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Fw: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan 8

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spam: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan 8



> Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability

> http://www.ahrp.org and http://ahrp.blogspot.com



> On Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 9:00 PM (Eastern), 10:00 PM (Pacific), Public

> Broadcasting System will examine the most controversial issue in American

> healthcare:

> why are more than 6 million American children being forced to take

> powerful,

> toxic psychiatric drugs--some starting as young as two years old?


> Is it good medicine? What's the evidence to support the practice?


> The program promises to examine what many psychiatrists are beginning to

> acknowledge: American children are being subjected to an uncontrolled high

> risk experiment. Millions of American children are being prescribed the

> most

> toxic brain damaging drugs--with absolutely no scientific evidence of a

> therapeutic benefit to support the practice.


> The increasing use of antipsychotic drugs for children is correlated with

> an

> inexplicable epidemic in American children being " diagnosed " as bipolar,

> an

> unprecedented diagnosis in children. Bipolar just happens to be an FDA

> approved use for antipsychotic drugs.


> So, the marked increased rates of bipolar diagnoses in children over the

> last five to seven years appears to be a case of the drugs prompting the

> diagnosis.

> Indeed, as Dr. Hyman, a neuroscientist and former director of the

> National Institute of Mental Health, acknowledges, those diagnoses are

> unsupported by scientific evidence.


> Psychiatry's sling-shot prescribing practices rely on an irresponsible

> dictum: shoot first, ask questions years after major harm has been done.

> Such a cowboy mentality has led to a market-driven chemical assault on our

> children.


> Children's fears, cries, and anxieties, are being muffled with toxic drugs

> that undermine their mental and physical health.

> Psychiatrists who are financially invested in expanding the market are

> diverting parents' attention from the lack of science and the drugs'

> harmful

> effects.


> Hopefully, viewers will wake up to the fact that America's children are

> the

> target of psychopharmacological abuse.

> There is no credible scientific evidence demonstrating a therapeutic

> benefit

> from antipsychotics. These drugs' most prominent effect is somnolence.


> How many children--like four-year old Riley-- will be sacrificed

> before this lethal paradigm of " treatment " in psychiatry is halted?


> Is bad medicine any better just because it is promoted by influential

> Harvard University child psychiatrists ?



> Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

> veracare@...

> 212-595-8974



> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/





> FRONTLINE presents


> Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS


> Ten years ago, stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall were the drugs of

> choice

> to treat behavioral issues in children. Today, children as young as four

> years old are being prescribed more powerful anti-psychotic medications

> that

> are much less understood. The drugs can cause serious side effects and

> virtually nothing is known about their long-term impact.


> The increase in the use of anti-psychotics is directly tied to the rising

> incidence of one particular diagnosis - bipolar disorder. Experts estimate

> that the number of kids with the diagnosis is now over a million and

> rising.


> In recent years, there's been a dramatic increase in the number of

> children

> being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders and prescribed

> medications that are just beginning to be tested in children. The drugs

> can

> cause serious side effects, and virtually nothing is known about their

> long-term impact. " It's really to some extent an experiment, trying

> medications in these children of this age, " child psychiatrist Dr.

> Bacon tells FRONTLINE. " It's a gamble. And I tell parents there's no way

> to

> know what's going to work. "


> In The Medicated Child, airing Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on


> (check local listings), FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria confronts

> psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the risks and

> benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest current

> controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly called

> manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist only in

> adults, but, in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be diagnosed

> at

> much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years old. " The rates

> of

> bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many communities

> over the last five to seven years, " says Dr. Hyman, a former

> director

> of the National Institute of Mental Health. " I think the real question is,

> are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet know the

> answer. "


> Like many of the 1 million children now diagnosed with bipolar, 5-year-old

> was initially believed to suffer from an attention deficit

> disorder. His parents reluctantly started him on Ritalin, but over the

> next

> five years, would be put on one drug after another. " It all started

> to

> feel out of control, " 's father, Ron, told FRONTLINE. " Nobody ever

> said

> we can work with this through therapy and things like that. Everywhere we

> looked it was, 'Take meds, take meds, take meds.' "


> Over the years, 's multiple medications have helped improve his mood,

> but they've also left him with a severe tic in his neck which doctors are

> having trouble fully explaining. " We're dealing with developing minds and

> brains, and medications have a whole different impact in the young

> developing child than they do in an adult, " says Dr. nne Wamboldt,

> the

> chief of psychiatry at Denver Children's Hospital. " We don't understand

> that

> impact very well. That's where we're still in the Dark Ages. "


> DJ Koontz was diagnosed with bipolar at 4 years old, after his temper

> tantrums became more frequent and explosive. He was recently prescribed

> powerful antipsychotic drugs. " It is a little worrisome to me because he

> is

> so young, " says DJ's mother, . " If he didn't take it, though, I

> don't know if we could function as a family. It's almost a do-or-die

> situation over here. " DJ's medicines seem to be helping him in the short

> run, but the longer-term outlook is still uncertain. " What's not really

> clear is whether many of the kids who are called bipolar have anything

> that's related to this very well-studied disorder in adults, " says

> Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental Health. " It's not

> clear that people with that adult illness started with what we're now

> calling bipolar in children. Nor is it clear that the kids who have this

> disorder are going to grow up to have what we used to call

> manic-depressive

> illness in adulthood. "


> While some urge caution when it comes to bipolar in children, FRONTLINE

> talks with others who argue that we should intervene with drug treatments

> at

> even younger ages for children genetically predisposed to the disorder.

