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Re: Saliva production

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I regularly use Biotene mouthwash. I have been using it for decades.

Biotene also makes a chewing gum and toothpaste which all help to

reduce or eliminate cotton mouth.



On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Duke Stone <dukesdeals@...> wrote:

> Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.



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Are you drinking enough water? You need to tonify foundational essence.

Saliva production

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.


Duke Dallas - Texas


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xylitol is deadly to dogs

In a message dated 12/16/2008 6:15:39 A.M. Central Standard Time,

esdel1955@... writes:

Hey Duke, you didn't specify what kind of health benefits you're looking

for, but I can tell you that any gum sweetened with xylitol as opposed to sugar

or artificial sweeteners is much more healthy for you. Orbit is a commonly

available brand which contains xylitol. Xylitol is a type of sugar (usually

made from beech trees) that actually prevents plaque build-up. This, in

turn, can prevent or ameliorate periodontal disease. Xylitol is also great for

clearing excessive mucus, sinus problems, and ear infections. You can also

buy xylitol in packets or in bulk and use it as a sugar (sucrose) substitute.

No funny aftertaste whatsoever. I'm a big fan of the stuff.


From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@...>

Subject: Saliva production

" coconut " <Coconut Oil >

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) . biz

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



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Hey Duke, you didn't specify what kind of health benefits you're looking for,

but I can tell you that any gum sweetened with xylitol as opposed to sugar or

artificial sweeteners is much more healthy for you.  Orbit is a commonly

available brand which contains xylitol.  Xylitol is a type of sugar (usually

made from beech trees) that actually prevents plaque build-up.  This, in turn,

can prevent or ameliorate periodontal disease.  Xylitol is also great for

clearing excessive mucus, sinus problems, and ear infections.  You can also buy

xylitol in packets or in bulk and use it as a sugar (sucrose) substitute.  No

funny aftertaste whatsoever.  I'm a big fan of the stuff.




From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@...>

Subject: Saliva production

" coconut " <Coconut Oil >

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas

                                              infoDukeStone (DOT) . biz

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Hi Duke, Steve and

, you statement is only 2% correct and

needs qualifying.

See Wikipedia on this ...very interesting.

The benefits of Xylitol far outweigh any danger

which applies only in very large doses to dogs.

Just like anything else, it can be overdone.

Drinking too much water can kill you. Don't

let it scare you away from missing out on a

good thing.



From: " cindykosta@... " <cindykosta@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:42:16 AM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

xylitol is deadly to dogs

In a message dated 12/16/2008 6:15:39 A.M. Central Standard Time,

esdel1955 (DOT) com writes:

Hey Duke, you didn't specify what kind of health benefits you're looking

for, but I can tell you that any gum sweetened with xylitol as opposed to sugar

or artificial sweeteners is much more healthy for you. Orbit is a commonly

available brand which contains xylitol. Xylitol is a type of sugar (usually

made from beech trees) that actually prevents plaque build-up. This, in

turn, can prevent or ameliorate periodontal disease. Xylitol is also great for

clearing excessive mucus, sinus problems, and ear infections. You can also

buy xylitol in packets or in bulk and use it as a sugar (sucrose) substitute.

No funny aftertaste whatsoever. I'm a big fan of the stuff.


From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals (DOT) com>

Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

" coconut " <coconut_oil_ open_forum>

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) . biz

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

------------ --------- --------- ------


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favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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I drink two gallons a day at present.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas


From: Mercurius Trismegistus <magisterium_magnum@...>

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Coconut Oil

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 6:49 PM

Are you drinking enough water? You need to tonify foundational essence.

[coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) biz

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I don't you anything that is alcohol based.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas


From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals (DOT) com>

Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

" coconut " <coconut_oil_ open_forum>

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas

                                              infoDukeStone (DOT) . biz

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hi, where can you buy xylitol in bulk, i buy a small container at whole foods

for $10.00.

From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals (DOT) com>

Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

" coconut " <coconut_oil_ open_forum>

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) . biz

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

------------ --------- --------- ------


************ **Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and

favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

(http://www.aol. com/?optin= new-dp & icid= aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolco


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I just got some samples of both xylitol and erythritol, but I haven't

used them yet. Erythritol has zero calories and a glycemic index of

zero, but I have no idea how it tastes yet.

