Guest guest Posted March 15, 2011 Report Share Posted March 15, 2011 The Seroxat LitigationAndThe Impact of Social Activism in Mental Health."The Enemy of My Enemy is not My Friend"Tuesday1st's stats on SSRI and SNRI prescribing trends<\ns-over-seroxat-group-litigation_4589.html> raises concerns as to thecredibility, ethics, and motives of the Seroxat litigants, who've beenaccused of deliberately picketing user groups<> andblogs to increase hysteria for their own self interest. The loudest andmost vocal have publicly stated their efforts have been sincere.However, the statistics show that the litigation itself may have causedmore harm than good. Any success the failed litigation could have alsohave been financially detrimental to any litigant on disability benefitsand their family. There is also public evidence that those same "vocal"Activists did their best to silence the warnings offered by moreprofessional and educated Activists. Is the follow an example ofadvocacy at it's worst?<>Seroxat needed to be "The worst drug in it's class"<> to fulfill theburden for funding from the European Legal Service Commission. Withoutthis, the class action law suit would bear no fruit. This overwhelmingtask was accomplished by enrolling litigants to post news stories aboutSeroxat, trolling forums and groups, writing their local MP's, usingstatements of victims of Seroxat everywhere and anywhere they could -preferably children. There is nothing more valuable to a law suit than amother's tears. The litigants themselves became authors of their ownblogs - spending 5-10 daily hours researching, writing and posting - foryears while life passed them by.Group moderators refused to allow their members to give advice on anyother drug to the struggling and desperate. They couldn't risk thatgoogle search results would favour the likes of Effexor or any of theother SSRI's or SNRI's. If discussed in the forums they would later bepicked up by the search engines. The competing tag words had to besuppressed as much as possible. The group moderators, whom were alsocore litigants, had to have been aware of this legal stipulation. Anymember unwilling to follow these rules was ejected from the boards,ostracized,<>emotionally battered, and later subjected to intense bullying andharassment if they made a public fuss or resisted in any fashion.These necessary and seemingly obsessive steps were taken by adultlitigants. Where once their daily rituals had included gathering aroundthe family table each morning, nurturing their children whom had alreadybeen victims of their parents drug reactions, had now become replaced byan almost unnatural habitual compulsion to check blog statistics andpolls, navigating the endless advances technology was providing, and agrowing thirst for absolution and redemption. Unemployment anddisability took root and hope for the promised cash reward rechargingthe obsession by the day. The children and spouses had become victimsonce again. This time the drug company was innocent of all charges.Antidepressant survivors with a greater knowledge of prescribing trendsbegan warning consumer survivors, focusing on Seroxat, rather than theentire class or SSRIs and SNRIs, could cause devastating effects to allantidepressant users. Further warnings listing benefits recoverableunder the 1997 Act.<\/z1-recovery-of-benefits-and/1.-the-law/#listedbenefits> was met withhostility by group moderators and members who seemed to be workingclosely with their legal team, recruiting Seroxat survivors to the civillitigation.The results of the Seroxat Activists efforts are as depressing as theyshould have been predictable.Growing media attention caused country wide panic. Seroxat patients ranfrom Seroxat into the waiting arms of equally dangerous drugs. Theseother drugs could become more dangerous if the switch was not done everso carefully and where Physicians were already stumbling around blindlyin the antidepressant swamp.Even Wyeth [Effexor] could not have predicted a better turn of events.The result was an unexpected financial windfall for the Effexormanufacturer, set in motion by the most unlikely group, the Activiststhemselves. These were the ones questioning the morals and ethics of thepharmaceutical companies whose fierce roar echoed in lecture halls, theoffice of the Medicines Health Regulator [MHRA], and screamed out fromyoutube feeds into our iphone headsets as the rock and roll bands playedmellow dramatic music whilst the list of the dead rolled endlessly downthe screen.The Seroxat Activists were the same people who were targeting thechildren of their online enemies, posting their social networkingpages, children's photographs, school addresses, home address,<>making unsolicited contact with their children, publicly advertising forothers to join the bullying and harassment by publicly requestinginformation about them<> .Others joined the witch hunt.<uksurvivors/message/51434?threaded=1 & l=1>Their followers, with little hesitation, eagerly participated.Group and blog posts involving the children were removed after aconcerned third party contacted the poster, pleading to allow thechildren their right to privacy and freedom from the online attacks.<>Other grossly offensive and defamatory statements about a grandmotherinclude but are not limited to:a whore - the bike (prostitute) of Colchester - an IRA Sympathiser withIrish connections - of condoning the IRA actions of the Birmingham PubBombing, Murdering Mountbatten, and the gh and Manchester Bombings -being a cyber-stalker - his Blackheath Cyber-stalker - a supporter,protector, defender of wife abuser and pervert - a certified Ass Clown -a sick desiring jealous narcissist - a mindless moron – freak –deluded – desperate – obsessive - incredibly idiotic - animpersonator – liar - being in the pocket of GSK - a pharma whore(employee) – quizling - a traitor who collaborates with the enemy -The guilty party that had publicly made these accusations was laterpresented with a human rights award from the Citizens Commission onHuman Rights [CCHR.].