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In a message dated 01/26/02 6:30:29 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

justus88@... writes:


Happiness is a state of mind... Happiness is being at peace with

oneself and enjoying one's own company. Happiness is the freedom of being

comfortable in one's own skin and rolling with the punches and letting go of

the things one cannot control. Happiness is now. One cannot do things today

to plan on attaining happiness in the future. Happiness is choosing to see

the silver lining, but being realistic enough to overcome obstacles and

achieve goals. Happiness is knowing oneself and having the confidence to

know one's own taste and to one's own style. Happiness is being secure

enough in oneself to show compassion to others no matter what walk of life

they are from. This is how I define happiness and I'd say by golly I am one

happy woman!!! Free at last. Free at last!!!

Hmmmm someone who inspires me... Oprah Winfrey and well, this isn't a

person, but nature and what I deem to be " good " music.

Ok, here's comical situation: When I was in high school and college,

I worked at a theme park during the summer. I worked in many different areas

of the park, including: rides, games and my last in the food service section.

Once I needed to reach something and I was standing on a milk crate. (I

just happened to grab it to reach something quickly). I lost my balance and

the crate flipped over and I landed in it but first with my feet hanging

out!!! Now that was funny. After I got over the initial shock and slight

pain, I couldn't stop laughing and once I started laughing everyone, then

relieved, started laughing with me for probably about 15 minutes!!

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What is it that makes me happy? Hanging out and shooting the, er,

breeze with my friends; music - all kinds; movies - especially Woody ;

reading - books and magazines; dining out with friends.

Who in the world inspires me? The person who has had a huge impact on

my life is Kennedy, probably the main reason I became involved in

politics and went to law school. I find inspiration in his speeches. In

showing people that one person can make a difference he referred to

Bernard Shaw saying, " some people see things as they are and say why; I dream

things that never were and say why not. " In what one's purpose in life

should be, he said, " perhaps this is a world in which children suffer, but we

can lessen the number of suffering children - and if we don't do this, then

who will do this? "

Comical situation that I have been in lately: These usually involve my

clients. Just this week, a client of mine was charged with aggravated

robbery. She and her boyfriend robbed a Subway sandwich manager. Before the

robbery, she bought her boyfriend a Subway tee shirt so he would be less

conspicuous. It was very thoughtful. Hmm, so I figure if you're going to

rob someone at a Ku Klux Klan meeting, be sure you wear your sheet (b.y.o.s.

- bring your own sheet).


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First of all I am happy with my life. What makes me

happy is that I have a beautiful daughter, and a great

family, and a good boyfriend who doesn't care that I'm

small. He loves my wacky sense of humor, and the

things I do. Secondly, it is my sister and my mom that

inspires me the most. They don't let my size put me


The thing I love most to do to people is, you know how

when you knock on a door or go up to a high leveled

counter,and they don't expect to have to look down? we

can be pretty sneaky. I like the expressions on thier

faces when they look straight ahead expecting to look

into the eyes of the person at the door or counter,

and they hear this voice but can't see nobody, I love

doing that, cause I love the reactions I get.

One time when I was younger my sister and I were

playing and seek, well I decided to go hide in the

dryer.My sister couldn't find me, so I coaxed her into

the bathroom where I was, and she said " where are

you " ? I popped the dryer door open and said " boo " , she

jumped sky high not expecting to see me in the dryer.

I use to hide in the cupboards also. I love hiding

from people and scaring them. Anyway, there's more i

could tell ya, but later

Thanks Dede

--- justus88 <justus88@...> wrote:

> To Each Of You! On This Listserv..


> First I would honestly like to know how many people

> are really happy in

> there life? And then tell us what it is that makes

> you happy? Secondly,

> I would love to know who is in this great big world

> of ours inspires you?


> Lastly I would love to hear some really comical LP

> situation or stories

> that anybody has been in recently to share with us

> all to just laugh and

> reflect on our unique situation that we all can

> relate too.


> Please I want to hear your voices all or any of you.

> I just asked it

> would be very interesting to read each of your

> responses.



> Michele






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Your Welcome,

This is how the chats should be anyway,,

--- Lilizz2@... wrote:

> thanks- it's so refreshing to have someone without

> the attitude. Peace.



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> To Each Of You! On This Listserv..


> First I would honestly like to know how many people are really happy in

there life?

Count me IN!!!!

>And then tell us what it is that makes you happy?

I have an awesome job, a common-law hubby, a house (we own together),

and.... 2 boys (dogs)-Tanner & BooBoo

>Secondly, I would love to know who is in this great big world of ours

inspires you?

Anyone that is HAPPY & Smiles every day!!

> Lastly I would love to hear some really comical LP situation or stories

that anybody has been in recently to share with us all to just laugh and

reflect on our unique situation that we all can relate too

During Christmas week at work (clothing store) I was wearing a pair of elf

stockings on my feet. One of the lady's husbands came in to pick her up from

work & saw me with them on. He also so I had...let's just say 'large lungs'.

