Guest guest Posted March 24, 2008 Report Share Posted March 24, 2008 The History of Health (In Chronological Order ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- home page The History of Health (In Chronological Order) This page: 1946 - 1977 540 AD - 1945 1978 - 1994 This is a much abbreviated form of the VERY extensive chronological chart of the history of mankind, as compiled by Val Valerian at Please visit his website for the full history. Schools and universities don't teach us the history of the things which REALLY affect our lives, such as health. So I have put this together as a research tool. Where possible, references are given. However, this type of information is not always readily available. Therefore, flexibility was allowed in compiling this history. Please don't get upset if something was left out or shouldn't have been included or you don't believe it happened. Do some research and come up with your own chronological chart!!! I trust you will find the following to be interesting. If you do, please pass this information on to others (especially those who don't have access to the net). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 1946 Werne and Garrow describe the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of their second Pertussis shot. 1946 Dr.Gerson demonstrates medical proof of complete remissions of cancer in over 33% of his patients before the Pepper-Neeley Congressional Sub- Committee for Hearings on S1875, a bill to authorize the president to wage war on cancer. Lobbying for surgery, radiation and chemotherapy defeats the bill by four votes. The bill supported research into dietary means for preventing and reversing cancer. Gerson's publications were black-listed and he lost his license to practice medicine in New York. 1946 World Federation on Mental Health created. The term " eugenics " , because of its association with Nazi Germany, is dropped. The World Federation of Mental Health continues to support electroshock, lobotomy, mind control and other similar activities. It employs many who were involved in such practices in Nazi Germany. 1947 Brody at the Brooklyn Hospital gives detailed descriptions of two cases of brain damage leading to death in children receiving Pertussis shots. 1947 Dr. Dennis Gabor, Hungarian physicist, conceives of " holograms " . He gets the Nobel prize for this in 1971, when they become useful. 1947 Posner of the Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology writes, " almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vasculopathy that is often associated with demyelination. " (demyelination is the stripping of the insulation away from the nerves). 1947 The British Medical Research Council begins testing 50,000 children in Britain with the Pertussis vaccine. All children tested are more than 14 months old (not newborns). Eight infants had convulsions within 72 hours of the shot, 34 had convulsions within 28 days of the shot. British doctors denied a connection between the vaccine and the convulsions, declaring the tests a success and began administering it to all British children. Despite the Fact that none of the tests were conducted on children under 14 months old (newborns and babies), the United States holds the tests in evidence that the vaccine is safe for newborns as young as 6 weeks of age . The testing would continue until 1957. 1948 Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School publish an article describing children who had suffered brain damage after receiving Pertussis vaccine. The findings provided the first clear evidence that the vaccine caused serious neurological complications in children. 1948 Study done in England where bone defects in three groups of school boys were studied. Two groups were from districts where the water supply was practically free of fluorine. The third group was from the town of Launton, where the natural water supply contains 1ppm of fluorine (the same as the level deemed " safe " by the U.S. Public Health Service). X-ray examination revealed that 20 percent of the first two groups had mild non-specific spinal irregularities. In the third group, the one consuming 1ppm fluoride in their water, 64% were found to have spinal defects, and lesions were more severe. 1948 Randolph Byes and Frederick Moll of Harvard Medical School validate that severe neurological disorders follow the administration of DPT vaccine. The research was performed at Childrens Hospital in Boston and published in Pediatrics magazine. Nothing was done by physicians to halt the use of DPT vaccine. 1948 A study on Pertussis vaccine reaction is done by Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School. They examine 15 children who had reacted violently within 72 hours of a Pertussis vaccination. All the children were normal before the shot. None had ever had a convulsion before. One of the children became blind, deaf, spastic and helpless after being given the Pertussis shot. Out of the 15 children, two died and nine suffered from damage to their nervous system. Physicians were displeased by these results. 1948 Dr.Sander, Vet Admin, discovers sugar intake related to polio development. 1948 National " Campaign Against Cancer " conducted by medical monopoly to gain financial support. 1948 England bans smallpox vaccine. 1948 The Rockefeller milk trust sells frozen products and pasteurized milk in North Carolina, closely allied with the Coca Cola company who sells large quantities of carbonated soft drinks. 1948 In North Carolina, Dr. P. Sandler reveals that sugar and starches lower the blood sugar level, producing hypoglycemia. Also that soda pop (recently introduced) contains phosphoric acid that absorbs phosphorus and sulfates in food before natural metabolism can get it to the nervous system,causing the nerve trunks to fail to function properly . Sandler says that dairy products and sugared soft drinks are aggravating the incidence of polio. 1948 Polio cases in North Carolina number 2,498. See 1949. 1948 Louis Sauer makes an interesting observation at an AMA meeting where Pertussis vaccination was discussed. Louis Sauer points out that " the neurological damage caused by Pertussis vaccine is the same as the damage caused by Pertussis (whooping cough). (Which is logical, because they use the bacteria in the vaccine). According to Sauer, " a customary prophylactic dose of Pertussis vaccine seems to illicit a chain of nervous system reactions and in some cases irreversable pathological changes in the brain. These findings resemble those encountered in cases of severe whooping cough (Pertussis). " In other words, the vaccine is causing the disease condition. 1949 AMA Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry goes on record to deny that dietary changes could have anything to do with prevention or treatment of cancer. 1949 US Public Health Service Division of Biologics Standards establish a national potency test for Pertussis vaccine, and modify it in 1953 to establish potency limits. Despite this, the Pertussis vaccine that is pronounced " safe " still causes minimal brain damage (MBD) in humans. 1949 Noticing that polio strikes most in the summer, when children increase their intake of sugar, Dr. Sandler warns residents to cut down on sugar and dairy products in North Carolina. Polio cases dramatically decrease to 249. (See 1948, when they were 2,498). 