> " The

> theory is that if you get in early, before the first full mood episode,

> then

> perhaps we can delay the onset to full mania, " says Dr. Kiki Chang of

> Stanford University. " And if that's the case, perhaps finding the right

> medication early on can protect a brain so that these children never do

> progress to full bipolar disorder. "


> FRONTLINE's 2001 documentary Medicating Kids can be watched online at

> www.pbs.org/frontline/shows/medicating


> The Medicated Child is a FRONTLINE co-production with RAINMedia, Inc. The

> writer and producer is Marcela Gaviria. The co-producer is Will Cohen.

> FRONTLINE is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS.

> Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.

> Major

> funding for FRONTLINE is provided by The D. and T.

> MacArthur

> Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park Foundation.


> is closed-captioned for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and described for

> people who are blind or visually impaired by the Media Access Group at


> FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. The

> executive producer of FRONTLINE is Fanning.


> pbs.org/pressroom

> Promotional photography can be downloaded from the PBS pressroom.


> Press contacts

> Diane Buxton

> (617) 300-5375

> diane_buxton@...


> Alissa Rooney

> (617) 300-5314

> alissa_rooney@...


> Phil Zimmerman

> (617) 300-5366

> phil_zimmerman@...



> GET THE HTML POSTCARD to send to public health policy officials:

> outreach_frontline@...




> _______________________________________________

> Infomail1 mailing list

> to unsubscribe send a message to Infomail1-leave@...

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We watched this PBS program and I was very disappointed. I was hoping for an

unbiased viewpoint about how our children are being medicated. However, that

was absolutely not the case. The interviewer never took the time to

interview someone who had opposing views - she only interviewed so-called

medical experts who either completely were in favor of medicating the

children or who justified that it was being done.

The black box warnings on antidepressants were also discussed and how, as a

result of these, people became more afraid of taking the antidepressants.

This was obviously good news. However, they followed it with the data that

as a result of the black box warnings, more and more people are now

referring to anti-psychotics, which are even more harmful.

The reason that I was so disappointed was because I had forwarded this

e-mail to many of my friends and I felt like calling them at 10 pm to tell

them NOT to watch it.

Joke Jolivette


From: SSRI medications [mailto:SSRI medications ]

On Behalf Of Ball

Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 2:46 PM


Subject: Fw: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan


Importance: High

spam: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan 8



> Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability

> http://www.ahrp. <http://www.ahrp.org> org and http://ahrp.

<http://ahrp.blogspot.com> blogspot.com



> On Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 9:00 PM (Eastern), 10:00 PM (Pacific), Public

> Broadcasting System will examine the most controversial issue in American

> healthcare:

> why are more than 6 million American children being forced to take

> powerful,

> toxic psychiatric drugs--some starting as young as two years old?


> Is it good medicine? What's the evidence to support the practice?


> The program promises to examine what many psychiatrists are beginning to

> acknowledge: American children are being subjected to an uncontrolled high

> risk experiment. Millions of American children are being prescribed the

> most

> toxic brain damaging drugs--with absolutely no scientific evidence of a

> therapeutic benefit to support the practice.


> The increasing use of antipsychotic drugs for children is correlated with

> an

> inexplicable epidemic in American children being " diagnosed " as bipolar,

> an

> unprecedented diagnosis in children. Bipolar just happens to be an FDA

> approved use for antipsychotic drugs.


> So, the marked increased rates of bipolar diagnoses in children over the

> last five to seven years appears to be a case of the drugs prompting the

> diagnosis.

> Indeed, as Dr. Hyman, a neuroscientist and former director of the

> National Institute of Mental Health, acknowledges, those diagnoses are

> unsupported by scientific evidence.


> Psychiatry's sling-shot prescribing practices rely on an irresponsible

> dictum: shoot first, ask questions years after major harm has been done.

> Such a cowboy mentality has led to a market-driven chemical assault on our

> children.


> Children's fears, cries, and anxieties, are being muffled with toxic drugs

> that undermine their mental and physical health.

> Psychiatrists who are financially invested in expanding the market are

> diverting parents' attention from the lack of science and the drugs'

> harmful

> effects.


> Hopefully, viewers will wake up to the fact that America's children are

> the

> target of psychopharmacological abuse.

> There is no credible scientific evidence demonstrating a therapeutic

> benefit

> from antipsychotics. These drugs' most prominent effect is somnolence.


> How many children--like four-year old Riley-- will be sacrificed

> before this lethal paradigm of " treatment " in psychiatry is halted?


> Is bad medicine any better just because it is promoted by influential

> Harvard University child psychiatrists ?



> Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

> veracareahrp (DOT) <mailto:veracare%40ahrp.org> org

> 212-595-8974



> http://www.pbs. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/>






> FRONTLINE presents


> Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS


> Ten years ago, stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall were the drugs of

> choice

> to treat behavioral issues in children. Today, children as young as four

> years old are being prescribed more powerful anti-psychotic medications

> that

> are much less understood. The drugs can cause serious side effects and

> virtually nothing is known about their long-term impact.


