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FDA Scientists Revolt !

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FDA Scientists Revolt Against Corrupt Food and Drug Administration


Monday, November 24, 2008 by: Mike , NaturalNews Editor

Key concepts: The FDA, Food and Food and Drug Administration

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(NaturalNews) A group of scientists working in the FDA's Center for

Devices and Radiological Health division has revolted against the

corrupt managers of its own department, accusing them of committing

crimes by claiming, " There is extensive documentary evidence that

managers at CDRH have corrupted and interfered with the scientific

review of medical devices. "

Read the letter yourself here (PDF):


The letter from the FDA's own scientists goes on to say, " It is

evident that managers at CDRH have deviated from FDA's mission to

identify and address underlying problems with medical devices before

they cause irreparable harm, and this deviation has placed the

American people at risk. "

Congressman , Dingell, chair of the committee which received the

letter, went on to charge that these FDA bureaucrats " approved or

cleared medical device applications in gross violation of laws and

regulations... " (http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_1...)

None of this, of course, surprises readers of NaturalNews. Note, too,

that the mainstream media has virtually ignored this story? You might

think that a revolt of FDA scientists against their criminal bosses

would be a huge story worthy of front-page treatment at USA Today or

the Washington Post, right? Only the NY Times bothered to report this

story, as far as I can tell. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/18/healt...)

The FDA: A gang of unindicted criminals

The FDA, you see, is a criminal organization engaged in tactics of

intimidation, censorship and oppression that can only be properly

called " terrorism. " Don't take my word for it, though: The FDA's own

top scientists are now on the record saying much the same thing! Their

complaint to Congress alleges top FDA managers " ordered, intimidated

and coerced FDA experts to modify their scientific reviews,

conclusions and recommendations in violation of the law. "

Keep in mind this is from the FDA's own scientists! This isn't some

outsider (like me) ranting about the FDA being a criminal

organization; these are the words of the very people who work there!

Even the FDA director is like an evil character out of a Marvel comic.

His name is actually Dr. von Doom... er, I mean Dr. von Eschenbach,

and he has routinely ignored the multiple letters sent to him by these

scientists complaining of the same criminal behavior taking place at

the agency.

The FDA, of course, believes it is above the law and subject to no

rules whatsoever. It is a political organization, and a criminal one

at that. It will likely threaten these scientists just as it once

threatened Dr. Graham, and it will use every intimidation tactic

at its disposal to discredit any employee who dares challenge the

power and authority of the FDA.

I wouldn't be surprised one day to find one of these intimidated

scientists showing up at work and going Columbine on a few of the top

FDA officials who are the masterminds behind these crimes against

humanity. If that happens, perhaps the saying, " Going Postal " will be

updated as, " Going FDA. "

Because if there's anyone with a justified reason to be violently

angry at their bosses, it's gotta be this group of intimidated

scientists who are trying to save people's lives by making FDA

approvals based on solid science. Instead, they're being routinely

overruled by politics and Big Pharma deception, which they know will

result in the loss of human life as consumers are harmed or killed by

dangerous medical devices and pharmaceuticals.

How would you like to work at a company with a crime boss, knowing

your boss is a white-collar criminal whose decisions are going to get

people killed? That's the reality these FDA scientists live with every

day! And they're tired of it. They're beginning to revolt...

Violence will not solve this problem

Here's a question to you: When the FDA collapses, should the top

managers be tried for their crimes, or simply hanged by their necks in

the streets? Since I believe in non-violent solutions to such

problems, I believe we should actually grant them all amnesty in

exchange for their candid testimony before Congress, where they spill

their guts about all the criminal acts they've engaged in over the years.

Their testimony will be a lot more valuable to society than a bunch of

bodies swinging from the rafters. What we need here, folks, is to

learn the lessons from this rogue agency, not to take revenge on its


Not everybody agrees with me on this. But I repeat to everyone

listening: Do NOT engage in violent acts against the FDA, even if

there is some social breakdown in the future that might give you such

an opportunity. More than 90% of the people who work there are honest,

hardworking individuals who are trying to fight the FDA's crimes from

the inside. We need to let law and order sort out the criminals from

the good guys, and then we'll work together to demand criminal

sentencing for them, which I think should include ex-FDA bureaucrats

going door to door selling Girl Scout Cookies to raise money to pay

back the families of all the people killed by FDA-approved drugs.

