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Predictions of Tampa Wellness Examiner

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My top predictions for 2009

1) The U.S. Supreme Court will rule in favor of Big Pharma, betraying the American public by taking away its right to sue over dangerous pharmaceuticals that harm or kill. Anyone that has read my articles already know how I feel about pharmaceuticals and probably already guessed this prediction coming from me. It would be nice however if the new U.S. administration actually sided with us however wouldn’t it? Hmm…

2) The push for mandatory medication of the population will gain momentum in 2009, thanks to Big Pharma. They have already focused on mental health by pushing for mandatory mental health screening programs that could force children, expectant mothers and fragile adults to be medicated with mind-altering drugs. Why stop there?

3) More studies will continue to come out that denounce any link between vaccines and autism. This will coincide with drug companies that are continuing to push for more mandatory vaccination policies, even as autism rates continue to escalate.

4) The media will continue to attack antioxidants and vitamins, declaring them to be worthless or possibly dangerous. However at the same time the raw foods movement will continue to grow. Perhaps it will distance itself however from it’s its hippy past and move into more mainstream circles.

5) Drug companies will manufacture yet another miraculous use for Statin drugs. Perhaps it will treat depression or anxiety? Who knows…anything is possible when it comes to Big Pharma.

6) I am hoping that 2009 might be the year for the A.D.A. finally wakes up and abandon’s it’s stance on mercury fillings. The evidence of mercury toxicity is simply too great. It's not just the toxic effects on us either. It is also toxic to the environment as ton after ton of mercury is being swept into the environment each year. This is a prediction that I REALLY want to see happen. Are you listening Santa?

7) Now that major soda companies are behind the supplement stevia, it's only a matter of time before the FDA finally approves it for cereals, cookies and treats. Once it is approved, a wave of stevia sweetened products will hit the shelves in record time. It will be a welcome alternative to aspartame for sure. Something else I REALLY want to see happen.

8) The ocean's dead zones will continue to spread as pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals continue polluting the waterways. We are literally killing ourselves here on this planet.

9) Another major food contamination recall will occur that involves salmonella or e.coli contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables. This of course will only embolden the FDA as they continue to propose mass food irradiation.

10)Despite the reduction in fuel costs, food prices will continue to rise. By 2010 food prices could be 50% higher than they are right now in late 2008. It will become harder and harder to eat healthy and the poorest of our population will face either starvation or the biggest healthcare crisis we have ever seen. Mcs and Burger King will become the main staple with fresh produce taking a back seat. As the government is bailing out the economy, who will bail out the hungry?

Here is hoping that only my happy predictions come true. For once, I am hoping that I am wrong when it comes to the rest of my predictions.

Healthy Holidays,


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