<\5650.html>Men and women with limited education, leaning heavily on their ownsurvivor story, were handing out medical advice. Some were evencharging for it. Warnings flooded web pages and facebook, speakingdirectly to desperately ill patients. Their drug was killing them,prescribed by a doctor that had diagnosed them with a disease that didnot exist.Never before has Mental Health been so complicated, have so many beeninvolved in the fight. There was now too many opinions, too manyexperts that had cashed in on the SSRI explosion, too many experts thataren't experts and too many unsuspecting motives.The Internet has become the first choice for consumers whom are lookingfor answers about their mental health conditions and drug side effects.A gross mix of factual and misinformation, where the layman is at acomplete loss. The depressed and desperate standing in the middle,forgotten and suffocated by political agendas. Psychiatry in the twentyfirst century thrust into the depths of crisis.The speed at which the litigants and their supporting activists roaredcaused more suffering than anyone could have predicted. This did notstop Hugh Solicitors and his dutiful minions in shining armour.Advocates without degrees in medicine saw equal opportunity at selfpromotion and raising their B Movie celebrity status. The Internet hadbecome a brave new world where anyone could become the hero in his ownstory, deceivingly or not. It took the form of an online reality show.Blogs were analyzed, books written, men and women honoured for theirrole in "Human Rights", pleading their allegiance to humanity and healthcare. With each small success gearing up to the litigants day in court -Self adulation was confused with heroism by the blogging litigantsdutiful followers. All the while, the numbers were screaming to beread. The forgotten sufferers ignored, stifled. A clear indication ofhistory repeating itself with a modern day twist.The number of prescriptions for Seroxat had dropped dramatically, butthe number of prescriptions written for the others in the same classwere vibrating off the page, telling a dangerous story the Seroxatlitigants chose not to hear.Seroxat was searched more feverishly because it had the weight of mediaand bloggers behind it - Not necessarily because it was the worst drugin the class. This was a planned, orchestrated event! It did not evolvenaturally.Seroxat litigants and Activists involved in supporting the litigationhad, by default, and perhaps unwittingly, shoved Seroxat users into thewaiting arms of Effexor and the other drugs in the same class.The most vocal Seroxat litigants have not questioned nor commented onthe Tuesday1st prescribing trends graphs and statistics. This is clearevidence that they did not want to know what banging their drum hadcaused, and our first glimpse at what good will has set in motion.These figures demonstrated by the graphs are no more subject tointerpretation than a simple mathematical equation. They are what theyare. What they demonstrate is the story above, in numbers andlogistics.Hugh and the Seroxat litigants vomited all over the Internet -spewing bile at a remarkable speed. They pushed people out of toxicbuildings into burning ones [Metaphorically speaking], further muddyingthe most murky of waters. Still they raged on undeterred until finallythe funding was pulled and the litigation came to a halt. They could notprove that Seroxat was the worst drug in its class. Karma had seizedher opportunity.Ironically, many of the most vocal litigants blamed Hugh 'Solicitors for draining what they could from the publicly funded purse."Greed" they cried, defeated, walking away with nothing and never havingrealized what their fierce banging had caused. They were blinded by thepot of gold at the end of the rainbow once dangled in front of them likea carrot. Their leader, their own legal team, had become another enemyon a long list. And where is their rainbow now?With the failed litigation hanging like a dark cloud of defeat, a selectfew of those very "vocal" former litigants continue to focus on Seroxat.Strangely, with even more robust energy than ever. Some believe this isa testimony of their commitment to the cause. Others believe this isevidence a last ditch attempt to draw even more attention toGlaxoKline and Seroxat in hopes that the company will make a quietfinancial donation to blog authors - To get their posts off the Internetand limit the negative press. Reportedly American Paxil Activist, Rob, <> was financiallycompensated in a similar agreement by GlaxoKline. Seroxatlitigants are familiar with 's crusade and compensation package.Many have used his archived research. This fatal decision byGlaxoKline set a devastating precedent for the company and onethey aren't likely to repeat.Since the Seroxat Litigation, the obsessive bloggers children have grownand vacated their parents home. They stumble through their life on theirown and struggle with the consequences of parental absence. The yearsfor bonding and nurture are gone. Career options have dwindled andconsumer survivors are no further ahead than they were when it allbegan. GlaxoKline is as strong as it's always been. Psychiatryblames the obsessive bloggers six year rant on mental illness. What hadonce seemed like a selfless human investment became an embarrassment tothose who had begun the plight with sincerity and the best intentions.Mental Health Patients are victims of:*Psychiatry *Law firms *Pharma *Advocates with a financial agenda.