1950 The 1948 findings of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denegrated in the public media, who claims that Sandlers findings are a " myth. " 1950 Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre-1949 level. 1950 The U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco in a biological warfare experiment conducted on the American public. Many residents came down with a pneumonia-like disease and one person died because of it. 1950 Professor Pierre LePine, noted scientist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, is reported in the March 30, 1950 edition of the New York Times, as saying " no more than one injection in 2,000 really prevents polio. " 1950 TB death rate down to 50 per 100,000 1950 Introduction of Anti-histimines as popular cold remedy. 1950 Soviets add fluorides to water in prison system to maintain subservience in the inmate population. 1951 Theiler wins Nobel for work on yellow fever vaccine. 1951 The U.S. Public Health Service, with the cooperation of the American Dental Association, holds a meeting of state dental directors at which the methods for promotion of fluoridation are outlined. A concentration of 1.2 ppm was suggested, and state dental directors were instructed to lie to the public about the toxic effects of sodium fluoride. They were to deliberately misinform the public by relating the presence of " high-fluoride areas " to " less cancer and less polio " - an entire public relations campaign meant to convince the public to allow themselves to be medicated. 1951 Approximately 400,000 pounds of penicillin and 350,000 pounds of strepto- mycin produced in the United States. 1951 Dulles orders 100 million doses of LSD from Sandoz. 1952 The American Dental Association publishes an issue of its Journalinstructing its dentists not to discuss their personal opinions about fluoride. 1952 Albert Lasker, who manages the ACS, dies. Lasker lobbies Congress for funds " to fight cancer " , and the National Cancer Institute Budget goes from$18 million per year to $110 million per year -half involved with chemotherapy. would also begin to plan the looting of the US Treasury for the " cancer program " . (See 1969) 1952 From 1952 to 1956, the cities on the " fluoridation list " began to fluoridate their water supplies. As the process of water fluoridation continued, the cancer death rate of the fluoridated cities began to far exceed the rate of the unfluoridated cities. 1952 US Representative Dr.A.L., Chairman of the Special Committee on Chemicals and Foods, stated, " I sometimes wonder if ALCOA Aluminum and its subsidiaries might not have a deep interest in getting rid of sodium fluoride, a toxic waste product of the aluminum industry. In this connection it is interesting to note that the person in charge of the public health, Ewing, is also an attorney for ALCOA. " 1952 Contraceptive birth control pill using phosporated hesperidin produced. 1952 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, Hearings of the Select Committee to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Food and Cosmetics. Dr. " The US Dental Association made some examination and recommended to the farmers that fluorine not be added to the water of pregnant sows because it did something to the pigs that were unborn " Dr. Porterfield " There is more money available for matters that have economic value, than there is for health. " 1952 Formulation of the polio vaccine begins. Tens of millions of doses of polio vaccines produced from virus grown in monkey cells infected with SV-40 (Simian Virus #40). 1953 In the United States, Senator Tobey begins a Senate investigation into the cancer industry. U.S. Justice Department attorney Ben Fitzgerald is hired as special counsel. Fitzgerald's report concludedthat " the AMA, in direct collaboration with the National Cancer Institute and the Federal Drug Administration, entered into a conspiracy to suppress alternative, effective cancer treatments. " Said Fitzgerald, " if radiation, surgery and drugs are the complete answer, then the greatest hoax of the age is being perpetrated upon the people by the continued appeal for funds for further research. " Senator Tobey is dispatched with a convenient " heart attack " , as has happened to others who threaten the cancer industry. Tobey's replacement, Senator Bricker, orders Fitzgerald to stop the investigation. Fitzgerald refuses and is fired. The investigation is halted and buried. 1953 At the University of Zurich, Dr. S. Kong of the Pediatric Clinic compiles a list of 82 cases of Pertussis vaccine damage from world literature. 1953 Senator Tobey, Jr enters an investigative report into the Congressional Record (Fitzgerald Report) which indicated that evidence existed of a conspiracy to suppress medical advances in the treatment of cancer in the 1950's. 1953 Pertussis vaccinations in France, Chile, Austria, Holland and the Scandinavian countries are positively correlated with cases of autism. US ignores data. 1953 The Swedish conduct a study on the Pertussis vaccine. L. Annell, a Swedish researcher, writes a major work on Pertussis which indicates that " pertussis vaccine may be associated with the most varying kinds of cerebral complications which may be cortical, subcortical or peripheral. " Encephalitis after vaccination is known to produce the same range of disabilities and impairment. Annel also wrote, " during the past few decades certain of the epidemic children's diseases, measles in particular, have shown an increased tendency to attack the central nervous system. After the 1920's a large number of cases involving CNS damage were reported. 1954 , Kline and French puts Thorazine on the market. By 1975, doctors would write 200,000,000 prescriptions annually for psychotropic drugs for people not hospitalized. 1954 Salk vaccine begins to be given to school children in Philadelphia. 1954 Parke- pharmaceutical company combines the DPT shot with Polio vaccine. The new combination of four vaccines is called Quadrigen. (See 1959). 1954 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo deems LSD a " new agent for unconventional warfare. " CIA orders 100 million doses from I.G. Farben through Sandoz for mind control experiments well into the 1960's. 1954 A study is publishedwhich links fluorides and the development of cancer in animals. Ref: A , " Sodium Fluoride in the Drinking Water of Mice " , Dental Digest, Vol 60, pp170-172. 1954 Mass introduction of sugared soft drinks in the United States. 1954 General vaccination programs against Polio begin in the United States. 1954 Reward of $30,000 offered to anyone who proves polio vaccine not a fraud.Not one person was able to claim the reward. 1954 C.E.Perkins, I.G.Farben chemist, admits fluoride is to reduce resistance in people to authority. 1954 Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, allows a press photo to be taken during a ceremony declaring Salk vaccine safe. 1954 Polio rate caused by the vaccine accelerates ten-fold in Massachusetts. 1954 Eli Lilly company begins renovation of a five-story building in Indianapolis in July 1954 for the production of Salk vaccine. It is in full production by October of 1954. Wyeth, Parke- and others follow suit. 1955 Under the MacArthur regime, every citizen in Japan receives two smallpox vaccinations. (Life magazine Aug 22, 1955). 