Guest guest Posted March 10, 2004 Report Share Posted March 10, 2004 Hi All, The pdf-available below again comes thumbs-up for coffee It seems to be the caffeine that does it. That insulin sensitivity/glucose is possibly involve is nice. JAMA, March 10, 2004—Vol 291, No. 10 1199 Johan Arnlov, Bengt Vessby Coffee Consumption and Insulin Sensitivity To the Editor: Coffee consumption has been associated with a substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.1 How-ever, despite the widespread use of coffee, there are few data on the specific effects of coffee on the 2 main causes of diabe-tes, ie, insulin resistance and defective insulin secretion. We investigated the association between coffee consumption and both insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in a sample of el-derly Swedish men without diabetes. Methods. We reanalyzed cross-sectional data collected be-tween 1990 and 1994 from the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM). A dietitian instructed all participants to re-cord their dietary intake using a 7-day precoded food diary. Cof-fee and tea consumption were recorded 6 times daily (breakfast, lunch, supper, between meals, and in the evening). Amounts of sugar, cream, and milk used in coffee, as well as of cookies, cakes, and biscuits consumed with coffee, were also recorded at these occasions. ... Results. Data on insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, and coffee consumption were available for 1088 of the original 1221 participants (89%). Participants with type 2 diabetes were ex-cluded, leaving 936 participants for analysis. Baseline charac-teristics of the sample at the time of data collection are pre-sented in TABLE 1. Coffee consumption was not significantly associated with in-sulin sensitivity in univariate analysis (TABLE 2). Because intake of sugar, milk, pastries, and alcohol was not normally distrib-uted after logarithmic transformation, we decided to dichoto-mize these variables according to dietary guidelines of the Swed-ish National Food Administration (Table 1). After adjustment for tea consumption, amounts of sugar and cream used in coffee, amounts of cookies, cakes, and biscuits consumed with coffee, alcohol consumption, body mass index, physical activity level, and smoking status, we found that a 1-cup increase of coffee per day was associated with 0.16-units higher insulin sensitivity (Table 2). Further adjustment for age, daily intake of dairy products, fat, protein, carbohydrates, total energy intake, and waist girth, as well as inclusion of participants with diabetes, did not substantially change the results (data not shown). Notably, both consump-tion of tea and use of sugar were found to be independently as-sociated with insulin sensitivity (Table 2). No associations were found between coffee consumption and early insulin response (EIR) (ie, 30-minute increment of in-sulin per 30-minute increment of glucose) during an oral glu-cose tolerance test, even after the above multivariate adjustment, indicating there was no effect of coffee consumption on insulin secretion (univariate regression coefficient, 0.25; P=.33). We also found significant univariate correlations between coffee consumption and several factors associated with an un-healthy lifestyle: daily total energy intake (P.001), amounts of sugar and pastries consumed with coffee (P.001), and body mass index (P=.02). Furthermore, smokers had a higher cof-fee consumption compared with nonsmokers (3.8 [sD, 1.6] vs 3.3 [sD, 1.7] cups/d, respectively; P.001). We found no sig- nificant relationship between coffee consumption and level of physical activity. Comment. As in previous studies,1 we found that excessive coffee drinking was associated with other variables that sug-gest an unhealthy lifestyle. After controlling for these vari-ables, however, we found that both coffee and tea consump-tion were related to improved insulin sensitivity. Given that caffeine has been reported to impair insulin action,3 our data suggest that other substances in these drinks are responsible for our findings. For instance, both coffee and tea contain phe-nolic compounds with antioxidant activity,4,5 which is rel-evant because oxidative stress might promote insulin resis-tance. 2 It is possible that antioxidants in coffee could improve insulin sensitivity, given that insulin sensitivity has been re-ported to be associated with activity of antioxidants.6 Long-term consumption of coffee might also result in acquired tol-erance to caffeine, which could explain a different metabolic effect compared with short-term use of caffeine.3 As use of sugar was independently associated with de-creased insulin sensitivity, sugar may negate the benefits of cof-fee. However, it is also possible that such moderate amounts of sugar merely reflects other unmeasured aspects of an unfa-vorable lifestyle, rather than an effect of sugar itself. Our study has several limitations. First, the cross-sectional design does not enable us to draw conclusions regarding cause and effect. Furthermore, as we only examined white men of a similar age, this study may have limited generaliz-ability to women, and to other age and ethnic groups. How-ever, the ULSAM cohort appears particularly suitable to inves-tigate the present aim, as it is the largest sample in which insulin sensitivity had been examined directly, together with a reliable method used for determining coffee consumption and additives. The proposed antidiabetogenic effect of coffee 1 seems to in-volve improved insulin sensitivity rather than improved beta-cell function. Thus, it could be relevant to perform controlled trials in insulin resistant individuals to investigate a potential insulin-sensitizing effect of coffee. 1. van Dam RM, Feskens EJ. Coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes melli-tus. Lancet. 2002;360:1477-1478. 2. Riserus U, Basu S, Jovinge S, Fredrikson GN, Arnlov J, Vessby B. Supplemen-tation with conjugated linoleic acid causes isomer-dependent oxidative stress and elevated C-reactive protein: a potential link to fatty acid-induced insulin resis-tance. Circulation. 2002;106:1925-1929. 3. Greer F, Hudson R, Ross R, Graham T. Caffeine ingestion decreases glucose disposal during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp in sedentary humans. Dia-betes. 2001;50:2349-2354. 4. Natella F, Nardini M, Giannetti I, Dattilo C, Scaccini C. Coffee drinking influ-ences plasma antioxidant capacity in humans. J Agric Food Chem. 2002;50:6211- 6216. 5. Rietveld A, Wiseman S. Antioxidant effects of tea: evidence from human clini-cal trials. J Nutr. 2003;133:3285S-3292S. 6. Bruce CR, Carey AL, Hawley JA, Febbraio MA. Intramuscular heat shock pro-tein 72 and heme oxygenase-1 mRNA are reduced in patients with type 2 diabe-tes: evidence that insulin resistance is associated with a disturbed antioxidant de-fense mechanism. Diabetes. 2003;52:2338-2345. Cheers, Al Pater. 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