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Friendly bacteria never recover from antibiotic use

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Blood letting. Mercury. Lead based products. GMOs. The absolute horrors of

common practices aren't fully realized until decades later; sometimes centuries.

Antibiotic use, it turns out, does more damage than just leading to drug

resistant diseases. We may never fully recover from the gut damage. There are

already mass problems with food assimilation and breathing difficulties

continually on the rise.

Worse still, the damage is passed on to the unborn. Flora lost by mothers is

lost to their babies which is likely a major cause of the chronic disease spike

in children.

Find out more about the mass use of antibiotics and the correlating cost of our

health with their continued use. Iatrogenic disease – those caused by medical

errors – are the third leading cause of death in America. That does not include

the problems caused by antibiotic use – problems we may not fully realize for

years to come.

Since many have reversed chronic disease with diet and lifestyle changess, there

is always hope!

~Health Freedoms

Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotic Use: Loss Extends to Future Generations

Evidence shows the mass antibiotics experiment is devastating our children's

health. It may be the reason so many struggle for breath and can't assimilate

food properly.

Emerging research shows that the harmful effects of antibiotics go much further

than the development of drug resistant diseases. The beneficial bacteria lost to

antibiotics, along with disease-inducing bacteria, do not recover fully. Worse,

flora lost by a mother is also lost to her babies. The missing beneficial gut

bacteria are likely a major factor behind much of the chronic disease

experienced today. The continuous use of antibiotics is resulting in each

generation experiencing worse health than their parents.

Blaser, the author of a report in the prestigious journalNature writes:

Antibiotics kill the bacteria we do want, as well as those we don't. These

long-term changes to the beneficial bacteria within people's bodies may even

increase our susceptibility to infections and disease.

Overuse of antibiotics could be fuelling the dramatic increase in conditions

such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies and

asthma, which have more than doubled in many populations.

Aside from the development of superbugs, we're now seeing clear documentation

that the overall long term effects of antibiotics are devastatingly harmful to

our health. Speaking to ABC News, Blaser said:

Antibiotics are miraculous. They've changed health and medicine over the last 70

years. But when doctors prescribe antibiotics, it is based on the belief that

there are no long-term effects. We've seen evidence that suggests antibiotics

may permanently change the beneficial bacteria that we're carrying. [Emphasis my


Notice that term, permanent. Without considering the potential risks in the

casual use of antibiotics, it now looks like conventional medicine is creating

several pandemics of some of the worst chronic diseases known.

Mass Use of Antibiotics

By the time a child reaches age 18 in the industrialized world, the chances are

he or she has been given 10-20 courses of antibiotics. That misuse continues

into adulthood, and they're casually prescribed to pregnant women.

That's where the situation grows ever worse. Part of a normal childbirth is a

baby's passage through the birth canal—where it's exposed to its first dose of

beneficial bacteria. (This should give pause to anyone considering a caesarian

birth that isn't absolutely necessary.)

When a mother's microbiota is deficient, her child is born to a deficiency. The

evidence now appears to show that, once a probiotic deficiency exists, it is

never recovered—and it's passed down the generations. Therefore, each generation

is likely to suffer from poorer health than the parents enjoyed.

Costs of Antibiotic-Induced Chronic Conditions

Healthcare costs rise and rise in treating this chronic ill health. Consider the

pandemic status of diabetes and asthma in children today. Those diseases were

extremely rare 50 years ago, and now they're literally routine. Yet, the focus

continues to be on treatment—which increasingly lines the pockets of Big Pharma

and doctors.

The search for cause has practically been ignored, even in the face of rising

rates of chronic illness. Instead, treatment is the touchstone. Ever more toxic

methods of suppressing symptoms, while hiding adverse effects, are researched

and pushed on conventional medicine's victims.

Two of the most critical functions in health are drastically compromised in

enormous numbers of today's children.The ability to metabolize food and the

ability to breathe are being stolen from this generation. Yet the treatment

they're receiving for this poor health does nothing to make them well. It only

masks the symptoms and makes theirchildren even sicker!

On top of those losses, children suffer from allergies, their bodies' inability

to distinguish between disease-inducing agents and harmless substances. They

suffer from autoimmune disorders, their bodies' inability to distinguish between

foreign substances and parts of their own bodies.

Has there ever been a generation of children whose inherent health has been so

devastated by the very medical system that is supposedly responsible for their


Iatrogenic Disease

Iatrogenic disorders are health problems caused by medical errors. They are now

officially the third-leading cause of death in the United States. But those

numbers do not include early deaths from diabetes, asthma, allergies, chronic

bowel disorders, or cancer—all of which have been documented as results of

antibiotic use—nor are the miseries suffered by the people burdened with them

reckoned in the iatrogenic toll.

If we were to add all those early deaths to the iatrogenesis numbers, as should

be done, it would be obvious that conventional medicine is the greatest killer

and thief of health the world has ever known. And apparently, one of the most

significant causes of iatrogenic illness is antibiotics, that most common of

treatments handed out like candy.


By Heidi son


Antibiotics: Killing Off Beneficial Bacteria … for Good?

Overuse of Antibiotics May Cause Long-Term Harm

Superbug risk to children given too many antibiotics, killing bacteria that

fight disease

Incomplete recovery and individualized responses of the human distal gut

microbiota to repeated antibiotic perturbation

Short-Term Antibiotic Treatment Has Differing Long-Term Impacts on the Human

Throat and Gut Microbiome

Long-Term Persistence of Resistant Enterococcus Species after Antibiotics To

Eradicate Helicobacter pylori



Painting by talented artist and homeopath,




Chezron says:

September 4, 2011 at 11:15 am

So when IS it appropriate to use antibiotics? They are necessary at times.

Thought-provoking article with no guidance on how present practices should be

altered, and no guidance on how individuals should respond when their doctor

wants to prescribe an antibiotic.

Natural Lifestyle Fan says:

September 4, 2011 at 12:49 pm

To restore good colon flora after antibiotics, I had always heard that the

lactobacilli in yogurt (with " living cultures " on label), and acidophilus

capsules (brand contents vary in type and quantity of strains)can restore the

colon's beneficial bacteria, essential to digesting our food (an evolutionary

beneficial symbiosis), to making vitamin B1 (thiamine)that gives us energy, and

to conquering competing colon yeast, and so prevent candidiasis that causes

chronic fatigue.

But if these few strains of lactobacilli in yogurt are not enough to fully

replace all our pre-antibiotic natural colon beneficial bacteria, the solution

would be: find a human who has never had antibiotics (nor his parents or

grandparents)–for example, an Australian aborigine? And a medical manufactory

lab can take a sample from such person's colon, and from it in the lab isolate,

breed, and culture the full human-natural complement and complex of desired and

needed human colon good bacteria–for mass encapsuling and sale to mass human


To be given to all persons who (or their parents and/or grandparents)have had

antibiotics. Ideal fix, yes?

Go to it, all you bacteriologically savvy health-product entrepreneurs!


Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 3:08 pm

I strongly recommend reading British MD Natasha -McBride's book, Gut and

Psychology Syndrome (check out http://www.gapsdiet.com). She addresses the

imbalance in gut microbes she's seen in her practice and created a diet that

over time will re-establish a more healthful gut microbe environment. People who

have adhered to the diet have had great success in reducing or eliminating

autism, ADD/AAHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, depression, dyslexia, dyspraxia and


The diet is a variation on a Paleolithic diet and requires abstinence from all

grains and all starchy carbs, large daily doses of probiotics and homemade broth

(get out your crock pot – making broth is incredibly easy to do). Eating the

foods prohibited by the diet feed the bad microbes in the gut which make people

crave the foods that feed those microbes and those microbes throw off toxins

that create a host of physical, mental and emotional health problems.

My husband and I have had personal experience with this diet. My husband has had

multiple " mild " closed head injuries and is disabled from his post-concussion

syndrome. Last fall (2010) he was so foggy brained and unstable on his feet, he

could do virtually nothing but sit in front of the TV. He was having daily

cataplectic " seizures " (one of many different technically called pseudoseizures

that he was subject to). We started a partial version of the diet due to

digestive problems he was having. All he ate for 3 weeks was homemade broth (egg

drop soup with greens in it) and fruit. He became more clear headed and

physically stable. At the end of the 3 weeks, he said he wanted more bulk added.

I sprouted and cooked brown rice and began to add it to his broth. By the second

day, he was foggy brain and unstable again on his feet. It was at this time that

I came across Dr. -McBride's book.

We then instituted the most liberal form of the diet. Despite not going through

the clearing process recommended for severe cases, in the 11 months that my

husband has been on this diet he's lost 40 pounds he needed to lose, he's been

mentally clear again, and most impressively, he has not had a SINGLE seizure in

that time. From daily seizures to none for months is beyond impressive. He says

he's on this diet for life now.