*Bottom feeder organizations hoping to scoop up the percentage of thepopulation nobody else wants - To increase membership numbers and profitfrom their charitable organizations operating under the guise of HumanRights. *Health Care *Government *Health Regulators *MediaPolitical and social activism comes with a great responsibility.Not all men are rapists. Not all psychiatrist are abusive.Posted by The Social Activists at 21:36<\ct-of-mental.html><> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2011 Report Share Posted March 15, 2011 The Seroxat LitigationAndThe Impact of Social Activism in Mental Health."The Enemy of My Enemy is not My Friend"Tuesday1st's stats on SSRI and SNRI prescribing trends<\ns-over-seroxat-group-litigation_4589.html> raises concerns as to thecredibility, ethics, and motives of the Seroxat litigants, who've beenaccused of deliberately picketing user groups<> andblogs to increase hysteria for their own self interest. The loudest andmost vocal have publicly stated their efforts have been sincere.However, the statistics show that the litigation itself may have causedmore harm than good. Any success the failed litigation could have alsohave been financially detrimental to any litigant on disability benefitsand their family. There is also public evidence that those same "vocal"Activists did their best to silence the warnings offered by moreprofessional and educated Activists. Is the follow an example ofadvocacy at it's worst?<>Seroxat needed to be "The worst drug in it's class"<> to fulfill theburden for funding from the European Legal Service Commission. Withoutthis, the class action law suit would bear no fruit. This overwhelmingtask was accomplished by enrolling litigants to post news stories aboutSeroxat, trolling forums and groups, writing their local MP's, usingstatements of victims of Seroxat everywhere and anywhere they could -preferably children. There is nothing more valuable to a law suit than amother's tears. The litigants themselves became authors of their ownblogs - spending 5-10 daily hours researching, writing and posting - foryears while life passed them by.Group moderators refused to allow their members to give advice on anyother drug to the struggling and desperate. They couldn't risk thatgoogle search results would favour the likes of Effexor or any of theother SSRI's or SNRI's. If discussed in the forums they would later bepicked up by the search engines. The competing tag words had to besuppressed as much as possible. The group moderators, whom were alsocore litigants, had to have been aware of this legal stipulation. Anymember unwilling to follow these rules was ejected from the boards,ostracized,<>emotionally battered, and later subjected to intense bullying andharassment if they made a public fuss or resisted in any fashion.These necessary and seemingly obsessive steps were taken by adultlitigants. Where once their daily rituals had included gathering aroundthe family table each morning, nurturing their children whom had alreadybeen victims of their parents drug reactions, had now become replaced byan almost unnatural habitual compulsion to check blog statistics andpolls, navigating the endless advances technology was providing, and agrowing thirst for absolution and redemption. Unemployment anddisability took root and hope for the promised cash reward rechargingthe obsession by the day. The children and spouses had become victimsonce again. This time the drug company was innocent of all charges.Antidepressant survivors with a greater knowledge of prescribing trendsbegan warning consumer survivors, focusing on Seroxat, rather than theentire class or SSRIs and SNRIs, could cause devastating effects to allantidepressant users. Further warnings listing benefits recoverableunder the 1997 Act.<\/z1-recovery-of-benefits-and/1.-the-law/#listedbenefits> was met withhostility by group moderators and members who seemed to be workingclosely with their legal team, recruiting Seroxat survivors to the civillitigation.The results of the Seroxat Activists efforts are as depressing as theyshould have been predictable.Growing media attention caused country wide panic. Seroxat patients ranfrom Seroxat into the waiting arms of equally dangerous drugs. Theseother drugs could become more dangerous if the switch was not done everso carefully and where Physicians were already stumbling around blindlyin the antidepressant swamp.Even Wyeth [Effexor] could not have predicted a better turn of events.The result was an unexpected financial windfall for the Effexormanufacturer, set in motion by the most unlikely group, the Activiststhemselves. These were the ones questioning the morals and ethics of thepharmaceutical companies whose fierce roar echoed in lecture halls, theoffice of the Medicines Health Regulator [MHRA], and screamed out fromyoutube feeds into our iphone headsets as the rock and roll bands playedmellow dramatic music whilst the list of the dead rolled endlessly downthe screen.The Seroxat Activists were the same people who were targeting thechildren of their online enemies, posting their social networkingpages, children's photographs, school addresses, home address,<>making unsolicited contact with their children, publicly advertising forothers to join the bullying and harassment by publicly requestinginformation about them<> .Others joined the witch hunt.<uksurvivors/message/51434?threaded=1 & l=1>Their followers, with little hesitation, eagerly participated.Group and blog posts involving the children were removed after aconcerned third party contacted the poster, pleading to allow thechildren their right to privacy and freedom from the online attacks.<>Other grossly offensive and defamatory statements about a grandmotherinclude but are not limited to:a whore - the bike (prostitute) of Colchester - an IRA Sympathiser withIrish connections - of condoning the IRA actions of the Birmingham PubBombing, Murdering Mountbatten, and the gh and Manchester Bombings -being a cyber-stalker - his Blackheath Cyber-stalker - a supporter,protector, defender of wife abuser and pervert - a certified Ass Clown -a sick desiring jealous narcissist - a mindless moron – freak –deluded – desperate – obsessive - incredibly idiotic - animpersonator – liar - being in the pocket of GSK - a pharma whore(employee) – quizling - a traitor who collaborates with the enemy -The guilty party that had publicly made these accusations was laterpresented with a human rights award from the Citizens Commission onHuman Rights [CCHR.].