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Hello Millie, My mother wants to stay a few days in Riversdie after

my surgery. Just incase I need to go back to see Dr. Aceves. I am

having the lapband done on Oct. 18th. We will be staying with my

Aunt. I have seen nothing but Great news about Dr. Aceves and Nina.

I can't wait to meet them.


> Christa:

> I live in Redlands, California. . very close to Riverside!! What

will you

> be doing in Riverside? I'm one of the many people considering RNY

surgery with

> Dr. Aceves. . but, I'm still a whole lot of scared. <Smile>


> Millie

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Millie, That would be great. I wont be near a computer though.I can

give you my cell phone number if you would like to call me. Then I

can tell you how things went. My sister is having the RNY done. I

have tried to get insurance for this but they have turned me down so

my Mother is giving me a loan for it. so that means when I get home

I will have to get a second job to pay her back. Which is fine with

me. I am so glad there is Dr. Aceves and Nina and this support

group. I live in small town of 3900 people. It's a little hard to

find support here.


> That's what I see and hear!! We should be so lucky to have

medical attention

> in the states that somewhat mimick what they offer there. As I

said before,

> I'm still in the " thinking " stage of sugery. Perhaps, if you feel

up to it-

> once you are in Riverside- we can connect.


> Millie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning Pat Mc!

Good having you hear and glad to hear you have finished TX.

Let us know how things are going for you. And hope your energy

levels lift quicker. There's a lot of GREAT people here and

I hope you share your experience with us. I'm a geno-type 1a

myself but I've chosen not to do INF TX. I've been able to get

my viral load & enzymes down with an Alternative TX Program.

Been able to gain lots more energy & mental clariy back too with

it which has been a Godsend. Hang in there Pat & WELCOME!

Enjoy your Sunday Everyone!

Its pourrrrring rain here.



(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)

«´¨ Love,

** ¨`»

(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`' ·.¸)


( `·.¸

`·.¸ )





