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Urine Therapy

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In a message dated 2/16/99 2:48:25 AM, vilik@... writes:

<< the Christy's insist on getting the urine quite alkaline before

starting. Are you aware of this? >>

Yes, this is implied in their book " Your Own Perfect Medicine. " It's good

advice. However, getting started is more important than getting ready to get

started. I look for signs and listen to myself on matters like this; I tend

to be more accurate than not. All my signs were indicating that it was time

to start. By the way, there is a new moon today in the sign of Aquarius,

emphasizing friendships and the sharing of information. New moons are a good

time to begin projects as they tend to culminate two weeks later at the full

moon. The parts of the body ruled by Aquarius are the nervous system, the

circulatory system, and the calves and ankles. I think this fast has

something to do with my circulatory system; there's a problem in the blood

that I'm seeking to heal.

Armstrong didn't care too much about the pH factor in the urine when he

recommend urine fasting. He was dealing with people who either drank their

urine or died; when your choices are those, urine pH is secondary. " Insisting "

on alkaline urine seems to me to be gilding the lily; one's urine is the very

best medicine one can take, anytime. The body works it all out, anyway; I'm

constantly amused by our arrogance that we can outthink our bodies because we

have a small piece of the truth.

<<One thought I've had about Armstrong. As you know he did a very long

urine fast. He felt very healthy after, but he died a relatively young man

(50's) the story being_that he was lifting weights and " his heart burst. " I

have wondered if, in fact, his heart was weakened by the long fast. Long fasts

tend to cause muscle lose, and the heart is a muscle.>>

Many of Armstrong's patients were elderly and, with his help, lived on to a

very ripe old age. He tells the story of an elderly man who fasted six months

safely. To judge the therapy solely on the basis of Armstrong's outcome may

be missing the point. It would be just as easy (and as inconclusive) to fault

weight lifting for his early death; ergo, no one should lift weights because

someone's heart burst while doing so. It could also have been that

Armstrong's heart was weak from birth, strengthened by fasting, but not enough

to withstand the exertion from weight training. This is all quite speculative

and there's simply not enough hard information to draw reasonable conclusions

from it. It may also be that it was Armstrong's time to go, programmed into

his heart from the moment of his birth, regardless of how he spent his life,

fasting or no. I've seen enough astrological charts with death indicators to

know that, for most of us, the number of breaths we will take was decided

before we arrived here, and it is hubris on our part to think our pathetic

efforts can extend that (shorten, perhaps). What we do seem to have a say in

is the quality of our lives while we are using up those breaths; we can do it

in a state of health or from a sick bed.

Besides, ultimately I don't listen to Armstrong or Christy, I listen to

myself; I'll know when it is time to conclude the fast, and I don't foresee 45

days like Armstrong did. Although, if it took that long to rid my body of

these pesky creatures who've invaded, I'd certainly do it. However, my hope

is that by combining ozone with the fast, I can shorten the fasting period.

Physiological results will tell me if I'm on track on this one.

The address for the gallbladder list is: <gallstonesonelist>. I'll

forward some related addresses to you as well.

Glad to hear from you.

With much affection,


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Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

Urine Therapy

From: Jules <jules@...>


I'm , 31 in NYC & just joined this list. I have been very ill

for many years, with many different confirmed & unconfirmed diagnosis

- for the past month I have felt quite near death. Recently have a

diagnosis of Candida Tropicalis and also likely Lyme disease, they do

more Lyme disease tests on Monday, I only hope I am well enough to get

to the Dr.s office! Does anyone here have helpful info on Lyme

disease & / or it's treatment? Would urine therapy possibly help? I

thought urine was waste that our body wants to get rid of! I also

likely have some as yet unidentified parasites, they did a urine test

and said I had a lot of proteins that are waste products of parasites,

that indicate parasitic infection. Do I want to reingest that?? I am

so glad for the internet, I am so ill and no one to help me, Dr.s here

in NYC are very busy and hard to see.

jules@ tuna.net




( >==< ) Ribbit

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In a message dated 2/19/99 11:18:19 PM, bobratliff@... writes:

<<If urine is so pure why does it stink and kill plants? >>

My urine doesn't stink. Yours probably does because of what you put into your

body that must be processed out. You would find that if you drank only your

urine all day, at the end of the day, it wouldn't stink, it would be pure.

That was Armstrong's point. Remember that before urine leaves the body it has

been filtered by the kidneys, an elaborate filtration system. Expensive kidney

dialysis machines attempt to duplicate the function of the kidneys. It is

commonly agreed that when urine leaves the body, it is sterile.

As to why urine kills plants, I don't really know for sure, but I'm sure the

answer is easily available. I would guess it's the uric acid or ammonia. Maybe

one of our chemistry/biology friends on the list can answer this. I'm not

sure it's entirely relevant, however.

If you have sincere questions about urine therapy, you may wish to begin

researching the subject. No one can do this for you. I began over three years

ago and am only now discussing it publicly. Besides, the information you

uncover on your own will have more value to you than anything I, or anyone

else, could spoon-feed to you.