For anyone pregnant or wanting to be pregnant, get this book NOW! I realize that

both of my grown daughters have health problems that were caused by my own gut

microbe insufficiency and particularly affected is my youngest who was a

necessary C-section.

And no, I'm not getting kick-backs for recommending the book. I've been studying

nutrition and alternative healing for over 40 years and this is perhaps THE most

important book I've read.

Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:16 pm

I don't know scientifically what timing would be appropriate, but when you have

to take antibiotics, take massive doses of probiotics. My guess would be to take

probiotics in between doses of antibiotics because a lot of the " pros " will be

killed by the " antis; " you want the timing to allow the maximum survival of the

probiotics. Then when you're done with the course of antibiotics, medication,

keep taking massive doses of probiotics for months and don't feed the " bad

guys. "

There's been some interesting recent research

(www.nature.com/nature/journal/v473/n7346/full/nature09944.html) that show there

are three distinct ecosystems in the guts of people scientists have studied.

Like blood types, it does not really matter what part of the globe you live in,

what your ethnicity is, there are 3 distinct " enterotypes. "

I suspect/hope that this area of study will open up in the relatively near

future. That could mean that specific probiotic supplements designed for each of

the three enterotypes could become available for people to rebuild their gut

environment so that it functions the way it's supposed to, i.e. help with

digestion, manufacture vitamins, as part of the immune system, for preventing

growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria, and for producing hormones to direct the

host (you, in a symbiotic relationship to the probiotics) to store fats. Some of

" antis " have been implicated in producing infection or increasing the cancer

risk of the person.


Shari says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:19 pm

Besides taking probiotic supplements, also add fermented foods to your diet:

Kefir and cultured veggies like sauerkraut, Kimchi, etc. Check out " The Body

Ecology Diet " website and book for good info. on fermented foods.

Cam Schmam says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:53 pm

This sounds terrible. Except that we as a species continue to increase our life

span. People freak out about the evils of anti-biotics, the western diet,

vaccines, etc. You can do with out them and go back to your old fashioned diets.

I prefer to live longer and healthier.

Alys says:

September 5, 2011 at 7:21 am

Kefir is easy to make at home and contains 30-35 beneficial strands of bacteria

and 20-27 beneficial yeasts. If taken regularly they will colonize in your gut

and rebuild your whole system. read about it on the net by Googling Dr. Natasha

-McBride. She has a clinic in England that consistently produces

outstanding results It is easy to find free Kefir grains to start just look, You

can also buy them if you wish.

congel says:

September 5, 2011 at 12:01 pm

I read an article in the NY Times about a woman who was deathly ill from a form

of colitis resulting from antibiotic use. After exhausting all other

conventional treatments she found a Dr. who did a so called " fecal transplant "

from her husband's colon to hers. This cured her. Calling this a transplant

makes it sound like a complex expensive procedure. However, it basically

involved inserting a piece of feces from her husband up into the woman's rectum.

It doesn't seem like it should even require an M.D. Sometimes the most difficult

problems have the simplist solutions.

Mark Volovar says:

September 5, 2011 at 1:52 pm

You mean asthma and diabetes aren't caused by `second hand smoke'

50 years ago, 66% of adults in the USA smoked, and childhood asthma and diabetes

were almost non-existant.

You may have found the `smoking gun'

Actually, `second hand smoke' is a fraud promoted by HARMaceutical companies to

sell their ineffective or dangerous smoking cessation products.

My favorite bowel flora is Nature's Biotic. Beside acidophillus and bifidus

strains, it also contains b.subtilus and b.lichenformis.


September 5, 2011 at 6:34 pm

While I certainly agree with the author's indictment of the downside risk of

antibiotic use, and appreciate and agree with all of the very helpful comments

in terms of replacing gut flora, since non-pharmaceutical antibiotics including

MMS, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver and on and on are

also antibiotics and are not somehow specially programmed to only kill off the

" bad " bugs because they are not made by a pharmaceutical company, that they too

wipe out our healthy flora. While there is merit to using natural products and

they are likely less toxic (and less potent) in many ways, I would appreciate

hearing about any studies that have been conducted to demonstrate how these

products are not at all harmful to our gut flora or have any affect on the gut

terrain that is at all different from their pharmaceutical counterparts. I

personally have developed " yeast infections " while using them and we are all

wise to take probiotics in conjunction with the natural antibiotics as well. If

anyone has any evidence that there is less altering of gut beneficial bacteria

by choosing these natural options please provide links to the information out


Also I would appreciate links to the studies that have concluded there is long

term and multigenerational affects of killing off healthy gut flora. Makes sense

actually…would just like to see the references and how the study was conducted

along with the specific conclusions. Many thanks!


September 5, 2011 at 7:10 pm

The problem is we trusted the doctors who prescribed us meds. What a mistake! At

age 20 I was prescribed antibiotics every day for months for acne! I didn't know

then that antibiotics were a dreadful assault on the human body.

Also, American children are given more vaccinations than any other country on

earth – NOT to protect the children but to make utterly ruthless big pharma even

wealthier. I read one country stopped giving vaccinations to children under two

years of age and the death rate for children went down dramatically.

It is a tragedy that children and people are looked upon as dollar signs-to be

exploited to the max-their health destroyed by selfish, greedy big pharma and

their allies in government.


September 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

To Miranda Paymer

On the gaps diet is it ok to eat beans, lentils and peas?

I have hypothyroid symptoms which have worsened over the years but the tests

showed my thyroid was normal. I am careful about what I eat and tried to lose

weight for years without success. I have severe fatigue and other problems.

So glad your husband got better!

momma bear says:

September 5, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Alternatives to antibiotics are MMS that is sold on this site and micro-particle

colloidal silver and I think the best place to get a good (non home made)

generator along with TONS of scientifically based information is

http://www.thesilveredge.com and I get NO financial kickback for making this

recommendation. Besides over use of antibiotics, there are the poisons from

vaccines that are destroying our immune systems, which gut health is a KEY

source, as well as our dietary lifestyles lacking in numerous properly prepared

live and cultured products that our ancestors thrived on for eons. " convenience "

is killing us generation by generation.

Health Online says:

September 6, 2011 at 5:53 am

Now you can talk with doctor very easily .

For info visit :www.dialurdoctor.com

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> Probiotic yoghurt could help treat depression, scientists say


> By Satherley

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s= & authornamef=+Sath\

> erley>



> Last updated at 12:40 PM on 30th August 2011




> * Comments (6)

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#comments>

> * Add to My Stories

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

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> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#socialLinks>

> [Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)]

> Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)


> Probiotic yoghurt is renowned for aiding intestinal health, but now

> scientists believe that it may also help treat depression.



> A new study found that bacteria in the gut had a direct effect on the

> brains of mice, which is thought to also be the case in humans.



> If humans' brains are influenced in the same way, researchers think

> it could stem a host of new ways to manage depression and also anxiety

> disorders.



> Bowel disorders have been related with stress-related psychiatric

> disorders in the past, which inspired the researchers to study the link

> further.



> While experimenting on mice, the scientists fed them a broth containing

> Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1 (a species that naturally lives in our

> digestive system).



> The mice that were fed this broth were found to display less signs of

> stress, anxiety and depression than those rodents fed plain broth.



> They were put in stressful situations during the experiment, such as

> being placed in a maze, and those that had eaten the bacteria-broth

> produced lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone.



> A researcher and neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland,

> Cryan, told LiveScience: `By affecting gut bacteria, you can

> have a very robust and quite broad-spectrum effects on brain chemistry

> and behaviour.

> More...

> * Laughter really is the best medicine: Watching a funny film 'good

> for your heart'... but stay away from horror and war movies

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031270/Laughing-funny-film-g\

> ood-heart--stay-away-horror-war-flicks.html>




> `Without overstating things, this does open up the concept that we

> could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric disorders by

> targeting the gut.



> `You could take a yoghurt with a probiotic in it instead of an

> antidepressant.'



> But he emphasized that people suffering from depression couldn't

> just go out and just buy any kind of yoghurt at their local supermarket,

> as its effectiveness would depend on the strain of probiotic which is

> included in the food.



> Cryan is optimistic though that if developed further, the

> probiotics could give patients less side effects than other anti-anxiety

> drugs such as Valium.



> But he also added that despite testing this on mice, they are a long way

> off from trying this out on people.



> The scientists published their findings in the Proceedings of the

> National Academy of Sciences



> Read more:

> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-help\

> -treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B>


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Blood letting. Mercury. Lead based products. GMOs. The absolute horrors of

common practices aren't fully realized until decades later; sometimes centuries.