1955 Georgia State public health officers meet in Atlanta (May 1955) to discuss what was going wrong with the Salk vaccine program . A U.S. Public Health scientist at the meeting told the group that " he was not permitted to disclose what had happened because it would jeopardize the investment of the pharmaceutical firms in the vaccine program. " 1955 Measles death rate has naturally declined, without vaccines, to .03 per 100,000 by 1955. 1955 American Cancer Society advertising circular states " cancer will strike one of every four persons now living. More children from 3 to 15 years of age die of cancer than from any other disease. " (50 years before, cancer was unheard of in children). According to the ACS, they are predicting 6.4 million deaths from cancer, compared with 128,000 in 1933 - an increase of 6.2 million cases in 22 years. Vaccination, pesticide use and chemical pollution are the main factors that have increased since 1933. 1955 Despite the skyrocketing cases of vaccine-induced polio, the AMA, NFIP and USPHS claim a reduction of 40-50%. 1955 Idaho brings its Salk vaccination program to a halt on July 1, 1955. Utah does the same on July 12, 1955. 1955 Boston Herald newspaper reports on April 18, 1955, features an article entitled " Drug Companies Expecting Big Profit on Salk Vaccine " , which stated. " A spokesman for Parke-, which made 50% of the Salk vaccine, said 'now that it has been declared safe, we can get back the millions we invested in the development of the Salk vaccine and make a profit out of it. Our company will make over $10 million on Salk vaccine in 1955.' " 1955 and Company, Wall Street brokers specializing in drug securities, estimate that the gross revenue of the six vaccine houses licensed to produce and sell Salk vaccine would be about $60 million, with profits of $20 million. 1955 The CIA conducts a biological warfare experiment in the Tampa Bay area in Florida with agents withdrawn from an Army CBW center. A sharp rise in whooping cough (Pertussis) cases occurs, including 12 deaths, following the test. 1955 The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis asks the public for $47 million in its " March of Dimes " campaign. The program took over $249 million from the American public since racketeers decided to use FDR's birthday in 1933 as the time of year for the campaign. 1955 American Cancer Society publication " Cancer Facts " states " there are only three proven ways to curb cancer - x-rays, radium and surgery, either singly or in combination. " 1955 Washington Bureau of the Detroit Free Press reports, on June 3, 1955, that " The USPHS reported that more children who received Salk shots made by the Wyeth Labs suffered polio than could normally be expected; " 1955 AMA Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Article by C. Spaulding who covered the conference was published in the AMA Journal, June 19, 1955, " A policy of secrecy and deception has been followed by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the US Public Health Service in the polio vaccine programs. The nation's physicians were prevented from learning vital information about the trouble with Salk vaccine. The US Public Health Service had an advisory group made up almost entirely of scientists who were receiving money from the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, which was exerting pressure to go ahead with the program even after Salk vaccine was found to be dangerous. " . Spaulding further said, " the Infantile Paralysis Foundation kept secret the fact that live virus was detected in four out of six supposedly " finished and safe " lots of vaccine. " 1955 Salk Polio Vaccine again used in the US.Cases of polio skyrocket again in the United States. 1955 Reports that doctors on the staff of the National Institutes for Health are avoiding vaccination of their children with the Salk vaccine. After experimenting with 1,200 monkeys, they declared the Salk vaccine worthless as a preventative and a danger to take. 1955 Molecular structure of insulin determined. 1955 First vaccinated generation become adolescents. 1955 Vermont reports a 266% increase in polio since vaccinations began in 1954. 1955 Rhode Island reports 454% increase in polio since vaccinations in 1954. 1955 Massachusetts reports 642% increase in polio since vaccinations began in 1954 with vaccination of 130,000 children. In response, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis states that the increase in cases was due to the fact that " no children were vaccinated there. " Massachusetts bans the sale of Salk vaccine. " 1955 Dr. Graham W. , director of Britains Public Health Laboratory Service, who knew about the NIH Salk vaccine trials, says " I do not see how any vaccine prepared by Salk's method can be guaranteed safe. " 1955 US Surgeon General Scheele admits in a closed session of the AMA that " Salk polio vaccine is hard to make and no batch can be proven safe before given to children " . Despite this fact, the public is told that the vaccine is safe. The government announces that it has the intention to vaccinate 57 million people before August 1955. 1955 Surgeon General Scheele (who never practiced medicine a day in his life) goes on public radio saying " I have complete confidence in the Salk vaccine. I urge doctors to continue vaccinations. " 1955 Rock music injected into society. Hyper- activity begins to appear in children. Children are born " only thinking of themselves " , indicating neurological changes have taken place. 1955 Dr. Saul Krugman conducts experiments at Willowbrook Hospital in New York in which children are deliberately infected with active Hepatitis virus as part of a study of the disease. Some of the children were retarded. 1956 Seventeen states in the United States reject their government- supplied Salk polio vaccine. 1956 The US tests experimental birth control drugs made by Searle on women in Puerto Rico and Haiti. The women were not informed about potentially serious side effects. 1956 The US Army begins a 3-year program testing biological warfare agents in poor black communities in Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida. The Army releases mosquitos infected with yellow fever. Many people developed unknown fevers and some died. After each test, the US Army posed as health officials, photographing and testing victims, then disappearing as quickly as they arrived. 1956 US government appropriates $53.6 million to " aid states in providing free vaccine to people under 20 years of age " . 1956 Idaho health director states that polio only struck vaccinated children in areas where there had been no cases of polio since the preceeding autumn. In 90% of the cases, the paralysis occurred in the arm in which the vaccine had been injected. 1956 American Public Health Service announces 168 cases of polio and 6 deaths among those vaccinated. Censorship is then imposed on the reporting of reactions to Salk vaccine. 1956 The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis conducts its annual " March of Dimes " campaign, milking the public of $47 million. 1956 Annual production of DDT 500 million pounds. 1956 Oral polio vaccine developed further by Sabin. 1956 March 1956 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association, H.C. Hodge remarks, " skeletal deposition of fluoride is a continuing process in which a considerable portion of the ingested fluoride, perhaps 25 to 50%, is deposited in the skeleton. " 1956 Rock and Roll in full swing. 1956 Four new antibiotics tested in the United States. 