For a starting point, I will repeat the URL that I gave in my earlier message

about this:


I note that someone else on our e-ring has cited some other websites for urine

therapy. You may wish to include them in your exploration of the subject. I

am not selling urine therapy. I only wish to call attention to it for those

who have eyes to see it. As Armstrong writes in his introduction " I have no

secret remedy or patent medicine to sell. Indeed, although a layman, I am

only following the policy required from all reputable members of the Medical

Profession themselves, viz., to make not secret of any discovery which may

prove useful in curing mankind: the more so as in many cases the treatment can

be carried out at home without any financial outlay whatever. "


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To , I've been dealing with candida and other related health issues for

about a year.

I've just learned about urine therapy through the oxy web ring. I'm on my fourth

day and feeling and looking better and better. Far from being the disgusting

waste product we've all been told it is, I am amazed to learn that urine is full

of minerals, enzymes, hormones, and any where from 200 to 2000 different

properties. Of the 100,000 cases of urine therapy that have been recorded in

this century, there isn't a single case of a toxic reaction (the only possible

exception might be if you have serious kidney problems) and the success rate for

every imaginable condition appears to be phenomenal. This may truly be one of

the great health secrets of the ages. Check out the following...

Good Luck, Louis M :)



Jules wrote:

> From: Jules <jules@...>


> Hi,


> I'm , 31 in NYC & just joined this list. I have been very ill

> for many years, with many different confirmed & unconfirmed diagnosis

> - for the past month I have felt quite near death. Recently have a

> diagnosis of Candida Tropicalis and also likely Lyme disease, they do

> more Lyme disease tests on Monday, I only hope I am well enough to get

> to the Dr.s office! Does anyone here have helpful info on Lyme

> disease & / or it's treatment? Would urine therapy possibly help? I

> thought urine was waste that our body wants to get rid of! I also

> likely have some as yet unidentified parasites, they did a urine test

> and said I had a lot of proteins that are waste products of parasites,

> that indicate parasitic infection. Do I want to reingest that?? I am

> so glad for the internet, I am so ill and no one to help me, Dr.s here

> in NYC are very busy and hard to see.



> jules@ tuna.net


> --

> @..@

> (----)

> ( >==< ) Ribbit


> Note: emails to me are occasionally lost in transit. You may think

> that I have received a message that you've sent when, in fact, I have

> not. If you don't get a response, please try again.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Suggestions on how we can improve ONElist? Go to the 'Suggestion'

> box on our new web site.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self- help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 7/28/99 6:32:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

bobratliff@... writes:

<< his most recent statement

by a western allopath seems to be additional authority for the opinion you

have formed. Is this it? You are not taking a visible position on this. If

you have done some serious research and are taking a position, please state

it. Taking pot shots from behind someone else's learning or opinion, or

resorting to ridicule, is not a mature way to approach this. >>


Please tell us what is your position on this is and what research do you have

to back this up? Would appreciate the info, thank you.

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Guest guest

I'm not taking any position. Sorry to disappoint you. I am just sending some

information contrair to what has been presented here. To use FYI, and for

everyone's learning experience.

My url was not from a western allopath, it was from a medical professor of

an American university. Re read my original post. Just so this won't be a

total waste. The university Prof. said urine contained waste produces from

the body. All the url's I read from this group were from non professionals

stating the urine was pure and clean.

Best Regards, Ratliff

SE Tenn.


So ,

I take it from your two previous posts (the other was a cite to the 10 worst

medical URLs, #2 of which was a Urine Therapy site) that you are expressing

your disapproval of the notion of urine therapy. This most recent statement

by a western allopath seems to be additional authority for the opinion you

have formed. Is this it? You are not taking a visible position on this. If

you have done some serious research and are taking a position, please state

it. Taking pot shots from behind someone else's learning or opinion, or

resorting to ridicule, is not a mature way to approach this. If you have

some facts to state, please state them; if you have formed an opinion,

please tell us how you did that; if you have a question, please ask it. I

look forward to what you have to say about this subject.

Best regards,



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OK, but that still is misleading. Your liver has waste products. What blod

passes to the kidney has already supposedly been cleaned by the liver. The

kidney then figures out how much of each chemical in the urine get to stay

there, custom dosing you.

So, it would be more accurate to say that the urine has excesses of hormones,

vitamins, etc. And, it is because it has excesses of these things that it can be

beneficial. Further, IMO, if one doesn't investigate any therapy that has sprung

up in unconnected cultures all over the globe for millennia, then one is a fool.

Things do not become common in unconnected cultures for no reason.

jim :)

Ratliff wrote:

> From: " Ratliff " <bobratliff@...>


> Those were my words. There words were urine contained

> waste products.


> Best Regards, Ratliff

> SE Tenn.

> bobratliff@...


> Re: Re: Urine Therapy


> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>


> > >From: " Ratliff " <bobratliff@...>

> >

> > >The biology faculty at Missouri Western State College

> > > Urine may or may not be good for you to drink. But this indicates there

> are

> > >waste products there, not just purified water.


> , please notice they say, " Urine may or may not be good ... " which

> means they have given an opinion based on opinion. I ignore anyting

> including the word may, waiting instead for an informed opinion.


> jim :)

> --

> jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience

> http://www.entrance.to/poetry


> The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its

> limits. -- anony


> amicus certus in re incerta


> ---------------------------

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Guest guest

I'm not going to crack a whip as moderator, but it seems to me there is more ad

hominem attack in this thread -- from different parties -- than is healthy for

an intelligent discussion. Let's discuss issues, folks, and do our best to be

polite in the process. This one appears to me to be escalating.

the moderator

SanteeNo1@... wrote:

> From: SanteeNo1@...


