Guest guest Posted June 24, 2008 Report Share Posted June 24, 2008 Forwarding this from someone I consider to be a true modern day hero.... Please forward along - especially to anyone who has friends, family serving in our armed forces.... A Cluster of Veterans' Deaths By Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD EL CAJON, Calif., June 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently four ton,WV-area veterans -- , 22, White, 23, Layne, 29, and Endicott, with "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD), treated withthe Paxil, Klonopin, and Seroquel -- died in their sleep. All were said to bein good health. ( , ton Gazette, May 24, 2008). In a democracy, we have a right to "informed consent." Physicians have alegal obligation to tell us the facts regarding (1) diagnosis and (2)treatment. Regarding diagnosis: Is there a disease or isn't there? Whichdisease? If there is no disease, that leaves emotional or psychological.Regarding treatment, physicians have a duty to tell us the facts, about allavailable treatments, not just the treatment they prefer. The choice is ours.This is informed consent. Were these veterans and their families told by their psychiatrists thatPTSD, bipolar disorder, clinical depression and other mythical psychiatric"diagnoses" are "disorders," "diseases," or "chemical imbalances" of thebrain? Were these the reasons, according to their psychiatrists, that theyneeded psychiatric drugs? If they were told this to gain their "informedconsent" to treat, then they were lied to, and their right to informed consentwas denied. In fact, there is no such thing in the annals of medicine as a psychiatricdisease. In 1948 neurology and psychiatry were made into separate specialties-- neurology to deal with actual diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, braintumors, epilepsy, etc. -- and psychiatry to deal with emotional and behavioralproblems, none actual medical diseases. By definition, the terms "disorder"and "disease" mean an objective physical abnormality is present. Never thecase in psychiatry. And yet it is standard practice in psychiatry today, totell patients they have "chemical imbalances" of the brain; "chemicalimbalances" needing "chemical balancers" -- pills. In the DSM-IV, of theAmerican Psychiatric Association (Introduction, page xxi, Definition of MentalDisorder), we read: "Although this volume is titled the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the term mental disorder unfortunatelyimplies a distinction between 'mental' disorders and 'physical' disorders thatis a reductionistic anachronism of mind/body dualism. A compelling literaturedocuments that there is much 'physical' in 'mental' disorders and much'mental' in 'physical' disorders." Here, the APA, unabashedly claims thatpsychiatric diagnoses are as much diseases as those in all other medicalspecialties. Saying a "compelling literature" makes it so, they reference nota single proof in the medical-scientific literature, making a singlepsychiatric entity an actual disease. Because psychiatric diagnoses are not actual diseases, they must bepsychological or psychiatric, not medical. This means they could not causephysical complications including death. On the other hand, all drugs, even penicillin, are exogenous chemicals,and are poisons. The pivotal question in medicine is: Are they more helpfulthan harmful? Of the drugs the four veterans were on, the antipsychotic,Seroquel, is the most toxic. All antipsychotics carry this ominous black boxwarning: "Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis are at an increasedrisk of death." "Warnings/Precautions" include: "neuroleptic-malignantsyndrome" (usually fatal), "tardive dyskinesia" (permanent, grotesque,movements of the face, tongue, head, neck and body), "cerebrovascular events""cardiovascular events," "diabetes," "obesity," "gynecomastia" (male breastdevelopment needing mastectomy), "suicidal tendencies," "impaired temperaturecontrol," "dysphagia" (trouble swallowing), "aspiration pneumonia," and"death." Nor are the other two drugs -- Paxil and Klonopin without their ownlong lists of side effects. The more drugs given simultaneously, the less thescience and the greater the risks of injury and death. Only in psychiatry dopatients end up with multiple "diagnoses" (none of them diseases), on multipledrugs. "I want to know the cause of death," said Ray , 'sfather. "Stacie said he was fine. Everything was normal. He kissed hergoodnight and went to sleep." All that is certain, is he never woke up. Because there is no such thing as a psychiatric disease, none of theveterans mentioned in this article could possibly have died from a psychiatric"disease." By process of elimination, it can be assumed that they may havedied from their drugs; from their "treatments" for diseases that do not exist. Their loved ones should begin their painful quest for justice by writingthe president of the APA, Dr. Carolyn Robinowitz, (American PsychiatricAssociation, 1000 Boulevard, Suite 1825, Arlington, VA 22209) and, tothe current