<\5650.html>Men and women with limited education, leaning heavily on their ownsurvivor story, were handing out medical advice. Some were evencharging for it. Warnings flooded web pages and facebook, speakingdirectly to desperately ill patients. Their drug was killing them,prescribed by a doctor that had diagnosed them with a disease that didnot exist.Never before has Mental Health been so complicated, have so many beeninvolved in the fight. There was now too many opinions, too manyexperts that had cashed in on the SSRI explosion, too many experts thataren't experts and too many unsuspecting motives.The Internet has become the first choice for consumers whom are lookingfor answers about their mental health conditions and drug side effects.A gross mix of factual and misinformation, where the layman is at acomplete loss. The depressed and desperate standing in the middle,forgotten and suffocated by political agendas. Psychiatry in the twentyfirst century thrust into the depths of crisis.The speed at which the litigants and their supporting activists roaredcaused more suffering than anyone could have predicted. This did notstop Hugh Solicitors and his dutiful minions in shining armour.Advocates without degrees in medicine saw equal opportunity at selfpromotion and raising their B Movie celebrity status. The Internet hadbecome a brave new world where anyone could become the hero in his ownstory, deceivingly or not. It took the form of an online reality show.Blogs were analyzed, books written, men and women honoured for theirrole in "Human Rights", pleading their allegiance to humanity and healthcare. With each small success gearing up to the litigants day in court -Self adulation was confused with heroism by the blogging litigantsdutiful followers. All the while, the numbers were screaming to beread. The forgotten sufferers ignored, stifled. A clear indication ofhistory repeating itself with a modern day twist.The number of prescriptions for Seroxat had dropped dramatically, butthe number of prescriptions written for the others in the same classwere vibrating off the page, telling a dangerous story the Seroxatlitigants chose not to hear.Seroxat was searched more feverishly because it had the weight of mediaand bloggers behind it - Not necessarily because it was the worst drugin the class. This was a planned, orchestrated event! It did not evolvenaturally.Seroxat litigants and Activists involved in supporting the litigationhad, by default, and perhaps unwittingly, shoved Seroxat users into thewaiting arms of Effexor and the other drugs in the same class.The most vocal Seroxat litigants have not questioned nor commented onthe Tuesday1st prescribing trends graphs and statistics. This is clearevidence that they did not want to know what banging their drum hadcaused, and our first glimpse at what good will has set in motion.These figures demonstrated by the graphs are no more subject tointerpretation than a simple mathematical equation. They are what theyare. What they demonstrate is the story above, in numbers andlogistics.Hugh and the Seroxat litigants vomited all over the Internet -spewing bile at a remarkable speed. They pushed people out of toxicbuildings into burning ones [Metaphorically speaking], further muddyingthe most murky of waters. Still they raged on undeterred until finallythe funding was pulled and the litigation came to a halt. They could notprove that Seroxat was the worst drug in its class. Karma had seizedher opportunity.Ironically, many of the most vocal litigants blamed Hugh 'Solicitors for draining what they could from the publicly funded purse."Greed" they cried, defeated, walking away with nothing and never havingrealized what their fierce banging had caused. They were blinded by thepot of gold at the end of the rainbow once dangled in front of them likea carrot. Their leader, their own legal team, had become another enemyon a long list. And where is their rainbow now?With the failed litigation hanging like a dark cloud of defeat, a selectfew of those very "vocal" former litigants continue to focus on Seroxat.Strangely, with even more robust energy than ever. Some believe this isa testimony of their commitment to the cause. Others believe this isevidence a last ditch attempt to draw even more attention toGlaxoKline and Seroxat in hopes that the company will make a quietfinancial donation to blog authors - To get their posts off the Internetand limit the negative press. Reportedly American Paxil Activist, Rob, <> was financiallycompensated in a similar agreement by GlaxoKline. Seroxatlitigants are familiar with 's crusade and compensation package.Many have used his archived research. This fatal decision byGlaxoKline set a devastating precedent for the company and onethey aren't likely to repeat.Since the Seroxat Litigation, the obsessive bloggers children have grownand vacated their parents home. They stumble through their life on theirown and struggle with the consequences of parental absence. The yearsfor bonding and nurture are gone. Career options have dwindled andconsumer survivors are no further ahead than they were when it allbegan. GlaxoKline is as strong as it's always been. Psychiatryblames the obsessive bloggers six year rant on mental illness. What hadonce seemed like a selfless human investment became an embarrassment tothose who had begun the plight with sincerity and the best intentions.Mental Health Patients are victims of:*Psychiatry *Law firms *Pharma *Advocates with a financial agenda.