> In a message dated 7/28/99 6:32:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> bobratliff@... writes:


> << his most recent statement

> by a western allopath seems to be additional authority for the opinion you

> have formed. Is this it? You are not taking a visible position on this. If

> you have done some serious research and are taking a position, please state

> it. Taking pot shots from behind someone else's learning or opinion, or

> resorting to ridicule, is not a mature way to approach this. >>


> Jack,


> Please tell us what is your position on this is and what research do you have

> to back this up? Would appreciate the info, thank you.




> ---------------------------

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Guest guest

Read this for an explanation.


Urinary System

-The urinary system consists of the:



-urinary bladder


Functions of the kidneys

-The kidneys remove metabolic wastes from the blood and excrete them to the


-They also help regulate red blood cell production, blood pressure, calcium

ion absorption, and the volume, composition, and pH of the blood.

Best Regards, Ratliff

SE Tenn.


Re: Re: Urine Therapy


> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>


> > >From: " Ratliff " <bobratliff@...>

> >

> > >The biology faculty at Missouri Western State College

> > > Urine may or may not be good for you to drink. But this indicates


> are

> > >waste products there, not just purified water.


> , please notice they say, " Urine may or may not be good ... " which

> means they have given an opinion based on opinion. I ignore anyting

> including the word may, waiting instead for an informed opinion.


> jim :)

> --

> jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience

> http://www.entrance.to/poetry


> The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its

> limits. -- anony


> amicus certus in re incerta


> ---------------------------

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I was framed. That is not my quote. Re read my msgs.

Best Regards, Ratliff

SE Tenn.


Re: Re: Urine Therapy

From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>

I'm not going to crack a whip as moderator, but it seems to me there is more

ad hominem attack in this thread -- from different parties -- than is

healthy for an intelligent discussion. Let's discuss issues, folks, and do

our best to be polite in the process. This one appears to me to be


the moderator

SanteeNo1@... wrote:

> From: SanteeNo1@...


> In a message dated 7/28/99 6:32:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> bobratliff@... writes:


> << his most recent statement

> by a western allopath seems to be additional authority for the opinion


> have formed. Is this it? You are not taking a visible position on this.


> you have done some serious research and are taking a position, please


> it. Taking pot shots from behind someone else's learning or opinion, or

> resorting to ridicule, is not a mature way to approach this. >>


> Jack,


> Please tell us what is your position on this is and what research do you


> to back this up? Would appreciate the info, thank you.




> ---------------------------

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Guest guest

Dear ,

Thanks very much for posting that information on the kidneys.

Dr. says that you can get 90% of the benefits of urine therapy by

just peeing on your feet when in the shower. Beats drinking it !

Best of Health!

Saul Pressman

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

Join our mailing list and learn about ozone therapy at:




Re: Re: Urine Therapy


>> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>


>> > >From: " Ratliff " <bobratliff@...>

>> >

>> > >The biology faculty at Missouri Western State College

>> > > Urine may or may not be good for you to drink. But this indicates


>> are

>> > >waste products there, not just purified water.


>> , please notice they say, " Urine may or may not be good ... " which

>> means they have given an opinion based on opinion. I ignore anyting

>> including the word may, waiting instead for an informed opinion.


>> jim :)

>> --

>> jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience

>> http://www.entrance.to/poetry


>> The biggest difference between genius & stupidity is that genius has its

>> limits. -- anony


>> amicus certus in re incerta


>> ---------------------------

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest


If you have a kidney or bladder infection there is a definite risk. The

bacteria often present is E coli which can effect many areas of the body and

cause serious problems, even death.

Other kidney problems would alter the content of the urine, and would

certainly effect urine therapy. If I had kidney problems and felt strongly

about trying urine therapy (not saying I do, mind you) I would find a

sympathetic medical doctor with training in the alternative therapies and

discuss it fully before trying it

Just my two cents

Clea :)

Urine therapy

|Hi everyone! I also read that you cannot try urine therapy if

|you have problems with your kidneys.


|Any comments?


|Bye for now, Marie




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  • 3 months later...



United States Patent 5,504,065

Hattori , et al. April 2, 1996



Agent for treating or preventing AIDS using human urine trypsin inhibitor


Human urine trypsin inhibitor is provided as an agent for treating acquired

immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), preventing the infection with AIDS or

preventing the onset of AIDS after such infection. It can be administered

intravenously for the treatment and externally for the prevention.



Inventors: Hattori; Toshio (Kumamoto, JP); Takatsuki; Kiyoshi (Kumamoto,

JP); Yuki; Yoshikazu (Kobe, JP)

Assignee: JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (Hyogo, JP)

Appl. No.: 261746

Filed: June 17, 1994

U.S. Class: 514/8; 530/395; 530/397; 530/834

Intern'l Class: A61K 038/14; A61K 038/57

Field of Search: 514/8 500/395,397,834



4780209 Oct., 1988 Yuki et al. 210/635.

Other References

Proksch et al, J. Lab. Clin. Med. pp. 491-499 (1972).

Primary Examiner: Schain; E.

Attorney, Agent or Firm: Burgess, and Wayne



Parent Case Text



This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/158,819, filed

Nov. 26, 1993, now abandoned, which is a continuation of application Ser.