1956 The US Public Health Service and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (Rockefeller) put on a drive to " sell " Salk polio vaccine to the public. 1957 Governor Knight of California asks the legislature for $3 million in order to insure vaccination for all those under 40 years old with Salk polio vaccine. The newspapers report that corporate profits from the Salk vaccine will be in excess of $5 billion. (Feb 6, 1957). Governor Knight notes there are 4 million Californians under 40 and signs the bill. 1957 FDA tests report that 10 of 13 certified food dyes produce cancer in rats 1957 Pertussis vaccination programs exist in all industrialized nations, with the US leading the way. The vaccine is promoted as " risk free " . 1957 In a 1957 AMA report it was stated " It is too early to know what the effects of artificial fluoridation will be. What is reported as a reduction in dental decay may in fact be a delay in recognition of decay, and reasons given for believing that artificially fluoridated water will have the same effects as water with natural fluoride are not valid. " 1957 Records for New Britain, Connecticut (where the use of industrial fluorides had been in use for 6 years) showed that some of the children's teeth had been damaged beyond repair where the water is fluoridated. Even when the percentage of industrial fluorine is kept at or below 1 ppm, mottling is produced in 10-15% of the children examined. Mottled teeth are teeth showing symptoms of fluorosis, and the enamel of mottled teeth is brittle and subject to mechanical injury which is difficult or impossible to repair. 1957 Examination of the 1957 directory of the American Psychiatric Association shows that an enormous percentage of individuals listed are foreign-born, mostly from Germany and Eastern Europe. 1958 World literature now contains 107 cases of severe reaction to Pertussis vaccine (93 of those cases were in the US). At the Fountain Hospital in London, Dr. J.M. Berg analyzed the 107 cases and found that 31 of them showed signs of permanent brain damage. Berg calls attention to the danger of mental retardation as an effect of the Pertussis vaccine and emphasizes that " any suggestion of a neurological reaction to a Pertussis vaccination should be an absolute contraindication to further innoculation. " The United States medical establishment ignores and suppresses the data. American physicians maintain that the damage caused is small compared to " lack of 'serious' reactions in children vaccinated. " No data has ever been found to justify a basis for this conclusion. 1958 Verdict of $147,000 rendered against Cutter Laboratories in Calfornia for the crippling of two children with the Salk polio vaccine. Cutter Labs was the only vaccine manufacturer not part of the Rockefeller Trust. 1958 In October 1958, Dr. J.F. Montague, a medical doctor, published material reflecting his growing concern over fluoridation in the Journal of the International College of Surgeons, connecting the presence of fluorine in the human body to cancer. 1958 An interesting piece of work was done by Dr. Kerwin, a dentist, in which it was shown that the simultaneous presence of fluorine and strontium 90 in the human body may result in a greater accumulation of both substances in which compounds like strontium fluoride are formed. Because of the low solubility of these substances, the body has a very hard time getting rid of them. His report was published in Dental Digest in February 1958. 1958 Survey of 13,000 adolescent boys in Philadelphia who had been vaccinated, 7.5% were associated with crime. 1958 Delaney Act on Food Additives Enacted into law. 1958 Time magazine reports that a Harvard biochemist and his assistants had been working for 10 years, bankrolled by the Sugar Research Foundation, to discover a way to prevent sugar causing dental decay. No remedy found. 1958 US Government burns papers of Wilhelm Reich in New York City. 1958 Outgoing President of the Gerontological Society, Dr.A.Lansing, muses " finding a cure for cancer and heart disease would be a major financial disaster which would bankrupt the social security system and the insurance companies. " Prevention, J.L. Rodale, 11/1961. 1959 In the report of the proceedings of the 3rd Medical-Dental Conference on the Evaluation of Fluoridation, held on March 7, 1959 in New York City, the committee concluded that " It is apparent that the practice of fluoridation is not the simple, trustworthy procedure that the promoting authorities have given the profession and the public to believe. Added to the lack of control of fluorides at the consumers tap are these major uncertainties: the gross variation in individual water consumption, the varied intake of fluorides in food and the fluoride intake from atmospheric and occupational exposure. These unpredictable issues make meaningless any talk about " controlled individual fluorine intake. " Most, if not all of this research has been buried by the authorities, who maintain glibly that " fluoride compounds are safe in the water supply " . 1959 The United States never conducts its own clinical trials on Pertussis vaccine, but instead relies (as it still does today) on data collected by Britain's Medical Research Council in clinical trials in England in the 1950's for " proof of vaccine safety and effectiveness in newborns and children. " Interestingly, Britain's trials on 50,000 British children were performed on children more than 14 months old. None of the children were newborns. 1959 National Institute of Health (NIH) approves licensing of Quadrigen vaccine for children, containing Pertussis, Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccines. The new combination vaccine was found to be highly reactive and was withdrawn from the market in 1968 after parents started filing lawsuits against Parke- for vaccine damaged children. 1959 Fluorides were used as an enzyme inhibitor in a study by J.D. Ebert that was published in 1959 on the metabolic pathways by which organs in an embryo are formed. In low concentrations, he found that sodium fluoride blocked almost completely the regions destined to form muscle, primarily affecting the heart muscle. In higher concentrations, it caused the entire embryo to disintegrate in a clear-cut pattern, starting with the heart-forming region. 1959 As early as 1959, the knowledge existed that the presence of fluoride in human bodies hastens the absorption of radioactive substances present in the environment. In a report to the Atomic Energy Commission's Division of Biology and Medicine entitled " The Metabolism of Alkaline Earth Metals by Bone " by F.W. Lengemann, professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee on March 23, 1959, it was scientifically shown that the presence of fluorine and other environmental substances such as lead and cyanide in the human body increased the ratio of strontium 90 to calcium in bone. 1959 Dr. Albert Sabin develops oral live virus polio vaccination. 1959 The Ontario Minister of Health, Dr. Dymond, announced that no further fluoridation would be permitted there, because " no one knows for sure what the effect is to persons given fluoride throughout a lifetime. " 1959 In research conducted on the incidence of Mongolism in cities in Wisconsin, Illinois and the Dakotas published in 1959 in the official publication of the French Academy of Medicine, it was found thatas the percentage of fluorides in the water rose, there was a parallel rise in the incidence of Mongoloid births. The age of the mothers giving birth to Mongoloid babies also declined with rising fluoride levels. It is interesting thatin the first three years of fluoridation, New Britain, Connecticut experienced a 150% rise in still births. 