*Bottom feeder organizations hoping to scoop up the percentage of thepopulation nobody else wants - To increase membership numbers and profitfrom their charitable organizations operating under the guise of HumanRights. *Health Care *Government *Health Regulators *MediaPolitical and social activism comes with a great responsibility.Not all men are rapists. Not all psychiatrist are abusive.Posted by The Social Activists at 21:36<\ct-of-mental.html><> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2011 Report Share Posted March 15, 2011 The Seroxat LitigationAndThe Impact of Social Activism in Mental Health."The Enemy of My Enemy is not My Friend"Tuesday1st's stats on SSRI and SNRI prescribing trends<\ns-over-seroxat-group-litigation_4589.html> raises concerns as to thecredibility, ethics, and motives of the Seroxat litigants, who've beenaccused of deliberately picketing user groups<> andblogs to increase hysteria for their own self interest. The loudest andmost vocal have publicly stated their efforts have been sincere.However, the statistics show that the litigation itself may have causedmore harm than good. Any success the failed litigation could have alsohave been financially detrimental to any litigant on disability benefitsand their family. There is also public evidence that those same "vocal"Activists did their best to silence the warnings offered by moreprofessional and educated Activists. Is the follow an example ofadvocacy at it's worst?<>Seroxat needed to be "The worst drug in it's class"<> to fulfill theburden for funding from the European Legal Service Commission. Withoutthis, the class action law suit would bear no fruit. This overwhelmingtask was accomplished by enrolling litigants to post news stories aboutSeroxat, trolling forums and groups, writing their local MP's, usingstatements of victims of Seroxat everywhere and anywhere they could -preferably children. There is nothing more valuable to a law suit than amother's tears. The litigants themselves became authors of their ownblogs - spending 5-10 daily hours researching, writing and posting - foryears while life passed them by.Group moderators refused to allow their members to give advice on anyother drug to the struggling and desperate. They couldn't risk thatgoogle search results would favour the likes of Effexor or any of theother SSRI's or SNRI's. If discussed in the forums they would later bepicked up by the search engines. The competing tag words had to besuppressed as much as possible. The group moderators, whom were alsocore litigants, had to have been aware of this legal stipulation. Anymember unwilling to follow these rules was ejected from the boards,ostracized,<>emotionally battered, and later subjected to intense bullying andharassment if they made a public fuss or resisted in any fashion.These necessary and seemingly obsessive steps were taken by adultlitigants. Where once their daily rituals had included gathering aroundthe family table each morning, nurturing their children whom had alreadybeen victims of their parents drug reactions, had now become replaced byan almost unnatural habitual compulsion to check blog statistics andpolls, navigating the endless advances technology was providing, and agrowing thirst for absolution and redemption. Unemployment anddisability took root and hope for the promised cash reward rechargingthe obsession by the day. The children and spouses had become victimsonce again. This time the drug company was innocent of all charges.Antidepressant survivors with a greater knowledge of prescribing trendsbegan warning consumer survivors, focusing on Seroxat, rather than theentire class or SSRIs and SNRIs, could cause devastating effects to allantidepressant users. Further warnings listing benefits recoverableunder the 1997 Act.<\/z1-recovery-of-benefits-and/1.-the-law/#listedbenefits> was met withhostility by group moderators and members who seemed to be workingclosely with their legal team, recruiting Seroxat survivors to the civillitigation.The results of the Seroxat Activists efforts are as depressing as theyshould have been predictable.Growing media attention caused country wide panic. Seroxat patients ranfrom Seroxat into the waiting arms of equally dangerous drugs. Theseother drugs could become more dangerous if the switch was not done everso carefully and where Physicians were already stumbling around blindlyin the antidepressant swamp.Even Wyeth [Effexor] could not have predicted a better turn of events.The result was an unexpected financial windfall for the Effexormanufacturer, set in motion by the most unlikely group, the Activiststhemselves. These were the ones questioning the morals and ethics of thepharmaceutical companies whose fierce roar echoed in lecture halls, theoffice of the Medicines Health Regulator [MHRA], and screamed out fromyoutube feeds into our iphone headsets as the rock and roll bands playedmellow dramatic music whilst the list of the dead rolled endlessly downthe screen.The Seroxat Activists were the same people who were targeting thechildren of their online enemies, posting their social networkingpages, children's photographs, school addresses, home address,<>making unsolicited contact with their children, publicly advertising forothers to join the bullying and harassment by publicly requestinginformation about them<> .Others joined the witch hunt.<uksurvivors/message/51434?threaded=1 & l=1>Their followers, with little hesitation, eagerly participated.Group and blog posts involving the children were removed after aconcerned third party contacted the poster, pleading to allow thechildren their right to privacy and freedom from the online attacks.<>Other grossly offensive and defamatory statements about a grandmotherinclude but are not limited to:a whore - the bike (prostitute) of Colchester - an IRA Sympathiser withIrish connections - of condoning the IRA actions of the Birmingham PubBombing, Murdering Mountbatten, and the gh and Manchester Bombings -being a cyber-stalker - his Blackheath Cyber-stalker - a supporter,protector, defender of wife abuser and pervert - a certified Ass Clown -a sick desiring jealous narcissist - a mindless moron – freak –deluded – desperate – obsessive - incredibly idiotic - animpersonator – liar - being in the pocket of GSK - a pharma whore(employee) – quizling - a traitor who collaborates with the enemy -The guilty party that had publicly made these accusations was laterpresented with a human rights award from the Citizens Commission onHuman Rights [CCHR.].