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Hi , I have found several recent soup cookbook titles, but was

wondering if there were any cookbooks devoted to the sick, because I

have not been able to find any.

Good luck with your eye exam. I will tell you from experience that I

prefer hospitals for such exams to any private practice.

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Lee wrote:

> Hi , I have found several recent soup cookbook titles, but was

> wondering if there were any cookbooks devoted to the sick, because I

> have not been able to find any.

It seems like that I have seen ads for one called " foods that heal " or

something like that. But, as far as it goes, my mother (long dead) was

a nurse, and one of her cookbooks was an old nursing text that told you

how to do all kinds of things from scratch (boil eggs, make toast,

porridge, etc) and had notes like " good for patients who are suffering

from (X) symptoms " printed with the recipes.

Kowalkski has one for lowering your cholesterol through diet

modification that seemed a lot more straightforward than the other 3 I

saw in the library when I was researching for my husband. We got his

cholesterol down a lot and we'd have gotten it down to normal levels if

only he had exercised. But he'd go do stupid stuff like go to a buffet

when he was off at conferences or training without me and pig out on

eggs AND (5 pieces of) bacon AND (3 links plus several patties of)

sausage AND (a couple of pieces of) ham all in one meal. He did that

once right before a blood work session at the doctor and I finally told

him to take the damn pills she was pushing as he obviously didn't want

to pay any attention to his diet. If (when) it all goes pear-shaped,

he'll have to exercise and modify his diet because his meds won't always

be available, and I will have to ride his case hard to exercise, but

I'll be in total control of his diet since the man is not going to cook.

Meat won't be his mainstay food because it won't be available cheaply

and plentifully, he'll actually have to balance his diet and eat mostly

plants and fruits. He won't be able to tell me he'll eat the meat now

and have veggies later and then " forget " to have veggies. I feed him

soups and casseroles so he can't weasel out on eating veggies all the

time even though I'm not terribly fond of " one dish meals " .

Part of the problem is that foods we eat today aren't the same as the

foods people ate even 50 years ago. Milk is full of hormones and

antibiotics, eggs come from chickens on " farms " that have thousands of

birds that never touch the ground and never get any real food, duck eggs

were once a staple sold along side chicken eggs, but no more because of

a salmonella outbreak. Vegetables have been bred to have more fiber and

less nutrition so they ship better and look appealing on grocery store

shelves longer, fruits are picked green and gassed to " ripen " on

shelves. Stuff is shipped for hundreds if not thousands of miles.

Nothing is really fresh, and nothing is ever " out of season " , so people

don't have to vary their diets seasonally. I won't even go into genetic

modification of food to be resistant to pesticides or produce their own

pesticides and the fact that they were " grandfathered " in with no real

testing required in this country.

Then too, people don't cook any more either. I rarely use a recipe when

I cook my mainstay soups, and I'm sure it's never the same twice, but

it's always edible. I make my own bread. I grow some of my own veggies,

and I'm going to be trying my hand at growing grain next year, if not

this year. Instead of freezing everything, I am going to learn to can

and dehydrate this year.

Ah well, I'll shut up now. Food is one of my soapboxes. ;-)

I will see if I can't find some " sick people " cookbook titles for you.

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  • 1 year later...


> Hi All,


> I am nearly brain-dead from all the reading on Bee's various wonderful sites

today and am nearly 100% I am going to throw myself whole-heartedly into this

diet and rid myself of candida, which I know I have BADLY. (I'm just about done

with the denial part of this journey I think!).


> Anyway...my biggest hurdle (as it is for most) will be cooking foods that my

family will eat. Hubby's not the problem....it's the kids...thankfully I make

everything from scratch anyway, but I want to make sure I can make stuff that

they'll eat, and not whinge about, too. If I'm going to do this, we all have to

do it, which I'm thinking might be challenging. SO I'm wondering, are the

recipes in Childs' books and in Nourishing Traditions more for once you're

well established with this new way of cooking/eating, or can the recipes be

implemented from the beginning? ie. are the ingredients allowed and will they

still facilitate the starvation of the candida? Or should I just stick to the

recipes on Bee's site for the first few weeks? Am I making any sense? lol

+++Hi Keri. You must be careful to adjust any foods or ingredients in recipes

from Childs or Nourishing Traditions cookbooks so they match the candida

diet, and eliminate damaging foods and toxins, sugars, etc.