A few days later when she & I were working together she told me that her

husband couldn't stop talking about me all the way home, how neat the elf

stockings looked (in the festive spirit) and especially 'the large lungs' I

have. Well that day he came into pick her up again... and she told him that

I am very outgoing & for him just to say Hi to me & tell me how he liked the

STOCKINGS on my feet. I saw him coming toward me as I was folding some

shirts & she introduced us then he said it was really neat the other day

when he saw me wearing the stockings-but he didn't know if I'd be offended

if he would have said anything to me then about them. I giggled and said...

'No not at all-I'm friendly and besides I have BIG (pause...) SHOULDERS (as

I glanced down at my chest)...I can handle anything anyone says to me'. Well

he husband almost had a heartattack right there - his eyes were HUGE his

mouth WIDE open - and he looked at his wife and said 'oh man that was

close!!' She was laughing so hard & he started to walk to toward the door -

she told him to go for a walk & cool off alittle - and I said - 'and wipe

the drool off your chin'.

Since that day can't stop talking about her husband's reaction & how

'good I got him with my replies'.

> Please I want to hear your voices all or any of you. I just asked it would

be very interesting to read each of your responses.


> Michele

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On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 DaveyOLamb@... wrote:

> Comical situation that I have been in lately: These usually involve

> my clients. Just this week, a client of mine was charged with

> aggravated robbery. She and her boyfriend robbed a Subway sandwich

> manager. Before the robbery, she bought her boyfriend a Subway tee

> shirt so he would be less conspicuous. It was very thoughtful.

I'm not a legal expert and it will probably be painfully (knowing Davey)

obvious in this question, but...

Isn't disclosing this info to us a violation of your attorney-client

privilege, i.e. the purchase of the shirt would be evidence that it was

premeditated? Shouldn't you write " allegedly robbed " ? I'm not asking this

to be a dick, just curious how that all works. Aside from the questions,

it is a very humorous story.


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He didn't tell any names:)



On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 DaveyOLamb@... wrote:

> Comical situation that I have been in lately: These usually involve

> my clients. Just this week, a client of mine was charged with

> aggravated robbery. She and her boyfriend robbed a Subway sandwich

> manager. Before the robbery, she bought her boyfriend a Subway tee

> shirt so he would be less conspicuous. It was very thoughtful.

I'm not a legal expert and it will probably be painfully (knowing Davey)

obvious in this question, but...

Isn't disclosing this info to us a violation of your attorney-client

privilege, i.e. the purchase of the shirt would be evidence that it was

premeditated? Shouldn't you write " allegedly robbed " ? I'm not asking this

to be a dick, just curious how that all works. Aside from the questions,

it is a very humorous story.


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> First I would honestly like to know how many people are really happy in

> there life?

Not at the present time I'm not. If I win Twenty Million Dollars, then

heck yes.

> And then tell us what it is that makes you happy?

Life, drawing a breath of air, seeing my daughter grow up, watching my

beautiful wife grow even more beautiful with time. The love that is

family, the love that is caring, the love that is compassion. The simple joy

that my animals show when you pet them. The sound of an engine

running right when you've busted you hands and you've been at it all night

so you can have a car running for your love of your life. Knowing that

your life isn't just for nothing here on earth.

> Secondly, I would love to know who is in this great big world of ours

inspires you?

First of all I would say Luther King, because he fought and died

for the equality of all of us, not just for Blacks, but for all of us.

Secondly, my family, they believed in me. Thirdly, the Disabled Veterans

that I use to see in the parks paying horse shoes every weekend when I was a

young boy, they inspired me. And last, all of you, who like me, struggle

with the challenges of life, and seem to survive some how.

> Lastly I would love to hear some really comical LP situation or stories

> that anybody has been in recently to share with us all to just laugh and

> reflect on our unique situation that we all can relate too.

Let's see, ah yes this comes to mine. Recently we had a burglary that

involved of course the police. After having called them numerous times

and knowing one of the officers pretty well from talking to him on the phone

for quite awhile, he and his partner came over to the house for a

stake out. To his surprise " I was a lot shorter than I sounded " , his words

people. I have a very deep voice, and he figured I must of been

around 5' 3 " since I was a dwarf, he didn't think that shorter dwarfs of 4'

3 " had such deep voices. And you wonder why so many criminal are

running the streets these days.


> To Each Of You! On This Listserv..


> First I would honestly like to know how many people are really happy in

> there life? And then tell us what it is that makes you happy? Secondly,

> I would love to know who is in this great big world of ours inspires you?


> Lastly I would love to hear some really comical LP situation or stories

> that anybody has been in recently to share with us all to just laugh and

> reflect on our unique situation that we all can relate too.


> Please I want to hear your voices all or any of you. I just asked it

> would be very interesting to read each of your responses.



> Michele






> ===


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> > First I would honestly like to know how many people are really happy in

there life?

I'm as happy as I can be. I'm going back to school, establishing a little

financial security, just paid in to become a lifetime LPA member (

Pratt, did you ever get that? I sent the check on December 31 and it hasn't

cleared my bank yet.) and I am generally content with my station in life at

the moment. It ain't a bowl of cherries -- just broke up with my significant

other of 13 months -- but I'm content.