Antibiotic use, it turns out, does more damage than just leading to drug

resistant diseases. We may never fully recover from the gut damage. There are

already mass problems with food assimilation and breathing difficulties

continually on the rise.

Worse still, the damage is passed on to the unborn. Flora lost by mothers is

lost to their babies which is likely a major cause of the chronic disease spike

in children.

Find out more about the mass use of antibiotics and the correlating cost of our

health with their continued use. Iatrogenic disease – those caused by medical

errors – are the third leading cause of death in America. That does not include

the problems caused by antibiotic use – problems we may not fully realize for

years to come.

Since many have reversed chronic disease with diet and lifestyle changess, there

is always hope!

~Health Freedoms

Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotic Use: Loss Extends to Future Generations

Evidence shows the mass antibiotics experiment is devastating our children's

health. It may be the reason so many struggle for breath and can't assimilate

food properly.

Emerging research shows that the harmful effects of antibiotics go much further

than the development of drug resistant diseases. The beneficial bacteria lost to

antibiotics, along with disease-inducing bacteria, do not recover fully. Worse,

flora lost by a mother is also lost to her babies. The missing beneficial gut

bacteria are likely a major factor behind much of the chronic disease

experienced today. The continuous use of antibiotics is resulting in each

generation experiencing worse health than their parents.

Blaser, the author of a report in the prestigious journalNature writes:

Antibiotics kill the bacteria we do want, as well as those we don't. These

long-term changes to the beneficial bacteria within people's bodies may even

increase our susceptibility to infections and disease.

Overuse of antibiotics could be fuelling the dramatic increase in conditions

such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies and

asthma, which have more than doubled in many populations.

Aside from the development of superbugs, we're now seeing clear documentation

that the overall long term effects of antibiotics are devastatingly harmful to

our health. Speaking to ABC News, Blaser said:

Antibiotics are miraculous. They've changed health and medicine over the last 70

years. But when doctors prescribe antibiotics, it is based on the belief that

there are no long-term effects. We've seen evidence that suggests antibiotics

may permanently change the beneficial bacteria that we're carrying. [Emphasis my


Notice that term, permanent. Without considering the potential risks in the

casual use of antibiotics, it now looks like conventional medicine is creating

several pandemics of some of the worst chronic diseases known.

Mass Use of Antibiotics

By the time a child reaches age 18 in the industrialized world, the chances are

he or she has been given 10-20 courses of antibiotics. That misuse continues

into adulthood, and they're casually prescribed to pregnant women.

That's where the situation grows ever worse. Part of a normal childbirth is a

baby's passage through the birth canal—where it's exposed to its first dose of

beneficial bacteria. (This should give pause to anyone considering a caesarian

birth that isn't absolutely necessary.)

When a mother's microbiota is deficient, her child is born to a deficiency. The

evidence now appears to show that, once a probiotic deficiency exists, it is

never recovered—and it's passed down the generations. Therefore, each generation

is likely to suffer from poorer health than the parents enjoyed.

Costs of Antibiotic-Induced Chronic Conditions

Healthcare costs rise and rise in treating this chronic ill health. Consider the

pandemic status of diabetes and asthma in children today. Those diseases were

extremely rare 50 years ago, and now they're literally routine. Yet, the focus

continues to be on treatment—which increasingly lines the pockets of Big Pharma

and doctors.

The search for cause has practically been ignored, even in the face of rising

rates of chronic illness. Instead, treatment is the touchstone. Ever more toxic

methods of suppressing symptoms, while hiding adverse effects, are researched

and pushed on conventional medicine's victims.

Two of the most critical functions in health are drastically compromised in

enormous numbers of today's children.The ability to metabolize food and the

ability to breathe are being stolen from this generation. Yet the treatment

they're receiving for this poor health does nothing to make them well. It only

masks the symptoms and makes theirchildren even sicker!

On top of those losses, children suffer from allergies, their bodies' inability

to distinguish between disease-inducing agents and harmless substances. They

suffer from autoimmune disorders, their bodies' inability to distinguish between

foreign substances and parts of their own bodies.

Has there ever been a generation of children whose inherent health has been so

devastated by the very medical system that is supposedly responsible for their


Iatrogenic Disease

Iatrogenic disorders are health problems caused by medical errors. They are now

officially the third-leading cause of death in the United States. But those

numbers do not include early deaths from diabetes, asthma, allergies, chronic

bowel disorders, or cancer—all of which have been documented as results of

antibiotic use—nor are the miseries suffered by the people burdened with them

reckoned in the iatrogenic toll.

If we were to add all those early deaths to the iatrogenesis numbers, as should

be done, it would be obvious that conventional medicine is the greatest killer

and thief of health the world has ever known. And apparently, one of the most

significant causes of iatrogenic illness is antibiotics, that most common of

treatments handed out like candy.


By Heidi son


Antibiotics: Killing Off Beneficial Bacteria … for Good?

Overuse of Antibiotics May Cause Long-Term Harm

Superbug risk to children given too many antibiotics, killing bacteria that

fight disease

Incomplete recovery and individualized responses of the human distal gut

microbiota to repeated antibiotic perturbation

Short-Term Antibiotic Treatment Has Differing Long-Term Impacts on the Human

Throat and Gut Microbiome

Long-Term Persistence of Resistant Enterococcus Species after Antibiotics To

Eradicate Helicobacter pylori



Painting by talented artist and homeopath,




Chezron says:

September 4, 2011 at 11:15 am

So when IS it appropriate to use antibiotics? They are necessary at times.

Thought-provoking article with no guidance on how present practices should be

altered, and no guidance on how individuals should respond when their doctor

wants to prescribe an antibiotic.

Natural Lifestyle Fan says:

September 4, 2011 at 12:49 pm

To restore good colon flora after antibiotics, I had always heard that the

lactobacilli in yogurt (with " living cultures " on label), and acidophilus

capsules (brand contents vary in type and quantity of strains)can restore the

colon's beneficial bacteria, essential to digesting our food (an evolutionary

beneficial symbiosis), to making vitamin B1 (thiamine)that gives us energy, and

to conquering competing colon yeast, and so prevent candidiasis that causes

chronic fatigue.

But if these few strains of lactobacilli in yogurt are not enough to fully

replace all our pre-antibiotic natural colon beneficial bacteria, the solution

would be: find a human who has never had antibiotics (nor his parents or

grandparents)–for example, an Australian aborigine? And a medical manufactory

lab can take a sample from such person's colon, and from it in the lab isolate,

breed, and culture the full human-natural complement and complex of desired and

needed human colon good bacteria–for mass encapsuling and sale to mass human


To be given to all persons who (or their parents and/or grandparents)have had

antibiotics. Ideal fix, yes?

Go to it, all you bacteriologically savvy health-product entrepreneurs!


Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 3:08 pm

I strongly recommend reading British MD Natasha -McBride's book, Gut and

Psychology Syndrome (check out http://www.gapsdiet.com). She addresses the

imbalance in gut microbes she's seen in her practice and created a diet that

over time will re-establish a more healthful gut microbe environment. People who

have adhered to the diet have had great success in reducing or eliminating

autism, ADD/AAHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, depression, dyslexia, dyspraxia and


The diet is a variation on a Paleolithic diet and requires abstinence from all

grains and all starchy carbs, large daily doses of probiotics and homemade broth

(get out your crock pot – making broth is incredibly easy to do). Eating the

foods prohibited by the diet feed the bad microbes in the gut which make people

crave the foods that feed those microbes and those microbes throw off toxins

that create a host of physical, mental and emotional health problems.

My husband and I have had personal experience with this diet. My husband has had

multiple " mild " closed head injuries and is disabled from his post-concussion

syndrome. Last fall (2010) he was so foggy brained and unstable on his feet, he

could do virtually nothing but sit in front of the TV. He was having daily

cataplectic " seizures " (one of many different technically called pseudoseizures

that he was subject to). We started a partial version of the diet due to

digestive problems he was having. All he ate for 3 weeks was homemade broth (egg

drop soup with greens in it) and fruit. He became more clear headed and

physically stable. At the end of the 3 weeks, he said he wanted more bulk added.

I sprouted and cooked brown rice and began to add it to his broth. By the second

day, he was foggy brain and unstable again on his feet. It was at this time that

I came across Dr. -McBride's book.

We then instituted the most liberal form of the diet. Despite not going through

the clearing process recommended for severe cases, in the 11 months that my

husband has been on this diet he's lost 40 pounds he needed to lose, he's been

mentally clear again, and most impressively, he has not had a SINGLE seizure in

that time. From daily seizures to none for months is beyond impressive. He says

he's on this diet for life now.