Also see these recipes on my website:



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Good morning Keri,

I am a " from scratch, old-fashioned Southern cook " and so far I have no problem

from my children or husband.

Eating Bee's way is really not that difficult if you've been accustomed to

eating Good Natural Foods anyway. You just have to wrap your mind around not

eating the breads, starchy veggies, etc.

Last night's supper was chicken and cauliflower soup. I made a small batch of

the tomato sauce (I found the receipt on Bee's site). The chicken had been

seasoned up and slow cooked in the crock-pot overnight. The cauliflower was melt

in your mouth delicious. It was delicious, very flavorful and received a thumbs

up from dear husband.

On the other hand, my children ate burgers. Made from 73/27 ground beef. These

were fried in bacon grease. They praised them as being juicy and full of flavor.

They have decided that bread makes them " feel full " but then within no time they

are hungry so they no longer eat bread.

They have replaced their cheese with coconut oil or real butter. They say it

tastes really good that way, especially with the sea salt.

Also I have noticed that by adding the fat to it they no longer crave ketchup

like they did.

As we were eating supper last night, we decided this " medicine " sure taste a lot

better than a prescribed chemical buffet of toxic poisons that so many are

" enjoying " *cough* for supper.

By the way, since veggies are not an issue at this point, we don't push them to

eat them. Although, on their own, they will most often chose to eat a little.

Just don't push your children...it's like " money see, money do " . *smile*

Have a Blessed Weekend dear Keri. And do keep us updated on how well your family


Lovingly, a

Oh one last thing...for inspiration, go to the Bee's recipe group, Mz

Voilet has lots of great ideas/receipts!

Anyway...my biggest hurdle (as it is for most) will be cooking foods that my

family will eat. Hubby's not the problem....it's the kids...thankfully I make

everything from scratch anyway, but I want to make sure I can make stuff that

they'll eat, and not whinge about, too. If I'm going to do this, we all have to

do it, which I'm thinking might be challenging. SO I'm wondering, are the

recipes in Childs' books and in Nourishing Traditions more for once you're

well established with this new way of cooking/eating, or can the recipes be

implemented from the beginning? ie. are the ingredients allowed and will they

still facilitate the starvation of the candida? Or should I just stick to the

recipes on Bee's site for the first few weeks? Am I making any sense? lol

I plan on making up weekly menus and shopping lists so there's no room for

cheating or getting frustrated with lack of choice, so I need to know where I

can (legally) get my inspiration from!

Thanks :)


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Thanks so much a. Can I ask what you do for school lunches? I

have a feeling that will be the biggest challenge!! It's challenging

now....but without bread...I'm scared!! LOL



On 21/11/2009, at 12:00 AM, mrs_james_c wrote:

> I am a " from scratch, old-fashioned Southern cook " and so far I have

> no problem from my children or husband.


> Eating Bee's way is really not that difficult if you've been

> accustomed to eating Good Natural Foods anyway. You just have to

> wrap your mind around not eating the breads, starchy veggies, etc.


> Last night's supper was chicken and cauliflower soup. I made a small

> batch of the tomato sauce (I found the receipt on Bee's site). The

> chicken had been seasoned up and slow cooked in the crock-pot

> overnight. The cauliflower was melt in your mouth delicious. It was

> delicious, very flavorful and received a thumbs up from dear husband.

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Hi Keri,

The topic of what to feed the kids and school lunches and snacks and such is a

common question here on the group. While you wait for a to respond, you can

go to our group site and search the archived messages for responses that

were given in the past. You might try using " school lunch " or just " lunch " as

your search term.