<\5650.html>Men and women with limited education, leaning heavily on their ownsurvivor story, were handing out medical advice. Some were evencharging for it. Warnings flooded web pages and facebook, speakingdirectly to desperately ill patients. Their drug was killing them,prescribed by a doctor that had diagnosed them with a disease that didnot exist.Never before has Mental Health been so complicated, have so many beeninvolved in the fight. There was now too many opinions, too manyexperts that had cashed in on the SSRI explosion, too many experts thataren't experts and too many unsuspecting motives.The Internet has become the first choice for consumers whom are lookingfor answers about their mental health conditions and drug side effects.A gross mix of factual and misinformation, where the layman is at acomplete loss. The depressed and desperate standing in the middle,forgotten and suffocated by political agendas. Psychiatry in the twentyfirst century thrust into the depths of crisis.The speed at which the litigants and their supporting activists roaredcaused more suffering than anyone could have predicted. This did notstop Hugh Solicitors and his dutiful minions in shining armour.Advocates without degrees in medicine saw equal opportunity at selfpromotion and raising their B Movie celebrity status. The Internet hadbecome a brave new world where anyone could become the hero in his ownstory, deceivingly or not. It took the form of an online reality show.Blogs were analyzed, books written, men and women honoured for theirrole in "Human Rights", pleading their allegiance to humanity and healthcare. With each small success gearing up to the litigants day in court -Self adulation was confused with heroism by the blogging litigantsdutiful followers. All the while, the numbers were screaming to beread. The forgotten sufferers ignored, stifled. A clear indication ofhistory repeating itself with a modern day twist.The number of prescriptions for Seroxat had dropped dramatically, butthe number of prescriptions written for the others in the same classwere vibrating off the page, telling a dangerous story the Seroxatlitigants chose not to hear.Seroxat was searched more feverishly because it had the weight of mediaand bloggers behind it - Not necessarily because it was the worst drugin the class. This was a planned, orchestrated event! It did not evolvenaturally.Seroxat litigants and Activists involved in supporting the litigationhad, by default, and perhaps unwittingly, shoved Seroxat users into thewaiting arms of Effexor and the other drugs in the same class.The most vocal Seroxat litigants have not questioned nor commented onthe Tuesday1st prescribing trends graphs and statistics. This is clearevidence that they did not want to know what banging their drum hadcaused, and our first glimpse at what good will has set in motion.These figures demonstrated by the graphs are no more subject tointerpretation than a simple mathematical equation. They are what theyare. What they demonstrate is the story above, in numbers andlogistics.Hugh and the Seroxat litigants vomited all over the Internet -spewing bile at a remarkable speed. They pushed people out of toxicbuildings into burning ones [Metaphorically speaking], further muddyingthe most murky of waters. Still they raged on undeterred until finallythe funding was pulled and the litigation came to a halt. They could notprove that Seroxat was the worst drug in its class. Karma had seizedher opportunity.Ironically, many of the most vocal litigants blamed Hugh 'Solicitors for draining what they could from the publicly funded purse."Greed" they cried, defeated, walking away with nothing and never havingrealized what their fierce banging had caused. They were blinded by thepot of gold at the end of the rainbow once dangled in front of them likea carrot. Their leader, their own legal team, had become another enemyon a long list. And where is their rainbow now?With the failed litigation hanging like a dark cloud of defeat, a selectfew of those very "vocal" former litigants continue to focus on Seroxat.Strangely, with even more robust energy than ever. Some believe this isa testimony of their commitment to the cause. Others believe this isevidence a last ditch attempt to draw even more attention toGlaxoKline and Seroxat in hopes that the company will make a quietfinancial donation to blog authors - To get their posts off the Internetand limit the negative press. Reportedly American Paxil Activist, Rob, <> was financiallycompensated in a similar agreement by GlaxoKline. Seroxatlitigants are familiar with 's crusade and compensation package.Many have used his archived research. This fatal decision byGlaxoKline set a devastating precedent for the company and onethey aren't likely to repeat.Since the Seroxat Litigation, the obsessive bloggers children have grownand vacated their parents home. They stumble through their life on theirown and struggle with the consequences of parental absence. The yearsfor bonding and nurture are gone. Career options have dwindled andconsumer survivors are no further ahead than they were when it allbegan. GlaxoKline is as strong as it's always been. Psychiatryblames the obsessive bloggers six year rant on mental illness. What hadonce seemed like a selfless human investment became an embarrassment tothose who had begun the plight with sincerity and the best intentions.Mental Health Patients are victims of:*Psychiatry *Law firms *Pharma *Advocates with a financial agenda.