No. 07/960,199, filed Oct. 9, 1992, now abandoned, which is a continuation

of application Ser. No. 831,080, filed Feb. 5, 1992, now abandoned, which is

a continuation of application Ser. No. 436,830, filed Nov. 15, 1989, now







1. A method for inhibiting syncytium formation in infection-free cells which

come in contact with HIV-infected cells, said method comprising contacting

said cells with unit doses of an inhibitory agent comprised of from 10 to

500 mg of human urine trypsin inhibitor.

2. A method for inhibiting the development of the AIDS virus as evidenced by

an inhibition of syncytium formation in a subject which comprises

administering to said subject unit doses containing 10 to 500 mg of an

inhibitory agent comprised of human urine trypsin inhibitor.







1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to an agent for treating acquired immunodeficiency

syndrome (AIDS), preventing AIDS virus infection and preventing the onset of

AIDS after such infection.

2. Description of the Prior Art

AIDS is now a focus of worldwide attention as a disease induced by human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV, or AIDS virus) and characterized by bad


When infected with HIV, helper T cells, among others, are destroyed.

Insufficiency of immunological competence thus results and this leads to

such clinical features as serious opportunistic infection, carinii

pneumonia, Kaposi sarcoma and AIDS-related encephalopathy. The disease is

highly fatal.

HIV infection-associated states or illnesses include a symptomatic carrier

state, progressive or persistent generalized lymphoadenophathy (PGL),

lymphoadenophathy syndrome (LAD), AIDS-related complex (ARC) and AIDS. No

effective therapy for AIDS has been established as yet. The only agent known

to be effective is 3'-azidothymidine that has been shown to have obvious

life-prolonging effect in patients with AIDS who are suffering from carinii


AZT is an HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor and this effect brings about

improvements in clinical symptoms and neurologic symptoms and temporary

restoration of certain immune functions [H. Mitsuya et al.; Nature, 325, 773

(1987)]. Therefore, AZT is highly toxic to bone marrow and about 50% of

patients treated with AZT require blood transfusion.

No virucidal agent capable of specifically killing HIV without causing any

serious adverse reactions in humans has not been discovered as yet.

Reverse transcriptase inhibitors, such as AZT, cannot be considered to be

potent therapeutic agents since they produce adverse effects and are

effective only in the postponing of death.

Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide an agent for

treating AIDS and preventing HIV infection or the onset of AIDS after HIV


The present inventors made investigations into the interactions between AIDS

virus and T cells or, in other words, the sites of infection.

AIDS virus has an envelope glycoprotein (gp-120). Investigations have shown

that gp-120 has a T cell receptor (CD-4)-binding site within the amino acid

sequence from the 397th (from the N terminus of gp-120) to the 439th amino

acid thereof [A. L. Lawrence et al.: Cell, 50, 975 (1987)].

According to more recent findings, the 24 amino acids (called epitope

..beta.) from the 308th (from the N terminus) to the 332th amino acid of

gp-120 plays an important role in HIV infection [T. J. Palker: Proc. Natl.

Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 85, 1932 (1988); S. Matsushita: J. Virol., 62 (6), 2107

(1988)]. That is to say, researchers, inclusive of the present inventors,

have revealed that monoclonal antibodies to epitope .beta. of gp-120 can

inhibit HIV infection.

Accordingly, the present inventors searched for proteins having an amino

acid sequence homologous to epitope .beta. using the National Biomedical

Research Foundation data base. As a result, 90 proteins were listed, 11 of

which were proteases or protease inhibitors.

Among them, inter-.alpha.-trypsin inhibitors (ITIs), not only human ITI but

also ITIs derived from various animals, showed that highest degree of

homology to epitope .beta..

The arginine residue (Arg) in the homologous region was the protease

activity inhibiting site of ITIs.

While epitope .beta. is the variable region of gp-120, the amino acid

sequence comprising several amino acids with Arg as the central figure was

preserved in various HIV-1 strains. Therefore, the present inventors

synthesized a peptide having 33 amino acids in its amino acid sequence,

including the 54 amino acids of epitope .beta. and evaluated it for trypsin

activity inhibition by it. As a result, it was found that said peptide could

inhibit trypsin activity by 30% when BOC-Phe-Ser-Arg-MCA was used as a

synthetic substrate.

It was thus suggested that epitope .beta. might have protease inhibitor

activity or be a very good substrate for protease.

Human ITI is a glycoprotein occurring in human serum. It is a single-chain

glycoprotein having an apparent molecular weight of about 180,000 as

determined by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis) and a carbohydrate content of about 8%. It is stable to

acids and heat.

On the other hand, human urine trypsin inhibitor (hereinafter referred to as

" UTI " ) purified from human urine is a single-chain glycoprotein having an

apparent molecular weight of about 45,000 as determined by SDS-PAGE. It is

stable to heat and acids.

Since both have the identical amino acid sequence on the N-terminal side,

the ITI is presumably a precursor to UTI ( " Proteinase Inhibitors " , edited by

A. J. Barrett et al., pages 389-398, Elsevier, 1986). UTI has two kunitz

type domains closely resembling each other within its molecule. Nothing is

known at all about what action, if any, said ITI and/or UTI can exert upon

AIDS virus, however.