Remember: The medical violence that the FDA now directs towards the

public should NOT be met with vengeful violence on the part of

activists. It should be met with justice and wisdom for future

generations. A little compassion can help us move past this dark era

of FDA dominance and into a new golden age of true healing. But we

cannot get to an era of healing if our own actions are motivated by

violent acts.

Violence is the tool of the weak. That's why the FDA uses the threat

of violence to raid vitamin companies. Healing is the tool of the strong.

If we hope to move beyond the treacherous philosophies the FDA is

demonstrating today, we must transcend violence and rely on healing

(at many levels) to move us past this dark era.

The big question right now, of course, is: When will the FDA arrests

begin? January 21st might be a good day to get that started...


Letter from FDA scientists:


Statement of Congressman Dingell:


(Full copy included below)

Pharmalot article, the original source for this story:


Congressman Dingell's statement:

Dingell, Stupak to Investigate FDA's Medical Device Approval Process

Lawmakers Question Whether FDA Knowingly Allowed Unsafe & Ineffective

Medical Devices into U.S. Market

Washington, D.C. - Reps. D. Dingell (D-MI), Chairman of the

Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Bart Stupak (D-MI), Chairman of

the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, today launched an

investigation into whether managers within the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)

knowingly corrupted the scientific review process and approved or

cleared medical device applications in gross violation of laws and

regulations designed to assure the safety and effectiveness of medical

devices. Such activity could allow potentially unsafe and ineffective

medical devices into the U.S. market.

The investigation was prompted by receipt of an October 14, 2008,

letter written on behalf of a large group of CDRH scientists and

physicians who state that CDRH managers have " corrupted and interfered

with the scientific review of medical devices. "

" These allegations are deeply concerning, and we intend to uncover

whether any FDA activity has compromised the health and safety of

America consumers, " said Dingell. " I commend the FDA scientists for

courageously sounding the alarm on what appears to be a serious

problem. I look forward to pursuing the steps necessary to ensure that

the medical devices Americans depend on are safe and effective. "

" Our investigations have found that the FDA has allowed contaminated

food and unsafe drugs to enter the market, and now serious allegations

have been raised about the scientific integrity of the FDA medical

device approval process, " Stupak said. " Although the FDA has launched

its own investigation into this matter, no corrective action has been

taken. The committee intends to learn what action the FDA plans to

take to ensure the integrity of the medical device approval process

and prevent retaliation against the scientists who blew the whistle on

these activities. "

This Committee has been provided with compelling evidence to support

the charges that senior managers within CDRH " ordered, intimidated and

coerced FDA experts to modify their scientific reviews, conclusions

and recommendations in violation of the law. " The CDRH scientists also

claim that CDRH managers ordered them " to make safety and

effectiveness determinations that are not in accordance with

scientific regulatory requirements, to use unsound evaluation methods,

and accept clinical and technical data that is not scientifically

valid or obtained in accordance with legal requirements, such as

obtaining proper informed consent from human subjects. "

Additionally, documentary evidence reviewed by this Committee

indicates that CDRH scientists who raised concerns up their chain of

command have experienced reprisals for their insistence on adherence

to a scientific and regulatory basis for medical device review. To

protect these CDRH scientists who have risked their careers to bring

their concerns to the attention of this Committee, we will not

disclose their identities at this time.

Since January 2007, the Committee on Energy and Commerce and its

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations have been investigating

the ability and commitment of the Food and Drug Administration to

protect Americans from unsafe food, drugs, and medical devices. For

more information about the Committee's ongoing drug safety

investigation visit:


During this Congressional session, Committee leaders released draft

legislation aimed at improving the safety of food, drugs, devices, and

cosmetics. Work in this draft bill, the " Food and Drug Administration

Globalization Act, " continues. Committee leaders plan to introduce

comprehensive legislation early next session. For more information

visit: http://energycommerce.house.gov/FDAGlob...

In a letter sent today to FDA Commissioner C. von Eschenbach,

Dingell and Stupak requested a briefing on what actions the

Commissioner has taken to date and how the Commissioner intends to

resolve all issues raised by the CDRH scientists and physicians.

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