For anyone pregnant or wanting to be pregnant, get this book NOW! I realize that

both of my grown daughters have health problems that were caused by my own gut

microbe insufficiency and particularly affected is my youngest who was a

necessary C-section.

And no, I'm not getting kick-backs for recommending the book. I've been studying

nutrition and alternative healing for over 40 years and this is perhaps THE most

important book I've read.

Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:16 pm

I don't know scientifically what timing would be appropriate, but when you have

to take antibiotics, take massive doses of probiotics. My guess would be to take

probiotics in between doses of antibiotics because a lot of the " pros " will be

killed by the " antis; " you want the timing to allow the maximum survival of the

probiotics. Then when you're done with the course of antibiotics, medication,

keep taking massive doses of probiotics for months and don't feed the " bad

guys. "

There's been some interesting recent research

(www.nature.com/nature/journal/v473/n7346/full/nature09944.html) that show there

are three distinct ecosystems in the guts of people scientists have studied.

Like blood types, it does not really matter what part of the globe you live in,

what your ethnicity is, there are 3 distinct " enterotypes. "

I suspect/hope that this area of study will open up in the relatively near

future. That could mean that specific probiotic supplements designed for each of

the three enterotypes could become available for people to rebuild their gut

environment so that it functions the way it's supposed to, i.e. help with

digestion, manufacture vitamins, as part of the immune system, for preventing

growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria, and for producing hormones to direct the

host (you, in a symbiotic relationship to the probiotics) to store fats. Some of

" antis " have been implicated in producing infection or increasing the cancer

risk of the person.


Shari says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:19 pm

Besides taking probiotic supplements, also add fermented foods to your diet:

Kefir and cultured veggies like sauerkraut, Kimchi, etc. Check out " The Body

Ecology Diet " website and book for good info. on fermented foods.

Cam Schmam says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:53 pm

This sounds terrible. Except that we as a species continue to increase our life

span. People freak out about the evils of anti-biotics, the western diet,

vaccines, etc. You can do with out them and go back to your old fashioned diets.

I prefer to live longer and healthier.

Alys says:

September 5, 2011 at 7:21 am

Kefir is easy to make at home and contains 30-35 beneficial strands of bacteria

and 20-27 beneficial yeasts. If taken regularly they will colonize in your gut

and rebuild your whole system. read about it on the net by Googling Dr. Natasha

-McBride. She has a clinic in England that consistently produces

outstanding results It is easy to find free Kefir grains to start just look, You

can also buy them if you wish.

congel says:

September 5, 2011 at 12:01 pm

I read an article in the NY Times about a woman who was deathly ill from a form

of colitis resulting from antibiotic use. After exhausting all other

conventional treatments she found a Dr. who did a so called " fecal transplant "

from her husband's colon to hers. This cured her. Calling this a transplant

makes it sound like a complex expensive procedure. However, it basically

involved inserting a piece of feces from her husband up into the woman's rectum.

It doesn't seem like it should even require an M.D. Sometimes the most difficult

problems have the simplist solutions.

Mark Volovar says:

September 5, 2011 at 1:52 pm

You mean asthma and diabetes aren't caused by `second hand smoke'

50 years ago, 66% of adults in the USA smoked, and childhood asthma and diabetes

were almost non-existant.

You may have found the `smoking gun'

Actually, `second hand smoke' is a fraud promoted by HARMaceutical companies to

sell their ineffective or dangerous smoking cessation products.

My favorite bowel flora is Nature's Biotic. Beside acidophillus and bifidus

strains, it also contains b.subtilus and b.lichenformis.


September 5, 2011 at 6:34 pm

While I certainly agree with the author's indictment of the downside risk of

antibiotic use, and appreciate and agree with all of the very helpful comments

in terms of replacing gut flora, since non-pharmaceutical antibiotics including

MMS, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver and on and on are

also antibiotics and are not somehow specially programmed to only kill off the

" bad " bugs because they are not made by a pharmaceutical company, that they too

wipe out our healthy flora. While there is merit to using natural products and

they are likely less toxic (and less potent) in many ways, I would appreciate

hearing about any studies that have been conducted to demonstrate how these

products are not at all harmful to our gut flora or have any affect on the gut

terrain that is at all different from their pharmaceutical counterparts. I

personally have developed " yeast infections " while using them and we are all

wise to take probiotics in conjunction with the natural antibiotics as well. If

anyone has any evidence that there is less altering of gut beneficial bacteria

by choosing these natural options please provide links to the information out


Also I would appreciate links to the studies that have concluded there is long

term and multigenerational affects of killing off healthy gut flora. Makes sense

actually…would just like to see the references and how the study was conducted

along with the specific conclusions. Many thanks!


September 5, 2011 at 7:10 pm

The problem is we trusted the doctors who prescribed us meds. What a mistake! At

age 20 I was prescribed antibiotics every day for months for acne! I didn't know

then that antibiotics were a dreadful assault on the human body.

Also, American children are given more vaccinations than any other country on

earth – NOT to protect the children but to make utterly ruthless big pharma even

wealthier. I read one country stopped giving vaccinations to children under two

years of age and the death rate for children went down dramatically.

It is a tragedy that children and people are looked upon as dollar signs-to be

exploited to the max-their health destroyed by selfish, greedy big pharma and

their allies in government.


September 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

To Miranda Paymer

On the gaps diet is it ok to eat beans, lentils and peas?

I have hypothyroid symptoms which have worsened over the years but the tests

showed my thyroid was normal. I am careful about what I eat and tried to lose

weight for years without success. I have severe fatigue and other problems.

So glad your husband got better!

momma bear says:

September 5, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Alternatives to antibiotics are MMS that is sold on this site and micro-particle

colloidal silver and I think the best place to get a good (non home made)

generator along with TONS of scientifically based information is

http://www.thesilveredge.com and I get NO financial kickback for making this

recommendation. Besides over use of antibiotics, there are the poisons from

vaccines that are destroying our immune systems, which gut health is a KEY

source, as well as our dietary lifestyles lacking in numerous properly prepared

live and cultured products that our ancestors thrived on for eons. " convenience "

is killing us generation by generation.

Health Online says:

September 6, 2011 at 5:53 am

Now you can talk with doctor very easily .

For info visit :www.dialurdoctor.com

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> Probiotic yoghurt could help treat depression, scientists say


> By Satherley

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s= & authornamef=+Sath\

> erley>



> Last updated at 12:40 PM on 30th August 2011




> * Comments (6)

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#comments>

> * Add to My Stories

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

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> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#socialLinks>

> [Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)]

> Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)


> Probiotic yoghurt is renowned for aiding intestinal health, but now

> scientists believe that it may also help treat depression.



> A new study found that bacteria in the gut had a direct effect on the

> brains of mice, which is thought to also be the case in humans.



> If humans' brains are influenced in the same way, researchers think

> it could stem a host of new ways to manage depression and also anxiety

> disorders.



> Bowel disorders have been related with stress-related psychiatric

> disorders in the past, which inspired the researchers to study the link

> further.



> While experimenting on mice, the scientists fed them a broth containing

> Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1 (a species that naturally lives in our

> digestive system).



> The mice that were fed this broth were found to display less signs of

> stress, anxiety and depression than those rodents fed plain broth.



> They were put in stressful situations during the experiment, such as

> being placed in a maze, and those that had eaten the bacteria-broth

> produced lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone.



> A researcher and neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland,

> Cryan, told LiveScience: `By affecting gut bacteria, you can

> have a very robust and quite broad-spectrum effects on brain chemistry

> and behaviour.

> More...

> * Laughter really is the best medicine: Watching a funny film 'good

> for your heart'... but stay away from horror and war movies

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031270/Laughing-funny-film-g\

> ood-heart--stay-away-horror-war-flicks.html>




> `Without overstating things, this does open up the concept that we

> could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric disorders by

> targeting the gut.



> `You could take a yoghurt with a probiotic in it instead of an

> antidepressant.'



> But he emphasized that people suffering from depression couldn't

> just go out and just buy any kind of yoghurt at their local supermarket,

> as its effectiveness would depend on the strain of probiotic which is

> included in the food.



> Cryan is optimistic though that if developed further, the

> probiotics could give patients less side effects than other anti-anxiety

> drugs such as Valium.



> But he also added that despite testing this on mice, they are a long way

> off from trying this out on people.



> The scientists published their findings in the Proceedings of the

> National Academy of Sciences



> Read more:

> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-help\

> -treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B>


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Blood letting. Mercury. Lead based products. GMOs. The absolute horrors of

common practices aren't fully realized until decades later; sometimes centuries.