Emerald Forest 5lb Xylitol Sweetener $23.95

Xylitol Bulk Sweetener 1lb Pouch $5.95

Xylitol Sugar Packets 100ct NET $7.95


Emerald Forest Erythritol

Low calorie & Low Glycemic Natural Sweetener

Erythritol is 70% as sweet as table sugar, yet it is virtually

non-caloric, does not affect blood sugar, and does not cause tooth

decay. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling

requirements, it has a caloric value of 0.2 calories per gram.

Diabetics will be happy to know that on the glycemic index, Erythritol

is rated at zero. This means that insulin is not used to metabolize



On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Lucy Tarallo <Lucy_tarallo@...> wrote:

> hi, where can you buy xylitol in bulk, i buy a small container at whole foods

for $10.00.


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Warning! I just received info that Erythritol is probably deadly.

I will post more info after I clean up all the broken URLst. So best

stick with Xylitol for now.



~ Truvia ~ new Low Calorie Sweetener (toxin)

Manufactured by Cargill (in conjunction with Coca Cola )

This is a non-organic, manufactured and possibly a chemically

processed product originally starting with from Stevia leaves (the

real thing). There is no evidence, yet, that the finished product is

healthy, or that it remains a STEVIA-like product, with its original

beneficial qualities intact.

NOTE: As with SPLENDA...the firm said it was from sugar. Yet, after

processing, it turned out that SPLENDA evolved ( was processed ) into

a chlorocarbon, with a molecular structure closely resembling

chlorine-based DDT, the banned pesticide.

SPLENDA being a chlorocarbon, contained chlorine and chlorine

derivatives that the human body cannot metabolize. Whenever you see

this aspect in processed food or sweeteners or additives, almost 99 %

of the time, this means that the body expends vast amounts of energy

trying to metabolize it, putting stress on the liver, pancreas, and

other organs.

As you may know, the body does NOT metabolize chlorine very well, and

therefore created long term health consequences associated with

hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), increased size of thymus gland, kidney

malfunctions, and a host of other pathologies leading into a diseased

state. That is SPLENDA ...a chlorinated, processed molecule that more

closely resembles DDT, than any sugar.

In addition to our previous experience with SPLENDA, Aspartame, and

cyclamates, et al, problems always developed from their use. Some of

these issues, like with aspartame, were substantially (neuro)toxic.

Thus, this has led us to formulate and research several important

questions and queries...

First: Erythritol, a sweetening agent contained in TRUVIA ® (and

ZEROSE ®), is processed AND SYNTHESIZED from its original state.

TRUVIA is processed with Erythritol and treated (Rebiana). This does

not mean that the finished product resembles the original state from

which it is manufactured. So, that's a red flag.

Second: To date (Nov. 2008) Our investigation is currently involved

with looking into the following issues:

a) That this PROCESSED Rebiana or Stevia may not reflect the original

starting product.

B) Increased calcium loss, along with potassium, and phosphate (from

what we discovered currently) may have a severe, long-term consequence

on kidney function by causing or increasing renal lesions.

c) Noted increases in urinary calcium, potassium, etc. reflects these

constituents being released into the blood stream from moderate intake

of Erythritol (PROCESSED REBIANA), and that this increase accumulates

in the kidneys, causing calcification and lesions. We found testing

which showed weight changes in animal kidneys upon examination, with

developing lesions.

d) We are also finding data that " alludes " to the development of an

enlarged cecum, a small pouch attached to the ascending large colon,

near the ilio-cecal valve in the intestine. This seems to make sense

due to the fact that unmetabolized and artificially processed

additives may aggravate or instigate inflammation of the cecum. We

have learned that most artificial products (chemicals, additives,

flavor enhancers, coloring agents, etc) that are not capable of being

metabolized have led to pathological health issues. This raises

another red flag.

e) With natural Stevia - Rebiana available on the market, why would

anyone destroy this perfectly wholesome, safe natural sweetener by

processing it, using chemicals and other additives in the finished

production process ?

This question is may be answered three-fold = 1) It is being developed

by a multi-national corporation with significant influence over the

FDA ; 2) Profit motive, and, 3) the agenda to eventually provide

another pharmaceutical requisite for a " precondition of illness " for

further profit.

It sounds sinister, because it is sinister, as these people, focused

on profit, care less about our health or well-being. So, what we have

included in this research, is MOTIVE.... We think these days, this has

become an important aspect of planned investigative research,

especially when it comes to the FDA or pharmaceutical firms.

Why process an already natural product ???