> The increase in the use of anti-psychotics is directly tied to the rising

> incidence of one particular diagnosis - bipolar disorder. Experts estimate

> that the number of kids with the diagnosis is now over a million and

> rising.


> In recent years, there's been a dramatic increase in the number of

> children

> being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders and prescribed

> medications that are just beginning to be tested in children. The drugs

> can

> cause serious side effects, and virtually nothing is known about their

> long-term impact. " It's really to some extent an experiment, trying

> medications in these children of this age, " child psychiatrist Dr.

> Bacon tells FRONTLINE. " It's a gamble. And I tell parents there's no way

> to

> know what's going to work. "


> In The Medicated Child, airing Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on


> (check local listings), FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria confronts

> psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the risks and

> benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest current

> controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly called

> manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist only in

> adults, but, in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be diagnosed

> at

> much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years old. " The rates

> of

> bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many communities

> over the last five to seven years, " says Dr. Hyman, a former

> director

> of the National Institute of Mental Health. " I think the real question is,

> are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet know the

> answer. "


> Like many of the 1 million children now diagnosed with bipolar, 5-year-old

> was initially believed to suffer from an attention deficit

> disorder. His parents reluctantly started him on Ritalin, but over the

> next

> five years, would be put on one drug after another. " It all started

> to

> feel out of control, " 's father, Ron, told FRONTLINE. " Nobody ever

> said

> we can work with this through therapy and things like that. Everywhere we

> looked it was, 'Take meds, take meds, take meds.' "


> Over the years, 's multiple medications have helped improve his mood,

> but they've also left him with a severe tic in his neck which doctors are

> having trouble fully explaining. " We're dealing with developing minds and

> brains, and medications have a whole different impact in the young

> developing child than they do in an adult, " says Dr. nne Wamboldt,

> the

> chief of psychiatry at Denver Children's Hospital. " We don't understand

> that

> impact very well. That's where we're still in the Dark Ages. "


> DJ Koontz was diagnosed with bipolar at 4 years old, after his temper

> tantrums became more frequent and explosive. He was recently prescribed

> powerful antipsychotic drugs. " It is a little worrisome to me because he

> is

> so young, " says DJ's mother, . " If he didn't take it, though, I

> don't know if we could function as a family. It's almost a do-or-die

> situation over here. " DJ's medicines seem to be helping him in the short

> run, but the longer-term outlook is still uncertain. " What's not really

> clear is whether many of the kids who are called bipolar have anything

> that's related to this very well-studied disorder in adults, " says

> Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental Health. " It's not

> clear that people with that adult illness started with what we're now

> calling bipolar in children. Nor is it clear that the kids who have this

> disorder are going to grow up to have what we used to call

> manic-depressive

> illness in adulthood. "


> While some urge caution when it comes to bipolar in children, FRONTLINE

> talks with others who argue that we should intervene with drug treatments

> at

> even younger ages for children genetically predisposed to the disorder.

> " The

> theory is that if you get in early, before the first full mood episode,

> then

> perhaps we can delay the onset to full mania, " says Dr. Kiki Chang of

> Stanford University. " And if that's the case, perhaps finding the right

> medication early on can protect a brain so that these children never do

> progress to full bipolar disorder. "


> FRONTLINE's 2001 documentary Medicating Kids can be watched online at

> www.pbs.org/frontline/shows/medicating


> The Medicated Child is a FRONTLINE co-production with RAINMedia, Inc. The

> writer and producer is Marcela Gaviria. The co-producer is Will Cohen.

> FRONTLINE is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide on PBS.

> Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers.

> Major

> funding for FRONTLINE is provided by The D. and T.

> MacArthur

> Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park Foundation.


> is closed-captioned for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and described for

> people who are blind or visually impaired by the Media Access Group at


> FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. The

> executive producer of FRONTLINE is Fanning.


> pbs.org/pressroom

> Promotional photography can be downloaded from the PBS pressroom.


> Press contacts

> Diane Buxton

> (617) 300-5375

> diane_buxton@ <mailto:diane_buxton%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org


> Alissa Rooney

> (617) 300-5314

> alissa_rooney@ <mailto:alissa_rooney%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org


> Phil Zimmerman

> (617) 300-5366

> phil_zimmerman@ <mailto:phil_zimmerman%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org



> GET THE HTML POSTCARD to send to public health policy officials:

> outreach_frontline@ <mailto:outreach_frontline%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org




> _______________________________________________

> Infomail1 mailing list

> to unsubscribe send a message to Infomail1-leave@

<mailto:Infomail1-leave%40ahrp.org> ahrp.org


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I can't for the life of me remember where I read that PBS is heavily

funded with Pharmaceutical Money, or the companies that donate large

amounts of $$$$ have heavy ties to Big Pharma. Wish I could remember.


> We watched this PBS program and I was very disappointed. I was

hoping for an

> unbiased viewpoint about how our children are being medicated.

However, that

> was absolutely not the case. The interviewer never took the time to

> interview someone who had opposing views - she only interviewed so-


> medical experts who either completely were in favor of medicating


> children or who justified that it was being done.


> The black box warnings on antidepressants were also discussed and

how, as a

> result of these, people became more afraid of taking the


> This was obviously good news. However, they followed it with the

data that

> as a result of the black box warnings, more and more people are now

> referring to anti-psychotics, which are even more harmful.