The whole world can love you, but that love

will not make you happy. What will make you happy

is the love coming out of you. That is the love that will

make a difference.

~~~ Don Ruiz ~~~



***Free Audio Tape & Info Pak - Call: 877 367-9875***

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Thank You for the warm welcome. Yesterday was sunny and beautiful, everyone

was either BBQing or having a Yard Sale here in south Texas.

My story began, I guess when I married my hubby back in 1975, he and his

sister we're recovering Heroine addicts. I drank and smoked, two kinds of

tobacco. Anyway, Five yrs before mac died, his doc told him to stop drinking

and get on tx, but he was too busy making a living for us his family..then

his sis died from complications due to HepC & B(my age)then about a month

later mac died, he had developed 7 tumors in his liver that were

inoperatable..then his kidneys failed, I took care of him at home with the

help of my daughter, he was a wonderful patient and a good man. I was dx a

yr after that, I had been tested before with neg results. I had bladder

surgery and had abused the vicadin and drank heavy when I was hospitalized

for jaudice, I was a sick pup..the rest is history and now Im on my way to

try and take care of myself and support others in this struggle in my small

way. Have a nice Sunday and its good to be here..PatMc

Re: Hello


> Morning Pat Mc!

> Good having you hear and glad to hear you have finished TX.

> Let us know how things are going for you. And hope your energy

> levels lift quicker. There's a lot of GREAT people here and

> I hope you share your experience with us. I'm a geno-type 1a

> myself but I've chosen not to do INF TX. I've been able to get

> my viral load & enzymes down with an Alternative TX Program.

> Been able to gain lots more energy & mental clariy back too with

> it which has been a Godsend. Hang in there Pat & WELCOME!


> Enjoy your Sunday Everyone!

> Its pourrrrring rain here.


> Love,




> =====

> (`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)

> «´¨ Love,

> ** ¨`»

> (¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`' ·.¸)

> ¸.·´

> ( `·.¸

> `·.¸ )

> ¸.·)´

> (.·´

> `*.

> *.

> The whole world can love you, but that love

> will not make you happy. What will make you happy

> is the love coming out of you. That is the love that will

> make a difference.

> ~~~ Don Ruiz ~~~



> http://alternativehopeforhepc.com

> http://alternativehope.royalbodycare.com

> ***Free Audio Tape & Info Pak - Call: 877 367-9875***






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  • 2 weeks later...

Christa, SO glad you are doing well. Im sorry about the cold!

Talk to you soon!



> Hello, Everyone I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing

> great except for the cold I have right know... The sneezing and

> coughing really hurts. But other than that I am up and in Reno NV

> tonight I will be going home on Wed. I will check in then... Christa

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Well Kudos to you !!

What a lucky gal she is to have such a kinda and obviously open hearted guy

wanting to get to know her so called world better? nice of you!!

I dated a lot of AP ( Average height) guys and they didn't mind my difference in

size and had somewhat the same attitude you have as not seeing the " dwarfism "

per say but just loving me for me. Nice read Thanks!

dustincroteau <dustincroteau@...> wrote:


My name is ,I just joined today and I wanted to say hello to

everyone.I am not an lp, but I am dating one.I joined the group out

of love for my girlfriend, and I want to understand her dwarfism a

little better,Not that it matters to me,because she is who she is

inside and out,She's a mother from a previous relationship,and what a

mom she is!She doesn't cease to amaze me with her devotion for her

son.I have grown to love him a lot, and the three of us are always

together, and he is what you would call your typical 7 year old,loves

snakes,mudd,and bugs!!!He is also an lp like his Mom.People ask me a

lot how I feel about them being little, but I try and explain to them

that I don't see the dwarfism.Can anyone relate to this?

My intentions are to enhance my relationship with my girlfriend and

her son, and to overcome the ignorance,and sometimes rudeness of


Thank you,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bridget-

If your community college program includes an internship, that might

be the better way to go. Getting a little hands-on experience goes

a long way! I am sure you could do the at-home program but I don't

think it will be as respected as an on-campus program. Good luck to


Annette, Austin, TX

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Dear Bridget,

I agree with Annette on this one. Getting some hands on experience

will add to your knowledge and skills. I often teach my students

that the skills are the what's and how 's and the education or

knowledge is the why's. BOTH are needed. A surgeon would cut the

patient in the wrong area if he/she has not studied anatomy and

physiology. Yet 'not' practicing cutting or not applying the book

knowledge of A & P, and means nothing without the hands on experience

on a cadaver and finally on a live human. So one must have both to

make a great tech.

To pass the PTCB exam one does not have to have both. One can pass

by reading and studying a book. That is the problem with the PTCB

exam. However passing a written exam with very little experiencial

questions does not prove you can do the work of a tech. But it may

say that you are ready to learn how to be a tech.

I do wish you well. I hope that you will get an internship.


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT



> Hi Bridget-


> If your community college program includes an internship, that


> be the better way to go. Getting a little hands-on experience


> a long way! I am sure you could do the at-home program but I


> think it will be as respected as an on-campus program. Good luck


> you!


> Annette, Austin, TX

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Dearest Crystal,

While much is taught in school that is not on the PTCB exam, there certainly is

NEED for all that is taught!!! Therefore I would encourage ANYONE to return to