Good for you for already making small changes!



> Thanks so much a. Can I ask what you do for school lunches? I

> have a feeling that will be the biggest challenge!! It's challenging

> now....but without bread...I'm scared!! LOL


> Cheers


> Keri


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We home school so there's not a problem with school lunches. However, sometimes

we go on field trips away from home, so...

In the place of bread, try romaine lettuce. It's all the rage right now anyway!

Mc's, Bojangle's and Dairy Queen all serve them.

I fry up chicken tenderloins, if your children like mayonnaise Bee has a receipt

on her site. I like to season up the chicken as my children do not like mayo. If

you use pure lard or bacon grease that really adds even more delicious flavor.

LOL Then just wrap like a tortilla. Simple. Inexpensive. Delicious. My 11 year

old son likes to help here as he likes adding the seasonings and grinding up the

sea salt over the top.

Before I became diabetic and had to review my own eating habits...at home I

never ate bread with my burgers. Instead I used my trusty romaine lettuce. If

your children like ketchup and mustard, once again Bee has a receipt for that!


For winter, why not buy a thermos and put some homemade soup in it. That should

help keep it warm.

I make spaghetti with meatballs, minus the breadcrumbs in the meatballs

(seasoned ground pork and beef-yum). I use Bee's tomato sauce. Taste just like

Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee spaghetti and meatballs to me. Need pasta...spaghetti squash,

though I have never tried that one. And I don't know how long they can be mixed

in the sauce, kept warm, etc. But we like it just as well with the pasta, so far

not even my darlings have missed it. They always fought over the one meatball in

the can whenever they were given a can of it.

My darlings are still in the " Step One " of starting Bee's candida diet. They are

cutting out the breads, cereals, cookies, cakes, sugar-y stuff. But they are

allowed to have fruits. I know but Baby steps are key here.

My son eats a banana...he dips it in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

He loves oranges, with sea salt on them. But he can not eat an entire orange in

one setting. He cannot have more than one orange per day, I buy the small

organic ones. *wink*

He doesn't care too much for apples, but will eat them in salty lemon juice.

How about some of the nuts that are allowed? Crispy walnuts, pecans...yum. A

nice salty snack. Add flavor with cinnamon, butter and stevia...this my son

really loves!

We also eat pork rinds, unflavored of course. This was my biggest challenge!

yipes!!! I have no problem with the egg drink or the electrolyte...but I used to

fear pork rinds!

Since your children are not fully on the diet they must have something to drink

during the school day. My children like fresh squeezed lemonade, but the stevia

is taking some getting used to. I did buy them some certified organic stevia

from the health food store. Sadly mine does not sell in bulk.

These are probably no-no's for Bee's Candida diet...but I figure you have to

start somewhere. I choose my battles carefully. *smile*

Keep it fun and they'll learn. Remember as the Flylady says...Baby Steps. Baby

Steps. wait...wrong group...lol

Do you have a link to the recipe group? You'll probably find lots more

ideas there.

I hope these help, Keri. Have a Blessed Weekend!

Blessings, a

Thanks so much a. Can I ask what you do for school lunches? I

have a feeling that will be the biggest challenge!!It's challenging

now....but without bread...I'm scared!! LOL



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My 19 year old daughter would love to visit Australia. But I'm afraid she may

never come back. A friend of ours did that! She (Australia) is beautiful, so who

could blame him.

Any green leafy lettuce would work. We like iceberg shredded and fried in

grease. Awesome with homemade pork patties.

For fries...any allowed veggie (especially asparagus or green beans) can be

roasted. You simply toss fresh or frozen veggie with sea salt, pepper and olive

oil or coconut oil. This is one of our faves!

Oh for the sweet tooth...cauliflower done the exact same way...we call it

caramel cauliflower. Delish!!!

For the ice cream...try freezing Bee's Fake Cream. Lots of ideas floating on the

other group about that one. LOL Though I haven't tried that one yet.

