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New Documentary on Medicating Children and FDA corruption

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* 's New " Generation Rx " Documentary Exposes Mass Betrayal of

Children by FDA, Big Pharma


January 8, 2008 by: Mike , NewsTarget.com

(NewsTarget) A new documentary on the dangers of mind-altering drugs

will be arriving this year, and the film's creator was kind

enough to send us an advance copy of the film for review. Not many films

have the potential to radically reshape the understanding of an entire

nation and create positive change for the health of future generations,

but this is one that clearly qualifies. " Generation Rx " delivers a

devastating blow to the psychiatric drug pushers, FDA puppets and Big

Pharma marketing fraudsters who have sold an entire nation on an absurd

idea that turns out to be a grand medical hoax: that millions of

children have " chemical imbalances " in their brains requiring treatment

with patented, profitable pharmaceutical drugs like Prozac and Ritalin.

The film features interviews with many notable doctors, authors and

health experts, including Dr. n Whitaker, Dr. Fred Baughman,

Whitaker (author of /Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and The

Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill/) and many others. Through the

emotionally-charged personal testimonies of parents whose children have

committed suicide on Prozac, along with secret memos from the drug

companies' own top executives, /Generation Rx/ weaves a terrifying tale

of criminal conspiracy, the mass abandonment of medical ethics, and the

routine betrayal of an entire generation by an industry that seems

fixated on the idea of profits at any cost.

The evidence presented in /Generation Rx/ is damning. By the time you

finish chapter three of the film (which contains the most jaw-dropping

revelations of FDA corruption and scientific fraud), you'll cry out for

the criminal prosecutions of key FDA decision makers, Big Pharma

executives and the authors of the DSM-IV, the " bible " of modern

psychiatry. Fifty-six percent of the panel members who created the

DSM-IV are on the take from drug companies, pocketing cash, bribes,

royalty payments or other fees from the very same companies that profit

from the mass marketing of " brain chemistry diseases. "

Evidence of criminal conspiracy

/Generation Rx/ reveals startling evidence detailing the criminal

negligence of the FDA. The highly corrupt Food and Drug Administration

didn't " accidentally " approve psychotropic drugs that just happened to

kill children, you see: The administration /knew/ that SSRI drugs

(antidepressants) were killing children for well over ten years! The FDA

then went out of its way to bury the evidence, colluding with prominent

drug companies to hide key documents while hastening the approval of

dangerous drugs and keeping the public ignorant of the true risks from

consuming them.

's /Generation Rx/ covers all this (and more) in

heart-wrenching detail. You'll see the remarkably lucid explanations and

warnings by the scientifically-minded Whitaker (who used to be a

skeptic that Big Pharma money could possibly influence science), pleas

for medical sanity by Dr. n Whitaker, and even home movie footage

of young girls who later killed themselves while on Prozac. You'll walk

away from this film shaking your head in disgust, asking " How did it

come to this? "

Or, more precisely, how did modern psychiatric medicine come to the

point where it's all just a grand marketing scam designed to generate

obscene profits by exploiting the minds and bodies of an entire

generation of children? How did Big Pharma manage to so completely

hijack medical science, taking over the medical journals, FDA

regulators, science researchers and medical schools? And why hasn't this

been stopped? Why have these chemical crimes against children continued

to be tolerated -- even encouraged! -- by the Food and Drug

Administration and a Big Pharm-funded U.S. Congress? (Note of hope:

There is one peer-reviewed medical journal that remains honest and

publishes good medical science: PLoS Medicine, an open-source journal

that accepts no advertising from drug companies...)

The simple truth, as the film reveals, is that /money buys everything/

in this modern economy. It buys media coverage, it buys distorted

science, it buys legislation, and it even buys the very definitions of

disease. Big Pharma money has so completely infiltrated modern

psychiatric medicine that any person claiming diseases like ADHD or

" bipolar disorder " are based on solid science should be laughed off the

world stage. Modern psychiatric medicine is an empty sham, a medical

hoax, an uninspired contrivance of scientific-sounding babblydeegook

designed to mesmerize gullible parents into putting their children on

dangerous patented chemicals that may ultimately kill them.

Even the psychiatric scientists who voted these fictitious diseases

(like " ADHD " ) into existence have no idea what they really are. At one

point in /Generation Rx/, a psychiatrist is asked to offer a clear

definition of ADHD. His answer? A 45-second fumbling of words,

hesitations and stammering nonsense of such stupidity that it makes you

wonder if the psychiatrist is, himself, on crack! Nowhere in his answer

does he offer anything resembling rational thought.

/Generation Rx/ is full of shocking little gems like this. Even if you

already know the real story about the quackery of modern psychiatric

medicine, this film delivers a jaw-dropping emotional ride through the

corruption, deceit and downright psychotic behavior of an entire

industry. A couple of CounterThink cartoons (by yours truly) also make

the film, detailing FDA corruption, Big Pharma's junk science and the

grand hoax of modern psychiatry.

Only occasionally does the film retreat from its pressure-cooker drama.

Chapter Three offers a series of personal testimonies on Prozac that

goes on way too long, for example, but the timing of the film is likely

to be tightened up before its final release.

We'll keep you posted on the film's release

/Generation Rx/ won't be available for public release until later this

year. NewsTarget will be running exclusive clips from the film, and

we'll be covering the film's launch and availability. We don't yet know

the price of the DVD or where to purchase it, but as soon as this

information is made available to us, we'll pass it along to you. (I'll

also be asking if it's available in PAL format for our European

readers.) We hope to get our hands on some clips that we'll post on YouTube.

/Generation Rx/ is already on the top of my list of Best Films in 2008,

and it's almost certain to stay there. (Other films to look forward to

this year include /All Jacked Up/ as well as one tentatively titled,

" Junk Food, Inc. " ) /Generation Rx/ is a must-see documentary that

reveals the true depth of criminality and fraud in modern psychiatric

medicine. It calls for an end to the mass drugging of our schoolchildren

and wholesale reforms of the entire corrupt system of pharmaceutical

development and marketing.

With this film, courageous filmmaker has catapulted a giant

boulder of truth into the scum-filled pond waters of modern psychiatry,

sending out a shockwave of ripples that threaten to finally expose this

malicious branch of medicine that depends for its very survival on the

chemical poisoning of childrens' brains. I give this film my

enthusiastic support, and I urge every parent, lawmaker and doctor to

view it. Society owes a great honor for creating this

documentary -- an honor he is unlikely to ever receive, given the mass

drugging of the population with the very same mind-altering drugs being

exposed in this documentary.

Watch for updates and exclusive video clips of /Generation Rx/

throughout 2008, right here on NewsTarget.com

Read the entire review at http://www.newstarget.com/022474.html

< <http://www.newstarget.com/022474.html>



Berkeley, CA


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