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ADHD: Brain Training, Neurofeedback, Diet, and More. | SharpBrains

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In the News

May 20, 2011


Our Mission and Team

ADHD: Brain Training, Neurofeedback, Diet, and More.

Advisory Boards

By: Dr. Pascale Michelon

Speaking Events & Conferences

ADHD, or atten­tion deficit hyper­ac­tiv­ity dis­or­der, affects

mil­lions of chil­dren and adults (up to 5% of chil­dren in the US).  More

and more evi­dence sug­gests that brain train­ing may be key to help these

indi­vid­u­als. With this in mind, we put together our most recent arti­cles

on the topic to  a) help you bet­ter under­stand what is going in the brain

of a per­son with ADHD, and B) pro­vide you with up-to-date infor­ma­tion on

what can be done to fight the dis­or­der and improve the lives of peo­ple

suf­fer­ing from it. We par­tic­u­larly thank Dr. Rabiner from Duke

Uni­ver­sity for writ­ing many of these arti­cles.


Contact Us

Technology Summit (January 2010)

What is ADHD?

What kind of atten­tion is involved in ADHD? ADHD may be con­sid­ered as a

prob­lem in the will­ful con­trol of atten­tion as opposed to a pure deficit

in the abil­ity to pay attention.

Self-Regulation and ADHD: The fun­da­men­tal deficit in indi­vid­u­als

with ADHD may be one of self-control: Prob­lems with atten­tion may be

sec­ondary char­ac­ter­is­tic of the disorder.

..Brain Train­ing and ADHD

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing has an indi­rect effect on atten­tion and can be

ben­e­fi­cial to chil­dren with atten­tional problems.

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing & Med­ica­tion Treat­ment for ADHD: Work­ing

mem­ory train­ing improves work­ing mem­ory more than stim­u­lant

med­ica­tion treat­ment, and ben­e­fits per­sist longer.

Train­ing Atten­tion and Emo­tional Self-Regulation: Atten­tion con­trol is

com­plex but can be trained.

..Phys­i­cal Exer­cise and ADHD

Exer­cise as a Treat­ment for ADHD: Phys­i­cal activ­ity may be

ben­e­fi­cial to youth with ADHD.

..Diet and ADHD

‘West­ern’ Style Diet (high in total fat, sat­u­rated fats, refined

sug­ars, and sodium) is asso­ci­ated with greater odds of hav­ing ADHD.

Herbal Treat­ment for ADHD: Appro­pri­ately pre­pared and tar­geted herbal

com­pounds have the poten­tial to be ther­a­peu­tic and reduce atten­tion

deficit symptoms.

..Med­i­ta­tion and ADHD

Mind­ful­ness Med­i­ta­tion may ben­e­fit ado­les­cents and adults with

atten­tion deficits.

..Neu­ro­feed­back and ADHD

Neu­ro­feed­back treat­ment for ADHD: ben­e­fits can last long after

treat­ment had ended. Not all chil­dren show ben­e­fits though.

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In the News

May 20, 2011


Our Mission and Team

ADHD: Brain Training, Neurofeedback, Diet, and More.

Advisory Boards

By: Dr. Pascale Michelon

Speaking Events & Conferences

ADHD, or atten­tion deficit hyper­ac­tiv­ity dis­or­der, affects

mil­lions of chil­dren and adults (up to 5% of chil­dren in the US).  More

and more evi­dence sug­gests that brain train­ing may be key to help these

indi­vid­u­als. With this in mind, we put together our most recent arti­cles

on the topic to  a) help you bet­ter under­stand what is going in the brain

of a per­son with ADHD, and B) pro­vide you with up-to-date infor­ma­tion on

what can be done to fight the dis­or­der and improve the lives of peo­ple

suf­fer­ing from it. We par­tic­u­larly thank Dr. Rabiner from Duke

Uni­ver­sity for writ­ing many of these arti­cles.