*Bottom feeder organizations hoping to scoop up the percentage of thepopulation nobody else wants - To increase membership numbers and profitfrom their charitable organizations operating under the guise of HumanRights. *Health Care *Government *Health Regulators *MediaPolitical and social activism comes with a great responsibility.Not all men are rapists. Not all psychiatrist are abusive.Posted by The Social Activists at 21:36<\ct-of-mental.html><> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2011 Report Share Posted March 15, 2011 The Seroxat LitigationAndThe Impact of Social Activism in Mental Health."The Enemy of My Enemy is not My Friend"Tuesday1st's stats on SSRI and SNRI prescribing trends<\ns-over-seroxat-group-litigation_4589.html> raises concerns as to thecredibility, ethics, and motives of the Seroxat litigants, who've beenaccused of deliberately picketing user groups<> andblogs to increase hysteria for their own self interest. The loudest andmost vocal have publicly stated their efforts have been sincere.However, the statistics show that the litigation itself may have causedmore harm than good. Any success the failed litigation could have alsohave been financially detrimental to any litigant on disability benefitsand their family. There is also public evidence that those same "vocal"Activists did their best to silence the warnings offered by moreprofessional and educated Activists. Is the follow an example ofadvocacy at it's worst?<>Seroxat needed to be "The worst drug in it's class"<> to fulfill theburden for funding from the European Legal Service Commission. Withoutthis, the class action law suit would bear no fruit. This overwhelmingtask was accomplished by enrolling litigants to post news stories aboutSeroxat, trolling forums and groups, writing their local MP's, usingstatements of victims of Seroxat everywhere and anywhere they could -preferably children. There is nothing more valuable to a law suit than amother's tears. The litigants themselves became authors of their ownblogs - spending 5-10 daily hours researching, writing and posting - foryears while life passed them by.Group moderators refused to allow their members to give advice on anyother drug to the struggling and desperate. They couldn't risk thatgoogle search results would favour the likes of Effexor or any of theother SSRI's or SNRI's. If discussed in the forums they would later bepicked up by the search engines. The competing tag words had to besuppressed as much as possible. The group moderators, whom were alsocore litigants, had to have been aware of this legal stipulation. Anymember unwilling to follow these rules was ejected from the boards,ostracized,<>emotionally battered, and later subjected to intense bullying andharassment if they made a public fuss or resisted in any fashion.These necessary and seemingly obsessive steps were taken by adultlitigants. Where once their daily rituals had included gathering aroundthe family table each morning, nurturing their children whom had alreadybeen victims of their parents drug reactions, had now become replaced byan almost unnatural habitual compulsion to check blog statistics andpolls, navigating the endless advances technology was providing, and agrowing thirst for absolution and redemption. Unemployment anddisability took root and hope for the promised cash reward rechargingthe obsession by the day. The children and spouses had become victimsonce again. This time the drug company was innocent of all charges.Antidepressant survivors with a greater knowledge of prescribing trendsbegan warning consumer survivors, focusing on Seroxat, rather than theentire class or SSRIs and SNRIs, could cause devastating effects to allantidepressant users. Further warnings listing benefits recoverableunder the 1997 Act.<\/z1-recovery-of-benefits-and/1.-the-law/#listedbenefits> was met withhostility by group moderators and members who seemed to be workingclosely with their legal team, recruiting Seroxat survivors to the civillitigation.The results of the Seroxat Activists efforts are as depressing as theyshould have been predictable.Growing media attention caused country wide panic. Seroxat patients ranfrom Seroxat into the waiting arms of equally dangerous drugs. Theseother drugs could become more dangerous if the switch was not done everso carefully and where Physicians were already stumbling around blindlyin the antidepressant swamp.Even Wyeth [Effexor] could not have predicted a better turn of events.The result was an unexpected financial windfall for the Effexormanufacturer, set in motion by the most unlikely group, the Activiststhemselves. These were the ones questioning the morals and ethics of thepharmaceutical companies whose fierce roar echoed in lecture halls, theoffice of the Medicines Health Regulator [MHRA], and screamed out fromyoutube feeds into our iphone headsets as the rock and roll bands playedmellow dramatic music whilst the list of the dead rolled endlessly downthe screen.The Seroxat Activists were the same people who were targeting thechildren of their online enemies, posting their social networkingpages, children's photographs, school addresses, home address,<>making unsolicited contact with their children, publicly advertising forothers to join the bullying and harassment by publicly requestinginformation about them<> .Others joined the witch hunt.<uksurvivors/message/51434?threaded=1 & l=1>Their followers, with little hesitation, eagerly participated.Group and blog posts involving the children were removed after aconcerned third party contacted the poster, pleading to allow thechildren their right to privacy and freedom from the online attacks.<>Other grossly offensive and defamatory statements about a grandmotherinclude but are not limited to:a whore - the bike (prostitute) of Colchester - an IRA Sympathiser withIrish connections - of condoning the IRA actions of the Birmingham PubBombing, Murdering Mountbatten, and the gh and Manchester Bombings -being a cyber-stalker - his Blackheath Cyber-stalker - a supporter,protector, defender of wife abuser and pervert - a certified Ass Clown -a sick desiring jealous narcissist - a mindless moron – freak –deluded – desperate – obsessive - incredibly idiotic - animpersonator – liar - being in the pocket of GSK - a pharma whore(employee) – quizling - a traitor who collaborates with the enemy -The guilty party that had publicly made these accusations was laterpresented with a human rights award from the Citizens Commission onHuman Rights [CCHR.].