Antibiotic use, it turns out, does more damage than just leading to drug

resistant diseases. We may never fully recover from the gut damage. There are

already mass problems with food assimilation and breathing difficulties

continually on the rise.

Worse still, the damage is passed on to the unborn. Flora lost by mothers is

lost to their babies which is likely a major cause of the chronic disease spike

in children.

Find out more about the mass use of antibiotics and the correlating cost of our

health with their continued use. Iatrogenic disease – those caused by medical

errors – are the third leading cause of death in America. That does not include

the problems caused by antibiotic use – problems we may not fully realize for

years to come.

Since many have reversed chronic disease with diet and lifestyle changess, there

is always hope!

~Health Freedoms

Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotic Use: Loss Extends to Future Generations

Evidence shows the mass antibiotics experiment is devastating our children's

health. It may be the reason so many struggle for breath and can't assimilate

food properly.

Emerging research shows that the harmful effects of antibiotics go much further

than the development of drug resistant diseases. The beneficial bacteria lost to

antibiotics, along with disease-inducing bacteria, do not recover fully. Worse,

flora lost by a mother is also lost to her babies. The missing beneficial gut

bacteria are likely a major factor behind much of the chronic disease

experienced today. The continuous use of antibiotics is resulting in each

generation experiencing worse health than their parents.

Blaser, the author of a report in the prestigious journalNature writes:

Antibiotics kill the bacteria we do want, as well as those we don't. These

long-term changes to the beneficial bacteria within people's bodies may even

increase our susceptibility to infections and disease.

Overuse of antibiotics could be fuelling the dramatic increase in conditions

such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies and

asthma, which have more than doubled in many populations.

Aside from the development of superbugs, we're now seeing clear documentation

that the overall long term effects of antibiotics are devastatingly harmful to

our health. Speaking to ABC News, Blaser said:

Antibiotics are miraculous. They've changed health and medicine over the last 70

years. But when doctors prescribe antibiotics, it is based on the belief that

there are no long-term effects. We've seen evidence that suggests antibiotics

may permanently change the beneficial bacteria that we're carrying. [Emphasis my


Notice that term, permanent. Without considering the potential risks in the

casual use of antibiotics, it now looks like conventional medicine is creating

several pandemics of some of the worst chronic diseases known.

Mass Use of Antibiotics

By the time a child reaches age 18 in the industrialized world, the chances are

he or she has been given 10-20 courses of antibiotics. That misuse continues

into adulthood, and they're casually prescribed to pregnant women.

That's where the situation grows ever worse. Part of a normal childbirth is a

baby's passage through the birth canal—where it's exposed to its first dose of

beneficial bacteria. (This should give pause to anyone considering a caesarian

birth that isn't absolutely necessary.)

When a mother's microbiota is deficient, her child is born to a deficiency. The

evidence now appears to show that, once a probiotic deficiency exists, it is

never recovered—and it's passed down the generations. Therefore, each generation

is likely to suffer from poorer health than the parents enjoyed.

Costs of Antibiotic-Induced Chronic Conditions

Healthcare costs rise and rise in treating this chronic ill health. Consider the

pandemic status of diabetes and asthma in children today. Those diseases were

extremely rare 50 years ago, and now they're literally routine. Yet, the focus

continues to be on treatment—which increasingly lines the pockets of Big Pharma

and doctors.

The search for cause has practically been ignored, even in the face of rising

rates of chronic illness. Instead, treatment is the touchstone. Ever more toxic

methods of suppressing symptoms, while hiding adverse effects, are researched

and pushed on conventional medicine's victims.

Two of the most critical functions in health are drastically compromised in

enormous numbers of today's children.The ability to metabolize food and the

ability to breathe are being stolen from this generation. Yet the treatment

they're receiving for this poor health does nothing to make them well. It only

masks the symptoms and makes theirchildren even sicker!

On top of those losses, children suffer from allergies, their bodies' inability

to distinguish between disease-inducing agents and harmless substances. They

suffer from autoimmune disorders, their bodies' inability to distinguish between

foreign substances and parts of their own bodies.

Has there ever been a generation of children whose inherent health has been so

devastated by the very medical system that is supposedly responsible for their


Iatrogenic Disease

Iatrogenic disorders are health problems caused by medical errors. They are now

officially the third-leading cause of death in the United States. But those

numbers do not include early deaths from diabetes, asthma, allergies, chronic

bowel disorders, or cancer—all of which have been documented as results of

antibiotic use—nor are the miseries suffered by the people burdened with them

reckoned in the iatrogenic toll.

If we were to add all those early deaths to the iatrogenesis numbers, as should

be done, it would be obvious that conventional medicine is the greatest killer

and thief of health the world has ever known. And apparently, one of the most

significant causes of iatrogenic illness is antibiotics, that most common of

treatments handed out like candy.


By Heidi son


Antibiotics: Killing Off Beneficial Bacteria … for Good?

Overuse of Antibiotics May Cause Long-Term Harm

Superbug risk to children given too many antibiotics, killing bacteria that

fight disease

Incomplete recovery and individualized responses of the human distal gut

microbiota to repeated antibiotic perturbation

Short-Term Antibiotic Treatment Has Differing Long-Term Impacts on the Human

Throat and Gut Microbiome

Long-Term Persistence of Resistant Enterococcus Species after Antibiotics To

Eradicate Helicobacter pylori



Painting by talented artist and homeopath,




Chezron says:

September 4, 2011 at 11:15 am

So when IS it appropriate to use antibiotics? They are necessary at times.

Thought-provoking article with no guidance on how present practices should be

altered, and no guidance on how individuals should respond when their doctor

wants to prescribe an antibiotic.

Natural Lifestyle Fan says:

September 4, 2011 at 12:49 pm

To restore good colon flora after antibiotics, I had always heard that the

lactobacilli in yogurt (with " living cultures " on label), and acidophilus

capsules (brand contents vary in type and quantity of strains)can restore the

colon's beneficial bacteria, essential to digesting our food (an evolutionary

beneficial symbiosis), to making vitamin B1 (thiamine)that gives us energy, and

to conquering competing colon yeast, and so prevent candidiasis that causes

chronic fatigue.

But if these few strains of lactobacilli in yogurt are not enough to fully

replace all our pre-antibiotic natural colon beneficial bacteria, the solution

would be: find a human who has never had antibiotics (nor his parents or

grandparents)–for example, an Australian aborigine? And a medical manufactory

lab can take a sample from such person's colon, and from it in the lab isolate,

breed, and culture the full human-natural complement and complex of desired and

needed human colon good bacteria–for mass encapsuling and sale to mass human


To be given to all persons who (or their parents and/or grandparents)have had

antibiotics. Ideal fix, yes?

Go to it, all you bacteriologically savvy health-product entrepreneurs!


Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 3:08 pm

I strongly recommend reading British MD Natasha -McBride's book, Gut and

Psychology Syndrome (check out http://www.gapsdiet.com). She addresses the

imbalance in gut microbes she's seen in her practice and created a diet that

over time will re-establish a more healthful gut microbe environment. People who

have adhered to the diet have had great success in reducing or eliminating

autism, ADD/AAHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, depression, dyslexia, dyspraxia and


The diet is a variation on a Paleolithic diet and requires abstinence from all

grains and all starchy carbs, large daily doses of probiotics and homemade broth

(get out your crock pot – making broth is incredibly easy to do). Eating the

foods prohibited by the diet feed the bad microbes in the gut which make people

crave the foods that feed those microbes and those microbes throw off toxins

that create a host of physical, mental and emotional health problems.

My husband and I have had personal experience with this diet. My husband has had

multiple " mild " closed head injuries and is disabled from his post-concussion

syndrome. Last fall (2010) he was so foggy brained and unstable on his feet, he

could do virtually nothing but sit in front of the TV. He was having daily

cataplectic " seizures " (one of many different technically called pseudoseizures

that he was subject to). We started a partial version of the diet due to

digestive problems he was having. All he ate for 3 weeks was homemade broth (egg

drop soup with greens in it) and fruit. He became more clear headed and

physically stable. At the end of the 3 weeks, he said he wanted more bulk added.

I sprouted and cooked brown rice and began to add it to his broth. By the second

day, he was foggy brain and unstable again on his feet. It was at this time that

I came across Dr. -McBride's book.

We then instituted the most liberal form of the diet. Despite not going through

the clearing process recommended for severe cases, in the 11 months that my

husband has been on this diet he's lost 40 pounds he needed to lose, he's been

mentally clear again, and most impressively, he has not had a SINGLE seizure in

that time. From daily seizures to none for months is beyond impressive. He says

he's on this diet for life now.