director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Insel, (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 6001 Executive Boulevard,Room 8184, MSC 9663, Bethesda, MD 20892-9663) and ask them for proof that PTSDor any of their psychiatric diagnoses or "disorders" are actual diseases,having, as they must a confirming, objective, physical abnormality, gross(visible to the naked eye), microscopic -- as in a Pap smear or biopsy, or,chemical -- as in the chemical abnormalities of diabetes, galactosemia, goutor phenyketonuria. I suggest they do this now, copying their USRepresentative, their own US Senator, Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and Senator Grassley, R-IA. *Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, has discovered and described real diseases. Heassumes full responsibility for all statements herein. Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, Neurologist fredbaughmanmd@... 1303 HIDDEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92019 Author: THE ADHD FRAUD—How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children Earn cashback on your purchases with Live Search - the search that pays you back! Learn More Introducing Live Search cashback . It's search that pays you back! Try it Now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 24, 2008 Report Share Posted June 24, 2008 Forwarding this from someone I consider to be a true modern day hero.... Please forward along - especially to anyone who has friends, family serving in our armed forces.... A Cluster of Veterans' Deaths By Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD EL CAJON, Calif., June 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently four ton,WV-area veterans -- , 22, White, 23, Layne, 29, and Endicott, with "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD), treated withthe Paxil, Klonopin, and Seroquel -- died in their sleep. All were said to bein good health. ( , ton Gazette, May 24, 2008). In a democracy, we have a right to "informed consent." Physicians have alegal obligation to tell us the facts regarding (1) diagnosis and (2)treatment. Regarding diagnosis: Is there a disease or isn't there? Whichdisease? If there is no disease, that leaves emotional or psychological.Regarding treatment, physicians have a duty to tell us the facts, about allavailable treatments, not just the treatment they prefer. The choice is ours.This is informed consent. Were these veterans and their families told by their psychiatrists thatPTSD, bipolar disorder, clinical depression and other mythical psychiatric"diagnoses" are "disorders," "diseases," or "chemical imbalances" of thebrain? Were these the reasons, according to their psychiatrists, that theyneeded psychiatric drugs? If they were told this to gain their "informedconsent" to treat, then they were lied to, and their right to informed consentwas denied. In fact, there is no such thing in the annals of medicine as a psychiatricdisease. In 1948 neurology and psychiatry were made into separate specialties-- neurology to deal with actual diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, braintumors, epilepsy, etc. -- and psychiatry to deal with emotional and behavioralproblems, none actual medical diseases. By definition, the terms "disorder"and "disease" mean an objective physical abnormality is present. Never thecase in psychiatry. And yet it is standard practice in psychiatry today, totell patients they have "chemical imbalances" of the brain; "chemicalimbalances" needing "chemical balancers" -- pills. In the DSM-IV, of theAmerican Psychiatric Association (Introduction, page xxi, Definition of MentalDisorder), we read: "Although this volume is titled the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the term mental disorder unfortunatelyimplies a distinction between 'mental' disorders and 'physical' disorders thatis a reductionistic anachronism of mind/body dualism. A compelling literaturedocuments that there is much 'physical' in 'mental' disorders and much'mental' in 'physical' disorders." Here, the APA, unabashedly claims thatpsychiatric diagnoses are as much diseases as those in all other medicalspecialties. Saying a "compelling literature" makes it so, they reference nota single proof in the medical-scientific literature, making a singlepsychiatric entity an actual disease. Because psychiatric diagnoses are not actual diseases, they must bepsychological or psychiatric, not medical. This means they could not causephysical complications including death. On the other hand, all drugs, even penicillin, are exogenous chemicals,and are poisons. The pivotal question in medicine is: Are they more helpfulthan harmful? Of the drugs the four veterans were on, the antipsychotic,Seroquel, is the most toxic. All antipsychotics carry this ominous black boxwarning: "Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis are at an increasedrisk of death." "Warnings/Precautions" include: "neuroleptic-malignantsyndrome" (usually fatal), "tardive dyskinesia" (permanent, grotesque,movements of the face, tongue, head, neck and body), "cerebrovascular events""cardiovascular