


> > and Special Olympic swimming the other day. Marc is going to rearrange


> > schedule to work from home Mon and Tues but that won't start for another


> > weeks. will be starting summer school on the 10th Mon - Thurs and


> > will be gone from 8-12. Hopefully I'll get some peace then. I also

> > started

> > a home business doing medical billing out of my home. I'm just getting

> > started so it's a lot of pressure for the income. I needed some type of

> > income over the summer since I wasn't working at the church.

> >

> > Oh well, Elisha crying about something again and wants to use the

> > computer. I'll talk at you next time.

> >

> >

> >

> oops, computer went off again.

> Anyway, Could you get your county or some agency to pay for some in home


> for you? This has been vital to us. I have a 19 month old and can't


> trying to juggle and every day without help.

> likes interacting with but gets pushy with him. When was


> he would have pushed a baby just like your son did. Actually he probably

> still would but I never allow them together without me right there.

> is much more predictable now than at age 7.

> Good luck


> Karyn




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i have to closesly monitor nathan with his little brother often too, even

though there is only 1 1/2 year difference in age nathan often has hurt his

little brother but he has us too and nicholas is half the size of nathan

thickness wise anyways, just as tall if not a tad taller. Ive noticed it goes

in spurts usually, and were in one right now this last week but schedule has

changed, no school now, and added respite/scl, and a little extra grandma

time(who is constantly spoiling his whims and letting him stim most of the

day). sorry im getting into a different vent, anyways we just continue to

remind nathan ists mean, it hurts and make him hug nicholas or us saying

" sorry " , and make sure we are crying even if have to fake it so he gets the

understanding. The hardest to disapline is the all of a sudden wacks nathan

does to his brotehr anywhere at the store or the pool at home, just comes up

by him and WACK! and then it sMOM!!!@#$$% & ^ & ^ etc. and we talk with nicholas

often about this he seems to understand and do allw him time away from nathan

too. shawna.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 6/22/02 1:21:04 PM Central Daylight Time,



> ,

> I also had a similar problem with a mammo, and so did a friend of

> mine. I think the threat of lawsuits is so high that the doctors are being


> overly cautious.

> I did find out that I can now schedule my mammograms when the

> radiologist is at the facility, and he will read it immediately and give me


> the results before I leave. Something to keep in mind for future

> mammograms.

> Bev


I had my first mammogram at 34 or so. My mom is a breast cancer survivor.

Well, they called me back in to redo it. That was after they took several

repeat shots while I was there. They explained that it is sometimes difficult

to get a good shot of the tissue near the underarm, esp. when someone isn't

generously endowed.

Thankfully the redo was clear.


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest


thank you ever so kindly for responding about my grandmother friend. It

meant the world to me. It's the love of my friends that gets us through

times like this.

Love, Sue #2

-- Re: off track


I am so sorry to hear of your loss hun. Even when semi expected, it is so

difficult. I hope you are all hanging in there.

Love you.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


You're such an Angel during your friends precious moments, just like

what Kathy is going through with her friend. The biggest part of a

person going through this unasked illness is to have someone there

for them. Deep in a persons heart like your friend and yours its

nice knowing that somebody cares and gave that special feeling.

Prayers to you, your family, your friend & her family. Times like

these are very challenging and our special needs child are small

compared to this.

, no apologies on carring on, all this is part of our puzzle of

life that we've come together to keep each other strong and boy do

we need the nurturing among ouselves. I'll lend an ear anytime or I

myself well go insane when the other part of the world builds within

our spirit modes. Very therapuetic indeed so that we may continue

with our daily challenges with our kiddos.

Many hugs!


P.S. To the large family/caregiver stories we had shared. I can't

believe we ALL have so much in common.

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  • 2 years later...

We're working on it, Connie. Fear not.

Connie <cginca96@...> wrote:

It's quite obvious that you both are very educated,very passionate and very literate in your beliefs andI enjoy reading both sides. I see good arguments foreither stance. Please do respect eachother'sdifferences. __________________________________ - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.

Never place a period where God has placed a comma. - Gracie

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  • 2 years later...

Sweet rashelle

Thanks I can so use it today



For everyone

I started to enter names in the subject line and

stopped when I realized how many there are to put


Karma, how is your goal going? These cold mornings

have got to be a challenge to get into that water. Is

your eating and drinking on track? What, if you want

to share, is your goal this time? I've been looking

for your posts and have missed them.

CC, you bring an up-beat, well informed presence to

this forum. Like so many others. To name a few,

Rashelle, Karma, Wanda, Laurie. The rest of us all

have a gift we offer each time we post. It changes

the importance of sharing when you realize that

something you say will potentially help someone else

while they are struggling with something that day.