> > And then tell us what it is that makes you happy?

Across the street from my apartment is a shopping center with a small

fountain, somewhat sectioned off, almost hidden behind the trees. My happy

place consists of being there on a mild evening, soft breeze, sitting on the

bench with Starbucks coffee in hand, and spending time with God.

> > Secondly, I would love to know who is in this great big world of ours

inspires you?

Good grief. It's a long list. Here are a few:

My brother, my dad, and my grandfather -- three generations of service to

our country in the military, and also three examples of decent, upstanding

men who I will be proud to hold up to my children (when I have them) as role


Jim Abbott -- like him, I am an amputee, and when I was 14-15 years old, I

needed someone I could look up to. New England fans found out about him

after his 1989 debut against the Red Sox, a 4-hit shutout. More people

talked to me the morning after that game than had talked to me in the past

year. And for his second outing against the Red Sox -- also a complete-game,

four-hit shutout -- I was there. And he made time after the game to pose for

a picture with me even though he was late for the team bus back to the


My friend . She left us suddenly last May, after fighting medical

problems for a long time. She fought hard, though, and always with a

positive attitude and the determination to get well. I didn't even cry at my

grandmother's funeral. I sobbed like a baby at hers.

My childhood friend " Opie. " Nickname says it all. Tall, lanky guy with red

hair, freckles, and a perpetual grin on his face. To give the severely

abridged version of the story, I nearly died of post-op complications after

neck surgery in 1990. At about the same point in time when I crossed out of

danger, Opie died suddenly. Literally. I remember waking up at 11:00 PM, and

at 11:00 PM that same night, he collapsed and was dead of heart failure

before he hit the floor. Although there is no real basis for me to say this,

part of me has always felt that he died in my place. I try to live as though

I truly did get a second chance at his expense, and conduct myself


> > Lastly I would love to hear some really comical LP situation or stories

> > that anybody has been in recently to share with us all to just laugh and

> > reflect on our unique situation that we all can relate too.

Recent? No. But still the funniest example I have. I went out to eat with

three LP friends. We marched into a restaurant and brought the place to a

standstill. The hostess slowly, tentatively made her way over to us and

said, quietly, " Smoking or nonsmoking? "

The response: " Nonsmoking. Smoking stunts your growth. "

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In a message dated 1/29/02 2:37:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ntille@... writes:

> > First I would honestly like to know how many people are really happy in

> > there life?


I am I am ME ME ME! :)

> > And then tell us what it is that makes you happy?


What's NOT to make me happy? I am in my last year of college, graduating in

4 months. I just got an internship at a local news station, and i LOVE it.

My classes are pretty good this semester. I am doing a lot of community

service projects that I love, I am a student leader and program coodinator

for a thing we have called Alternative Spring break, where we go to different

sites (NY, Tennessee, New Mexico, Arizona) and do service work. My family is

all well. I'm overcoming some weight problems I have been having, slowly but

surely. I am happy with who I am...like I said, what's NOT to make me happy


> > Secondly, I would love to know who is in this great big world of ours

> inspires you?

PEOPLE inspire me. I can't say any one person, but anyone, in general. In

my internship andcommunity service stuff, I meet and talk to a LOT of people,

and I love to see how other people work, andinteract and i just get my

strength and inspiration by watching others.


> > Lastly I would love to hear some really comical LP situation or stories

> > that anybody has been in recently to share with us all to just laugh and

> > reflect on our unique situation that we all can relate too.

Ok, well, this isn't comical, its kinda sappy actually (might as well keep

with the theme of my other responses right? LOL) but I found it touching.

I just started tutoring at an aterschool program in the innercity, and the

kids i work with are like, 1st-4th graders. I love kids, and I'm used to

them having questions about the way i look (i am 4'1, but because of the

disease i have, i also have deformities on my hands and such) so kids were

coming up to me and asking questions and stuff. i was working with one girl,

and kind of in the background, i heard another girl say something like " it

makes me so sad Iwant to cry " but i wasnt really paying attention. ANOTHER

girl came up to me and said " Did you hear what she just said about you? she

said she feels sorry for you! She says you make her so sad she wants to

cry! " I felt bad, because I didnt want the little girl to be sad or confused

about anything, so i went over to talk to her. and i told her my name, and

asked her hers, and i said, is it true, that you feel sorry for me? and she

looked down, like she was guilty, and nodded her head. and I said how come,

because of my hands? And she said " no, becauseyou are so short, and because

you will never know what itsl ike to grow up like everyone else. " I was

stunned. The innocence and compassion children have is overwhelming

sometimes. So i told her, that it was sweet that she felt sorry for me, but

that she didnt have to, because *I* don't feel sorry, and that I am happy,

even though I am short. I was hoping to show her, that its ok to be

different, and happy. So, I know that wasnt a funny story, but it touched me

and i wanted to share.

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