events," "diabetes," "obesity," "gynecomastia" (male breastdevelopment needing mastectomy), "suicidal tendencies," "impaired temperaturecontrol," "dysphagia" (trouble swallowing), "aspiration pneumonia," and"death." Nor are the other two drugs -- Paxil and Klonopin without their ownlong lists of side effects. The more drugs given simultaneously, the less thescience and the greater the risks of injury and death. Only in psychiatry dopatients end up with multiple "diagnoses" (none of them diseases), on multipledrugs. "I want to know the cause of death," said Ray , 'sfather. "Stacie said he was fine. Everything was normal. He kissed hergoodnight and went to sleep." All that is certain, is he never woke up. Because there is no such thing as a psychiatric disease, none of theveterans mentioned in this article could possibly have died from a psychiatric"disease." By process of elimination, it can be assumed that they may havedied from their drugs; from their "treatments" for diseases that do not exist. Their loved ones should begin their painful quest for justice by writingthe president of the APA, Dr. Carolyn Robinowitz, (American PsychiatricAssociation, 1000 Boulevard, Suite 1825, Arlington, VA 22209) and, tothe current director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Insel, (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 6001 Executive Boulevard,Room 8184, MSC 9663, Bethesda, MD 20892-9663) and ask them for proof that PTSDor any of their psychiatric diagnoses or "disorders" are actual diseases,having, as they must a confirming, objective, physical abnormality, gross(visible to the naked eye), microscopic -- as in a Pap smear or biopsy, or,chemical -- as in the chemical abnormalities of diabetes, galactosemia, goutor phenyketonuria. I suggest they do this now, copying their USRepresentative, their own US Senator, Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and Senator Grassley, R-IA. *Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, has discovered and described real diseases. Heassumes full responsibility for all statements herein. Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, Neurologist fredbaughmanmd@... 1303 HIDDEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92019 Author: THE ADHD FRAUD—How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children Earn cashback on your purchases with Live Search - the search that pays you back! Learn More Introducing Live Search cashback . It's search that pays you back! Try it Now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 24, 2008 Report Share Posted June 24, 2008 Forwarding this from someone I consider to be a true modern day hero.... Please forward along - especially to anyone who has friends, family serving in our armed forces.... A Cluster of Veterans' Deaths By Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD EL CAJON, Calif., June 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently four ton,WV-area veterans -- , 22, White, 23, Layne, 29, and Endicott, with "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD), treated withthe Paxil, Klonopin, and Seroquel -- died in their sleep. All were said to bein good health. ( , ton Gazette, May 24, 2008). In a democracy, we have a right to "informed consent." Physicians have alegal obligation to tell us the facts regarding (1) diagnosis and (2)treatment. Regarding diagnosis: Is there a disease or isn't there? Whichdisease? If there is no disease, that leaves emotional or psychological.Regarding treatment, physicians have a duty to tell us the facts, about allavailable treatments, not just the treatment they prefer. The choice is ours.This is informed consent. Were these veterans and their families told by their psychiatrists thatPTSD, bipolar disorder, clinical depression and other mythical psychiatric"diagnoses" are "disorders," "diseases," or "chemical imbalances" of thebrain? Were these the reasons, according to their psychiatrists, that theyneeded psychiatric drugs? If they were told this to gain their "informedconsent" to treat, then they were lied to, and their right to informed consentwas denied. In fact, there is no such thing in the annals of medicine as a psychiatricdisease. In 1948 neurology and psychiatry were made into separate specialties-- neurology to deal with actual diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, braintumors, epilepsy, etc. -- and psychiatry to deal with emotional and behavioralproblems, none actual medical diseases. By definition, the terms "disorder"and "disease" mean an objective physical abnormality is present. Never thecase in psychiatry. And yet it is standard practice in psychiatry today, totell patients they have "chemical imbalances" of the brain; "chemicalimbalances" needing "chemical balancers" -- pills. In the DSM-IV, of theAmerican Psychiatric Association (Introduction, page xxi, Definition of MentalDisorder), we read: "Although this volume is titled the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the term mental disorder unfortunatelyimplies a distinction between 'mental' disorders and 'physical' disorders thatis a reductionistic