1959 Nobel prize to Ochoa & Kornberg for synthesis of RNA and DNA. 1959 Pertussis vaccine found to have allergenic effect on animals. 1960 British Medical Journal publishes an article by Swedish vaccine researcher Justus Strom, who stated that the neurological complications from the disease Pertussis are less than that in the Pertussis vaccine. Strom also pointed out that " whooping cough (Pertussis) had changed and had become a milder disease, making it questionable whether universal vaccination against it is justified. " 1960 General vaccination program for measles begins in the United States. 1960 The American Dental Association issued a pamphlet for public consumption called Fluoridation Facts: Answers to Criticisms of Fluoridation. In defense of the use of toxic fluoride compounds in public water supplies (which is a grievous crime against humanity, since it means mandated involuntary public medication), they used the logic that " people have been known to live to a ripe old age " in areas where the water supply is fluoridated. Unfortunately, they neglected to mention that the addition of fluoride to the water supply correlated directly with the number of still births, mongoloid children, brittle teeth and enlarged dental root structures, adverse spinal conditions, osteomalacia (softening of the bones) and osteoporosis (abnormally porous and spaced structure inside bone) in the medicated population as opposed to control populations that were unmedicated. 1960 Synthetic pituitary hormone achieved. 1960 Synthetic chlorophyll achieved. 1960 Development of laser device in United States. 1960 Canada begins to irradiate potatoes. 1960 It is estimated in 1960 that over 1,000,000 children have vaccine-caused disabilities, including learning difficulties and school behavioral problems, behavioral disturbances, allergies, speech difficulties, visual problems, and problems in adjustment and coping. 1961 A senior school medical officer in northern England, J.M.Hooper, finds that parents are beginning to refuse to bring children for a Pertussis booster shot, based on earlier violent reaction to the " vaccination. " Children were suffering from collapse, vomiting, and uncontrollable screaming. No one paid attention to these warnings. 1961 In Great Britain, Dr. R.A.Holman of the Royal Institute of Pathology discussed fluoride poisoning in an article in the April 15, 1961 issue of the British Medical Journal. He noted that the long- term effects of sodium fluoride ingestion needed much more investigation. He said " Fluoride is a well-known inhibitor of several enzyme systems " . 1961 Sabin polio vaccine immunization campaign. 1961 United States conducts Operation Ranch Hand in Vietnam to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam using Agent Orange (dioxin). Generations of birth defects would appear in Vietnamese after this period. Agent Orange was also used by the British in Malaysia. By the time spraying ended, over 240 pounds of dioxin had been dumped on Asia.Two ounces in the water supply is enough to kill the population of New York or London. In 1981, the company that produced Agent Orange would be target of a class action lawsuit. 1962 US Army conducts biological warfare tests off Corpus Christ, Texas, spreading particles of zinc-cadmium sulfide, a compound which can cause birth defects, kidney and liver damage (AP 6/22/94). 1962 Allan H. Frey publishes an article in Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol 17 July 1962 entitled " Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy " . Frey discusses that even deaf people can pick up transmitted RF sound patterns and speech, as the brain is a receiver. In one experiment, Frey used pulsed microwaves to stop the heart of a frog, and also discovered that microwave effects on the hypothalamus had powerful effects on the emotions. 1962 World population 3.1 billion on a planet Harvard University studies would later determine can comfortably hold 44 billion. 1962 United States has 200 nuclear reactors in operation, Britain 39, Russia 39. 1962 Thalidomide birth defects in children. Later, in late 1995, medical orthodoxy would resurrect the use of thalidomide for AIDS patients. 1962 Soft drinks are consumed at 16 gallons per person per year. 1962 First meeting in London of Parents of Autistic Children. 1962 Kefauver amendment to Food & Drug Act requiresFDA efficacy review. A threat to pharmaceutical industry and Rockefeller Medical Monopoly. 1963 American Academy of Sciences study shows low fluoride levels increase tumors. 1963 British physician writes that pediatricians had become concerned about the high incidence of unpleasant reactions to the DPT shot. 1963 Correlation between SAT score decline and increase in violent crime. The study was by Rimland and Larson. The 1960's marked the beginning of the decline of the American IQ. Tests given in 1970 showed less capacity than in 1945. 1963 FDA gives permission for irradiation of bacon. Permission taken back in 1968. 1963 Time magazine expose of widespread prison experiments in " war on cancer " . 1963 US Senate investigators told FDA works too closely with drug companies. 1963 McCone, a founder of Bechtel, is CIA Director. 1963 AMA Committee on Quackery incorporated to attack chiropractic doctors. 1963 American researcher F.Enders creates a measles vaccine. Mass innoculations begin. 1963 A study is published which links fluorides and development of cancer in animals. Ref: Irwin Herskowitz and Isabel Norton " Increased Incidence of Melanotic Tumors...Following Treatment with Sodium Fluoride " , Genetics, Vol 48, pp307-310. 1963 Children vaccinated with killed measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967 develop Atypical Measles Syndrome (AMS). Studies suggest the children's response to the " wild " measles virus is " altered " and that the severity and persistence of symptoms suggests encephalopathy (brain damage.) See 1967. 1964 Rimland calls attention to the parallels between autism and the brain injured children described by researchers in the 1930's and 1940's. 1964 Reward of $30,000 offered to prove polio vaccine was not fraud. No takers. 1964 Business Week magazine reports prisoner testing saves millions for companies 1964 Child autism shows a rising tide in pediatric clinics in the United States. In retrospect, the increased prevalence of autism in the 1950's and 1960's precisely reflected the expansion of mandated vaccination programs during the same decades. 1965 A study is published which links fluorides to cancer in animals. Ref: A. and N.C., " Effect of Fluoride on Tumor Growth " , Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol 65, pp252-255. 1965 Dow Chemical Company undertakes a 3-year human experimentation program on black prisoners ar Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia testing the human effects of dioxin, the highly toxic component of Agent Orange. No follow-up studies were conducted. A previous experiment by Dow on 51 prisoners was also conducted. After the harmful effects are determined, the agent is sprayed on the human population in Southeast Asia, causing decades of death and birth defects in both residents and US soldiers who return from the war. 1965 Americans discover Soviet microwave bombardment of the American Embassy in Moscow. The State Department keeps the discovery a secret and begins a program studying the embassy employees for effects, which included leukemia, nausea, lymphoma and bleeding from the eyes. The existence of the Soviet beam was finally acknowledged in 1976. 