> The reason that I was so disappointed was because I had forwarded


> e-mail to many of my friends and I felt like calling them at 10 pm

to tell

> them NOT to watch it.


> Joke Jolivette


> _____


> From: SSRI medications [mailto:SSRI-

Crusaders ]

> On Behalf Of Ball

> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 2:46 PM

> wildestcolts

> Subject: Fw: PBS Frontline: The Medicated

Child_Tuesday Jan

> 8

> Importance: High





> spam: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan 8



> >

> > Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability

> > http://www.ahrp. <http://www.ahrp.org> org and http://ahrp.

> <http://ahrp.blogspot.com> blogspot.com

> >

> > FYI

> > On Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 9:00 PM (Eastern), 10:00 PM (Pacific),


> > Broadcasting System will examine the most controversial issue in


> > healthcare:

> > why are more than 6 million American children being forced to


> > powerful,

> > toxic psychiatric drugs--some starting as young as two years old?

> >

> > Is it good medicine? What's the evidence to support the practice?

> >

> > The program promises to examine what many psychiatrists are

beginning to

> > acknowledge: American children are being subjected to an

uncontrolled high

> > risk experiment. Millions of American children are being

prescribed the

> > most

> > toxic brain damaging drugs--with absolutely no scientific

evidence of a

> > therapeutic benefit to support the practice.

> >

> > The increasing use of antipsychotic drugs for children is

correlated with

> > an

> > inexplicable epidemic in American children being " diagnosed " as


> > an

> > unprecedented diagnosis in children. Bipolar just happens to be

an FDA

> > approved use for antipsychotic drugs.

> >

> > So, the marked increased rates of bipolar diagnoses in children

over the

> > last five to seven years appears to be a case of the drugs

prompting the

> > diagnosis.

> > Indeed, as Dr. Hyman, a neuroscientist and former director

of the

> > National Institute of Mental Health, acknowledges, those

diagnoses are

> > unsupported by scientific evidence.

> >

> > Psychiatry's sling-shot prescribing practices rely on an


> > dictum: shoot first, ask questions years after major harm has

been done.

> > Such a cowboy mentality has led to a market-driven chemical

assault on our

> > children.

> >

> > Children's fears, cries, and anxieties, are being muffled with

toxic drugs

> > that undermine their mental and physical health.

> > Psychiatrists who are financially invested in expanding the

market are

> > diverting parents' attention from the lack of science and the


> > harmful

> > effects.

> >

> > Hopefully, viewers will wake up to the fact that America's

children are

> > the

> > target of psychopharmacological abuse.

> > There is no credible scientific evidence demonstrating a


> > benefit

> > from antipsychotics. These drugs' most prominent effect is


> >

> > How many children--like four-year old Riley-- will be


> > before this lethal paradigm of " treatment " in psychiatry is


> >

> > Is bad medicine any better just because it is promoted by


> > Harvard University child psychiatrists ?

> >

> >

> > Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

> > veracareahrp (DOT) <mailto:veracare%40ahrp.org> org

> > 212-595-8974

> >

> >

> > http://www.pbs.


> org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/

> >




> >

> > FRONTLINE presents


> > Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS

> >

> > Ten years ago, stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall were the

drugs of

> > choice

> > to treat behavioral issues in children. Today, children as young

as four

> > years old are being prescribed more powerful anti-psychotic


> > that

> > are much less understood. The drugs can cause serious side

effects and

> > virtually nothing is known about their long-term impact.

> >

> > The increase in the use of anti-psychotics is directly tied to

the rising

> > incidence of one particular diagnosis - bipolar disorder. Experts


> > that the number of kids with the diagnosis is now over a million


> > rising.

> >

> > In recent years, there's been a dramatic increase in the number


> > children

> > being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders and prescribed

> > medications that are just beginning to be tested in children. The


> > can

> > cause serious side effects, and virtually nothing is known about


> > long-term impact. " It's really to some extent an experiment,


> > medications in these children of this age, " child psychiatrist


> > Bacon tells FRONTLINE. " It's a gamble. And I tell parents there's

no way

> > to

> > know what's going to work. "

> >

> > In The Medicated Child, airing Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9

P.M. ET on

> > PBS

> > (check local listings), FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria


> > psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the

risks and

> > benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest


> > controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly


> > manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist

only in

> > adults, but, in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be


> > at

> > much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years

old. " The rates

> > of

> > bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many


> > over the last five to seven years, " says Dr. Hyman, a


> > director

> > of the National Institute of Mental Health. " I think the real

question is,

> > are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet

know the

> > answer. "

> >

> > Like many of the 1 million children now diagnosed with bipolar, 5-


> > was initially believed to suffer from an attention


> > disorder. His parents reluctantly started him on Ritalin, but

over the

> > next

> > five years, would be put on one drug after another. " It all


> > to

> > feel out of control, " 's father, Ron, told

FRONTLINE. " Nobody ever

> > said

> > we can work with this through therapy and things like that.