school and/or to stay in school. You only pass this way once. Learning

pharmacology on the job takes way too much time and lack of this knowledge

relates directly to making more medication errors for a longer period of time.In

addition mock labs prepare one to learn to work in the real world.

You may be a quick learner, but no hands on experience or pharmacology does not

make a good/great tech. In today's teching BOTH are needed. Long gone are the

skills only techs. Just ask any tech who has moved up in position because of all

they know and know how to do!!!

Again while you are most correct that school teaches more than what is onthe

exam. ALL that is in school is definitely used on some type of teching job out


I respect YOUR decision to leave the school. But I still believe in the

education and skills that are learned as a foudation to help one make a better

tech. Now with school and externships it should not take 2- 5 yrs or so to

master filling cart, cassettes, automated equipment, know drug interactions,

auxiliary labels etc. Much is taught in shcool and it is then applied in mock

labs and further in the real world in externship and on the job.

Thank you for your kind comments about this site. I should tell you that I

almost closed this site in April due to the fact that I beieve in education not

self taught in this field. A second look at it kept it open because many still

live in states that do not require OJT training as TEXAS does or schooling.

And for that reason alone I kept it open.

It is getting harder and harder to justify keeping it open. I believe in mock

labs before going on the job. I believe in knowledge of pharmacology and

applying it to prevention of errors.

Thank you for posting your opinion and sharing with us all, EVERY ONE's OPINONS

are necessary to make for better discussion and for all to make personal life

affecting decisions. We may not agree on this issue, but we respect each others

difference of opinion. And that is a professional attitude that must prevail. In

addition both of us have affected others to either continue/sign up for

schooling or to move on.

Most Respectfully,

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BSChem


!crystal anderson <cuddleanderson@...> wrote:

Hey Bridget,

I attended a Pharmacy Tech program for about 2 months here in Irving, TX. The

experience was nice but you get a lot of information that is not required for

the exam. I decided to drop the class after maintaining a 98 average in the

class and study at home, so if you are looking to save some money and time,

continue to use the study group Jennetta has blessed us all with :) I am ready

for the exam this weekend, if all fails I know that I can still look to this

study group to see me thru, but good luck in your decision to get into a new

field it is very promising.

Thanks Mariella for the luck.

Bridget Burton <almostperfectpets@...> wrote:

Hi All,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a certified Vet Tech with over

25 yrs in the field. My passion is dog training but I am in the midst

of changing professions.

As a vet tech I have had tons of medical experience but the hours are

too variable for me and I am hoping to find a more reasonable


Has anyone had any experience with the Pharmacy Trainer program? I

was going to take a course at the community college but then I found

this program online and with my experience I think I can study on my

own at home.

Thanks to all.

Bridget Burton

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Hi ,

I will have my CI surgery in December and activation in January. I'm very

excited, especially because the CI process has been a *very* long road for


Here's how it went from month to month:

May: Submitted application to CI center.

June: CI evaluation/declared a candidate (Because of my premature birth

history, I was tested for auditory neuropathy. I also required additional

testing due to fluctuating and continual hearing loss in both ears.)

July: Cancellations/delays for additional testing

August: Final audiogram; met with surgeon

September: Met with audiologist to discuss 3 implant devices

October: Paperwork submitted to insurance company

November: Received insurance approval, surgery and activation dates

There are people on this list who have waited longer than I did! It's

interesting how some people seem to move through the process quickly while

others do not. If I had to do it all over again, I would.

You asked what kind of equipment I use on my computer. I use a Braille

display to read e-mail, surf the web and compose Word documents. The Braille

display consists of small metal pins that move up and down to form various

Braille characters. I can " see " how text appears on the computer screen as

well as everything I type in an e-mail or Word document. I also have two

different screen readers (JAWS and Window-Eyes) which translates and sends

information that appears on the computer screen to my Braille display. I've

been using computers since 1984, but didn't learn Windows and the Internet

until 1999.

Surgery date: 12/22/04

Activation date: 1/18/05

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See what I mean about this thing affecting you in ways you never

imagined. You'd think if it all happened at 5 years old you'd have

time to recover and be fine. But oh, no! It's like some kind of

evil lurking in the darkness just waiting to get you again in some

other stupid new way. I just bet your son would have made an

excellent doctor after what he's been through. And what a fighter,

survivor he must be to go through all that and still have a C

average. Alot of people can't maintain a C average even though they

are healthy and no extra battles to fight. And God help him if he

tries to get a scholarship now. It is a shame and its not right!

> Hi,

> My son has been dealing with cholesteatoma since 5 years old. He is

now 22.

> He had 3 recent surgeries in a years span. These surgeries happened

while in

> his 2nd year of college on a pre-med track. Needless to say, he

got a D in his

> organic chemistry class..not once..but twice..due to the fact that


> surgeries and recoveries came out when he either had a test or the

