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Urgent! I need a favor!!!! Invitation to join momsandmeds / medsinmilk / MADNAP

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Even if you are not a mother and don't care about medications in milk or for pregnant women, please join the group anyway. This is important because I am about to go flyer a La Leche League Conference (many of the LLL breastfeeding advocate people in Texas) during a speech by Hale (the grand finale of the four day conference) about (the oh so "safe" and "effective") antidepressants and breastfeeding and how to screen mothers for depression... (Read on below this photo...)

Many of the people going to this conference are going to be ticked when they see the flyer on their car (especially if they read it), while others might be skeptical (and if I manage to get Hale's car I am sure he'll be a tad bit irritated), so please join ASAP (you can always unsubscribe later) so that when they visit the group they'll see a lot of people and take it more seriously. Thank you. (Feel free to forward)

You can see the flyer at: http://www.momsandmeds.com/medsinmilkflyer.pdf

and side two is at: http://www.momsandmeds.com/zoloftadverseneonatal.pdf

Websites: www.momsandmeds.com or www.medsinmilk.com


MADNAP stands for Mothers Against Drugging the Nursing and Pregnant. We welcome all interested individuals to join our group, you do not have to be a mom. Our website is located at www.momsandmeds.com or www.medsinmilk.com. Health topics will be discussed such as how to have a healthy pregnancy, birth, and nursing experience, nutrition, aromatherapy, massage, detoxification and other holistic alternatives to viewing parts of the body and spirit as things to be suppressed. We'll be publicizing adverse event data that was obtained from the FDA for prenatal and neonatal exposure, as well as studies that demonstrate damage to the child, death, violence against children by drug-intoxicated parents, and explaining the pitfalls of the mythology that drugs are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.This group will focus on the dangers of psychotropic drugs as well as any other drugs that the members

feel like discussing. Occasionally you will receive a newsletter by the name of "Breath" in your inbox - expect to get updates and insight from experts and MADNAP members.The rest of the emails on this group will be in the form of informal discussion among group members. Welcome to MADNAP! Thank you for standing up for mothers and especially for babies!!

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Flyer for breastfeeding mothers Flyer for breastfeeding mothers (if you see any major mistakes I have made please tell me about it ASAP!): Side 1 http://www.medsinmilk.com/medsinmilkflyer.pdf

Posted - Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:33 am

Amy Philoamyphilo Send IM Send Email

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