Everywhere we

> > looked it was, 'Take meds, take meds, take meds.' "

> >

> > Over the years, 's multiple medications have helped improve

his mood,

> > but they've also left him with a severe tic in his neck which

doctors are

> > having trouble fully explaining. " We're dealing with developing

minds and

> > brains, and medications have a whole different impact in the young

> > developing child than they do in an adult, " says Dr. nne


> > the

> > chief of psychiatry at Denver Children's Hospital. " We don't


> > that

> > impact very well. That's where we're still in the Dark Ages. "

> >

> > DJ Koontz was diagnosed with bipolar at 4 years old, after his


> > tantrums became more frequent and explosive. He was recently


> > powerful antipsychotic drugs. " It is a little worrisome to me

because he

> > is

> > so young, " says DJ's mother, . " If he didn't take it,

though, I

> > don't know if we could function as a family. It's almost a do-or-


> > situation over here. " DJ's medicines seem to be helping him in

the short

> > run, but the longer-term outlook is still uncertain. " What's not


> > clear is whether many of the kids who are called bipolar have


> > that's related to this very well-studied disorder in adults, "


> > Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental

Health. " It's not

> > clear that people with that adult illness started with what we're


> > calling bipolar in children. Nor is it clear that the kids who

have this

> > disorder are going to grow up to have what we used to call

> > manic-depressive

> > illness in adulthood. "

> >

> > While some urge caution when it comes to bipolar in children,


> > talks with others who argue that we should intervene with drug


> > at

> > even younger ages for children genetically predisposed to the


> > " The

> > theory is that if you get in early, before the first full mood


> > then

> > perhaps we can delay the onset to full mania, " says Dr. Kiki

Chang of

> > Stanford University. " And if that's the case, perhaps finding the


> > medication early on can protect a brain so that these children

never do

> > progress to full bipolar disorder. "

> >

> > FRONTLINE's 2001 documentary Medicating Kids can be watched

online at

> > www.pbs.org/frontline/shows/medicating

> >

> > The Medicated Child is a FRONTLINE co-production with RAINMedia,

Inc. The

> > writer and producer is Marcela Gaviria. The co-producer is Will


> > FRONTLINE is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide

on PBS.

> > Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS


> > Major

> > funding for FRONTLINE is provided by The D. and T.

> > MacArthur

> > Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park



> > is closed-captioned for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and

described for

> > people who are blind or visually impaired by the Media Access

Group at

> > WGBH.

> > FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational

Foundation. The

> > executive producer of FRONTLINE is Fanning.

> >

> > pbs.org/pressroom

> > Promotional photography can be downloaded from the PBS pressroom.

> >

> > Press contacts

> > Diane Buxton

> > (617) 300-5375

> > diane_buxton@ <mailto:diane_buxton%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> > Alissa Rooney

> > (617) 300-5314

> > alissa_rooney@ <mailto:alissa_rooney%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> > Phil Zimmerman

> > (617) 300-5366

> > phil_zimmerman@ <mailto:phil_zimmerman%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> >

> > GET THE HTML POSTCARD to send to public health policy officials:

> > outreach_frontline@ <mailto:outreach_frontline%40wgbh.org>


> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________

> > Infomail1 mailing list

> > to unsubscribe send a message to Infomail1-leave@

> <mailto:Infomail1-leave%40ahrp.org> ahrp.org






> _____


> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.

> It has removed 17798 spam emails to date.

> Paying users do not have this message in their emails.

> Try SPAMfighter <http://www.spamfighter.com/len> for free now!





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I agree that it was biased towards pharma. When I asked everyone I know to watch

it I told them it would most likely lean that way. Several have emailed to say

that they still learned that I'm not exagerating about the numbers. Small wins

are still wins. T.

- Fw: PBS Frontline: The Medicated

Child_Tuesday Jan

> 8

> Importance: High





> spam: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan 8



> >

> > Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability

> > http://www.ahrp. <http://www.ahrp.org> org and http://ahrp.

> <http://ahrp.blogspot.com> blogspot.com

> >

> > FYI

> > On Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 9:00 PM (Eastern), 10:00 PM (Pacific),


> > Broadcasting System will examine the most controversial issue in


> > healthcare:

> > why are more than 6 million American children being forced to


> > powerful,

> > toxic psychiatric drugs--some starting as young as two years old?

> >

> > Is it good medicine? What's the evidence to support the practice?

> >

> > The program promises to examine what many psychiatrists are

beginning to

> > acknowledge: American children are being subjected to an

uncontrolled high

> > risk experiment. Millions of American children are being

prescribed the

> > most

> > toxic brain damaging drugs--with absolutely no scientific

evidence of a

> > therapeutic benefit to support the practice.

> >

> > The increasing use of antipsychotic drugs for children is

correlated with

> > an

> > inexplicable epidemic in American children being " diagnosed " as


> > an

> > unprecedented diagnosis in children. Bipolar just happens to be

an FDA

> > approved use for antipsychotic drugs.

> >

> > So, the marked increased rates of bipolar diagnoses in children

over the

> > last five to seven years appears to be a case of the drugs

prompting the

> > diagnosis.

> > Indeed, as Dr. Hyman, a neuroscientist and former director

of the

> > National Institute of Mental Health, acknowledges, those

diagnoses are

> > unsupported by scientific evidence.

> >

> > Psychiatry's sling-shot prescribing practices rely on an


> > dictum: shoot first, ask questions years after major harm has

been done.

> > Such a cowboy mentality has led to a market-driven chemical

assault on our

> > children.