anachronism of mind/body dualism. A compelling literaturedocuments that there is much 'physical' in 'mental' disorders and much'mental' in 'physical' disorders." Here, the APA, unabashedly claims thatpsychiatric diagnoses are as much diseases as those in all other medicalspecialties. Saying a "compelling literature" makes it so, they reference nota single proof in the medical-scientific literature, making a singlepsychiatric entity an actual disease. Because psychiatric diagnoses are not actual diseases, they must bepsychological or psychiatric, not medical. This means they could not causephysical complications including death. On the other hand, all drugs, even penicillin, are exogenous chemicals,and are poisons. The pivotal question in medicine is: Are they more helpfulthan harmful? Of the drugs the four veterans were on, the antipsychotic,Seroquel, is the most toxic. All antipsychotics carry this ominous black boxwarning: "Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis are at an increasedrisk of death." "Warnings/Precautions" include: "neuroleptic-malignantsyndrome" (usually fatal), "tardive dyskinesia" (permanent, grotesque,movements of the face, tongue, head, neck and body), "cerebrovascular events""cardiovascular events," "diabetes," "obesity," "gynecomastia" (male breastdevelopment needing mastectomy), "suicidal tendencies," "impaired temperaturecontrol," "dysphagia" (trouble swallowing), "aspiration pneumonia," and"death." Nor are the other two drugs -- Paxil and Klonopin without their ownlong lists of side effects. The more drugs given simultaneously, the less thescience and the greater the risks of injury and death. Only in psychiatry dopatients end up with multiple "diagnoses" (none of them diseases), on multipledrugs. "I want to know the cause of death," said Ray , 'sfather. "Stacie said he was fine. Everything was normal. He kissed hergoodnight and went to sleep." All that is certain, is he never woke up. Because there is no such thing as a psychiatric disease, none of theveterans mentioned in this article could possibly have died from a psychiatric"disease." By process of elimination, it can be assumed that they may havedied from their drugs; from their "treatments" for diseases that do not exist. Their loved ones should begin their painful quest for justice by writingthe president of the APA, Dr. Carolyn Robinowitz, (American PsychiatricAssociation, 1000 Boulevard, Suite 1825, Arlington, VA 22209) and, tothe current director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Insel, (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 6001 Executive Boulevard,Room 8184, MSC 9663, Bethesda, MD 20892-9663) and ask them for proof that PTSDor any of their psychiatric diagnoses or "disorders" are actual diseases,having, as they must a confirming, objective, physical abnormality, gross(visible to the naked eye), microscopic -- as in a Pap smear or biopsy, or,chemical -- as in the chemical abnormalities of diabetes, galactosemia, goutor phenyketonuria. I suggest they do this now, copying their USRepresentative, their own US Senator, Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and Senator Grassley, R-IA. *Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, has discovered and described real diseases. Heassumes full responsibility for all statements herein. Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, Neurologist fredbaughmanmd@... 1303 HIDDEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92019 Author: THE ADHD FRAUD—How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children Earn cashback on your purchases with Live Search - the search that pays you back! Learn More Introducing Live Search cashback . It's search that pays you back! Try it Now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 24, 2008 Report Share Posted June 24, 2008 Forwarding this from someone I consider to be a true modern day hero.... Please forward along - especially to anyone who has friends, family serving in our armed forces.... A Cluster of Veterans' Deaths By Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD EL CAJON, Calif., June 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently four ton,WV-area veterans -- , 22, White, 23, Layne, 29, and Endicott, with "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD), treated withthe Paxil, Klonopin, and Seroquel -- died in their sleep. All were said to bein good health. ( , ton Gazette, May 24, 2008). In a democracy, we have a right to "informed consent." Physicians have alegal obligation to tell us the facts regarding (1) diagnosis and (2)treatment. Regarding diagnosis: Is there a disease or isn't there? Whichdisease? If there is no disease, that leaves emotional or psychological.Regarding treatment, physicians have a duty to tell us the facts, about allavailable treatments, not just the treatment they prefer. The choice is ours.This is informed consent. Were these veterans and their families told by their psychiatrists thatPTSD, bipolar disorder, clinical depression and other mythical psychiatric"diagnoses" are "disorders," "diseases," or "chemical imbalances" of