To process Stevia into Stevioside (powdered form) requires that the

leaves are subject to a process of using nitrogen, water, and in some

cases, methanol (like caffeine-free coffee) to create the powdered

sweetener of Stevia. So, Why not simply add natural Stevia to these

products ?

Good question...and it deserves an answer.

This is where we are, so far. We have a way to go yet.

We will keep this site updated as the information becomes available

and is validated.

Currently, we recommend promoting and using natural Stevia. We found

one firm, Stevita, Inc., from Dallas, Texas operated by a man (

) with direct connections to Stevia-Pharma in southern Brazil,

where it is naturally produced and packaged, retaining all its natural

beneficial qualities.


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Alobar <alobar@...> wrote:

> I just got some samples of both xylitol and erythritol, but I haven't

> used them yet. Erythritol has zero calories and a glycemic index of

> zero, but I have no idea how it tastes yet.


> Emerald Forest 5lb Xylitol Sweetener $23.95

> Xylitol Bulk Sweetener 1lb Pouch $5.95

> Xylitol Sugar Packets 100ct NET $7.95

> http://shop.emeraldforestxylitol.com/emeraldforestxylitol5lbbag.aspx


> Emerald Forest Erythritol


> Low calorie & Low Glycemic Natural Sweetener

> Erythritol is 70% as sweet as table sugar, yet it is virtually

> non-caloric, does not affect blood sugar, and does not cause tooth

> decay. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling

> requirements, it has a caloric value of 0.2 calories per gram.


> Diabetics will be happy to know that on the glycemic index, Erythritol

> is rated at zero. This means that insulin is not used to metabolize

> Erythritol.


> http://shop.emeraldforestxylitol.com/emeraldforesterythritol5lbbag-1.aspx




> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Lucy Tarallo <Lucy_tarallo@...> wrote:

>> hi, where can you buy xylitol in bulk, i buy a small container at whole foods

for $10.00.



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You're welcome

From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@ . com>

Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

" coconut " <coconut_oil_ open_forum>

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas

                                              infoDukeStone (DOT) . . biz

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Hi Lucy,  you can get a 5 lb bag of a brand called XyloSweet for $23

at amazon.com.  It's also available at many supplement stores.



From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@ . com>

Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

" coconut " <coconut_oil_ open_forum>

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) . biz

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dear sirs

a mothwash which contain stevia is : 1- safe 2- sweet 3- calibrate pH of saliva

and control its secretion 4- if swallow it will be benefit for your health

I love stevia

sincerely yours BEHESHTI

From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@ . com>

Subject: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

" coconut " <coconut_oil_ open_forum>

Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 10:21 PM

Does anyone have a suggestion on a gum or what ever that would be healthy to

chew on a regular basis.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.




                  Duke  Dallas - Texas


     infoDukeStone (DOT) . . biz

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Hello everyone,

I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of  Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a





From: Alobar <Alobar@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 5:46:01 AM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Warning! I just received info that Erythritol is probably deadly.

I will post more info after I clean up all the broken URLst. So best

stick with Xylitol for now.


++++++++++++ +++++++++ ++++++

~ Truvia ~ new Low Calorie Sweetener (toxin)

Manufactured by Cargill (in conjunction with Coca Cola )

This is a non-organic, manufactured and possibly a chemically

processed product originally starting with from Stevia leaves (the

real thing). There is no evidence, yet, that the finished product is

healthy, or that it remains a STEVIA-like product, with its original

beneficial qualities intact.

NOTE: As with SPLENDA....the firm said it was from sugar. Yet, after

processing, it turned out that SPLENDA evolved ( was processed ) into

a chlorocarbon, with a molecular structure closely resembling

chlorine-based DDT, the banned pesticide.

SPLENDA being a chlorocarbon, contained chlorine and chlorine

derivatives that the human body cannot metabolize. Whenever you see

this aspect in processed food or sweeteners or additives, almost 99 %

of the time, this means that the body expends vast amounts of energy

trying to metabolize it, putting stress on the liver, pancreas, and

other organs.

As you may know, the body does NOT metabolize chlorine very well, and

therefore created long term health consequences associated with

hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), increased size of thymus gland, kidney

malfunctions, and a host of other pathologies leading into a diseased

state. That is SPLENDA ...a chlorinated, processed molecule that more

closely resembles DDT, than any sugar.

In addition to our previous experience with SPLENDA, Aspartame, and

cyclamates, et al, problems always developed from their use. Some of

these issues, like with aspartame, were substantially (neuro)toxic.