Contact Us

Technology Summit (January 2010)

What is ADHD?

What kind of atten­tion is involved in ADHD? ADHD may be con­sid­ered as a

prob­lem in the will­ful con­trol of atten­tion as opposed to a pure deficit

in the abil­ity to pay attention.

Self-Regulation and ADHD: The fun­da­men­tal deficit in indi­vid­u­als

with ADHD may be one of self-control: Prob­lems with atten­tion may be

sec­ondary char­ac­ter­is­tic of the disorder.

..Brain Train­ing and ADHD

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing has an indi­rect effect on atten­tion and can be

ben­e­fi­cial to chil­dren with atten­tional problems.

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing & Med­ica­tion Treat­ment for ADHD: Work­ing

mem­ory train­ing improves work­ing mem­ory more than stim­u­lant

med­ica­tion treat­ment, and ben­e­fits per­sist longer.

Train­ing Atten­tion and Emo­tional Self-Regulation: Atten­tion con­trol is

com­plex but can be trained.

..Phys­i­cal Exer­cise and ADHD

Exer­cise as a Treat­ment for ADHD: Phys­i­cal activ­ity may be

ben­e­fi­cial to youth with ADHD.

..Diet and ADHD

‘West­ern’ Style Diet (high in total fat, sat­u­rated fats, refined

sug­ars, and sodium) is asso­ci­ated with greater odds of hav­ing ADHD.

Herbal Treat­ment for ADHD: Appro­pri­ately pre­pared and tar­geted herbal

com­pounds have the poten­tial to be ther­a­peu­tic and reduce atten­tion

deficit symptoms.

..Med­i­ta­tion and ADHD

Mind­ful­ness Med­i­ta­tion may ben­e­fit ado­les­cents and adults with

atten­tion deficits.

..Neu­ro­feed­back and ADHD

Neu­ro­feed­back treat­ment for ADHD: ben­e­fits can last long after

treat­ment had ended. Not all chil­dren show ben­e­fits though.

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In the News

May 20, 2011


Our Mission and Team

ADHD: Brain Training, Neurofeedback, Diet, and More.

Advisory Boards

By: Dr. Pascale Michelon

Speaking Events & Conferences

ADHD, or atten­tion deficit hyper­ac­tiv­ity dis­or­der, affects

mil­lions of chil­dren and adults (up to 5% of chil­dren in the US).  More

and more evi­dence sug­gests that brain train­ing may be key to help these

indi­vid­u­als. With this in mind, we put together our most recent arti­cles

on the topic to  a) help you bet­ter under­stand what is going in the brain

of a per­son with ADHD, and B) pro­vide you with up-to-date infor­ma­tion on

what can be done to fight the dis­or­der and improve the lives of peo­ple

suf­fer­ing from it. We par­tic­u­larly thank Dr. Rabiner from Duke

Uni­ver­sity for writ­ing many of these arti­cles.


Contact Us

Technology Summit (January 2010)

What is ADHD?

What kind of atten­tion is involved in ADHD? ADHD may be con­sid­ered as a

prob­lem in the will­ful con­trol of atten­tion as opposed to a pure deficit

in the abil­ity to pay attention.

Self-Regulation and ADHD: The fun­da­men­tal deficit in indi­vid­u­als

with ADHD may be one of self-control: Prob­lems with atten­tion may be

sec­ondary char­ac­ter­is­tic of the disorder.

..Brain Train­ing and ADHD

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing has an indi­rect effect on atten­tion and can be

ben­e­fi­cial to chil­dren with atten­tional problems.

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing & Med­ica­tion Treat­ment for ADHD: Work­ing

mem­ory train­ing improves work­ing mem­ory more than stim­u­lant

med­ica­tion treat­ment, and ben­e­fits per­sist longer.

Train­ing Atten­tion and Emo­tional Self-Regulation: Atten­tion con­trol is

com­plex but can be trained.