Best of Luck to you. Trust me, it gets easier.

Blessings, a

He loves sweet, not savoury (yep - I know why!!) so getting his head around this

will be a big challenge. I will take baby steps....cut out the ice cream at

night, not let them have lemonade when they got to their grandmothers, all of

that. Luckily they both drink water (we don't have juice or sodas here

thankfully) so the drinks aren't an issue. I'd hate to have to ween a kid of a

diet of coke and sugary juices!! Nightmare.

I guess you could use any lettuce, yes? I don't know what romaine

lettuce is....maybe we're a bit backward here in Australia!!! I guess it needs

to be bendy though? That's a good idea though, thanks!

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Thanks a. I'm still trying to get used to terms like " fried in

grease " LOL - it just goes against 40 years of the " oil is bad "

mentality!!! I'm not quite there yet but I'm sure it will happen.

Thanks for the compliment on our country :) It is nice, bloody hot at

the moment (sposed to be around 41 today - 100ish in your scale I

think) I've been to the states and loved it. We only did the east

and west coasts, would love to see more of the middle someday. We

have one of yours here at the moment and boy is she causing a stir

(Britney)!! Saw her the other night, she was awesome. We love the

Britster down here!!

One question....is it EVER safe to have potato again? Even in small

amounts when you've gotten well and ridded your body of candida and

it's toxins? And rice? Luckily we eat brown rice already....but one

day? Is that okay to have? *insert puppy dog eyes* lol



On 21/11/2009, at 11:56 AM, mrs_james_c wrote:

> Keri,


> My 19 year old daughter would love to visit Australia. But I'm

> afraid she may never come back. A friend of ours did that! She

> (Australia) is beautiful, so who could blame him.


> Any green leafy lettuce would work. We like iceberg shredded and

> fried in grease. Awesome with homemade pork patties.



> Best of Luck to you. Trust me, it gets easier.

> Blessings, a


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You're welcome, Keri.

Boy howdy, do I know what you're talking about. It's been years since I " fried "

anything. Believe me this WOE takes getting used to, maybe that ought to be a

part of step one...adjusting the mind. LOL

From my understanding...Once the candida have been brought back under control we

are free to branch out and add other " once forbidden " foods back in. As long as

they do not cause a reaction. That reaction is your body's way of letting you

know there is a problem within.

If a reaction does occur, it is important that you do not grab an OTC or

prescribed medicine to stop the reaction. Your body must be given the proper

foods and etc to handle the problem on it's own. Our job is to remember that the

food is a problem for our system and try to stay away from it. Maybe even taking

the time to discover what about that food caused the reaction. Maybe later the

person could try that food again.

The most important thing to remember is that once you do begin to incorporate

those foods, you must continue to eat the high " good " fats and proteins, along

with taking the supplements. The high " good " fats will enable you to eat enjoy

the others, methinks.

I believe most of us end up here because of the fear of fat and perhaps even


hope You Have a Beauty-filled Day!

Love, a

I'm still trying to get used to terms like " fried in

grease " LOL - it just goes against 40 years of the " oil is bad "

mentality!!! I'm not quite there yet but I'm sure it will happen.

One question....is it EVER safe to have potato again? Even in small

amounts when you've gotten well and ridded your body of candida and

it's toxins? And rice? Luckily we eat brown rice already....but one

day? Is that okay to have? *insert puppy dog eyes* lol



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> One question....is it EVER safe to have potato again? Even in small amounts

when you've gotten well and ridded your body of candida and it's toxins? And

rice? Luckily we eat brown rice already....but one day? Is that okay to have?

*insert puppy dog eyes* lol

+++Hi Keri. You are still craving carbs/sugars but as you progress on this

program by changing over your body from running on glucose/carbs to running on

high good fats your taste buds willo change.