<\5650.html>Men and women with limited education, leaning heavily on their ownsurvivor story, were handing out medical advice. Some were evencharging for it. Warnings flooded web pages and facebook, speakingdirectly to desperately ill patients. Their drug was killing them,prescribed by a doctor that had diagnosed them with a disease that didnot exist.Never before has Mental Health been so complicated, have so many beeninvolved in the fight. There was now too many opinions, too manyexperts that had cashed in on the SSRI explosion, too many experts thataren't experts and too many unsuspecting motives.The Internet has become the first choice for consumers whom are lookingfor answers about their mental health conditions and drug side effects.A gross mix of factual and misinformation, where the layman is at acomplete loss. The depressed and desperate standing in the middle,forgotten and suffocated by political agendas. Psychiatry in the twentyfirst century thrust into the depths of crisis.The speed at which the litigants and their supporting activists roaredcaused more suffering than anyone could have predicted. This did notstop Hugh Solicitors and his dutiful minions in shining armour.Advocates without degrees in medicine saw equal opportunity at selfpromotion and raising their B Movie celebrity status. The Internet hadbecome a brave new world where anyone could become the hero in his ownstory, deceivingly or not. It took the form of an online reality show.Blogs were analyzed, books written, men and women honoured for theirrole in "Human Rights", pleading their allegiance to humanity and healthcare. With each small success gearing up to the litigants day in court -Self adulation was confused with heroism by the blogging litigantsdutiful followers. All the while, the numbers were screaming to beread. The forgotten sufferers ignored, stifled. A clear indication ofhistory repeating itself with a modern day twist.The number of prescriptions for Seroxat had dropped dramatically, butthe number of prescriptions written for the others in the same classwere vibrating off the page, telling a dangerous story the Seroxatlitigants chose not to hear.Seroxat was searched more feverishly because it had the weight of mediaand bloggers behind it - Not necessarily because it was the worst drugin the class. This was a planned, orchestrated event! It did not evolvenaturally.Seroxat litigants and Activists involved in supporting the litigationhad, by default, and perhaps unwittingly, shoved Seroxat users into thewaiting arms of Effexor and the other drugs in the same class.The most vocal Seroxat litigants have not questioned nor commented onthe Tuesday1st prescribing trends graphs and statistics. This is clearevidence that they did not want to know what banging their drum hadcaused, and our first glimpse at what good will has set in motion.These figures demonstrated by the graphs are no more subject tointerpretation than a simple mathematical equation. They are what theyare. What they demonstrate is the story above, in numbers andlogistics.Hugh and the Seroxat litigants vomited all over the Internet -spewing bile at a remarkable speed. They pushed people out of toxicbuildings into burning ones [Metaphorically speaking], further muddyingthe most murky of waters. Still they raged on undeterred until finallythe funding was pulled and the litigation came to a halt. They could notprove that Seroxat was the worst drug in its class. Karma had seizedher opportunity.Ironically, many of the most vocal litigants blamed Hugh 'Solicitors for draining what they could from the publicly funded purse."Greed" they cried, defeated, walking away with nothing and never havingrealized what their fierce banging had caused. They were blinded by thepot of gold at the end of the rainbow once dangled in front of them likea carrot. Their leader, their own legal team, had become another enemyon a long list. And where is their rainbow now?With the failed litigation hanging like a dark cloud of defeat, a selectfew of those very "vocal" former litigants continue to focus on Seroxat.Strangely, with even more robust energy than ever. Some believe this isa testimony of their commitment to the cause. Others believe this isevidence a last ditch attempt to draw even more attention toGlaxoKline and Seroxat in hopes that the company will make a quietfinancial donation to blog authors - To get their posts off the Internetand limit the negative press. Reportedly American Paxil Activist, Rob, <> was financiallycompensated in a similar agreement by GlaxoKline. Seroxatlitigants are familiar with 's crusade and compensation package.Many have used his archived research. This fatal decision byGlaxoKline set a devastating precedent for the company and onethey aren't likely to repeat.Since the Seroxat Litigation, the obsessive bloggers children have grownand vacated their parents home. They stumble through their life on theirown and struggle with the consequences of parental absence. The yearsfor bonding and nurture are gone. Career options have dwindled andconsumer survivors are no further ahead than they were when it allbegan. GlaxoKline is as strong as it's always been. Psychiatryblames the obsessive bloggers six year rant on mental illness. What hadonce seemed like a selfless human investment became an embarrassment tothose who had begun the plight with sincerity and the best intentions.Mental Health Patients are victims of:*Psychiatry *Law firms *Pharma *Advocates with a financial agenda.*Bottom feeder organizations hoping to scoop up the percentage of thepopulation nobody else wants - To increase membership numbers and profitfrom their charitable organizations operating under the guise of HumanRights. *Health Care *Government *Health Regulators *MediaPolitical and social activism comes with a great responsibility.Not all men are rapists. Not all psychiatrist are abusive.Posted by The Social Activists at 21:36<\ct-of-mental.html><> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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