class was learning

> something new. He even had to re-take the class and had to have


> surgery. It was too late to withdraw and receive an F so he stuck

with it and

> received a D. That brought his other wise high B average to a low

C and had to

> change his major since his grades were too low for medical school


> He since changed his major to pre-dental and we are hoping that

those bad

> grades don't come back to haunt him. It's a shame!!


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  • 2 months later...

What brand are you using? I find Natural Zing to be lighter in smell, taste

and feel than some of the others.



I've just joined this group hoping to learn a bit more about Coconut

Oil and it's uses. It has been suggested I do any frying with it

however my child can not tolerate the smell of the type I purchased,

which is Virgin and it has been mentioned that I should look into

expeller processed as it has less offensive odor. I am also

interested in using it for weight loss, reving up the thyroid,

metabolism, etc. and would like suggestions how to mix it in foods,

smoothies, etc in order to get the 2-3T /day. Any suggestions on how

to " hide " it in foods my children would be helpful also.



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I've tried several brands of virgin coconut oil and this is the very

problem my daughter and I had with it. I now use the refined,

bleached and deodorized oil for frying (there is no smell). Although

many may disagree with this, I feel that this is better than giving

up on it altogether. We just can't take the smell of the heated

oil. I still use the virgin oil whenever I can, just not for frying

or saute'.



> Hello,

> I've just joined this group hoping to learn a bit more about


> Oil and it's uses. It has been suggested I do any frying with it

> however my child can not tolerate the smell of the type I


> which is Virgin and it has been mentioned that I should look into

> expeller processed as it has less offensive odor. I am also

> interested in using it for weight loss, reving up the thyroid,

> metabolism, etc. and would like suggestions how to mix it in foods,

> smoothies, etc in order to get the 2-3T /day. Any suggestions on


> to " hide " it in foods my children would be helpful also.

> Thanks,

> Michele

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What about coconut milk or coconut water?

Also, what about using the oil as a skin lotion? You can get a lot of

benefit from that, especially if you rub it on thin-skinned areas of the

body like the inner thigh.


Re: hello

I've tried several brands of virgin coconut oil and this is the very

problem my daughter and I had with it. I now use the refined,

bleached and deodorized oil for frying (there is no smell). Although

many may disagree with this, I feel that this is better than giving

up on it altogether. We just can't take the smell of the heated

oil. I still use the virgin oil whenever I can, just not for frying

or saute'.



> Hello,

> I've just joined this group hoping to learn a bit more about


> Oil and it's uses. It has been suggested I do any frying with it

> however my child can not tolerate the smell of the type I


> which is Virgin and it has been mentioned that I should look into

> expeller processed as it has less offensive odor. I am also

> interested in using it for weight loss, reving up the thyroid,

> metabolism, etc. and would like suggestions how to mix it in foods,

> smoothies, etc in order to get the 2-3T /day. Any suggestions on


> to " hide " it in foods my children would be helpful also.

> Thanks,

> Michele

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You can also use coconut milk. The taste is very agreeable, and 10

ounces of coconut milk will give you the equivalent of 3 1/2 Tbsp. of

oil. You can add it to smoothies or other foods. You can also

dilute it 2 parts to 1 of water and use it as you would dairy milk.



> Hello,

> I've just joined this group hoping to learn a bit more about


> Oil and it's uses. It has been suggested I do any frying with it

> however my child can not tolerate the smell of the type I


> which is Virgin and it has been mentioned that I should look into

> expeller processed as it has less offensive odor. I am also

> interested in using it for weight loss, reving up the thyroid,

> metabolism, etc. and would like suggestions how to mix it in foods,

> smoothies, etc in order to get the 2-3T /day. Any suggestions on


> to " hide " it in foods my children would be helpful also.

> Thanks,

> Michele

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I use RBD for frying, and VCO for eating raw. RBD is about half the

cost of VCO and I need to be frugal. I love the taste of VCO, but just

don't have the cash to buy it in bulk to save money, and can't afford to buy

the expensive VCO by the pint as easily as I can buy the RBD oil.


Re: hello



> I've tried several brands of virgin coconut oil and this is the very

> problem my daughter and I had with it. I now use the refined,

> bleached and deodorized oil for frying (there is no smell). Although

> many may disagree with this, I feel that this is better than giving

> up on it altogether. We just can't take the smell of the heated

> oil. I still use the virgin oil whenever I can, just not for frying

> or saute'.


> -Patty

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I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but I think you are wasting your money on

RBD. I've never eaten it but I have used it medicinally as a salve. It was

a waste. Then I used the VCO - a tiny smidgen, barely a pinch - and I got

dramatic effect. If money is the issue I would rather recommend:

1. Apply it topically on inside of thighs where skin is thin. You need

just a tiny touch.

2. Buy a fresh coconut and eat it straight.

I think these are both better options than RBD.


Re: Re: hello

I use RBD for frying, and VCO for eating raw. RBD is about half the

cost of VCO and I need to be frugal. I love the taste of VCO, but just

don't have the cash to buy it in bulk to save money, and can't afford to buy

the expensive VCO by the pint as easily as I can buy the RBD oil.


Re: hello



> I've tried several brands of virgin coconut oil and this is the very