In Japan, human UTI, also called urinastatin by generic name, is currently

in wide clinical use as a drug for the treatment of acute pancreatitis and

acute ventricular failure (hemorrhagic shock, septic shock, traumatic shock,

burn shock).

Since it is a glycoprotein derived from human urine, UTI is a very highly

safe drug, scarcely presenting antigenicity, toxicity and other problems to


For these reasons, the present inventors performed an in vitro infection

neutralization test to see whether UTI might be actually effective against

HIV infection.

The inhibition of HIV infection was assessed by the syncytium formation

inhibition method, namely using, as an index, the syncytium formation

inhibition in a mixed cell culture system containing LAV-1-infected CCRF-CEM

cells and AIDS infection-free MOLT-4 clone 8 cells.

In this way, UTI was found to inhibit, in a serum-free culture system,

syncytium formation strongly at concentrations not lower than 300 .mu.M,

moderately at a concentration of 100 .mu.M, and weakly at 30 .mu.M. Soybean

trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) was also tested by the above method since epitope

..beta. shows homology, though weak, to the active site of SBTI. SBTI

inhibited syncytium formation in a concentration-dependent manner at

concentrations of 300 .mu.M to 3 mM, although its inhibitory activity was

weaker than that of UTI.

On the contrary, aprotinin, which is a bovine lung-derived trypsin

inhibitor, did not inhibit syncytium formation.

SBTI and aprotinin, which are heterologous proteins other than human-derived

proteins, offer the antigenicity problem when they are repeatedly

administered to humans. On the other hand, UTI can be considered to be an

agent having very low toxicity. In fact, in acute toxicity testing in mice,

rats and dogs, an intravenous dose of 150.times.10.sup.4 IU/kg body weight

(i.e. about 600 mg/kg body weight) gave no deaths.

In subacute toxicity testing, where a maximum daily dose of

60.times.10.sup.4 IU/kg body weight (i.e. about 240 mg/kg body weight) was

intravenously administered to rats and a maximum daily dose of

30.times.10.sup.4 IU/kg body weight (i.e. about 120 mg/kg body weight) to

dogs for consecutive 4 weeks, no serious adverse reactions were noted.


The present invention, that has been completed on the above findings,

provides a therapeutic or prophylactic composition for the treatment of

AIDS, the prevention of AIDS virus (HIV) infection or the prevention of the

onset of AIDS after such infection which contains human urine trypsin

inhibitor (UTI).


FIG. 1 is a photographic representation of the conditions under which

syncytium formation was inhibited in the test performed in Example 1.

Picture a is for a negative control where HIV infection-free cells alone

were cultured; picture b is for a positive control where infection-free

cells and infected cells were mixedly cultured; pictures c and d are for the

cases where infection-free cells and infected cells were mixedly cultured in

the presence of human urinary trypsin inhibitor (UTI) at concentrations of 1

mM and 100 .mu.M, respectively.


For treating AIDS or preventing the development of AIDS after HIV infection,

UTI is preferably administered by the intravenous route, for example by

intravenous injection or intravenous drip infusion. Injections for such

purposes can be prepared by a per se known method. A preferred intravenous

dose for each administration is within the range of 100 to 1,000 mg.

For preventing HIV infection, the use of a UTI-containing preparation suited

for topical application to the skin or mucosa portions susceptible to

invasion of HIV is recommendable.

Said skin or mucosa portions susceptible to HIV invasion include openings of

the human body, such as mouth, throat, nostril, earhole, eyelid, anus,

rectum, urethra and vagina, and injured portions, and vicinities thereof.

The infection-inhibiting preparation is generally an external preparation

and can be administered in the form of suppository, jelly, cream,

cataplasma, ointment, plaster, inunction, liquid, spray, aerosol, powder for

external use, etc., as the case may be.

These external preparations can be prepared by a per se known method. For

preventing decomposition of UTI in aqueous solution during storage, it is

desirable, for example, to dissolve lyophilized UTI in water just prior to


The UTI concentration in the infection inhibiting preparation should

recommendably be adjusted depending on the dosage form so that a unit dose

of 1 to 100 mg can be administered. Compositions can also be in the form of

dosage units each containing 10 to 500 mg of human urine trypsin.

When used in accordance with the present invention, human urine trypsin

inhibitor (UTI) inhibits the binding of AIDS virus with T cells and thereby

prevent the infection with said virus and/or the development of AIDS. UTI

also inhibits the proliferation of said virus in the patient's body.


UTI purified from normal human male-derived urine by Nippon Chemical

Research Kabushiki Kaisha was used in this example. Its physico-chemical

properties are shown below in Table 1.



Test item Specification

Test result


Appearance Colorless to Colorless and

light yellow transparent


Trypsin activity

To be Confirmed

inhibition confirmed

Confirmation To be Confirmed

of human origin


pH 5.0-7.5 6.54

Purity testing

Specific activity



units/mg-p units/mg-p

Heavy metals .ltoreq.10 ppm

Requirement met

Arsenic .ltoreq.2 ppm

Requirement met

Blood group Negative Negative


Blood coagulating

Not detectable

Not detectable


Urokinase activity

Not detectable

Not detectable

Kallikrein activity

.ltoreq.0.12 Ku/ml

Requirement met

Other proteins

Not detectable

Not detectable

Blood pressure

Negative Negative

lowering substance

Pyrogen test JP* Negative

Sterility test

JP* Negative

Safety test No No

abnormality abnormality

HBs antigen test

Negative Negative

Molecular weigh

67,000 .+-. 5,000

Requirement met


Assay (potency) 140,056 IU/ml


JP = Japanese Pharmacopeia, 11th edition

The process of purification includes a step of heat treatment in solution

form (60.degree. C., 10 hours). Therefore, various viruses had been

completely inactivated.