1965 Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA) sets up laboratory at Walter Army Institute of Research in Washington DC to further study electromagnetic weapons. From this research comes the knowledge that microwaves cause central nervous system effects and can influence behavior. 1965 Medicare bill becomes law. 1965 Congress passes the Immunization Assistance Act. More states made their vaccination programs obligatory. 1966 Department of Health Education and Welfare data reveals that 49.2% of citizens surveyed suffer from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). 1966 American Cancer Society formulates a " State Model Cancer Act " which is designed to prevent any treatment of cancer by anything other than surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The use of other methods becomes a felony. California, Illinois, Kentucky, land, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio and Pennsylvania now enforce a variation of this " anti-quackery " law. 1966 General vaccination programs for Rubella (German measles) are put into action in the United States. (See 1971). 1966 University of Wisconsin study suggests cyclamates be removed from food. 1967 The FDA stops the use of an experimental cancer vaccine which was producing significant results. Developed by Rand and Eernest Ayre, a recognized cancer specialist. The Rand vaccine produced significant improvement in terminal patients in over 30% of patients. It cured tumors and breast cancer in four to six months, without radiation, surgery or chemotherapy. 1967 At the Bland-Sutton Institute of Middlesex Hospital in London, Dick writes, " it has been long known that increasing the number of Pertussis bacteria per dose of vaccine increases the frequency of reactions. It would be surprising if decreasing the size of the infants receiving a particular vaccine did not also increase the reactions. " A violation of a standard axiom in medicine, which matches the size and weight to an amount of substance. (Why are newborns getting the same dosage as an adult?). 1967 General vaccination program for Mumps begins in the United States. 1967 AMA receives 43% of income from drug advertisements. $13.6 million. 1967 AMA forces Veterans Administration to refuse chiropractic service payments. 1968 Rockefeller monopoly moves to back food irradiation process on national level. 1968 Vietnamese are given US supplied processed rice (with B-complex removed) to replace healthy whole rice diet, and tons of sugar. Induces mass disease in Vietnamese. 1969 Lasker initiates " the War on Cancer " , eventually resulting in Nixon signing it into law in 1971. It would provide vast taxpayer dollars to the NCI and derivitive benefits to the ACS. 1969 Dr.Harlan , professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, states that according to carefully researched statistics,a cancer patient who did not receive surgery, chemotherapy or radiation had a greater life expectancy than the one who receives treatment by about four times. Ref: Harlan , " A Report on Cancer " , available at University of California Berkeley library. (See 1975) 1969 Diptheria outbreak in Chicago. The Chicago Board of Heath reports that 37.5% of the Diptheria cases had been fully vaccinated or showed immunity. 1969 Neurologically defective 4 and 5 year olds begin to appear. 1969 A Congressional study reveals that 37 of 49 top officials of the FDA who left the agency moved into high positions within pharmaceutical companies they had regulated. (See 1975). 1969 By 1969, the fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 225 per 100,000 people, while non-fluoridated cities had an average cancer death rate of 195 per 100,000. The data indicates a fluoride-linked increase of cancer of 10% in only 13-17 years. These figures were checked and confirmed in 1979 by the United States National Cancer Institute. 1969 US Department of Defense sought funds from Congress to create a " synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired " Funds granted in 1970 Appropriations. 1969 US takes steps to ban DDT in the United States, but DDT still exported. 1970 Project Pandora activities are curbed, but research takes a turn where classified RF Mind Control testing becomes a military priority, since pulsed microwave beams out perform drugs, ECT, torture, brain surgery and other forms of behavior modification. 1970 Due to the increasingly mild nature of whooping cough (Pertussis), infant deaths cease from naturally acquired Pertussis in Sweden. Deaths associated with vaccine continue. Sweden stops Pertussis vaccination in 1970. 1970 US Dept of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) reports " as much as 26% of children receiving rubella (german measles) vaccination in national testing programs developed arthralgia and arthritis . Many had to seek medical attention and some were hospitalized. " 1970 A study by Pittman reveals Pertussis vaccine can induce hypoglycemia due to increased production of insulin. (Ref: DPT shots). Study is corroborated in 1978 by Hannick and Cohen and by Hennessen and Quast in West Germany. Result: Pertussis and DPT vaccines can cause diabetes. 1970 Second International Conference on Psychosurgery draws 100 participants and 41 papers from around the world. Honorary president of the Conference was Dr. Walter Freeman, Ewen Cameron's left hand man, who performed no less than 4,000 frontal lobotomies, often on people suffering only mild depression. Freeman went on to become a respected San Francisco " brain specialist. " 1970 FDA Commissioner Dr. Herbert Ley blows the whistle on the FDA and its corrupt relationship with the medical and pharmaceutical cartels. It is ignored by an intimidated government. Ley is forced out and replaced. 1970 Multinational companies begin the process of acquiring 1,000 seed and plant breeding companies. In the 1980's they would spend $10 billion on company acquisitions. 1971 Saccarin removed from FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list. 1971 The incidence of asthma in children begins a significant increase. 1971 Germany bans water fluoridation. 1971 The American Cancer Society decided that screening women for breast cancer was a good idea. (See 1974). (Note: " Screening " = Radiation that causes cancer) 1971 Dr. H.J. publishes results of a comprehensive national study of traffic accidents. concludes thata " significant source " of many unexplainable accidents is that " millions of American drivers are subject to pathological drowsiness and hypoglycemia due to functional hyperinsulinism " 1972 Sweden bans water fluoridation. 1972 Pepsi Corporation opens its first franchise in Russia in exchange for import of Soviet wines and spirits. 1972 Dr.Dean Burk of the National Cancer Institute declares in a letter to a member of Congress that high officials of the FDA,AMA,ACS and U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now HHS) were deliberately falsifying data and information, lying, committing unconstitutional acts and in other ways thwarting potential cures to which they were opposed. (Letter to Congressman Louis Frey Jr). Also dealt with the issue of laetrile, a non-patentable (natural) product opposed by the California Medical Association. 