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New to this group- sorry a little long but I have questions

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Hi, I am new here. I have 2 boys 8 and 11. My oldest has autism and

my youngest is possibly bipolar. They have been on a gluten, casien,

and soy free diet for over a year now and I have seen a lot of

improvements. I have been reading about coconut oil and flour and am

interested in learning more. I think this could help them a lot. My

youngest craves carbs and sugar and I have found keeping his blood

sugar levels even has been essential to keeping his mood level. I

think the antiviral and antibacterial properties of coconut will help

tremendously with their gut. i am also interested in using coconut

for myself as I frequently find myself extremely tired and rely on

coffee way more than I should just to keep moving. I have started

taking VCO myself just 2 days ago and I already am feeling like I

have more energy (still thinking this could be a fluke but I will

take it)...I wouldn't mind losing a few of my winter pounds as well

but even having more energy to get myself to workout more is a great

start. I tried to get my boys to take the VCO as well and my oldest

will drink it straight but the younger one I have to find a few

tricks- straight didn't work and putting it in " hot cocoa " with

chocolate hempmilk and stevia did not go voer very well. Do you have

to take the oil straight to get the most benefit? If so does anyone

have any tricks? Also I am not sure how much to give- I started us

all with just 1 tablespoon in the morning. Is there a website/ file

somewhere that gives more info on how much to take and how to take

it? I use coconut milk quite a bit in my baked goods and a little in

smoothies as well. The naturopath said my boys need more fiber in

their diets as well and I am thinking the coconut flour will help.

Is there a difference between the flour and fiber or are they the

same? Sorry if these are silly questions but I am just learning

about this. I have Burce Fife's book " Cooking with Coconut Flour "

and have been reading that and looking at his website. Any guidiance

on where to get more info about dosing for coconut oil would be


Thanks so much!


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> Hi, I am new here. I have 2 boys 8 and 11.

Hi Kara. Welcome. Melt VCO and put it into smoothies. I've been

using honey and xylitol for sweetener. My 3yo loves it. I also make


" Take 1 Cup of raw cacao powder ( you can get these online or in some

health food stores). If you are using nibs, grind them up in a blender

or food processor and use about a cup and a half. Add 1/2 cup of

coconut oil, 1/2 cup of coconut butter and 1/2 cup of almond butter

(tahini might work too?) , a dollop of vanilla extract and a little

more salt than you'd think you need (salty chocolate is awesome and

make sure you are using good non-bleached sea salt). Blend and add

agave nectar, or raw honey (or maple syrup though that is not raw) to

taste…best to add a little less and keep adding more till it's sweet

enough. You can also put in cayenne pepper if you are so inclined.

1 Cup of raw cacao powder

1/2 cup of coconut oil

1/2 cup of coconut butter

1/2 cup of almond butter (from crispy nuts)

a dollop of vanilla extract


honey "

This recipe - I found on some vegan website (god bless 'em!) and make

variations of it all the time - I've haven't met a single person who

didn't flip for it. It makes a ton even if you half it.

Have you read the GAPS book by Natasha -McBride?

Have you read Nourishing Traditions?

Both books I recommend for you and your family. Eating this way will

help to melt the pounds too.


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Thanks, . I have not read either of those books so I will

look into them. I am excited to try the smoothie recipie!

Take Care,




> Have you read the GAPS book by Natasha -McBride?


> Have you read Nourishing Traditions?


> Both books I recommend for you and your family. Eating this way


> help to melt the pounds too.


> -vanessa


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Kara, welcome. May I say that I think you should go low-carb to get

rid of the boys' dysbiosis and candida; this is an awesome big task

but has to be done. The candidiasis group is the best on the Internet

for this kind of help:


The " more fiber " indicated by the naturopath is inulin, which is part

of our core therapy for restoring bowel ecology as well as providing

soluble fiber.



> Hi, I am new here. I have 2 boys 8 and 11. My oldest has autism


> my youngest is possibly bipolar. They have been on a gluten,


> and soy free diet for over a year now and I have seen a lot of

> improvements. I have been reading about coconut oil and flour and


> interested in learning more. I think this could help them a lot.


> youngest craves carbs and sugar and I have found keeping his blood

> sugar levels even has been essential to keeping his mood level. I

> think the antiviral and antibacterial properties of coconut will


> tremendously with their gut. i am also interested in using coconut

> for myself as I frequently find myself extremely tired and rely on

> coffee way more than I should just to keep moving. I have started

> taking VCO myself just 2 days ago and I already am feeling like I

> have more energy (still thinking this could be a fluke but I will

> take it)...I wouldn't mind losing a few of my winter pounds as well

> but even having more energy to get myself to workout more is a great

> start. I tried to get my boys to take the VCO as well and my oldest

> will drink it straight but the younger one I have to find a few

> tricks- straight didn't work and putting it in " hot cocoa " with

> chocolate hempmilk and stevia did not go voer very well. Do you


> to take the oil straight to get the most benefit? If so does anyone

> have any tricks? Also I am not sure how much to give- I started us

> all with just 1 tablespoon in the morning. Is there a website/ file

> somewhere that gives more info on how much to take and how to take

> it? I use coconut milk quite a bit in my baked goods and a little


> smoothies as well. The naturopath said my boys need more fiber in

> their diets as well and I am thinking the coconut flour will help.

> Is there a difference between the flour and fiber or are they the

> same? Sorry if these are silly questions but I am just learning

> about this. I have Burce Fife's book " Cooking with Coconut Flour "

> and have been reading that and looking at his website. Any


> on where to get more info about dosing for coconut oil would be

> helpful.

> Thanks so much!

> -Kara


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Thank you, Duncan! I will look at the canidiasis group as well. I

know my youngest has bacterial (not yeast) issues but my understanding

is you can treat some of it the same way. Candida vs. yeast vs.

disbosis is one area I still don't completely understand so I have more

homework to do- sounds like this is a good place to look.

Thanks again,



> Kara, welcome. May I say that I think you should go low-carb to get

> rid of the boys' dysbiosis and candida; this is an awesome big task

> but has to be done. The candidiasis group is the best on the Internet

> for this kind of help:

> candidiasis



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Kara, here's a good start on the dysbiosis and candida science:


or the same link as a tinyurl: http://tinyurl.com/inulins


> >

> > Kara, welcome. May I say that I think you should go low-carb to


> > rid of the boys' dysbiosis and candida; this is an awesome big


> > but has to be done. The candidiasis group is the best on the


> > for this kind of help:

> > candidiasis

> >

> >


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