For anyone pregnant or wanting to be pregnant, get this book NOW! I realize that

both of my grown daughters have health problems that were caused by my own gut

microbe insufficiency and particularly affected is my youngest who was a

necessary C-section.

And no, I'm not getting kick-backs for recommending the book. I've been studying

nutrition and alternative healing for over 40 years and this is perhaps THE most

important book I've read.

Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:16 pm

I don't know scientifically what timing would be appropriate, but when you have

to take antibiotics, take massive doses of probiotics. My guess would be to take

probiotics in between doses of antibiotics because a lot of the " pros " will be

killed by the " antis; " you want the timing to allow the maximum survival of the

probiotics. Then when you're done with the course of antibiotics, medication,

keep taking massive doses of probiotics for months and don't feed the " bad

guys. "

There's been some interesting recent research

(www.nature.com/nature/journal/v473/n7346/full/nature09944.html) that show there

are three distinct ecosystems in the guts of people scientists have studied.

Like blood types, it does not really matter what part of the globe you live in,

what your ethnicity is, there are 3 distinct " enterotypes. "

I suspect/hope that this area of study will open up in the relatively near

future. That could mean that specific probiotic supplements designed for each of

the three enterotypes could become available for people to rebuild their gut

environment so that it functions the way it's supposed to, i.e. help with

digestion, manufacture vitamins, as part of the immune system, for preventing

growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria, and for producing hormones to direct the

host (you, in a symbiotic relationship to the probiotics) to store fats. Some of

" antis " have been implicated in producing infection or increasing the cancer

risk of the person.


Shari says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:19 pm

Besides taking probiotic supplements, also add fermented foods to your diet:

Kefir and cultured veggies like sauerkraut, Kimchi, etc. Check out " The Body

Ecology Diet " website and book for good info. on fermented foods.

Cam Schmam says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:53 pm

This sounds terrible. Except that we as a species continue to increase our life

span. People freak out about the evils of anti-biotics, the western diet,

vaccines, etc. You can do with out them and go back to your old fashioned diets.

I prefer to live longer and healthier.

Alys says:

September 5, 2011 at 7:21 am

Kefir is easy to make at home and contains 30-35 beneficial strands of bacteria

and 20-27 beneficial yeasts. If taken regularly they will colonize in your gut

and rebuild your whole system. read about it on the net by Googling Dr. Natasha

-McBride. She has a clinic in England that consistently produces

outstanding results It is easy to find free Kefir grains to start just look, You

can also buy them if you wish.

congel says:

September 5, 2011 at 12:01 pm

I read an article in the NY Times about a woman who was deathly ill from a form

of colitis resulting from antibiotic use. After exhausting all other

conventional treatments she found a Dr. who did a so called " fecal transplant "

from her husband's colon to hers. This cured her. Calling this a transplant

makes it sound like a complex expensive procedure. However, it basically

involved inserting a piece of feces from her husband up into the woman's rectum.

It doesn't seem like it should even require an M.D. Sometimes the most difficult

problems have the simplist solutions.

Mark Volovar says:

September 5, 2011 at 1:52 pm

You mean asthma and diabetes aren't caused by `second hand smoke'

50 years ago, 66% of adults in the USA smoked, and childhood asthma and diabetes

were almost non-existant.

You may have found the `smoking gun'

Actually, `second hand smoke' is a fraud promoted by HARMaceutical companies to

sell their ineffective or dangerous smoking cessation products.

My favorite bowel flora is Nature's Biotic. Beside acidophillus and bifidus

strains, it also contains b.subtilus and b.lichenformis.


September 5, 2011 at 6:34 pm

While I certainly agree with the author's indictment of the downside risk of

antibiotic use, and appreciate and agree with all of the very helpful comments

in terms of replacing gut flora, since non-pharmaceutical antibiotics including

MMS, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver and on and on are

also antibiotics and are not somehow specially programmed to only kill off the

" bad " bugs because they are not made by a pharmaceutical company, that they too

wipe out our healthy flora. While there is merit to using natural products and

they are likely less toxic (and less potent) in many ways, I would appreciate

hearing about any studies that have been conducted to demonstrate how these

products are not at all harmful to our gut flora or have any affect on the gut

terrain that is at all different from their pharmaceutical counterparts. I

personally have developed " yeast infections " while using them and we are all

wise to take probiotics in conjunction with the natural antibiotics as well. If

anyone has any evidence that there is less altering of gut beneficial bacteria

by choosing these natural options please provide links to the information out


Also I would appreciate links to the studies that have concluded there is long

term and multigenerational affects of killing off healthy gut flora. Makes sense

actually…would just like to see the references and how the study was conducted

along with the specific conclusions. Many thanks!


September 5, 2011 at 7:10 pm

The problem is we trusted the doctors who prescribed us meds. What a mistake! At

age 20 I was prescribed antibiotics every day for months for acne! I didn't know

then that antibiotics were a dreadful assault on the human body.

Also, American children are given more vaccinations than any other country on

earth – NOT to protect the children but to make utterly ruthless big pharma even

wealthier. I read one country stopped giving vaccinations to children under two

years of age and the death rate for children went down dramatically.

It is a tragedy that children and people are looked upon as dollar signs-to be

exploited to the max-their health destroyed by selfish, greedy big pharma and

their allies in government.


September 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

To Miranda Paymer

On the gaps diet is it ok to eat beans, lentils and peas?

I have hypothyroid symptoms which have worsened over the years but the tests

showed my thyroid was normal. I am careful about what I eat and tried to lose

weight for years without success. I have severe fatigue and other problems.

So glad your husband got better!

momma bear says:

September 5, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Alternatives to antibiotics are MMS that is sold on this site and micro-particle

colloidal silver and I think the best place to get a good (non home made)

generator along with TONS of scientifically based information is

http://www.thesilveredge.com and I get NO financial kickback for making this

recommendation. Besides over use of antibiotics, there are the poisons from

vaccines that are destroying our immune systems, which gut health is a KEY

source, as well as our dietary lifestyles lacking in numerous properly prepared

live and cultured products that our ancestors thrived on for eons. " convenience "

is killing us generation by generation.

Health Online says:

September 6, 2011 at 5:53 am

Now you can talk with doctor very easily .

For info visit :www.dialurdoctor.com

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> Probiotic yoghurt could help treat depression, scientists say


> By Satherley

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s= & authornamef=+Sath\

> erley>



> Last updated at 12:40 PM on 30th August 2011




> * Comments (6)

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#comments>

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> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

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> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#socialLinks>

> [Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)]

> Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)


> Probiotic yoghurt is renowned for aiding intestinal health, but now

> scientists believe that it may also help treat depression.



> A new study found that bacteria in the gut had a direct effect on the

> brains of mice, which is thought to also be the case in humans.



> If humans' brains are influenced in the same way, researchers think

> it could stem a host of new ways to manage depression and also anxiety

> disorders.



> Bowel disorders have been related with stress-related psychiatric

> disorders in the past, which inspired the researchers to study the link

> further.



> While experimenting on mice, the scientists fed them a broth containing

> Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1 (a species that naturally lives in our

> digestive system).



> The mice that were fed this broth were found to display less signs of

> stress, anxiety and depression than those rodents fed plain broth.



> They were put in stressful situations during the experiment, such as

> being placed in a maze, and those that had eaten the bacteria-broth

> produced lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone.



> A researcher and neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland,

> Cryan, told LiveScience: `By affecting gut bacteria, you can

> have a very robust and quite broad-spectrum effects on brain chemistry

> and behaviour.

> More...

> * Laughter really is the best medicine: Watching a funny film 'good

> for your heart'... but stay away from horror and war movies

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031270/Laughing-funny-film-g\

> ood-heart--stay-away-horror-war-flicks.html>




> `Without overstating things, this does open up the concept that we

> could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric disorders by

> targeting the gut.



> `You could take a yoghurt with a probiotic in it instead of an

> antidepressant.'



> But he emphasized that people suffering from depression couldn't

> just go out and just buy any kind of yoghurt at their local supermarket,

> as its effectiveness would depend on the strain of probiotic which is

> included in the food.



> Cryan is optimistic though that if developed further, the

> probiotics could give patients less side effects than other anti-anxiety

> drugs such as Valium.



> But he also added that despite testing this on mice, they are a long way

> off from trying this out on people.



> The scientists published their findings in the Proceedings of the

> National Academy of Sciences



> Read more:

> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-help\

> -treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B>


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Blood letting. Mercury. Lead based products. GMOs. The absolute horrors of

common practices aren't fully realized until decades later; sometimes centuries.