Also any starches, which include potatoes, many vegetables and all grains are

just like consuming sugar, so you wouldn't want to have many of those in future

either. Sugars and starches have been known to cause many diseases for

thousands of years. Our bodies just aren't designed to run well on them. It is

also important that you continue running your body on high good fats instead of


I have to keep my sourdough bread in the freezer since I eat so little of it,

and unfortunately my potatoes are going bad since I rarely eat them as well.

Instead I consume mostly protein and good fats. I'm 68 years old, have no

degenerative diseases of any kind, and weight 133 lbs at 5 feet 6 inches! I

struggle with not having a thyroid, which I lost due to over treatment of it

when I was curing my candida 24 years ago.

Cheers, Bee

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  • 11 months later...

I saw that " Gluten Free Girl and the Chef " book at Costco. Does anyone use it regularly? It looked kind of intimidating, as it talked about making your own pasta. Anyone tried that?Also, has anyone tried making gnochi? I understand that it's mostly potato, with a small amount of flour, so maybe it would work well with gf flour?

-- Kathy SchrenkBoard MemberRestore Hetch Hetchywww.hetchhetchy.org

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I have been reading through the GF girl and the chef cookbook (I got it at the

library last week) and while I love Shauna's blog and I really want to love the

cookbook, it really bugs me- I just don't like the way it is organized. For

example, my main motivation to check it out was for the pizza crust recipe she

teased us with a few months ago on her blog and it took me a long time to find

it- which really pissed me off. I'm busy enough w/ a baby, a job and having to

cook everything from scratch to be GF. BTW the pizza crust recipe is actually

the GF cracker recipe in the cookbook - I guess they wanted to be " sneaky " by

putting a picture of a pizza on the cover yet they have no recipe or index entry

for " pizza " - I read through the recipe index, the index, the table of contents

and then every freaking page until I finally found something that mentioned

pizza. I am still fuming over that and I sure hope the recipe is worth it when I

finally get around to trying it.

I am planning to try a few of the recipes before I bring the book back but I

doubt I will buy my own copy based on what I have read so far. This is in

contrast with the Bette Hagman bread cookbook I also checked out of the library

and found I could not live without it so I bought it.

I have made gnocchi successfully - I used (and doctored a little) the recipe at

Book of Yum


although now that I can buy Conte's yummy frozen gnocchi at Whole Foods I'm not

sure when I'll make homemade again.


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The pizza recipe is worth it. I traded emails with Shauna when the book came out to try to find the recipe. They didn't know the cracker was good for pizza until they were at a stage in editing when the couldn't change the index or titles. The pasta recipe was really quite easy as long as you have a stand mixer. I've tried a bunch of fresh pasta experiments and this is the only recipe I've gotten to work. I rolled out by hand and cut with a knife and it worked fine. S. WSGRO--650.849.3261M--650.799.1274On Nov 14, 2010, at 4:19 PM, "jeansomlo" <jina68@...> wrote:

I have been reading through the GF girl and the chef cookbook (I got it at the library last week) and while I love Shauna's blog and I really want to love the cookbook, it really bugs me- I just don't like the way it is organized. For example, my main motivation to check it out was for the pizza crust recipe she teased us with a few months ago on her blog and it took me a long time to find it- which really pissed me off. I'm busy enough w/ a baby, a job and having to cook everything from scratch to be GF. BTW the pizza crust recipe is actually the GF cracker recipe in the cookbook - I guess they wanted to be "sneaky" by putting a picture of a pizza on the cover yet they have no recipe or index entry for "pizza" - I read through the recipe index, the index, the table of contents and then every freaking page until I finally found something that mentioned pizza. I am still fuming over that and I sure hope the recipe is worth it when I finally get around to trying it.

I am planning to try a few of the recipes before I bring the book back but I doubt I will buy my own copy based on what I have read so far. This is in contrast with the Bette Hagman bread cookbook I also checked out of the library and found I could not live without it so I bought it.

I have made gnocchi successfully - I used (and doctored a little) the recipe at Book of Yum http://www.bookofyum.com/blog/ricotta-cheese-gnocchi-for-two-330.html

although now that I can buy Conte's yummy frozen gnocchi at Whole Foods I'm not sure when I'll make homemade again.