Often I am encouraged by the simple word Thanks and

someones name. It means that someone else has noticed

and is paying attention or at the least that they want

to encourage as their message for the day. I have

trouble of doing just one word. I tend to write books

(or nothing) so when I do my subject line I try and

have it a little different so anyone who doesn't want

to hear me ramble or doesn't have much time can pass

me by.

Wanda, you are so vigilant in making welcome any and

all of us. You also have the experience with

Rashelle's products to pass on valuable information to

those seeking additional help.

Rashelle, it would be understandable if you didn't

come on the list. Your time has to be at a premium

for all that you have going on in your life and yet

here you are encouraging and nurturing all of us. I

must thank you for your habit of finding something

good to say to everyone. I know it has to be

difficult at times when someone or a situation is

difficult to navigate and yet you remain sweet. It

has encouraged me to find something good to say when

my previous inclination was to just spout off what

came to mind and sometimes (too often) that wasn't


I hope that many of the people who have been on list

before are just lurking because I still think about

ones who touched my life last time I was on the list.

It gives my heart joy to cut up with you and make

light the moment when a day has been or is too

difficult to carry alone. Being received with open

arms and compassionate hearts even when the matter at

hand is not talk about our Life Lift Goals makes this

a special place to be. So much of our being is

multi-faceted and complex yet can be touched and

warmed by the simple touch of love in it's many forms.

All that could be summed up in the simple word


I have difficulty comprehending certain elements that

others seem to have no trouble with and find that I

often berate myself because I do not function at that

level with others. I have always been received with

care and compassion here. My memory is frequently

very short and I have to be reminded of what

transpired at very short intervals. Yet, when I come

here there is usually enough post content that it will

prompt my memory and I can interact without fear. I

would never want to hurt someone by leaving them out

or feeling that they were not enough, not important

(by omission).

When I say this is for all of you, that is what I

mean. I may not remember who specifically said what,

I may not recall who had praise for whatever I shared

but collectively there has transpired between us

something that has made a difference for that moment

in time. As much as I like words, sometimes I am at a

complete loss of what to say so I move on. Perhaps

the words will come in the next day or situation.

All of you are truly AWESOME! You bring love, life

and laughter with you. You share when burdens weigh

heavily making it easier to bear. THANK YOU! I honor

you and thankfully respect you with praise.

;-) Virginia

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsover things are honest,

whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be

any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8


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  • 2 months later...

HI ,

Thanks. I know there are so many new people on here. I am so

happy that SOO MANY have found Dr. Aceves and are doing well. Yes, the

boys are doing well. They are getting used to living in the big city now with

all the traffic and people. I enjoy having more things to do. For those that

didn’t know, I moved from a town of about 3000 people to a town of approx

330,000. It was quite a shock but I think I am actually enjoying it

now. (Not the traffic though LOL).



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of ldccox@...

Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:16 PM

Subject: ,

My gosh, ! I am so glad you are

still around. We miss you. When I was researching surgery before my

surgery, you were instrumental in my decision making. Hope all is well

with you and the boys. Guess you are just a really normal chic with the

weight gain and loss. Man those pounds can pounce on us, can't

they? I sure hope life is treating you well and look forward to hearing

from you often again.



From: tracy@...

Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:15:23 -0600

Subject: RE: has anyone heard from tracy as in tracy's


Hi Caprise, I

am still here! I just don’t read the list often. I haven’t updated

my web page and I know I need to. I had my laptop stolen last September and

with it all my web page software. I am just now getting back in the groove of

things and will update soon. How are you doing? I slipped off the band

wagon and gained some weight back but now I am back on track. It is easy to

slip up and fool the band when you have a lot going on in your life, good or

bad. The good thing is I recognized it before it got really out of hand. I am

still losing after gaining about 20lbs back since September. I have not gotten

on a scale because it was depressing but I know I am back down close to my goal

again because of the way my clothes are fitting. I am needing to get my band

checked and I would like to go back to Mexico for that. I haven’t seen

Dr. A since my surgery almost 3 yrs ago. I just want a checkup to make sure

things are ok.

Anyway, sorry

I haven’t been around much. I hope everyone is doing good! I still read

the list but you know, life just takes over sometimes. J



From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of caprise holmes

Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 2:24 PM

bandster group

Subject: has anyone heard from tracy as in tracy's


sorry, i dont know her last name. and have never met

her, but her webpage is so informative and i used to see e-mails from her on

here once in a while. i checked her webpage today, but the last

journal entry was from august or october 2007. just curious.....


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

Mobile. Try it now.

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Ok, Texas girl. What big metropolitan city are you in and are you still doing computer work?