Thus, this has led us to formulate and research several important

questions and queries...

First: Erythritol, a sweetening agent contained in TRUVIA ® (and

ZEROSE ®), is processed AND SYNTHESIZED from its original state.

TRUVIA is processed with Erythritol and treated (Rebiana). This does

not mean that the finished product resembles the original state from

which it is manufactured. So, that's a red flag.

Second: To date (Nov. 2008) Our investigation is currently involved

with looking into the following issues:

a) That this PROCESSED Rebiana or Stevia may not reflect the original

starting product.

B) Increased calcium loss, along with potassium, and phosphate (from

what we discovered currently) may have a severe, long-term consequence

on kidney function by causing or increasing renal lesions.

c) Noted increases in urinary calcium, potassium, etc. reflects these

constituents being released into the blood stream from moderate intake

of Erythritol (PROCESSED REBIANA), and that this increase accumulates

in the kidneys, causing calcification and lesions. We found testing

which showed weight changes in animal kidneys upon examination, with

developing lesions.

d) We are also finding data that " alludes " to the development of an

enlarged cecum, a small pouch attached to the ascending large colon,

near the ilio-cecal valve in the intestine. This seems to make sense

due to the fact that unmetabolized and artificially processed

additives may aggravate or instigate inflammation of the cecum. We

have learned that most artificial products (chemicals, additives,

flavor enhancers, coloring agents, etc) that are not capable of being

metabolized have led to pathological health issues. This raises

another red flag.

e) With natural Stevia - Rebiana available on the market, why would

anyone destroy this perfectly wholesome, safe natural sweetener by

processing it, using chemicals and other additives in the finished

production process ?

This question is may be answered three-fold = 1) It is being developed

by a multi-national corporation with significant influence over the

FDA ; 2) Profit motive, and, 3) the agenda to eventually provide

another pharmaceutical requisite for a " precondition of illness " for

further profit.

It sounds sinister, because it is sinister, as these people, focused

on profit, care less about our health or well-being. So, what we have

included in this research, is MOTIVE.... We think these days, this has

become an important aspect of planned investigative research,

especially when it comes to the FDA or pharmaceutical firms.

Why process an already natural product ???

To process Stevia into Stevioside (powdered form) requires that the

leaves are subject to a process of using nitrogen, water, and in some

cases, methanol (like caffeine-free coffee) to create the powdered

sweetener of Stevia. So, Why not simply add natural Stevia to these

products ?

Good question...and it deserves an answer.

This is where we are, so far. We have a way to go yet.

We will keep this site updated as the information becomes available

and is validated.

Currently, we recommend promoting and using natural Stevia. We found

one firm, Stevita, Inc., from Dallas, Texas operated by a man (

) with direct connections to Stevia-Pharma in southern Brazil,

where it is naturally produced and packaged, retaining all its natural

beneficial qualities.

++++++++++++ +++++++++ ++++++

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Alobar <alobargmail (DOT) com> wrote:

> I just got some samples of both xylitol and erythritol, but I haven't

> used them yet. Erythritol has zero calories and a glycemic index of

> zero, but I have no idea how it tastes yet.


> Emerald Forest 5lb Xylitol Sweetener $23.95

> Xylitol Bulk Sweetener 1lb Pouch $5.95

> Xylitol Sugar Packets 100ct NET $7.95

> http://shop. emeraldforestxyl itol.com/ emeraldforestxyl itol5lbbag. aspx


> Emerald Forest Erythritol


> Low calorie & Low Glycemic Natural Sweetener

> Erythritol is 70% as sweet as table sugar, yet it is virtually

> non-caloric, does not affect blood sugar, and does not cause tooth

> decay. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling

> requirements, it has a caloric value of 0.2 calories per gram.


> Diabetics will be happy to know that on the glycemic index, Erythritol

> is rated at zero. This means that insulin is not used to metabolize

> Erythritol.


> http://shop. emeraldforestxyl itol.com/ emeraldforestery thritol5lbbag- 1.aspx




> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Lucy Tarallo <Lucy_tarallo> wrote:

>> hi, where can you buy xylitol in bulk, i buy a small container at whole foods

for $10.00.



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I always get a sample first. Some xylitol does not taste very good.