> problem my daughter and I had with it. I now use the refined,

> bleached and deodorized oil for frying (there is no smell). Although

> many may disagree with this, I feel that this is better than giving

> up on it altogether. We just can't take the smell of the heated

> oil. I still use the virgin oil whenever I can, just not for frying

> or saute'.


> -Patty

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> What brand are you using? I find Natural Zing to be lighter in

smell, taste

> and feel than some of the others.

I have been using Garden of Life brand, but would like to get some

into my child who can't tolerate the odor of anything cooked in it.


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I would like this, but still not workable for my child who needs it

the most and hates the taste of coconut. This same child is the one

who gags at the smell of it cooking.


> >

> > Hello,

> > I've just joined this group hoping to learn a bit more about

> Coconut

> > Oil and it's uses. It has been suggested I do any frying with it

> > however my child can not tolerate the smell of the type I

> purchased,

> > which is Virgin and it has been mentioned that I should look into

> > expeller processed as it has less offensive odor. I am also

> > interested in using it for weight loss, reving up the thyroid,

> > metabolism, etc. and would like suggestions how to mix it in


> > smoothies, etc in order to get the 2-3T /day. Any suggestions on

> how

> > to " hide " it in foods my children would be helpful also.

> > Thanks,

> > Michele

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What is RBD?

> I use RBD for frying, and VCO for eating raw. RBD is about

half the

> cost of VCO and I need to be frugal. I love the taste of VCO, but


> don't have the cash to buy it in bulk to save money, and can't

afford to buy

> the expensive VCO by the pint as easily as I can buy the RBD oil.


> Alobar



> Re: hello



> >

> >

> > I've tried several brands of virgin coconut oil and this is the


> > problem my daughter and I had with it. I now use the refined,

> > bleached and deodorized oil for frying (there is no smell).


> > many may disagree with this, I feel that this is better than


> > up on it altogether. We just can't take the smell of the heated

> > oil. I still use the virgin oil whenever I can, just not for


> > or saute'.

> >

> > -Patty

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Hi Michele,

There are different qualities of virgin coconut oil. You may be using a

poor quality oil. I have tried several brands of virgin coconut oil and

some didn't taste or smell very good. I have found a couple brands that

I really like. One is from Simply Coconut. I love the way it tastes and

it smells good when I cook with it. If you live in the US you can email

debbie@... and they will send you a free sample of their

oil. That way you can try it and see if you like the taste and smell. I

like to mix coconut oil with peanut butter or almond butter. Maybe your

children would like that tool. You can make a sandwich or dip apple

slices in it.



I've just joined this group hoping to learn a bit more about Coconut

Oil and it's uses. It has been suggested I do any frying with it

however my child can not tolerate the smell of the type I purchased,

which is Virgin and it has been mentioned that I should look into

expeller processed as it has less offensive odor. I am also

interested in using it for weight loss, reving up the thyroid,

metabolism, etc. and would like suggestions how to mix it in foods,

smoothies, etc in order to get the 2-3T /day. Any suggestions on how

to " hide " it in foods my children would be helpful also.




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When I was younger, I used to give massages using coconut oil. If

memory serves me correctly, I used about a teaspoon of oil for a full body

massage. Unless I am missing something here, there seems to be to be no way

one is going to get 2 tablespoons of coconut oil into the skin thru rubbing

it on the inner thighs. A tiny smidgen is only going to do a tiny smidgen

worth of good. Or do you mean that one does this procedure 10 times a day

to get the 2 tablespoons of oil into the skin?


RE: Re: hello


> I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but I think you are wasting your money on

> RBD. I've never eaten it but I have used it medicinally as a salve. It


> a waste. Then I used the VCO - a tiny smidgen, barely a pinch - and I got

> dramatic effect. If money is the issue I would rather recommend:


> 1. Apply it topically on inside of thighs where skin is thin. You need

> just a tiny touch.


> 2. Buy a fresh coconut and eat it straight.


> I think these are both better options than RBD.


> Nina

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I have no clue. I'm just reporting what my own results were. In all

fairness, I have been whole-foods near-vegan for 20 years and my system is

very clean, not sludgy or stuffed-up. As a result, I respond much more

dramatically to small amounts of things than others do. Others may get much

less effect for much more effort than I do.


Re: Re: hello

When I was younger, I used to give massages using coconut oil. If

memory serves me correctly, I used about a teaspoon of oil for a full body

massage. Unless I am missing something here, there seems to be to be no way

one is going to get 2 tablespoons of coconut oil into the skin thru rubbing

it on the inner thighs. A tiny smidgen is only going to do a tiny smidgen

worth of good. Or do you mean that one does this procedure 10 times a day

to get the 2 tablespoons of oil into the skin?


RE: Re: hello


> I'm sorry to be a party pooper, but I think you are wasting your money on

> RBD. I've never eaten it but I have used it medicinally as a salve. It


> a waste. Then I used the VCO - a tiny smidgen, barely a pinch - and I got

> dramatic effect. If money is the issue I would rather recommend:


> 1. Apply it topically on inside of thighs where skin is thin. You need

> just a tiny touch.


> 2. Buy a fresh coconut and eat it straight.


> I think these are both better options than RBD.


> Nina

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