Antibiotic use, it turns out, does more damage than just leading to drug

resistant diseases. We may never fully recover from the gut damage. There are

already mass problems with food assimilation and breathing difficulties

continually on the rise.

Worse still, the damage is passed on to the unborn. Flora lost by mothers is

lost to their babies which is likely a major cause of the chronic disease spike

in children.

Find out more about the mass use of antibiotics and the correlating cost of our

health with their continued use. Iatrogenic disease – those caused by medical

errors – are the third leading cause of death in America. That does not include

the problems caused by antibiotic use – problems we may not fully realize for

years to come.

Since many have reversed chronic disease with diet and lifestyle changess, there

is always hope!

~Health Freedoms

Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotic Use: Loss Extends to Future Generations

Evidence shows the mass antibiotics experiment is devastating our children's

health. It may be the reason so many struggle for breath and can't assimilate

food properly.

Emerging research shows that the harmful effects of antibiotics go much further

than the development of drug resistant diseases. The beneficial bacteria lost to

antibiotics, along with disease-inducing bacteria, do not recover fully. Worse,

flora lost by a mother is also lost to her babies. The missing beneficial gut

bacteria are likely a major factor behind much of the chronic disease

experienced today. The continuous use of antibiotics is resulting in each

generation experiencing worse health than their parents.

Blaser, the author of a report in the prestigious journalNature writes:

Antibiotics kill the bacteria we do want, as well as those we don't. These

long-term changes to the beneficial bacteria within people's bodies may even

increase our susceptibility to infections and disease.

Overuse of antibiotics could be fuelling the dramatic increase in conditions

such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies and

asthma, which have more than doubled in many populations.

Aside from the development of superbugs, we're now seeing clear documentation

that the overall long term effects of antibiotics are devastatingly harmful to

our health. Speaking to ABC News, Blaser said:

Antibiotics are miraculous. They've changed health and medicine over the last 70

years. But when doctors prescribe antibiotics, it is based on the belief that

there are no long-term effects. We've seen evidence that suggests antibiotics

may permanently change the beneficial bacteria that we're carrying. [Emphasis my


Notice that term, permanent. Without considering the potential risks in the

casual use of antibiotics, it now looks like conventional medicine is creating

several pandemics of some of the worst chronic diseases known.

Mass Use of Antibiotics

By the time a child reaches age 18 in the industrialized world, the chances are

he or she has been given 10-20 courses of antibiotics. That misuse continues

into adulthood, and they're casually prescribed to pregnant women.

That's where the situation grows ever worse. Part of a normal childbirth is a

baby's passage through the birth canal—where it's exposed to its first dose of

beneficial bacteria. (This should give pause to anyone considering a caesarian

birth that isn't absolutely necessary.)

When a mother's microbiota is deficient, her child is born to a deficiency. The

evidence now appears to show that, once a probiotic deficiency exists, it is

never recovered—and it's passed down the generations. Therefore, each generation

is likely to suffer from poorer health than the parents enjoyed.

Costs of Antibiotic-Induced Chronic Conditions

Healthcare costs rise and rise in treating this chronic ill health. Consider the

pandemic status of diabetes and asthma in children today. Those diseases were

extremely rare 50 years ago, and now they're literally routine. Yet, the focus

continues to be on treatment—which increasingly lines the pockets of Big Pharma

and doctors.

The search for cause has practically been ignored, even in the face of rising

rates of chronic illness. Instead, treatment is the touchstone. Ever more toxic

methods of suppressing symptoms, while hiding adverse effects, are researched

and pushed on conventional medicine's victims.

Two of the most critical functions in health are drastically compromised in

enormous numbers of today's children.The ability to metabolize food and the

ability to breathe are being stolen from this generation. Yet the treatment

they're receiving for this poor health does nothing to make them well. It only

masks the symptoms and makes theirchildren even sicker!

On top of those losses, children suffer from allergies, their bodies' inability

to distinguish between disease-inducing agents and harmless substances. They

suffer from autoimmune disorders, their bodies' inability to distinguish between

foreign substances and parts of their own bodies.

Has there ever been a generation of children whose inherent health has been so

devastated by the very medical system that is supposedly responsible for their


Iatrogenic Disease

Iatrogenic disorders are health problems caused by medical errors. They are now

officially the third-leading cause of death in the United States. But those

numbers do not include early deaths from diabetes, asthma, allergies, chronic

bowel disorders, or cancer—all of which have been documented as results of

antibiotic use—nor are the miseries suffered by the people burdened with them

reckoned in the iatrogenic toll.

If we were to add all those early deaths to the iatrogenesis numbers, as should

be done, it would be obvious that conventional medicine is the greatest killer

and thief of health the world has ever known. And apparently, one of the most

significant causes of iatrogenic illness is antibiotics, that most common of

treatments handed out like candy.


By Heidi son


Antibiotics: Killing Off Beneficial Bacteria … for Good?

Overuse of Antibiotics May Cause Long-Term Harm

Superbug risk to children given too many antibiotics, killing bacteria that

fight disease

Incomplete recovery and individualized responses of the human distal gut

microbiota to repeated antibiotic perturbation

Short-Term Antibiotic Treatment Has Differing Long-Term Impacts on the Human

Throat and Gut Microbiome

Long-Term Persistence of Resistant Enterococcus Species after Antibiotics To

Eradicate Helicobacter pylori



Painting by talented artist and homeopath,




Chezron says:

September 4, 2011 at 11:15 am

So when IS it appropriate to use antibiotics? They are necessary at times.

Thought-provoking article with no guidance on how present practices should be

altered, and no guidance on how individuals should respond when their doctor

wants to prescribe an antibiotic.

Natural Lifestyle Fan says:

September 4, 2011 at 12:49 pm

To restore good colon flora after antibiotics, I had always heard that the

lactobacilli in yogurt (with " living cultures " on label), and acidophilus

capsules (brand contents vary in type and quantity of strains)can restore the

colon's beneficial bacteria, essential to digesting our food (an evolutionary

beneficial symbiosis), to making vitamin B1 (thiamine)that gives us energy, and

to conquering competing colon yeast, and so prevent candidiasis that causes

chronic fatigue.

But if these few strains of lactobacilli in yogurt are not enough to fully

replace all our pre-antibiotic natural colon beneficial bacteria, the solution

would be: find a human who has never had antibiotics (nor his parents or

grandparents)–for example, an Australian aborigine? And a medical manufactory

lab can take a sample from such person's colon, and from it in the lab isolate,

breed, and culture the full human-natural complement and complex of desired and

needed human colon good bacteria–for mass encapsuling and sale to mass human


To be given to all persons who (or their parents and/or grandparents)have had

antibiotics. Ideal fix, yes?

Go to it, all you bacteriologically savvy health-product entrepreneurs!


Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 3:08 pm

I strongly recommend reading British MD Natasha -McBride's book, Gut and

Psychology Syndrome (check out http://www.gapsdiet.com). She addresses the

imbalance in gut microbes she's seen in her practice and created a diet that

over time will re-establish a more healthful gut microbe environment. People who

have adhered to the diet have had great success in reducing or eliminating

autism, ADD/AAHD, bi-polar, schizophrenia, depression, dyslexia, dyspraxia and


The diet is a variation on a Paleolithic diet and requires abstinence from all

grains and all starchy carbs, large daily doses of probiotics and homemade broth

(get out your crock pot – making broth is incredibly easy to do). Eating the

foods prohibited by the diet feed the bad microbes in the gut which make people

crave the foods that feed those microbes and those microbes throw off toxins

that create a host of physical, mental and emotional health problems.

My husband and I have had personal experience with this diet. My husband has had

multiple " mild " closed head injuries and is disabled from his post-concussion

syndrome. Last fall (2010) he was so foggy brained and unstable on his feet, he

could do virtually nothing but sit in front of the TV. He was having daily

cataplectic " seizures " (one of many different technically called pseudoseizures

that he was subject to). We started a partial version of the diet due to

digestive problems he was having. All he ate for 3 weeks was homemade broth (egg

drop soup with greens in it) and fruit. He became more clear headed and

physically stable. At the end of the 3 weeks, he said he wanted more bulk added.

I sprouted and cooked brown rice and began to add it to his broth. By the second

day, he was foggy brain and unstable again on his feet. It was at this time that

I came across Dr. -McBride's book.

We then instituted the most liberal form of the diet. Despite not going through

the clearing process recommended for severe cases, in the 11 months that my

husband has been on this diet he's lost 40 pounds he needed to lose, he's been

mentally clear again, and most impressively, he has not had a SINGLE seizure in

that time. From daily seizures to none for months is beyond impressive. He says

he's on this diet for life now.

