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Re: A question.....

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On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, kaye sparkman wrote:

> The other happened over the weekend....a girlfriend and I were out at a

> club in Dallas and there was a " little " man was there and he wouldn't

> speak with us. We approached him and he just stood there...timidly

> smiling.

Assuming he wasn't deaf, he had probably never met another little person

before. He may have been in denial about his short stature. Suddenly

confronted by another little person, he was probably so stunned he didn't

know what to say. I would not attribute his behavior to being a " man "


> But in general I would like to know why men are the way they are. I

> would like for men to respond if you would... This day and age with

> the education and knowledge people have... I don't get it.

I sense a man-hating lesbian in the making. :) Your frustration is

understandable... just don't let it overcome you.

Welcome to the real world. Quite a few men out there don't " get " women

either. For this reason there are literally thousands of books on the

subject (e.g. " Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus " ). In fact, here

are a couple of essays I even found on the web:

" You Just Don't Understand "

- http://homestar.org/bryannan/tannen.html

" Men: The Simpler Sex? Trying to Understand Men "

- http://net.simplenet.com/love/men.htm

Even though popular media sometimes generalizes men, you shouldn't. Though

a many men do have certain behaviors in common, not all men are the same.

The question " why are men the way they are " is unfair to men - it is

prejudice. Parental influence, societal standards, and probably even

genetic factors shape both men and women. Finally, perhaps you are simply

seeking the wrong kind of man.


Bradford, Portland, OR dbradfor@...

http://www.teleport.com/~dbradfor +1 503 203 1043


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In a message dated 8/3/00 1:27:24 AM, kasuspkl@... writes:

<< A question.....for the men.....single or whatever:)I want to ask a

question that has been asked before...I am sure. Ifyou would prefer to

respond privately....I am all for that....I justdon't want to upset

anyone.Why can't most " little " men be more assertive toward women? I won'tsay

shy because that term irritates me. I do not understand theirhesitancy in

approaching another small person. >>

Isn't this a bit of a generalization that's somewhat presumptuous and with

weak tangible support?

Growing up in LPA I noticed mixed couples were more often Short Stature women

with averaged size men.

As a frequent conference attendee I'm sure many guys recall the groupies that

would flock to average sized siblings and college friends of certain LP


Just a subjective observation without any clinical evidence :)

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Or maybe the men have learned that the stereotypical beauty has little

real beauty to offer in an honest relationship unless it is solely one

with herself. Here's something I wrote after ending one of those

relationships and later watching the same kind or woman after work one


The Bar

Here the men in white shirts,

Silk ties collect at days end.

We talk idly, looking not at

One another, but gazing off

Lost in a world of unwinding.

Tonight " she " walked in.

The beautiful one, so beautiful.

I see her at once.

Because I search for her everywhere.

Her hair is blond sometimes,

Sometimes her eyes blue,

Sometimes her skin red with sun.

Tonight black hair with emerald eyes

And skin white like the lovers moon.

I see her enter scanning the room.

I see her measure with her emerald eyes.

Because I search for her everywhere.

Yet beautiful, so very beautiful.

She searches from group to group

Of men in ties as they talk clients,

As they talk cases, as they talk

Money won and money yet to win.

Her eyes meet mine, I lock her gaze

Then let my eyes drift away before hers.

Now I feel her measuring me.

I feel her gaze turn. I watch again.

She scans the groups of white shirts

Pretending, merely, to hear her friends

But I see her measuring, always measuring,

Because I search for her everywhere.

She locks her eyes to mine,

I smile, she smiles warmly back

Her smile fades as she measures my eyes.

Now she sees I see her measuring.

Because I search for her everywhere

I’ll see her tomorrow in blond or black

Green eyes or blue and light or tan.

Beautiful, so very beautiful?


In the end, if we're lucky, we learn the true measure of a happy

relationship, beauty and the real meaning of love. It just takes us guys

a little longer.


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  • 1 year later...


Has she ever had her thyroid checked? I know that high cholesterol can be

a symptom of hypothyroidism (not sure about hyperthroidism).

Just a thought.

Tonya in MN

A question.....

Hi guys,

I know there are a lot of really smart people on this list, several in

the medical profession in one way or another, and therefore I have a


I have a friend who is overweight, about 50, is hypertensive,

perimenopausal or menopausal and has otherwise been in pretty good

shape. Her cholesterol has always been normal. She is a fellow Weight

Watchers member and is following the program, losing weight slowly, and

has greatly changed her eating habits with regards to meat, fats, etc.

She just had a physical and everything was fine except her cholesterol

level went up 60 points. Does any one know of any correlation between

menopause and increased cholesterol levels. Anyinformation would be

appreciated. Thanks in advance.

in GA

Still holding…….

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Thyroid was part of the complete panel they did and it was fine. The

only thing that had changed since her previous physical was a 60 point

rise in her cholesterol --- with her " good " cholesterol having

DECREASED! Thanks for the idea though!

in GA

A question.....

Hi guys,

I know there are a lot of really smart people on this list, several in

the medical profession in one way or another, and therefore I have a


I have a friend who is overweight, about 50, is hypertensive,

perimenopausal or menopausal and has otherwise been in pretty good

shape. Her cholesterol has always been normal. She is a fellow


Watchers member and is following the program, losing weight slowly,


has greatly changed her eating habits with regards to meat, fats, etc.

She just had a physical and everything was fine except her cholesterol

level went up 60 points. Does any one know of any correlation between

menopause and increased cholesterol levels. Anyinformation would be

appreciated. Thanks in advance.

in GA

Still holding…….

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  • 3 months later...

I'm pretty sure it is the caffeine. Excedrin has

prety much caffeine, especially since we aren't used

to it anymore.

Glad your headache is gone!! <G>

Margaret in St. Louis

--- on <jwmson1@...> wrote:

> OK – I did something earlier I am not “supposed” to

> do because I was

> desperate. I had a bear of a headache and don’t

> have any of my

> prescription medication so I resorted to two Extra

> Strength Excedrin

> (first time in 14 months). They have aspirin,

> acetaminophen as well as

> caffeine in them. I now feel like I could jump out

> of my skin – the

> caffeine maybe???? The good news is my headache is

> gone. I would

> however like to know why the “jitters”. Any ideas

> anyone????


> in GA



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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