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Great feedback about the cookbooks as I'm trying to write one myself. I'll keep

that (organization) in mind.

As someone with 2 young kids, I have always tried to keep recipes rather simple.

Here are two that I hope you enjoy.

GF Gnocchi:



GF Pizza Crust (for a thinner crust, divide the dough in half to make two

pizzas; otherwise it's thick-but still good)



Btw, I have found with the crust recipe that if you make it more than 2 times,

it's not as difficult. For me, it's a different way to make dough than what I

was brought up with in an Italian household. I feel like it's learning a

different language. But, I've served this dough to my brother and cousin and

they both liked it.

Good luck!

Amy Fothergill

The Family Chef


> >

> >

> > I have been reading through the GF girl and the chef cookbook (I got it at

the library last week) and while I love Shauna's blog and I really want to love

the cookbook, it really bugs me- I just don't like the way it is organized. For

example, my main motivation to check it out was for the pizza crust recipe she

teased us with a few months ago on her blog and it took me a long time to find

it- which really pissed me off. I'm busy enough w/ a baby, a job and having to

cook everything from scratch to be GF. BTW the pizza crust recipe is actually

the GF cracker recipe in the cookbook - I guess they wanted to be " sneaky " by

putting a picture of a pizza on the cover yet they have no recipe or index entry

for " pizza " - I read through the recipe index, the index, the table of contents

and then every freaking page until I finally found something that mentioned

pizza. I am still fuming over that and I sure hope the recipe is worth it when I

finally get around to trying it.

> >

> > I am planning to try a few of the recipes before I bring the book back but I

doubt I will buy my own copy based on what I have read so far. This is in

contrast with the Bette Hagman bread cookbook I also checked out of the library

and found I could not live without it so I bought it.

> >

> > I have made gnocchi successfully - I used (and doctored a little) the recipe

at Book of Yum


> >

> > although now that I can buy Conte's yummy frozen gnocchi at Whole Foods I'm

not sure when I'll make homemade again.

> >

> > Jean

> >

> >


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  • 1 year later...

Vita-Mix Recipe Book w/Instructional DVDhttp://www.amazon.com/Vita-Mix-Recipe-Book-Instructional-DVD/dp/B004ZD9ZSQ/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8 & qid=1327481269 & sr=8-8 --------------------------------------------------------------------

- I can't

- You can. You ain't alone. I'm right here with you. I've been here all along. Now play the game. Your game. The one that only you were meant to play. The one given to you when you were born. (The Legend of Bagger Vance)

--------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MO <olsonmlb@...> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 3:08 AM Subject: Cookbooks

Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.------------------------------------Please bookmark these pages:/links/ (this is the Links page where I save the answers to FAQs and Answers, Recipes, and LOTS of other helpful information - this page is always being added to)/links/IMPORTANT__Membership__001327149393/PLEASE

DON'T UNSUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE GETTING TOO MUCH MAIL! (if you unsubscribe, you will lose access to the Links page - an Encyclopedia of Collected Vitamix Wisdom! Go to this link to learn how to stop mail from coming, but STILL be a member of the group so you can STILL visit the Links page and read messages online!

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Create is the cookbook that come with the CIA model (a 5200 private labeled for sale in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond or any kitchen/food store etc.) It has recipes by famous chefs and the recipes are geared more towards chefs and caterers. You can't buy this one from vitamix.com, so EBay would be a good place to look for it.Life Fresh is sold with the Turbo Blend VS (a 5200 packaged for the raw, vegan, and vegetarian community). It contains recipes by famous chefs from the raw, vegan, and vegetarian communities.I have one of the demonstrator recipe books - they did not come with machines and were sold separately.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:08 AM, MO wrote:

Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!

Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.