The purity of the UTI used was very high. As shown under some of the purity

test items, no proteins other than UTI was detected upon electrophoresis


The above UTI was used in the experiment mentioned below. LAV-1-infected CEM

cells (CEM/LAV-1; 2.times.10.sup.4 cells) were used as HIV-infected cells

and MOLT-4 clone 8 cells (1.times.10.sup.5 cells) as infection-free cells.

When these two kinds of cells were mixedly cultured in a serum-free medium

(ASF104) at 37.degree. C. in a 5% CO.sub.2 incubator, distinct syncytium

formation was found after 18 hours of culture. Addition of UTI to the medium

at concentrations of 30 .mu.M, 100 .mu.M, 300 .mu.M and 1 mM resulted in

concentration-dependent inhibition of syncytium formation. The pictures

shown in FIG. 1 show some of the results obtained.

In FIG. 1, picture a for a negative control where infection-free cells

(MOLT-4 clone 8) alone were cultured shows that no syncytium formation

occurred. Picture b for a positive control where infection-free cells

(MOLT-4 clone 8) and infected cells (CEM/LAV-1) were mixedly cultured shows

that distinct syncytium formation took place. Pictures c and d are for the

cases where the above-mentioned infection-free cells and infected cells were

mixedly cultured with UTI added to the medium at concentrations of 1 mM and

100 .mu.M, respectively, and show that syncytium formation was inhibited in

proportion to the UTI concentration.


A solution (5,000 ml) of purified human urine trypsin inhibitor (150,000

units/ml; protein concentration 54 mg/ml) in 0.025 M phosphate buffer (pH

6.6) containing 0.9% (w/v) sodium chloride was subjected to bacterial

filtration, then distributed in 2-ml portions into vials and lyophilized to

give preparations for injection.


Physiological saline (10 ml) was added to 1 g of purified, powdery human

urine trypsin inhibitor (lyophilization product). After dissolution, a

hydrophilic ointment base was added portionwise to the solution with

kneading to give a total weight of 100 g of an ointment.

As detailedly described hereinabove, the present invention provides a

composition which can prevent the infection with AIDS virus and the onset of

AIDS and thus can be used in the treatment of AIDS patients.

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United States Patent 4,745,099

Akamatsu, et. al. May 17, 1988



Pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of the anemia of malignant



A pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of the anemia of malignant

tumors comprising a therapeutically effective amount of human erythropoietin

(EPO) in a parenterally acceptable vehicle is disclosed. Human EPO may be

extracted from human urine or also be prepared by expressing in a host cell

the gene coding for the amino acid sequence of human EPO.



Inventors: Akamatsu; Ken-ichi (Tokyo, JP); Ono; Masayoshi (Saitama, JP).

Assignee: Chugai Seiyaku Kabushiki Kaisha (Tokyo, JP).

Appl. No.: 825,223

Filed: Feb. 3, 1986

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United States Patent 4,595,588

Baron, et. al. Jun. 17, 1986



Natural inhibitor that protects against viral infections


A treatment and prophylaxis of viral infections in mammals is provided. The

method involves administering an amount of a contact-blocking viral

inhibitor (CVI) sufficient to elevate the concentration of the viral

inhibitor in the mammal's tissue above the naturally occurring concentration

in that same tissue. Methods for purifying and concentrating CVI are

presented. The cellular viral inhibitor is characterized by broad antiviral

activity, potency, reversible inhibition of viral attachment, cross species

activity and molecular size. Natural levels of CVI range from 6 U/0.1 ml in

tears to 400 U/0.1 ml in gastric secretions, with titers between these

ranges found in colostrum, milk, plasma, saliva and urine. Biochemical

characterization of the CVI indicates that it resists denaturation by heat,

acid and alkali, and it exhibits a molecular size on the order of 2500




Inventors: Baron; (Dickinson, TX); McKerlie; M. Louese (Galveston,


Assignee: Board of Regents, The University of Texas System (Austin, TX).

Appl. No.: 613,640

Filed: May 24, 1984

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest


HI Corny,

Well, I found it did help draw out the ooz from the sores, but it

didn't do anything for the itch. After applying urine all day the

smell got to me and I felt dirty so I havn't done it again. What I

am using now is vitamin E and emu oil also aveeno and if that doesn't

get the itch under control, I've even taken some benadryl. I know

Saul told me not to, but I'm just not that tough I guess.

Personally, the thought of drinking it turns my stomach. Guess I

really am a westerner at heart!


-- In oxyplus , " ragnar redbeard " <corny100@m...>


> From the absence of response to my last post re Urine Therapy, I

gather it is an unpalatable subject for most. Understandable

considering the misconceptions. What I have learned though, is that

urine is NOT a waste product of the body. It is actually a

collection of valuable elements into the kidneys that the body cannot

make use of at that time. Urine is sterile and totally non-toxic.