People selling xylitol from birch claim it tastes better than xylitol

from corn, but I really do not know if that is just advertizing hype.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Pat Webb <patwebb@...> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a



> Thanks,

> Pat



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It would be for me. Anything corn. Anything Alcohol.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas


From: Pat Webb <patwebb@...>

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Coconut Oil

Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:26 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of  Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a




____________ _________ _________ __

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Hello Duke,

I agree and in the garbage it went but everything that I've read says that it is

the best sweetner out there.



From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:54:06 PM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

It would be for me. Anything corn. Anything Alcohol.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas

                                              infoDukeStone (DOT) biz

From: Pat Webb <patwebbrocketmail (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:26 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of  Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a




____________ _________ _________ __

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Hello Alobar,

It would have been so nice to have know about this site before I bought 10

pounds of the stuff but am glad that I have found it. It did taste horrible and

it wasn't cheap.



From: Alobar <Alobar@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:18:55 PM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

I always get a sample first. Some xylitol does not taste very good.

People selling xylitol from birch claim it tastes better than xylitol

from corn, but I really do not know if that is just advertizing hype.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Pat Webb <patwebbrocketmail (DOT) com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,


> I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a



> Thanks,

> Pat



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I " m glad your not hooked on the taste of arsenic. Being a master of your mind

isn't easy for some I guess.



                                              Duke  Dallas - Texas


From: Pat Webb <patwebb@...>

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Coconut Oil

Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 7:40 PM

Hello Duke,

I agree and in the garbage it went but everything that I've read says that it is

the best sweetner out there.


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Hi Pat

According to what I read, it provides great

health benefits so I am wondering why you

would throw it out. There must be some

way to consume it such as putting it in

capsules, perhaps?



From: Pat Webb <patwebb@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 5:40:41 PM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Hello Duke,

I agree and in the garbage it went but everything that I've read says that it is

the best sweetner out there.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals (DOT) com>

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:54:06 PM

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

It would be for me. Anything corn. Anything Alcohol.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) biz

From: Pat Webb <patwebb@rocketmail . com>

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:26 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a




____________ _________ _________ __

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Xylitol is good in gum for getting infections out of inner ear. Also

good for killing tooth decay bacteria. It is a good sweetner

provided one can handle high oxalates. I would have no idea why one

would put xylitol in a capsule.


On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 9:04 PM, helen/zhebee <zhebee@...> wrote:


> Hi Pat


> According to what I read, it provides great

> health benefits so I am wondering why you

> would throw it out. There must be some

> way to consume it such as putting it in

> capsules, perhaps?


> Helen



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Hi Helen,

I threw it away because it was made from corn and not from the birch tree.




From: helen/zhebee <zhebee@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 10:04:45 PM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Hi Pat

According to what I read, it provides great

health benefits so I am wondering why you

would throw it out. There must be some

way to consume it such as putting it in

capsules, perhaps?


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Pat Webb <patwebbrocketmail (DOT) com>

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 5:40:41 PM

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

Hello Duke,

I agree and in the garbage it went but everything that I've read says that it is

the best sweetner out there.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@ . com>

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:54:06 PM

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

It would be for me. Anything corn. Anything Alcohol.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) biz

From: Pat Webb <patwebb@rocketmail . com>

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:26 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a




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Thanks, Pat

It seemed such a waste but I don't blame you

about the corn. Almost all corn is a GMO.



From: Pat Webb <patwebb@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 8:52:27 AM

Subject: Re: Saliva production

Hi Helen,

I threw it away because it was made from corn and not from the birch tree.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: helen/zhebee <zhebee (DOT) com>

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 10:04:45 PM

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

Hi Pat

According to what I read, it provides great

health benefits so I am wondering why you

would throw it out. There must be some

way to consume it such as putting it in

capsules, perhaps?


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Pat Webb <patwebb@rocketmail . com>

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 5:40:41 PM

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

Hello Duke,

I agree and in the garbage it went but everything that I've read says that it is

the best sweetner out there.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Duke Stone <dukesdeals@ . com>

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:54:06 PM

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

It would be for me. Anything corn. Anything Alcohol.

awareness.investiga tion.knowledge. potential. motivation. action.patience.


Duke Dallas - Texas

infoDukeStone (DOT) biz

From: Pat Webb <patwebb@rocketmail . com>

Subject: Re: [coconut_oil_ open_forum] Saliva production

coconut_oil_ open_forum

Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:26 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm new but have really enjoyed all the email. I'm learning a lot especially

from Duncan. I bought 10 pounds of Xylitol and it is made from corn. Is this a




____________ _________ _________ __

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