For anyone pregnant or wanting to be pregnant, get this book NOW! I realize that

both of my grown daughters have health problems that were caused by my own gut

microbe insufficiency and particularly affected is my youngest who was a

necessary C-section.

And no, I'm not getting kick-backs for recommending the book. I've been studying

nutrition and alternative healing for over 40 years and this is perhaps THE most

important book I've read.

Miranda Paymer says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:16 pm

I don't know scientifically what timing would be appropriate, but when you have

to take antibiotics, take massive doses of probiotics. My guess would be to take

probiotics in between doses of antibiotics because a lot of the " pros " will be

killed by the " antis; " you want the timing to allow the maximum survival of the

probiotics. Then when you're done with the course of antibiotics, medication,

keep taking massive doses of probiotics for months and don't feed the " bad

guys. "

There's been some interesting recent research

(www.nature.com/nature/journal/v473/n7346/full/nature09944.html) that show there

are three distinct ecosystems in the guts of people scientists have studied.

Like blood types, it does not really matter what part of the globe you live in,

what your ethnicity is, there are 3 distinct " enterotypes. "

I suspect/hope that this area of study will open up in the relatively near

future. That could mean that specific probiotic supplements designed for each of

the three enterotypes could become available for people to rebuild their gut

environment so that it functions the way it's supposed to, i.e. help with

digestion, manufacture vitamins, as part of the immune system, for preventing

growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria, and for producing hormones to direct the

host (you, in a symbiotic relationship to the probiotics) to store fats. Some of

" antis " have been implicated in producing infection or increasing the cancer

risk of the person.


Shari says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:19 pm

Besides taking probiotic supplements, also add fermented foods to your diet:

Kefir and cultured veggies like sauerkraut, Kimchi, etc. Check out " The Body

Ecology Diet " website and book for good info. on fermented foods.

Cam Schmam says:

September 4, 2011 at 6:53 pm

This sounds terrible. Except that we as a species continue to increase our life

span. People freak out about the evils of anti-biotics, the western diet,

vaccines, etc. You can do with out them and go back to your old fashioned diets.

I prefer to live longer and healthier.

Alys says:

September 5, 2011 at 7:21 am

Kefir is easy to make at home and contains 30-35 beneficial strands of bacteria

and 20-27 beneficial yeasts. If taken regularly they will colonize in your gut

and rebuild your whole system. read about it on the net by Googling Dr. Natasha

-McBride. She has a clinic in England that consistently produces

outstanding results It is easy to find free Kefir grains to start just look, You

can also buy them if you wish.

congel says:

September 5, 2011 at 12:01 pm

I read an article in the NY Times about a woman who was deathly ill from a form

of colitis resulting from antibiotic use. After exhausting all other

conventional treatments she found a Dr. who did a so called " fecal transplant "

from her husband's colon to hers. This cured her. Calling this a transplant

makes it sound like a complex expensive procedure. However, it basically

involved inserting a piece of feces from her husband up into the woman's rectum.

It doesn't seem like it should even require an M.D. Sometimes the most difficult

problems have the simplist solutions.

Mark Volovar says:

September 5, 2011 at 1:52 pm

You mean asthma and diabetes aren't caused by `second hand smoke'

50 years ago, 66% of adults in the USA smoked, and childhood asthma and diabetes

were almost non-existant.

You may have found the `smoking gun'

Actually, `second hand smoke' is a fraud promoted by HARMaceutical companies to

sell their ineffective or dangerous smoking cessation products.

My favorite bowel flora is Nature's Biotic. Beside acidophillus and bifidus

strains, it also contains b.subtilus and b.lichenformis.


September 5, 2011 at 6:34 pm

While I certainly agree with the author's indictment of the downside risk of

antibiotic use, and appreciate and agree with all of the very helpful comments

in terms of replacing gut flora, since non-pharmaceutical antibiotics including

MMS, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver and on and on are

also antibiotics and are not somehow specially programmed to only kill off the

" bad " bugs because they are not made by a pharmaceutical company, that they too

wipe out our healthy flora. While there is merit to using natural products and

they are likely less toxic (and less potent) in many ways, I would appreciate

hearing about any studies that have been conducted to demonstrate how these

products are not at all harmful to our gut flora or have any affect on the gut

terrain that is at all different from their pharmaceutical counterparts. I

personally have developed " yeast infections " while using them and we are all

wise to take probiotics in conjunction with the natural antibiotics as well. If

anyone has any evidence that there is less altering of gut beneficial bacteria

by choosing these natural options please provide links to the information out


Also I would appreciate links to the studies that have concluded there is long

term and multigenerational affects of killing off healthy gut flora. Makes sense

actually…would just like to see the references and how the study was conducted

along with the specific conclusions. Many thanks!


September 5, 2011 at 7:10 pm

The problem is we trusted the doctors who prescribed us meds. What a mistake! At

age 20 I was prescribed antibiotics every day for months for acne! I didn't know

then that antibiotics were a dreadful assault on the human body.

Also, American children are given more vaccinations than any other country on

earth – NOT to protect the children but to make utterly ruthless big pharma even

wealthier. I read one country stopped giving vaccinations to children under two

years of age and the death rate for children went down dramatically.

It is a tragedy that children and people are looked upon as dollar signs-to be

exploited to the max-their health destroyed by selfish, greedy big pharma and

their allies in government.


September 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

To Miranda Paymer

On the gaps diet is it ok to eat beans, lentils and peas?

I have hypothyroid symptoms which have worsened over the years but the tests

showed my thyroid was normal. I am careful about what I eat and tried to lose

weight for years without success. I have severe fatigue and other problems.

So glad your husband got better!

momma bear says:

September 5, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Alternatives to antibiotics are MMS that is sold on this site and micro-particle

colloidal silver and I think the best place to get a good (non home made)

generator along with TONS of scientifically based information is

http://www.thesilveredge.com and I get NO financial kickback for making this

recommendation. Besides over use of antibiotics, there are the poisons from

vaccines that are destroying our immune systems, which gut health is a KEY

source, as well as our dietary lifestyles lacking in numerous properly prepared

live and cultured products that our ancestors thrived on for eons. " convenience "

is killing us generation by generation.

Health Online says:

September 6, 2011 at 5:53 am

Now you can talk with doctor very easily .

For info visit :www.dialurdoctor.com

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> Probiotic yoghurt could help treat depression, scientists say


> By Satherley

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s= & authornamef=+Sath\

> erley>



> Last updated at 12:40 PM on 30th August 2011




> * Comments (6)

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#comments>

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> [Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)]

> Yoghurt instead of anti-depressants? Scientists explored probiotic

> bacteria on mice (posed by a model)


> Probiotic yoghurt is renowned for aiding intestinal health, but now

> scientists believe that it may also help treat depression.



> A new study found that bacteria in the gut had a direct effect on the

> brains of mice, which is thought to also be the case in humans.



> If humans' brains are influenced in the same way, researchers think

> it could stem a host of new ways to manage depression and also anxiety

> disorders.



> Bowel disorders have been related with stress-related psychiatric

> disorders in the past, which inspired the researchers to study the link

> further.



> While experimenting on mice, the scientists fed them a broth containing

> Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1 (a species that naturally lives in our

> digestive system).



> The mice that were fed this broth were found to display less signs of

> stress, anxiety and depression than those rodents fed plain broth.



> They were put in stressful situations during the experiment, such as

> being placed in a maze, and those that had eaten the bacteria-broth

> produced lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone.



> A researcher and neuroscientist at University College Cork in Ireland,

> Cryan, told LiveScience: `By affecting gut bacteria, you can

> have a very robust and quite broad-spectrum effects on brain chemistry

> and behaviour.

> More...

> * Laughter really is the best medicine: Watching a funny film 'good

> for your heart'... but stay away from horror and war movies

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031270/Laughing-funny-film-g\

> ood-heart--stay-away-horror-war-flicks.html>




> `Without overstating things, this does open up the concept that we

> could develop therapies that can treat psychiatric disorders by

> targeting the gut.



> `You could take a yoghurt with a probiotic in it instead of an

> antidepressant.'



> But he emphasized that people suffering from depression couldn't

> just go out and just buy any kind of yoghurt at their local supermarket,

> as its effectiveness would depend on the strain of probiotic which is

> included in the food.



> Cryan is optimistic though that if developed further, the

> probiotics could give patients less side effects than other anti-anxiety

> drugs such as Valium.



> But he also added that despite testing this on mice, they are a long way

> off from trying this out on people.



> The scientists published their findings in the Proceedings of the

> National Academy of Sciences



> Read more:

> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-help\

> -treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B

> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2031716/Probiotic-yoghurt-hel\

> p-treat-depression-scientists-say.html#ixzz1WbbHmu5B>


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