thebrain? Were these the reasons, according to their psychiatrists, that theyneeded psychiatric drugs? If they were told this to gain their "informedconsent" to treat, then they were lied to, and their right to informed consentwas denied. In fact, there is no such thing in the annals of medicine as a psychiatricdisease. In 1948 neurology and psychiatry were made into separate specialties-- neurology to deal with actual diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, braintumors, epilepsy, etc. -- and psychiatry to deal with emotional and behavioralproblems, none actual medical diseases. By definition, the terms "disorder"and "disease" mean an objective physical abnormality is present. Never thecase in psychiatry. And yet it is standard practice in psychiatry today, totell patients they have "chemical imbalances" of the brain; "chemicalimbalances" needing "chemical balancers" -- pills. In the DSM-IV, of theAmerican Psychiatric Association (Introduction, page xxi, Definition of MentalDisorder), we read: "Although this volume is titled the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the term mental disorder unfortunatelyimplies a distinction between 'mental' disorders and 'physical' disorders thatis a reductionistic anachronism of mind/body dualism. A compelling literaturedocuments that there is much 'physical' in 'mental' disorders and much'mental' in 'physical' disorders." Here, the APA, unabashedly claims thatpsychiatric diagnoses are as much diseases as those in all other medicalspecialties. Saying a "compelling literature" makes it so, they reference nota single proof in the medical-scientific literature, making a singlepsychiatric entity an actual disease. Because psychiatric diagnoses are not actual diseases, they must bepsychological or psychiatric, not medical. This means they could not causephysical complications including death. On the other hand, all drugs, even penicillin, are exogenous chemicals,and are poisons. The pivotal question in medicine is: Are they more helpfulthan harmful? Of the drugs the four veterans were on, the antipsychotic,Seroquel, is the most toxic. All antipsychotics carry this ominous black boxwarning: "Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis are at an increasedrisk of death." "Warnings/Precautions" include: "neuroleptic-malignantsyndrome" (usually fatal), "tardive dyskinesia" (permanent, grotesque,movements of the face, tongue, head, neck and body), "cerebrovascular events""cardiovascular events," "diabetes," "obesity," "gynecomastia" (male breastdevelopment needing mastectomy), "suicidal tendencies," "impaired temperaturecontrol," "dysphagia" (trouble swallowing), "aspiration pneumonia," and"death." Nor are the other two drugs -- Paxil and Klonopin without their ownlong lists of side effects. The more drugs given simultaneously, the less thescience and the greater the risks of injury and death. Only in psychiatry dopatients end up with multiple "diagnoses" (none of them diseases), on multipledrugs. "I want to know the cause of death," said Ray , 'sfather. "Stacie said he was fine. Everything was normal. He kissed hergoodnight and went to sleep." All that is certain, is he never woke up. Because there is no such thing as a psychiatric disease, none of theveterans mentioned in this article could possibly have died from a psychiatric"disease." By process of elimination, it can be assumed that they may havedied from their drugs; from their "treatments" for diseases that do not exist. Their loved ones should begin their painful quest for justice by writingthe president of the APA, Dr. Carolyn Robinowitz, (American PsychiatricAssociation, 1000 Boulevard, Suite 1825, Arlington, VA 22209) and, tothe current director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Insel, (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 6001 Executive Boulevard,Room 8184, MSC 9663, Bethesda, MD 20892-9663) and ask them for proof that PTSDor any of their psychiatric diagnoses or "disorders" are actual diseases,having, as they must a confirming, objective, physical abnormality, gross(visible to the naked eye), microscopic -- as in a Pap smear or biopsy, or,chemical -- as in the chemical abnormalities of diabetes, galactosemia, goutor phenyketonuria. I suggest they do this now, copying their USRepresentative, their own US Senator, Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and Senator Grassley, R-IA. *Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, has discovered and described real diseases. Heassumes full responsibility for all statements herein. Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD, Neurologist fredbaughmanmd@... 1303 HIDDEN MOUNTAIN DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92019 Author: THE ADHD FRAUD—How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children Earn cashback on your purchases with Live Search - the search that pays you back! Learn More Introducing Live Search cashback . It's search that pays you back! Try it Now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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