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The Create Recipes cookbook came with my Professional 500 Vitamix. I also have the current Whole Foods Recipe cookbook. The only difference between the two is the Create has one different chapter and one additional chapter. The Create has Raw Food chapter in place of Recipes for Kids and the Create has an additional chapter of Chef Recipes. If nutritional information is important to you note that Create and Life Fresh do not have that information listed with any recipes while Whole Foods cookbook does. Tom From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Lea Ann SavageSent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 5:50 AM Subject: Re: Cookbooks Create is the cookbook that come with the CIA model (a 5200 private labeled for sale in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond or any kitchen/food store etc.) It has recipes by famous chefs and the recipes are geared more towards chefs and caterers. You can't buy this one from vitamix.com, so EBay would be a good place to look for it. Life Fresh is sold with the Turbo Blend VS (a 5200 packaged for the raw, vegan, and vegetarian community). It contains recipes by famous chefs from the raw, vegan, and vegetarian communities. I have one of the demonstrator recipe books - they did not come with machines and were sold separately. Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))>< On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:08 AM, MO wrote: Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.

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You should keep an eye on eBay for these cookbooks. It's a great place to keep

an eye out for hard to find items. You can find everything from vintage to brand

new if you're looking for a specific version.

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It has the variable speeds - it IS a 5200 machine packaged with a different cookbook (Live Fresh) + a nut milk bag. That is the only difference between the two machines.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jan 27, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Ginny Welton wrote:

Hi Lea Ann, I'm curious, why is the Turbo made for Vegetarian/Vegans...what is missing in it besides the variable speeds that would make it better for them?Ginny From: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 2:50 AM Subject: Re:


Create is the cookbook that come with the CIA model (a 5200 private labeled for sale in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond or any kitchen/food store etc.) It has recipes by famous chefs and the recipes are geared more towards chefs and caterers. You can't buy this one from vitamix.com, so EBay would be a good place to look for it.Life Fresh is sold with the Turbo Blend VS (a 5200 packaged for the raw, vegan, and vegetarian community). It contains recipes by famous chefs from the raw, vegan, and vegetarian communities.I have one of the demonstrator recipe books - they did not come with machines and were sold separately.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:08 AM, MO wrote:

Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!

Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.

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Lea Ann,I am trying to remember if you are a gluten free eater or not? Trying to sort out the whole leaky gut thing...KathyMOn Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 6:31 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:

It has the variable speeds - it IS a 5200 machine packaged with a different cookbook (Live Fresh) + a nut milk bag.  That is the only difference between the two machines.


Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)


On Jan 27, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Ginny Welton wrote:


Hi Lea Ann,  I'm curious, why is the Turbo made for Vegetarian/Vegans...what is missing in it besides the variable speeds that would make it better for them?


From: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...>

Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 2:50 AM Subject: Re:



Create is the cookbook that come with the CIA model (a 5200 private labeled for sale in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond or any kitchen/food store etc.)  It has recipes by famous chefs and the recipes are geared more towards chefs and caterers.  You can't buy this one from vitamix.com, so EBay would be a good place to look for it.

Life Fresh is sold with the Turbo Blend VS (a 5200 packaged for the raw, vegan, and vegetarian community).  It contains recipes by famous chefs from the raw, vegan, and vegetarian communities.

I have one of the demonstrator recipe books - they did not come with machines and were sold separately.

Blessings,Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)www.VitamixLady.com


On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:08 AM, MO wrote:


Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!

Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.

-- Kathy

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Ah thanks, it's just the cookbook, geared to Vegans/Vegetarians. Thanks for the clarification. I've wondered why there are so many different machines.Ginny From: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 3:31 AM Subject: Re:


It has the variable speeds - it IS a 5200 machine packaged with a different cookbook (Live Fresh) + a nut milk bag. That is the only difference between the two machines.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jan 27, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Ginny Welton wrote:

Hi Lea Ann, I'm curious, why is the Turbo made for Vegetarian/Vegans...what is missing in it besides the variable speeds that would make it better for them?Ginny From: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 2:50 AM Subject: Re:


Create is the cookbook that come with the CIA model (a 5200 private labeled for sale in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond or any kitchen/food store etc.) It has recipes by famous chefs and the recipes are geared more towards chefs and caterers. You can't buy this one from vitamix.com, so EBay would be a good place to look for it.Life Fresh is sold with the Turbo Blend VS (a 5200 packaged for the raw, vegan, and vegetarian community). It contains recipes by famous chefs from the raw, vegan, and vegetarian communities.I have one of the demonstrator recipe books - they did not come with machines and were sold separately.