From: tracy@...Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:09:26 -0600Subject: RE: ,

HI ,

Thanks. I know there are so many new people on here. I am so happy that SOO MANY have found Dr. Aceves and are doing well. Yes, the boys are doing well. They are getting used to living in the big city now with all the traffic and people. I enjoy having more things to do. For those that didn’t know, I moved from a town of about 3000 people to a town of approx 330,000. It was quite a shock but I think I am actually enjoying it now. (Not the traffic though LOL).


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of ldccox@...Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:16 PM Subject: ,

My gosh, ! I am so glad you are still around. We miss you. When I was researching surgery before my surgery, you were instrumental in my decision making. Hope all is well with you and the boys. Guess you are just a really normal chic with the weight gain and loss. Man those pounds can pounce on us, can't they? I sure hope life is treating you well and look forward to hearing from you often again. CTampa

From: tracy@...Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:15:23 -0600Subject: RE: has anyone heard from tracy as in tracy's lapband?

Hi Caprise, I am still here! I just don’t read the list often. I haven’t updated my web page and I know I need to. I had my laptop stolen last September and with it all my web page software. I am just now getting back in the groove of things and will update soon. How are you doing? I slipped off the band wagon and gained some weight back but now I am back on track. It is easy to slip up and fool the band when you have a lot going on in your life, good or bad. The good thing is I recognized it before it got really out of hand. I am still losing after gaining about 20lbs back since September. I have not gotten on a scale because it was depressing but I know I am back down close to my goal again because of the way my clothes are fitting. I am needing to get my band checked and I would like to go back to Mexico for that. I haven’t seen Dr. A since my surgery almost 3 yrs ago. I just want a checkup to make sure things are ok.

Anyway, sorry I haven’t been around much. I hope everyone is doing good! I still read the list but you know, life just takes over sometimes. J



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of caprise holmesSent: Friday, January 11, 2008 2:24 PMbandster groupSubject: has anyone heard from tracy as in tracy's lapband?

sorry, i dont know her last name. and have never met her, but her webpage is so informative and i used to see e-mails from her on here once in a while. i checked her webpage today, but the last journal entry was from august or october 2007. just curious.....


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Wow ...

I'm brand new, my surgery is scheduled for 2/19 ... I've been a

lurker for a month or so, trying to get a feel of the group. What a

surprise to see someone in my own town! :)

My name is , and I also live in Arlington, TX ... very nice

to meet you all. :)


> Arlington! I haven't done any computer work only because I just

don't have

> time. I work too much at my regular job to have time to do anything

else. J




> M




> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of ldccox@...

> Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 9:21 PM


> Subject: RE: ,




> Ok, Texas girl. What big metropolitan city are you in and are you


> doing computer work?





> _____



> From: tracy@...

> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:09:26 -0600

> Subject: RE: ,


> HI ,


> Thanks. I know there are so many new people on here. I am so happy

that SOO

> MANY have found Dr. Aceves and are doing well. Yes, the boys are


> well. They are getting used to living in the big city now with all


> traffic and people. I enjoy having more things to do. For those

that didn't

> know, I moved from a town of about 3000 people to a town of approx


> It was quite a shock but I think I am actually enjoying it now.

(Not the

> traffic though LOL).




> M




> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of ldccox@...

> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:16 PM


> Subject: ,




> My gosh, ! I am so glad you are still around. We miss you.

When I

> was researching surgery before my surgery, you were instrumental in


> decision making. Hope all is well with you and the boys. Guess

you are

> just a really normal chic with the weight gain and loss. Man those


> can pounce on us, can't they? I sure hope life is treating you

well and

> look forward to hearing from you often again.

> C

> Tampa





> _____



> From: tracy@...

> Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 22:15:23 -0600

> Subject: RE: has anyone heard from tracy as

in tracy's

> lapband?


> Hi Caprise, I am still here! I just don't read the list often. I


> updated my web page and I know I need to. I had my laptop stolen


> September and with it all my web page software. I am just now

getting back

> in the groove of things and will update soon. How are you doing? I


> off the band wagon and gained some weight back but now I am back on


> It is easy to slip up and fool the band when you have a lot going

on in your

> life, good or bad. The good thing is I recognized it before it got


> out of hand. I am still losing after gaining about 20lbs back since

> September. I have not gotten on a scale because it was depressing

but I know

> I am back down close to my goal again because of the way my clothes


> fitting. I am needing to get my band checked and I would like to go

back to

> Mexico for that. I haven't seen Dr. A since my surgery almost 3 yrs

ago. I

> just want a checkup to make sure things are ok.