> >

> > Children's fears, cries, and anxieties, are being muffled with

toxic drugs

> > that undermine their mental and physical health.

> > Psychiatrists who are financially invested in expanding the

market are

> > diverting parents' attention from the lack of science and the


> > harmful

> > effects.

> >

> > Hopefully, viewers will wake up to the fact that America's

children are

> > the

> > target of psychopharmacological abuse.

> > There is no credible scientific evidence demonstrating a


> > benefit

> > from antipsychotics. These drugs' most prominent effect is


> >

> > How many children--like four-year old Riley-- will be


> > before this lethal paradigm of " treatment " in psychiatry is


> >

> > Is bad medicine any better just because it is promoted by


> > Harvard University child psychiatrists ?

> >

> >

> > Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

> > veracareahrp (DOT) <mailto:veracare%40ahrp.org> org

> > 212-595-8974

> >

> >

> > http://www.pbs.


> org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/

> >




> >

> > FRONTLINE presents


> > Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS

> >

> > Ten years ago, stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall were the

drugs of

> > choice

> > to treat behavioral issues in children. Today, children as young

as four

> > years old are being prescribed more powerful anti-psychotic


> > that

> > are much less understood. The drugs can cause serious side

effects and

> > virtually nothing is known about their long-term impact.

> >

> > The increase in the use of anti-psychotics is directly tied to

the rising

> > incidence of one particular diagnosis - bipolar disorder. Experts


> > that the number of kids with the diagnosis is now over a million


> > rising.

> >

> > In recent years, there's been a dramatic increase in the number


> > children

> > being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders and prescribed

> > medications that are just beginning to be tested in children. The


> > can

> > cause serious side effects, and virtually nothing is known about


> > long-term impact. " It's really to some extent an experiment,


> > medications in these children of this age, " child psychiatrist


> > Bacon tells FRONTLINE. " It's a gamble. And I tell parents there's

no way

> > to

> > know what's going to work. "

> >

> > In The Medicated Child, airing Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9

P.M. ET on

> > PBS

> > (check local listings), FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria


> > psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the

risks and

> > benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest


> > controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly


> > manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist

only in

> > adults, but, in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be


> > at

> > much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years

old. " The rates

> > of

> > bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many


> > over the last five to seven years, " says Dr. Hyman, a


> > director

> > of the National Institute of Mental Health. " I think the real

question is,

> > are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet

know the

> > answer. "

> >

> > Like many of the 1 million children now diagnosed with bipolar, 5-


> > was initially believed to suffer from an attention


> > disorder. His parents reluctantly started him on Ritalin, but

over the

> > next

> > five years, would be put on one drug after another. " It all


> > to

> > feel out of control, " 's father, Ron, told

FRONTLINE. " Nobody ever

> > said

> > we can work with this through therapy and things like that.

Everywhere we

> > looked it was, 'Take meds, take meds, take meds.' "

> >

> > Over the years, 's multiple medications have helped improve

his mood,

> > but they've also left him with a severe tic in his neck which

doctors are

> > having trouble fully explaining. " We're dealing with developing

minds and

> > brains, and medications have a whole different impact in the young

> > developing child than they do in an adult, " says Dr. nne


> > the

> > chief of psychiatry at Denver Children's Hospital. " We don't


> > that

> > impact very well. That's where we're still in the Dark Ages. "

> >

> > DJ Koontz was diagnosed with bipolar at 4 years old, after his


> > tantrums became more frequent and explosive. He was recently


> > powerful antipsychotic drugs. " It is a little worrisome to me

because he

> > is

> > so young, " says DJ's mother, . " If he didn't take it,

though, I

> > don't know if we could function as a family. It's almost a do-or-


> > situation over here. " DJ's medicines seem to be helping him in

the short

> > run, but the longer-term outlook is still uncertain. " What's not


> > clear is whether many of the kids who are called bipolar have


> > that's related to this very well-studied disorder in adults, "


> > Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental

Health. " It's not

> > clear that people with that adult illness started with what we're


> > calling bipolar in children. Nor is it clear that the kids who

have this

> > disorder are going to grow up to have what we used to call

> > manic-depressive

> > illness in adulthood. "

> >

> > While some urge caution when it comes to bipolar in children,


> > talks with others who argue that we should intervene with drug


> > at

> > even younger ages for children genetically predisposed to the


> > " The

> > theory is that if you get in early, before the first full mood


> > then

> > perhaps we can delay the onset to full mania, " says Dr. Kiki

Chang of

> > Stanford University. " And if that's the case, perhaps finding the


> > medication early on can protect a brain so that these children

never do

> > progress to full bipolar disorder. "

> >

> > FRONTLINE's 2001 documentary Medicating Kids can be watched

online at

> > www.pbs.org/frontline/shows/medicating

> >

> > The Medicated Child is a FRONTLINE co-production with RAINMedia,

Inc. The

> > writer and producer is Marcela Gaviria. The co-producer is Will


> > FRONTLINE is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide

on PBS.

> > Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS


> > Major

> > funding for FRONTLINE is provided by The D. and T.

> > MacArthur

> > Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park



> > is closed-captioned for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and

described for

> > people who are blind or visually impaired by the Media Access

Group at

> > WGBH.

> > FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational

Foundation. The

> > executive producer of FRONTLINE is Fanning.