> The kidneys are tasked with the chore of keeping the various

elements in the body in balance. When an element is not needed at

any one moment, it is excreted thru the kidneys. Not because it is a

waste product or toxic, but because the body cannot use it at that

time and there is no place to store it.


> Many elements in blood that are also found in urine have enormous

medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the body, boost the body's

immune defenses and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else

does. There are literally thousands of beneficial compounds in

urine: from Alanine to Zinc, and everything in between. This is why

drug companies pay for the collection of urine. They gross billions

from the sale of drugs made with urine constituents. Examples:

Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales were

$855 million. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form as

a blood clot dissolver, especially for coronary arteries. BIG $$.

Urea is one of the best things to treat skin conditions, as Gail has

recently experienced. It is packaged in expensive creams and

lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have?

Yep, it's made from carbamide- another name for synthetic urea.


> Urine therapy is the ultimate in do it yourself treatment. But

don't take it lightly! There are reports and double blind studies

going back 100 years re it's efficacy. Urine is antibacterial,

antifungal, antiviral, antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive

and antispasmodic.


> With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you

haven't heard of Urine Therapy before. Well, urine is free and

abundant and everyone has their own supply. It can't be controlled

by the FDA. Reason enough?


> Corny







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Guest guest

Re: urine therapy

> -

> HI Corny,


> Well, I found it did help draw out the ooz from the sores, but it

> didn't do anything for the itch. After applying urine all day the

> smell got to me and I felt dirty so I havn't done it again. What I

> am using now is vitamin E and emu oil also aveeno and if that doesn't

> get the itch under control, I've even taken some benadryl. I know

> Saul told me not to, but I'm just not that tough I guess.

> Personally, the thought of drinking it turns my stomach. Guess I

> really am a westerner at heart!


> Gail


A naturopath told me that you can make a HOMEOPATHIC preparation from your urine

that works as well as a concentrated dose of the original stuff.

Put a few drops of your clean-catch urine into a jar of spring water and shake

it. Then put a few drops of THAT batch into another jar full of clean water and

shake that. Then take a few drops of THAT batch and ...well, you get the idea.

I'm told this works very well. I understand your aversion to using urine. I

drank my own a few years ago for a short time, and couldn't stand it.



Nenah Sylver, PhD

*Information, products, and services related to healing*



is now available. Order this and also


at http://www.nenahsylver.com

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Hi Angie,

What benefits are you getting from it? What do you take it for?

Thanks, gail

-- In oxyplus , Angie Mendez <mariposa4249@y...> wrote:

> For whatever it's worth, I'm on urine therapy and drink a

tablespoon or so every day!


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Guest guest

I disagree with, 1. " Urine is sterile and totally non-toxic. " and

2. " Not because it is a waste product or toxic, but because the body cannot

use it at that time and there is no place to store it. "

Someone please explain, because to me.

1. heavy metals are often excreted through the urine. and

2. If that were true, then your saying the body only stores things that are

bad and not any of the good things. So ex: it will store PCB's and mercury,

but not calcium and zinc. I believe the body to be much smarter than that.


urine therapy

From the absence of response to my last post re Urine Therapy, I gather it

is an unpalatable subject for most. Understandable considering the

misconceptions. What I have learned though, is that urine is NOT a waste

product of the body. It is actually a collection of valuable elements into

the kidneys that the body cannot make use of at that time. Urine is sterile

and totally non-toxic.

The kidneys are tasked with the chore of keeping the various elements in the

body in balance. When an element is not needed at any one moment, it is

excreted thru the kidneys. Not because it is a waste product or toxic, but

because the body cannot use it at that time and there is no place to store


Many elements in blood that are also found in urine have enormous medicinal

value, and when reintroduced to the body, boost the body's immune defenses

and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does. There are literally

thousands of beneficial compounds in urine: from Alanine to Zinc, and

everything in between. This is why drug companies pay for the collection of

urine. They gross billions from the sale of drugs made with urine

constituents. Examples: Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human

urine. 1992 sales were $855 million. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is

used in drug form as a blood clot dissolver, especially for coronary

arteries. BIG $$. Urea is one of the best things to treat skin conditions,

as Gail has recently experienced. It is packaged in expensive creams and

lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have? Yep,

it's made from carbamide- another name for syntheti! c urea.

Urine therapy is the ultimate in do it yourself treatment. But don't take

it lightly! There are reports and double blind studies going back 100 years

re it's efficacy. Urine is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,

antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive and antispasmodic.

With research that could fill volumes, you may be wondering why you haven't

heard of Urine Therapy before. Well, urine is free and abundant and

everyone has their own supply. It can't be controlled by the FDA. Reason



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  • 7 months later...

Hmmm, I was taught that urine contains the stuff our bodies cannot

use, i.e. waste!

> Has anyone ever heard of or practiced urine therapy and if so will


> share experiences, health benefits, procedure and any info you

have. I

> have Hashimoto's disease (thyroid disease) and have been told by a


> who does reflexology to research this procedure as she has seen


> health benefits from drinking 1/3 cup of her own urine per day.

She says

> that our own urine contains the antibodies we need for our system

to heal

> itself.


> Thanks for any advice.



> mama to Beth no vax EVER

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Oh, dear, I just sent a post mentioning this.

