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Fast action needed in New Mexico

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An angry and hurt mother over the antidepressant related suicide of her daughter

has gotten a Senate Memorial introduced into the New Mexico Legislature!


Also there is a petition that you can get to through Camille's website but it's

kind of hard to locate and so here is a direct link.


Here is the original email that I received.

Senator ph Carraro, Sarina and I Thank You !!!

Due to the vigorous Crusade from a Mother's Heart, On January 17, 2008; The

Honorable Senator ph J. Carraro; while in Santa Fe, NM for the 2008 Regular

Session, Introduced to the Floor SM9 (Senate Memorial 9) STUDY ANTIDEPRESSANTS &

SUICIDE. (This is the first step towards " Sarina's Law " ).

Please click on the following link to view the Memorial.

Memorial text for SM009

It is imperative that the Senate pass this Memorial; which will then have the

Health Policy Commission and The Department of Health set up a Task Force and

make up a finding of facts; as to the study of psychotropic drugs, how they're

prescribed and whether or not there needs to be restrictions on who prescribes


I am very pleased and proud that this action has taken place; as you all know,

my ultimate goal is to have Suicide-Causing Anti-Depressants Abolished


This Memorial is an excellent start, I am also urging Legislature and the Task

Force for the respect and acknowledgment to have Sarina's name attached to this

Memorial and represent it, it's very important that we all understand that

Sarina's Voice is the basis behind this Memorial; which will make certain that

Sarina's life and death, and all those hundreds of thousands with her; were not

in vein.

PLEASE, everyone contact a member of the NM Legislature and let them know that

you support this Memorial and want Sarina's name to represent the Memorial and

the Task Force. Also, PLEASE email me back your " detailed " words of support and

I will make certain they get into the right hands.

I don't know when the final decision will be made to accept or reject this

Memorial, but time is of the essence, please do not delay, please send your

letters of support immediately.

Hopefully our first Victory is close -

Senator Carraro and Hely; Sarina and I Thank You !!


Camille Milke, Eternal " Mommy " of Sarina Angel

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and Forever........

My Beautiful Baby Girl, 1/26/86 - 10/28/07, 21 years 9 months 3 days

COPES Foundation (Coalition Of Parents Enduring Suicide)

Founder and President, Main - 505-269-2286, Fax - 505-213-0999



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Thank you Jim for putting the word out about Senate Memorial 9!

This is the start of " Sarina's Law " and my ultimate goal is to abolish

these killer drugs, but as least it shows that we are making a

difference! We contacted Senator Carraro shortly after losing Sarina

and he has been amazing at getting something into this session. Of

course it is a very small step but we still need everyone's support. I

urge you to please send me your letters of support right away. If you'd

like to expound and share peronal experiences that is great. If you'd

just like to send a quick note that's great too. Please address your

letters to the " New Mexico State Senators " and voice your support of

Senate Memorial 9. I'll be delivering them to each of the State

Senators as well as the petition signatures, so please be sure to sign

the petition as well. Get everyone you know to sign it also. You can

link to all of this through my website at

http://www.COPESFoundation.com/ and email me at SarinasVoice@....

Also speak to your government about legislature! You can make a

difference and get Sarina's Voice heard!

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