1972 Soft drink consumption 30 gallons per year per person. 1972 World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus (see 1969) and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be " to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results " . It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns. Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas. The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO). 1972 New York State Department of Agriculture determines that 30% of organic food is contaminated with pesticides, as compared with 25% in regular foods. Journal of the American Medical Association v230, Oct 14,1974, " The Organic Food Myth " 1972 British Journal of Psychiatry #120 reveals that " psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections. " (Ref: viruses induced by vaccines). 1973 The NCI-ACS Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project (BCDP) starts, and would last until 1978. Ralph Nader tests some of the machines, and finds out that 55% of them emit more than a safe dosage. (See 1974, ,Pike). 1973 Medical World News in March 1973 revealed data from a tobacco industry authority that cigarettes are 5% sugar, cigars 20% and 40% in some pipe tobaccos. 1973 Two former Congressmen and one vice-chairman of the AMA Council on Drugs testify before Congress. They accuse the AMA of being " held captive of and beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. " 1973 Sugar Information Foundation places full-page advertisements in national magazines in the United States, labelling sugar a carbohydrate and a nutrient. Later, after a Senate Hearing, the National Advertising Review Board determined that the claim that sugar was a nutrient was without foundation. 1973 Netherlands bans water fluoridation. 1974 Article is written in Britain by Kulenkampff, Schwartzman and who retrospectively analyze 36 cases of neurological illness at the Hospital for Sick Children in London from 1961 to 1972. All the cases were thought to be attributable to DPT shots.Out of 36 cases, 4 recovered completely, 2 died, and 30 were left mentally retarded or in seizure conditions. 1974 British researcher Disk estimates that there are 80 cases of severe neurological complications from Pertussis vaccine annually. Over 33% of these children died and another 33% were left with brain damage. Dick maintains he is not convinced that the community benefit from the vaccine outweighs the damage. 1974 The Association of Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children is formed in Britain, and pressures the government to study adverse reactions to Pertussis vaccine. 1974 Dr. Karl Z. ,director of Health Physics at Oak Ridge, comes forth to warn that diagnostic X-rays were causing the same cancer they were meant to screen. Despite the warning, the NCI-ACS breast screening program kept on going. 1974 Professor Malcom C. Pike at the University of California School of Medicine writes the National Cancer Institute that a number of specialists had concluded that " giving a woman under age 50 a mammogram on a routine basis is close to unethical. " 1974 J.F.Schapitz proposes a project, later funded by the US Department of Defense, showing how the spoken word of a hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into subconscious parts of the brain. The subject cannot consciously control the information input. 974 California passes an act based on American Cancer Society " Model Law " in 1966 which makes it a felony to treat cancer in California by any method other than radiation, surgery or chemotherapy. 1974 The Safe Water Drinking Act is passed. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets maximum contamination levels (MCL) for various water pollutants, including sodium fluoride. The EPA sets the fluoride contamination level at an unbelievable 1.4 ppm for " warmer climates " and up to 2.4 ppm for " colder climates " . Furthermore, the American Dental Association begins pressuring the EPA to raise the MCL for fluoride in public water to 8 ppm, when it is fully known that systemic damage occurs below 1 pmm. The National Drinking Water Advisory Council refuses to recommend raising the fluoride MCL, and came close to recommending its lowering. However, the EPA farmed out research work to ICAIR Life Systems, which issues a fraudulent report (confirmed by ICAIR employee Dr. Beaver). The report is woven into the US EPA report on fluoride, resulting in the EPA recommendation of MCL for sodium fluoride in public water to be 4 ppm. 1974 Health Newsletter V3N1, Jan 74. Dr. Grassetti " the spread of cancer in mice is astounding after they are given a dose of Rifampin, a " miracle antibiotic " made by Dow Chemical, which received almost $900,000 in contracts from the National Cancer Institute. The research results were permitted to remain Confidential. " 1975 Animal encephalitis outbreak rages in 16 states in the US. 1975 A General Accounting Office (GAO) study of the FDA reveals that 150 FDA officials owned stock in the companies they were supposed to regulate. 1975 The British medical journal Lancet reports on a study which compared the effect on cancer patients of chemotherapy or no treatment at all. No treatment proved significantly better policy for patient survival and quality of life. 1975 Federal Drug Administration Bureau of Biologics concludes that Diptheria toxoid (vaccine) is " not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated. " They admit that Diptheria may occur in vaccinated people, and note that " the permanence of immunity induced by the toxoid is open to question. " 1975 Japan stops using Pertussis vaccine following publicity about vaccine-related deaths. 1975 Dr. Yiamouyiannis publishes a preliminary survey which shows that people in fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The National Cancer Institute attempts to refute the studies. Later in 1975, Yiamouyiannis joins with Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (1939-1974) in performing other studies which are then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney. Delaney was the original author of the Delaney Amendment, which prohibited the addition of cancer-causing substances to food used for human consumption. Both reports confirmed the existence of a link between fluoridation and cancer. (Note: Obviously Dr. Burk felt free to agree with scientific truth only after his tenure at NCI ended, since his job depended on towing the party line). 1975 787,000 women are subjected to hysterectomies. 1,700 die as a result. 