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:08 AM, MO wrote:

Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!

Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.

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- thanks so much for clarifying this for me. It makes sense!!Happy DayGinny From: stacy_goes_raw <stacy_goes_raw@...> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:14 AM Subject: Re: Cookbooks

Ginny, Best as I can tell, the name "Turbo VS" is a means of packaging only. It will still include a 5200 base with variable speed options, and include the standard 64 oz. container. It still has a 7 year warranty. The only distinct "difference" is that the only color available is black. I suspect that's due to special labeling it as the "Turbo VS", whereas they can intermix the labels on the other models amongst their varied packages. If you take a look at the Vitamix website you'll quickly discover that they don't *really* sell individual models. They sell in packages, for the most part. Some of the items, most in fact, can be purchased separately, but not all. (For instance, some cookbooks only come with certain packages)(A la carte being choosing your base, then a container, then the included cookbook and/or extra you'd like for X amount. This would be my preferred method of sales, but alas.) The Turbo VS currently

comes included with the Live Fresh cookbook (can be purchased separately for $59) - geared towards vegans, vegetarians and raw foodists, and a nut milk bag. As a quick side note: the only Vitamix I notice with a specific difference besides packaging and addons is the Creations blender. The biggest thing to note is that it only comes with a 5 year warranty vs the typical 7. This is the model that, when available, is offered by QVC. It's usually still offered at a great price, especially if you can't/won't get to a road show to take advantage of special pricing. It's simply something to consider. The Creations cookbook is available exclusively as part of the package. You can compare the blenders and what I've mentioned as the US Vitamix Store.

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Hello Kathy,Yes I"m gluten and grain free. Grains (especially gluten) + leaky gut = bad! ;-)

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Jan 27, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Kathy M wrote:

Lea Ann,I am trying to remember if you are a gluten free eater or not? Trying to sort out the whole leaky gut thing...KathyMOn Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 6:31 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:

It has the variable speeds - it IS a 5200 machine packaged with a different cookbook (Live Fresh) + a nut milk bag. That is the only difference between the two machines.


Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)


On Jan 27, 2012, at 2:49 AM, Ginny Welton wrote:

Hi Lea Ann, I'm curious, why is the Turbo made for Vegetarian/Vegans...what is missing in it besides the variable speeds that would make it better for them?


From: Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...>

Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 2:50 AM Subject: Re:


Create is the cookbook that come with the CIA model (a 5200 private labeled for sale in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond or any kitchen/food store etc.) It has recipes by famous chefs and the recipes are geared more towards chefs and caterers. You can't buy this one from vitamix.com, so EBay would be a good place to look for it.

Life Fresh is sold with the Turbo Blend VS (a 5200 packaged for the raw, vegan, and vegetarian community). It contains recipes by famous chefs from the raw, vegan, and vegetarian communities.

I have one of the demonstrator recipe books - they did not come with machines and were sold separately.

Blessings,Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)www.VitamixLady.com


On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:08 AM, MO wrote:

Hi, everyone! Just curious what the differences are between the Create, Creations, While Foods and Live Fresh cookbooks. I'm most interested in the Create cookbook. Does anyone have one they're willing to sell? Also, in the whole grains book, is there a recipe for all purpose flour? Or does anyone have a recipe to make some? Thanks!

Also, anyone have the demonstrator recipe book? It's an older book, and I'm not sure when it was published or if it came with a machine or was sold separately.

-- Kathy

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