> >

> > pbs.org/pressroom

> > Promotional photography can be downloaded from the PBS pressroom.

> >

> > Press contacts

> > Diane Buxton

> > (617) 300-5375

> > diane_buxton@ <mailto:diane_buxton%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> > Alissa Rooney

> > (617) 300-5314

> > alissa_rooney@ <mailto:alissa_rooney%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> > Phil Zimmerman

> > (617) 300-5366

> > phil_zimmerman@ <mailto:phil_zimmerman%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> >

> > GET THE HTML POSTCARD to send to public health policy officials:

> > outreach_frontline@ <mailto:outreach_frontline%40wgbh.org>


> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________

> > Infomail1 mailing list

> > to unsubscribe send a message to Infomail1-leave@

> <mailto:Infomail1-leave%40ahrp.org> ahrp.org






> _____


> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.

> It has removed 17798 spam emails to date.

> Paying users do not have this message in their emails.

> Try SPAMfighter <http://www.spamfighter.com/len> for free now!





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Just listen to the radio. " MERCK, where the patient comes first! "

Was playing while the truth came out about the Vioxx

tragedy. Around 60,000 Americans estimated to have died from that

drug. That's just the Americans.


I can't for the life of me remember where I read that PBS is heavily

funded with Pharmaceutical Money, or the companies that donate large

amounts of $$$$ have heavy ties to Big Pharma. Wish I could remember.


> We watched this PBS program and I was very disappointed. I was

hoping for an

> unbiased viewpoint about how our children are being medicated.

However, that

> was absolutely not the case. The interviewer never took the time to

> interview someone who had opposing views - she only interviewed so-


> medical experts who either completely were in favor of medicating


> children or who justified that it was being done.


> The black box warnings on antidepressants were also discussed and

how, as a

> result of these, people became more afraid of taking the


> This was obviously good news. However, they followed it with the

data that

> as a result of the black box warnings, more and more people are now

> referring to anti-psychotics, which are even more harmful.


> The reason that I was so disappointed was because I had forwarded


> e-mail to many of my friends and I felt like calling them at 10 pm

to tell

> them NOT to watch it.


> Joke Jolivette


> _____


> From: SSRI medications [mailto:SSRI-

Crusaders ]

> On Behalf Of Ball

> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 2:46 PM

> wildestcolts

> Subject: Fw: PBS Frontline: The Medicated

Child_Tuesday Jan

> 8

> Importance: High





> spam: PBS Frontline: The Medicated Child_Tuesday Jan 8



> >

> > Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability

> > http://www.ahrp. <http://www.ahrp.org> org and http://ahrp.

> <http://ahrp.blogspot.com> blogspot.com

> >

> > FYI

> > On Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 9:00 PM (Eastern), 10:00 PM (Pacific),


> > Broadcasting System will examine the most controversial issue in


> > healthcare:

> > why are more than 6 million American children being forced to


> > powerful,

> > toxic psychiatric drugs--some starting as young as two years old?

> >

> > Is it good medicine? What's the evidence to support the practice?

> >

> > The program promises to examine what many psychiatrists are

beginning to

> > acknowledge: American children are being subjected to an

uncontrolled high

> > risk experiment. Millions of American children are being

prescribed the

> > most

> > toxic brain damaging drugs--with absolutely no scientific

evidence of a

> > therapeutic benefit to support the practice.

> >

> > The increasing use of antipsychotic drugs for children is

correlated with

> > an

> > inexplicable epidemic in American children being " diagnosed " as


> > an

> > unprecedented diagnosis in children. Bipolar just happens to be

an FDA

> > approved use for antipsychotic drugs.

> >

> > So, the marked increased rates of bipolar diagnoses in children

over the

> > last five to seven years appears to be a case of the drugs

prompting the

> > diagnosis.

> > Indeed, as Dr. Hyman, a neuroscientist and former director

of the

> > National Institute of Mental Health, acknowledges, those

diagnoses are

> > unsupported by scientific evidence.

> >

> > Psychiatry's sling-shot prescribing practices rely on an


> > dictum: shoot first, ask questions years after major harm has

been done.

> > Such a cowboy mentality has led to a market-driven chemical

assault on our

> > children.

> >

> > Children's fears, cries, and anxieties, are being muffled with

toxic drugs

> > that undermine their mental and physical health.

> > Psychiatrists who are financially invested in expanding the

market are

> > diverting parents' attention from the lack of science and the


> > harmful

> > effects.

> >

> > Hopefully, viewers will wake up to the fact that America's

children are

> > the

> > target of psychopharmacological abuse.

> > There is no credible scientific evidence demonstrating a


> > benefit

> > from antipsychotics. These drugs' most prominent effect is


> >

> > How many children--like four-year old Riley-- will be


> > before this lethal paradigm of " treatment " in psychiatry is


> >

> > Is bad medicine any better just because it is promoted by


> > Harvard University child psychiatrists ?

> >

> >

> > Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

> > veracareahrp (DOT) <mailto:veracare%40ahrp.org> org

> > 212-595-8974

> >

> >

> > http://www.pbs.


> org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/

> >




> >

> > FRONTLINE presents


> > Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS

> >

> > Ten years ago, stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall were the

drugs of

> > choice

> > to treat behavioral issues in children. Today, children as young

as four

> > years old are being prescribed more powerful anti-psychotic


> > that

> > are much less understood. The drugs can cause serious side

effects and

> > virtually nothing is known about their long-term impact.