1976 FDA Pertussis vaccine specialist Manclark comments " Pertussis vaccine is one of the most troublesome products to produce and assay. It has one of the highest failure rates of all products submitted to the Bureau of Biologics for testing and release. Approximately 15-20% of all lots which pass manufacturer tests fail to pass the tests of the Bureau. " 1976 Walter Bowert publishes " Operation Mind Control " . The public begins to be aware of government activities in this area. 1976 National Institute for Drug Abuse estimates 5,800 deaths in hospitals between 1976-1977 from use of psychiatric drugs on patients. (One wonders how many people were damaged, but not enough to kill them.) 1976 Congress passes PL 94-266 to pay for national swine flu innoculation in US 1976 According to a letter from the British Association for Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children, published in the British Medical Journal of February 1976, " two years ago we started to collect details from parents of serious reactions suffered by their children to immunizations of all kinds. In 65% of the cases referred to us, reactions followed " triple " vaccinations. The children in this group total 182 to date. All are severely brain damaged, some are paralyzed, and 5 have died during the past 18 months. Approximately 60% of reactions (major convulsions, collapse, screaming) happened within 3 days and all within 12 days. 1976 Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, says that analysis indicates that the live virus vaccine in use since the 1960's is the principle, if not sole cause of all polio cases since 1961. 1976 More than 500 people receiving flu vaccinations become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. 1976 Dr. D.W.Allman and co-workers from Indiana University School of Medicine feed animals 1 part-per-million (ppm) fluoride and notice the urinary levels and tissue levels of a substance called cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) increased by more than 100%. They also found that in the presence of aluminum in a concentration as small as 20 parts per billion, fluoride is able to cause an even larger increase in cyclic AMP levels. Cyclic AMP inhibits the migration rate of white blood cells, as well as the ability of the white blood cell to destroy pathogenic organisms. Ref: Journal of Dental Research, Vol 55, Sup B, p523, 1976, " Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Tissue Cyclic AMP Concentration in Vivo " . (Note: Toothpaste tubes containing fluoride are often made of aluminum) 1976 After declining steadily since 1922, cases of Pertussis (whooping cough) suddenly begin to rise significantly between 1976 and 1980, during the same time vaccination for Pertussis was increased. The number of reported cases has risen each year since 1977. Reasons are said to be " unclear " why school age children make up the bulk of the cases. 1976 West Germany ends its mass Pertussis immunization program. 1976 American Cancer Society decides to remove its ban on 3 of over 66 known methods of cancer management (Coley's toxins, Staphage Lysate and hyperthermia) with no explanation. 1977 Cancer Blackout 1977. Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate in Medicine: " Cancer ... there is no disease whose prime cause is better the meantime millions of men must die unnecessarily. " 1977 The Congressional Subcommitee on Intergovernmental Relations convenes two (2) full Congressional Hearings on the subject of fluorides. During the hearing, it was proven that: 1. The " scientific efforts " of those promoting fluoridation were fraudulent, and 2. Other existing studies proved beyond a doubt that approximately 10,000 excess cancer deaths per year could be attributed to fluoridation in the United States. 1977 Congressional representative L.H. Fountain, chairman of the 1977 Sub- Committee Hearings on Fluoride, states that " the carcinogenic nature of fluoride remains unanswered " and orders the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS - who is in on the fluoride conspiracy anyway) " to conduct animal studies to see if fluoride causes cancer " . Dr. Herman Kraybill, from the National Cancer Institute (who in 1972 had been chosen by NCI to write a memo saying that fluorides do not cause cancer) was placed in charge of these studies. Kraybill boldly states, " this will be the final study to confirm negativity of fluoride ions in carcinogenesis. " He cites 13 studies having nothing to do with the subject of fluorides and cancer in order to support his claim that " no link between fluorides and cancer existed. " (NCI Director Dr. Arthur Upton later admitted the 13 studies had nothing to do with the subject of the study). (See 1982, 1985,1988) 1977 A Blue Ribbon Panel is convened to investigate the reason for the drop in the general IQ of the United States.Seventy-nine theories were advanced, but none of them satisfactorily explained the drop in mental capacity of the US population. The idea that vaccines could be part of the problem was not brought up. Y.L. Warten, 1977. (The Prussian education system is also part of the problem). 1977 The British government is pressured by the publicity following the new data about Pertussis and DPT vaccinations. 1977 The University of Glasgow in Scotland, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Gordon Stuart, publishes a study analyzing 160 cases of adverse reaction and neurotoxicity following DPT vaccination. In 65 of those cases, reactions to DPT shots included convulsions, hyperactivity and severe mental defect. In a stern statement, Stuart says, " it seems likely that most adverse reactions are unreported and/or overlooked. " 1977 Congressional Hearings were held in which Dr.Yiamouyiannis and Dr. Burk were able to show that the increase in deaths were due to water fluoridation. At the conclusion of the hearings, Representative Fountain and his committee instructed the United States Public Health Service (well known by now for questionable and dangerous medical advisory practices which benefit the medical and pharmaceutical industries) to conduct animal studies to " determine whether or not fluoride causes cancer " . 1977 (Mar) Jonas and Darrell Salk warn live virus vaccines produce same disease. 1977 Leary publishes " Exo-Psychology " , in which he confides " there are two aspects of this social conditioning regime which are not stressed by Skinner. To make it work, the government psychologists must have total control over the citizenry, and there mustbe total secrecy and censorship. One dissident, freedom-oriented psychologist can totally disrupt a psychological fascism by public exposure. Psychological control techniques cannot be employed in a democracy where minority groups can campaign against and publicly discuss the techniques being used. Thus, the proposals of B.F. Skinner cannot be implemented except in a state where the government has total control of communication. " 1977 The US Army admits that it had carried out hundreds of biological warfare tests in the United States over a period of decades since World War II, including 25 major operations targeting the American public employing known disease-causing agents. Crop disease substances were used 31 times. 1977 publishes a study evaluating 160 cases of adverse reactions occurring after a DPT shot. Among the reactions were paralysis. 1977 Congressional Hearings on the cancer problem in the United States. A report generated concluded that " the public has been misled by the major cancer organizations for the past 25 years. " It recommended that those benefiting from " the system " not be allowed to dictate the choices available to the American public.This Congressional study was ignored. 1977 CIA admits MKULTRA consisted of 149 sub-projects involving 44 colleges and universities, 15 research foundations, 12 hospitals and 3 prisons. 1977 National Institute of Drug Abuse estimates 4.8 million prescriptions for Thorazine written out in 1977 - over 271 million pills worth. Next Page Email:@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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