..Phys­i­cal Exer­cise and ADHD

Exer­cise as a Treat­ment for ADHD: Phys­i­cal activ­ity may be

ben­e­fi­cial to youth with ADHD.

..Diet and ADHD

‘West­ern’ Style Diet (high in total fat, sat­u­rated fats, refined

sug­ars, and sodium) is asso­ci­ated with greater odds of hav­ing ADHD.

Herbal Treat­ment for ADHD: Appro­pri­ately pre­pared and tar­geted herbal

com­pounds have the poten­tial to be ther­a­peu­tic and reduce atten­tion

deficit symptoms.

..Med­i­ta­tion and ADHD

Mind­ful­ness Med­i­ta­tion may ben­e­fit ado­les­cents and adults with

atten­tion deficits.

..Neu­ro­feed­back and ADHD

Neu­ro­feed­back treat­ment for ADHD: ben­e­fits can last long after

treat­ment had ended. Not all chil­dren show ben­e­fits though.

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In the News

May 20, 2011


Our Mission and Team

ADHD: Brain Training, Neurofeedback, Diet, and More.

Advisory Boards

By: Dr. Pascale Michelon

Speaking Events & Conferences

ADHD, or atten­tion deficit hyper­ac­tiv­ity dis­or­der, affects

mil­lions of chil­dren and adults (up to 5% of chil­dren in the US).  More

and more evi­dence sug­gests that brain train­ing may be key to help these

indi­vid­u­als. With this in mind, we put together our most recent arti­cles

on the topic to  a) help you bet­ter under­stand what is going in the brain

of a per­son with ADHD, and B) pro­vide you with up-to-date infor­ma­tion on

what can be done to fight the dis­or­der and improve the lives of peo­ple

suf­fer­ing from it. We par­tic­u­larly thank Dr. Rabiner from Duke

Uni­ver­sity for writ­ing many of these arti­cles.


Contact Us

Technology Summit (January 2010)

What is ADHD?

What kind of atten­tion is involved in ADHD? ADHD may be con­sid­ered as a

prob­lem in the will­ful con­trol of atten­tion as opposed to a pure deficit

in the abil­ity to pay attention.

Self-Regulation and ADHD: The fun­da­men­tal deficit in indi­vid­u­als

with ADHD may be one of self-control: Prob­lems with atten­tion may be

sec­ondary char­ac­ter­is­tic of the disorder.

..Brain Train­ing and ADHD

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing has an indi­rect effect on atten­tion and can be

ben­e­fi­cial to chil­dren with atten­tional problems.

Work­ing Mem­ory Train­ing & Med­ica­tion Treat­ment for ADHD: Work­ing

mem­ory train­ing improves work­ing mem­ory more than stim­u­lant

med­ica­tion treat­ment, and ben­e­fits per­sist longer.

Train­ing Atten­tion and Emo­tional Self-Regulation: Atten­tion con­trol is

com­plex but can be trained.

..Phys­i­cal Exer­cise and ADHD

Exer­cise as a Treat­ment for ADHD: Phys­i­cal activ­ity may be

ben­e­fi­cial to youth with ADHD.

..Diet and ADHD

‘West­ern’ Style Diet (high in total fat, sat­u­rated fats, refined

sug­ars, and sodium) is asso­ci­ated with greater odds of hav­ing ADHD.

Herbal Treat­ment for ADHD: Appro­pri­ately pre­pared and tar­geted herbal

com­pounds have the poten­tial to be ther­a­peu­tic and reduce atten­tion

deficit symptoms.

..Med­i­ta­tion and ADHD

Mind­ful­ness Med­i­ta­tion may ben­e­fit ado­les­cents and adults with

atten­tion deficits.

..Neu­ro­feed­back and ADHD

Neu­ro­feed­back treat­ment for ADHD: ben­e­fits can last long after

treat­ment had ended. Not all chil­dren show ben­e­fits though.

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