I've done a lot of stuff through the years but

this is one that I'm holding off on until I'm

dying and even then, I might choose death. I'd

want to talk to someone personally who has used

it. Can your reflexologist put you in touch with

them? I'm presuming you've tried homeopathy and

it didn't work for you? I would consider this

therapy but only if I'd tried everything else

which you probably have. Please let us know how

you do with it if you do use it. I don't know

anyone personally that's done it.

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LOL @ anna! i feel the same way! but i do know someone

personally who swears by it. i only met the person

about 8 months ago and both him and his wife do it on

a daily basis. he got rid of his arthritis (by the

time he tried urine therapy he was unable to walk - he

now goes running on a daily basis), she got rid of her

ME symptoms. so there's bound to be some truth about

it. i don't know whether they tried homeopathy, but i

do know they tried all kinds of alternative therapies

and finally hit on urine therapy and got stuck with it

because it worked for both of them. it is, apparently,

a matter of getting accustomed to it. but definitely

beneficial from what i was told. to be honest, i'd

certainly try that before resorting to pharmanazi

measures! drinking your own urine can't possibly be as

bad as taking government sanctioned drugs...


--- DrCrandall <drcrandall@...> wrote:

> Oh, dear, I just sent a post mentioning this.

> I've done a lot of stuff through the years but

> this is one that I'm holding off on until I'm

> dying and even then, I might choose death. I'd

> want to talk to someone personally who has used

> it. Can your reflexologist put you in touch with

> them? I'm presuming you've tried homeopathy and

> it didn't work for you? I would consider this

> therapy but only if I'd tried everything else

> which you probably have. Please let us know how

> you do with it if you do use it. I don't know

> anyone personally that's done it.




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






" We shall no longer hang on to the tails of public opinion or to a non- existent

authority on matters utterly unknown and strange. We shall gradually become

experts ourselves in the mastery of the knowledge of the Future. " Wilhelm Reich

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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I have heard of a monk that has done this most of his life and he is like

100+ years and that is why it was mentioned, he swears it is his secret to

long healthy life.

I would only do it as a LAST measure too.

My husband said as I just mentioned it, and he said when

Ghandi was imprisoned by the British, that is how he lived through the

prison sentence, I didn't know that, but he heard that.

Western NY

RE: Urine Therapy


> LOL @ anna! i feel the same way! but i do know someone

> personally who swears by it. i only met the person

> about 8 months ago and both him and his wife do it on

> a daily basis. he got rid of his arthritis (by the

> time he tried urine therapy he was unable to walk - he

> now goes running on a daily basis), she got rid of her

> ME symptoms. so there's bound to be some truth about

> it. i don't know whether they tried homeopathy, but i

> do know they tried all kinds of alternative therapies

> and finally hit on urine therapy and got stuck with it

> because it worked for both of them. it is, apparently,

> a matter of getting accustomed to it. but definitely

> beneficial from what i was told. to be honest, i'd

> certainly try that before resorting to pharmanazi

> measures! drinking your own urine can't possibly be as

> bad as taking government sanctioned drugs...

> claudia



> --- DrCrandall <drcrandall@...> wrote:

> > Oh, dear, I just sent a post mentioning this.

> > I've done a lot of stuff through the years but

> > this is one that I'm holding off on until I'm

> > dying and even then, I might choose death. I'd

> > want to talk to someone personally who has used

> > it. Can your reflexologist put you in touch with

> > them? I'm presuming you've tried homeopathy and

> > it didn't work for you? I would consider this

> > therapy but only if I'd tried everything else

> > which you probably have. Please let us know how

> > you do with it if you do use it. I don't know

> > anyone personally that's done it.

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >


> =====

> http://www.himalayasalt.co.uk

> http://www.he-ed.org.uk


> " We shall no longer hang on to the tails of public opinion or to a non-

existent authority on matters utterly unknown and strange. We shall

gradually become experts ourselves in the mastery of the knowledge of the

Future. " Wilhelm Reich


> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.






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Wow! I guess I'm learning something new here!!! It just doesn't

make sense to me though....why would the body get rid of something

so valuable?????

> I have heard of a monk that has done this most of his life and he

is like

> 100+ years and that is why it was mentioned, he swears it is his

secret to

> long healthy life.


> I would only do it as a LAST measure too.


> My husband said as I just mentioned it, and he said when

> Ghandi was imprisoned by the British, that is how he lived through


> prison sentence, I didn't know that, but he heard that.


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Here's a link with more information than you probably ever wanted to know about

urine therapy! LOL


I'd be interested in hearing what Sheri's opinion of it is...



LOL @ anna! i feel the same way! but i do know someone

personally who swears by it. i only met the person

about 8 months ago and both him and his wife do it on

a daily basis. he got rid of his arthritis (by the

time he tried urine therapy he was unable to walk - he

now goes running on a daily basis), she got rid of her

ME symptoms. so there's bound to be some truth about

it. i don't know whether they tried homeopathy, but i

do know they tried all kinds of alternative therapies

and finally hit on urine therapy and got stuck with it

because it worked for both of them. it is, apparently,

a matter of getting accustomed to it. but definitely

beneficial from what i was told. to be honest, i'd

certainly try that before resorting to pharmanazi

measures! drinking your own urine can't possibly be as

bad as taking government sanctioned drugs...


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