> >

> > The increase in the use of anti-psychotics is directly tied to

the rising

> > incidence of one particular diagnosis - bipolar disorder. Experts


> > that the number of kids with the diagnosis is now over a million


> > rising.

> >

> > In recent years, there's been a dramatic increase in the number


> > children

> > being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders and prescribed

> > medications that are just beginning to be tested in children. The


> > can

> > cause serious side effects, and virtually nothing is known about


> > long-term impact. " It's really to some extent an experiment,


> > medications in these children of this age, " child psychiatrist


> > Bacon tells FRONTLINE. " It's a gamble. And I tell parents there's

no way

> > to

> > know what's going to work. "

> >

> > In The Medicated Child, airing Tuesday, January 8, 2008, at 9

P.M. ET on

> > PBS

> > (check local listings), FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria


> > psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the

risks and

> > benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest


> > controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly


> > manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist

only in

> > adults, but, in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be


> > at

> > much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years

old. " The rates

> > of

> > bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many


> > over the last five to seven years, " says Dr. Hyman, a


> > director

> > of the National Institute of Mental Health. " I think the real

question is,

> > are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet

know the

> > answer. "

> >

> > Like many of the 1 million children now diagnosed with bipolar, 5-


> > was initially believed to suffer from an attention


> > disorder. His parents reluctantly started him on Ritalin, but

over the

> > next

> > five years, would be put on one drug after another. " It all


> > to

> > feel out of control, " 's father, Ron, told

FRONTLINE. " Nobody ever

> > said

> > we can work with this through therapy and things like that.

Everywhere we

> > looked it was, 'Take meds, take meds, take meds.' "

> >

> > Over the years, 's multiple medications have helped improve

his mood,

> > but they've also left him with a severe tic in his neck which

doctors are

> > having trouble fully explaining. " We're dealing with developing

minds and

> > brains, and medications have a whole different impact in the young

> > developing child than they do in an adult, " says Dr. nne


> > the

> > chief of psychiatry at Denver Children's Hospital. " We don't


> > that

> > impact very well. That's where we're still in the Dark Ages. "

> >

> > DJ Koontz was diagnosed with bipolar at 4 years old, after his


> > tantrums became more frequent and explosive. He was recently


> > powerful antipsychotic drugs. " It is a little worrisome to me

because he

> > is

> > so young, " says DJ's mother, . " If he didn't take it,

though, I

> > don't know if we could function as a family. It's almost a do-or-


> > situation over here. " DJ's medicines seem to be helping him in

the short

> > run, but the longer-term outlook is still uncertain. " What's not


> > clear is whether many of the kids who are called bipolar have


> > that's related to this very well-studied disorder in adults, "


> > Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental

Health. " It's not

> > clear that people with that adult illness started with what we're


> > calling bipolar in children. Nor is it clear that the kids who

have this

> > disorder are going to grow up to have what we used to call

> > manic-depressive

> > illness in adulthood. "

> >

> > While some urge caution when it comes to bipolar in children,


> > talks with others who argue that we should intervene with drug


> > at

> > even younger ages for children genetically predisposed to the


> > " The

> > theory is that if you get in early, before the first full mood


> > then

> > perhaps we can delay the onset to full mania, " says Dr. Kiki

Chang of

> > Stanford University. " And if that's the case, perhaps finding the


> > medication early on can protect a brain so that these children

never do

> > progress to full bipolar disorder. "

> >

> > FRONTLINE's 2001 documentary Medicating Kids can be watched

online at

> > www.pbs.org/frontline/shows/medicating

> >

> > The Medicated Child is a FRONTLINE co-production with RAINMedia,

Inc. The

> > writer and producer is Marcela Gaviria. The co-producer is Will


> > FRONTLINE is produced by WGBH Boston and is broadcast nationwide

on PBS.

> > Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS


> > Major

> > funding for FRONTLINE is provided by The D. and T.

> > MacArthur

> > Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park



> > is closed-captioned for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and

described for

> > people who are blind or visually impaired by the Media Access

Group at

> > WGBH.

> > FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational

Foundation. The

> > executive producer of FRONTLINE is Fanning.

> >

> > pbs.org/pressroom

> > Promotional photography can be downloaded from the PBS pressroom.

> >

> > Press contacts

> > Diane Buxton

> > (617) 300-5375

> > diane_buxton@ <mailto:diane_buxton%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> > Alissa Rooney

> > (617) 300-5314

> > alissa_rooney@ <mailto:alissa_rooney%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> > Phil Zimmerman

> > (617) 300-5366

> > phil_zimmerman@ <mailto:phil_zimmerman%40wgbh.org> wgbh.org

> >

> >

> > GET THE HTML POSTCARD to send to public health policy officials:

> > outreach_frontline@ <mailto:outreach_frontline%40wgbh.org>


> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________

> > Infomail1 mailing list

> > to unsubscribe send a message to Infomail1-leave@

> <mailto:Infomail1-leave%40ahrp.org> ahrp.org






> _____


> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.

> It has removed 17798 spam emails to date.

> Paying users do not have this message in their emails.

> Try SPAMfighter <http://www.spamfighter.com/len> for free now!





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