> Anyway, sorry I haven't been around much. I hope everyone is doing

good! I

> still read the list but you know, life just takes over sometimes. J




> M


> http://www.tracyslapband.com <http://www.tracyslapband.com/>






> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of caprise


> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 2:24 PM

> bandster group

> Subject: has anyone heard from tracy as in


> lapband?




> sorry, i dont know her last name. and have never met her, but her


> is so informative and i used to see e-mails from her on here once

in a

> while. i checked her webpage today, but the last journal entry

was from

> august or october 2007. just curious.....




> caprise




> _____


> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it

> now.




> DtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ>


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Thanks,, you are very kind. I hope you and Gabe had a good day.

Karac and I had a good day. I prayed this morning that we would all have a good

day. Love and blessings Pat K

Re: Lois this is so long


That is incredible you foresight and dediation in a very volitair (sp) situation. You an amazing woman!

Lois this is so long

It was really rough when Karac had aggression when he was withdrawn from the Geodon.

I wore a heavy wool coat and boxing glove mittens when I saw it coming on and I would tell

him to get in the tub in the bathroom and I would give him an Epson Salt bath. I would think he

was going to break the glass door or slosh water all over the floor

because he would rage until it calmed him down. When he got out I would tell him to go

upstairs and lay down on a pallet that I made between his bed and the wall. I would play his music

and get him a toasted pop tart or a hot dog to eat. Usually we would go through this at least twice

in a day. Sometimes I could just tell him to go upstairs and lay down on the pallet, and I wouldn't

go up until he had calmed down; then I would go up and turn on the music and take him something

warm to eat like a garlic bun (which he loved; I made it with half a hot dog bun spread with garlic butter

and toasted in the toaster oven).

I wore that hot coat practically the entire hot summer.even when I

took him for a walk. We walked every day. I live next to a church, and we would walk over there because

I wanted to keep him away from other people. I was afraid to get too far from the house. I also taught Karac

to pray, "God help me be calm". I also would sing songs with him. I bought him a tire swing and sometimes

that would help. Fortunately, with Karac I could tell when he was losing control. The first three weeks I had

to sleep in that coat with the hood on and the gloves because he would wake up in the night and attack me.

Sometimes I would take him riding in my minivan and I felt safe there because he always sat buckled in the

back and I would play his Sheryl Crow CD. I keep his blanket in the car and snacks in the back for him .(Usually

a Granny Apple and water).

I also kept a crushed half of Clonidine pill .in my purse at all times which I would give him in an emergency in a sippy cup. of water;

It would enter the blood stream faster and calm him down in about 20 minutes.

There were times that I would lock myself in the bedroom or bathroom and through the door

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Thanks,, you are very kind. I hope you and Gabe had a good day.

Karac and I had a good day. I prayed this morning that we would all have a good

day. Love and blessings Pat K

Re: Lois this is so long


That is incredible you foresight and dediation in a very volitair (sp) situation. You an amazing woman!

Lois this is so long

It was really rough when Karac had aggression when he was withdrawn from the Geodon.

I wore a heavy wool coat and boxing glove mittens when I saw it coming on and I would tell

him to get in the tub in the bathroom and I would give him an Epson Salt bath. I would think he

was going to break the glass door or slosh water all over the floor

because he would rage until it calmed him down. When he got out I would tell him to go

upstairs and lay down on a pallet that I made between his bed and the wall. I would play his music

and get him a toasted pop tart or a hot dog to eat. Usually we would go through this at least twice

in a day. Sometimes I could just tell him to go upstairs and lay down on the pallet, and I wouldn't

go up until he had calmed down; then I would go up and turn on the music and take him something

warm to eat like a garlic bun (which he loved; I made it with half a hot dog bun spread with garlic butter

and toasted in the toaster oven).

I wore that hot coat practically the entire hot summer.even when I

took him for a walk. We walked every day. I live next to a church, and we would walk over there because

I wanted to keep him away from other people. I was afraid to get too far from the house. I also taught Karac

to pray, "God help me be calm". I also would sing songs with him. I bought him a tire swing and sometimes

that would help. Fortunately, with Karac I could tell when he was losing control. The first three weeks I had

to sleep in that coat with the hood on and the gloves because he would wake up in the night and attack me.

Sometimes I would take him riding in my minivan and I felt safe there because he always sat buckled in the

back and I would play his Sheryl Crow CD. I keep his blanket in the car and snacks in the back for him .(Usually

a Granny Apple and water).

I also kept a crushed half of Clonidine pill .in my purse at all times which I would give him in an emergency in a sippy cup. of water;

It would enter the blood stream faster and calm him down in about 20 minutes.

There were times that I would lock myself in the bedroom or bathroom and through the door

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